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Jenelle: Birther Of 3, Mother To None


Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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13 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

The bolded words answered your own question. The level of delusion is truly mind boggling. Even if you take their history of being horrible people out of the equation and just go with Jenelle's "style", no one wants to look like that!

Ever since she showed up on TV, she has been dragged for her clothes and makeup, most notably, her terrible, awful eyebrows! 

It IS mind boggling.  I think she thinks she is going to be Kylie levels of successful and become a billionaire.   Same as with David’s black smithing or whatever it is he was trying to do.

***I certainly don’t want to dress like or look like Kylie, either, but I do like her lip kits.  And as far as I know she has never murdered any family pets or committed any child abuse or perpetrated racist ideals.

Edited by geauxaway
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1 hour ago, geauxaway said:

It IS mind boggling.  I think she thinks she is going to be Kylie levels of successful and become a billionaire.   Same as with David’s black smithing or whatever it is he was trying to do.

***I certainly don’t want to dress like or look like Kylie, either, but I do like her lip kits.  And as far as I know she has never murdered any family pets or committed any child abuse or perpetrated racist ideals.

I loathe the Kardashians, but I'd buy ALL my makeup from them before Jenelle's crap.

  • Love 15
33 minutes ago, rhofmovalley said:

Because they only pay attention to their fans and ignore or delete the "hatters", they think they have millions of people willing to buy their crap.  They constantly point to Jenelle's millions of Twitter and Instagram followers as proof they are loved and admired.  What they don't realize is many of their followers are only following to see what idiotic or illegal or frightening crap they'll get up to next.  Not because they like them and want to be like them.

There are enough people who still oooh and aahhh over them that they believe any business venture they start will make them millionaires.  They don't understand that most of those people don't have the money to pay for the things they're shilling.  It costs nothing to write "Oh, Jenelle, you're so STRONG!  You've overcome SO MUCH!!  Your kids are so adorable and you're such a GOOD MOTHER!  ANY DAY now you'll GET JACE BACK!!!"  But when it comes to whipping out their debit card to make a purchase...yeah, not going to happen.

This x 1000. Most of the followers are hate followers and only look to keep people updated on their latest crap. The few who actually believe the shit they spew are mostly single mothers living from paycheck to paycheck or on public assistance. Reading what the leghumpers write pretty much proves they're just as ignorant and illiterate as the swamp things. Her 'fans' think it's fine to beat your kids with a stick, occasionally beat your wife to keep her in line and had no problem with that monster brutally murdering Nugget. A real brain trust of people there!

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The Kardashians are at least smart about both their fame and infamy.  Say what you want to about Kim she is using her fame for a good cause these days.   The Easton’s on the other hand are completely blind to how they are perceived by 4/5s of the population.  They honestly don’t understand why no one wants to buy something with Janelle’s name on it.  It must be us.   It is certainly not them.

  • Love 10
52 minutes ago, Chaos Theory said:

The Kardashians are at least smart about both their fame and infamy.  Say what you want to about Kim she is using her fame for a good cause these days.   The Easton’s on the other hand are completely blind to how they are perceived by 4/5s of the population.  They honestly don’t understand why no one wants to buy something with Janelle’s name on it.  It must be us.   It is certainly not them.

They don't realize their "fans" have no money to buy their crap.  If you read the comments left by their "fans", you will see the saddest examples of a barely-literate population.  The misspellings, the standards they seem to hold to (when someone thinks Jenelle is a "wonderful mother" it makes you wonder what they think a "bad" mother is), the lashing out at anyone who doesn't agree that Jenelle is the most bestest mother who ever mothered...it's not a group that one would assume has much disposable income.  But the two dumbasses don't realize that, maybe because they come from that very same group but got lucky enough to stumble onto being hired for a reality TV show.

I'm picturing them checking their sales numbers and trying to decide who to blame for the dismal results.

  • Love 19



“Why should Jenelle and I lose our money, and why is MTV supporting Amber when Jenelle and I have done nothing wrong?” Barbara said. “We were on [the show] for 10 years too, and they stopped filming with us.”

“Why is this fair? Why were we let go, and she wasn’t?”

As Radar first reported, Amber was arrested for domestic battery on July 5, 2019 after allegedly attacking her baby daddy Andrew Glennon with a machete as he held their 1-year-old son James.

“Amber has machetes, and MTV supports her and isn’t taking her off the show,” Barbara reasoned to Radar, adding that she and her daughter brought the “highest ratings” to the franchise.

“I was the only one on that show who was on the billboard in Times Square,” she pointed out.

As Radar reported, Jenelle made $400,000 a season for the show, according to court records, and Barbara confirmed that she was making the same amount before she lost her income.

“Jenelle and I made the same amount of money,” Barbara told Radar. “I make the same amount of money as Jenelle and the other girls on the show. This is not fair.”

Barbara told Radar why she believed Amber should be let go from the show. "She's a convicted felon," she said.

“It was very hard for him to admit how hard it was for him to be on TV and being filmed,” Barbara said Jenelle told her about David’s struggle on MTV. “If you never did it before, all of a sudden you’re thrown into this limelight. It can be very awful.”

“People should forgive him and stop hating. And move on. Everyone else is moving on,” Barbara said, and gave an update on their children. “The kids are doing well, everyone is happy. Maryssa, Jace, Kaiser and Ensley, we are all doing fine.”

Radar readers know they were let go after David shot and killed the family dog Nugget. An investigation and court hearings by Child Protective Services initially had all four children removed from their home, but the case was dismissed, and the children were returned to The Land. “Nothing was ever found wrong. And David has now changed himself,” Barbara shared.

Barbara told Radar she just wanted to be treated fairly. “We were on MTV for 10 years. It isn’t fair that we were dismissed so abruptly.”

Edited by druzy
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“Jenelle and I made the same amount of money,” Barbara told Radar. “I make the same amount of money as Jenelle and the other girls on the show. This is not fair.”

You know what isn't fair, Barb? Murdering an innocent dog. Know what also isn't fair, Barb? The turmoil, chaos, and abuse that's going on in your daughter's home because of your toxic daughter and her white nationalist piece of shit husband. 

This one's for you and your sick idea of "fairness," Barb:


Get a job.

41 minutes ago, Giant Misfit said:

You know what isn't fair, Barb? Murdering an innocent dog. Know what also isn't fair, Barb? The turmoil, chaos, and abuse that's going on in your daughter's home because of your toxic daughter and her white nationalist piece of shit husband. 

This one's for you and your sick idea of "fairness," Barb:


Get a job.

Really. If Barbara is short on cash, that is her own damn fault. If she hasn't used her former substantial paychecks to save for her retirement years, that is her own fault. She was the one lecturing Jenelle years ago about saving her money for a rainy day. If she doesn't have enough savings and her retirement isn't enough, she needs to just get another job.

  • Love 23
1 hour ago, geauxaway said:

The dog murderer exists in the TM orbit solely because Jenelle brought him in.  So, yah, she IS to blame.  

To be fair, Randy went on a similar rant when they were worried that the show would be cancelled, stating why should his daughter lose her money because of someone else.  So, it seems to be a common mentality amongst this whole crew.  Which is ignorant.

They can all fuck right off, and I am horrified at Barbs statement. Can she really believe that?!

Randy sounds pretty fucking entitled: he needs to remember his daughter gets "her money" at the will of the tv watching public.

Edited by blubld43
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22 minutes ago, suzeecat said:

Barb has one thing right: "Everyone else is moving on".  I think the whole lot of them should be canned and start up with a totally new cast.  "Teen Moms" with ten year olds is ridiculous and a farce.  It's just sick and twisted how they have more babies just to stay relevant on the show and grab that paycheck.  The "Unexpected" cast just proves that there is no shortage of new TEENAGED trainwrecks having babies.  These "Teen Moms" have just gotten too big for their britches and need to go back to the holler and alleys that they came from. 

I agree and if anyone wants to keep up with these 30 year old "Teen Moms" they can look at their drama filled social media. Keep it moving.

  • Love 22

I'll try to paraphrase a story told by Jay Leno to someone years ago:

So you're hired to do a television show, and you say "Holy Crap, look how much money they're paying me for this!"  Then a few years later it's over, and you say "Oh No, I don't have a paycheck anymore!" 

Well, remember that big pile of money they paid you?  This is why.

Edited by Snarky McSnarky
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To be fair in Barbara’s case some of it probably went to keep custody of Jace.

To be unfair she has always had a passive aggressive relationship with Janelle which at least to some extent is on her.   But again to be fair Janelle does have her over a barrel.  She can hold her remaining children hostage if Barbara doesn’t give her money when she wants it so my guess a lot of her money went to Janelle.  

  • Love 7

You know what isn't fair, Barb? Murdering an innocent dog. Know what also isn't fair, Barb? The turmoil, chaos, and abuse that's going on in your daughter's home because of your toxic daughter and her white nationalist piece of shit husband. 

I'd like to invite Barb to STFU. Forever. Barb's own shitty parenting and lack of boundaries are the real problem. Any compassion I ever felt for her evaporated. Doing her bitch of a daughtah's dirty work shows tells me everything I ever need to know about her real intentions for the past ten years. Poor Jace. He should have been put up for adoption.

  • Love 18
On 9/15/2019 at 12:11 PM, rhofmovalley said:

Because they only pay attention to their fans and ignore or delete the "hatters", they think they have millions of people willing to buy their crap.  They constantly point to Jenelle's millions of Twitter and Instagram followers as proof they are loved and admired.  What they don't realize is many of their followers are only following to see what idiotic or illegal or frightening crap they'll get up to next.  Not because they like them and want to be like them.

There are enough people who still oooh and aahhh over them that they believe any business venture they start will make them millionaires.  They don't understand that most of those people don't have the money to pay for the things they're shilling.  It costs nothing to write "Oh, Jenelle, you're so STRONG!  You've overcome SO MUCH!!  Your kids are so adorable and you're such a GOOD MOTHER!  ANY DAY now you'll GET JACE BACK!!!"  But when it comes to whipping out their debit card to make a purchase...yeah, not going to happen.

I went in a rabbit hole years ago looking for reviews of Jenelle’s original (Pinnacle) makeup line. 

And came across this gem on Reddit (too confusing to me on a regular basis). Somebody actually asked if anybody had any of her “clothing line”. If it was any good, she was thinking of buying something with her tax refund. 

Seriously. I hope that was a goof. I ain’t got no problem if you’re poor. I fully realize I won the USA genetic lottery (and then DC gentrification). But the fact that anybody wanted to give up any of their limited funds, makes my blood boil.

BTW - to those who know me and my commercial real estate expertise. I’m out - thank Sweet Baby Jesus. I’m now working for a non-profit doing affordable housing. Making 1/2 the money - but see genetic lottery and DC gentrification. I felt the need to give back.

  • Love 13
16 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Sales update! A whopping 27 of Thundercunt's "You Too Can Have Sperm Eyebrows" kits have been sold! There are only 2,823 left, better hurry if you want one🤣🤣

That is hilarious! I am seriously enjoying seeing this bitch fail, although I don't really want her to fail to the point where she goes on public assistance and the taxpayers are supporting her, The Murderer and all their spawn.

Edited by starfire
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On 9/18/2019 at 10:03 PM, starfire said:

OK, I am a little confused.........they are still under contract but are not being paid because they aren't being filmed?

I think it's like when you work at a retail store or restaurant and you are never on the schedule - maybe technically not "fired" but you don't work there anymore.

MTV may be handling it this way because it's easier than terminating her contract - they just let it run out and don't offer her a new one. It seems like the contract is written in such a way that they only get paid for filming, and signing the contract doesn't guarantee that they get paid anything without filming. Why go through the hassle of terminating a contract if you can keep the contract without having to pay anything? You know Jenelle would send out a tweet asking if anyone knew a good contracts lawyer, if MTV terminated her contract. 

Edited by MargeGunderson
I can spell better than Jenelle
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On 9/13/2019 at 8:57 PM, FairyDusted said:

Yeah....I draw the line RIGHT THERE! 

Are eyebrow kits really a huge thing? Cuz I've found tweezers at the drug store for under 2 bucks have gotten me by in life just fine. A 20 dollars wax on occasion.  

I admit to having no eyebrows (what exists is really light). I always thought it was a good thing not to have to pluck any (see lazy).

Funny thing is, my nephews (11 and 13) actually asked me a few weeks ago when visiting why I didn’t have any. First time that ever happened. I was tempted to tell them it happened in a knife fight.

And no Barb - they didn’t light the contract on fire in front of you, but you were fired. I’m sure there’s a clause in the contract they can let you go at anytime. Plus didn’t Jenelle made 8,000 threats that she was going to quit unless they met her demands?

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Reading through some of this again, I'm completely disgusted with these so called adults acting as though they're somehow entitled to the MTV money. All of them can fuck off, the gravy train is in the station!

I haven't watched it myself in years, just keep up here. We all know these children have suffered. Let them ALL rejoin the real world, in which things are often difficult.

  • Love 17

Everyone knows Ensley does not have Down syndrome. Posts suggesting that she does will be removed and warnings issued. Posts such as these leave the impression that an arguably unflattering picture could somehow be construed as a child being disabled is considered ableist and is against the rules of the board.

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