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Ramona Singer: The Turtle Time Walk of Shame

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Anybody think Ramona is NOT coming back?  I had such high hopes for her to be canned.


Oh geez, I hope she is coming back.  The show is much more interesting, in my view, with her in it.  


There are times when I'd love to punch her but times when I love her to pieces.  I have been watching "Slutty Island" when she and Sonja were called white trash by Aviva and her and Sonja are so darn amusing.  When Aviva is yelling at them because she knows there have been men brought back, Ramona with the, "Yes, LuAnn brough them back..." and "That's your head trip."  I was dying. 


Not to mention her googling "White Trash."

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Ro was asked on WWHL if she's bought any Sonja Morgan NY.  Nope.  According to Ro It takes too long.  Great 'friend' Ro..... 


This is the reason Ramona is the best example of why I love to hate these women.


She, more than any of the others, says exactly what's on her mind.  Very, very little filter.  That's a HORRIBLE trait to have in the real world and in polite society, but a great one to possess for a reality show.


When Ramona says something about one of the other HWs, I tend to listen.  She has the inside track and imo, she's seldom wrong.  She's rude and impetuous and arrogant but she's speaks her mind to a fault.  I don't think she's a fabricator.


I also believe this is why everyone can forgive her because she's seldom wrong when she makes an observation about someone or something and they recognize an honesty (sans filter) in her.

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Her comments about Mario and her comments about herself at least being notable exceptions.


Of course.  I think she turned her head to Mario's cheating for a long time.  She placed so much importance on appearing to be the perfect married couple with the perfect businesses and the perfect child.  But I think she knew a long time ago that he was a cheater.  I wonder if that's addressed in her book.

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I thought Ramona looked fabulous on WWHL this past week. (she was on with Tamra )


Letting her hair grow longer and toning down her highlights to a warmer shade of blonde, and her figure all tanned and toned. 


By the way, Tamra's new boobs looked ridiculous in the low V neck jumpsuit.  

Edited by Bossa Nova
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Could someone remind me? Ramona's father was horrible and abusive, correct? Abuse in childhood often leads to narcissism in adulthood. Narcissists lack the ability to empathize. But wasn't Ramona's mother a pretty good mom? Wouldn't Ramona's mother have been able to provide some kind of a positive influence?

I imagine Romona would have been a hard nut to crack and quite a challenge for any mother..just my own opinion, of course

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I imagine Romona would have been a hard nut to crack and quite a challenge for any mother..just my own opinion, of course

Her mother encouraged her to get an education, so Ramona wouldn't be in her mother's position - a bad marriage, no money, no escape hatch.   I agree with you.


Ramona Singer is reportedly moving on from her cheating husband, Mario, with a new man

According to a report by Radar Online on September 17, the Real Housewives of New York City star is currently dating “millionaire mogul” Thomas D’Agostino, Jr.

Read more at http://www.inquisitr.com/2428076/ramona-singer-moves-on-from-mario-with-millionaire-thomas-dagostino-jr-report/#lgL8elqr92rQj6pB.99

I wonder what his family thinks about it.   My Italian family would chew her up and spit her out if she started acting up.  She may be good television, but she's a nutbag.

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The NY social scene cracks me up.   I wonder what was going on in Jill's brain when Mario and his side piece walked up to her and Bobby.  And when Sonja walked in and saw the four of them talking.    And how many of Ramona's other friends were also there and whether they spoke to Mario. 


I never thought I'd see the day that Jill Zarin didn't want to be photographed - if the side piece was going to be in the picture, that is.

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I know Moaner is hot and sexy and brilliant and beautiful -- actually, we all know this because the old girl never misses the opp to remind us -- but this outfit of over-the-knee boots and mini combined with what is either a case of image distortion or middle-age spread is just ... wrong:



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I know Moaner is hot and sexy and brilliant and beautiful -- actually, we all know this because the old girl never misses the opp to remind us -- but this outfit of over-the-knee boots and mini combined with what is either a case of image distortion or middle-age spread is just ... wrong:


Yikes---she's proof of that age-old saying that just because you CAN fit into and wear a tiny little dress, it doesn't mean you SHOULD wear said tiny little dress.

No doubt about it that she looks great and is in awesome shape for her age, but it'd be nice to see her rock a bit more of a sophisticated, age-appropriate look and not stick with that outdated style of little mini-dresses and boots that make her look like she's raiding her daughter's closet for outfits.

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She looks great. More power to her.

I absolutely agree. I clicked on the picture ready to snark but she actually looked good. Will never be a fan of Moaner's but she gets it right every once in a while.

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I think Ramona looks very good... the NY wives have much better surgery results than the OC ladies, that's for sure.  The boobs are a bit much, but I think her face and body have always been great. I was in awe of her butt in that bikini last season.. I'm half her age and my butt doesn't look that good.

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Ramona really is a mean spirited shrew.  I don't think she is as harmless and everyone thinks.  She lashes out at others when they do to her what she does to them.    Now when she is out with the ladies she is overly loud, obnoxious, and trying too hard to get all the attention.   She then criticizes others for the same thing she does.  She has been a bad friend to Dorinda, and Sonja constantly talking behind their backs.  Maybe it's time to start 'icing her out".

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I, honestly, do not think Ramona is always intentionally mean. I just don't. But, I think her issue is that she just doesn't think of others. Whatever first comes to mind, she says it. Whatever SHE thinks is right, she does it. She doesn't really have much respect for others, and that's almost worse. 

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On 12/26/2015 at 7:09 AM, steelcitysister said:

I know Moaner is hot and sexy and brilliant and beautiful -- actually, we all know this because the old girl never misses the opp to remind us -- but this outfit of over-the-knee boots and mini combined with what is either a case of image distortion or middle-age spread is just ... wrong:



She's got Methanphetamin eyes.  (to the tune of Betty Davis eyes)

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Ro looks great for her age.  I have to give her that.  However, the hair looks awful.  The attitude is awful.  The comments are awful.   Thinking about it, overall, she's pretty awful.  How's that trifecta working out.  Sorry Ro, you're no better than Yo or Lus.  No matter how hard you try to convince us differently.

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I watched the vow renewal episode yesterday - I think it aired last week some time.  And I have to say Ramona looked fabulous.  For her age she is amazing.  He figure looked great in that wedding dress, she had the shorter hair cut then, she looked totally bangin'.  The places that are hard to hide your age like her skin, face, neck, arms, all look great.  Mario is such a looser DB for leaving her.  I see him as such a scumbag.  Anyway... I agree the implants were a mistake, for her petite frame they are going to make her look heavy.  Her figure was great as it was.  

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3 hours ago, FamilyVan said:

I watched the vow renewal episode yesterday - I think it aired last week some time.  And I have to say Ramona looked fabulous.  For her age she is amazing.  He figure looked great in that wedding dress, she had the shorter hair cut then, she looked totally bangin'.  The places that are hard to hide your age like her skin, face, neck, arms, all look great.  Mario is such a looser DB for leaving her.  I see him as such a scumbag.  Anyway... I agree the implants were a mistake, for her petite frame they are going to make her look heavy.  Her figure was great as it was.  

I agree that the boobs and extensions were a bad idea when she had a cute figure. She is promoting the extensions on her site so there's that.  I've been waiting for her to fix her snaggle teeth. I don't understand why so many people get plastic surgery when they really need to spend some money on their teeth.

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So Ramona went after a married Luann for kissing married men on her blog today.  Didn't a very married Ramona kiss on the lips the Hooters guy?  And her married girlfriends much to the chagrin of her daughter?  Another hypocrite.

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53 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Another great headline.  Tick tock Ramona your two years and being remarried has 13 months left on it.  I guess she is pretty desperate to get married she crawled over a table to unseat Luann from a potential suitor:  http://www.sheknows.com/entertainment/articles/1089181/real-housewives-new-york-ramona-singer-conceited-husbands-affair

Not to mention they call her book (Life on the Ramona Coaster) Life on the Ramona Train. Probably not a word she wants to be associated with. 

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Yeah, Mario was clearly lusting after Sonja. I seriously hope that Sonja refrained from fucking that dog. For some reasons, I can"t imagine Bensimon being into Mario, he is too pedestrian for her.

I really hope this isn't true.  Because when I google searched for the attached picture of the three of them, I came across dozens of Ramona and Sonja, laughing and having fun over the years.  If Sonja and Mario hooked up, I'm surprised Ramona can be in the same room with her.  Sonja was the third wheel at many occasions with those two and thinking that all the while she was schtupping Mario would be such a betrayal.  But yeah, also while searching for this photo, which set my alarms off many years ago, I also saw many others of the 3 of them where there was chemistry between Sonja and Mario - so much so, that if you cut Ramona out of the pic, you'd never think she was there to begin with.  I'm not saying I absolutely think they cheated together, but there was certainly some chemistry there.


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2 hours ago, LIMOM said:

yep, his lower body is totally turned toward Sonja. the pecker (TM Patty Singer) does not lie....

Not only that, but his hand is actually cupping Sonja's ass.

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Ramona working her silicone, poorly done eye job and hair extensions: 

Ramona apparently has not quite learned the knack of reading a magazine:  Front to back and one at time.

For someone who has launched yet another skincare line what is she doing sun bathing?

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This came out a few years ago, but I re-read it this morning and just LOVE the comparison to Gene Hackman (and they're absolutely right - in the Berkshires alone, Ramona went from stirring the pot to making everyone get along for Dorinda's sake):

"She's probably a good nudge away from officially burning out, but every time it looks like we've gotten to the bottom of Ramona's well of bug-eyed crazy, she pulls out some more. Also worth noting, Ramona is equally adept at playing the villain as she is playing the hero, making her the Gene Hackman of Real Housewives."

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