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The Duggars and Their World: Fashion, Food, Finance, Schoolin’ and Child Rearin'

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45 minutes ago, doodlebug said:

Joy and Austin

... alternate universe Joy and Austin. 

Since when is an ugly sweater party just ... ugly clothes? I thought it was supposed to be oversized, garish, gaudy tops, not simply make yourself look like a mess.

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Why does it look like half the family missed the memo regarding it being a Christmas Sweater party?

Never thought I'd say this, but Jill looks the best out of everyone. Jessa has officially crashed and burned. 

Joy and Austin look miserable.

Smuggar continues to disgust.

All the kids are cute.

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5 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Why does it look like half the family missed the memo regarding it being a Christmas Sweater party?

Never thought I'd say this, but Jill looks the best out of everyone. Jessa has officially crashed and burned. 

Joy and Austin look miserable.

Smuggar continues to disgust.

All the kids are cute.

I think Abby’s sweater is my fav, but Josiah and Lauren are a good set of sweaters. Joy and Austin look exhausted. Perhaps Gideon was having a rough night or is sick.


The kids look so cute! Will this be on the next season I wonder. 

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Jessa called it an "ugly sweater" party; that said, I think the ones who wore Christmas sweaters pulled it off better: Grandma, Anna and some of the M kids, Jill, Abbie, Josiah/Lauren, and the Seewalds.

Since Jessa posted this, I wonder if this will be on a future Counting On episode?

Jill actually managed to look better in her "ugly sweater" than she has in her clothing that she is shilling on her Instagram.

And Smuggar in crocs = just another day at the office.

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J’Austin are unrecognizable!  I imagine Austin looking exactly like this in 10 years!

jill AND Lauren wearing pants at the homestead?  

Yep, Anna’s lower buttons on the sweater undone. I hope it’s not true 😢let poor mason be the baby for a while!

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I don't think Lauren's wearing pants. She's wearing a black skirt and leggings. 

In the second picture in Part 2 (with Jabbie and the older couple I don't recognize), Jill is talking on the phone in the background - maybe with Derick? If so, for the love of God woman, let him study for his finals!

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I think Joy unintentionally nailed an eighties outfit. 

John-David wins for the Bay City Rollers style fit. Nothing and nobody is uglier than the Bay City Rollers. 


Edited by kokapetl
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Males with hair parted down the middle and slicked down?  I hope that's part of the "joke" and not the new fundie fashion.  Same with Austin's belly.  As for Josh - well, the creep and his family look like they're having fun, I'll give them that.  Looks like Joy & Austin didn't get the memo on the theme of the party.  Same with Kendra and Joe.  I think Joy looks ok, but Austin just looks weird.  I didn't even recognize him.  

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I think it looks surprisingly light-hearted and fun for the Duggars. I think the pictures are cute, but I found them off-putting for some reason. It occurred to me just now, though, that they should all be at this party with friends. I know that this is their schtick -- "Oh, we're all best friends!!!!!" -- but even in ye olden times where the Duggars like to believe they dwell, young people had friends

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Who is the older couple in the 2nd photo below? Were they there to key an eye on all these young adults? Oh yeah, Gramma Mary was there too. 

IN the 4th photo below - who is the dimpled young man and the young woman on the left edge? 

I don't think JD should have won for ugliest sweater - He's just wearing a too-small women's sweater.

I think Jessa looks pretty with her hair styled that way, but IMHO Ben's beard is too heavy. His face is lost underneath the beard and his big glasses, and maybe he needs a haircut.  

I'm impressed Jill wore jeans to the TTH! But does she do it when Boob and MEchelle are home?

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24 minutes ago, OpieTaylor said:

Who is the older couple in the 2nd photo below? Were they there to key an eye on all these young adults? Oh yeah, Gramma Mary was there too. 

IN the 4th photo below - who is the dimpled young man and the young woman on the left edge? 

Not sure about the rest, but pretty sure Dimples is one of the middle Bates boys.

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3 hours ago, Puffin said:

Joy and Austin look like a couple from the 80s.

Something about Joy and Austin remind me of the painting of the farmer and his wife; "American Gothic". I think it's the lack of smiles and joy in their faces.

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J-D's sweater was the ugliest, by my lights; though he had some tough competition.

Joy needs to put Austin on a diet.  He's got a budding David Rodriguez portion of gut already, like those skinny cats that overeat and it all goes to their tummy.  Wasn't Joy's striped sweater an expensive Gap sweater once upon a time?  That's a bit of a cheat:


The picture of Meredith with Jabbie is very cute, as is anything featuring Henry. 

Jill, of course, is clinging to her favorite child, and Izzy is nowhere in sight.

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1 hour ago, dargosmydaddy said:

Not sure about the rest, but pretty sure Dimples is one of the middle Bates boys.

That doesn’t look like Isaiah, Warden, or Jackson Bates to me, but I could be wrong. Maybe he is a sibling of Kendra’s or Lauren’s?

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4 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

It's kind of sad none of these people have any friends. The only non-Duggars are in-laws. 

I come from a small family (I had a lot of extended family I loved very much but most of them were far older than me), and I’ve noticed that only children or psuedo only children like me, have more strong/emotionally intimate friendships (not saying others don’t ANY just saying we tend to have more)- 1. I think because humans have emotional needs, and if those aren’t met through circumstance if birth you seek it out, 2. If your legal family is very small you just have more emotional and mental bandwith for non family. Someone said to me once “only children are very good at keeping friends because they don’t have siblings.” 


A friend of mine (we used to work together many years ago) is like this with her husband. Her husband is one of 4 siblings and has a ton of cousins his age (approx 30 that grew up with him in the tri-State area)- he has ONE non biologically related to him friend. He’s very nice and socialable but I think it’s WEIRD AF. She has two, one woman she went to HS with and me (she met me a few years ago)......I like them both as people but I think it’s so weird! I don’t know how people have the emotional bandwidth for a spouse but not friends🧐. 


I say all this to say, if nice normal people who went to school and are fine socializing with others, don’t have many “friends” because their peer relationships are being met by bio family, I can see how this happens with the Duggars because there are so many! The next generation (of those living near the TTH) probably won’t have many friends because they will have their cousins unless one couple breaks away in a major way. 

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Amazingly I thought they all look pretty happy. 

Anna is doing some weird dark eyebrow shit. I almost never recognize her. And yes, Joy only needed some clunky boots and she was totally rockin’ 1981. I still think she’s the prettiest Duggar. 

Ben and Jessa look the most well adjusted and normal. I really hope they’re happy with just a few kids. 

Kendra was kind of 50s dance party, but I desperately want Joe to keep combing his hair down. 

Time to marry off hot twin. But wtf do ANY of them do for money? 

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2 hours ago, EVS said:

That doesn’t look like Isaiah, Warden, or Jackson Bates to me, but I could be wrong. Maybe he is a sibling of Kendra’s or Lauren’s?

I compared it to this picture of Warden-- looks fairly similar to me, but I guess it would be odd to have one random Bates kid there and no one else from the family. 

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3 minutes ago, louannems said:

Why is Meredith dressed in a burlap sack?  I understand they want to wear ugly sweaters, but put the poor child in a bright red and green gaudy sweater with reindeer or something.

Who knows what "thoughts" lurk in Duggar family hearts. They put her father in a vest with angels all over it. Wondering about the subliminal intentions there. ha 

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On 8/18/2018 at 1:35 PM, Wishing Well said:

I remember watching this video, and being fairly surprised.  For all that we snark on Michelle, she was a good sport and was polite about the food.  Meanwhile, JimBlob over there was making faces and stabbing his chopsticks into things, a major no no.  I remember being sad that the kids weren’t even interested in trying to like the food, minus Jordyn of course.  I want to take her home and feed her Chinese food.  

Damnit I want to eat that food with them, it looks so good for such unappreciative assholes.

I hate when people in america remark on “adventurous eating”.  Just because your bland ass can’t handle more than a sprinkle of salt on a chicken breast doesn’t make the food 75% or the world eats “adventurous”.  If you ask my 85 year old Chinese grandma, processed cheese is a foreign and exotic concept.  

Dayum....I can’t watch. I’d be so tickled to be able to experience a dinner like that! Oh. People who find the Duggars delightful and support their brands have my insulted resentment forever. 

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I was getting ready to ask who the serial killer was in the one picture, but then I realized it was Austin. He and Joy both were unrecognizable to me, and I only figured out it was them through process of elimination. . . . 

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On 12/10/2018 at 9:22 PM, awaken said:

Ugh. I see the Swansen’s have gone with a letter-naming theme. d’s for the boys after Dwain, and L’s for the girls after Lana. 

Including a boy named Drew, who I'm assuming is not actually named Andrew because that would screw up their stupid system. They also have a Duke.  Ugh. I just can't.

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Duke is a name for the dog, I’m sorry.

also noting that I saw a discussion on a Nameberry (?) forum not too long ago, where a presumably sentient mother was debating naming her kid ‘Legend’.  Someone else chimed in to say they ‘wanted to steal it’, as I fought back the urge to say ‘Is this a classic example of what they call ‘Baby Brain’?”

The discussion went a surprisingly long time before anyone said ‘No, don’t do that.  They’ll make fun of the kid all his life.’

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On ‎12‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 3:50 PM, Sew Sumi said:

Jill's actually isn't that bad. Cowl necks are sort of "back."

I love cowl necks and am glad that they seem to cycle back often enough that by the time some of my old ones are showing their age, there are a bunch of new ones to take their place!

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