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Season 2 Discussion

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16 minutes ago, Mothra said:

 Yes, he showed annoyance with the cross as soon as he noticed it.  He is an overgroomed young man imo and for that reason alone Marta should run and not look back.

And he looks like a full on terrorist.  So there's that.

Edited by Floatingbison
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Karine aged 15 years in one season, wowsa. If Rachel was ever a size 0 then I am the Queen of England, not fat shaming but she is a hippy girl and would likely have to starve herself to get to even a size 2. I don't understand the obsession with "I used to be a size zero". Just say you would like to get back in shape and leave it at that, it reminds me of Amy Schumers claim that she is a size 4, what  is wrong with size 6 or 8? 

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2 hours ago, Mothra said:

I'm 99% sure Rachel's wedding dress shopping was producer-driven, to give her something to do besides sit around and whine and wipe her eyes.  Plus they had to find a way to get her friend's eye makeup on the tv.  And I thank them for it.

Yes to everyone who suggested better places to find a dress, better dresses than virginal white.  She used to be a size zero?  She must really have packed it on with Lucy, then, because the photos we saw when she was pregnant made her look pretty slim with a big belly.  Did she gain a lot in the last months, or since Lucy's birth?  I'm having trouble understanding her weight gain, especially since she was "seeing" Jon throughout the pregnancy.  Not to body shame--I think she's fine the way she is, but she clearly doesn't--when, exactly, did that weigh accrue (she's in accounting, and I'm speaking her language)?  In my own experience, when I'm in love I tend to lose weight; maybe she tends to gain?

One reason that dress was so unflattering, btw, is that she had an unmatching back-buttoned jacket on over it.  We saw the dress itself being zipped up without a hitch, but then when she came out, there were unbuttoned buttons on the back, and the strapless dress had grown sleeves.

I hope she is able to lose her baby weight, and soon, because I think a lot of her weepiness is misery over her body.  She's really cute, I think, and not used to being frumpy.  I've criticized her for wearing baggy clothing, but if she's never been this heavy before (and again I don't think she's all that heavy), she really doesn't know how to dress a bigger body than she's used to.  She isn't breast-feeding, so there's no reason she can't diet the shit out of it.  And if she has maintained a size 0 body, she knows how to diet.  So why isn't she doing it?

And yet, she still chose to be on a television show that millions would see.  When I'm not happy with how I look, I don't even want people to take a photo with me in it.  Yet, she is sharing how dissatisfied she is with television viewers like us.  I think it's just an excuse to have another thing to complain about and think is unfair.

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It occurred to me that when I first saw Ricky and heard him say he thought he was not an attractive person, I felt bad for him, having struggled with self esteem issues myself.  I thought well, as he said, he's no Brad Pitt but he's certainly not a troll.   But now whenever I see him open his mouth I think "Yep, that's a troll!"

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I think that Darcey was auditioning for "Murder on the Orient Express 2."  It was hilarious that she has her faux designer luggage, shoes, and outfit getting into a town car from the 2 bedroom condo she shares with her sister.  One of those "one of these things does not belong with the others" scenario.  

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1 hour ago, doyouevengohere said:

And I'm guessing he flew back and forth as she grew up to visit her family and remind her that God chose him for her.  So, their relationship begining was like seriously creepy.  They seem normal now, but she was still a child and he was an adult when he met and he started "seeing" her as a family friend.

They met when he was on his mission and reconnected later when he was back visiting Brazil for another friend's wedding, about eight years later. 

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38 minutes ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

Is anyone besides me REALLY SICK of hearing Darcey speak? The sound of her voice, the way she speaks and enunciates, the way her over inflated lips move, her endless use of cliche' love verbage?

Ugh - she uses so many words and says absolutely nothing.  What a friend of mine refers to as INANE PRATTLE (and he pronouces it in ALL CAPS too!)

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51 minutes ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

Is anyone besides me REALLY SICK of hearing Darcey speak? The sound of her voice, the way she speaks and enunciates, the way her over inflated lips move, her endless use of cliche' love verbage?

I'm sick of her 'just finished sucking on a lemon' look on her face.

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15 minutes ago, Horrified said:

Ugh - she uses so many words and says absolutely nothing.  What a friend of mine refers to as INANE PRATTLE (and he pronouces it in ALL CAPS too!)


I would love to hear Darcy and Long Island Gina from RHoOC read Shakespeare aloud.  LOL.

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4 hours ago, Horrified said:

actually, only 20% of NYC subway stations are accessible. So Darcey's dilemma was real.

She was at Grand Central, having taken Metro North from Connecticut. Elevators and escalators available. 

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1 hour ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Karine aged 15 years in one season, wowsa. If Rachel was ever a size 0 then I am the Queen of England, not fat shaming but she is a hippy girl and would likely have to starve herself to get to even a size 2. I don't understand the obsession with "I used to be a size zero". Just say you would like to get back in shape and leave it at that, it reminds me of Amy Schumers claim that she is a size 4, what  is wrong with size 6 or 8? 

Rachel looked thinner in her jeans than in that last dress. She really should have allowed the saleswoman help her select something. They see all body types and know what will be flattering to them.

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3 hours ago, eatsleep said:

Why wouldn't Brazillian PTs have a + or - or some little easily understood symbol, like American ones?

Couldn't Pole figure out if the result even if didn't have a + or - sign but said something like "si" or "no"? Instead he just trusted Karine's interpretation, just like he believed the phone call with the pregnancy results. 

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I don't think Hazel is physically attracted to Tariq. I think she just wants to come to America and sees him as a means to get there. I really don't think Tariq is a horrible person for wanting some type of affection from Hazel. He finds her attractive and wants to have sex with her. That's not abnormal. I think he's been waiting for her to want him too and seems, for the most part, to respect some boundaries. But you can tell she is just not into him. 

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5 hours ago, magemaud said:

Was she on the subway? I thought she was on a Metro North train to GCS where there are elevators

She was at the New Haven train station which has elevators. There are no stairs when that train arrives at GCS. 

3 hours ago, eatsleep said:

I see Hazel as a straight up hustler. Who is so hardened and callous that she can't even be bothered to smile or be even slightly pleasant.

The Hazel as hustler talk is so interesting to me because I don't see it. I think she is fucked up drinking the speaks in tongues religious Kool Aid of her parents leveraged over the never ending poverty which caused her to give up her child. Judgy McJudgy here she's seen trauma and then brainwashing and manipulation from her parents and wants OUT. I think she is petrified with a hopeful heart on the inside. I also think she is pretty, like when they take a supermodel and show her with her makeup off. I hope Hazel makes it, and picks her own terms for religion and being a mom one day. 

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2 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

She was at the New Haven train station which has elevators. There are no stairs when that train arrives at GCS. 

The Hazel as hustler talk is so interesting to me because I don't see it. I think she is fucked up drinking the speaks in tongues religious Kool Aid of her parents leveraged over the never ending poverty which caused her to give up her child. Judgy McJudgy here she's seen trauma and then brainwashing and manipulation from her parents and wants OUT. I think she is petrified with a hopeful heart on the inside. I also think she is pretty, like when they take a supermodel and show her with her makeup off. I hope Hazel makes it, and picks her own terms for religion and being a mom one day. 

She is easily the only one of these 90 dayers that I truly feel sorry for.  She seems like a beaten woman who is going through the motions of life.

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15 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I am so sure I would trust that salesperson's judgement, did you see her hair?

We aren't talking Kleinfelds here. Lol.  I doubt there was even a mirror in that dressing room. Whatever the sales lady suggested had to be better than the one Rachel liked.

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18 hours ago, ezzy4 said:

I know, right? I swear I didn't even recognize her.

But, ya know, she just looks like she's dealing with a tough pregnancy with extra added stress; the bloated face, the skin issues...her constant exhaustion.

There is NO WAY she wasn't already well into her pregnancy when Pol showed up.  NO WAY.

And now the stress of Pol and her tough pregnancy...and who knows what the situation is with the actual father of the baby.

Oye.  No wonder she looks the way she does.  Poor girl.

I really think it’s Pole’s baby.  He was there four months prior, according to him. 


Eta can you imagine Pole in a birthing room?   He would wear a bubble suit.  Germs, ya know. 

Edited by Meowwww
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15 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

She is easily the only one of these 90 dayers that I truly feel sorry for.  She seems like a beaten woman who is going through the motions of life.

Thank you! That's exactly it. She seems beaten, yet she sticks her neck out with hope for some upward mobility. He is a doofus, but on the litmus test of the likes of Paul and Jesse I get that he is acceptable. She could do way worse. 

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18 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:


Pole is certainly the gif I mean gift that keeps on giving.  Those angry huge pus filled zits raging on my screen were gross....she didn’t even think to pop them with a warm compress before filming on national TV?   He’s sucked the life out of her...which is rather an ironic comment.   Pole inserteth......




She also is not trying in the least.  She would look so much better if she took a shower and used some foundation.  I've been pregnant too and, unlike Karine, worked a full-time job (like so many women) so I don't think it's asking too much for her to get up out of bed and maybe shampoo her hair.

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27 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I am so sure I would trust that salesperson's judgement, did you see her hair?

Surely you don't expect the saleswoman at an Albuquerque strip mall cut-rate bridal store about to have its day in the national TV sun to actually, you know, look in the mirror and run a comb through the birds nest in her hair?

I was sooooo comfy in my La-Z-Boy with a glass of nice red wine that it was the hardest thing I've ever done not to hit "pause" JUST to come to my laptop and post about THAT HAIR on this thread. And no, I'm not being facetious. I really almost did. But I also felt confident someone else would bring it up!

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5 hours ago, Mothra said:

I'm 99% sure Rachel's wedding dress shopping was producer-driven, to give her something to do besides sit around and whine and wipe her eyes.  Plus they had to find a way to get her friend's eye makeup on the tv.  And I thank them for it.

Yes to everyone who suggested better places to find a dress, better dresses than virginal white.  She used to be a size zero?  She must really have packed it on with Lucy, then, because the photos we saw when she was pregnant made her look pretty slim with a big belly.  Did she gain a lot in the last months, or since Lucy's birth?  I'm having trouble understanding her weight gain, especially since she was "seeing" Jon throughout the pregnancy.  Not to body shame--I think she's fine the way she is, but she clearly doesn't--when, exactly, did that weigh accrue (she's in accounting, and I'm speaking her language)?  In my own experience, when I'm in love I tend to lose weight; maybe she tends to gain?

One reason that dress was so unflattering, btw, is that she had an unmatching back-buttoned jacket on over it.  We saw the dress itself being zipped up without a hitch, but then when she came out, there were unbuttoned buttons on the back, and the strapless dress had grown sleeves.

I hope she is able to lose her baby weight, and soon, because I think a lot of her weepiness is misery over her body.  She's really cute, I think, and not used to being frumpy.  I've criticized her for wearing baggy clothing, but if she's never been this heavy before (and again I don't think she's all that heavy), she really doesn't know how to dress a bigger body than she's used to.  She isn't breast-feeding, so there's no reason she can't diet the shit out of it.  And if she has maintained a size 0 body, she knows how to diet.  So why isn't she doing it?

I got the impression that she was a size zero in high school.  It is possible to be tiny without dieting too much.  I'm a size 2 and I admit to doing little to maintain that, even after my baby.    But who knows- that may change as I get older.  It is conceivable that Rachel had some metabolism issues after her second pregnancy.

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On ‎9‎/‎24‎/‎2018 at 8:02 AM, Stacee said:

I just hope that something good will come out of this with the Jesse/Darcy thing because it's certainly a teachable moment here. I hope young women will see this and learn what NOT to do when meeting someone coming into town after not really being in much contact with you beforehand: DON'T...

  • Get your teeth redone and bleached for big event
  • Get your hair bleached and then super long weaved
  • Wear pumps while lugging designer suitcases (not even knowing what is being planned)
  • Wear a faux Hollywood fur coat
  • Don't be on camera caking on the makeup acting like this is the big proposal. Keep it simple!

Darcy's whole scene was just cringeworthy. I agree that it's shitty that Jesse is traveling back to dump her but Darcy really should know better, it's not like the signs weren't there all along. 

And can we please go back to Darcy sitting at the salon talking about how she had to get her daughters out of there (when she and Jesse were arguing during the famous Rice-a-Roni/steak on the bias scene)? She's acting like she deserves a fucking mother of the year award. In the meantime she's on TV acting like a teen kid throwing shoes and arguing over stupid shit. This woman needs help. Something is wrong with her. 

It's quite telling that every time Jesse tells her she needs to "work on herself" (ugh) she interprets that as needing to do something to her appearance.  That just shows how incredibly vain she is.  Look at her: there doesn't seem to be an original body part left, everything on her is fake.  Fake teeth, boobs, hair, nails.  Her entire identity is wrapped up in her physical appearance and it's really, really sad.   She doesn't seem like a mean or nasty person, she seems pretty sweet, actually.  The woman needs a good therapist.

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6 hours ago, Mothra said:

If you're poor in a third-world country, you are not part of the minority that homeless people are in the US.  The third-world families we've seen on this show do not live alone or without supports.  Even Hazel's parents, who I think are the poorest people we've seen, have a place to live and a church to attend which, one hopes, would provide a sense of being cared about, which very, very few homeless people here are blessed with.  When you live in a place where nearly everyone is poor, poverty is not the stigma it is where most of the people are not truly poor.  Given the choice, I'd rather be poor, with a family, in Sao Paolo than alone and homeless in Philadelphia.

ITA. For anyone who thinks American homelessness is somehow better than others, google the name Relisha Rudd and get at me. 

Tarik is what we’d call a bama. A lame. A cornball. If it wasn’t clear from his horrible attire, it became crystal by that cringeworthy, hamfisted, exchange: “Uh..durr..you got sand on your face..*insert unwanted kiss*...durr...real quick, you got more sand on your face...Durrr...*insert second unwanted kiss*.” What kind of awkward 15-year-old boy handbook to first base did he pull that one from?   I watched that scene from between my fingers. If I believed Tarik had any friends, I would think they would clown him forever for that one. But Tarik has no friends. Because friends don’t let friends dress like that. Maybe he needs to borrow Michael’s friends for a day or two.

I’m sure he could find someone just as awkward as he is to marry in his own country, but he strikes me as a douche. 

If she’s truthful about her age, then I’m only a year younger than Darcey. I guess I’ve got all year to save up for my veneers and inevitable Lil Kim makeover.

Edited by charmed1
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22 minutes ago, lezlers said:

It's quite telling that every time Jesse tells her she needs to "work on herself" (ugh) she interprets that as needing to do something to her appearance.  That just shows how incredibly vain she is.  Look at her: there doesn't seem to be an original body part left, everything on her is fake.  Fake teeth, boobs, hair, nails.  Her entire identity is wrapped up in her physical appearance and it's really, really sad.   She doesn't seem like a mean or nasty person, she seems pretty sweet, actually.  The woman needs a good therapist.

I find that sad too.  I think she's probably always been an attractive woman and is really struggling with aging and therefore she'll take ANYTHING Off Jesse just b/c having a younger man makes her feel like she *still has it.*  Meanwhile, it probably only heightens her insecurity about aging.

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28 minutes ago, lezlers said:

It's quite telling that every time Jesse tells her she needs to "work on herself" (ugh) she interprets that as needing to do something to her appearance.  That just shows how incredibly vain she is.  Look at her: there doesn't seem to be an original body part left, everything on her is fake.  Fake teeth, boobs, hair, nails.  Her entire identity is wrapped up in her physical appearance and it's really, really sad.   She doesn't seem like a mean or nasty person, she seems pretty sweet, actually.  The woman needs a good therapist.

I was going to post this exact thing. It's all fake and enhanced. Her fix for their relationship problems is to lose weight, dye her hair, get veneers, and who knows what else. That is not going to fix any relationship, and it's sad that she thinks her value is based on her appearance. I do agree that she's having a midlife crisis and struggling with aging.

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18 hours ago, millennium said:

My biggest complaint about this show is that nothing ever seems to happen.   The editing, teasers and promos lead you to believe you're about to witness epic confrontations between (insert couple of your choice) but somehow the hyped moment just melts away into inconsequentiality.  Or gets put off to the next week.  And then the next.    Jesse and Darcey, for example .   Show hypes that Jesse's coming back to America to hand-deliver Darcey's walking papers, but all it amounted to was a spa day on-the-fly for Darcey that begins at a strip mall and ends in one of the handicapped seats on the train.   Arguments shown in the previews are always resolved by the aggrieved party passively agreeing to eat shit and soldier on.   Potential crises always turn out to be the product of bait-and-switch editing.   Big reveals consist of stuff we at home figured out episodes ago.  

I've been thinking a lot about why I keep coming back and all I can come up with is that this show is art, and the style is American grotesque.   Diane Arbus for the Instagram age.   I tend to remember the show in still frames.   Rachel examining her finger after she wipes her eye ...  The hideous pattern of the bridal shop's dressing room curtain ... The lumps multiplying on Karine's skin ... Darcey fellating her lipstick ...  Ricky pantomining how the burden was courageously lifted from his shoulders (omitting the part where he unloads it onto Ximena) ... Ximena's mouth pulled to the side as she tries not to cry  ...  Malibu Jesse, his skin pitted in the bleak light of the beach...  Angela in profile, her misshapen carcass crammed into Walmart beach wear ...  Michael's impassive, angelic expression, eyes on the road, never betraying a hint of the horror  ... That innocent cake, defiled ...   

When does the 90-Day Fiance coffee table book come out?

Yes, girl, Preach it!

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I thought that the crew had carried Darcey's other bags up the stairs for her as they were piled up on the landing. Those folks have all kinds of camera equipment that they are lugging around - they shouldn't have to double as porters. 

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After all the prepping, packing, and emotional anticipation Darcey is arriving with, when Jesse drops the bomb on her, her wrath will be epic. We've already seen her seething and hissing over lesser infractions. Good thing he broke up with her in NY, and not in LA, because if she had been near the San Andreas fault, things would be getting wiggly on the west coast.

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9 hours ago, magemaud said:

This is probably not the right place to post this, but since it's something "unexpected", why do my PTV forums now have white lettering on a black background? Is it just me? Can I change the setting back somehow? 

You've probably figured this out by now, but scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, and just above the black PTV banner, you'll see some icons w a sun or moon with S/M/L next to them.  Pick a size and a background and voila!  :)

Hope that was the issue... I accidentally changed my viewing size from the normal "Sun/M" to "Moon/L" and BRAIN MALFUNCTION WATCH OUT.  lol

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[Huge sigh]  Darcy - I literally get sick to my stomach watching her cake on the makeup.  I can just imagine her bathroom counter.  Why?  Why?  It does not make her look better.

Is it Rachel that went to London to hook up with Jack the Ripper?  It's not fair?  Are you kidding me?  We don't need one more asshole in this country.  WE ARE FULL.

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1 hour ago, spankydoll said:

I thought that the crew had carried Darcey's other bags up the stairs for her as they were piled up on the landing. Those folks have all kinds of camera equipment that they are lugging around - they shouldn't have to double as porters. 

This is what I think happened in TV Land. Darcey and the camera crew got to the train station where they had arranged to close off the stairway to the public for filming. The crew piled up all of her luggage on the landing, then a cameraman went to the top of the stairs and filmed Darcey valiantly attempting to carry things upstairs by herself. This was totally staged to point out the ridiculous amount of over-packing Darcey had done and for viewers to laugh at how deluded she is that Jesse is in town to "sweep her off her feet" with a proposal. I'm willing to bet that as soon as they had enough footage of her luggage schlepping (which probably took several "takes" over a couple of hours for a five second clip) the crew gathered up all her crap and moved on to set up the next scene. Something similar probably happened to Rachel in Paddington Station when it was made to look like no one came to her aid. Any Good Samaritans would have been shooed away by the crew. 

Edited by magemaud
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2 hours ago, charmed1 said:

ITA. For anyone who thinks American homelessness is somehow better than others, google the name Relisha Rudd and get at me. 

Tarik is what we’d call a bama. A lame. A cornball. If it wasn’t clear from his horrible attire, it became crystal by that cringeworthy, hamfisted, exchange: “Uh..durr..you got sand on your face..*insert unwanted kiss*...durr...real quick, you got more sand on your face...Durrr...*insert second unwanted kiss*.” What kind of awkward 15-year-old boy handbook to first base did he pull that one from?   I watched that scene from between my fingers. If I believed Tarik had any friends, I would think they would clown him forever for that one. But Tarik has no friends. Because friends don’t let friends dress like that. Maybe he needs to borrow Michael’s friends for a day or two.

I’m sure he could find someone just as awkward as he is to marry in his own country, but he strikes me as a douche. 

If she’s truthful about her age, then I’m only a year younger than Darcey. I guess I’ve got all year to save up for my veneers and inevitable Lil Kim makeover.

Supposedly he is a rapper.  A square rapper.

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5 hours ago, Horrified said:
6 hours ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

Is anyone besides me REALLY SICK of hearing Darcey speak? The sound of her voice, the way she speaks and enunciates, the way her over inflated lips move, her endless use of cliche' love verbage?


Ugh - she uses so many words and says absolutely nothing.  What a friend of mine refers to as INANE PRATTLE (and he pronouces it in ALL CAPS too!)

I call it diarrhea of the mouth... 

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If Darcey had any sense of humor she would have hauled her bags into an elevator and made a joke about avoiding escalators. The editors would have helped her out with a clip of her stiletto debacle. She takes herself too seriously though.

Karine in 2018 looks like the little girl from The Exorcist after she's been possessed. If she starts masturbating with a crucifix and yelling that Pole's mother sucks cocks in hell, I won't be surprised.

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7 hours ago, magemaud said:

I would LOVE to see her schlepping all that stuff on the subway! 

The funny thing is, no one would bat an eye.  However, she would get nasty looks if she is blocking a door.  

To the poster that said plain, flat nose Hazel resembles gorgeous Kirlyam, I say, perish the thought.  TM Judge Judy, "Hazel wishes she could look half as good as Kirlyam, on Kirlyam's worst day."   

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