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Season 3 Discussion

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I don’t even believe Pedro paid for that couch or the plane ticket. The drama needed ratcheted up so, I’d bet the producers said they needed the sister. Well, no place for her to sleep, so they buy the plane ticket and find the crappiest furniture store in town and say give us a great deal or free couch and we’ll film in your location. 

Same thing with Nicole’s wedding dress.

Also, I would love to see a collage of all the 90 Day fiancé lawyers. They are a strange looking lot.

  • Love 12

First, why didn't Pedro and Chantel just buy a pull out couch? The kind that you take off the top cushions and it pulls out into a bed?

Second, I spent the whole time trying to figure out the time line in regards to Jorge and Anfisa.  First you see him with a full on beard, then clean shaven, then just a bit of growth, then back to the beard and so on.  It was distracting and gross. The guy is truly a shlub and TLC had some shitty editor.

Third, Annie why give a fuck about David? You didn't realize that the man was poor? For fuck's sake, he had a difficult time coming up with the dowry. That would have been indication #1 right there. 

Fourth, I can't understand the May thing. Was she or wasn't she in Morocco?  Filming shows that she went but there were rumors that she stayed behind. Unless Robinlee went later on and picked her up? Baby Belgua mentioned that her mom was coming down for the wedding.

  • Love 2

Does Russ realize he’s playing the hapless victim in starlet Pao and villain Juan’s bad  telenovella ? I FF thru this couple. If I want a shitty soap opera I’ll go to Univision. 

if Paos parents are ok with it why did Mom cover the dad’s eyes ?

Molly was a fool chasing him around the house like that, and she shouldn’t have put her hands on him. Let him call the cops. SO WHAT!? Does she have warrants ?

Where do they find these lawyers ? The toupeé! The pinstripes on the suit ! Please reward me by letting me hear brother Molly call him Louise one more time. 

I feel badly for Anfisa. He is a man child. And whiny. That whiny sing song accented voice anytime he uses the words “the situation “. 

Pedro came from serious poverty in the DR. I can identify where he is wanting to provide for his family . He is super macho and trying perhaps badly to manage his loyalty to his family vs Chantel and most importantly, his first loyalty  to his machismo in all situations. She will never rate over that. I think the sister thought she was going to wealth and luxury in the USA. 

Pedro and Chantel are still fighting in Spanish . This is a problem . Her Spanish is bad his English is bad and they’ll never communicate well in their relationship on top of their shallow emotions . 

Lose the black widow lashes Chantel. 

  • Love 18
  On 6/25/2018 at 1:03 AM, nytonc said:

I seriously believe Azan is gay (nothing wrong w that) and needed to find an ignorant American to marry bc a Moroccan girl would figure it out immediately.  IMO he doesn’t want his friends and family to know he’s gay. Unfortunately he got a fat entitled culture-ignoring whale. He seems to genuinely care about Nicole and May.  But m I’m sure if he wanted to have sex w Nicole he’d find a way. No one can convince me there are no unmarried couples in Morocco getting laid. Where there’s a will there’s a way. 


Quite possibly he dreams of coming to the United States where he can actually live as his true self. It's really sad that he cannot do that at home.

All he would need to do is sneak out of his room and into hers. (Well, except that silly fool brought Mae along with her.)

Oh, and Nicole, of COURSE Mae is having a meltdown! You've dragged her away from everything she knows. She has made it known in her little voice that she does NOT want to go back to Morocco, but you laugh that off like it's nothing. It's not about the stuffed animals. That child was stressed out! Baby Beluga was too stupid to know that.

  On 6/25/2018 at 11:41 AM, Kangatush said:

I was bored this week so I started really noticing how horrible the editing was.  Molly and the Dior box drove me nuts, but I had fun with Anfisa and Jorge.  During their discussion at the breakfast bar the cat's butt kept appearing and disappearing behind Jorge.

I think the hair of Molly's lawyer was dyed, not a toupee.  It was matte and absorbed all light.


This group is fabulous!

Edited by CoachWristletJen
Baby Beluga
  • Love 5
  On 6/25/2018 at 1:03 AM, nytonc said:

I seriously believe Azan is gay (nothing wrong w that) and needed to find an ignorant American to marry bc a Moroccan girl would figure it out immediately.  



  On 6/25/2018 at 1:17 AM, nytonc said:

Does Chantal own anything other than those cheap, tight unflattering  dresses?


Yes, black widow spider fake eyelashes. 

  On 6/25/2018 at 12:55 PM, JasonH said:

Molly’s lawyer looked like an alternate reality of Gene Simmons of KISS. Like if he never met his band mates....




Ok that is the funniest shit I have seen EVER LOL 

  • Love 6
  On 6/25/2018 at 4:01 AM, LilaFowler said:

Pedro/Chantel: there's no good side to take here. Family Chantel will not stop until they break this couple up. They will not rest, they have no lives and nothing better to do. The busted Mary Kay that they hired to take their money indefinitely investigate Family Pedro knew exactly what to say to them to get herself on their payroll. They really ARE "stupid Americans." If that shoe fits, wear it. As for Sister Pedro, I totally think that she was brought in for revenge after Pedro's trip to the cabin. I can't tell if Pedro and Chantel will make it in the long run. I think they have too much working against them and neither one is mature.


"My mother finds the people who want to get married for the money." I'm pretty sure that Pedro meant that they pay his mother a fee for her services. Hey, Family Chantel, it works the same way over here!

Pedro's English is a helluva lot better than their Spanish, but they need to lighten up. He's still learning.

They do want break up her marriage so that they can keep the five of them together. As a unison speaking unit. Forever.

I half expected the investigator to open up a case of cleansers or protein shakes or something to help them all be their best selves.

  • Love 13
  On 6/25/2018 at 3:00 AM, zenme said:

Why was it creeping me out that Pao's father was nervously shaking his leg during the nude talk and photo shoot. If you're uncomfortable to do something in front of your parents then either it's a bad  idea or don't have them there. Also, Pao, you don't really love Russ. 


I think making Russ squirm is part of the turn-on for her.

  • Love 7

The name of this episode cracks me up because I was waiting for Anfisa's therapist to have a Big Little Lies moment and have a frank and quiet conversation about how and when to escape Jorge's clutches. I know it's not actually a Perry/Celeste situation (that we know of), but if I were her therapist I'd be yelling RUN at her. Which is probably why I'm not a therapist, it's what I'd be saying to 75% of my clients.

I'm so curious what Chantel on her laziest, shlubbiest, sweatpantsiest day looks like. Maybe if she loses the lashes, drag queen level paint, and what has to be industrial strength shapewear, she actually has some energy and the tiniest hint of a personality. 

  • Love 10

Pao's father being all "Yeah, that's great" about his daughter being photographed topless (body paint or no) and being right there while it happens is starting to make me appreciate those creepy preacher dads on "Say Yes to the Dress" who want their daughters in long sleeves and high collars.  Yeesh.  Someone mentioned that Pao doesn't have women friends.  Good catch.  She has an insatiable need for male attention and appreciation (which of course brings us back to Dear Old Dad...I will avoid the parallel I really want to make her in the interest of forum rules), and gets around the fact that she can't deal with other women by surrounding herself with gay men.  She should get some therapy for this, because she's not Sofia Vergara and is rapidly approaching her sell-by date.  (Hey, I don't make the rules, I had to live with them too.)

  • Love 19
  On 6/25/2018 at 12:41 AM, Vandy10 said:

I must be living in a strange world, because in my world, it’s well known and normal for immigrants to send money back to their families in poor countries. It’s also normal for adults, even married ones, to password protect their phones. Either this is for the cameras, or this PI is stupid as hell.

Chantel’s family still sucks.


Everything these days is password protected by default.  You can't buy a computer or phone without having to set up a password on it. I'm sure Chantel has never asked him for the passwords!

  On 6/25/2018 at 1:05 AM, TattooFan said:

Can anyone explain to me why in her THs Anfisa frequently sits with her knees propped up even with her boobs?  Is she so short her feet don’t reach the floor, or is showing lots of bare leg supposed to increase viewership?


I have wondered the same.  Because she's obviously wearing a dress so wouldn't that mean certain areas are exposed to whomever is interviewing her? And then she was also sitting that way during the TH with Jorge when she learned he went to the lawyer.  And THEN I noticed that Chantel sits the same way in some of her's also.

  On 6/25/2018 at 1:10 AM, lucy711 said:

Did Chantel and Pedro not measure their living room before they ordered the sofas?


That sectional fit just fine.  I'm confused as to why they thought it wouldn't fit- did they not understand how it went together or what? It looks perfectly fine. 

And anyone that says they should have bought a fold out sofa obviously has never owned one before lol 

  • Love 12

I liked the photographer's artistic "celebration of Colombian culture" theme for his calendar.  He'll be travelling to Chile, Bolivia, Ecuador, Brazil, and Venezuela next to shoot topless models in the body paint of their national flags to celebrate those cultures too lol.

Russ will divorce Pao after this and marry a stripper, then complain about her stripping and divorce her.  Hey Russ, there are plenty of white bread Christian housewives out there in Oklahoma you could have had.

  • Love 18
  On 6/25/2018 at 3:28 AM, sainte-chapelle said:

I agree with all that think Pedro's sister is an ungrateful witch, she knows how to push Chantel 's buttons and takes every opportunity to do so.


Agreed. Chantel & Pedro BOTH should learn the art of handling in-laws. Let them run their mouths and remind them often that opinions are like assholes and they are entitled to theirs. And then let the comments roll of their backs. Much much easier said than done, I know and it takes awhile to master it. Their marriage would improve by 50% if they’d at least do that. 

  • Love 2
  On 6/25/2018 at 12:51 AM, KBrownie said:

And for the love of God, please STFU Winter and River.  None of this is ANY of your business.  Why don't the two of you have anything else going on in your lives that you have the time to be all up in Chantel's marriage?


Don't Winter and River have jobs or school or something? How are they always available to go off to the country for long weekends and traipsing off to the offices of shady AF private investigators?

  On 6/25/2018 at 12:55 AM, RichiesOlderBro said:

I’m pretty sure Geo has slept with Paola.  


Oh, who hasn't slept with Paola?

  On 6/25/2018 at 12:56 AM, Brooklynista said:

Family Chantel made it very clear Chantel's money was Chantel's money. Her shady ass family wanted separate financials, so now they have separate financials. 


Family Chantel only wants things one way--theirs. And what they want most is Pedro gone. They will stop at nothing until he is gone, hounded out of Atlanta and away from their spotless princess who will then only be slightly shopworn and still marriageable to a nice dentist or mortician. Someone more middle class and white collar.

  On 6/25/2018 at 1:10 AM, lucy711 said:

Did Chantel and Pedro not measure their living room before they ordered the sofas?


Hahahahahaha, you are adorable. As if Chantel and Pedro are capable of such foresight.

  On 6/25/2018 at 1:35 AM, Brooklynista said:

Pedro had to suck it up and stay with her wack a doo family at the cabin. I don't see why Chantal can't put on her big girl eyelashes and and suffer a little with his sister. Chantal can make some of her famous authentic Dominican white rice.


Don't forget her authentic beans.

  On 6/25/2018 at 1:37 AM, lucy711 said:

Yes.  I think the sister visiting is payback for Family Chantel cabin time.

That PI her family was talking to looked like a failing Mary Kay lady.


Nicole is definitely playing up. She's taking Pedro's side and behaving as obnoxiously as possible as payback for how shitty Chantel's family is to her brother. Juvenile? Sure. Hilarious? Oh yeah.

  On 6/25/2018 at 2:43 AM, KBrownie said:

Chantel is supposedly an adult isn't she?  Nothing was foisted on her.  If she didn't want it, she could have said no.  She didn't.  So if her money being her money is good for her, Pedro can do whatever he wants with his.  You talk about partnership, but then talk about Chantel being forced to do stuff by her parents.  Which is it?  She can't be in a partnership with Pedro, but still under her family's thumb now can she?  The partnership she's in IS with her parents, not Pedro.  That's the problem.  If she had not let her family be as intrusive and rude as they've been, maybe she would have a leg to stand on when it comes to Pedro's family.  

Their relationship isn't a true partnership.  It never was.  It was Chantel and her family vs. Pedro from Day 1.  That's fine with Chantel because it works to her advantage.  As long as she is still is functioning with her family as a unit rather than an independent person, I have no problems with Pedro or anything else he does with his family.  What's good for one is good for all.  Chantel is just too stupid to see what a hypocrite she and her family are.  They also lack a basic level of self-awareness.  Another case in point.  She doesn't want drama from Pedro's sister, but lets her idiot siblings say whatever they want.  And the previews show Winter talking shit about Nicole?  Sit your lame ass down Winter and get a life of your own.  Equal partnership isn't one-sided.  Nor is it asking for one's permission when the other isn't held to the same standard.  


I am standing on my chair applauding this.

  On 6/25/2018 at 3:15 AM, sainte-chapelle said:

"I want to make my country proud and I won't let Russ hold me back." Wow you would think she was going for a Nobel peace prize, you are posing half nude get over yourself. She looked like a coachella reject


Yes, nothing says "celebrating your country's proud history and culture" like a tacky cheesecake calendar. Pao is nuts.

  On 6/25/2018 at 5:33 AM, Annymin said:

Pao went to Colombia to visit her dying grandmother, right?  Two quick visits, then she is off to Bogota to party with Asshole shit-stirrer Juan the Weasel, then pose body painted nude for a calendar.  Poor abuela, dying in the hospital, wondering when her beloved Pao will come see her again.  Selfish bitch.


Pao is so silly, shallow and vain. She loves that poisonous little Juan more than she has ever loved her husband. Her parents are totally weird. Her father keeps saying "Its a job", but its not a job! She's not being paid! Its some pictures on spec for a calendar that will probably never be printed. Jesus.

  On 6/25/2018 at 7:58 AM, RedheadZombie said:

I think Family Chantel have found their American dollar harvester.

Am I the only one who experiences inappropriate rage every time Mother and Father Chantel strike their standing pose?  It's like there are literally two tape marks they stand on.


*raises hand*. Those two make my blood boil. Mother Chantel is so self righteous, pretentious and fatuous. She's got Papa Chantel's balls in the pocket of her swanky faux leopard vest.

  • Love 22
  On 6/25/2018 at 3:15 AM, sainte-chapelle said:

"I want to make my country proud and I won't let Russ hold me back." Wow you would think she was going for a Nobel peace prize, you are posing half nude get over yourself. She looked like a coachella reject


And it made me extremely uncomfortable to see her parents so ready to let her pimp herself out like that. That was creepy.

  • Love 12
  On 6/25/2018 at 12:08 PM, Granny58 said:

Every time Russ establishes a line that can't be crossed, Pao crosses it and Russ gives in.  Pathetic.  


While I don’t like being told what I can and can’t do, I appreciate the fact that my husband can and does stand up to me. And makes it clear what he will and will not tolerate as a married man. I respect the hell out of him but he in no way bosses me, he just has a line that he makes clear about certain behavior, and I have the same. There’s zero respect coming from Pao. I honestly don’t know what Ross gets out of this relationship. She’s not even that pretty. 

  • Love 13
  On 6/25/2018 at 2:19 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

Yes, nothing says "celebrating your country's proud history and culture" like a tacky cheesecake calendar. Pao is nuts.


Was that body paint the jersey of their national soccer league?

Do we get to see her pay stub from this "job?"  

What is Russ getting out of this marriage?  

  • Love 4
  On 6/24/2018 at 11:37 AM, CoachWristletJen said:

It's ironic because with all those sisters, he should be an expert on the needs of women. As I've said before, he treats Anfisa like a blowup doll, and he's always mouth agape (oh, yes, Jorge, you're a literal mouth breather!) .


I noticed that.  I was a mouth breather too - it snuck up on me so slowly that I didn't notice when I was exclusively doing that.  I just always blamed it on allergies or congestion, but it turned out I had a nose packed so full of scar tissue that I couldn't breathe.  They never did figure out for sure where it came from (they believe night time nose bleeds that go down my throat, but that was never 100% confirmed), and they sent me to a rheumatologist to be sure it wasn't auto-immune.  That guy asked me no less than 10 times, with a medical resident observing, if I did cocaine or any other drug I had to snort.  I kept saying no, and he kept telling me he wouldn't call the cops, and I should just be honest.  The resident saw me getting REALLY upset, and they finally dropped it, but they did tell me that my nose looked like "coke nose", and a particularly bad case.  Jorge always looks doped out, so it makes me wonder.  Maybe not cocaine (my thing to the doctor was that I shouldn't be this overweight if I were doing stimulants) but other drugs are snorted as well.  Just wondering out loud - not accusing him of that because I have no proof.

  On 6/25/2018 at 3:34 AM, rideashire said:

Azan has gotten better at acting. He's fairly convincing by now that he wants all this. High five, dude.


I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought so. His big smile when he saw her and his attention to May, if you didn't know, you might actually believe that he genuinely cares about these two.

  On 6/25/2018 at 3:37 AM, Frozendiva said:

Phones being password protected or finger print protected or face protected probably have to do with theft. You leave your phone in the bathroom and someone takes it, helps him/herself to your data plan, your identity, etc. Phones are not cheap.


In some cases, when you use your phone for work, the software requires a lock. I hate my phone lock so much but my company's email software requires it on my phone. It wouldn't be so bad except if I link the phone to my smartwatch, then that requires a password too, which defeats the purpose of using it as a running watch. That said, my partner has my passcode and to my knowledge, has never used it, and vice versa. 

I only watched about half of this and didn't see anything from the penguin or Molly. It was all fucking Paola and the stupid overblown fight with Russ and Juan and seriously when is this going to end, it's so tedious, and the stupid overblown fights between Pedro, Chantel, and their families and seriously when is this going to end, it's so tedious, just boot these two couples. I get that Chantel is eye candy, she's very pretty, but goddamn am I so tired of rehashing this same drama every single week.

  • Love 3

The Family Chantel and the PI was nuts.  That PI seemed like she was trying to elicit drama big time, "You mean to tell me that Pedro goes to the bathroom alone? That is very suspicious, etc..."  All they had to do was give Mother Pedro's name to the PI and they could have run with it, but does Family Chantel know it will be big bucks to get the info on Mother P?  Chantel should not have gone to the appointment, Pedro should have pissed that she was a part of it and let go that far.  I do think Mother P. are very shifty and I would spend the money to protect my daughter and her interests.

Anfisa's therapist did two things a therapist should never do, one was keep the door open during session and two, he was putting words in her mouth, like leading the witness.  Once again, how do we really feel about any therapy session on camera...that's right, it's wrong.

Nicole is an idiot, "I love Azan, I love the way he evades kissing me, how he lies to me, how he takes my money, he's a dream boat and I can't wait to marry him."  Azan could not even be bothered to kiss her on her cheek in the hotel room.  

  • Love 8

I would like to thank each and every one of you for making my Mondays so wonderful!!!! The snark is epic! I now have to wear a Depends and have a towel with me for when I spit take  coffee at my computer while simultaneously peeing on my self. And my parrot now has what I call the PTV Snark laugh...  Life is good. Well, not for the idiots on the show...but for me! 

  • LOL 1
  • Love 15
  On 6/25/2018 at 4:18 AM, Marilee said:

Molly and Luis: I don’t blame Molly for picking the lock on the bedroom door, but she shouldn’t have put her hands on him. He’s still a psychotic little weasel in tight red sweatpants.


Had the cameras and witnesses not been there, the Dominican ET would have beat her ass

  • Love 7

I feel badly for Annie and Anfisa.  They both are somewhat clever girls who set their sights on a better life in America. 

I mean, Annie was a hooker in a cheap blow shop, right?  So her life is better now.  It's not like she is cute enough or young enough to do a whole lot better in snagging an American guy (man, that sounds so mean to say . . . but . . . ya know . . . truthful).  Now that's she's here, she needs to double down on her goals and achieve something more for herself.  Get a better guy?  Get a job and work like hell?  I suspect she has more options now than she had in her homeland (or she will once she can get a job and get out and meet people).

I think it's human nature that when things get just alittle bit better for you, you immediately start feeling bad that they aren't significantly better.  I'm not going to fault her for her disappointment.  Her guy is disappointing.

After hearing Anfisa's backstory, I guess it's easier to understand how she ended up in this situation.  I hosted an Russian exchange girl for a year, and she came with some very outdated views about how rich and easy America is.  I'm sure Anfisa thought things would be much better for her here.  The rage we saw from her last year is understandable.  People like Jorge (and his gwad awful sister) really can bring out the rage in people.  His constant stream of lies, his double speak, his blank stares, his gaslighting . . . I think anyone would end up screaming at the top of their lungs for their makeup bag in the middle of that kind of abuse.  

I fee ZERO empathy for these pathetic guys who went fishing and misleading in another culture to snag a women they could NEVER get on their own actual merits.  They are pathetic.

I'm rooting for both of these women.


So yeah . . . the lawyer and PI . . . not the cream of the crop.  That shouldn't be a surprise.  It's hard to make a buck out there.  It's not the top of the game people agreeing to be featured in 

a bad reality show.  I'm not gonna criticize anyone who isn't obviously camera ready.  They are likely just trying their best.


Russ and Pao - Her attraction to "Ross" is his attachment to a reality show.  She aspires to be a Dlist celebrity.  I don't get it, but it's her dream.  Russ aspires to be interesting.  In his mind apparently, aspiring Dlist celebrities are considered interesting.   Seems to work for them.  Well it seems to work for them at least for now.

  • Love 17

I was so busy with Family Chantel and Pao I forgot all about Molly and Loo-ees.

Molly, like Nicole, is about 13 emotionally. What good was pounding on the door and demanding that he speak to her? Jesus. True story, when my son was about 16, he broke up with the girl he'd been dating. They did not have a big fight or anything, he just didn't feel that the relationship was what either one of them wanted. So no big drama, on his part, anyway. He broke up with her kindly, didn't shit on her or ghost her. She came to our house, stood outside my front door, and kept texting him and begging him to come down and talk to her. She literally opened the screen door and stood peering in the front door until I finally went out and told her, not unkindly, to go home. Molly reminded me of this. I am no fan of Luis but I don't blame him for turning up the music. Imagine having Molly screeching outside your door all day. While he was going to get the speaker she should have grabbed his phone and texted his brother to come and get him. She should have ignored him, gone to see a lawyer, and boxed up his shit. And Jesus, I would have taken a hammer to that speaker rather than let him use it to torment me. Luis is a dick of the first water. I'd love to get a load of the prizes Molly chose to procreate with.

  • Love 14
  On 6/25/2018 at 4:23 PM, ezzy4 said:

Russ and Pao - Her attraction to "Ross" is his attachment to a reality show.  She aspires to be a Dlist celebrity.  I don't get it, but it's her dream.  Russ aspires to be interesting.  In his mind apparently, aspiring Dlist celebrities are considered interesting.   Seems to work for them.  Well it seems to work for them at least for now.


This is a larger issue.  When there is an insatiable online tabloid press that refers to these people as "Reality Stars!!!!" it draws out every maggot who wants to be a "STAR!!!!!" from under every rock int he country.  These are people who become famous for being famewhores.  Yuck.

  • Love 9

Family Chantel really should have their own show.  They are such a great example of serious family DYSFUNCTION.  I think so many of us could learn so much about how NOT to do things by watching them.  

So this week was just more of the same . . . pushing through appropriate boundaries . . . attempting to control other adults . . . that weird, weird, weird "group think" stuff (now featuring River). . . the smirking . . . the glances back and forth.  It's all so not normal.  

I think there are times families need to pull together and find a way to voice shared concerns.  It's awkward.  It's what you do in an intervention.  Frankly it's what should be done with Nicole.   People tend to hem and haw.  They look at the floor.  They have to write down their thoughts ahead of time because it's such a stressful situation to be involved in.  The person being confronted is given a wide berth to express themselves also.  

But what Family Chantel does is very different.  There is no awkwardness expressed by them.  They just barrel through boundaries like they breath, with great ease and complete belief in their right to behave and say however they choose.

It's called a "closed family system" and it is a cultlike existence for the members.  

I have a lot of empathy for Chantel.  You can see her trying to reconcile her family's belief system with the real world.  Someone mentioned her blank stares; her delay in responding.  Yeah, she come across like someone out of a cult.  You can see her trying to stay calm.  You can see her trying to control the uncontrollable (I think that's why she went to the PI).

And Pedro has his issues with his family too.  There are boundary issues there too (maybe it's all cultural).

I don't think its a huge surprise they hooked up.  It seems like they both didn't see the red flags others (from more functional family background) would see.  Chantel lied to her parents about Pedro visa but Pedro doesn't see lying as an issue.  He lies all the time himself.  Pedro puts his family's unreasonable demands ahead of his marriage.  So does Chantel.

These two kids have a lot of work ahead of them if they are going to have a happy marriage.  Honestly, it doesn't look like it's going to happen.

  • Love 10
  On 6/25/2018 at 1:03 PM, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:
  On 6/25/2018 at 1:17 AM, nytonc said:

Does Chantal own anything other than those cheap, tight unflattering  dresses?


Yes, black widow spider fake eyelashes. 


And now we see that she owns a velour track suit and still wears those eyelashes even with her nerdy glasses. She really dressed down for the airport trip, didn't she! 

  • Love 5
  On 6/25/2018 at 4:49 PM, ezzy4 said:

It's called a "closed family system" and it is a cultlike existence for the members.  


Both Pedro and Chantel are from a closed family system.  He is sending money to his mother, who lives in a better place than they do, is insane.  His sister's cackling would drive me crazy too.  She does it to get at Chantel.  Chantel should return the favor by laughing her ass off at the mere suggestion of a hotel room or sending them anymore money.  I would have laughed my ass off at her.  I do think that Pedro is involved in a scam and I think that Chantel is very stupid.  Even if she divorced him she is still on the hook for 8 more years.  This brings me to:

Molly and luis - I kept yelling at the TV that she is an absolute asshole and could not have been more stupid.  She actually had this scammer in the house with her children.  She will be on the hook for the financial papers she signed.  Just having to sign those papers would make most people take a good long look at the other person.  Not Molly, she thought this playa would settle down and be her servant and he thought the money train and partying would keep on rolling.

Nicole and Azan - I think Azan does really like May.  That kid is so cute.  He does not like Nicole at all and just used her for money and she has not learned that if money keeps them then you should toss them out.

Pao - The only time I have heard of body painting as classy is at the Playboy mansion and with strippers.  The stripper would then let water wash the paint off.  I liked how everyone mentioned that she does not get paid she gets played.  Juan is disgusting.

Anfisa and Jorge - I don't care and he is just a liar.

  • Love 4

Wasn't the recap of Pao's phone call to her parents during her Brunette Phase about the beach photo shoot proof that she HASN'T been out of touch with them for four years? 

Chantel and Pedro have been married two years and just now they're getting a couch in that apartment? Where did they sit before that? I guess he was at the gaming console and she was on the bed? In next week's preview, Mother Chantel loses her shit when she hears that Pedro went with his sister to a hotel for the night, but I suppose if Chantel and River were to do the same thing, she'd have no problem with that. Everything, indeed, is getting MORE STUPIDER (but I can't turn away!) 

  • Love 4

We accomplished something I never thought was possible: that smug smile was wiped off Nicole's face. She's always so smug when she's around her parents/family and even during TH with the producers. It's like she's starting to realise that just maybe something isn't quite right where Hassan is concerned. He couldn't even contain his laughter--which is sad because she was like I'm really heartbroken and blah blah.

  • Love 18

Is Chantel working? Maybe her parents are paying for her schooling . I'm pretty sure that was her apartment when he came to the states.  It would make sense if her parents are helping with finances and Pedro is sending his lawyer mother and unemployed sister his money.  What was name of other woman who married the beach boy who also supporting his family and she was shocked how big their house was? Did  it say Pedro spent   the night in a hotel with the sister? 

  • Love 1
  On 6/25/2018 at 5:19 PM, magemaud said:

I think Azan considers May his reward for putting up with Nicole. 


I think Azan considers May his "bundling board" (look it up!)

  On 6/25/2018 at 1:05 AM, TattooFan said:

Can anyone explain to me why in her THs Anfisa frequently sits with her knees propped up even with her boobs?  Is she so short her feet don’t reach the floor, or is showing lots of bare leg supposed to increase viewership?


It's not just Anfisa.  Pao too.  Nicole and Molly are physically incapable.

Explain to me why there is always a blanket covering Nicole's TH chairs (in the US and Morocoo).  My goodness, is she incontinent too?

To be fair, I've seen some other TH with blanket covered chairs from time to time, but Nicole's is consistent. 

  • Love 5

Wow, there “PI Chantel,” shouldn’t a private investigator be able to go incognito? I just picture her as all movie/TV PIs do, trailing some mark sitting on a park bench wearing a trench coat and sunglasses and all you see sticking up over her newspaper is that hair! The target won’t catch on at all! But based on that segment, maybe she’s just in sales. She’ll get you to add on ALL of the extras! Didn’t even dawn on you that a standard phone password means he has a secret identity and wife/children?!? You need the “financials” check, the name isn’t even Pedro check, the baby daddy check, the other wives check... PI Chantel obviously takes this same approach in the hair salon: I need one of everything! Give me blonde, red, and brown; long AND short; flipped out fluffed back and up and out and side to side. ALL OF IT!

  • Love 16

I can’t get too invested in the Pedro/Chantel storyline, because I just can’t believe it’s for real. Yes, I do believe they are married— but all this other nonsense—- really?

If in fact Chantel’s parents wanted to do a background check/ pi investigation on Pedro, they could’ve done it years ago or at least during the K1 90 day period. And they didn’t need Chantel present or even her permission to do so. They wouldn’t have even had to notify her of anything if the investigation came up empty.

This is not to say I agree with her parents doing an investigation—I think if this is for real, they are out of line and a bit crazy.

  • Love 7
  On 6/25/2018 at 5:19 PM, JoBeth70 said:

I thought that most people password protected their phones and computer. That’s not shady at all.

Also, Nicole: “I don’t get drunk and call other men.” No, sweetie, but if my memory serves me correctly you DO  hook up with them.


I had to password protect my phone as Google Pay wanted me to (security?) and I am going to have it removed as it is a pain.  Edited to add:  my kids know it, my hubby knows it, I could care less if any of them look into my phone.  Same with hubby:  his is not password protected, he does not care.  I don't see it as a "keeping secrets" thing: it is if it gets lost or stolen, or like me, Google Pay requires it.

Yes, yes she does!

  On 6/25/2018 at 4:24 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

Molly, like Nicole, is about 13 emotionally.


I agree.  Did she have no friends that said, "Look, you are 42, he is 27.  Get down and dirty with him all you want HERE IN THE DR.  Do not bring him home to friggin' MARRY!"  No one?  

Edited by Mrs. Hanson
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