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Carole Radziwill: She's a Real Princess!

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And Bethenny didn’t write her 100 New York Times best sellers on her own.  She wrote them on the phone, remember.  Think they were not extensively edited, or more accurately, rewritten?  Does she thank all her team for that, not that i’ve noticed..

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I think Carole made the decision to leave before they started filming season 10.    If it wasn't for Adam I think she would have quit the season after Heather left.   IMHO She loves Adam, enjoyed being the cougar with a young stud and thought she could help him by having him appear on the show.   The breakup was too public, embarrassed and hurt her.  She wanted to bolster her image so she stayed and I believe she intended to make the most of her last season.  She cut and dyed her hair, got a new wardrobe and started sporting false eyelashes.  She ran the marathon, had that charity event with Duffy, wrote for Cosmo, and invited the cast to the speed dating.    Her feud with Bethenny was part of her exit strategy.   I expect to see her be combative at the reunion and I think she may say she doesn't need this BS in her life.  

Edited by AnnA
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Carole is an accomplished woman, and despite her plebeian palette, cultured. Or at least well travelled. Her book, from what I have been told, is well written and moving. I'm not a fan of her style so I passed on reading it. She had a successful career in journalism and retired. She worked hard all her life it seems, and had enough money to do so. This was probably a lark for her.

I fan girled her first two seasons.

It was surprising to see that under the ambition and class there was a petty high school mean girl struggling to resurface. It doesn't appear that RHs has been personally positive for her personal growth. I hope this change will be.

Edited by ShawnaLanne
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Carole's RHoNY farewell on instagram reads: "Didn't change, just learned".  So...what the fuck does THAT mean? (My guess:  Frankel accused Carole of having "changed" at the reunion, and Radziwill denied that accusation,  saying she'd just wised up. )


I am going to miss Carole. She is level-headed, calm, reasonable, so loyal and I never saw the smugness others saw. 

I never liked Radziwill, @hoodooznoodooz, but I will happily buy a cyber cocktail for anyone who did enjoy her presence on the show, and who will miss her (and I would never offer that for Jill, so I guess I didn't hate Radziwill half as much as I thought I did).

And to all you Radziwill fans, never forget:



Edited by film noire
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14 minutes ago, film noire said:

Carole's farewell on instagram reads: "Didn't change, just learned".

What the fuck does THAT mean? (My guess:  Frankel accused Carole of having "changed" at the reunion, and Radziwill denied that accusation,  saying she'd just wisened up to who Frankel really is. )

I never liked Radziwill, but I will happily buy a cyber cocktail for anyone who did enjoy her presence on the show, and who will miss her (and I would never offer that for Jill, so I guess I didn't hate Radziwill half as much as I thought I did).

And never forget!





14 minutes ago, film noire said:

Carole's farewell on instagram reads: "Didn't change, just learned".

What the fuck does THAT mean? (My guess:  Frankel accused Carole of having "changed" at the reunion, and Radziwill denied that accusation,  saying she'd just wisened up to who Frankel really is. )

I never liked Radziwill, but I will happily buy a cyber cocktail for anyone who did enjoy her presence on the show, and who will miss her (and I would never offer that for Jill, so I guess I didn't hate Radziwill half as much as I thought I did).

And never forget!





Or maybe even though she's the same post-menopausal cougar she learned that she can't keep a young buck forever.   I don't want Jill back.   Do you think Andy would even consider it?   Please say NO.  

ETA:   I have no idea what just happened to this post.  The quote duplicated and hid itself like a spoiler.  

Edited by AnnA
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44 minutes ago, AnnA said:

I think Carole made the decision to leave before they started filming season 10.    If it wasn't for Adam I think she would have quit the season after Heather left.   IMHO She loves Adam, enjoyed being the cougar with a young stud and thought she could help him by having him appear on the show.   The breakup was too public, embarrassed and hurt her.  She wanted to bolster her image so she stayed and I believe she intended to make the most of her last season.  She cut and dyed her hair, got a new wardrobe and started sporting false eyelashes.  She ran the marathon, had that charity event with Duffy, wrote for Cosmo, and invited the cast to the speed dating.    Her feud with Bethenny was part of her exit strategy.   I expect to see her be combative at the reunion and I think she may say she doesn't need this BS in her life.  

Interesting. It ignores, though, that Carole was always changing her hair each season, even before she met Adam. She was also into fashion and dressing up before him as witnessed by how Ramona (I think it was) gushed over her shorts jumpsuit that she wore to one of the first HW gatherings during her first season. I also distinctly remember a stylish red dress she wore with gold rivets one season (again, before Adam) at, I want to say, a party for her friend, Mike Nichols. And that she wore a ball gown type dress to play cricket while in England.

Carole is a woman who went through the death of a husband. I think that’s probably been the most devastating relationship loss for her. She loved Adam, no doubt, but I’m not buying that their break up devastated her in any capacity since they remained friends.

A friendship with Bethenny though? And Bethenny being a snake? Yeah, that was probably enough for Carole. It ain’t worth it to film a show with a woman who you thought was your friend only to learn that she has slick things to suggest behind your back. 

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Who is the they being referred to in "their whipping girl"? Carole never seemed to get more hate posts than any other housewife in this franchise, IMO.  Maybe more than Kristen whose greatest sin was being boring. '

I definitely don't think a break up with Adam was more devastating than the death of her husband, but do think was was more ego-crushing. Particularly during this time in her life. I liked Carole a lot, but noticed her change in her SM posts over the last year. 

I'm assuming her desire to leave has more behind it than just her fight with Bethenny. Not everything on this franchise is about Bethenny. 

Edited by Otherkate
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God, that frenemy thing is jr. high. The idea of Carole being the whipping girl this season is ridiculous. It's Bethany this year. It was her turn. Last season was Sonja, I predict next season it being Dorinda.

Edited by ShawnaLanne
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15 minutes ago, ShawnaLanne said:

God, that frenemy thing is jr. high. The idea of Carole being the whipping girl this season is ridiculous. It's Bethany this year. It was her turn. Last season was Sonja, I predict next season it being Dorinda.

I agree and I so hope you're right about Dorinda.

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Probably not the right thread but it will be interesting to see Dorinda and Ramona scramble. They may have backed the “right” horse but I’m sure neither was counting on that horse leaving them high and dry. 

They both went in hard on Bethenny counting on carole’s Support. 

Somewhere in New York City Bethenny Frankel is grinning ear to ear at how much shit she will make those two eat next year. Is there an emoji for an evil laugh?

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Probably not the right thread but it will be interesting to see Dorinda and Ramona scramble. They may have backed the “right” horse but I’m sure neither was counting on that horse leaving them high and dry. 

Ooooh, that is so interesting....

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21 minutes ago, bagger said:

Probably not the right thread but it will be interesting to see Dorinda and Ramona scramble. They may have backed the “right” horse but I’m sure neither was counting on that horse leaving them high and dry. 

They both went in hard on Bethenny counting on carole’s Support. 

Somewhere in New York City Bethenny Frankel is grinning ear to ear at how much shit she will make those two eat next year. Is there an emoji for an evil laugh?



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3 hours ago, Ki-in said:

I hope she decided on a scorched Earth policy at the reunion for her exit. 


"I have decided to return to what I do best — journalism and producing"", says the woman who could barely finish a puff piece for Cosmo.


But please no Jill Zarin or other former HW's, only new blood.

Perhaps she can also advise politicians on American Indian affairs. 

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I’d much rather watch Carole, if only for her crazy clothes, than Bethenny-the-Narcissist. For me this show has been barely watchable for awhile because most of these women aren’t likeable - hope the casting director gets someone worth getting to know.

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I don't have an exact ratio but I just checked Twitter and was very surprised to see that there were more HW fans happy about Carole leaving than not.

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If Jill returns, I am out.  I may be out anyway.  Bethenny has just ruined this franchise for me, which I hate because I loved her in the early seasons.  I don’t watch the damn show to have it be 100% all about her.

Best wishes Carole.  I loved that you remained true to yourself.  Tell momma Heather that I miss her!!!

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I will not miss Carole.  Personally, I think her goose was cooked next season, b/c she had yet to be the punching bag on the show.  Carole was as fair weather friend, if there ever was one.  She disliked Luanne during her first season and took many snide jabs at her (which were not warranted), she then buddied up to Luanne in her second season when she was at odds with Aviva (and even Heather got annoyed with Carole that season), she then hooks up with Adam during her third season and neither she or Luanne handled that well, but of course she now hated Luanna again (Aviva was gone, no need for Luanne anymore).  She then begins to buddy up with Bethenny, went on some pretty amazing vacations with Bethenny, but Bethenny made the fatal mistake of insulting Saint Adam, and it was down with Bethenny.  Bethenny is no different this season than she has been any other season.  She did nothing more prior to this season that snark on Carole's clothes (which most of us do on here as well).  Carole acting as though she doesn't understand her feud with Bethenny is bullshit.  She's too smart not to know that Dorinda and Ramona were stoking the fires on that feud and she was happy for them to do it.  

The notion that Carole is now going to return to her true love journalism is frickin hilarious.  

I won't miss Carole.  I always enjoyed Heather on this show a lot more than Carole and her sparring with Bethenny was a lot more entertaining and seemed a  lot less calculated.  Somehow, I have a feeling we are going to be seeing a certain red-head back in the fold.  Just a hunch.  

Edited by AttackTurtle
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4 minutes ago, AnnA said:

I don't have an exact ratio but I just checked Twitter and was very surprised to see that there were more HW fans happy about Carole leaving than not.

I follow Bravo on Facebook and they aired clips from tonight's episode and the vast majority were not feeling Carole at all.

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58 minutes ago, Bronzedog said:

Not sure how in demand she’s going to be for journalism and producing jobs after taking a 20 year hiatus, but, the Radziwill name may still be of some help.

She has lots of connections in high places - she'll have no trouble getting opportunities if she wants them.

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5 minutes ago, Otherkate said:

She has lots of connections in high places - she'll have no trouble getting opportunities if she wants them.

Yeah but she'll have to get up before noon.

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I feel like Carole's truth problem was that she got in her own way. Both Luann and Bethenny were doing a great job of hanging themselves but being so bitchy about them instead of just letting them twist in the wind made people sympathetic, against their own judgement, in their favor.

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5 hours ago, BodhiGurl said:

Not at all surprised. Oh well. Will be interesting to see how the reunion goes down.

I think the reunion will be interesting.  It could be a shit show, with Carole spilling all her pent up frustrations with Bethenny and vice versa, or Carole could possibly take the high road and an "I don't give a shit" attitude about everything.  

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4 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

Not sure how in demand she’s going to be for journalism and producing jobs after taking a 20 year hiatus, but, the Radziwill name may still be of some help.

They’ll be lightweight, lots of on-studio-camera from behind a cozy news desk or at posh soirées hither and yon. It pains me veraciously (thanks, Carole) to say it, because several dozen young journalists will get passed over for plum assignments in favor of the Kennedy-adjacent “princess” with a tawdry reality pedigree.

ETA (because I initially forgot) that she might actually produce some stuff, but I bet it will be fluffier fluff than her Cosmo fluff stuff.

I’m  a born conspiracy theorist and usually I fight my natural inclinations, but in thus case I’m seeing Cohen abetting Carole in her exit. If they’re gay-mafia friends as I’ve heard, he would help her get attention and lend credence to her departure by having WEHL “fans” vote against her week after week, and getting “downvotes” from celebrity WWHL guests. 

“Fans” in quote marks because I really doubt any calls are correctly reported for those faux  polls; and “downvote” in quote marks because I strongly suspect celebs are coached on how to answer, the better to carry along the storyline. 

I stayed up on this season in spite of Bethenny, Ramona and Carole.  Now that Bethenny is morphing from bully to ubervictim & likely back to bully again, and Ramona will doubtless be there til she or the franchise dies, it won’t be difficult for me to toss it entirely. I’ll catch up with Lu, Do & Sonja when they make the gossip sites. Don’t have any investment in Tins, find Ro repulsive, never liked Beth, and lost interest in Carole when she abused Jules. 

Postng here and reading recaps — especially trashtalktv’s — has been enjoyable, though!!

Edited by BckpckFullaNinjas
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Just when she was standing up for herself and getting a voice that wasn't attached to someone else's rear end. I would have liked to have seen her next season and we could have lost Bethenny instead.

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5 hours ago, anonymiss said:

Just when she was standing up for herself and getting a voice that wasn't attached to someone else's rear end. I would have liked to have seen her next season and we could have lost Bethenny instead.

I would have liked to watch Carole On Her Own too - and yes, ditch Sucky Bethenny!

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Carole isn’t the problem. She’ll be off the show, and Bethenny will be in conflict with someone else over something ridiculous. Why? Because at her core, Bethenny is rotten. 

Damn “money can’t buy you class.” Money can’t buy you happiness, and since Bethenny is an unhappy rich woman, she’ll be there to make sure that those around her are unhappy.

Carole will leave this show, and, just as her friend, Heather, who left after being the target of Bethenny’s toxicity, she will go on to live her life awesomely, doing cool and exciting things. Her detractors will still keep tabs on her, too, so it’s a win lol. 

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Carole isn’t the problem. She’ll be off the show, and Bethenny will be in conflict with someone else over something ridiculous. Why? Because at her core, Bethenny is rotten. 

Damn “money can’t buy you class.” Money can’t buy you happiness, and since Bethenny is an unhappy rich woman, she’ll be there to make sure that those around her are unhappy.

Carole will leave this show, and, just as her friend, Heather, who left after being the target of Bethenny’s toxicity, she will go on to live her life awesomely, doing cool and exciting things. Her detractors will still keep tabs on her, too, so it’s a win lol. 

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17 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I am going to miss Carole. She is level-headed, calm, reasonable, so loyal and I never saw the smugness others saw. 

Ditto to all this!!! I'm not seeing what others are seeing either. Some people are more reserved with their emotions. I don't equate it to being cold. I guess if one is not a blubbering idiot screaming at the top of their lungs, then they have no soul. What would it accomplish if Carole acted like Bethenny while trying to have a so called adult conversation? Bethenny just screams back at Carole when she doesn't like what is being said. She twists and turns words. I know someone just like that, and I refuse to try to have a conversation with said person. It's so fucking exasperating!!!

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2 hours ago, Mozelle said:

Carole isn’t the problem. She’ll be off the show, and Bethenny will be in conflict with someone else over something ridiculous. Why? Because at her core, Bethenny is rotten. 

Damn “money can’t buy you class.” Money can’t buy you happiness, and since Bethenny is an unhappy rich woman, she’ll be there to make sure that those around her are unhappy.

Carole will leave this show, and, just as her friend, Heather, who left after being the target of Bethenny’s toxicity, she will go on to live her life awesomely, doing cool and exciting things. Her detractors will still keep tabs on her, too, so it’s a win lol. 

So true.  I will certainly miss Carol.  I wasn't always a fan, but, she grew on me and I am a fan now. I do hope that she will find peace in leaving this hell inspired club.  I hope she finds her niche. Congratulations, Carol on making it out. 

   So, we'll now see more of Bethenny finding someone else to feel put upon by.  OMG......eventually, they all will get a big old dose of the B.  She's warns people, but, due to her charm, they just don't believe it.   I suppose that I should feel sorry for her next victim, but, not really.  They are forewarned, as Carol was. 

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19 hours ago, AnnA said:

She didn't win them on her own.   She was part of the production team.  The team won.

She was part of the team that won the awards.  I don't know why anyone would want to try and trivialize that.  

19 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I am going to miss Carole. She is level-headed, calm, reasonable, so loyal and I never saw the smugness others saw. 

I think she's leaving at the perfect time.  This show is getting really boring.  The women are getting older.  Not much is going to be changing in their lives anytime soon.  Watching them trying to act younger than they are,  going to bars and revealing clothes, it's tiresome.  

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9 hours ago, Lemons said:

She was part of the team that won the awards.  I don't know why anyone would want to try and trivialize that.  

I think she's leaving at the perfect time.  This show is getting really boring.  The women are getting older.  Not much is going to be changing in their lives anytime soon.  Watching them trying to act younger than they are,  going to bars and revealing clothes, it's tiresome.  

No clue.  I can't get behind this line of thinking.  I mean, I am NOT a Bethenny fan, but I was vocal about how impressed I was by her humanitarian work in Texas, Puerto Rico, etc.  And I fully admit she hustled her ass off to get SkinnyGirl to where it is today.  Not sure why people - even those who detest Carole - can't just admit she had an impressive career at one point in time.  

To me, it comes down to this - no matter how you (general you) think Carole comes off on the show (wanna-be "cool girl" - "hipster" - "desperate" for Adam, ect), the fact remains that anybody I've ever heard talk about her (people who know her in real life) all have similar things to say about her: she's kind, thoughtful, a great listener and a loyal friend - and also lots of fun.  That is not something you hear about every Housewife on any franchise.  I think that means something, personally.  

Edited by Duke2801
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19 hours ago, Otherkate said:

She has lots of connections in high places - she'll have no trouble getting opportunities if she wants them.

I don't know that I believe that is true anymore. Carole on the show has shown herself to be lazy where writing is concerned, including missing a deadline for her last book (which tanked), and expressing amazement to the Cosmo editor that she would have a deadline for the puff piece she was writing. Not to mention lying on camera to the same editor as she was munching on popcorn, saying that she was at a certain point in writing the puff piece while in reality she had not even started. Not someone I would be calling on for any serious writing assignments, or any writing assignments at all. (And honestly, having read the puff piece online, anyone here could have written it). You can only coast so long on past accomplishments, and I think Carole's ship has sailed as far as having any meaningful career again is concerned. Maybe that is why she is shilling for a bunch of odds and sodds businesses. 

I do find it interesting that Carole announced she was leaving after the reunion taped. Didn't it just finish taping a few days ago? And Carole announced yesterday that she is leaving? Maybe the taping didn't go to her liking, and she figured she had better get out before she was asked to leave. Just a guess, of course. 

Edited by UsernameFatigue
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1 hour ago, UsernameFatigue said:

I don't know that I believe that is true anymore. Carole on the show has shown herself to be lazy where writing is concerned, including missing a deadline for her last book (which tanked), and expressing amazement to the Cosmo editor that she would have a deadline for the puff piece she was writing. Not to mention lying on camera to the same editor as she was munching on popcorn, saying that she was at a certain point in writing the puff piece while in reality she had not even started. Not someone I would be calling on for any serious writing assignments, or any writing assignments at all. (And honestly, having read the puff piece online, anyone here could have written it). You can only coast so long on past accomplishments, and I think Carole's ship has sailed as far as having any meaningful career again is concerned. Maybe that is why she is shilling for a bunch of odds and sodds businesses. 

I do find it interesting that Carole announced she was leaving after the reunion taped. Didn't it just finish taping a few days ago? And Carole announced yesterday that she is leaving? Maybe the taping didn't go to her liking, and she figured she had better get out before she was asked to leave. Just a guess, of course. 

This.  She's not only shown herself to be lazy, she talks about being a slacker, proudly. 

Whatevs, Radzi.  This is likely why her friendship with Heather took a dump because like Bethenny, Heather is a go-getter and it's hard to stomach someone who can't even keep a plant alive. 

Carole had a great opportunity on this show to make a six figure income in a few months and spend the off months, honing her craft.  How many writers, who haven't had a best seller in 13 years, wouldn't give their pinky fingers to have that guaranteed paycheck.

Granted, not all of them are cut out for reality TV, but Carole was. Until, mysteriously, she wasn't. She gave up the money and the trips and the fame for what?  I hope it was because she doesn't need the money nor the aggravation.  Although the only aggravation it seemed she was getting was from Bethenny.  And having to get up in the morning. 

I have no idea what she made per season, but it had to be at least a quarter of a million, yes?

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3 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

the fact remains that anybody I've ever heard talk about her (outside of the show ... on podcasts, etc) all have similar things to say about her: she's kind, thoughtful, a great listener and a loyal friend - and also lots of fun. 

That's what many of our boardmates, here, believed about her until they got to "know" her over the years.  I don't think the podcasters are all that deep.

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