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S38.E11: Fasten Your Seatbelts

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The Reward losers made me laugh.  Not so easy without Joe there to feed you, now is it?

Reem, shut your face.  Your big fat pie hole is what made your damn Survivor dream die, crabass.

I don’t know why the Immunity Challenge made me think of it, but I really miss the concentration/memory challenges.  Those were fun.  Bonus points that they were not something that requires balancing while solving a puzzle.

Never in my life have I wanted anything more than for Rick to win immunity.

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Usually I get Survivor induced rage after the vote, but this is the first season (I think ever) where I had it before the vote.  Tonight I wanted to scream that they were making it so obvious who needs to go.  These people are so frustrating I can’t stand it.  I was so worried that all the talk about Wardog going meant he was safe.

I will say I would have much rather seen Ron go than Wardog.  At least Wardog brings comedic relief.  I will especially miss seeing him bumble his way through the challenges.  Thanks for giving me a slip off the platform and swimming to the wrong one for the road, ‘dawg!

I love Reem.  I think she's just at EOE to nag everyone.  

Edited by LadyChatts
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Smell ya later Warthog!!!   Best episode of the season so far.  The Warthog and his crazy serial killer eyes are done for good.  There’s absolutely no way he will win any EoE challenge to get back in.  Goodbye!

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So let me get this straight.  Rick who was already been voted out of the game once, who has been on the wrong side of the vote more times than he has been right is claiming that he along with Ron and the Warthog are the only "players" in the game?  lol He is so lucky he won immunity.

Oh and Victoria is now a perfect 8 for 8 voting this season.  

Edited by LanceM
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Smell ya later, Wardog!  Is it just their egos or did I miss something? Why do Wardog and Ron think they’re the biggest threats? Neither of them are challenge beasts or particularly smart. 

I don’t know, I really don’t have a horse in this race. This season has just been so meh, go Lauren, I guess? It would be fitting if Reem won it all.

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At this point I'm rooting for Gavin and Aurora.  I loved how they showed Ron saying he was going to try and get in Aurora's good graces (by giving her back something that was already hers) to dictate how she votes...and then two seconds later is picking a fight with her.  I guess the editors must have had fun piecing that together.  To show what a great gamer Ron is.


Smell ya later, Wardog!  Is it just their egos or did I miss something? Why do Wardog and Ron think they’re the biggest threats? Neither of them are challenge beasts or particularly smart. 

If you figure it out let me know.  Same with Rick.  Who I loved seeing clench his mouth so tight his lips almost disappeared as the votes were being read.

Edited by LadyChatts
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That vote was no surprise. What is the point of EOE? These people are just sitting around whining, finding advantages to give to the still competing players, and listening to  Reem rip every new arrival a new one. Are they going to ever compete in another challenge to get back in the game or what? 

Edited by Straycat80
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I realized this episode that whoever comes back from Extinction, maybe Wardud excluded, might have a good chance to win with the rest of the voted out on the jury. It looks like bonds are deeper over there than with those still in the game.

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Viva la revolucion!   Bye Warthog!

"Gonna be a rough night on edge"

Once Devins won immunity, I was sure Aurora was going out.  whew!

Post WW scramble.  Julie is dumb thinking Ron will take her to the end.

08:06 Warthog Ron Devins make a gang of assholes alliance.  5 beats 3  🙂

Warthog swims to the wrong platform.  lol

Aurora is like a fish wow.  All for naught.  Gavin's technique was terrible.  Devins spun and won.  Physics rules.

EoE       Awww.  WW feels bad. I don't.  

Go Reem.  Karma's a bitch, bitch.  Now WW will grow as a person.  Like I care.

Rice Nazi?  gfy Ron.

Interesting how the reward split up the (fluid) alliances.  

I'm with Aurora, I've come to hate the constant puzzles, I also miss those blindfolded challenges.

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Bye Wardog, nice to see you go! Of all the contestants on this show over all seasons, I do believe Reem is the absolutely worst. I truly believe she thinks people give a sh*t as to whether or not she likes them. I hope Wardog rips her a new one next week after she announces he's gonna hear about it. STFU hag woman!!!

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No surprise as Wardog had probably one of the worse social games. That conversation with Gavin after Tribal Council was completely unnecessary. That said, I would have been a lot happier at Wardog's well deserved comeuppance if it were not for the Edge of Extinction. 

I think at this point we can all agree that this was one giant fail. I'm tired of seeing some of these people just hanging around, there seems little to no end in sight and the whole thing just seems poorly thought out and executed. 

I will need someone to explain to me why they simply didn't just go with the Redemption Island format with the exception that the players in the game would not know it was happening. So like Redemption Island, as every new player came to EoE, they would have some duel to decide who would be ejected for good and who would continue.

Right before the merge, like they did, the EoE players would have their final duel in front of the others and the person who wins is back in the game and the others are all out for good. Instead Reem is still hanging around when she literally only played for like three days and it's Day 30. I mean WTF?

Edited by truthaboutluv
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2 minutes ago, vb68 said:

I realized this episode that whoever comes back from Extinction, maybe Wardud excluded, might have a good chance to win with the rest of the voted out on the jury. It looks like bonds are deeper over there than with those still in the game.

Which is maybe the only interesting thing about this new twist.  A lot of the talk during TC was about who the big threats were, and about how they were bragging about who they'd eliminated to build up their...ugh, don't make me say the word.  (Okay fine.  Resumes.)  Extinction Island throws a monkey wrench into that because if someone comes back and makes it to FTC, they've had the opportunity to form bonds with the early jurors, such as Reem and Aubry, that the others will not have had.

Which leads to the question: what's going to win out in the end--someone who formed personal bonds with jurors or someone who played well enough to get to the end?

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9 minutes ago, wallflower75 said:

Which is maybe the only interesting thing about this new twist.  A lot of the talk during TC was about who the big threats were, and about how they were bragging about who they'd eliminated to build up their...ugh, don't make me say the word.  (Okay fine.  Resumes.)  Extinction Island throws a monkey wrench into that because if someone comes back and makes it to FTC, they've had the opportunity to form bonds with the early jurors, such as Reem and Aubry, that the others will not have had.

Which leads to the question: what's going to win out in the end--someone who formed personal bonds with jurors or someone who played well enough to get to the end?

Which is why this twist is so stupid at this point.  It reminds me of the seasons where the jury started before the merge, and people who were on the jury didn't have a chance to even be on a tribe with one or both of the finalists.


It's not  about you Kelley.

I mean.  The batted eyes, the hand on heart “they got revenge for me,” the constant fucking mouth running when the jury is supposed to SIT AND OBSERVE.  She could not have been more annoying, and it seemed like she was really trying to be.

At least her eye rolls and mean girl glares make more sense on the jury.  But I did giggle at the 'revenge for me' with the two hands to her heart.  Perhaps it was that on Lauren's part, but more that Wardog was an egotistical dick who more or less made the case for himself tonight as to why he should be voted out.  

I will say that I thought Wardog was playing a decent game, he just needed to reign it in majorly when it came to being in control and his outbursts.  But with this group it isn't hard to do okay at the game.

Edited by LadyChatts
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I googled La Cheeserie, and for anyone who didn't know, it's apparently something they (ironically) yell out at golf tournaments. Maybe everyone else knew that, but I did not. I guess it's the ... cultured person's over-the-top touchdown dance?

Wardog is exhibit A why flipping on your closest alliance is never a smart move. Although it was so weird to see Lauren -- who should've been out for blood after Wardog turned on her and Kelley -- be all, "oh no, let's not get rid of him yet." Bizarre.

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6 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

I googled La Cheeserie, and for anyone who didn't know, it's apparently something they (ironically) yell out at golf tournaments. Maybe everyone else knew that, but I did not. I guess it's the ... cultured person's over-the-top touchdown dance?

Wardog is exhibit A why flipping on your closest alliance is never a smart move. Although it was so weird to see Lauren -- who should've been out for blood after Wardog turned on her and Kelley -- be all, "oh no, let's not get rid of him yet." Bizarre.

Yeah Lauren was pissing me off with her stupidity . He and Kelley were her biggest allies and he just blindsided her as well and shes all " I dont know if it's good for me to not vote out someone I cant trust" BS. Usued the Hes always a Target Excuse!

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I am finding it very easy to find someone to win. I'd love it if Victoria won. Lauren winning would be great. Aurora winning would be amazing.  Gavin has grown on me the last few episodes as has Julie.  The only two I don't want to see win is Rick or Ron or basically any EOE returnee.

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4 minutes ago, EllipticalAddicted said:

This time last season, I was thinking that I'd be happy with any of the remaining cast winning.  This time I'm trying to find just one person with whom I'd like to win.   The pickings are slim to none.

Yeah, at this point, I want it to be someone who is currently on EOE (except Reem and Warthog, that is). Everyone on the beach save for maybe Lauren are all despicable 

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31 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Reem, shut your face.  Your big fat pie hole is what made your damn Survivor dream die, crabass.

24 minutes ago, wallflower75 said:

Reem’s really decided to make a name for herself as a one-woman Welcome Wagon to Extinction Island, hasn't she?  I’m getting tired of her giving crap to everyone who voted her out as though she didn’t play a part in her own downfall.  And as for this whole “you ruined my Survivor experience…”  Part of the chance you take when you sign up for Survivor is knowing that you stand a 1-in-18 chance of being the first one out. 

You can just taaaaaste the bitterness. Mmmmmm....

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5 minutes ago, LanceM said:

I am finding it very easy to find someone to win. I'd love it if Victoria won. Lauren winning would be great. Aurora winning would be amazing.  Gavin has grown on me the last few episodes as has Julie.  The only two I don't want to see win is Rick or Ron or basically any EOE returnee.

Agreed with all this post 

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I don't really have strong feelings about anyone this season - like or dislike.  Although I notice tonight that I am starting to resent having to listen to Reem, who should have been long gone weeks ago.  And then the camera pans over the jury and when it hits Julia I think, "Who's that?"  She hasn't gotten more memorable since she left 😄 

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Dan can at least argue that he was dictating the vote. Dan sucked at challenges and made Joe look like he had a brilliant social game but Dan was dictating the vote. 

Ron is clueless. He thinks that he is a threat but nothing that we have seen shows that. He is in the middle but he is not leading the vote or doing much of anything. 

Rick is at least winning challenges and doing well for a guy on the bottom. And the others have figured out that he has votes on the Jury. He bonded with the original group of exiles and seems to have the approval of the newer arrivals. 

Gavin talks about needing to make moves to win the game and then tells people to tell him how to vote.

Julie is still confused but seems to have figured out some basic math.

Lauren is just there.

Aurora seems to have chilled out a bit and seems to be involved in some decision making.

Victoria is better at being in the middle then Ron, or at least we don’t see her insufferable talking heads.

I want Reem to get back in and win.  She is clueless as to why she was voted out and is bitter as all hell and gone. But she can’t move past her mothering instincts, I like how she went to tell Kelly to get out of the sun because she was going to get burned. 

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Wardog getting sent to the pound should be cause for celebration . . . but he can get back in the game. Even if there's only one more chance for EoE-bound players to get back in the game, the concept takes the wind out of the sails.  I think there should be incentive for making the right turn. Or maybe make it tougher to get to EoE with each passing player. And it's weird . . . how many players had been voted off, returned, and made it to Day 39? The only one I can remember is Lillian Morris . . . . and she wound up getting curbstomped by a bitter, bitter jury.

I'm just not caring. CBS bringing back The Amazing Race immediately after Survivor doesn't help. The Survivor alumni there are more interesting . . . even Chris & Bret.

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Hurrah! Wardog Peacekitty is no more! No way he'll win the challenge to get back in the game. I'm rooting for Aurora now. I feel like she's always trying to be part of a group but never feels she belongs. The look in her face when there were votes for her - it was like "oh, they don't like me after all." So I'm glad she made it.

Were Wardog Peacekitty and Rick saying "girls" or "goats" in their conversation at the beginning of the episode. I was liking Rick, but when he said they had to get the "girls" out . . . just so dismissive of the women. So I hope you're voted out next Rick.

And I enjoyed seeing Reem reem out Kelley!

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31 minutes ago, LanceM said:

I am finding it very easy to find someone to win. I'd love it if Victoria won. Lauren winning would be great. Aurora winning would be amazing.  Gavin has grown on me the last few episodes as has Julie.  The only two I don't want to see win is Rick or Ron or basically any EOE returnee.

I agree.  Vic was an early favorite of mine, with aurora.

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Kelly is so thirsty.  And she gets her own time spot on EOE where we see her cry?  How many producers has she boned to get this much airtime?   Get off my island.

Reem.   Dude.   Just.....dude.   I'm so annoyed if after the next EOE cull these leftovers still remain on the jury and Reem gets a vote.

The jury from EOE look filthy....love it.

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I hope there is a special prize for anyone who kicks sand in Reem's face.

Oh Ron.  You're a legend in your own deluded mind.  As is Warthog.

SOOO hard to cheer for anyone.  Maybe Aurora.  Possibly Gavin, except he's so damn forgettable.

Lauren has gorgeous skin.  Her face actually glows.

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Random thoughts on episode 11 "Victor: Victoria":

  • Badass Aurora is cool.  Air?  Hah.  Who needs to come up for air?
  • Anyone from the Loser's Bracket who makes the final vote should need twice the votes to win.
  • Despite what the flashy "I'm a threat" declarers say (right before their delicious comeuppance), threats are actually defined on this show as people who read the situation correctly and act accordingly.  Under that more accurate definition, the #1 threat is Victoria.  She's my pick to win.
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Wardog is offended by Gavin saying that he would've been part of the Kelley blindside if he'd known they'd had the numbers.

No kidding moron, what is Gavin supposed to say?  Everyone wants to be on the side of the right vote.

Edited by OutOfTheQuestion
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I think Reem thinks that she's Queen of Edge. 

Gavin thinks he's the next biggest threat? omg. I can't. I just can't. I don't know, though - this is not a game of stellar players. I feel like they've fallen into who they've eliminated so far - no plan to it all. 

OK I'm happy that Wardog is gone because he got on my last nerve, but he REALLY wasn't a threat. He couldn't win anything, he didn't really lead people but he took credit for others' actions. He just annoyed everyone into thinking he was a threat. I'm glad he's gone because I could totally see him riding coattails to the end and then winning by claiming he had Great Game. 

I'm totally for Devens right now. 

Cripes, Gavin even insults like a grade schooler: "Smell you later." I refuse to believe he's out of junior high.

Did Victoria even speak during this episode? Once? 

46 minutes ago, Lantern7 said:

Wardog getting sent to the pound should be cause for celebration . . . but he can get back in the game.

Not a chance. He never wins challenges. 

EoE is really good for Aubrey's hair - it looks great!

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2 minutes ago, txvoodoo said:

I think Reem thinks that she's Queen of Edge. 

Gavin thinks he's the next biggest threat? omg. I can't. I just can't. I don't know, though - this is not a game of stellar players. I feel like they've fallen into who they've eliminated so far - no plan to it all. 

OK I'm happy that Wardog is gone because he got on my last nerve, but he REALLY wasn't a threat. He couldn't win anything, he didn't really lead people but he took credit for others' actions. He just annoyed everyone into thinking he was a threat. I'm glad he's gone because I could totally see him riding coattails to the end and then winning by claiming he had Great Game. 

I'm totally for Devens right now. 

Cripes, Gavin even insults like a grade schooler: "Smell you later." I refuse to believe he's out of junior high.

Did Victoria even speak during this episode? Once? 

Not a chance. He never wins challenges. 

EoE is really good for Aubrey's hair - it looks great!

Yes she did. Her confessional was about how they really wanted to vote Rick out but couldn't because he won immunity so therefore the Warthog had to go and that it should be an easy vote.

Once again she was right,

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