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S20.E01: Season Premiere (Part 1)

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My observations:

Loved the new house and the new twist with technology.  Thank you @missyb for the house tour.

I loved that one of the punishments was NOT a leotard but a computer ala Sheldon Cooper - very cool switch out.

Why did surfer boy even promise surfer girl he would keep her safe when she would not make a deal with him prior to the comp?  Very stupid indeed.

Edited by jumper sage
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Instant hate for Swaggy C. The name alone, but then he calls himself "your boy" in the DR. Nope. You're not my boy Swaggy. Be gone.

His resume is laughable. Former college basketball player? OK. Now he's . . . a day trader who babysits suburban white kids part time on weekends. Whuh?

(Unfortunately, I think we'll be stuck with him for the long haul. The game is always rigged in favor of the alpha males and he seems to be forming a posse with them from the start.)

I don't believe for one minute that Brett is a "cyber security engineer." I think maybe he has some kind of engineering degree, and maybe he work(ed) for some kind of security tech company at some low-level position, but he's clearly a shirtless muscle head/wanna-be male model. 

I bailed on this show last year about three weeks in - I just couldn't take one more minute of Paul or that dum dum that ended up winning. I'll hang in there this time as long as there are no returning players but there's nobody I'm actively rooting for at this point. Maybe Sam. 

I'm just so sick of this show casting the exact same people every damn year. Ever notice there is a blond, mop-headed surfer dude every single year? There's always a token hayseed, a token gay, a token pink-haired weirdo, a token nerd/geek, and the usual assortment of bikini models and muscle heads. It's not a "social experiment" when you literally have a list of characters you cast every single summer. You always get the same results when you have the exact same people every year.

What the hell does "sweating like a nun in a cucumber patch? mean??

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A reference to female masturbation using vegetables.

 If you are a "pearl clutcher" the following is not for you:


Cucumbers and zucchini are recommended substitutes. Carrots are useless,  like the worst date you ever had.

Edited by Skycatcher
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6 hours ago, amazingracefan said:

I still like Kaitlyn, she did say she was 90% aura and '10% screw you' anyway.

What does AA stand for?

Sorry about that - African-American.

And I'd agree with Aura Girl's self-assessment if the percentages were reversed.

Even though I think Chris' save decision was NOT in his best interest, it might work out fine if he can just chill and be a fun, affable guy for the next couple weeks. Dog knows it takes VERY little for HGs to get red-in-the-face pissed off at others as the weirdness emerge post-honeymoon first couple days. I like how Chris talks to himself/the cameras when in a room alone. Sure, it may be for show, but I think we sometimes get a glimpse into true intent, moreso than the mostly-scripted DRs.

And I just realized with a cringe that saving half the players is basically like the Wristlets of Amicability from last year. (I refuse to to write anything related to that foul-hearted Cherokee-hair-tampon skidmark on the face of humanity.)

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18 hours ago, partofme said:

Winston is good looking but I want him evicted.   He carries guns to the movies.   Just no.

Last summer we locally had a drunk in a theater that got into a fight and pulled an illegal gun on a man.  Luckily, there were people there with legal concealed carries that subdued him and no one got killed.  And I really really mean luckily because my daughter works there and could have gotten killed along with numerous other people.

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Ok, so lets get it straight.

If you come up with a name for yourself other than your real name, it is an alias not a nickname.

Therefore “Swaggy C” is not a nickname.

But I do have to give him props for providing me with the biggest laugh I had all night, not a snicker, but full blown LOL.  

“ I am a day trader, but on the weekends I babysit for money...” and then they show him in a pool with two little fat white kids...


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17 hours ago, North of Eden said:

Scotty...seriously, turn in your nuts and call it a life if your first instinct is to run when five or six hotties are chasing after you to give you your first kiss.

I wasn't surprised that he ran and I wasn't surprised that someone immediately jumped to the idea that "OMG! We need to kiss him!!!1" but I was annoyed by it. Like, you just met this guy, he's being honest about himself, and you immediately stomp all over his boundaries and try to kiss him? Editing is everything because we didn't know how long their conversation was but that's a dick move on Rachel's part. I thought it reflected worse on her than on him.  

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58 minutes ago, TGinKY said:

Last summer we locally had a drunk in a theater that got into a fight and pulled an illegal gun on a man.  Luckily, there were people there with legal concealed carries that subdued him and no one got killed.  And I really really mean luckily because my daughter works there and could have gotten killed along with numerous other people.

Like people with "legal" concealed guns don't get drunk and do crazy things too.  Yeah I get it might have worked once to help but it could work 99% of the time to be the drunk with the gun was totally "legal" too.

Edited by green
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9 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

If BB thinks I am going to go through all of that crap just to vote,  they can kiss my left butt cheek.  I have no interest in signing up for any of that.


Just bring back the old voting system from last year at the http://www.cbs.com website. 

The voting is just another form of data collection to sell your info to everyone from quick food chains to Russian hackers.  I'd never cast a vote for any BB thing ever.

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3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I bailed on this show last year about three weeks in - I just couldn't take one more minute of Paul

In the house tour on CBS there is an outline of paul in the fish tank.  Kill me now.

Edited by jumper sage
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19 hours ago, Lamima said:

The 'aura' girl...does anyone else think she looks like Nicole Ritchie several years back???

Yes!! I was wondering if it's really Nicole playing a role. 

Bayleigh and her hating to help customers was bad! 

Winston seems nice.  I don't mind responsible gun owners one bit.  Nothing to be afraid of.  

I am tired of hearing the name Swaggy C already.  

Sam is sweet.   The robot is creepy.  I don't like it. 

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In the house tour on CBS there is an outline of paul in the fish tank.  Kill me now.

Can't claim to read minds, but I don't think that was complimentary -- first, because Julie said something about it commemorating his two second-place losses, and second -- come on, they have Paul "sleeping with the fishes"!

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7 hours ago, diana said:

At least Swaggy C is better than Whistlenut and his shirt designs are much better. Not to mention I think he had at least 3 different designs, lol. Not a big fan of him, but at least he is playing the game. And I'll take that!

At least Whistlenut was his nickname for his job. Seems much better than Chris to me. But also, ew at myself for defending Jason lol.

6 hours ago, Brian Cronin said:

Sam is the most charming houseguest they've had in....well, a really long time. So I imagine she'll be voted out Week 1. 

lol 100%.

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Once a Houseguest wins a power app or punishment, they are ineligible to receive another one.

Well, that's bullshit. We should be able to punish a particular player repeatedly until it ruins their game. What's the point otherwise? This isn't really giving the audience any real power in the game.

I agree the tech stuff is stupid and gimmicky. When they "fell" off the platform and into the darkened set, suddenly they all had goggles on. Nobody had them on when they were standing on the platform. So the director yells "cut" then some crew comes in and leads them to another set. It makes you very aware of how staged and fake the whole thing is. Obviously they are not really disappearing and reappearing inside the House. They're told to exit somewhere and then led to an exterior entrance to the DR. Why emphasize the behind the scenes workings of this show? 

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Thalia is considering changing her screen name to Swaggy T, and will express her awesomeness in the third person from now on!  

Poor Sam.  I like her, but I was disappointed that her experience in her second grade Spelling Bee didn't help her spell houseguest more quickly.  Maybe she was looking for the "Z" to spell "houzeguezt" ala Razzberry?   Maybe subtitles would have helped.   

Edited by Thalia
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6 hours ago, TaraS1 said:

Most definitely.  And I was shocked when she said she was 24, I honestly thought she was much older.

Same same same.  No way that chick was born in 1993 or 1994.

Faysal seemed to be a devout Muslim so how long until Allison makes his praying a plot point?

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1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

I agree the tech stuff is stupid and gimmicky. When they "fell" off the platform and into the darkened set, suddenly they all had goggles on.

Even better when the other eight were all 'magically' in elaborate harnesses under their clothes! Can you imagine the waiting time for all of those people to get suited up? Yeah, it was pretty ridiculous.

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48 minutes ago, Wings said:

Sam was cute in DR saying JC was a member if the LGBDT! 

And since "B" for "Bi" is in that acronym, he isn't automatically out of the running for her.  However, even though his intro showed him showing off for women and talking about being chased, smart money says he's a "G" letter from the acronym.

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6 hours ago, IgnoranceisBLISS said:

Is she going to be like previous players and not have a job to return to because of stupid comments she makes? I could not believe she said all of that on NATIONAL TV for EVERYONE including the company she works for her it. 

Bailey strikes me as one of those types of people with an extremely exaggerated sense of their own self worth. I thin k that they think they are cute and charming when they say things like she did (about only helping if she feels like it.)

More likely she's bragging about something she doesn't do, because too much of taht should have already gotten her fired.

There's always the possibility she's sleeping with her boss and doesn't have to care.

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1 hour ago, HurricaneVal said:

And since "B" for "Bi" is in that acronym, he isn't automatically out of the running for her.  However, even though his intro showed him showing off for women and talking about being chased, smart money says he's a "G" letter from the acronym.

He did say he was gay in his intro video clip.  

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22 hours ago, Gemma Violet said:

Not of fan of the tech concept:  people disappearing into thin air after the challenges. 

I had to figure out why I had such a strong negative reaction.   I think it's because the whole point of the show is the voyeuristic experience.  The houseguests signed away their privacy and we get to observe them and analyze their behavior, strategy and lies--24 hours a day, if we want.


So when the director yells "Cut!" and the players all scamper around off-camera creating an artificial impression, which is then enhanced by special effects, the whole exercise feels fake and pointless.  It's like Jessica Rabbit appearing as a contestant on Jeopardy!  What the hell is this bullshit, Alex?


[Jessica Rabbit:  animated character in a live-action feature film.]

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What makes everyone think it was scripted?  I watched a documentary where some dude named Tron got sucked into a computer.  And then I watched another documentary.. I think it was called Tron 2: Computer Boogaloo... where his kid got sucked into a computer.  People be getting sucked into computers all the time, yo.

Edited by MrHufflepuff
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5 hours ago, iMonrey said:

Well, that's bullshit. We should be able to punish a particular player repeatedly until it ruins their game. What's the point otherwise? This isn't really giving the audience any real power in the game.

I agree the tech stuff is stupid and gimmicky. When they "fell" off the platform and into the darkened set, suddenly they all had goggles on. Nobody had them on when they were standing on the platform. So the director yells "cut" then some crew comes in and leads them to another set. It makes you very aware of how staged and fake the whole thing is. Obviously they are not really disappearing and reappearing inside the House. They're told to exit somewhere and then led to an exterior entrance to the DR. Why emphasize the behind the scenes workings of this show? 

Agreed. The computer theme pisses me off because I hate technology and computers/smart phones.  I want to get blasted back to the 70s, so this them automatically puts Big Brother on my shit list, and it is early on.

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10 hours ago, Machiabelly said:

My wife thinks cop guy looks like Vincent Vaughn 

Yes.  His face is a little different, but his posture and facial expressions say Vince Vaughn to me.  (not as good looking though)

AND -  he SOUNDS like Vince Vaughn. 

Edited by backformore
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16 hours ago, sara416 said:

Yep. When he introduced himself as a bro who does bro things...ick. That's the best way to make me dislike you. Congratulations.

For me, it was that coupled with the picture of him gleefully posing during one of the worst days ever to be out and about in NYC. SantaCon. *shudder*

I don’t see Steve the cop being able to keep his actual job a secret. The way he carries himself screams cop. Derek you are not, sir. Count me in with love for Sam, even as a robot. The girl from Vegas grates on me a bit, but I am giving everyone benefit of the doubt. 

I too have high hopes for this season!

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On 6/27/2018 at 8:53 PM, Lamima said:

I wonder if Angela and the surfer guy know each other for real??? He seemed overly concerned folks would think so.

I think they would have told us if they did. After all, there was no reason to keep it from the audience or highlight the discussion through editing if there was a twist there. That being said, I have never seen a person who was not guilty look as guilty as Tyler did whenever it came up. It was like, dude, people WEREN'T going to think you knew each other until you got all bug eyed and sweaty. 

On 6/27/2018 at 9:03 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Robot Sam is adorable, but I'm afraid it's really going to hurt her game. She may be able to be real Sam sometimes, but I'm afraid they might milk Robot Sam to the point where, if she is nominated, her game will be hurt on the first week. As a fan of Sam, I'm worried for her game (especially since Chris left out Sam's name when he was talking about her group, all because she's already been out of the house for hours). 

I don't think Kaycee's Pinwheel of Doom will hinder her much, unless it spins for hours.


I agree. I feel like these punishments were pretty uneven, and I don't really know why they would do that. First, the competitions were inequitable (needle in a haystack vs. something where you have more control) and then they give one person a punishment that basically equates to a silly outfit and possibly being stuck in a room while the other person is physically unable to be there and has no idea who might be watching or listening because she is a flipping robot. 

On 6/27/2018 at 9:12 PM, Skycatcher said:

Steve (retired cop) kind of gives me the creeps.

He is not a subtle man, is he? Dude, play up the dad thing and stop staring at everyone.

On 6/28/2018 at 7:21 AM, amazingracefan said:

Exactly like that, and probably scripted as well.  The producers definitely want to push some of the showmance angles.

. . . 

Rockstar's name is even more annoying to me.


I feel like they always ask: who did you find attractive? or Who would you have a showmance with? in these initial DRs. If you think about it, they almost always have people talking about who they initially find attractive. It is like *cut to person* *DR where person says that person is hot* *DR where that person says someone else is hot* I suspect they asked her what she thought of him or who she thought was attractive and that was what they got from her. 


Rockstar's everything was more annoying to me. I found her exhausting.

On 6/28/2018 at 8:39 AM, green said:

Yeah flight attendant woman is getting a "spoiled" edit.  Isn't she the former beauty queen too which would explain her thinking she is "all that."


I do think her initial edit was high maintenance. Once she was actually having a one on one with Swaggy C, I thought she seemed pretty practical and down to earth. I am hoping she turns out to be a lot more watchable than her initial video implied. 

On 6/28/2018 at 10:43 AM, Brian Cronin said:

Sam is the most charming houseguest they've had in....well, a really long time. So I imagine she'll be voted out Week 1. 

I liked this, but I really don't. She was delightful, so she will either turn out to be terrible or she will be voted out immediately. 

On 6/28/2018 at 12:49 PM, iMonrey said:

Instant hate for Swaggy C. The name alone, but then he calls himself "your boy" in the DR. Nope. You're not my boy Swaggy. Be gone.

His resume is laughable. Former college basketball player? OK. Now he's . . . a day trader who babysits suburban white kids part time on weekends. Whuh?

(Unfortunately, I think we'll be stuck with him for the long haul. The game is always rigged in favor of the alpha males and he seems to be forming a posse with them from the start.)


I suspect he will be as well, but he certainly failed at basic gameplay this week. Dude, don't make promises to people who didn't ask for them. Seriously. WTF? Why would you offer unsolicited immunity?


It's the best part of most BB seasons. That point where I don't hate everyone. I have no doubt that will change. 

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1 hour ago, The Companion said:

I do think her initial edit was high maintenance. Once she was actually having a one on one with Swaggy C, I thought she seemed pretty practical and down to earth. I am hoping she turns out to be a lot more watchable than her initial video implied.

She was more down to earth there.  But I'm kind of happy Swaggy seems to have not joined up with her as she also seemed to be trying to play that on that they were the same culture/colour or something.

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On 6/28/2018 at 4:06 PM, xKHANx said:

“ I am a day trader, but on the weekends I babysit for money...” and then they show him in a pool with two little fat white kids...

What's the difference what color their skin is?  I don't get why there are so many references to that. And calling someone fat is really rude.  Why do you think that's ok to say?

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On 6/27/2018 at 7:44 PM, Dewey Decimate said:

Not sure why, but "Swaggy C" didn't bother me much, maybe because hanging in the pool wearing swimmies while babysitting (probably) upper-crust white kids was just pretty cute. Yeah, the name is asinine, but I liked that he saved a not particularly bro/jock group. Plus, he's from my home state.

Why does a day-trader babysit on the side? I guess that explains why he was looking at his phone rather than his computer. 


On 6/28/2018 at 6:16 AM, green said:

Among the male dislikes?  Top of the list BY FAR is Gun Nut who names his dog after the unofficial anthem and nickname for the Confederate States of America.  If there were no guns involved just naming a dog Dixie is enough to land on my bad side asap.  At least movie patrons in his area will be safe as long as he remains on BB so he has that going for him I guess.

And why does someone who *sells* medical supplies go walking around in scrubs?



On 6/28/2018 at 10:49 AM, iMonrey said:

Instant hate for Swaggy C. The name alone, but then he calls himself "your boy" in the DR. Nope. You're not my boy Swaggy. Be gone.


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Catch-up time!!!


On 6/27/2018 at 8:36 PM, Lady Calypso said:

These intro segments are always overexaggerated. I want to give him a chance to prove me wrong, personally. I'm giving everyone one chance to prove themselves that they're more than the stupid intro segments. For all I know, the producers pushed him to talk about guns because they didn't know what else to focus on with him. He has more qualities that I like, for sure. 

I’m reasonably certain what we’re seeing is the result of Production shooting several days of interviews with the contestants, then distilling that down into about ninety seconds worth of one-dimensional easy label schticks.  For Winston, that ended up being “country boy who loves guns and his dog”.  :P


On 6/27/2018 at 8:59 PM, Rachel RSL said:

Winston lost me immediately when he said "I just feel safer walking into a movie theater with a gun on my hip." Like...WHAT?! 

I got what Winston was referring to immediately - more below.


On 6/27/2018 at 8:59 PM, Rachel RSL said:

I also tend to instantly hate people who give themselves a nickname....looking at you Swaggy C and fucking Rockstar. Do we really have to call her that? Ugh!

I refuse, on both counts.  To me they’re Scrappy (as in Scrappy Doo) and Pinky (minus the Brain).


On 6/27/2018 at 8:59 PM, Rachel RSL said:

On the flipside, I love Sam so much. "I'm sweating more than a nun in a cucumber patch" had me rolling!

You and me both.  I have no idea how well Sam is going to do in this game - not well, I’m afraid - but I love her as a person.


On 6/27/2018 at 8:59 PM, Rachel RSL said:

Sam's punishment seems especially harsh. People form alliances in the first week and she has to spend most of that time as a robot? Damn.


On 6/27/2018 at 9:03 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Robot Sam is adorable, but I'm afraid it's really going to hurt her game. She may be able to be real Sam sometimes, but I'm afraid they might milk Robot Sam to the point where, if she is nominated, her game will be hurt on the first week. As a fan of Sam, I'm worried for her game (especially since Chris left out Sam's name when he was talking about her group, all because she's already been out of the house for hours).

Hurt Sam’s game?  Totally nuke it is more likely.  IMHO the two punishments are disparate magnitudes apart in severity.


On 6/27/2018 at 10:17 PM, Primal Slayer said:

Did you know that he goes by Swaggy C? Swaggy C gonna come up in here and beast mode the competition! Swaggy C is the man! Swaggy C got Swaggy C on his all of his t-shirts. 

IMHO just an urban version of Beastmode Bunny Boiler; I’m sure Scrappy has visions of merch deals dancing in his head - copyrighted t-shirt sales galore and such.


On 6/28/2018 at 11:24 AM, Gummo said:

If you don't feel safe going to the movies without a gun, the problem isn't the movie or society, it's YOU.

Ahhh, I take it you’ve never heard of - or have forgotten about - Aurora, Colorado?  

Aurora is a instantly identifiable cautionary tale in the concealed carry community.  Both open and concealed carry are relatively common in Colorado; the theater in question, however, was the ONLY theater in the vicinity which was a posted no-carry/gun-free zone.  IIRC the shooter candidly admitted in interviews afterwards he chose the theater for that very reason; he figured he could inflict maximum damage in a location where nobody was in a position to shoot back (I believe his specific reference was “like shooting fish in a barrel”).

Suffice it to say when Winston made his “gun in a theater” reference, I immediately knew exactly to what he was referring - and I doubt I was alone in that recognition.


2 hours ago, Mystery said:

Why does a day-trader babysit on the side?

Uhhh... because they aren’t very good at the whole daytrading thing?


2 hours ago, Mystery said:

And why does someone who *sells* medical supplies go walking around in scrubs?

Depends upon what is meant by “surgical supplies”.  For the first few uses of some items (new models of equipment, implants, etc.) a company rep may be in the operating room to advise or answer questions, should any arise during surgery.

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4 hours ago, Nashville said:

Catch-up time!!!


I’m reasonably certain what we’re seeing is the result of Production shooting several days of interviews with the contestants, then distilling that down into about ninety seconds worth of one-dimensional easy label schticks.  For Winston, that ended up being “country boy who loves guns and his dog”.  :P


I got what Winston was referring to immediately - more below.


I refuse, on both counts.  To me they’re Scrappy (as in Scrappy Doo) and Pinky (minus the Brain).


You and me both.  I have no idea how well Sam is going to do in this game - not well, I’m afraid - but I love her as a person.



Hurt Sam’s game?  Totally nuke it is more likely.  IMHO the two punishments are disparate magnitudes apart in severity.


IMHO just an urban version of Beastmode Bunny Boiler; I’m sure Scrappy has visions of merch deals dancing in his head - copyrighted t-shirt sales galore and such.


Ahhh, I take it you’ve never heard of - or have forgotten about - Aurora, Colorado?  

Aurora is a instantly identifiable cautionary tale in the concealed carry community.  Both open and concealed carry are relatively common in Colorado; the theater in question, however, was the ONLY theater in the vicinity which was a posted no-carry/gun-free zone.  IIRC the shooter candidly admitted in interviews afterwards he chose the theater for that very reason; he figured he could inflict maximum damage in a location where nobody was in a position to shoot back (I believe his specific reference was “like shooting fish in a barrel”).

Suffice it to say when Winston made his “gun in a theater” reference, I immediately knew exactly to what he was referring - and I doubt I was alone in that recognition.


Uhhh... because they aren’t very good at the whole daytrading thing?


Depends upon what is meant by “surgical supplies”.  For the first few uses of some items (new models of equipment, implants, etc.) a company rep may be in the operating room to advise or answer questions, should any arise during surgery.

Thank you!!!  BTW, love your name and the city.

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5 hours ago, Nashville said:

Catch-up time!!!


I’m reasonably certain what we’re seeing is the result of Production shooting several days of interviews with the contestants, then distilling that down into about ninety seconds worth of one-dimensional easy label schticks.  For Winston, that ended up being “country boy who loves guns and his dog”.  :P


I got what Winston was referring to immediately - more below.


I refuse, on both counts.  To me they’re Scrappy (as in Scrappy Doo) and Pinky (minus the Brain).


You and me both.  I have no idea how well Sam is going to do in this game - not well, I’m afraid - but I love her as a person.



Hurt Sam’s game?  Totally nuke it is more likely.  IMHO the two punishments are disparate magnitudes apart in severity.


IMHO just an urban version of Beastmode Bunny Boiler; I’m sure Scrappy has visions of merch deals dancing in his head - copyrighted t-shirt sales galore and such.


Ahhh, I take it you’ve never heard of - or have forgotten about - Aurora, Colorado?  

Aurora is a instantly identifiable cautionary tale in the concealed carry community.  Both open and concealed carry are relatively common in Colorado; the theater in question, however, was the ONLY theater in the vicinity which was a posted no-carry/gun-free zone.  IIRC the shooter candidly admitted in interviews afterwards he chose the theater for that very reason; he figured he could inflict maximum damage in a location where nobody was in a position to shoot back (I believe his specific reference was “like shooting fish in a barrel”).

Suffice it to say when Winston made his “gun in a theater” reference, I immediately knew exactly to what he was referring - and I doubt I was alone in that recognition.


Uhhh... because they aren’t very good at the whole daytrading thing?


Depends upon what is meant by “surgical supplies”.  For the first few uses of some items (new models of equipment, implants, etc.) a company rep may be in the operating room to advise or answer questions, should any arise during surgery.

You were not.

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5 hours ago, greyflannel said:

You were not.

Armchair vigilantes always like to think that they could easily locate and take out the shooter but forget to imagine the dark theater filled with people running everywhere, mass panic, gunfire and tear gas. How long would it take them to recognize the danger of the situation and even if they are carrying, how well could they place the shots needed to stop the attacker and avoid hitting any civilians? Keep in mind it only took one to two minutes for all those people to be killed or injured. Mind you, while I hate guns I don't think they should all be banned, and I also know plenty of other liberals who own them, such as my mother. I'm just tired of the oversimplified "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun" cliché that Winston extols.

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2 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

Armchair vigilantes always like to think that they could easily locate and take out the shooter but forget to imagine the dark theater filled with people running everywhere, mass panic, gunfire and tear gas. How long would it take them to recognize the danger of the situation and even if they are carrying, how well could they place the shots needed to stop the attacker and avoid hitting any civilians? Keep in mind it only took one to two minutes for all those people to be killed or injured. Mind you, while I hate guns I don't think they should all be banned, and I also know plenty of other liberals who own them, such as my mother. I'm just tired of the oversimplified "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun" cliché that Winston extols.

Yes, thank you!I would rather take my chances with ONE homicidal shooter, than several "good guys" aiming to take him down.  

I instantly disliked Winston for the gun comment and kissing his gun (yuck!) but he kind of won me back with his love for his dog. I did wonder if his gun obsession contributes to why he is always the bridesmaid, not the bride!

So far, I like pretty much all of the cast. Swaggy was annoying, as was Bayleigh. I am wondering if I should peek at the feed thread, knowing I will become disillusioned in short order. Sam is my favourite too.

Edited by PreBabylonia
Fixing a mangled sentence
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Yes, my cold heart has never been moved by men with babies but show a guy making a fuss over his adored pet and I melt! So I do appreciate that about Winston. There's currently a video making the rounds of a rapper guy in a bathtub bathing his cat, making up a rap about it, and periodically kissing the cat. Adorable!

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18 hours ago, Nashville said:

I got what Winston was referring to immediately

Yeah, I did too. Doesn't change my reaction, for reasons already stated by other people above. Guns aside, my main issue with him is that he's the same typical BroDude we see every season who immediately hooks up with the other BroDudes and forms a Cool Kids alliance. Same thing every season, its just tiresome. 

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17 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

Armchair vigilantes always like to think that they could easily locate and take out the shooter but forget to imagine the dark theater filled with people running everywhere, mass panic, gunfire and tear gas. How long would it take them to recognize the danger of the situation and even if they are carrying, how well could they place the shots needed to stop the attacker and avoid hitting any civilians? 

In my mind it’s not an issue of playing “armchair vigilante”, Jason Bourne, or anything else; I have no illusions about my ability (or lack thereof) to place Hollywood-style headshots while ducking around rows of seats in a movie theater.  It’s simply implementation of a time-tested axiom I believe in very strongly: better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it.


17 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

Keep in mind it only took one to two minutes for all those people to be killed or injured.

Yes, and it took a little more than twice that long for police to arrive on the scene after the shooting started.  Not faulting the police at all (their role is reactive by definition), but were I one of those moviegoers I’d like to have at least one or two survival options other than hope and prayer - especially if my family were with me.  If confronted with armed resistance an assailant would either (a) turn and run or (b) actively engage the resistor - so at the very least I could hope to draw his fire away from them.  And I’d be okay with that.  Better me than my kids.


17 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

Mind you, while I hate guns I don't think they should all be banned, and I also know plenty of other liberals who own them, such as my mother. I'm just tired of the oversimplified "the only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun" cliché that Winston extols.

Cliché or not, at least it evens the odds.  :)

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23 hours ago, Scout Finch said:

Yes, my cold heart has never been moved by men with babies but show a guy making a fuss over his adored pet and I melt! So I do appreciate that about Winston. There's currently a video making the rounds of a rapper guy in a bathtub bathing his cat, making up a rap about it, and periodically kissing the cat. Adorable!

I must see this!

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On 6/27/2018 at 11:52 PM, Caseysgirl said:

Obviously, Swaggy has never watched Big Brother before or he would know that winning the first competition AND being an arrogant ass after winning, will not only put a target on his back but also not make him a fan favorite. Be happy but humble, my friend. That will win you more fans and fewer in house enemies.

I can't stand this guy, his nickname, and that irritating voice of his.

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1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

Kaityln is in her 20s? That's the oldest looking life coach in her 20s I've seen.

I have a friend who is a legit Life Coach, and also a therapist.  he has degrees in social work and business, and helps people overcome their anxiety and insecurity so that they can reach their goals.  He's also been through a lot of life experiences himself. (and is over 50). 

Kaitlyn seems like the kind of "life coach" who reads your chakra and tells you what kind of essential oils to put on your pillow to help you have dreams about past lives.   There are no state requirements for licensing as a life coach, as far a education, training, etc., so ANYONE can decide they are a life coach, and charge whatever they want, and coach however they want. 

Or maybe she's one of those people employed by a diet/nutrition company who leads group sessions for people trying to lose weight.  

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