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S05.E14: Ho, Ho, Ho 2018.07.12

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I haven't finished the episode but something seems off about Kathryn at Patricia's dinner. Her way of speaking her eyes....I thought she maybe had a few drinks,

Thank you for bringing this up.  Agreed, she arrived acting funky.  Although she seemed to improve as the night went on.


She normally has more class, so, that's another reason I wonder why she was acting so off.

Why was Kathryn stomping about like she had just been freed from the trailer park?  Really? Pulling her dirty gloves off with her teeth, throwing her purse down on the table, etc.  I don't understand the act.  Did she think she was being cute?  It certainly wasn't her first time being at such an event so I don't understand all the faux "which fork do I use / this here sure is fancy" crap. 


Patricia's party looked bunk. Cheap, chintzy, and too brightly lit. Those white trees should have reached the ceiling. 

Even the foyer with the large tree appeared barren.  No colorful poinsettias?  The ballroom looked sparse and cheap, cheap, cheap.

I don't understand the need for all the swearing.  Not clutching my pearls, it's just so unnecessary.  Snowden, I'm looking at you.  Kathryn also could have succeeded so much better with Ashley and walked away smelling like a rose if she had just removed all the f-bombs. 

I like Chelsie (Chelsea?).  I don't want her to be with Austen but they were cute having fun on the dance floor.   

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5 minutes ago, Kiki620 said:

Even the foyer with the large tree appeared barren.  No colorful poinsettias?  The ballroom looked sparse and cheap, cheap, cheap.

I was wondering what they were ooohing and ahhing at when they walked in the door :)  The tree was barely decorated and was missing a few strands!

I love poinsettias, they would have been lovely.  Lots of white ones to go with the (half decorated) gold tree.  But nerp.

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3 minutes ago, Kiki620 said:


Why was Kathryn stomping about like she had just been freed from the trailer park?  Really? Pulling her dirty gloves off with her teeth, throwing her purse down on the table, etc.  I don't understand the act.  Did she think she was being cute?  It certainly wasn't her first time being at such an event so I don't understand all the faux "which fork do I use / this here sure is fancy" crap.  

That was very strange. On the one hand she’s saying how she’s Googling white tie balls so she can really impress Miss Patricia and get back in her good graces, but on the other hand she’s purposefully clomping around and making exclamations to bring attention to herself about how she doesn’t fit in. Maybe she was just SO nervous that she went full circle to create a self-fulfilling prophecy? Same thing about how she was getting herself all in a tizzy just to say hello to Patricia. She did fine once she sat down, but what was with all the attention-seeking rigmarole in the lead up? She actually was acting very much like Ashley when she gets herself all worked up about Kathryn being across the room and how she won’t talk to her but this is what i’d say if I did... Then with Ashley it’s always say ONE polite sentence before lashing into a frenzy and then acting all superior—I was just being NICE!!! At least Kathryn didn’t evolve to that. She did manage to hold herself together fairly well in the face of Ashley’s relentless needling, so I don’t blame her for eventually losing it, tracking Ashole back down, and going off on her. Even Thomas was looking at Kathryn all resigned when she was saying be careful because if Ashley is threatening me, she’s going to threaten you, too. It just seems fairly apparent that Ashley DOES have all the dirt on Thomas and is extorting a relationship out of him.

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12 hours ago, dosodog said:

Kathryn blames every thing on every body and really hasn't examined what a complete jerk she's been for the last 4 years.  She owes people apologies.  Instead?  She's the victim of everybody else.

That’s what addicts do. It’s always someone else’s fault. Been there, done that with someone who never took responsibility.

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43 minutes ago, Kiki620 said:

I like Chelsie (Chelsea?).  I don't want her to be with Austen but they were cute having fun on the dance floor.   

Chelsea appeared to be the only one actually trying to have a good time at the ball.

The ball was obviously a (cheap) Bravo production with Patricia's name slapped on it. Why would Patricia ever invite Peyton for heaven's sake?** I'm sure the bright lights were for filming purposes.

**It makes me laugh that Peyton moved to Charleston to be on the show, but seems to have mostly ended up edited out. Better luck next time! Maybe Savannah or New Orleans needs a new cast member.

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11 hours ago, Wierzbowski said:

Patricia's party looked bunk. Cheap, chintzy, and too brightly lit. Those white trees should have reached the ceiling. 

I so agree with you on this issue.  Considering the grand and themed gatherings we’ve seen from her in the past, this event was lackluster.  It looked like the same venue Cooper Ray used for his Founder’s Ball.  The entrance outside was cute with the snow but once inside not so much.  I’m okay with Patricia’s caftans at home but I was surprised she went that route for this event and that one in particular looked kind of hideous.

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So Naomi is coming across to me that even though she doesn't want Craig anymore, she doesn't want anyone else to have him. I am glad we got to see the real Craig, and he is an ass.  I have never been a fan of Kathryn and the group acting like she some type of martyr is ridiculous, she lost her kids because she decided drugs were more important than her kids. I am glad however she seems to be getting her life together. Ashley is a twat, she always hits below the belt, which I can't stand.  T-Rav is not aging well at all.  

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3 hours ago, ozzy said:

It is a court recorded well known highly documented scientific fact that She passed all of her random  drug tests.The courts have been hovering over her like a pigeon from hell and she has made no missteps.


I thought there were only 2 drug tests on record.  I wouldn't say that proves much.

And she failed one in March(?) 2017 - which was not too long before filming.

Edited by heatherchandler
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The whole kissing the ring was also staged.  Patricia and Kathryn could have exchanged brief, curt pleasantries when Kathryn arrived, like thank you for inviting me, your dress looks lovely, etc.

It could have been over in less than 30 seconds.

Of course Bravo isn't going to stand for that.  They had to have some drawn out sit down and then cut in talking heads about it.  Also by delaying, you can have Patricia saying how ungrateful Kathryn is before they finally have their little scene.

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Kathryn's instincts were absolutely correct in that she wanted to speak to Patricia right away after her arrival. I was disappointed that Shep stopped her from doing so and told her to let everyone get settled in. First, it was the right thing to do for etiquette's sake. Walking over to the hostess soon after entering would be what everyone should have done. More importantly, it would have taken a big weight off Kathryn's shoulders. She was dreading having to meet Patricia face to face and I'm sure had herself quite worked up over it. The meeting would have been over and done with early and she could have sat back and enjoyed the event. Well, until Ashley threw fuel on the fire. I hope Patricia saw the episode and took notice of the fact that it was Shep who stopped Kathryn from walking right over to her as soon as she arrived.


Speaking of Ashley, Kathryn should have put out her cigarette, gotten up and walked away as soon as she started verbally assaulting her. Kathryn could have thrown a “You have a strange way of apologizing” at her on her way back into the building. Echoing what someone said upthread, I think Ashley was trying to bait Kathryn into doing something physical which might have jeopardized her custody arrangement. Kudos to Kathryn for keeping it verbal. That was the nastiest tirade I've heard in five seasons of Southern Charm, and we've seen some bad ones.

Two random funny moments that I loved:

Whitney asking J.D. if Elizabeth was available.

Austen saying (to Naomie? I can't quite remember who was sitting there) “No one was calling her a hooker.” And Chelsea chimes in, “Just everyone at our table.”


I did love the way most everyone looked. I really liked Kathryn's and Chelsea's gowns. Ashley's also. Too bad hers couldn't cover up the ugly inside. And even though we only saw her in passing, Peyton looked beautiful. The guys all looked great in their tails; well except for J.D. I wish Patricia would have worn a true ball gown instead of another caftan—and not a very pretty one at that. On one of the other threads, someone had posted an Instagram shot of her in a cocktail dress where you could actually see her shape and she looked great. To me, a caftan was way out of place for a white tie event.

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7 hours ago, Flybutter said:

I think I took a little too much pleasure in learning that Craig hasn’t been sworn in yet because he still hasn’t passed the character and fitness check. That’s a big deal. All that law school, all those loans, all that claiming he graduated and applied for the bar, all that pressure to come clean and actually graduate and sit for the bar, all that work to pass the bar...imagine if the Supreme Court of the State of South Carolina then says, “Nope. You’re a lying liar who lies and will not become an officer of this Court.”

At the time of taping this episode he hadn't been sworn in, but I'm pretty sure he has been in real time.  The photo was posted in a thread somewhere, perhaps his thread?

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3 hours ago, zenme said:

Kathryn needs to take etiquette lessons from someone like Liz. (Whatever did that woman see in JD?)

Right!  I'm kind of giving Miss Liz side over marrying JD.  I mean, he's always been this way.  Boss Wart Hog......so?

It took cheating on her, spending her fortune and doing cocaine for her to see the light?

Shrugs shoulders. IDK.  I like her.  But then her screen time is small.

2 hours ago, Major Bigtime said:

That’s what addicts do. It’s always someone else’s fault. Been there, done that with someone who never took responsibility.

This.  This is why I'm not ready to fall all over the Kathryn "redemption" arc.

She owes people apologies. She owes it to HERSELF to honestly review her behavior for the previous 4 years.

I'm not a Patricia fan, but Kathryn's behavior is a completely reasonable reason to not invite her to parties.  Patricia is a snob, but Kathryn is a narcissistic jerk who blames everyone, but herself for her woes.

It's Thomas' fault.  It's Ashley's fault.  Cameron.  Whitney. Landon. Jennifer.

However.  It's early in her recovery process.  There is always hope.  Pragmatically, I tend to think Kathryn is the same.  Just a sober asshole now.  But.  Again, there is always room for hope.

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3 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

So, no telling what kind of thing she might be dealing with that she needs forgiving garments. 

I believe what she's dealing with is Bravoitis; the desire to monetize one's appearance on a reality show by hawking merchandise while filming scenes, in this case, unattractive schmattas.

I'm thankful that she didn't just bedazzle one of those stupid pug caftans at least.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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Thomas is a classic Narcissistic Sociopath.  Narcs must triangulate to survive, and we've seen him do this over & over:

--Sleeping with Jennifer Snowden, so he has the J-Snow/Kathryn triangle, which leads to animosity by Kathryn to this day.  Thomas loves this.

--Trying to get Landon involved in his life, trying to create a Landon/Kathryn triangle.  He loved that fight they had.

--Ashley, obviously.

He knows that Kathryn will always "participate" in his triangulations, which is why he is ever seeking someone on the 3rd point of the triangle.  

He can sit back, smirk, and enjoy the fighting that takes place over him.

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7 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

This is incorrect. If she has a mental illness and medication would help alleviate her symptoms, she would be prescribed those medications. A lot of people are more familiar with the older idea of recovery that advocated for total abstinence. That is absolutely not the model or best practice now.

I've seen it come full circle:  I got sober 38 years ago, before rehabs existed.  I was taught that AA was intended for drinking, and discussion of other drugs was considered an outside issue.  The thinking was that by not drinking and honestly working the steps, other contributing issues and/or addictions would have to be addressed.  

Then rehabs became a thing in the early 80's, and the "taking-any-drug-means-you're-not sober" crowd became common at meetings.  The all-or-nothing approach doesn't work for me - if I would have had to quit caffeine, cigarettes, and the occasional joint to keep coming to meetings, I would not have stayed, and would most definitely be dead.  I did, in time, quit all my other chemical supports.   

Long-time sober people have a good handle on which drugs they can use safely.  I refused treatment for my adult-diagnosed ADD for 2 years , because I was afraid of stimulants, but it turns out they're fine for me to use as directed- no tolerance/escalating dosage.  And I took lots of xanax when I went through a super stressful situation over which I had no control.  I did see a tolerance develop, but without them I was non-functional, even seeing a therapist.   When the situation was over, I decided to taper and quit.  But Ambien?  Nope.  Opiates?  Nope.  Certain drugs take over my brain and I cannot be trusted.  

It did appear to me that Katherine was on something like Xanax...while my inner judgmental self thinks she's a bit too high, my live-and-let-live self wants to focus on how much better off she is not drinking, and presumably under the care of medical professionals.

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All I got from this season is that Naomi is a weasel.  She was the source of a rumor about Ashley being an escort, she and Chelsea sat there being mean girls about the gloves Craig's friend/date was wearing, she lost her mind about Peyton, she's stalking Craig through his phone...gross.  She needs to grow up.

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6 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:


I will give Patricia a pass on her attire.  She's pushing 80 years old, right? So, no telling what kind of thing she might be dealing with that she needs forgiving garments.  I won't speculate, but, maybe she has some medical issues.


My take on it was that a "Ball" to end the season with was Whitney's idea, and that Pat was the only person in the cast who could "believably" host that kind of event.  No one in Savannah society would (ever!) host a white-tie event that would include a full production crew and mandatory invitations to the full cast of a reality TV show.  I think that Patricia only agreed to it because it was her son who made the request.

I'm imagining that her caveats would be 1) Not having to spend any of her own money (hence the low-rent decor) 2) Not having to invite any of her actual socialite friends (hence the few, yet familiar,guests).  And that she's wearing the caftan to visually reinforce "I-don't-care-at-all-about-this-party-or-these-guests".

Just my theory.  My theories are often plausible...yet wrong!

Edited by OldButHappy
"imagining" sp.
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There is something so off about Craig . . . that non stop lying . . . convoluting every conversation . . . greasy hair . . . unlivable housing conditions . . . inability to focus on any single task . . .  Something pretty serious seems to be going on.  Substance abuses? Mental illness?   Idk, but something. 

I suspect Niaome is still in shellshock from her time with him.  Serious, real "gaslighting" type of abuse has horrible consequences on the victims.  You are in a full out fight in one minute with your partner escalating craziness, and the next minute when someone else enters the room, the person "gaslighting" you changes on a dime . . . you are left sputtering, angry . . . coming across as unreasonable and bitchy.

It's all so confusing and makes you unstable and untrusting.  It leaves you looking over your shoulder ready for the next attack.  It leaves you in a constant state of "fight or flight" that stresses you immune system, and heightens your defenses.  It can make you seem like the crazy one.

AND, it leaves you questioning your sanity.

I'm not saying Craig means to be a horrible, abusive person.  Like I said, there is something really off there.  Maybe it's mental illness.  If it is, he has my sympathy.

But just because someone doesn't mean to be abusive, doesn't mean they are not.  Just lying alone is abusive behavior.  I wonder what else went on in their relationship.

(I'm probably reading too much into this.  Something about Niaome last night reminded me of my younger self when I was just out of a horribly abusive relationship.  My bf would be threatening suicide ten minutes before we were expecting to entertain guests.  And when the first person would arrive, he was a bumbling, loving sort.  I was always on edge.  His friends thought I was a bitch.  It was just a horrible, horrible time.  And it took me years to get over it.  To this day, I have no idea what the underlying issues actually were with this bf.  I don't know, but watchin Craig gives me scary flashbacks.)

Edited by ezzy4
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Gosh, Austen is trying to stay desperately relevant to secure his spot next season. He literally is trying too hard. I know they're not on the same level regarding security and notoriety on the show, but just look at Shep. The guy had barely any storyline this season but played it cool, mostly, throughout. At times, it even felt like he was happy and content just being on the sidelines. Austen, though, who has no real connection to Ashley/Thomas, inserts himself into the situation to play the hero, because all of his attempts at being relevant fell flat this season - Victoria, the beer business, etc. 

I hope they replace him with someone more interesting next season. 

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6 hours ago, jumper sage said:

So what's wrong with that?

I think she was looking at a dirty glass and didn't want to drink from it.  Craig's parents need to drag his ass back home.

I thought her dress was hideous, out of season and not in line with what she wanted everyone else to wear.

JD's raccoon coat is actually from the 1920s.  It was worn well into old age.  He probably robbed someone laying in their casket.

Actually his coat was chinchilla which is very expensive fur.  Still didn't like it on him.

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3 hours ago, scrb said:

The whole kissing the ring was also staged.  Patricia and Kathryn could have exchanged brief, curt pleasantries when Kathryn arrived, like thank you for inviting me, your dress looks lovely, etc.

It could have been over in less than 30 seconds.

Of course Bravo isn't going to stand for that.  They had to have some drawn out sit down and then cut in talking heads about it.  Also by delaying, you can have Patricia saying how ungrateful Kathryn is before they finally have their little scene.

My husband kind of slinks in and out of the room when I am watching this stuff and his comments were, 1) why is Kathryn's face that color 2) why are they treating Patricia like Don Corleone, 3) that bitch calling Kathryn an egg donor is cruising for a bruising

2 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

ITA.  Like when Luann from RHONY was wearing her HSN line.  

Oh that line was the worst!  I loathed her red jumpsuit.

Maybe Patricia wore it because it is essentially like jammies and she knows filming can take awhile so she wanted to be comfy?

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16 hours ago, Coffeewinewater said:

I haven't finished the episode but something seems off about Kathryn at Patricia's dinner. Her way of speaking her eyes....I thought she maybe had a few drinks, idk. she didn't seem like the same Kathryn I've seen all season. 

I thought the same thing.  She looked high in my opinion.

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Craig's house is a sty. I'd bet and make money that his house cleaning also comes under his mantra of "Always put off till sometime in the future what I could possibly do today."

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1 hour ago, ezzy4 said:

(I'm probably reading too much into this.  Something about Niaome last night reminded

Naomi was her usual jealous self because Craig had a date.

@Natalie68 - thanks for the link.  Great recap of the episode.

I forgot to mention that I thought Ashley looked very ill.  Her bones were making me squeemish.

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18 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

My husband likes Katherine and Shep together.  I told him, “no way would his parents ever approve of that”.  Then I thought, why not, she’s a descendent of Calhoun.  She’s somebody pretty important also.  What family has more money?  Sheps or Katherine’s?

They are really good together as friends but as kind as he is to her and that they care for each other they should remain just friends and fuck buddies. Being in a relationship with free living Shep would eventually drive her back to drinking unless he too decided to live a sober life but it seems even the liver scare awhile back didn't phase him.

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Just now, Giselle said:

They are really good together as friends but as kind as he is to her and that they care for each other they should remain just friends and fuck buddies. Being in a relationship with free living Shep would eventually drive her back to drinking unless he too decided to live a sober life but it seems even the liver scare awhile back didn't phase him.

Can't even remotely imagine him raising Ravenel's spawn.

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1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

My husband kind of slinks in and out of the room when I am watching this stuff and his comments were, 1) why is Kathryn's face that color 2) why are they treating Patricia like Don Corleone, 3) that bitch calling Kathryn an egg donor is cruising for a bruising

Oh that line was the worst!  I loathed her red jumpsuit.

Maybe Patricia wore it because it is essentially like jammies and she knows filming can take awhile so she wanted to be comfy?

BWAH! I wish your husband were on this board! LOLOLOL! Thanks for being his ambassador with the awesome quotes...especially Don Corleone. lololol!

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2 hours ago, ezzy4 said:

There is something so off about Craig . . . that non stop lying . . . convoluting every conversation . . . greasy hair . . . unlivable housing conditions . . . inability to focus on any single task . . .  Something pretty serious seems to be going on.  Substance abuses? Mental illness?   Idk, but something. 

I suspect Niaome is still in shellshock from her time with him.  Serious, real "gaslighting" type of abuse has horrible consequences on the victims.  You are in a full out fight in one minute with your partner escalating craziness, and the next minute when someone else enters the room, the person "gaslighting" you changes on a dime . . . you are left sputtering, angry . . . coming across as unreasonable and bitchy.

It's all so confusing and makes you unstable and untrusting.  It leaves you looking over your shoulder ready for the next attack.  It leaves you in a constant state of "fight or flight" that stresses you immune system, and heightens your defenses.  It can make you seem like the crazy one.

AND, it leaves you questioning your sanity.

I'm not saying Craig means to be a horrible, abusive person.  Like I said, there is something really off there.  Maybe it's mental illness.  If it is, he has my sympathy.

But just because someone doesn't mean to be abusive, doesn't mean they are not.  Just lying alone is abusive behavior.  I wonder what else went on in their relationship.

(I'm probably reading too much into this.  Something about Niaome last night reminded me of my younger self when I was just out of a horribly abusive relationship.  My bf would be threatening suicide ten minutes before we were expecting to entertain guests.  And when the first person would arrive, he was a bumbling, loving sort.  I was always on edge.  His friends thought I was a bitch.  It was just a horrible, horrible time.  And it took me years to get over it.  To this day, I have no idea what the underlying issues actually were with this bf.  I don't know, but watchin Craig gives me scary flashbacks.)

So much this.

Almost a year ago, I ended a 1 1/2 year relationship with someone like this.  Right down to the lying, the unkempt house, the inability to maintain focus and jump from one thing to another, never finishing anything.  And when the Gaslighting started, it was just like in the movie, and I thought I was crazy.

After the breakup, I watched the original movie, "Gaslight".  I actually sat on a Sunday and watched both versions of it.  Wow.

And yes, in public, the Gaslighter is this happy-go-lucky, charming guy, and as the gaslightee, you are enraged, but you have to watch what you say, or you'll come off looking like a shrew.  I believe this is what happened to Naomie.

My ex is actually a 60 year-old man (I'm 56), and he's gone from job to job his entire life.  He now has no money, no retirement plan, and barely pays his rent, as he is currently, yet again, "between jobs".  This, my friends, will be Craig.

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4 hours ago, OldButHappy said:

I've seen it come full circle:  I got sober 38 years ago, before rehabs existed.  I was taught that AA was intended for drinking, and discussion of other drugs was considered an outside issue.  The thinking was that by not drinking and honestly working the steps, other contributing issues and/or addictions would have to be addressed.  

Then rehabs became a thing in the early 80's, and the "taking-any-drug-means-you're-not sober" crowd became common at meetings.  The all-or-nothing approach doesn't work for me - if I would have had to quit caffeine, cigarettes, and the occasional joint to keep coming to meetings, I would not have stayed, and would most definitely be dead.  I did, in time, quit all my other chemical supports.   

Long-time sober people have a good handle on which drugs they can use safely.  I refused treatment for my adult-diagnosed ADD for 2 years , because I was afraid of stimulants, but it turns out they're fine for me to use as directed- no tolerance/escalating dosage.  And I took lots of xanax when I went through a super stressful situation over which I had no control.  I did see a tolerance develop, but without them I was non-functional, even seeing a therapist.   When the situation was over, I decided to taper and quit.  But Ambien?  Nope.  Opiates?  Nope.  Certain drugs take over my brain and I cannot be trusted.  

It did appear to me that Katherine was on something like Xanax...while my inner judgmental self thinks she's a bit too high, my live-and-let-live self wants to focus on how much better off she is not drinking, and presumably under the care of medical professionals.

You sound like a cool person.

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Just now, StevieRocks said:

BWAH! I wish your husband were on this board! LOLOLOL! Thanks for being his ambassador with the awesome quotes...especially Don Corleone. lololol!

HA!  He also likes to toss out Kadooz.  A lot.  He was talking about someone I think on this show last night and said to quote a wise woman, close your legs to married men!  He likes to think he doesn't watch these shows yet he always knows what is going on.  

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4 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

HA!  He also likes to toss out Kadooz.  A lot.  He was talking about someone I think on this show last night and said to quote a wise woman, close your legs to married men!  He likes to think he doesn't watch these shows yet he always knows what is going on.  

My DH thinks he's so above it all and that my reality shows are ridiculous, but like your DH, he somehow knows everything that's going on. 

I think I'm in the very minority here, but I liked Pat's caftan.  I thought she looked glamorous--not appropriate for her ball, but lovely nonetheless. Also, if I could pull off one of her pug caftans I'd buy one. I think I'd look ridiculous running around my Kroger's with one of those though.

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I must not be this show's target demo anymore.  I don't find people getting all dressed up and brawling to be entertaining.  But I am living for next week when Craig gets all indignant over Naomie posting a picture on Instagram of her new man with Gizmo.  It looks like he's more upset than Kathryn was over the Halloween picture of Ashley with Kensie and Saint.

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Kathryn was fine until she said she believed Ashley was a high end (really?) escort. 

I bet Kathryn wouldn't have had two children with a poor man, and I bet she really wanted to become Thomas' wife (ugh, why?) or maybe just his concubine.

Just saying.

And how stupid was Kathryn not knowing what to say to Patricia, the hostess?  I learned that when I was six years old.  "Thank you so much for inviting me to your party."  See, and I'm just a girl from the "hood."

And I'm surprised Patricia didn't remark on the two different shades of hair on Kathryn's head.  Damn girl, if you're going to wear a piece at least make sure they match up. 

I wish someone would take both Ashley and Kathryn aside and say, "why are you two fighting over this loser?"  Ashley should feel sorry for Kathryn, because she's stuck with Thomas forever since they have children together.  If Thomas gets into trouble and goes to jail or has to pay someone off, that's going to affect his and Kathryn's children.  Ashley can just move on to another man, but Kathryn's stuck.  Also Ashley needs to see that it's not that Kathryn's still in love with Thomas (if she is then she's a HUGE fool), but, as stated before, she's stuck with him because of their children.  She wants to make sure her children are protected, that Ashley doesn't bleed Thomas dry (the golddigger comment).

I think most of the women on this show acted like mean girls this season.  I think it's because we live in an upside down world.  I watch many nature shows and with most species, the male is the one who has to work to attract a mate, he might even have to fight for the right to breed.  But in the modern world, the men really don't have to do much.  I mean, that show "Relationshep" was a joke.  Shep didn't want a serious relationship, no matter what he said.  He's not ready, he just wanted to date a whole bunch of women. 

Also women are at a disadvantage.  Look at Thomas, he didn't have children until he was in his fifties, most women can't do that as easily as he did.  Most women have a smaller window when we can have children.  So there's an imbalance.  The men on this show look at Thomas and think, "shit, I don't have to settle down until I'm fifty, I'll just have a good time."  Maybe that's why Naomie was upset with Craig, he acted like he was ready to settle down and then said, "nope, not happening."  Naomie probably thinks she's wasted years of her life with him.

Edited by Neurochick
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A little surprised that Shep had to rent his attire. I would think that he had escorted enough debutantes in his younger days and attended enough events with his family that he would have white tie, black dinner jacket as well as white dinner jacket stashed somewhere. I speak from experience since I have had to share my closet with all of the above as well as patent leather shoes - his not mine.

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Shep cracked me up with his TRav impersonations in which he actually used the phrase 'what in tarnation'.  As gross as he gets I could never completely dislike him, for moments like these.  Plus he really was sweet with. Kathryn.

i am so looking forward to the reunion- there was a brief preview on WWHL and It looked like Thomas was not there, but Ashley does make an appearance.  It's gonna be a train-wreck shit-show.

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6 hours ago, izabella said:

She was the source of a rumor about Ashley being an escort, s

Kathryn came to her with the rumor and Naomi responded that she had heard she was just a polo rat not an actual escort.

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21 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

My husband likes Katherine and Shep together.  I told him, “no way would his parents ever approve of that”.  Then I thought, why not, she’s a descendent of Calhoun.  She’s somebody pretty important also.  What family has more money?  Sheps or Katherine’s?

Katherine's family doesn't appear to have any money.  The old homestead looked fairly run down 5 years ago and Katherine has gone from rental houses to now apartments.  Shep's the one with 2 houses, bars and multiple family vacation homes throughout the South.

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2 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

HA!  He also likes to toss out Kadooz.  A lot.  He was talking about someone I think on this show last night and said to quote a wise woman, close your legs to married men!  He likes to think he doesn't watch these shows yet he always knows what is going on.  

My husband actually started watching RHOC waaaay back in the day, and introduced me to it.  Moments before I was convinced he had lost his entire mind, I became hooked.  The rest is Bravo reality TV history.  

Damn him!

p.s.:  He loved the original Basketball Wives.  I can't.  I just can't with him.

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Kathryn seems so different from scene to scene - sometimes very vulnerable and raw (especially without makeup, lol); sometimes perky and fun, like bowling with Shep; sometimes the striking femme fatale (full makeup of course). For me she’s the most interesting to watch.

As for Thomas and Ashley, I have to think he either confessed some illegal sin(s) to her and she’s blackmailing him, or he did something to her and she’s blackmailing him. Otherwise he’s flat-out nuts to keep her around.

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22 hours ago, cyberfruit said:

Oh, totally forgot to point out the facetime with Cameran's husband! Was that the first time we've ever seen him? 

That scene seemed to be making a point - that they are happily married and Whitney is friends with both of them.

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13 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

I agree about Cameron.  Although I love her, I didnt like the way she was talking to Craig at his house.  I know she’s the “ Mother Hen”, but she doesn’t have to be so cruel.  I also don’t care the way she speaks to her mother, even tho both are for the camera.

Agreed - and it also bugs me that she often doesn’t say please or thank-you to waiters and waitresses.

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