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S14.E06: Week 6: Richmond, Virginia

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1 hour ago, ByTor said:

Who the hell is Morgan Evans?

Production missed a golden opportunity in not inviting Richmond's own, Elliott Yamin, to perform. Now that would have been a GREAT ending to their date!!!

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Becca’s silver dress was beautiful! None of the guy drama was her fault, but I wish she could handle things without bumming out the rest of the guys. Leo seems like a nice guy, but I don’t find him attractive. I think she got rid of most of the attractive guys. Out of who is left, I think Garret is the best looking. Looks like more moping next week.

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Jumping in the Chesapeake in March/April? No. She looked frozen. What did they get, 4 oysters?

Cursing in front of children. No. I'd have sent them both home at the debate.

Letting Chris into her room? Hell No. Don't care what they're paying her. I did get a laugh out of the random police car driving past as he got into the SUV of shame. Interesting we didn't get more ranting in the car from him.

Do the producers hate Becca? I admire her composure while telling Chris to go home. I've had those breakups where you try to get out without screaming and restraining orders being filed. No wonder they left the country a few days later.

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Funny how everyone has a different take on the looks of the various members of the "cast".

I don't like brawny, jocky, thick-necked guys, so Garrett and Colton do absolutely nothing for me. (However, I did find lawyer Nick pretty cute, weird nose and all.) 

I do like Jason. Not the greasy hair, ew, no, but he just seems like a very appealing guy with a nice personality.

I dislike Leo's hair (looks unkempt to me) and think it's a bad style for his oblong face. Maybe cut to his ears--depending on how it looks when it's not being dragged down by all that other weight--would work better, I'm not sure. Or maybe it would look better straightened. Whatever.  Hair aside, he seemed like a nice person. I felt bad for him on his date and wondered what he was thinking as Becca basically let him know that she was not into the date that morning.  Ouch! I agree with the poster who said that if it had been Garrett or Colton, she would not have been so exhausted and bummed from the night before.

I liked Becca's rose ceremony dress, too. Her hair isn't amazing right now, but I'm not finding it bad either. I'm just surprised that the crew hasn't added extensions at this point. (I'm not sure how hard that is to do.)    

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16 minutes ago, Madding crowd said:

but I wish she could handle things without bumming out the rest of the guys.

But then the show would be 1 hour and not 2.

11 minutes ago, dbell1 said:

Cursing in front of children. No. I'd have sent them both home at the debate.  (Me) That would have been awesome.

Letting Chris into her room? Hell No. Don't care what they're paying her. I did get a laugh out of the random police car driving past as he got into the SUV of shame. Interesting we didn't get more ranting in the car from him.  (Me)  I thought the same thing and then remembered the whole crew was probably there.

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The entire time during Chris's visit to Becca's room, I had Tom Petty's Don't Come Around Here No More playing in my head:

I don't feel you anymore
You darken my door
Whatever you're looking for
Hey, don't come around here no more

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Loved all the guys being shocked Colton got the rose, especially since Garrett was the one right after Chris.  

Colton is the most vocally Savy game player I’ve ever seen.  He called both Jordan and Dave going (in the  right orde), he gives the correct advice to the idiots, he talks about how certain actions historically dontvwork, and what the guys need to go to fix things. He sooo isn’t there for Becca

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I think Becca is really lovely and quite smart as far as bachelorette's go, annoying voice aside. She takes no bullshit. Glad she has kept her original breasts, also refreshing.

Chris was just awful. So unlikeable. Who wants to be around that? I found Leo endearing and also like Jason. I wonder why his friends got to come to the show? That was kind of random. The rest of the meatheads can go. Except Wills. I like him. Not for Becca though.

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1 hour ago, Madding crowd said:

Becca’s silver dress was beautiful! None of the guy drama was her fault, but I wish she could handle things without bumming out the rest of the guys. Leo seems like a nice guy, but I don’t find him attractive. I think she got rid of most of the attractive guys. Out of who is left, I think Garret is the best looking. Looks like more moping next week.

I'm thinking that Becca is an introvert.  Introverts really need alone time to process things, and being in constant social situations with a large group is very draining. Plus, she has the added stress of being the host of the show - yeah, Chris is just a highly paid extra, IMO.   I think she also spends a lot of time second guessing herself because not enough time has passed since Arie.

I also think that Becca was a non-drama starting, team player in her original season, so she's irritated by the male divas.

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1 hour ago, adhoc said:

Funny how everyone has a different take on the looks of the various members of the "cast".

I don't like brawny, jocky, thick-necked guys, so Garrett and Colton do absolutely nothing for me. (However, I did find lawyer Nick pretty cute, weird nose and all.) 

I do like Jason. Not the greasy hair, ew, no, but he just seems like a very appealing guy with a nice personality.

I dislike Leo's hair (looks unkempt to me) and think it's a bad style for his oblong face. Maybe cut to his ears--depending on how it looks when it's not being dragged down by all that other weight--would work better, I'm not sure. Or maybe it would look better straightened. Whatever.  Hair aside, he seemed like a nice person. I felt bad for him on his date and wondered what he was thinking as Becca basically let him know that she was not into the date that morning.  Ouch! I agree with the poster who said that if it had been Garrett or Colton, she would not have been so exhausted and bummed from the night before.

I liked Becca's rose ceremony dress, too. Her hair isn't amazing right now, but I'm not finding it bad either. I'm just surprised that the crew hasn't added extensions at this point. (I'm not sure how hard that is to do.)    

I loved Becca's hair in her season, and I think it's still really lustrous and shiny.  I think she simply has hair that has outgrown it's intended look.  I'm speculating that they wanted her hair longer for this show - because desirable women only have long hair, right? - and she objected to extensions.  Extensions can be uncomfortable and damaging to hair.  I also think that the majority get really ratty looking.  She's from the Midwest, as am I, and they were rare to me before I moved to Atlanta.  Here, women put the damn things on lay away.

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52 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

I agree. Some of the choices her stylist has made leave something to be desired but as soon as she got out of the car for the RC my thought was the gown was stunning and she looked stunning in it.

I can't imagine what your seeing because I think he seems very sweet and honest . His story about his grandmother not knowing his father and it teaching him to not waste time and let people you care about know how you feel came across very sincere. Plus I love his Al Pacino tough guy vibe.

Agree the dress was gorgeous and she looked lovely.

I like Jason a lot also - he might be my fave. 

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12 minutes ago, sauce62 said:

I think Becca is really lovely and quite smart as far as bachelorette's go, annoying voice aside. She takes no bullshit. Glad she has kept her original breasts, also refreshing.

Chris was just awful. So unlikeable. Who wants to be around that? I found Leo endearing and also like Jason. I wonder why his friends got to come to the show? That was kind of random. The rest of the meatheads can go. Except Wills. I like him. Not for Becca though.

I originally liked him, but more and more he looks like he has a bit of a flat affect.   He can also give the impression of crushing boredom by the way his eyes are perpetually almost closed.  Otherwise, I think he looks as high as a kite, or on massive doses of Benadryl for environmental allergies.

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SO - when they read the group date card, Chris says "I have some tricks up my sleeve, and I'm going to go in LITERALLY GUNS BLAZING. "

Those are some scary words for a guy who was already showing difficulty managing his anger. 

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The credits scene with the "two on one" with Abe & George was HILARIOUS. 

See ya Chris, don't let the door hit ya.....he better hope no one in the Orlando dating pool watches this mess, or he will be forever alone. God, what a nightmare he is.

Becca's RC dress was STUNNING. Best one yet. On the topic of her hair, it's fine. Nothing more. I'm so weary of this carefully beach-waved style everyone has. It feels like the trend has stuck around far longer than it should have. Maybe because it's easy to style, but I swear every woman between 16-46 has long, center-parted, beach waves. Booorrrrringgggg.

Won't miss Conner or Lincoln. It was past time for them to go. I loathe Garrett and Colton, for reasons already articulated here. Blake seems sweet and sincere, but I can't get past his oddly-shaped head (reminds me of the episode of Friends where they tried to convince Chandler to stop being so picky. BIG HEAD BIG HEAD!). 

Wills is one cool cat, but he's soooooo laid-back. Not sure if he's high or asleep. I also can't decide if he's truly sincere in his growing love for BK, or if he's caught up in wanting to win. He *reads* sincere, but I'm not sure. Something I can't put my finger on.

Jason has become my hands down favorite. I don't love his hair style, but that's easily changeable. His smile is gorgeous, he's articulate, sensitive, but also seems like a guy's guy. He has a REAL job and seems to truly like Becca and her company. I selfishly want him for the next Bachelor. 

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I love how Blake handled himself this episode.  He seems really cute and I love how he stays out of the drama.  But he seems a little too intense.  He acts like he's really in love with Becca. LOL.  I know that's the point of this show but they hardly know her.  He looks like he's taking it so seriously.  But anyway, he's so cute

Chris........ Get some help.  

I hate admitting that Connor is really hot with the glasses because I really hated him from the picture throwing incident.

Why is Becca so nuts about Colton?  I get that he's cute but why would you even go there with someone who dated Tia?

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52 minutes ago, redfish.bluefish said:

The credits scene with the "two on one" with Abe & George was HILARIOUS. 

See ya Chris, don't let the door hit ya.....he better hope no one in the Orlando dating pool watches this mess, or he will be forever alone. God, what a nightmare he is.

Becca's RC dress was STUNNING. Best one yet. On the topic of her hair, it's fine. Nothing more. I'm so weary of this carefully beach-waved style everyone has. It feels like the trend has stuck around far longer than it should have. Maybe because it's easy to style, but I swear every woman between 16-46 has long, center-parted, beach waves. Booorrrrringgggg.

Won't miss Conner or Lincoln. It was past time for them to go. I loathe Garrett and Colton, for reasons already articulated here. Blake seems sweet and sincere, but I can't get past his oddly-shaped head (reminds me of the episode of Friends where they tried to convince Chandler to stop being so picky. BIG HEAD BIG HEAD!). 

Wills is one cool cat, but he's soooooo laid-back. Not sure if he's high or asleep. I also can't decide if he's truly sincere in his growing love for BK, or if he's caught up in wanting to win. He *reads* sincere, but I'm not sure. Something I can't put my finger on.

Jason has become my hands down favorite. I don't love his hair style, but that's easily changeable. His smile is gorgeous, he's articulate, sensitive, but also seems like a guy's guy. He has a REAL job and seems to truly like Becca and her company. I selfishly want him for the next Bachelor. 

This! I agree on every point. As much as I think Jason would be good with Becca I too selfishly would love to see him as the Bachelor. That is unless he picked a awful, unlikable woman and then I could see me saying he would have been better off with Becca. Still I think he would make a good one. Can't think of another that I would rather see unless maybe Blake or Leo but I think Blake seems too sweet and gullible and not sure Leo could or would want to carry it. He almost seems "too cool for school" or, although he's a contestant now, feels almost like it would be beneath him?? I know that makes no sense but I kind of get that vibe from him.

Edited by yorklee2
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Did they show Lincoln saying goodbye to Becca when he & Connor left?  It seemed all the activity & voice-overs were Connors, and nothing from Lincoln.  We saw the obligatory man hugs, but I didn't see him walk up to her upon exiting.  Maybe I just blinked & he was gone. 

I think Leo went firmly in the friend zone after that date.  He said & did the right things, but I couldn't see any real attraction there.   Her time with Jason seemed to have more sizzle.  

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Even if Chris wasn't an aggressive, obsessive, hypersensitive,  self-centered, frightening man who thinks  women's kisses are commodities and other men are all enemies  -- I still would have thrown him out on the first day for talking over people.  People like that will never improve because they'll never hear the other person's point.

It's so ironic that Lincoln ran to Becca, twice, for protection because he felt "threh-end" by some other man.

Garrett's voice and facial expressions make him seem really dumb to me.

I like Jason and Blake but it would be fun to see Becca choose no one at the end after the slim pickings the show has given her.

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Leo: nice guy, but doesn't have an attractive face.  I've never been a fan of men with long hair...

Connor: he looks so much better with glasses, but he needs to grow up a bit more before getting married (I can't forget the picture-throwing incident.  It made him look petty).

Jason: sweet, cute and genuine.  He has amazing chemistry with Becca.  Nothing about him seems forced. I would pick him if I were her.

Colton: cute guy, but very calculating. I don't believe a word that comes out of his mouth.  He's more like a politician.

Blake: very sweet guy!  I believe he really likes Becca at this point.  If she doesn't choose Jason, she should pick him.  Jason just seems a bit more worldly and mature which is why I prefer him over Blake.  She can't go wrong with either one though. 

Wills: nice guy, but seems like he's high most of the time.  I don't believe he really is interested in Becca as a romantic partner.  I think he likes her as a friend though.

Lincoln: exceedingly immature.  He's not even boyfriend-material.  The sexual assault and floor-pooper allegations don't help.

Chris: I realize that the stress of the show can affect people negatively and bring out some unsavory characteristics.  Men who are otherwise sweet may find themselves behaving like jerks (i.e. Connor).  However, Chris takes things to a whole other level.  This guy is a complete sociopath.  He is your typical "nice guy" who believes that buying a woman a drink or being polite entitles him to a relationship or sex with a woman.  I could not believe that he felt Becca owed him anything and that she should seek him out to speak with him. He signed up for the show agreeing to compete against 20-something other men in order to propose to the Bachelorette at the end of the show.  It's his job to find time to speak with her; she has to juggle multiple men.  If he can't take the initiative to speak to her, then he's on the wrong show.

I pity any woman who dates Chris and doesn't behave like he's God's gift to women.  This man has "stalker" written all over him.  I could not believe he was dumb enough to air dirty laundry during the debate.  That was cringe-worthy.  I'm not sure what he was thinking.  Whining about petty drama does not look attractive.

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10 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

that one with the swoopy hair looks like some icon at an old timey donut or ice cream drive in place.  

Thank you!  I couldn’t think who Connor reminded me of, but now I know - Big Boy!

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I can imagine Chris going into serious stalker/restraining order territory if he doesn't get what he wants (or as he'd read it 'deserves') from a woman. Even after Becca played the "I don't see us getting there" card he was sitting there in strained silence trying to process how he could still "win" even with her saying everything short of 'Can I see you out then?' As he opined he is used to winning. He did NOT take this well. I was waiting for him to say he'd call her after this was over and they could hang out.

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 She's from the Midwest, as am I, and they were rare to me before I moved to Atlanta.  Here, women put the damn things on lay away.

Haha, I'm from Missouri, and when I moved to Dallas in the mid-80s, I really stood out! I was not a blonde, I did not have big hair, and when I went to the swimming pool, I was the only woman without makeup on. (Why would you wear makeup to go swimming?)  All of the other 20- and 30-something women had  carefully coiffed hair and full makeup.

Leighdear - It could be that TB production felt that Lincoln, convicted of assault and battery, did not warrant any parting comments. Maybe they were filmed and subsequently edited out?

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1 hour ago, PhysNerd said:

I pity any woman who dates Chris and doesn't behave like he's God's gift to women.  This man has "stalker" written all over him.

I have to disagree with this.  I've known people who act like Chris.  They are narcissists, but they don't tend to stalk.   They expect everyone to fall all over them with heaps of praise and adoration, and if that doesn't happen they get angry and storm out.    But they don't actually care enough about the other person to stalk them.    On to the next person who will adore them. 

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Well, that was really fun! I could watch an entire sitcom based on the guys on the group date sitting in that room reacting to the hell that was Chris and Lincoln.

Agree about the early hair. Flat, and stringy and dirty-looking. Was that some retro Mudd or something? Jason deserved better. Love Jason. Loved their date. Finally a contender. Jason seems too real and decent for this show...

Leo is probably on the wrong show, but a good egg; hope he gets some stunt/acting/body double work out of this.

I like Blake, also, I guess - and then there are all the rest.

And still she gives the group date rose to that phony chump Colton. He has a nice dog, I'll give him that.

Forgot to note: I love Richmond! What glorious architecture and interiors. Plus, Poe!

Edited by violet and green
add bit
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There is not one winner in this collection of guys. They all seem like such losers to me, way too young to even be serious about marriage. I have no idea who Becca picks, but I think that whoever she picks will be history in her life within six months. They are all such clowns and frat boys. Did casting even try to pick a collection of worthwhile guys? 

I liked Clay. He seemed to be the only serious man even there. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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11 hours ago, Mabinogia said:

It was interesting that she saw it as a sign of respect. Personally, if I'd been dumped I wouldn't want to be walked out. I would want you to respect me enough to leave me alone now that you've dumped me. But I'm sure the producers/mind controllers have them convinced it is respectful to follow the dumpy out of the house, maybe make sure they don't take anything on the way? lol This show lives in this weird little bubble of propriety that makes little sense in the real world. 

I didn't like her insisting she'd walk him out. He didn't want to be walked out — how is that different from her wanting Grandpa Possum to leave but him staying because it's what he thought should happen when she was clear she wanted something different? 

Mr. Ox (who claims not to watch) to Chris: Don't go over there. Not a good move.

Post-walkout: I told you you'd regret that.

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5 hours ago, DakotaLavender said:

There is not one winner in this collection of guys. They all seem like such losers to me, way too young to even be serious about marriage. I have no idea who Becca picks, but I think that whoever she picks will be history in her life within six months. They are all such clowns and frat boys. Did casting even try to pick a collection of worthwhile guys? 

I liked Clay. He seemed to be the only serious man even there. 


Can't believe they are down to the final 6 and besides not seeing it yet for Becca with one of the remaining guys, also can't see a future Bachelor lead from this group.

Edited by Palomar
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11 minutes ago, violet and green said:

Colton. He has a nice dog, I'll give him that.

At least I finally have something nice to say about him. He has a nice dog. haha It's like he read The Rules: Bachelorette edition. Everything he says and does seems so calculated. The bachelorette this season could have been Grandma Moses and he would be saying and doing all the same things he is now. This seems to be 100% a contest for him and he is in it to win it.

I really do like Becca, but I loathe her taste in men. She really does gravitated towards the meathead type.

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12 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Becca was so dead eyed while listening to Leo spill his guts.

To be fair to Leo, she has had that look every.single.time the guys share something significant about themselves.  I generally like Becca, but this is one of most unattractive traits.  And I don't think it's because of awkwardness of how to handle such intimate information.  I think it's because she would much rather be talking about herself.


2 hours ago, PhysNerd said:

Wills: nice guy, but seems like he's high most of the time.  I don't believe he really is interested in Becca as a romantic partner.  I think he likes her as a friend though.

He is so low energy, that it makes him seem uninterested (and uninteresting).  Several times during this episode he said something to Becca like, "I'm very excited about...", and I kept thinking "This is excited?"  Other than his epic handling of the potential Talk-gate (and his unique clothes), I don't see anything remotely interesting/compelling/desirable about him.  

Other random observations:

  • Garrett seemed drunk in how he was slurring his words at the group date party and in his ITMs.
  • From how Blake's coat fit him from the neck up, he looked like an old time wild west gunslinger.
  • Jason certainly has risen from dark house to a favorite, and gets much more camera time than at the start.  I liken that to how it was with Catherine on Sean's season.  I don't care for his look personally, but he seems like a genuinely good guy, and I'd have no problem having him be the 'winner' this season.
  • In Jason's ITMs before the date, when they were showing him with the white shirt and the black jacket, and how his hair was, I remarked to myself that he looked just like a vampire.  Then I couldn't believe it when they went on the date, to that Unhappy Hour goth party, and he drank 'blood'!
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16 minutes ago, LuvMyShows said:

He is so low energy, that it makes him seem uninterested (and uninteresting).  Several times during this episode he said something to Becca like, "I'm very excited about...", and I kept thinking "This is excited?"  Other than his epic handling of the potential Talk-gate (and his unique clothes), I don't see anything remotely interesting/compelling/desirable about him. 

That's a pretty accurate description of Wills.  He bores me.

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32 minutes ago, Broken Ox said:

Mr. Ox (who claims not to watch) to Chris:

Perhaps Mr. Ox can hang out with Mr. LBS who also claims not to watch but conveniently sits next to me on the couch every Monday night "playing" on his phone while making timely snarky comments.    

I still like Wills but now I agree that he is too low energy to be lead.  I really like Jason.  He has kind eyes and his excitement when he saw his friends was so genuine.  I also really don't want to like Garrett because of IG gate but his obvious, awkward dorky look to the the camera when asking to steal Becca away from Chris was endearing to me.   Ugh self.  Be strong!  I'm glad Conner is gone and I hope he can continue his "how to button shirts" lessons because I think he only got to lesson 1 before the show started. 

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12 hours ago, adhoc said:

Funny how everyone has a different take on the looks of the various members of the "cast".

I don't like brawny, jocky, thick-necked guys, so Garrett and Colton do absolutely nothing for me. (However, I did find lawyer Nick pretty cute, weird nose and all.) 

I do like Jason. Not the greasy hair, ew, no, but he just seems like a very appealing guy with a nice personality.

I dislike Leo's hair (looks unkempt to me) and think it's a bad style for his oblong face. Maybe cut to his ears--depending on how it looks when it's not being dragged down by all that other weight--would work better, I'm not sure. Or maybe it would look better straightened. Whatever.  Hair aside, he seemed like a nice person. I felt bad for him on his date and wondered what he was thinking as Becca basically let him know that she was not into the date that morning.  Ouch! I agree with the poster who said that if it had been Garrett or Colton, she would not have been so exhausted and bummed from the night before.

I liked Becca's rose ceremony dress, too. Her hair isn't amazing right now, but I'm not finding it bad either. I'm just surprised that the crew hasn't added extensions at this point. (I'm not sure how hard that is to do.)    

I totally agree about jock types..... Jason and Blake are my favorites. Jason is so nice and Blake is sort of quirky. 

I am thrilled they didn't add extensions to Becca's hair. I hate those!

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Mr. Ox (who claims not to watch) to Chris: Don't go over there. Not a good move.

Post-walkout: I told you you'd regret that.

Let me fix this for you:

Mr. Ox (who claims not to watch) to Chris: Don't go over there. Not a good move.

Chris: But my producer is telling me I need to do this! It will show Becca that I'm sincere! She'll be impressed when she sees my passion! Yeah, I'm doin' it!

Post-walkout: I told you you'd regret that.

Chris: Wha' ... What happened ....

Edited by adhoc
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55 minutes ago, Broken Ox said:

I didn't like her insisting she'd walk him out. He didn't want to be walked out — how is that different from her wanting Grandpa Possum to leave but him staying because it's what he thought should happen when she was clear she wanted something different? 

This. I hated Becca insisting on walking him out. It made her look bad and that didn't need to happen. 

Wills had to have been high as hell in this ep. As has been said, he does tend to be low-energy and sleepy looking, but it was out of control last night. I found it uncomfortable tbh.

I like how sincere Blake is but, like someone mentioned up thread, he's too intense. It's been a month buddy, calm down!

Colton is so fake. I can't stand him.

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1 hour ago, Broken Ox said:

I didn't like her insisting she'd walk him out. He didn't want to be walked out — how is that different from her wanting Grandpa Possum to leave but him staying because it's what he thought should happen when she was clear she wanted something different? 

I think it is different because they were in Becca's hotel suite. I can't imagine having people in my home (even if it's a temporary home) and not walking them out. Her mistake was *saying* that she would walk him out. She should have just gotten up from the couch and started walking towards the door once she was ready for him to leave.

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14 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

I just realized Lincoln looks like Leon Spinks. And he’s really stupid.  Chris is a freaking psychopath.  They really scraped the bottom for poor Becca.

that one with the swoopy hair looks like some icon at an old timey donut or ice cream drive in place.  

You mean him?????


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32 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Wills had to have been high as hell in this ep. As has been said, he does tend to be low-energy and sleepy looking, but it was out of control last night. I found it uncomfortable tbh.

What I found cringeworthily uncomfortable, was when Wills said he was falling in love with (falling for?) Becca.  They are no.where.near that, which makes me doubt his sincerity.  It felt exactly like the guy she kicked out, who said the same thing too early, which made her suspicious.  I guess the only reason she didn't kick out Wills, is because he didn't admit to being insincere with his statement like the other guy did, and because this occurred a little bit later when I guess the sentiment could have, maybe, in some way, been plausible. 

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15 hours ago, SallyAlbright said:

First thing I saw: Leo in Birkenstocks. Can't unsee that and really wish I could. 

i love a man in birks :) well unless his feet are fug lol 

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The frontrunners at this point are so obvious, they should cut to final 4 immediately. 

Jason is my immediate favorite. He reminds me of some of my first major crush in college, just a nicer version. I kind of want him to end up 4th or 3rd so he can be Bachelor. I adore him and wouldn't mind a whole season of his awesome hair, giant cross, and genuine nature. Plus his friends seem fun and lighthearted - clearly there for him and not camera hogs.

Chris is awful, yes. He behaved childishly when Becca cut him and he seems a little in love with himself. But I also think the other men share these unfavorable characteristics and just hide it better. Lincoln did blatantly lie and this was corroborated by Connor. They should have taken Connor to Becca to spell out what was fabricated. I do think Lincoln kind of got away with a lot there. Garrett and the rest put the blame squarely on Chris, when it wasn't his fault. Lincoln lit the match and Becca forced Chris to defend himself. 

Becca is far too easily influenced by male gossip. She can't seem to shut it down, as past Bachelors have done, and just say "I'm going off of my connection to this person. You should stop worrying about them and focus on me." Instead, she takes every nugget of negativity and puts it under a microscope, giving it full credence before even checking its validity with the other person. So of COURSE the men get upset and go on defense. She doesn't see it but she's basically creating an environment where gossip thrives and she's marginalized. 

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1 hour ago, nutty1 said:

I am thrilled they didn't add extensions to Becca's hair. I hate those!

See, I think she does have in very, very, very bad extensions.  I think her natural hair is very fine & thin and they put extension in that are getting very ratty and badly maintained.   

And of course, the last comments with George & Abe were slams to Arie.  I never stopped liking him, but by the show constantly harping on how evil Arie is in EVERY episode, they just make me like him more and boring Becca less.  And I didn't like her much to begin with. 

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4 hours ago, JudyObscure said:

Even if Chris wasn't an aggressive, obsessive, hypersensitive,  self-centered, frightening man who thinks  women's kisses are commodities and other men are all enemies  -- I still would have thrown him out on the first day for talking over people.  People like that will never improve because they'll never hear the other person's point.

It's so ironic that Lincoln ran to Becca, twice, for protection because he felt "threh-end" by some other man.


I agree, and Becca is guilty of this as well.


11 hours ago, Meowwww said:

Leo is my favorite.  Gorgeous and sensitive and so friend-zoned.  

Yep - that was confirmed when he didn't get the bachelorette handshake.

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That sounded very genuine to me. I imagine that being in this situation just amplifies a persons' worst traits. The smart ones, like Chris seems to be, watch it and learn. The idiots blame "editing" or "production". I do hope he learned from this. It sounds like he wants to, which is more than I can say for most.

13 minutes ago, LBS said:

Thinking I was entitled was not only embarrassing but a disgusting mindset.

I am especially pleased to read this, since it was a seemingly smaller aspect that could easily go overlooked. If Chris can come away from this experience having learned something about his darker side and attempt to make some positive changes, he is better off than about 80% of the morons on this show. Good on you Chris. Hope you do learn from this.

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Ugh.  Chris is the worst.  I had racist/white supremacist vibes last week after the confrontation with Wills.  After the confrontation with Lincoln when he called him "aggressive", which is SUCH coded language, Im convinced he is super racist. And super misogynist.  What a winner (eyeroll emoji). 


(This was posted before reading his #ownit post, which makes him less "the worst".)  I appreciate that he actually has a clue. Still, his behavior on the show was awful. 

Edited by fib
Putting post in context
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