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S23.E09: Week 9

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19 minutes ago, kalibean said:

Plenty of people get married and stay married at 23, but they usually have some maturity about them. Well, or are waiting for marriage and held out as long as they could. But again...not going on tv shows. 

I was thinking the same thing. I mean, 23 really isnt too young to get married (thats how old my parents were, and they've doing just fine!) or at least start seriously considering marriage and children, its really more emotional maturity and what you want in life. One person can be ready and mature enough for marriage in at 23, another could be mature at the same age but have no desire to settle down, or a person can be 35 and not be even close to being ready for marriage, or be 35 and just have no desire to be with one person. To me, its not that Cassie is too young in years, its that she is too young in maturity, or that she thinks she wants to get in a serious relationship because she was told she should want to. She comes off to me as very young acting, more so than woman who I know who are her age and younger. Its not crazy to me to get married in your early 20s, but Cassie is clearly not that person. 

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I like these “The Duggars Meet the Kardashians” famewhore theories. This is a real opportunity for that crossover of Bible Belt meets Gucci belt. All of the “Christian family values” but with super model looks. 

I’m going with Dad, Cassie, and Colton all in cahoots and taking this storyline forward for their spinoff show—with dad a total Kris Jenner!! Well, Colton might not have been in cahoots as of last night’s episode because I don’t think he’s that good of an actor, but by now, he’d make the perfect TV son-in-law for this premise.

Edited by JenE4
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2 hours ago, dleighg said:

so when did they decide to fly him in? Did the producers know she was iffy? Do they have all the parents hanging around "just in case"? I am so confused. 

I think they decided to fly Cassie's father in after Colton told them she was the one.  I can't help but believe they were hoping for the father to give Colton his blessing, but he balked.  

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6 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

She’s been on two seasons of a Christian-based reality show. Just came across this Vulture article that gives some decent background.

thanks for that! so she says “I think God should be the foundation of that relationship, especially because I’m a Christian and that’s the most important thing to me in finding someone. God fits into every single area of our lives, especially a relationship as important as finding your life partner.”

But (of course only that we've seen) she's never talked this over with Colton? So either she's willing to compromise about the whole God thing, or she really was just playing for the B'ette role, or, perhaps most likely, BOTH!!

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1 hour ago, Hpmec said:

She strikes me as a young woman who hasn't yet figured out what she wants to do with her life and for now is making reality tv her occupation. 

I'd agree with you, except for the "for now" part, if you mean keeping jobs like speech pathologist in the mix.  Now, if you mean being a celebrity as "what she wants to do with her life," I can see being in reality TV "for now."


6 minutes ago, JenE4 said:

She’s been on two seasons of a Christian-based reality show. Just came across this Vulture article that gives some decent background.

Is she the one who said her "community" would be disappointed to find out she's not a virgin?

Also, here's a photo from the Vulture article; I would never guess that's her:


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3 hours ago, saber5055 said:
3 hours ago, saber5055 said:

That's the shot Kimmel played on his show last night, only he showed the "PAs" waving at him to get back to Cassie, then all of them yelling NO! and then quitting and walking away after Colton tells Cassie she's the one and his F1. I did LOL during Kimmel's recap. He did not show the fence jump, however, so boo to that.

The female "PA" was played by Jimmy's wife, Molly

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18 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

I don't know.  I don't know.  I just wish I knew...

Her dad sabotaged that 100%.  I think she probably would have just gone along and had an overnight with no hanky panky, but after dad's talk about how when he met mom he "just knew", there was no way she was going forward.  He is setting her up for lot's of break ups.  Yes you should marry someone that "you know" is the one, but don't imply to your child that you should know right away.  Some relationships build to a deep love.  Some you just know.  He and mom might've had that connection, but that's not necessarily how his daughters are going to experience love.  Geez dad.  You're a smart man, but let your girls have some room to grow in their own way.  Cassie's going to end up getting married to someone she has amazing physical chemistry with and swear she "just knew", but then after some time passes she won't know how to just chill and enjoy each other from day to day.

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Girl was playing it the whole time! I think the last time a contestant waited this long to pull out was Frank on Ali's season. I've been spoiled this season so watching all the drama around the "wrong reasons" warnings and Colton frantically trying to find reassurance that it wasn't Cassie has been so fun to watch.

Not sure if Tayshia was disappointed the next morning over Colton's "other" skills, or because she really thought she was going to take his virginity. I, for one, am glad that Colton cleared up that he's at least gotten a blowjob somewhere along the line. Still, that being said...

21 hours ago, JenE4 said:

We’ve been posting here together a long time, and this is truly the first season that there are NO volunteers to mount the lead. Usually at least half of us will say the lead—guy or girl—is attractive, and a couple of us will have a crush or wish she signed up. But this year NO ONE here is attracted to Colton, right??? Give me a “surprise” vote if I’m wrong and you’d pop Colton’s cork.

Hard pass.

  • LOL 3
34 minutes ago, zoltana said:

He and mom might've had that connection, but that's not necessarily how his daughters are going to experience love.  Geez dad.  You're a smart man, but let your girls have some room to grow in their own way. 

I'm finding it REAALLY hard to believe that Dad (and Mom) didn't know Cassie was applying to be on this show what with all the paperwork she had to fill out. She never mentioned it? Her parents never watched this show or knew what the premise is, that the F1 is expected to be engaged at the end? This was all a shock and surprise to them, that Colton was dating 30 women at once? They didn't know until hometown visits? Yeah, right. *sarcasm*

Well, if so, those are some dumbass parents and a dumbass Dad. Of course Dad was all aboard daughter being on YET ANOTHER reality show and he could have a pretty good starring role in this one. I'll bet he's on a few episodes of her other reality show because Mom sure is. It's the same "is he right for you" drama on that show just like it's the same scripted "is he right for you" fake drama on this show.

All this Dad talk is just BS. TPTB scripted every bit of this fakety fake drama and intervention by Daddy. Daddy did not buy that ticket to Portugal with his own money unless you count the cash he was paid up front by this franchise.

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5 hours ago, Adeejay said:

Too bad those ladies that were hinting to Colton about some of them not being there for the right reason, didn't come right out and say Cassie.  It would have saved a lot of time and unnecessary drama. 

And taken out the only substance of an unremarkable turn at Bachelor with Colton. It's all they had and they knew it. I'm sure TPTB are implicit in those "warnings" staying as vague as they were. I'm sure that inside the girls were wanting to scream "IT'S CASSIE!! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!!" but all they were allowed to do was cast vague shadows of what they really wanted to say. Anyone who had said it staright out wouldn't have been shown anyway but it would have burned their bridge to future BachFamily events such as BiP... so everyone could only offer up non-specific "warnings".

4 hours ago, Pass the Tequila said:

Taisha on BIP maybe? (I hope Demi is there too btw!)

There is simply no WAY that Demi isn't on teevee this summer...

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6 hours ago, thesupremediva1 said:

Honestly, I wish this would happen more often. Maybe the few well-meaning whistle blowers wouldn't be laughed at and dismissed so quickly.

"Jealousy" is always a convenient explanation for men like Colton when other women "attack" the woman he loves. Let's be real - he was had. [snipped for space]

Oh dear, I love you and your perfect post.

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I think this show is fake, manufactured, scripted, etc.  It's done for ratings.    So it's entertainment, somewhat like a soap opera.  

But when I try to pretend that it's real, I have some thoughts.  

If Colton had not taken the bait, every time someone trashed someone else, or tried to warn him, I would probably feel bad that he was duped.  

But he fretted and pondered and questioned.  He confronted every woman that was trashed and told them exactly what was said.   So he was in it.  If he's going to listen to them, and put up with trash talking, gossip and warnings, about the other contestants, then I  have a hard time feeling sympathetic.  If he's going to confront and question these women, then he should have done a better job and sent home, who he thought was there for the wrong reasons.  I think he had an inkling of who it was, I think that made him want her more.  

But for all I know, Colton has been in on this entire scenario from the beginning.  

I don't really care.  I don't get invested in these couples and hope that things work out.   I'll just watch this most dramatic finale ever,  and then wait for the next one.  

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23 minutes ago, mishap said:

If he's going to confront and question these women, then he should have done a better job and sent home, who he thought was there for the wrong reasons.  I think he had an inkling of who it was, I think that made him want her more.  

I think the reason he never acted was because he knew exactly who they were talking about but he was already so smitten he kept waiting for someone, anyone to say it was someone else. He didn't want to believe it was his precious barbie doll so he basically just put his fingers in his ears and shouted "I can't hear you" at anyone who dared try to tell him the truth. 

He and Cassie are perfect for each other. They could be middle school sweethearts, slow dance at the Winter Formal then have a big, epic break up where one or both swear they will never love again until they get secret valentines left on their desk and forget all about each other. 

They are both pretty, shallow and very, very immature. 

  • Love 14
6 hours ago, dleighg said:

thanks for that! so she says “I think God should be the foundation of that relationship, especially because I’m a Christian and that’s the most important thing to me in finding someone. God fits into every single area of our lives, especially a relationship as important as finding your life partner.”

But (of course only that we've seen) she's never talked this over with Colton? So either she's willing to compromise about the whole God thing, or she really was just playing for the B'ette role, or, perhaps most likely, BOTH!!

Or, TPTB don't care to incorporate the contestants' feelings about religion and/or politics into the show. Contestants have mentioned discussing these things when they are together, but it didn't make it on air. Tia and Arie having a conversation about faith in their season was considered quite unusual for the franchise: 



Still deciding if the show brought Cassie's dad to Portugal because they wanted him to give his blessing, or because they knew he wouldn't. I can see points in the arguments for both sides, and wouldn't put either sort of manipulation past TPTB.

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See, I'm willing to cut Cassie a little slack because I was in a similar situation in my twenties.  I was hot for the guy and we got along great and I was so happy we were together, but suddenly he seemed more serious than I thought he was, and instead of that making me happy, it scared the crap out of me.  The relationship we had was a nice comfortable place, and I wasn't ready to change that or commit to permanency.  I pretty much panicked and bailed.  I just did not want to have to decide about my life on anyone else's timetable.  And I think it's possible that, especially after her father's interference, Cassie wasn't able to deal with the pressure Colton was putting on her.  I think she really needed him to shut up because his fifty-eleven options were just too much.

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On 3/4/2019 at 9:03 PM, PerfectPrincess said:

Also, I think a lot of us called it that Colton was an “anything but” virgin. He fully admitted it in the FS TH. “I’ve done pretty much everything else”. So why is his virginity an entire thing? (I mean, what even IS virginity, really?)

This, exactly. It’s not about some kind of mature personal commitment to modesty or chastity, which I could totally respect. It’s more weird fetishized view of the vag. Nobody looks at this guy and sees him as principled and mature. He’s just a f*ck boy who doesn’t f*ck. 

No offense to any Mormons, but is he Mormon? I keep thinking of that poor Mormon Travis Whoever who got himself killed by Jodi Whatsername. They were doing every damned thing except for the p in the v because that was reserved for marriage.

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11 minutes ago, EssieMay said:

This, exactly. It’s not about some kind of mature personal commitment to modesty or chastity, which I could totally respect. It’s more weird fetishized view of the vag. Nobody looks at this guy and sees him as principled and mature. He’s just a f*ck boy who doesn’t f*ck. 

Cracking me up!  But so true....once he disclosed he’s done “pretty much everything else” the story gets even more muddy in my head.  So he will let a girl blow him and he will go down on her so they both get off....but actual penetration never happens?  Um.....why?  

It’s not religion etc or elevated sense of personal morality.  Frankly his story never made sense to me anyway but at least I could see if he never got to a real intimate physical state with a woman.  But to say he’s Pretty Much Done Everything else is odd for him in his context.  These chicks need to run.  

For the fifth time in this bachelor forum I write...Something Is Missing Here!!!

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4 minutes ago, HappyDancex2 said:

...once he disclosed he’s done “pretty much everything else” the story gets even more muddy in my head.  So he will let a girl blow him and he will go down on her so they both get off....but actual penetration never happens?  Um.....why?  

These anything but boys tend to be all about receiving, not big on giving.

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I give credit to Colton and all the "everything but" boys (and girls) for not bringing children into the world when they aren't prepared to raise them or causing some child to grow up with a father they only see on random weekends.

16 hours ago, TheFinalRose said:

I don't know why Colton didn't leave out the front door of the resort and hail a cab. Are there armed guards posted keeping him in? Or did he have a death wish and really hope to get mauled by those barking dogs?

 That's assuming he could get a cab to come out to that shabby looking Best Western he was staying in.

17 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

I think the reason he never acted was because he knew exactly who they were talking about but he was already so smitten he kept waiting for someone, anyone to say it was someone else. He didn't want to believe it was his precious barbie doll so he basically just put his fingers in his ears and shouted "I can't hear you" at anyone who dared try to tell him the truth

 I read somewhere that most women are more attracted to men who are fully dressed, whether it's a  well cut suit or  tight T-shirt and jeans, while with men it's all about how much skin is showing.  So all those beautiful gowns were wasted on Colton and it was the girl who got the bikini dates who won his heart. I think it was that, plus the non-stop kissing that did it.

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This is a hilariously entertaining season.  One by one he sends women home who seemingly are head over heels for him.  Yet, the one he wants doesnt want him.  Aint that life for you.  But he was warned.  Cassie wasnt feeling it for him which is not her fault, that's life. I did notice she didnt cry any tears til she left.  I think they were tears of relief.  

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7 hours ago, vmcd88 said:

This is a hilariously entertaining season.  One by one he sends women home who seemingly are head over heels for him.  Yet, the one he wants doesnt want him.  Aint that life for you.  But he was warned.  Cassie wasnt feeling it for him which is not her fault, that's life. I did notice she didnt cry any tears til she left.  I think they were tears of relief.  

Maybe years of relief along with tears of thinking “did I ruin my chance to be the next Bachelorette?”

3 minutes ago, ByTor said:

Didn't the mother that short-haired pain in the ass from Arie's season not know she was on the show & reported her missing to the police?

I think Beckah told mom she was going to work on a pot farm for a couple of weeks and stayed longer on the show than she anticipated. This is where we are as a nation now, people: Parents would rather their kids harvest marijuana than go on The Bachelor. That was the cover story!!

  • LOL 6
4 hours ago, JenE4 said:

Parents would rather their kids harvest marijuana than go on The Bachelor. That was the cover story!!

I don't have children so I can't say from experience, but I think I'd be less ashamed of my marijuana harvesting child than my Bachelor fame whore child. So yeah, if my kid when on this shit show I'd tell friends they were harvesting marijuana too. Of course I wouldn't put out a missing persons report because once they've been tainted by Fleiss I wouldn't want them back. 

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