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S37.E03: I Am Goliath Strong


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Finally a Goliath loss, and Natalie survives.  Of course when she steps up in a challenge they lose, but glad Jeremy was paranoid enough and an idol snoop that it cost him.  His strategy rantings made no sense.  I don’t care if I’m on an island of one, I love Natalie so far!  And usually I don’t like her type on here.

Natalia and Angelina can go anytime.  I think Angelina acting like she’s the sole one in charge may come back to bite her.  Hopefully it’s ‘harmless’ Natalie that leads to her downfall.


Natalie needs to go solely for “Goliath strong.”  Not another season of that, PLEASE.

My hope is she merely said that to survive to the next day.  Because if there is one thing that will make me stop rooting for her (and hate the Goliaths more), it's that.

  • Love 13

The only other Goliath I’m liking is John, but I’m curious where his feelings for Natalie come from.  Do they have some UTR alliance going on?  Not that I’m objecting, but it seems weird he’s rallying for her to stay when we haven’t really seen anything about them bonding.

I still like Christian, but hate the Mason-Dixon alliance.  Perhaps Nick needs to brush up on his math skills and realize that they are two people in a tribe of eight.  I wonder if he really thinks he can win against Christian in the end?  It’s still very early but I have my doubts.  Christian seems like the one who may really be the brains in that alliance.

And suddenly Gabby is a slayer who orchestrated the Jessica boot.  Is Nick a wee bit jealous the other half of Mason/Dixon may have eyes for someone else?  I love everything about a Gabby/Christian nerd showmance, especially if Gabby breaks up the Mason/Dixon.

So far, I’m enjoying this season, but I also enjoyed the pre-merge portion of last season, too.  So we’ll see if it keeps up.  I am liking the editing way more this season!  I feel like we’re getting a little more camp life, bonds, and strategy.  I like that both idols have already been found so there’s not that to deal with.  I do wish we had seen Elizabeth and Lyrsa’s reaction to the TC aftermath at camp, but Elizabeth’s smile at the IC when Jeff announced Jessica’s boot was enough, I guess.

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Natalie is great. I loved her voting confessional. I hope she stays for a,long time. She is entertaining ina  very Abi-Maria sort of way which I just love.  I am pretty sure I am island of one because I like most of the Goliath tribe.  I had to laugh at Natalie wanting to vote Natalie of solely because she didn't like her. Reminded me of Rudy all the way back in season one.  

  • Love 7
22 minutes ago, mojoween said:

JEREMY! Oh my god STOP TALKING.  I am oh so sad.

Not only because I love him (and he does have delicious skin) but because Angelina got her way.

I feel all the ways that you feel.

Jeremy played that all wrong.  I can't believe he went so....... Tasmanian Devil?  Oh my goodness, he totally lost his cool or never had any.  He should be teaming up with Mike White, Natalie, and the wrestler guy, and make an alliance.  Oh god.  I'm so sad.  Jeremy and Natalie's dynamics were so fascinating, until he started to just get mean at Tribal.

I TOTALLY get where Jeremy's coming from that he doesn't want Natalie to talk to people without him, but he handled almost every situation badly.  I think I would have said "That's cool", left, and then simply come back to ask what happened after.  You just gotta soothe people and tell them what they want to hear all of the time.  Instead he kept doing the opposite of that.

Oh boy I do not like Angelina.  I prefer Natalie hardcore.  Or I should say Natalie Napalm.

I loved hearing just the tiniest bit of development for Carl at the beginning there.  That was heartbreaking.  I cried when the Davids won.  

I really hated at Tribal when Natalie said something innocuous like "I'm old - vote someone else out" and then Jeff said "JEREMY"?  Why does he get to do dumb shit like that?

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 20

I haven't been a fan of Natalie's, but that TC was uncomfortable like watching an intervention.  

Also no fan of Jeremy's, so glad he's gone.   In fact, there are about six other members of Goliath that can go next and I'll be happy.

Christian and Gabby are kind of adorable together right now.  Or maybe Gabby's adorable about Christian, and Christian's just adorkable. 

  • Love 17

Catty women and whining men on David.  Ugh

I'm not liking this foreshodowing of Nat and Johnny wrestler going far

Jeremy and this whole homage to dead daddy makes kind of ill.  

I spent too many years trying to get Dad's approval before I realized it was a futile exercise and moved on.

I hope this edit leads to his demise.  ya'all can get rid of snarling Natalie any time.

Nick seems to think he's some kind of stable genius.  Gabby was the lynchpin of booting Jessica.  bad strategery.

I loved Elizabeth's smile at the announcement of Jessica's boot.

The nasty girls sit out.  Natalie has this.  Hahahahahahah!

Well done geek Davids!

This is why I still love this show after all these years.

Natalie throws the race card at Jeremy right away, he fights back, and screws himself with the "house meeting".  Dumbass.

But the nasty girls and their boy-toys wanted Jeremy out, so she gets away with it. 

Careful what you wish for....

She's the new Phillip and will be around forever.

Spelling is a lost art (sigh)

  • Love 5

What was so wrong with keeping Jeremy? Basically, Natalie could be related to Philip for all we know. All delusions and bluster, and I bet nobdoy would actually take a bullet for her like she claims. The worst part is that she'll go far as a sacrificial goat, and those that are less fat will get cut away because people might think she'll be someone else's problem. The first time Philip played, he got $100K basically for being an asshole. The second time, it took a multiple idol play to send him to the bench. I swear, I make the comparison not out of race, but because Natalie and Philip are mostly the same person . . . and that person was/is a pain in the ass to watch every week.

Is "Slamtown" anything like Guy Fieri's "Flavortown"?

Oh, so "Bi" is pronounced "Bee." Okay, then. Good to know.

I should be happy Mike is still in there . . . but it looks like his facial hair is merging with his hairline. I don't know how else to describe it, but it's not a great look. At least he's sane, though.

  • Love 11

Wow, what a strange episode. First, because half of it took place in the shower. Seriously, that's the wettest episode to date. 

Second, because of the weird, weird dynamic at tribal,with both of the 2 black Survivors totally at loggerheads. I don't recall ever seeing that before. I definitely didn't enjoy Natalie's smug expression as Jeremy was voted out. 

I loved the expression on the David's faces when they finally won. 

Snarky remark : which fashion look is worse... the gray yoga pants, or the Cowgirl with no pants at all? Actually, much of the cast is pretty snarkarific this season, fashion-wise. Then again, I do appreciate the realness, and that this isn't a cast of models. I can only imagine what I would look like after a few days of living in the wild in nonstop rain. I can guarantee no one would want to see that. 

  • Love 21

There is an Alec?  When did he show up?

I liked Jeremy last week but he got overconfident and talked himself off the Natalie's island. 

I'm so glad the Goliaths lost. May it be the first of a long string of Goliath losses... Natalie, Angelina, Natalia... I don't care what order, they all suck.  Maybe not Alec though, whoever he is.

  • Love 20
14 minutes ago, LadyChatts said:

The only other Goliath I’m liking is John, but I’m curious where his feelings for Natalie come from.  Do they have some UTR alliance going on?  Not that I’m objecting, but it seems weird he’s rallying for her to stay when we haven’t really seen anything about them bonding.

My guess is he's picked her as his goat, and also, as he says, no one will suspect them.  I believe they did have a conversation at one point, but at the beginning they're all doing that, so it's easy to miss one.


5 minutes ago, PaperTree said:

Catty women and whining men on David.  Ugh

I'm not liking this foreshodowing of Nat and Johnny wrestler going far

Jeremy and this whole homage to dead daddy makes kind of ill.  

I spent too many years trying to get Dad's approval before I realized it was a futile exercise and moved on.


He's not dead, he has Altzheimers

  • Love 10

This is the second time Angelina basically "sat out" of a challenge -- she had to be replaced in the last challenge by Kara, then she sat out here and of course, got the right answer. Hoping this was her one and only big move -- getting out the guy who talked himself out. The entitlement that wafts off her is ... something else. It wasn't even like she was in direct danger from Jeremy. And who describes dictating the vote as their "shining moment?"

I'm getting a real Big Brother vibe from the David tribe. Not only the fact that Mason-Dixon is a named alliance, but it's a secret alliance. Maybe it's recency bias, but I feel like most prominent Survivor alliances are sort of out in the open, or at least not as cloak-and-dagger as this one.

  • Love 6
11 minutes ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

You just gotta soothe people and tell them what they want to hear all of the time.

It's gotten me rather far in life  :)

Pick the right battles.

1 minute ago, princelina said:

My guess is he's picked her as his goat, and also, as he says, no one will suspect them.  I believe they did have a conversation at one point, but at the beginning they're all doing that, so it's easy to miss one.


He's not dead, he has Altzheimers

Thanks, missed that.

  • Love 3
8 minutes ago, Melina22 said:

Snarky remark : which fashion look is worse... the gray yoga pants, or the Cowgirl with no pants at all?

I was actually trying to settle that debate today, funny you mentioned that exact thing! To me, they are both horrific and need to get off my teevee but I eventually came down on the "some pants are better than no pants" side. Something about the cowboy hat with no pants is especially disturbing...

Jeremy pulled off one the best "assure you're the vote tonight" speeches ever. That sure was a doozy. Glad it wasn't wasted.

I love when Probst gets to give everyone little Survivor Lessons to close Tribal, like his "The bad side of a perfect blindside is... you might be next." (approx).

  • Love 22
8 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

I was actually trying to settle that debate today, funny you mentioned that exact thing! To me, they are both horrific and need to get off my teevee but I eventually came down on the "some pants are better than no pants" side. Something about the cowboy hat with no pants is especially disturbing...

Jeremy pulled off one the best "assure you're the vote tonight" speeches ever. That sure was a doozy. Glad it wasn't wasted.

I love when Probst gets to give everyone little Survivor Lessons to close Tribal, like his "The bad side of a perfect blindside is... you might be next." (approx).

I loved when Natalie said something to the effect of she'd be surprised if it was a blindside and not her going home, and Jeremy just casually agreed. 

I also loved when Probst did his standard "if anyone has the hidden immunity idol..." and Dan was just looking around trying not to look suspicious.

  • Love 5

Some much to vent about so little time.

First, my number one thing that got me Kavanaugh style angry...and that is Christian is little rat weasel! I hated him for conspiring against sweet little Gabby who is my favorite of the season...she's so trusting...believing him to be her closest allie and he does that. He's dead to me. The other Mason/Dixon guy you'd expect that from but no the guy who answered yes to "Do you want to play with me?" and not in the sand. Just a complete douche.


Then we have an entire team that has a room temperature IQ for voting out a strong player that will help you win challenges and keep in a proven weakling and agitator. If I hadn't watched that with my own eyes I wouldn't believe it.

With that said I knew Jeremey was going home ten minutes in....how many times can the editors trot out the hitherto unknown sad backstory in this case a Dad with Alzheimers and think that we the audience don't know they are only revealing this because its the last chance to get it in before the castaway gets booted at the end of the episode. They must think we are stupid or something.

Be's injured leg feels like Chekov's gun for her possibly getting a boot in the near future if she can't perform.

There was something vaguely disturbing about seeing Elizabeth prancing about dressed in just a shirt and undies ala Tom Cruise in RISKY BUSINESS during the challenge. It seemed wrong on some many levels.

Speaking of wrong every time I see Mike I get a little agitated because I think of all the AMAZING RACERS that were beloved/and or interesting that would be welcomed back on to the screens like Bopper and THIS is the guy they stunt cast with? Mike? Are you _____ing kidding me? Hell, I'd take Charla or Myrna any day over this boring, bland wastrel.

Lysera...what the hell is up with the editors...backstabbing, blindsiding...all that went down to save her and we get no follow up with her on how she felt to be saved and to live to see another day. Nothing...just a two-second shout during the challenge and that was her one and only speaking role and close up for the entire episode. I love you Gabby but you went out of your way to save a complete dud.

Who knew there was a blonde realtor with pigtails on GOLIATH? That's how unbalanced it has been getting to know everyone so far that is not a DAVID.

Ending on a positive note Jeremey was SO AN AVATAR for us Previously TV Forum members when he was dropping truth bombs about  Natalie early on in the tribal!

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 7

Well I am sorry Jeremy is gone.  He talked to much tonight for sure BUT the vote was a done dea bwfore he ran his mouth at tribal and that was all down to whats her face targeting him.  

Talk about someone who is out for herself.  She wasnt worried about Goliath winning the next challenge becayse she knew there would be a swap...so she was well let me just get rid of a threat now.  Smart move and I admire it but I lije Jeremy so game hate her.  

I REALLY hope she ends up on a tribe of all weak idiots and goes to tribal every week.

Was seriously dissapointed in Mike.  Why didnt he reel Jeremy in and tell him to stop back in camp?  Not much of a friend.


Gabby did you really help with that puzzle win?  

Was sort of surprised at tge way mason dixon was throwing her under the bus

  Seems sort of conflicting from Christians standpoint.  

  • Love 7
13 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Some much to vent about so little time.

First, my number one thing that got me Kavanaugh syle angry...and that is Christian is little rat weasel! I hated him for conspiring against sweet little Gabby who is my favorite of the season...she's so trusting...believing him to be her closest allie and he does that. He's dead to me. The other Mason/Dixon guy you'd expect that from but no the guy who answered yes to "Do you want to play with me?" and not in the sand. Just a complete douche.


Then we have an entire team that has a room temperature IQ for voting out a strong player that will help you win challenges and keep in a proven weakling and agitator. If I hadn't watched that with my own eyes I wouldn't believe it.

With that said I knew Jeremey was going home ten minutes in....how many times can the editors trot out the hitherto unknown sad backstory in this case a Dad with Alzheimers and think that we the audience don't know they are only revealing this because its the last chance to get it in before the castaway gets booted at the end of the episode. They must think we are stupid or something.

Be's injured leg feels like Chekov's gun for her possibly getting a boot in the near future if she can't perform.

There was something vaguely disturbing about seeing Elizabeth prancing about dressed in just a shirt and undies ala Tom Cruise in RISKY BUSINESS during the challenge. It seemed wrong on some many levels.

Speaking of wrong every time I see Mike I get a little agitated because I think of all the AMAZING RACERS that were beloved/and or interesting that would be welcomed back on to the screens like Bopper and THIS is the guy they stunt cast with? Mike? Are you _____ing kidding me? Hell, I'd take Charla or Myrna any day over this boring, bland wastrel.

Lysera...what the hell is up with the editors...backstabbing, blindsiding...all that went down to save her and we get no follow up with her on how she felt to be saved and to live to see another day. Nothing...just a two-second shout during the challenge and that was her one and only speaking role and close up for the entire episode. I love you Gabby but you went out of your way to save a complete dud.

Who knew there was a blonde realtor with pigtails on GOLIATH? That's how unbalanced it has been getting to know everyone so far that is not a DAVID.

Ending on a positive note Jeremey was SO AN AVATAR for us Previously TV Forum members when he was dropping truth bombs about  Natalie early on in the tribal!

Lysera really did have an invisible day after Tribal Council edit. I guess there are too many characters left plus the Jeremy/ Natalie battle they didn’t have time. Lame excuse but sorta true.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, mojoween said:

JEREMY! Oh my god STOP TALKING.  I am oh so sad.

Not only because I love him (and he does have delicious skin) but because Angelina got her way.

The tribe may want to keep an eye on her, because every time she brought it up it was “*I* want him out.”  Not very team oriented, that one.

Natalie needs to go solely for “Goliath strong.”  Not another season of that, PLEASE.

So much to agree with in your succinct post.  I was sure they would vote out Angelina just for going so hard for Jeremy.

1 hour ago, cooksdelight said:

If you are going to search other people’s belongings for an idol, don’t brag about it.

Ok, this brings up something I missed while yakking on the phone  - How many people heard him brag and was one of them Angelina or Natalie?

1 hour ago, PaperTree said:

I spent too many years trying to get Dad's approval before I realized it was a futile exercise and moved on.

Snort!  My dad never forgave me for NOT being a cocktail waitress and going to college and obtaining a Master's degree.

45 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

"some pants are better than no pants"


16 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Sad to see Jeremy go, but he played way too hard and made people nervous.  If he just took it easy they would have voted the useless, obnoxious cow out instead.

And he was the one trying to "educate" Natalie on how to play the game.  Ha Ha.

12 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Hell, I'd take Charla or Myrna any day over this boring

I'd watch that.

  • Love 3

Boy, they really telegraphed a Goliath loss early on, I think it went something like "Hey, why are we arguing right now ? We safe, we not at (or going ) to tribal. That's when you start to debate !" Then voila, they lose ! Survivor, master of subtlety.


I wasn't quite as sure it was going to be a blindside on Jeremy, until maybe half way thru tribal, then  I was fairly sure. It seemed to me like he knew also-- that he had said too much and said it in a way that doomed him. Or maybe not, but that was my read. Frankly, after this episode and all the back & forth, I didn't really care which one went.  I think I would have voted Natalie, though. Unless all the rest of the challenges are bossing people around and providing sass, she's not going to be very useful.

  • Love 10
24 minutes ago, willco said:

Boy, they really telegraphed a Goliath loss early on, I think it went something like "Hey, why are we arguing right now ? We safe, we not at (or going ) to tribal. That's when you start to debate !" Then voila, they lose ! Survivor, master of subtlety.

Doesn't the episode always focus on the tribal dynamics of the team who is going to lose the immunity challenge?  Or did I make that up?

  • Love 3

So glad The Davids won the immunity challenge. The look on the Goliaths face when they realized they lost was satisfying. I'm actually cool with them dumping Jeremy in favor of Natalie.

I hope Bi will be okay with her injuring her knee. I hope that doesn't hinder her performance in the challenges and they get rid of her for that. I like Bi, so I hope she sticks around.

Someone else I don't mind on The Goliath tribe is Alison. Wish she'd get more confessionals. I like her.

  • Love 6

I’m glad Jeremy is gone.  So paranoid about everything, turned everyone off.  I do agree with Natalie when she said she didn’t understand why she wasn’t allowed to talk to people to try and save herself.  And he also didn’t want people to talk to others and have “side conservations”.   They sit around 90% of the time with nothing to do, why aren’t they allowed to talk to each other in pairs?

When Nick, Bi and Davie were on the raft while Gabby was fishing, Bi was talking about how she wanted Gabby out because she turned on Jessica.  Nick is all “I know right”.  But can’t Bi do the math?  Who does she think voted out Jessica?  She knows that there were five votes for Jessica, she should know who the four votes were for Lyrsa, why can’t she figure out that Nick voted for Jessica?

Editing for this episode was terrible.  As soon as they showed Jeremy having a tribe meeting about not having side conversations, I knew right away that Goliath would lose and Jeremy would go home.

Then in Nick’s confessional, we see him talking with a yellow scarf draped around his neck, cuts away to show other people, no break in conversation as he keeps talking, cut back to him and he is bare chested with no scarf, still talking, cut away to show others, still talking, cut back, scarf is back.  I know that these confessionals must be filled multiple times but they should at least make it not so obvious.  

  • Love 1
53 minutes ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

One of my biggest pet peeves about Survivor. You spend all this time with your tribemates, and you still have no clue how to spell their name? Especially when it's a "normal" regular name. Or a name that's like 3-4 letters long or something. Come on, people. 


Did Jeremy's vote for Natalie say Nicole? Or did I see it wrong? 

  • Love 1
3 minutes ago, Charlesman said:


Did Jeremy's vote for Natalie say Nicole? Or did I see it wrong? 

He wrote N. Cole.  I thought he might be making a reference to Natalie Cole, but maybe I'm wrong.  When I first saw him write N. I thought he was going to be funny and put something stupid on there that Jeff would have to yell at him about because he didn't understand who he meant.  


I’m glad Jeremy is gone.  So paranoid about everything, turned everyone off.  I do agree with Natalie when she said she didn’t understand why she wasn’t allowed to talk to people to try and save herself.  And he also didn’t want people to talk to others and have “side conservations”.   They sit around 90% of the time with nothing to do, why aren’t they allowed to talk to each other in pairs?

I will cut Jeremy a break, because Natalie could have handled that better.  To know she's on the chopping block, and she approaches a group of people but doesn't want you included, I'd be suspicious, too.  I'm glad she was at least trying and didn't just take Jeremy's advice that it was an uphill battle to save herself, so she just gave up.  She should probably thank her lucky stars that Jeremy made Angelina more paranoid so she decided to target him first, because she assumes Natalie will be an easy boot next.  Why no one thought about targeting Angelina for having a 'my way or the highway' attitude over booting Jeremy, I don't know.  

  • Love 12

I don't like Natalie. I have not liked her since the first episode. Saying that at 57 she is a "senior citizen" makes me dislike her on a whole new level. Why would they keep her? What value is she? She can't be trusted, she's not good in challenges, she doesn't do anything around camp, & nobody gets along with her. What is the purpose of keeping her? I don't get it.

  • Love 22
5 hours ago, Rachel RSL said:

Oh man, I’m so bummed. Jeremy was one of the few people I liked on the Goliaths. He was so amusing. And pretty. Other than Natalie, Slamtown and Mike, I can’t tell the rest of them apart. They’re all just so generic. 

Yep those are the only 4 I know too on that tribe.  The rest are generic mactors or mactor wannabes like clueless cop guy.  (I know there is a cop guy with the idol but I can't tell him apart from the other generic 20-something white males).


2 hours ago, OutOfTheQuestion said:

From the previous episode, that scene where the three Goliath women are talking about how they each have a guy as their second....was it was Natalie/Alec and Angelina/John, or the other way around?

Natalie the bossy one has one of the generic while males wrapped around her little finger?


1 hour ago, MVFrostsMyPie said:

I guess I'm just one of those people that likes to know how to spell people's names in general. My own name gets misspelled or mispronounced frequently, so I make an effort to make sure I get other people's names right. 

Members of your tribe: "Hey there is a person wanting to know how to spell our names.   Red alert!  He is targeting every last one of us!"  You so would be voted out the first tribal council for sure.


1 hour ago, blackwing said:

When Nick, Bi and Davie were on the raft while Gabby was fishing, Bi was talking about how she wanted Gabby out because she turned on Jessica.  Nick is all “I know right”.  But can’t Bi do the math?  Who does she think voted out Jessica?  She knows that there were five votes for Jessica, she should know who the four votes were for Lyrsa, why can’t she figure out that Nick voted for Jessica?

Bi knows.  Nick explained it away by giving a detailed lie about how Gabby ran up to him and Christian right before tribal and said they had to vote out Jessica.  Bi seemed to accept that explanation as yet further proof of her theory of Gabby being the mastermind behind the blindside.  It was part of their conversation on the raft.

Edited by green
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Charlesman said:

Did Jeremy's vote for Natalie say Nicole? Or did I see it wrong? 

I thought the same thing at first; had to rewind/replay it a couple of times before I realized Jermy had written “N. Cole” (Cole is Natalie’s last name).


1 hour ago, GaT said:

I don't like Natalie. I have not liked her since the first episode. Saying that at 57 she is a "senior citizen" makes me dislike her on a whole new level. Why would they keep her? What value is she? She can't be trusted, she's not good in challenges, she doesn't do anything around camp, & nobody gets along with her. What is the purpose of keeping her? I don't get it.

Since Day 1 Natalie’s been pitching herself as a prime goat for her tribe mates to take to F2, and in HER mind tonight’s lopsided vote probably makes her think her pitch is working.  Truth is, though, her tribe mates simply decided Natalie was the easier target to take out later - so they took out Jeremy now, who they considered a much more dangerous future game threat.

We can only hope they don’t make that decision TOO many times....

  • Love 8

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