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S05.E08: Missing in Action

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I think most everything has been covered regarding Jazz's inappropriate, unfiltered behavior. She has been tolerated, without any restrictions since birth, so, that's really sort of expected.  Sadly, her behavior won't serve her well as she goes forward.  Who would want to work with or live with someone like that? It would be exhausting.  lol  

Amir may be a plant, but, if not, I would really be concerned about him.  What 19 year-old gets turned off from passionate kissing because it's messy?  I've never heard of that.  That would be a big issue for me.  I even wondered if he was that into sex with anyone.  Maybe, that's why he liked Jazz's video.  Maybe, he's not into sex either.  There are people who are that way.  Regardless, he doesn't want to live in Philly.  Not sure what's going on, but, I would bet there's more to that backstory.  Time will tell. 

I also thought that Jazz showed a mean streak last night.  I know she considers it kidding or teasing, but, to me, it's hurtful and can really turn people off. Like, when she asked Amir what was more beautiful, the sunset or her eyes?  First of all that is manipulation, imo.  And, when he got it wrong by trying to compliment her, she turns on him and says you got it wrong, I"M leaving.  Even as a joke that is mean spirited imo.  And, it's one of the little things you look at in a dating partner. When a partner is full of quips, put downs, threats and jokes that are on you......it's unhealthy, imo.  Don't know if Jazz realizes that.  She's wrapped up so tight......it makes me uncomfortable.  Hope she's seeing a counselor. 

I think she uses those blankets for two reasons:  To provide emotional support and to hide her body.  Recall this was discussed several seasons ago when she talked about it to her counselor. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 6
12 hours ago, missnoa said:

Dr Bowers really seems to be going above and beyond, offering to fly down to them if they can't come to her. I am impressed honestly.

I was thinking she flew down once before, but maybe they only skyped.   Anyway,  I think Dr Bowers is going to do everything possible to make sure Jazz is happy in part because the success or failure of these surgeries may impact her own reputation.  Dr Bowers originally said she could do in one surgery what the other doctors all said would take two surgeries.  I understand Dr Bowers was the first doctor to undertake to reverse FGM cases so her expertise in female genital reconstruction  would be an added advantage to choosing her as a surgeon.   The surgery Jazz had was basically experimental surgery because she took the puberty blockers.  I still don't understand why, knowing she would need skin grafts, they didn't do the balloon thingies in her thigh to expand the skin.  I thought if Dr Bowers asked, Jazz might have consented when she didn't like the suggestion from another doctor.  Maybe it was just magical thinking that Dr B could work a miracle.   I have no idea if this is making other parents re-think the use of blockers or at least the timing for them.   I keep waiting for someone to read the riot act to Jeanette for taking Jazz to the convention in Philadelphia.  I guess Jazz was adamant about going in order to meet Ahmir.  

  • Love 1

If Jazz is going to insist on wearing shapeless shift dresses all the time, she needs to learn how to get out of a chair while wearing them. The first time she got up off the couch, when she was taking Ahmir on the tour of the house, she completely flashed the camera. It doesn't help that she seems to like to be prone all the time and then basically throws her legs up in the air to try to roll to her feet. 

I agree with what everyone else said about her pushiness, her inappropriateness with the dilaters and the kissing, her calling herself "open" when really what she is is completely insecure and overcompensating. With Jeanette as her mom, she really had zero chance of learning anything about healthy personal boundaries.

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Maybe Jazz thinks that she has to be hyper-sexual to keep Ahmir interested?  She's dropping the constant reminders that she has a new *vagoo and he may be first in line.   

*Thanks to new commentor @Callaphera. who used this awesome word in her first post yesterday.  I love it and I plan on using it whenever I post in this thread

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Amir didn't seem very interested in anything physical with Jazz, imo.  Maybe, he's different in private. 

Jazz's older sister seems normal and to not be so out of control with her behavior.  So, even with Jeanette as a role model, she made it out okay or so it seems. 

Jeanette seemed bewildered why Greg was so enamored of her in her nighties......me too...bizarre. lol And, I don't mean that regarding her body. Her body is fine...it's her behavior that is so outrageous and a turn off, imo.  I was shocked they had her cup size in stock.  It's very difficult to find large cup sizes. I know.  lol 

I can't figure out what is really in this for Dr. Bowers.  I mean, she doesn't need more clients.  Her wait list was already VERY long......she doesn't need the money....I guess she just really wanted to help Jazz, who was limited in her options. 

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, Kid said:

I really don’t get the blanket thing with both her and her mother.  Her mother did the same thing in the hospital when waiting.  Who carries a blanket around with them every day from room to room,  place to place?

Me all winter long.  I am always cold so I keep a blanket with me in the house.  I even have one in my office for when its cold there. I do not carry that one outside my office though.  

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This show has jumped the shark. Was originally about a child who wanted to transition to become a woman. Now it’s just a poorly acted sitcom with a wacky girl and her wack mom and her wacky friends and family. The path to transgender is over and we are left with the boring residue. There’s nothing unique or interesting about this family now.

  • Love 17
17 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

This whole romance is fake, fake, fake. Amir was probably hired for a storyline. 

Yes I totally agree.  I think they’ve been trying so hard to get her a boyfriend on this show, but high school boys are not interested in being “the one” dating the transgender girl, on tv for all to see!  Cue the guy from out of town with no classmates or colleagues 🙄 (For the record I am not saying she will never find a boyfriend, just the odds of them finding a regular high school boy to be one on this show are slim to none.  Get out in the world and off tv and her odds will increase exponentially!). When the one brother said “all girls want to be surprised” I was wishing he knew what the dude’s stance on kissing was - I’m pretty sure he would also inform us that “all teenage boys want tongue” 😂😂

Jazz is just too over the top for me. Totally unlikeable, inappropriate and seriously exhibits such totally mortifying behavior. Ahmir seems like a nice guy. I hope he doesn’t get hurt. Or that he's a plant.

This is such a short show because I’m interested in Jazz and what she is going through with surgeries and boys and her life in general. I don’t care about the parents and their anniversary or the brothers and their desire to bond again. The show is supposed to be about Jazz. The mother going to the car in the driveway tells you all you need to know. She’s a camera whore and an annoying one at that. So much fast forwarding.

Yikes. What horribly scripted lectures that Jazz’s friends gave Ahmir. Know it alls at 16 or whatever? I get the sentiment but it was so fake. He should have told them to fuck off.

It’s hard for me to believe that Griffen has a girlfriend. He looks like he never washes his hair or bathes. The other one is better looking. I was surprised last week when he was pissy about his brother having a girlfriend because he can’t find one.

Why did Ahmir order a whole cake and a ton of little cakes for two people? Jazz seems so incredibly needy with regard to getting complimented and stuff. I hope that slows down or eventually it will drive Ahmir and anyone else she dates crazy.

I don’t get the parents anger/whatever at flying up and then going a week later? I get that it’s aggravating but this is their daughter and a major surgery that they want to be right. The father was treating it like an inconvenience. Again, this is a serious medical issue and you do what needs to be done to ensure a good outcome. You bought into this operation when you decided that it was a go. Now you deal with whatever it takes. 

The whole “Jazz is missing,” was totally dramatic, theatrical and ridiculous. Did they want us to think Ahmir abducted her? Give me a break. Talk about a helicopter family. 

Edited by configdotsys
  • Love 8
23 hours ago, Emmeline said:

Why does Jazz have Amir to the house to meet the parents and then she has to lay on the sofa with her blanket?  Then she climbs over the footrest to get off the sofa and you could look up her dress, nice.  Then she takes Amir to her room where she lays on her bed with another blanket.  Can’t she just sit up like a normal person?

Oh dear Lord, the entire episode has just been cringeworthy!

This entire show is cringe worthy.

  • Love 6

Greg and Jeanette deserve quite a bit of grace for being so protective of Jazz, IMHO.  Generally speaking, being transgender comes with very real and grave dangers that most of us will never truly understand, because our lives aren't at risk simply by virtue of existing.  As a parent, sending your child out into a world where that is reality has to be terrifying.  Add to it that Jazz is still a teenager, meaning she doesn't have the best judgment, doesn't always make the best decisions. and sometimes straight up ignores/rebels against the limits her parents have put in place to keep her safe.

For Jazz, specifically, she also has added danger by being a public figure  Yes, their "fault" for being on tv, but the reality is that the entire family has faced threats related to Jazz' transgender journey.  And in this episode, Jazz is still healing from a brutal surgery, so I can understand why they would have heightened concerns that Jazz might let what she wants in the moment cause her to act impulsively and do things that could put her health at risk.

Honestly, on the topic of giving people grace, I even have quite a bit for Jazz as relates to Ahmir.  I'm sure a lot of us can look back on our early teenage "romances" and admit they are rather cringe-worthy.  Imagine trying to navigate dating, sexuality, having a healthy self esteem and self image, etc, weeks after undergoing gender reassignment surgery.  Holy fuck, just the thought of that makes me want to crawl under a blanket myself, along with the pizza and wings and shit they ordered for dinner the night Ahmir arrived, and never come out.

Having said that, Jazz' behavior in general is off-putting to me.  I'm not sure if she talks about vaginas and dilators, etc, to try and normalize it, as a way of putting it out there to immediately draw out any negative reactions to try and mitigate how much she gets hurt, or if she's just one of those people who like to say crap for the shock value for no reason other than they are attention-seeking pricks.  Whatever the case, it offends my Southern sensibilities on proper decorum in about eleventy billion different ways.

Jeanette needs a make over so bad it hurts.  As in, I'm pretty sure my eyes and my brain experience actual pain when I see her on my screen.  The hair, the dangly earrings, the fucking glasses (how is it even legal to sell frames that hideous?), the clothes....  Oh, and the self tanner, my God.  Made all the more tragic by the fact I'm pretty sure there's a reasonably attractive woman buried underneath all that.  On a non-shallow note, I sincerely hope Jeanette is able to cope if Jazz ever becomes independent.  However, I would be kind of surprised if Jazz doesn't lean on her parents for support in a myriad of ways forever, so Jeanette may be in luck and never have to figure out who she other than "the mother of a child who is transgender."

The twins are at that age I cannot stand.  The arrogance, the self-centeredness, thinking they know everything about everything.  Long story short, it would not make me the least bit sad if they were never on my screen again.

The grandparents I kind of love.  And I'm pretty sure I want to marry Greg.  😉

Edited by SabineElisabeth
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10 hours ago, SabineElisabeth said:

enjoyed this episode, as it was really lovely seeing Jeanette finally acknowledge Greg exists and show some respect and care towards him.  I loved that she planned their anniversary as something special for Greg, and I loved seeing them interact in a way that seemed so easy, relaxed, and happy.  When they were talking about Greg's old bathing suit, I actually laughed out loud.  Was just very refreshing to see them both seem so happy and lighthearted. 

Jeanette interrupts Greg and barely lets him get a word in edgewise and NOTHING he says goes.  

I agree it was nice to see her finally doing something nice for him but when DrBowers called and he said “we’re in a restaurant” - Jeanette should have answered and said we’ll call you tomorrow . Instead she again disregarded Greg and spoiled the mood .   I’m not sure if the time of the “jazz is missing call “ but jazz did have the car till 11pm and i doubt they were eating dinner at that time in the restaurant scene.   Buzzkill Jeanette. Guess Greg didn’t get to model his green Speedo that nite 

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6 hours ago, princelina said:

I’m pretty sure he would also inform us that “all teenage boys want tongue”

I did some online sleuthing today and I read that Ahmir has some mental health issues, possibly OCD, so that could be why he’s off-put about tongue kissing, especially since he mentioned it was “messy”, for him.

He also may or may not (currently unconfirmed) have also been hit by a car in a crosswalk a few years ago and suffered physical injury as well as PTSD after the incident.

  • Useful 2
6 hours ago, Concerned said:

This show has jumped the shark. Was originally about a child who wanted to transition to become a woman. Now it’s just a poorly acted sitcom with a wacky girl and her wack mom and her wacky friends and family. The path to transgender is over and we are left with the boring residue. There’s nothing unique or interesting about this family now.

I would definitely still be interested in watching Jazz as she grows into womanhood and navigates the adult transgender life if it didn’t suddenly seem much too scripted and fake. Sadly, it seems that every reality show becomes that way.

  • Love 4
20 hours ago, maggiegil said:

I wonder if Bowers is going above and beyond because she wants to avoid Jazz going on a programme like Botched in a few years because from what we've been told, the current configuration is not what Bowers and Ting would like it to look like.

That, and I'm sure the show is paying for Bowers' time/flight.

  • Love 6
18 hours ago, Concerned said:

This show has jumped the shark. Was originally about a child who wanted to transition to become a woman. Now it’s just a poorly acted sitcom with a wacky girl and her wack mom and her wacky friends and family. The path to transgender is over and we are left with the boring residue. There’s nothing unique or interesting about this family now.

I agree, which is why I don’t watch anymore, but come here to read. I think Jazz has a better chance of having a relatively healthy relationship in adulthood is being off camera and living her life without the show.

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On 2/20/2019 at 3:38 AM, winsomeone said:

Wasn't Jazz to have lost 30 pounds before she had her surgery? If so, she must have gained it right back. Her upper arms, breasts and legs are heavier than they should be for a girl her age.

She is still biologically male, which means more body mass and a greater need to consume than a genetic female.  So she will always have problems controlling her diet and weight if she wants to look really thin and petite.  That doesn't mean becoming obese, it just means she will always be on the thick side.

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Jazz's parents should be setting better boundaries for her and giving guidance on when it is or is not appropriate to talk about things. It is one thing to talk dilation during medical settings. It should not be a normal conversation in front of people outside medical profession. Transgender or not she hasn't learned proper boundaries or filters. That's not good or healthy for her.

  • Love 10
13 hours ago, Love2dance said:

I would definitely still be interested in watching Jazz as she grows into womanhood and navigates the adult transgender life if it didn’t suddenly seem much too scripted and fake. Sadly, it seems that every reality show becomes that way.

after she loses her virginity, courtship, engagement , wedding, and possible parenthood ( not necessarily in that order) -  is there something else left to talk about ?

Just got a image in my head of Jeanette and Jazz going wedding dress shopping...

Is breast surgery (to add or subtract) on her agenda ?

5 hours ago, Dobian said:

She is still biologically male, which means more body mass and a greater need to consume than a genetic female.  So she will always have problems controlling her diet and weight if she wants to look really thin and petite.  That doesn't mean becoming obese, it just means she will always be on the thick side.

Nnnoope. The only "male" thing about Jazz is her chromosomes. She's been on puberty blockers and then estrogen so her hormones are decidedly female.

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On 2/20/2019 at 2:28 PM, parrotfeathers said:

This show is so awful I cannot watch it.  But I do read the forums.

Commercial:  Mom:  JAZZ IS LOST!  I hope she never goes to a casting call because she will be laughed off the set.  Worst "acting" ever.

Jazz is so unlikeable, as a person, that I cannot stomach the show.  But, the commercials do get me wondering (was her phone just on silent because of a movie when she was “missing”?, were the medical complications legit?, etc), that I also read these forums. 

  • Love 2
20 hours ago, kicotan said:

I did some online sleuthing today and I read that Ahmir has some mental health issues, possibly OCD, so that could be why he’s off-put about tongue kissing, especially since he mentioned it was “messy”, for him.

He also may or may not (currently unconfirmed) have also been hit by a car in a crosswalk a few years ago and suffered physical injury as well as PTSD after the incident.

That is a shame for him.  But it makes me wonder even more now how he got this gig - because I don't believe for a second it's what they are telling us!

  • Love 7

It seems like TLC did some fancy editing about Ahmir.  When Greg was asking Ahmir about school/job, Ahmir replied it was up in the air (paraphrasing) & then the conversation quickly changed to the twins coming in the room & what food they wanted to order.  Conveniently, they never returned to the questioning  of what Ahmir does with his life since school & a job don't seem to be a part of it. Elephant question in the room that never got answered- what does he do daily & who pays his living expenses? 

Same thing last week with Grandpa Jack & Jazz.  When they were walking & talking outside, Jazz quickly dodged Grandpa's question of what Ahmir was doing with his life.  Jazz answered something like he was thinking of joining the Air Force but then he didn't (paraphrasing) & then they stopped their walk/talk & went inside with nothing more said about Ahmir.  Seeing the type of person Grandpa is, I'm sure he didn't let the subject drop that easily in real life.  You know a jobless/no further education type of guy isn't what Grandpa & Grandma want for their granddaughter.  Remember Grandpa told Jazz he would like to meet Ahmir.  Hoping they televise that conversation/grilling. 

Edited by Barb23
  • Love 1

I’m from NY and visit family who live in the Coral Springs/Coconut Creek area of Florida so I get a kick out of recognizing some of the restaurants/stores Jazz and her friends go to that I’ve seen. So when Jazz and Ahmir went to the Korean BBQ I looked up the restaurant and saw it was in Orlando which around 3 hours away.  I thought that was odd. 

  • Love 3
On 2/20/2019 at 9:08 AM, bichonblitz said:

she opened the door to the restaurant for Amir to walk through first, and he was fine with that. 

I have no problem with that. I like that he's not trying to prove anything, and I like that she's not trying to be some helpless damsel. All this talk of her being more ladylike really doesn't match my own values. I have other issues with people on the show, but enforcing gender rules seems stupid to me, so I'm glad to see people being shown not doing that.

On 2/20/2019 at 6:52 AM, maggiegil said:

Can't believe Dr. Bowers is actually coming to Florida to do the exam rather than Jazz go to them in NY.

I was surprised by that, too. But she's not based in NY (I thought she was out west?) so it might be just as easy for her to go to FL as NY, though the rest of the surgical team is in NY, so it still seems like a big concession.

I actually have a problem with Bowers talking to the parents without Jazz present. Jazz is almost 18. It just really seems like a mistake to keep treating her like a child. Yes, the parents need to be in the loop, but the way they portray it, I think really infantilizes Jazz in a way that doesn't help matters. She needs to be taking more responsibility and not less as time goes on.

On 2/20/2019 at 12:34 PM, sATL said:

How many children did Jeanette/Greg said they have been though teen drama with ???

3 before Jazz.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, possibilities said:

I was surprised by that, too. But she's not based in NY (I thought she was out west?) so it might be just as easy for her to go to FL as NY, though the rest of the surgical team is in NY, so it still seems like a big concession.

She started out in Colorado, then moved to California;  she also is part of a teaching program at the hospital in New York.  So she is bi-coastal.

This is from her website.     

She spent several years in practice in Trinidad, Colorado before relocating in 2010 to the San Francisco Bay Area. As an international authority on clitoral reconstruction, Dr. Bowers is sought after as a speaker and worldwide surgical educator and has been featured in numerous documentaries and news features including the Guardian, BBC, Times of London, Esquire, and many others. Dr. Bowers is a member of WPATH, and serves on the board of directors for both GLAAD and the Transgender Law Center.

In 2016, she joined the faculty at Mt. Sinai-Beth Israel in New York to establish the first transgender surgical educational program in the US. Her transgender work has been highlighted by appearances on Oprah, CBS Sunday Morning, and Discovery Health.

Edited by Twopper
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I was not impressed with Jazz when her Dad was giving her the rules while they were on their vacation and she flipped her hair and said something along the lines of “you won’t be here anyway”.

Child........ these are your parents. You are living under their roof, driving their car. The appropriate response would’ve been “okay, I understand the rules.” Even if she thought they were dumb. I get as the “special needs” child and the baby they won’t be as strict with her as they have the others, but hellz no, they should’ve told her to cut it out and taken the car keys with them if she cannot respect the rules around the car. 


  • Love 6

Aw Greg really endeared himself to me tonight.

In the talk to the camera part, talking about going shopping for lingerie:

Greg (husky voice): Sexy...
Jeanette (seeking validation): Even on me? Sexy?
Greg (husky voice): It's especially sexy on you... sexy...

So I don't see it myself, but hey, he knows exactly what to say!

Edited by Luchy
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4 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

I was not impressed with Jazz when her Dad was giving her the rules while they were on their vacation and she flipped her hair and said something along the lines of “you won’t be here anyway”.

Child........ these are your parents. You are living under their roof, driving their car. The appropriate response would’ve been “okay, I understand the rules.” Even if she thought they were dumb. I get as the “special needs” child and the baby they won’t be as strict with her as they have the others, but hellz no, they should’ve told her to cut it out and taken the car keys with them if she cannot respect the rules around the car. 


Have you been watching since S01 (that’s a sincere question)? I ask only because this is how Jazz always responds to her parents trying to parent her, particularly her father and grandfather. She literally gets away with everything, I don’t remember ever seeing her get punished or have consequences for her actions.

  • Love 4
6 hours ago, gingerella said:

Have you been watching since S01 (that’s a sincere question)? I ask only because this is how Jazz always responds to her parents trying to parent her, particularly her father and grandfather. She literally gets away with everything, I don’t remember ever seeing her get punished or have consequences for her actions.

I can see not wanting to punish or give consequences on tv, but had they done that off screen we might see less unfiltered behaviour unless TLC pays a bonus for the unfiltered stuff. 

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, gingerella said:

Have you been watching since S01 (that’s a sincere question)? I ask only because this is how Jazz always responds to her parents trying to parent her, particularly her father and grandfather. She literally gets away with everything, I don’t remember ever seeing her get punished or have consequences for her actions.

Oh yes I have! I’m just pointing it out in this episode. I’m not surprised that her parents are doing this but it doesn’t make it right. I blame the parents more than her because it was their job to set boundaries. 

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On 2/22/2019 at 9:20 PM, Koalagirl said:

I’m from NY and visit family who live in the Coral Springs/Coconut Creek area of Florida so I get a kick out of recognizing some of the restaurants/stores Jazz and her friends go to that I’ve seen. So when Jazz and Ahmir went to the Korean BBQ I looked up the restaurant and saw it was in Orlando which around 3 hours away.  I thought that was odd. 

I have  lived in the Coral Springs area for 23 years. They have been doing this since the beginning - They took them to a skating rink way over in the Fort Lauderdale area when there's one right down the street from them. They went bathing suit shopping by the beach in Deerfield Beach and to a restaurant in Boca Raton where classmates were supposedly yelling at her from the sidewalk? I'm guessing it has to do with getting filming permission from the owners.  Broward County is very spread out, but ironically in this northern part, everybody seems to know everybody. 

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Does anyone else get the feeling Ahmir is using Jazz for money?  I think he said that his mom would probably kick him out thinking Jazz's parent would offer to let him stay with them. And the "truth he isn't telling her" that his mom was talking about over the phone -- I just feel like she knows he is just with her for fame or money  Also, he did not seem on board during their face time at the end of the episode. I don't think he's into her.... 

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Jazz is so enamored with Ahmir that she apparently, doesn't get how it's messed up for one partner to financially support the other partner, so EARLY in a relationship, ESPECIALLY, when the dependent one has no intention or inclination to work or attend school.  So, the 17 year-old, supports the 19 year-old with her savings and funds from her parents.  How crazy is that??? 

 Ahmir seems able-bodied.  Unless, he's not, then, I'd be very wary of his complete lack of ambition.  Ahmir's parents may have told him that he needs to get a job or go to school, and if not, he should find somewhere else to live.  

I was a little surprised that Jeannette still gets Jazz out of bed and instructs her on daily schedule. My mom was sort of like that with my brothers, but, they were super hard workers and were either working or in school most of the time.  It was more about my mother than my brothers.  

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Jazz is so enamored with Ahmir that she apparently, doesn't get how it's messed up for one partner to financially support the other partner, so EARLY in a relationship, ESPECIALLY, when the dependent one has no intention or inclination to work or attend school.  So, the 17 year-old, supports the 19 year-old with her savings and funds from her parents.  How crazy is that??? 

 Jon seems able-bodied.  Unless, he's not, then, I'd be very wary of his complete lack of ambition.  Ahmir's parents may have told him that he needs to get a job or go to school, and if not, he should find somewhere else to live.  

I was a little surprised that Jeannette still gets Jazz out of bed and instructs her on daily schedule. My mom was sort of like that with my brothers, but, they were super hard workers and were either working or in school most of the time.  It was more about my mother than my brothers.  

Oh I definitely agree that she should be concerned about this guy having no ambition and the big possibility that she will have to be financially responsible for the both of them. 

And Jeanette 🙄 that woman is so narcissistic. She reminds me of my mom. Everything is about her, and she's not happy unless she's the center of attention and people are serving her needs. She pisses me off... Probably because I see my mother in her 😂

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I thought it was revealing to see the way Jeannette threw responsibility for her decision about speaking to Ahmir's mother onto Greg, when it was her WORDS she changed her tune on.  Recall when Jazz revealed the news about how Ahmir's mother was not happy about her being transgender to her parents?  Jeannette told Jazz to say out of it.  That it was an issue between Ahmir and his mom.  She was very clear about that. THEN, when Jeannette talks to that lady (I missed the part about who she is.), but, she was encouraging Jeannette to talk to Ahmir's mother and explain her position.  Jeannette tells her well, GREG said to stay out of it.  What?  She said that, not just Greg.....lol......She's something else.  

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I noticed this:

On 2/22/2019 at 1:07 PM, Barb23 said:

It seems like TLC did some fancy editing about Ahmir.  When Greg was asking Ahmir about school/job, Ahmir replied it was up in the air (paraphrasing) & then the conversation quickly changed to the twins coming in the room & what food they wanted to order.  Conveniently, they never returned to the questioning... what does he do daily & who pays his living expenses? 

Same thing last week with Grandpa Jack & Jazz.  When they were walking & talking outside, Jazz quickly dodged Grandpa's question of what Ahmir was doing with his life. Remember Grandpa told Jazz he would like to meet Ahmir.  Hoping they televise that conversation/grilling. 

Once Jazz turns 18, her family won't be able to stop her from doing whatever she wants --but Jazz knows nothing about the cost of living. She talks about wanting independence --but could easily end up supporting new boyfriend Ahmir, not just herself. Ahmir has no apparent source of money (unless he can get the show to pay him), so if he gets kicked out of his mom's house... 

Edited by Crazy Bird Lady
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We really don't know much about Jazz when it comes down to it. Just that she promotes various trans groups, and constantly talks about wanting a beautiful vagina. Does she have any interests or hobbies? Does she like to cook or read? Is she in band, orchestra or choir at school? Aren't they Jewish? If so, have never heard them mention going to Temple? She surely must do more than lay sprawled on couches or chairs all day long?

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She would fit in perfectly on Teen Mom (minus the ‘mom’ part). They’re always laying on a couch or in bed doing not much of anything else. Looking at you, Catelynn and Amber.

Weird formatting/can’t figure out how to correct.

Edited by PrincessPurrsALot
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On 3/2/2019 at 9:14 AM, woodscommaelle said:

She would fit in perfectly on Teen Mom (minus the ‘mom’ part). They’re always laying on a couch or in bed doing not much of anything else. Looking at you, Catelynn and Amber.

Weird formatting/can’t figure out how to correct.

 I think it’s her way of covering up her body, which she is unhappy with. And to be honest, which she will continue to be unhappy with until she gets some high quality and meaningful therapy.

I recently attended a group lecture at the local community theater, the panel of 3 were 20something transgender folks... 2 had the operation and the other one hadn't yet.

What I found particularly interesting was 2 of them said they always felt more comfortable with a blanket over them because they found it very difficult to not touch, scratch, adjust their private parts their entire lives even before the operation..... they said that area never felt right to them.... and it continued after surgery.

They were both male to female transitions like Jazz.

Jazz is also very fond of hiding her body under a blanket, maybe she's dealing with the same problem.

  • Useful 4
On 2/20/2019 at 2:18 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

I think most everything has been covered regarding Jazz's inappropriate, unfiltered behavior. She has been tolerated, without any restrictions since birth, so, that's really sort of expected.  Sadly, her behavior won't serve her well as she goes forward.  Who would want to work with or live with someone like that? It would be exhausting.  lol  

Amir may be a plant, but, if not, I would really be concerned about him.  What 19 year-old gets turned off from passionate kissing because it's messy?  I've never heard of that.  That would be a big issue for me.  I even wondered if he was that into sex with anyone.  Maybe, that's why he liked Jazz's video.  Maybe, he's not into sex either.  There are people who are that way.  Regardless, he doesn't want to live in Philly.  Not sure what's going on, but, I would bet there's more to that backstory.  Time will tell. 

I also thought that Jazz showed a mean streak last night.  I know she considers it kidding or teasing, but, to me, it's hurtful and can really turn people off. Like, when she asked Amir what was more beautiful, the sunset or her eyes?  First of all that is manipulation, imo.  And, when he got it wrong by trying to compliment her, she turns on him and says you got it wrong, I"M leaving.  Even as a joke that is mean spirited imo.  And, it's one of the little things you look at in a dating partner. When a partner is full of quips, put downs, threats and jokes that are on you......it's unhealthy, imo.  Don't know if Jazz realizes that.  She's wrapped up so tight......it makes me uncomfortable.  Hope she's seeing a counselor. 

I think she uses those blankets for two reasons:  To provide emotional support and to hide her body.  Recall this was discussed several seasons ago when she talked about it to her counselor. 

She’s using blankets to cover her body.... but she spreads her legs so mommy and anyone else in the room  can view her malformed(?) misplaced clitoris and converse about it? 
No matter what those two doctors do to her genitalia, she’ll never be satisfied. And I have a feeling some of her complications are caused by self sabotage. She can’t envision her life without it revolving around her crotch. There’s so much more to being a woman and she has no clue. 

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