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S06.E14: All That Glitters Isn't Gold

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The crew's wild evening out prompts a passionate, late-night tryst for Rhylee and Tyler, but there's trouble in paradise for Ashton and Laura; Josiah faces childhood insecurities when guests remind him of the bullies he faced while coming out.

Airs January 15, 2019.

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I forgot what's goin on in this show and who all the cast are. Reading the above description was dizzying.  Where has this show been for like 2 months?! Jeeze!!! It's not "the walking dead" with mid season finale and the whole nine! It's a simple Bravo show. 🙄

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13 minutes ago, Kdawg82 said:

Where has this show been for like 2 months?

It was on last week. It just skipped airing two weeks which were Christmas and New Year’s Day which regular shows don’t air on. 

Edited by biakbiak
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10 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

It was on last week. It just skipped airing two weeks which were Christmas and New Year’s Day which regular shows don’t air on. 

Damn! Thanks! I got to check my DVR bc I don't see this anywhere! Mr Kdawg and I are missing out! 

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Hear me out...

Josiah totally looked liked Emily (Ben’s flame a couple of seasons ago and maybe they’re still together?) in the face...with short brown hair...beginning when he asked Kate if he should bring out Chambord in the gold suit. I know it sounds crazy, but now I can’t unsee it!

And also? DAYUM Josiah!

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Is Ashton and Laura’s “understanding” on overdrive?  Haven’t they just previously cuddled?  This is just her second charter, she basically just got there!

I’m glad the girls are taking note of the chef’s creepy remarks, they are over the top.

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Rhylee - The Great Professional.  Does she bang the crew on her fishing boat?  She blabbed before Tyler. lol.

Josiah handled that speedo "junk" quite well, considering his insecurities.  The editors certainly loved it.

That dude whining "I'm starving!"  stfu you just had the whole "light lunch" you requested.  Patience drama queen.

Kate nails it:  "These guests are assholes"  The A-1 proves it, while complaining the meat wasn't bloody enough.  I expected this the way they started hard drinking right away.  Billy passed out on the toilet topped it.  Then he manages an epic recovery. lol.

Why did it take Adrian so long to get dinner on the table once the "guests" finally got their act together?

Then of course the non-dairy sugar free dessert Mr. Primary asked for isn't very good.. Imagine that!

Laura is still in her bubble of delusion.  She didn't "set Kate straight".  Kate got off her ass when she finally started doing her job.  "Girl talk",  Kate lets it go.

Not sure what to make of Ashton with Laura.  He either doesn't see how nuts she is, or is just playing her to score over ever creepier Adrian.  A nipple cake?  Really dude?

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The one thing I hated most about this episode was Ashton telling Laura the cigarette would cost her a kiss, and then his "that wasn't so hard, right?" afterward. I've liked him well enough so far, but those comments were a turn off.

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23 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Glad to see Rhylee finally have a smile on her face - who knew that banging someone (FIVE TIMES!!!!!) is all that it takes! 

If you need to have 5 orgasms a night basically every night so that you aren't an angry asshole during the day, you probably have low serotonin and need to see a doctor. I'm not saying she needs to treat the issue with medication, but she needs to have some awareness that when her mood is shitty, she needs to get some sunlight, get a little exercise, maybe take a supplement or 2.

These guests were assholes and the speedo request was not ok. I'm wondering if these were the same assholes that the only way Kate could distract them from constantly complaining about paying so much for a yacht and not even being on the water was to serve sushi on Bruno's body.

I don't like Laura or Rhylee, but I'm glad they realized what a creepster Adrian is. Here's a tip to Adrian if you have to spend all of your time putting down your romantic rival instead of wooing the girl, then you have negative game. Also your "flirty double entendres" rival Samantha Jones' in their complete obviousness and impropriety. Sam's were so bad and witless that I just used to call them "single entendres." Laura might actually be less creeped out if you just said it once that you'd like to have sex with her and called it a day rather than grossly hint day and night about her body and yours.

Edited by HunterHunted
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4 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Can you imagine having to endure Adrian's comments all day and then having to share a room and bathroom with him?

It always has bothered me when they assign people of different genders to the same room. Sometimes there is a choice like Kate asked Josiah and I think Amy mentioned that she didn’t want to be paired with a man and was not but often times particularly with replacement they just assign them. It’s not like they have a ton of luggage or personalize their cabin they should just have people change cabins.

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Do these guys get a pass from sexual harassment rules because they are gay? 

I am kind of old fashioned and I don’t know the new rules. 

Is it ok that one of the guests kissed Josiah? Would it be ok if a straight guy did that to Rhylee or Laura? ( I don’t ask about Kate because with her hairstyle they know they would be turned into stone)

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Tyler, with his "Fresh tracks in the brand new peanut butter....sick!" to "Rhylee doesn't want me to tell anybody but, uh, we banged last night. It's pretty special to me." is the living embodiment of Liz Lemon's doofus boyfriend, Dennis Duffy, but somehow more simple-minded.

I also felt bad for Josiah. It was uncomfortable when Bruno was the semi-naked platter for sushi, but he was far more comfortable showing off his body.  Josiah's discomfort was palpable. 

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About the food thing.....I kind of agree with the guests a little bit (although they could have been less rude about it).  If I am on a once in a lifetime vacation, paying tens of thousands for a two day excursion, I want to EAT!  This lunch at 2, dinner at 8 or 9 thing they seem to do on this show....I would be pretty darn hungry too!  Especially with all the alcohol they seem to consume on these trips, I would want some nibbles.  Doesn't seem like there are ever any hors d'ouevres or snacks available.  These guys all looked to be into body building as well.  Muscles burn a lot of calories!

To me, being the chef would be the worst job on the boat.  I know how time consuming cooking for one person can be....can't imagine being responsible for feeding the guests, the captain, and the crew every meal for weeks on end.  I'm really surprised there aren't two chefs, or at least a 'sous-chef' or assistant.  How can one person cook that much food?

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1 hour ago, Lizzing said:

Tyler, with his "Fresh tracks in the brand new peanut butter....sick!" to "Rhylee doesn't want me to tell anybody but, uh, we banged last night. It's pretty special to me." is the living embodiment of Liz Lemon's doofus boyfriend, Dennis Duffy, but somehow more simple-minded.

I didn't watch 30 Rock so I'm not sure if this is a positive or negative comparison, lol.  But I thought the peanut butter thing funny and kind of cute.  The rest of the episode made me uncomfortable for all of the reasons that have already been elaborated. :-)

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6 minutes ago, snarts said:

I would be all about the food as well but my preference sheet would reflect that. This group of guys specifically asked for light lunches and healthy dining options. I think they wrote what they aspire to be rather than what they actually are.  Combine that with the excessive drinking and Adrian had to change course quickly.    

So true. And I believe that Kate also runs the dinner time by the primary so they have the option to adjust the time.  I think this dinner was so late because guests were passed out all over the boat.  Didn't it take them 2 hours to find Billy?

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Oh, poor Josiah! He’s been my favorite all season and Icouldnt love him more after tonight. I felt his anxiety and I feel the same way every other poster here felt; this was sexual harassment. But with Andy Cohen being part of the Bravi franchise what else can you expect?

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11 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Laura is still in her bubble of delusion.  She didn't "set Kate straight".  Kate got off her ass when she finally started doing her job.  "Girl talk",  Kate lets it go.

Yes! I was yelling at her smug talking head when she dared to say that. 

Still, the working situation between her and Kate now seems so lovely, that I don't want that to change. Let her keep her delusions (for now). 

8 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

If you need to have 5 orgasms a night basically every night so that you aren't an angry asshole during the day, you probably have low serotonin and need to see a doctor. I'm not saying she needs to treat the issue with medication, but she needs to have some awareness that when her mood is shitty, she needs to get some sunlight, get a little exercise, maybe take a supplement or 2.

These guests were assholes and the speedo request was not ok. I'm wondering if these were the same assholes that the only way Kate could distract them from constantly complaining about paying so much for a yacht and not even being on the water was to serve sushi on Bruno's body.

I don't like Laura or Rhylee, but I'm glad they realized what a creepster Adrian is. Here's a tip to Adrian if you have to spend all your time putting down your romantic rival instead of wooing the girl, then you have negative game.

Adrian's voice now bugs me even when he isn't saying creepy things, because of all the creepy things & vibe he has otherwise. I no longer want to hear him describe food. 

I didn't catch if Rhylee said she had orgasms all five times or just that they had sex five times. These two things can be very different. :P I also don't think she _needs_ to have them; I read that scene as that she was both surprised and impressed that Tyler stayed hard throughout, and she was still up for it (so to speak) and things still felt good, so why not keep going. That's as far as my armchair assessment goes.  

That was so cool of Josiah to volunteer the Speedo + Sweet Drinks idea to save the evening--that shouldn't even have needed saving, my god, those guests. I hope it really did work some wonders for his self-esteem. I also hope the guests have watched this ep and realize how ridiculous they were in the face of their stated preference sheet requests and their concept of time. If they secretly wanted to be tempted away from their strict regime, then just SAY it. 

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Why is it NOT OK for the guests to harass Josiah, but totally OK for his work-mates (Bravo) to go on and on about his "golden package" for our entertainment?  It really sets up a double standard for harrassment. We can be titilated, but the guests are scum for the same thing?  Just asking, ya know? 🙄 

I felt so bad for him having to do that.

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I completely agree with everyone's comments regarding Josiah and Adrian.  My sense is there is enormous pressure to keep the guests happy so they will tip well.  Josiah was good natured enough to go out and have the night end well.  Adrian is generally cooking up some good food so they are probably cutting him some slack for it.  I do hope Captain Lee addresses it in a blog or something.  Mario Batali, anyone?

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What kind of sense does it make to request no sugar and then drink all that alcohol?

The only thing I can think is they are using the logic that if they go easy in terms of what they eat, they can go nuts on alcohol.  It's a dumb logic, and I can't imagine drinking as heavily as these particular guests seem to do, but that is what I could think of. 

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This is the first season I've watched and I didn't find Josiah particularly appealing...until now.  I mistakenly got a first impression that he was kind of high on himself, but after this ep on his insecurities and feeling too fat(!!!) and his rolled eyes over Kate saying they are jealous of his good looks, he has become a fave 😍

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I, too, have always thought Josiah to be very handsome. He is physically attractive but is also intelligent, well spoken, and funny without being snide or demeaning. I would love to know what the guests think of their actions now. Do they believe it was just fun and games and no harm done. Or can they now see their actions for what it was? I know a lot of people are used to being in a society where sexual harassment and being mean is just part of the culture. But just because your friends expect it as the norm, doesn't mean it's right. Just like if you live around and with people who gay bash or are racist, it doesn't make your behavior acceptable. 

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2 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

Was Rhylee shoving Tyler's face into her crotch when they were working the next morning?

And did Kate say something to Laura about Ashton coming right in her mouth and Laura laughing at the comment?

Why wasn’t she offended as she was by Adrian’s comments?

Maybe #MeToo doesn’t apply on board or after a night of heavy drinking.

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3 hours ago, Mr. Minor said:

Was Rhylee shoving Tyler's face into her crotch when they were working the next morning?

Yes, she did.  This combined with Adrian's inappropriate comments, Ashton's inappropriate quid pro quo to Laura and Josiah's sexual harrassment would be an HR person's worse nightmare in any other workplace setting.  I think even for a reality show, this crossed the line last night . 

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Come on! "Me too" is still pretty selectively applied, depending on whom and where. Witness the "us Vs. them" standard on this show.  We (the viewing audience) can snicker and giggle, but the guests are scum if they do.

 I saw a clip from the old Johnny Carson show of Gordon Ramsay being an absolute a-hole to Sofia Vergara, in a way that was totally acceptable in that time frame. Not only acceptable but encouraged and condoned in a "good old boy" way.  Everyone (today) was getting all  huffy and "O my" about it. But come on!  That was then. Do we watch Gordon Ramsay because he's such a fine upstanding example of what a gentleman should be? No, of course not. 

 So how is it we get all huffy when this show, which is obviously NOT about PC-ness, isn't PC?  If the show wasn't outrageous nobody would watch it.

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When Tyler said "Oooo, fresh tracks" in the peanut butter jar, then said a few minutes later, "I banged Rhylee", I felt so icky.  Rhylee's banging a dude with the mental acuity of a toddler. Blech.

Also, as much as I feel for Josiah's insecurities, he didn't have to put on that stupid speedo. I highly doubt real, legit guests bring banana hammocks and expect the staff to wear them. If I was on that staff I'd tell them to fuck off, nicely. He didn't need to do that, but he did. Was it for the cameras, the tip, to get over his own issues? I have no idea, but it pissed me off that he caved in to that bullshit.

And on a related note, Andy Cohen should indeed be held accountable for all the gross shit he says to guys on his show...I can't believe nobody has to date. Maybe the gay male community has a higher threshold for this shit?

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13 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

Can you imagine having to endure Adrian's comments all day and then having to share a room and bathroom with him?

I don't like that. I don't like that at all. They need to put him somewhere else. 


3 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

The only thing I can think is they are using the logic that if they go easy in terms of what they eat, they can go nuts on alcohol.  It's a dumb logic, and I can't imagine drinking as heavily as these particular guests seem to do, but that is what I could think of. 

It is dumb, but I think you may be right. It's going to backfire, though - because once you're totally sloshed, you're craving the worst food possible. 

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4 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:

This is the first season I've watched and I didn't find Josiah particularly appealing...until now.  I mistakenly got a first impression that he was kind of high on himself, but after this ep on his insecurities and feeling too fat(!!!) and his rolled eyes over Kate saying they are jealous of his good looks, he has become a fave 😍

Yeah, I can imagine that because he keeps to himself for the most part, he could be misinterpreted as a bit snobby. It was nice to get a deeper look at him & how he views himself. I will always love the way Kate described him as a pedigree dog, elegant & graceful, with a steady stride, etc. I forget her exact words but it was both hilarious and spot on.  He is classy!

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8 hours ago, snarts said:

I would be all about the food as well but my preference sheet would reflect that. This group of guys specifically asked for light lunches and healthy dining options. I think they wrote what they aspire to be rather than what they actually are.  Combine that with the excessive drinking and Adrian had to change course quickly.    

Yep and yep.

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2 hours ago, gingerella said:

And on a related note, Andy Cohen should indeed be held accountable for all the gross shit he says to guys on his show...I can't believe nobody has to date. Maybe the gay male community has a higher threshold for this shit?

Certainly appears that way. It makes me sick. 

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6 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

Why is it NOT OK for the guests to harass Josiah, but totally OK for his work-mates (Bravo) to go on and on about his "golden package" for our entertainment? 

It's not okay.  Speaking for myself, not mentioning it specifically shouldn't be taken as an endorsement of the practice.

2 hours ago, Skycatcher said:

Come on! "Me too" is still pretty selectively applied, depending on whom and where. Witness the "us Vs. them" standard on this show.  We (the viewing audience) can snicker and giggle, but the guests are scum if they do.

 I saw a clip from the old Johnny Carson show of Gordon Ramsay being an absolute a-hole to Sofia Vergara, in a way that was totally acceptable in that time frame. Not only acceptable but encouraged and condoned in a "good old boy" way.  Everyone (today) was getting all  huffy and "O my" about it. But come on!  That was then. Do we watch Gordon Ramsay because he's such a fine upstanding example of what a gentleman should be? No, of course not. 

 So how is it we get all huffy when this show, which is obviously NOT about PC-ness, isn't PC?  If the show wasn't outrageous nobody would watch it.

I reserve the right to feel the way I feel about it.  Your opinion is noted.

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Look, I love Josiah too, but he wasn't forced to walk out in the speedo.  He did it to please the guests, and up the tip...er..so to speak.  Also, he's hung like a club-tail dragonfly (X-Files quote).

I do really love him though, so much that I wish I had a son...who was gay...and that he would marry Josiah.  :)

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There were quite a few posts last week about Laura "screaming at Kate."   They replayed that scene last night and she did NOT scream.    I admit her attitude, tone, as well as the substance of her little speech were totally inappropriate for an employee/supervisor dialogue.......especially one so new on the job.   That said, I'll repeat myself just to make a point......Laura did NOT scream at Kate.

As it turned out, Laura is quite capable of doing her job, Kate does know how to smile and the tension seemed to disappear. Surprise!   Surprise! Thank you production!    It's too bad production previously encouraged Laura and Kate to go at it (I truly believe they did).  It's so unnecessary.

ETA:   I also saw comments about Andy Cohen.   What does he have to do with Below Deck?

Edited by AnnA
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9 minutes ago, AnnA said:

Laura did NOT scream at Kate.

At points she was. The clip they showed was at the very end of the fight after Kate had told her more than once to lower her voice and that they needed to go downstairs.

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