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S04.E10: Sparks Will Fly

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3 hours ago, AZChristian said:

If I understand the situation from my extensive research (5 minutes on Google), the citizen spouse MAY apply for a change of status so that the immigrant spouse qualifies sooner for a green card (citizenship).  IF the immigrant is married to someone like Coltee or Ashley, they have to "hang in there" (live) with them for three years; at that point, the immigrant spouse can apply on their own for citizenship.  I don't know if I could stand living with either of them for three minutes, much less three years.

3 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

A green card is not citizenship, it is lawful permanent residence.  Every ten years you need to renew your LPR status until you decide to apply for naturalization (THAT is citizenship).  I believe that different categories of LPRs have different waiting periods before you can apply for naturalization (for instance, family-based preferences have shorter waiting periods than employment-based preferences), but I could be mistaken.

And there's a lot of disagreement over how much law enforcement officers are allowed to enforce federal immigration law, mostly depending on who is going to pay for the person in custody.  If the LEO will accept an immigration detainer, the LEO holds the subject for immigration to come and pick up him or her up for removal.  ICE generally will reserve its removal money for bad people, meaning felons, not 20-year old players.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Chantal:  Run.  You're an asshole, but you can do a lot better than Pedro.  The fact he was sitting across from her with that friend of Nicole's almost sitting on his lap while she sat across from the table just shows where his head is at.  Then when his sister shows video to humiliate her, he just sits there while she leaves and has to be told by this friend to go after his wife.  He's just not that into you no matter what he said later in the episode.

Nicole:   Most likely people weren't looking at you because of your blonde hair, but because you are the typical obese, ugly American.  Purple hair only makes you look like a stupid, obese, ugly American.

Lizzie:   I just can't with her telling Andrei to shut up.

Pao:  Without makeup on, she really now resembles Octomom especially with those ridiculously inflated lips. And her mom can handle the baby all she wants, but not Roos's mom?

Ashley:  I know you're digging your victimhood status, but no one feels sorry for you.  You were forewarned, you sanctioned him cheating on you as long as it was in DR.  You married a kid who bragged about his sexual escapades at 8 years old.  Yes, he should not have fucked someone else, but the time to end the marriage was when you found the Tinder account.  Instead, you did a long torturous suffer that had the effect of making the viewing audience actually feel sorry fro him.

I would be telling him to shut up too. He is nothing but an angry bully who constantly makes an a%% out of himself. 

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I really can't stand Ashey, but I think she's afraid that what happened to Molly might happen to her.  

If I'm not mistaken, Molly got Luis into the USA, she married him, he started acting crazy, he left and went to stay with family, they got divorced and he married someone else in the US.  Ashey probably thought that couldn't happen to HER because SHE probably saw herself as better looking than Molly, but, nope sis, it's happening to you, just like Molly and just like Danielle.  

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2 hours ago, MajorNelson said:

Trashley's friend laid it right out there, that the friend believed in the marriage vows, but apparently Jay did not.  He had no comeback.

Let's not forget Jay literally did not know what the word monogamy meant. 🙄 He wasn't ready and Ashley knew it.  She wanted a bought and paid for stallion. 

Edited by Brooklynista
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I can say with complete confidence that frivolous 911 calls are made by ALL genders and ALL races.  I seem to recall a recording of a 911 call by a woman complaining that MacDonald's was out of chicken McNuggets and another by a woman complaining that her "sub wasn't made right."  Neither of those women was white.   And I watched as Ashley called 911.  Not once did she say "this is a white woman and I'm calling about my black husband."  Ignorance crosses all races and all genders.  Just be glad you're not a dispatcher or a cop who has to maintain professionalism in the face of such blatant stupidity.

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Colt is a creep.  Debbie is a possessive, bad mother. 

Good thing Axel has Roos.   Pretty sure his dad will make him a hot breakfast each morning.  

Nicole, Pedro’s sister, is just evil.

Azan’s Nicole is delusional.   

The DR and his family doesn’t bring the best out of Pedro.  He is better off staying in the states.

If I was Chantel, I would have clocked Pedro with a dumbbell when he walked in to the workout room.   Also, would have jumped on and dirty danced with one of his friends when Pedro told Chantel he was just dancing. Chantel did the right thing to walk away. 

Ashley and Jay are just idiots.  I hope their dad’s have custody of her kids.   She’s just a mess.  

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, LGGirl said:

If I was Chantel, I would have clocked Pedro with a dumbbell when he walked in to the workout room.   Also, would have jumped on and dirty danced with one of his friends when Pedro told Chantel he was just dancing. Chantel did the right thing to walk away. 

I wouldn't have even bothered that, but then again, I wouldn't be on Day 6 in a hostile environment.  I would have sashayed may ass on home, cleaned my stuff out of the collective family home, moved back in with the folks and let Pedro deal with the rest.  Oh, and liquidated half of any joint holdings.  

  • Love 5
14 minutes ago, JDAlexander said:

I can say with complete confidence that frivolous 911 calls are made by ALL genders and ALL races.  I seem to recall a recording of a 911 call by a woman complaining that MacDonald's was out of chicken McNuggets and another by a woman complaining that her "sub wasn't made right."  Neither of those women was white.   And I watched as Ashley called 911.  Not once did she say "this is a white woman and I'm calling about my black husband."  Ignorance crosses all races and all genders.  Just be glad you're not a dispatcher or a cop who has to maintain professionalism in the face of such blatant stupidity.

Are you sure that wasn't Nicole? 

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10 minutes ago, JDAlexander said:

I can say with complete confidence that frivolous 911 calls are made by ALL genders and ALL races.  I seem to recall a recording of a 911 call by a woman complaining that MacDonald's was out of chicken McNuggets and another by a woman complaining that her "sub wasn't made right."  Neither of those women was white.   And I watched as Ashley called 911.  Not once did she say "this is a white woman and I'm calling about my black husband."  Ignorance crosses all races and all genders.  Just be glad you're not a dispatcher or a cop who has to maintain professionalism in the face of such blatant stupidity.

I am just hoping this was not a scripted moment in their fake story, like Jay pretended to go to someone elses house and when the cameras left he went back home.  Not nice to tie up a policeman's time, taking the police away from real crime.  

It reminds me of the fake story Ashley and Jay had about him chatting with a girl on Tinder and Ashley said their marriage was over as she sat in her living room fake crying.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

So, it seemed like Larissa changed her story while talking to her lawyer.  The story she told last episode was that Coltee called the carrier to shut off her phone.  Now, she is claiming he physically took it from her.    I suspect her lawyer might have fed her that version, off camera, as it would make her more sympathetic and Coltee less sympathetic with the judge.

I find it interesting that they would discuss her criminal case in front of the TV cameras.  I believe that eliminates attorney-client privilege, certainly for whatever was broadcast, but possibly for everything discussed, as there were other people present.   

I don't really buy that the cops were convinced that Coltee was the abuser, but then suddenly changed their minds and did a 180 and arreseted Larissa, instead, merely because they found out that she had a prior DV arrest.   I think there had to be something more than that.  

I suspect she did hit Coltee, but he probably intentionally provoked it.

Lots of times in reality cop shows, people are put in handcuffs even if they aren’t placed under arrest. The cops generally tell them that it’s merely a precaution until thy get everyone’s side of the story. Most times the handcuffs are removed and the people are free to go.

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5 minutes ago, iwasish said:

Lots of times in reality cop shows, people are put in handcuffs even if they aren’t placed under arrest. The cops generally tell them that it’s merely a precaution until thy get everyone’s side of the story. Most times the handcuffs are removed and the people are free to go.

Yes, good point.  It is possible that the cops were detaining Coltee, thinking he was a dangerous person, based upon Larissa's social media posts.  Then, when they heard both sides of the story, they believed Larissa had committed a crime, but Coltee had not.   

My daughter is studying to become a police officer and I think she said that domestic disputes are the 2nd most common type of incidents where cops get killed. (Traffic stops are #1).  

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The cop said, "We are trying to minimize contact between the two" so what does Ashley do?  Goes to confront him and hits him.  Bright move there, missy.

I heard him say they were trying to "minimalize" contact.  And I'm pretty sure she hit Jay before the cops showed up.  I did think it was odd that the cops let her go down the stairs within just a couple of inches of him.

8 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I thought the police did an excellent job handling the situation.  They diffused the conflict  and got the two separated for at least the night.

We'll never know what the outcome might have been otherwise, but I'm glad it was being filmed for a reality TV show.


On 6/25/2019 at 10:49 PM, mochamajesty said:

Azan: “The front looks good. “ LOL 

Even though it didn't, because it was pulled back in that headband, and the part in the front was brown or whatever--not purple.

Which made me wonder--is this really the first time he's seeing her purple hair, after it's had time to grow out a couple of inches?


6 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

Pao and Roos are getting boring so they’ve introduced the  nasty idiot best friend. TLC is so obvious sometimes. He’ll probably arrive for a visit

Oh, thank you for that.  It was really bothering me that Pao could actually think it's okay for her best friend to talk like that about her husband.  I momentarily lost my mind and thought I was seeing reality.

4 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Pao:  Without makeup on, she really now resembles Octomom especially with those ridiculously inflated lips.

That's who she looks like.  Thank you!


3 hours ago, Spike said:

I don’t do yoga, but are you supposed to sweat all over it then roll it up and place it back for the next person?  Shouldn’t it be washed like a towel?

Like in a washing machine?  I don't think so, but I'm a $6 day pass rec center yogi. 

There's one Pilates class I go to that uses mats and the teacher is a germophobe and is constantly haranguing us to wipe the mats down with the antibacterial wipe things they have all around nowadays.  Personally, I like keeping my immune system on its toes, so I'm fine with a germy mat.  If somebody isn't, then they'll clean it before they use it anyway, so people cleaning the mat after they use it doesn't really do any good, and might even be causing harm.

I clearly spend too much time thinking about important matters like this.

Edited by StatisticalOutlier
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7 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Yes, good point.  It is possible that the cops were detaining Coltee, thinking he was a dangerous person, based upon Larissa's social media posts.  Then, when they heard both sides of the story, they believed Larissa had committed a crime, but Coltee had not.   

My daughter is studying to become a police officer and I think she said that domestic disputes are the 2nd most common type of incidents where cops get killed. (Traffic stops are #1).  

Watch enough LivePD, you hear the term "investigative detention" used as a cop is putting the cuffs on someone, usually followed by an assurance that the person isn't under arrest at that time.  They're often Mirandized then as well. 


I may be confused, but isn't this the arrest where they determined that Colt wasn't the aggressor because he was a nail biter and couldn't scratch Larissa and that her scratches were self-inflicted?  Or was that arrest #3?

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10 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Like in a washing machine?  I don't think so, but I'm a $6 day pass rec center yogi.

I didn’t know if they are made out of fabric or rubber.  

I know in gyms it is frowned upon to not wipe down the equipment after use and some folks even use little spray bottles before wiping.

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17 minutes ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

We'll never know what the outcome might have been otherwise, but I'm glad it was being filmed for a reality TV show.

I am pretty sure the outcome would have been the same.  Most cops are very, well trained these days.

Plus, between body cams, dash cams, security cams and civilian smart phone cams, a cop's job practically is a reality TV show.  I'm sure police are aware that, even if they aren't wearing body cams, there is a pretty good chance any incident they are involved in will be video recorded.  

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3 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Pao and her idiotic mother, cuddled up on her bed, snickering and giggling like schoolgirls over Juan's nastiness, really made me queasy. You can see where Pao gets her self centered, unpleasant ways. Poor little Axel will never, ever be good enough for Pao, and he will have heard about her 20 hours of unmedicated labor with him before his fifth birthday than he'll have had hot breakfasts.

She could also go the other way, fawning over the baby and being even more vile to Roos.  I thought about that when he had been holding the little one for a half hour yet she needed to give him a raft of grief along with instructions on how to hold the baby.  Combine that with her decisions regarding what his mom is and is not allowed to do.  Strike three would be still allowing Kwan to badmouth the backbone-less Roos.  The Colombian pile of poop may be even more difficult to live with post-birth. 

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1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

y daughter is studying to become a police officer and I think she said that domestic disputes are the 2nd most common type of incidents where cops get killed. (Traffic stops are #1).  

Your daughter is very brave. I thank her for her future service.

Domestic disputes are so wrought with emotion, thus people become irrational and unpredictable. Someone once told me that they always send two cops, at least, to domestic calls, just so there’s some back up.

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1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

We'll never know what the outcome might have been otherwise, but I'm glad it was being filmed for a reality TV show.

Me too, I don't put it past Ashley to just make something up out of spite and because there are no witnesses.  And because she thinks it's okay to do anything when she is hurt.  She would absolutely justify lying and putting jay in jail as Jay's well deserved payback.

I'm not saying it's every cop and I'm not saying it's every white woman and I'm not saying it's always going to happen in a community that may not have the most diverse populations.  But, Ashley was the one that first pointed out how strange the townfolk were acting about an interracial couple. 

I think, she thinks or has a sneaky suspicion that if she said jay did something to her...given the optics....she might be able to get him in big trouble.

And honestly that trouble could really happen in any state in the union.  But I think Ashley would be more likely to try it since she thinks everyone in her little city is secretly racist.

When dealing with someone like Ashley jay would be best to steer clear and stay far far away from her.  And never be alone with her in private.

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1 hour ago, Bryce Lynch said:

I am pretty sure the outcome would have been the same.  Most cops are very, well trained these days.

Plus, between body cams, dash cams, security cams and civilian smart phone cams, a cop's job practically is a reality TV show.  I'm sure police are aware that, even if they aren't wearing body cams, there is a pretty good chance any incident they are involved in will be video recorded.  

Not sure that is always true, San Bernardino sheriff's got caught beating the crap out of some guy who stole a horse.  They continued to beat him in spite of a loud news helicopter overhead.  So there are officers, sadly, who either don't really know or don't particularly care.  And it appears as though some officers turn off or have non operational body cams....like in South bend.  I remember when I externed for a federal judge, and we had a case of alleged police brutality...conveniently, the beating, justified or not, took place....just out of view of the dashcam.  Which was mysterious since nearly all other action was caught on dashcam.

Not all cops are good and not all cops are bad.  A blanket rule for cops or trying to hand a certain logic to any group of people can kinda go south sometimes.

Edited by RealReality
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Anyone else notice that Debbie was adding water to a bouquet of flowers that look like ones you might get when arriving at an airport?  So,  Coltee got flowers for her, but not for Larissa when she arrived from Brazil.  And, I think that tells us everything we need to know...

I'm so tired of all of these people!  I'm thinking that maybe Andrei had to leave Moldova due to some violent incident and that's why he was in Ireland after trying to come to the U.S. and overstaying his visa.  His dad has referenced who Andrei is more than once, and in this episode even stated that Andrei is a hot head.  I just don't understand why Andrei is so angry all of the time.  He doesn't work, he has a nice apartment, his dad is here...why is he so very, very angry?  Libby needs to stop playing both sides though.  She loves the drama (just like Pao and Ashley...) but surely she needs some peace in her life.  And Pao just continues to be horrible to Russ.  But, she has probably been encouraged in her actions and attitudes as this episode showed that her mother is the same.  

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I respect you all but I don't feel an empathy towards Jay....he played the game and got the cops called on him, he knew what kind of woman he was getting involved with and thought she would roll over and put up with his cheating BS...well she was nastier than he anticipated, he played the game and lost. Him blaming her for his infidelity was all I needed to hear to see his true colours. Granted she was nasty and called the cops for no reason but he is just as vindictive IMO.

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If I was the father(s?) of Trashley’s kids, I’d use the show to file for full custody. 

I cant take Chantal. She has all the emotion of a dead slug. The “I want to work on my marriage” is said with as much enthusiasm as “I’m getting a root canal without novacaine.”

That said, Pedro is an ass to think that get-together would be anything but a train wreck. Esp. with his sister, the demon spawn, present. 

Pao remains horrible. So’s her mother. Roos is just dull. Juan should hook up with Nicole. I don’t care that he’s gay — they’re both mean girls. 

Andreiiiii again makes everything all about him. How jealous will he be of the baby? I hope Daddy smacks some sense into his thick, empty skull. 

Coltee is still the horrible incel with his enabler mom. Larissa is kind of a mess, but doesn’t deserve the double team. 

Ramadan will never end. Hopefully someone will rescue May. Don’t care about the others in this mess. 

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4 hours ago, Red Bridey said:

A green card is not citizenship, it is lawful permanent residence.  Every ten years you need to renew your LPR status until you decide to apply for naturalization (THAT is citizenship).  I believe that different categories of LPRs have different waiting periods before you can apply for naturalization (for instance, family-based preferences have shorter waiting periods than employment-based preferences), but I could be mistaken.

And there's a lot of disagreement over how much law enforcement officers are allowed to enforce federal immigration law, mostly depending on who is going to pay for the person in custody.  If the LEO will accept an immigration detainer, the LEO holds the subject for immigration to come and pick up him or her up for removal.  ICE generally will reserve its removal money for bad people, meaning felons, not 20-year old players.

My husband and I were married when he was undocumented but arrived legally. He got his temp green card right away. About 3 years later he got his permanent green card, and he is able to apply for citizenship now. 

Pedro could leave Chantel if he wanted, become a citizen, and bring his sister and mom over. Maybe they want Chantel gone so bad, because they know she is going to be a barrier in getting Pedro to bring them over now that he can. 

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7 hours ago, sasha206 said:

Pao:  Without makeup on, she really now resembles Octomom especially with those ridiculously inflated lips. 


5 hours ago, lids said:

I don’t know what yoga abomination that was

Its all the rage in gyms these days:  stretch leg, check out social media, adjust waistband, tweet, walk over to mirror to check your fineself out, selfie, sit on thighblaster, scroll through texts, get up from thighblaster, look in mirror to apply lipgloss, take telephone call from one of your shallowass friends and go on and on and on and on while annoying the hell out of me.  Ooops, sorry.  I just see too much of the Chantalercize these days.

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On 6/27/2019 at 10:21 AM, Lemur said:

There's a backstory here somewhere that they're going to get at, I hope.  I can't help but feel maybe Andrei's old man wasn't around much when he was a kid, like he was in the service or working away from home.  Pops seems so thoughtful and introspective.  He's also very aware of who and what exactly his son is and most likely knows *why* he's like that.  Also, Andrei is too dumb to realize that this is Libby's family realizing that maybe they didn't do shit right with him and are trying to make up for by respecting his elder. 

Interesting take. My vibe about Andrei's father was that he probably grew up very poor. Dirt poor. And did everything he could for Andrei so he'd have a better life. And Andrei grew up entitled and expecting to be the man of the house and the boss, etc.. He may not have had a lot growing up but he had a hell of a lot more than his father. He may have grown up angry because he felt deprived but he (Andrei) has no clue what deprivation is. I bet his father does. I only say that because I grew up with very little but nothing even close to the nothing my parents had in the old country. My father told us that when he was a small boy and starving, there was a farmer with an apple tree and he and his friends would take a fallen apple to eat. More often than not, the farmer caught them and beat them for stealing an apple. My father said the beating was worth it to have something to eat. I thought about that growing up every time I wanted expensive sneakers and got generic ones instead. Andrei came to the U.S. with an attitude towards Libby's family  that, "She's mine now and she listens to what I say and does what I say, so you people need to go away." I wouldn't have fireworks or a party for a dick like that either.

20 hours ago, TrininisaScorp said:

Why, WHY would you bring Juan into this?!  I didn't really have feelings about Pao's mother, but then she bitched about Russ and how Juan is the sweetest baby boy.   Man, don't get yourself in the middle of that stupid mess.

I love Juan because I HATE Russ. I know that's wrong. Kind of. Well, maybe. Yeah, well....  

10 hours ago, Drogo said:

The cheating and the shove weren't the incident, though.  She called the police because he walked into "her house" and didn't want to leave after she told him not to come into "her house." 

She wants him out of her house, he wants to be in his house, her house and his house are the same house; that's a domestic dispute.  It's not an abuse of the services of law enforcement. 

I thought Jay left the house an Ashley went to the window and when he was still out there, she said, "I'm calling the cops." That was kind of eff'd up in my view. I know she hates him but he has to get somewhere and did call for a ride. It's not like he was beating on the door demanding that she let him in. He was just outside talking to production. If he refused to leave (which he didn't) then I could see calling the police. 

Nicole deserves everything she gets. I hate her parents for enabling her. They are just as responsible as she is for all this money she is losing on this asshole.

Colt and Larissa is such an old, closed book that I have no interest in seeing it. The sight of Colt repulses me. 

Not sure what to say about Chantel and Pedro except I think that both of them get off on the drama so whatever misery they have is well earned. 

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1 hour ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I respect you all but I don't feel an empathy towards Jay....he played the game and got the cops called on him, he knew what kind of woman he was getting involved with and thought she would roll over and put up with his cheating BS...well she was nastier than he anticipated, he played the game and lost. Him blaming her for his infidelity was all I needed to hear to see his true colours. Granted she was nasty and called the cops for no reason but he is just as vindictive IMO.

I am with you. She was his ticket to America. But since he thinks with his dick, he didn’t play it smart until he had his green card.

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3 hours ago, Kareem said:

She could also go the other way, fawning over the baby and being even more vile to Roos.  I thought about that when he had been holding the little one for a half hour yet she needed to give him a raft of grief along with instructions on how to hold the baby.  Combine that with her decisions regarding what his mom is and is not allowed to do.  Strike three would be still allowing Kwan to badmouth the backbone-less Roos.  The Colombian pile of poop may be even more difficult to live with post-birth. 

I’m sick of hearing her constant “My Baby” “My Baby”  it’s almost as irritating as “My  Cuh Rear” 

This Kid is nothing more to her than a way to manipulate and control Russ. 

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2 hours ago, DropTheSoap said:

Juan should hook up with Nicole. I don’t care that he’s gay — they’re both mean girls. 

Yup.  They could be happy together, making everyone around them miserable.  

I think Andrei is just insecure and controlling.   And I’d put money that Libby poisoned the well between him and her family before he even came over.  

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13 hours ago, Meowwww said:

So.  All these people think they can just call up Immigrations or the police and like that, with the snap of their American fingers, the foreigner will be deported.  They threaten and yell this at the foreigner.  “The police will be there to deport you!”  “I am calling Immigrations!”  Ashley, Family Chantal, Coltee and Debbie, I am looking at you here   It’s so rude  

I’m pretty sure a) the police don’t deport anyone and have to be fair in their dealings and b) Immigrations is probably working on things like criminals and other serious things.   They won’t just show up at your beck and call, people   Ugh.   

It shows how beyond ignorant Trashley is. You’d think she would educate herself before importing her 20 yr old boy toy and marrying him, especially knowing that he cheated on her before they were married. I hope she has to support him for the next 10 yrs. I’ll say it again, she’s just to stupid to be raising children!! 

Edited by nytonc
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Hey Debbie guess what? What happened between her, the lawyer and her arraignment (which you didn't bother to attend) is none of your business.  Keep drinking Debbie and keep eating Colt.

that baby belongs to Pao and Pao alone in her opinion. Russ doesn't exist in her mind, he was a means to an end and apparently momma and Pao agree. Pao could barely stifle her laughter when Juan  called him a fat pig and momma Pao should encourage her to respect her husband.

Edited by sainte-chapelle
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I hope he refuses to sign the divorce papers and makes her spend a fortune trying to divorce him. It’s exactly what she deserves.

All those clothes he has, she bought and hopefully charged on her account. When she was screaming about him screwing some girl in a bathroom, he should have reminded her of how much screaming she did when he was  fucking her all over Jamaica.

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9 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

Ashy is a trash ass bitch and so is her raggedy dusty assed friend. She knew exactly what she was doing by calling the police on that man. Spare me the #alllivesmatter. Shit is not a joke.

She filled his head with stories about how dangerous being a black man in her white neighborhood is. (Allegedly) Sje was reading him all those nasty posts on the original wedding venue website. She even read one that she said referenced the poster carrying a concealed weapon. No wonder he busted out in tears when the police arrived. 

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Ashy and her friend are raggedy trash ass bitches for calling the POLICE on that man, and as said before, she knew exactly what she was doing. *Misspelling and emphasis intentional. Ridiculous. 

And speaking of trash... Coraima and her early model bodysuit are awfully bold for nuzzling up to another woman’s husband in front of her face. But I blame Pedro for allowing it. She would be perfect for Juan though.

Those “friends” of Pedro just seemed eager for camera time. 

Nicole. Bye.

Libby is the one who claimed she wanted for Andrrei to lead her and be the boss in this marriage, so I’m not sure why she’s complaining now. You married him.

Edited by charmed1
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5 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

I respect you all but I don't feel an empathy towards Jay....he played the game and got the cops called on him, he knew what kind of woman he was getting involved with and thought she would roll over and put up with his cheating BS...well she was nastier than he anticipated, he played the game and lost. Him blaming her for his infidelity was all I needed to hear to see his true colours. Granted she was nasty and called the cops for no reason but he is just as vindictive IMO.

I don't even think he is vindictive and that may be the scariest part of all.  He likely grew up with skinz Sr who blames all the women for whatever he did 

And he was nearly right about Ashley who appeared willing to consider taking him back if he just got a BJ!

1 hour ago, iwasish said:

I hope he refuses to sign the divorce papers and makes her spend a fortune trying to divorce him. It’s exactly what she deserves.

All those clothes he has, she bought and hopefully charged on her account. When she was screaming about him screwing some girl in a bathroom, he should have reminded her of how much screaming she did when he was  fucking her all over Jamaica.

Me too, she could all the way miss me with her dismissive "here are the divorce papers....sign them". 

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