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Season 3 Discussion

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8 minutes ago, Lady Iris said:

When she stopped shrieking and vandalizing and fish lipping she became sympathetic. Who knew? I find I'm liking her myself.

Yes! Is it because Anfisa was straight up, and put it out there that she needed mucho dinero to keep her happy. Jorge lied about his financial status over and over again. I suppose where Anfisa is from, money and security are more valuable than love in a relationship. So, because Jorge lied--trust, which is essential to every relationship, was gone. Jorge's sister just did not understand that Jorge's promise of wealth and material possessions were essential to her brother's particular marriage, and that Jorge set it up that way. 

Edited by zenme
  • Love 16
28 minutes ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

That whole scene played like a low-budget version of SYTTD.  I say it about that show and I'll say it here:  Strapless is just not a look that fat girls can pull off.  They're always short-waisted girls with Quadruple-E busts and try to pack all that into a strapless.  It makes them look like lumpy sausages.

Look, I'm a fat woman and I detest fat-shaming.  But with this idiot I'll make an exception.  It's appalling that someone with that level of ignorance, laziness, and cluelessness was allowed to reproduce.

I don't think you have to be a size two to look good but you should know what style looks good on you but Nicole is in a fantasy world where she is a fairy princess and Azan will ride in on a white horse.  She is not seeing things for what they are, that dress is the dress she has dreamed about, it means she has made her dream come true, damn the details such as it looks terrible on her and it is inappropriate for a Muslim wedding and Azan is using her.

In Nicole's mind she is a delicate flower and Azan is lucky to get her.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, funky-rat said:

Molly looks like a linebacker in that horrible blue top she wears for her TH segments.

You beat me to it.  I don't think that thing would look good on anybody but on a large person it's just awful.  Leg'o mutton sleeves are not your friend, Molly, nor is electric blue.

Molly's body is a mystery to me.  She seems to have a very flat belly (spanx?  can they do that?) but from the waist up she looks like she's really overweight.  I realize she's very, very busty, but it looks like she's broad across the back, too.

Family Chantel is jaw-droppingly rude and horrible.  They just can't leave Pedro alone!  "Well, that isn't what you said last night."  Give me a fucking break.  Pedro was trying to tell CeAir not to respond, that it was none of their business, but he couldn't seem to get her to understand.  And for those parents to sit there and let fucking River and Winter dig at their son-in-law was further evidence of their poor manners and poor parenting.

The way I see it is that CeAir is the pride of the litter, and everyone feels like they have a proprietary interest in the only hot one in the family, thus feeling they're entitled to every bit of information about what she and her husband are up to.

I hope the Pao-Russ-Juan business is producer-driven.  Otherwise, Pao is a disgusting excuse for a woman.

  • Love 14
11 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I don't think you have to be a size two to look good but you should know what style looks good on you but Nicole is in a fantasy world where she is a fairy princess and Azan will ride in on a white horse.  She is not seeing things for what they are, that dress is the dress she has dreamed about, it means she has made her dream come true, damn the details such as it looks terrible on her and it is inappropriate for a Muslim wedding and Azan is using her.

In Nicole's mind she is a delicate flower and Azan is lucky to get her.

Azan told her they do not like public displays of affection and that a woman’s body needs to be pretty well covered in Morocco. What part of that does she not understand? If tank/tube tops are an issue, how can she possibly think that dress is acceptable?It would be frowned on in lots of churches here in the States. 

5 minutes ago, A-Lo said:

I have a feeling that Azan has no interest in finding out what's buried in that dress on their wedding night...food or otherwise!

Maybe not,  but Nicole doesn’t take rejection well. I recall his face after emerging from that hotel room Nicole dragged  him into when she visited.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, Mothra said:
6 hours ago, Mothra said:

The only other possible success story is Annie.  She should be taking English lessons now -I'm in Canada and they're free for immigrants, I would expect the same for folk in the US. 

Nothing is free in the US.

Actually, there are free English lessons in Louisville, through Jefferson County Public Schools:  http://www.esl4u.org/ESL-Pages/ESL-Schedule.htm

I don't want to restart the debate about what people should be doing when they move to a different country, but taking these classes seems like a huge win--they're free, they'll help her, and every hour in class is an hour she doesn't have to spend around David. 



Sorry Russ, where you were sitting on the bike is often referred to as the "bitch seat".

And he was sitting behind a woman no less!

Hey now.  I'm female and I had a motorcycle in college and my guy friend used to ride around on the back.  We thought it was fun.

  • Love 6

Stepdad, we need more stepdad!!!

That ring on Nicole's finger is not the ring Azan gave her in that tent in the desert, that is one she probably bought herself.

The fact that Nicole has not trying to improve her living conditions for May and the fact that Azan is eagerly taking the money with no regard for what May's needs are lets us all know he is an awful person who is lacking character.

Nicole has no idea what a Muslim wedding is.  

I will never ever feel sorry for Nicole.  Not when this blows up in her face, not when she is broke and alone in a foreign country, not when her parents file for and win custody of May. Never.

  • Love 24

Dear Russ:

Just dump Pao already and go have angry, hate-sex with Juan.  And get Juan to fix your low-flow shower-head hair while you're at it.


Mr. HufflePuff

PS:  If you want to marry me, I'll live in Oklahoma with you.  You can even keep Juan as your angry side-piece if you want to.

Edited by MrHufflepuff
  • LOL 1
  • Love 19
3 hours ago, Rt66vintage said:

OMG, Jorge looked like the Grim Reaper when he presented himself at Anfisa's door. Mumbly sad face, "can I come in?" What a beta. Her little bachelorett pad was totally invaded by this disheveled lumbering simpleton. And I think I could smell him through my television. 

Thankfully for Anfisa, she never gets excited about anything even when she really is excited so her lack of enthusiasm was something Jorge could mistake for gladness.

I wonder if she's having sex with him or putting him off because "they need to work on their issues."

I hope I'm wrong here, but I could see him getting very pushy physically when there are not cameras on him. He's no victim. He only acts like one.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, gonecrackers said:

I wonder if the show actually bought the wedding dress... sorta the same way they're buying the airline tickets & who knows what else they can to keep this going; anything for ratings you know.

I would not be surprised if the dress was comped from the store for free advertising ( I can't remember if they showed the stores name as they walked in ) or TLC paid for it with clear instructions that Nicole had to find a dress from the bargain rack under 800.00 and this was the best she could find ( if this was the best, I dont want to see the worst )  Maybe she had to go sleeveless as nothing was big enough to cover the beluga fins she is sporting ?  

  • Love 4

Finally watched -- Baby Beluga is completely deluded about that dress. Holy cow that was ugly on her. Also, she told her mom and her stepdad that she was paying for everything, then turns to mom and tells her to pay for the dress. Her mom is such an enabler. She created this monster. Stepdad is the only one that will tell her point blank how stupid she's being. Then again, he did say she was smart... Family Beluga is a mess.

Speaking of messes. Family Chantel is a hot one. Holy cow. Between them constantly hounding Pedro and Pedro's non-answers I get a headache watching them. Then, Chantel sits there. Part of the problem is they all have such a weird affect when they speak. Then, they make no sense. Then, Pedro, who I do believe is sketchy, won't answer directly. No one just comes out and says things directly. Some of the Real Housewives are like this. Drives me insane. Just spit it out. Be clear. Move on. Then again, if they did this, there wouldn't be a show.

Skipped Russ, Molly and David. I just can't even with these three couples. I can't stand Ashley. Again, they both talk in circles. Don't have the bandwidth to deal with non-conversational conversations. 

  • Love 8
19 hours ago, Suzywriter said:

She was an adult with a family of her own when her father went to Thailand.  He is now remarried...why does  she carp about her father "putting his wife first"? What does she expect her father to do to prove that SHE, the daughter, is queen and Annie is some kind of mistake for which her father should apologize.

 Ashley needs a tranquilizer dart.

But David also had a 14 year-old son -- her brother -- when he went traipsing off to chase Thailand tale.  I'm sure he's had a pattern of taking off and not being a dad to Ashley and then continued the cycle.  There are a lot of wounds that never healed and a lot of back payment he probably owe the mom he never helped.  Annie is probably symbolic to them of a life David has lived of complete selfishness.  

Her hurt is the product of HIM.  She has every right to still feel it, especially when she sees her brother being left with the same fate as she did while he chases after 25 year-old Thai hookers.

  • Love 13
19 hours ago, NinaH said:

I guess he is just supposed to stay single forever. He’s broke AF so it’s not like she’s worried about Annie getting her hands on his fortune. Annie didn’t make him leave his family for 4 years, it seems like he met her way after. So that is all on him, and the hatred for Annie is entirely misplaced. 

Also, I noticed, like other posters did, that Ashley’s kids seemed to be very familiar with and acted like they really like Annie. So who knows how much of this is really real? (Well probably hardly any of it but that’s an obvious sign right there)  

Maybe the kids like because Annie is genuinely kind and caring toward them. She smiles at them,  asks questions and listens/responds with enjoyment to their answers. Ashley frowns, scowls, complains, criticizes, throws things, swears at her parent, justifies her rudeness and dictates how everyone should prove themselves to her. Ashley doesn't even look at her kids. 

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, OrchidThief said:

Next question...where on earth does one find a wedding-gown store stocking floor samples that size? REI? Apparently I've never been married (long and ludicrous story), but I've been in two wedding dresses. The first was for a humorous PR shoot in Poughkeepsie, and they stocked up to what seemed like a 12 (and Poughkeepsie ain't glamorous, but that was still the biggest) and I bought a size 6 -- that was cut more like a size 2, which I'm not anymore -- at a Monique L'huillier sample sale.


That’s why I say the whole wedding dress buying was staged.  IF there was a sample dress in Nichole’s size, it would not look that clean and pristine.   I’ve bought sample dresses and they never look as good as Nichole’s.   TLC paid for that dress and it was more than $799.  

What I did notice was the evidence of Robilee’s stroke in her face during her TH.  It was more noticeable than before.  Clearly, Nichole’s antics are taking a toll on her.

I think Ashley‘s anger towards her dad has more to do with his neglect of his family before he left for Thailand.  Could explain why she got pregnant at 16.   David is just a selfish creep.  Every time, I see him, he’s fatter and driving a nice car.  Clearly, he not starving.  

Chantel can only blame herself for this mess.  If she acted like an adult woman in the beginning and insisted her parents act respectfully towards her husband then most of this drama can be adverted.  Unfortunately, this is really about control.  Chantel’s family is so ticked off that she did something without their blessing and hell bent on keeping her under their thumb, that they will stop at nothing.  What I see are them doing is grasping at straws to find anything to discredit Pedro.  JMPO, but I think Pedro and Chantel married for love.   Pedro and his mother has no long term devious plan.

Regards to money, there are two things at play.  She made Pedro sign a pre-nup.  He’s still resentful about it.   He did it in good faith to show Family Chantel that he was not there to take advantage of their daughter.  What did that buy him?  Nothing.  Chantel should have told her parents that there will be no pre-nup.   By doing so, Chantel set herself up as what mine is mine and what’s Pedro’s is Pedro’s.  Second, it’s cultural.   He’s a Latino who wants to be in charge and feels obligated to help his family.  Honestly, I think both Pedro and Chantel need to grow up and put their marriage first.  If any couple could benefit from counseling, it’s this pair.  It’s obvious that both families want to split them up. 

Lastly, Mother Chantel may want to layoff watching Sci-fi movies, she is confusing  Pedro and his mother as extraterrestrial aliens harvesting Americans.  

Molly needs to understand the importance of dating while you have kids and that immediately springing a new guy on her kids is not in their best interest.  She really is selfish and stupid.  I don’t blame Olivia for leaving.  

Russ deserves better.  He has bent over backwards to make her happy.  She has clearly bad mouthed him to play the victim.  He needs to get on the next flight to Oklahoma and stay there.  Let Pao live her fabulous life in Miami alone.  

Anfisa needs to drop kick Jorge and get a restraining order.  She is an object to him and he is incapable of any empathy.  

  • Love 16
19 hours ago, Suzywriter said:

She was an adult with a family of her own when her father went to Thailand.  He is now remarried...why does  she carp about her father "putting his wife first"? What does she expect her father to do to prove that SHE, the daughter, is queen and Annie is some kind of mistake for which her father should apologize.

 Ashley needs a tranquilizer dart.

I think her issue is because he never put her & Jacob's  mom 1st like he is doing with Annie  


  • Love 6

Well now wasn't that a real shit show.  I can't believe Nicole's mother is paying for the wedding dress and Nicole set the limit at $2,000 without asking.  Lucky mom the sales gal had half a brain and delivered one for $795.  I wasn't sure about the enabling but for sure..now.  Mom deserves what she gets.  I have a best friend enabling an alcoholic son.  It's just the saddest thing to watch.  So sad for both of them.

Pedro and Chantel..she keeps digging at her family's urging and he keeps squirming.  I have no idea whose on the up and up and who is lying.  I do know if Pedro's mother is an attorney in DR he does not need to be sending her money and now the sister is coming to visit.  Thank the network for that ticket and trouble.

David keeps saying he had money but lost it.  What the heck did he do.  I remember him at the interview rambling on but can't remember.  If he had so much why did he run away?

Pao, Russ and Juan.  Oh my.  Juan is a snake.  Pao loves the fighting.  She delights in it.   Russ looks ridiculous most of the time.  If Juan is guy why does he care so much about Russ?  Honestly I think Pao keeps that flame going.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I think her issue is because he never put her & Jacob's  mom 1st like he is doing with Annie  


I think David deliberately stokes Ashley's resentment. He rubs it in because he knows she's sensitive about it, and it gives him an ego boost to imagine that all the women in his life want his attention so badly they'll get catty over it. It only works because Ashley is so damaged in the first place. In reality, he treats Annie like crap, and they've only been married a few months. It will get worse with time.

  • Love 15
1 hour ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I would not be surprised if the dress was comped from the store for free advertising ( I can't remember if they showed the stores name as they walked in ) or TLC paid for it with clear instructions that Nicole had to find a dress from the bargain rack under 800.00 and this was the best she could find ( if this was the best, I dont want to see the worst )  Maybe she had to go sleeveless as nothing was big enough to cover the beluga fins she is sporting ?  

Oh yeah they did (just saw that scene) - Bearer of the Bling Bridal. They showed the front of  the store & name on the door - the owner was running Nicole's appt & they flashed her name along with the store name again.

The whole thing was comedy - "I need more hands"  (& after some effort)  "You're in the dress!"   LOL.

There's no doubt in my mind it was set up & funded by the show. Her mom was there for the snark ("she's a" - pause - "busty individual") - good job mom.

Edited by gonecrackers
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

Dear Russ:

Just dump Pao already and go have angry, hate-sex with Juan.  And get Juan to fix your low-flow shower-head hair while you're at it.


Mr. HufflePuff

PS:  If you want to marry me, I'll live in Oklahoma with you.  You can even keep Juan as your angry side-piece if you want to.


So funny you posted this because in watching that scene, I think Russ wants to get it on more with Juan and Juan wants to get it with Russ more with than anyone has ever wanted with Pao. Russ puts up with Pao because she's the perfect cover for his homosexuality.

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 5
1 hour ago, Mothra said:

Family Chantel is jaw-droppingly rude and horrible.  They just can't leave Pedro alone!  "Well, that isn't what you said last night."  Give me a fucking break.  Pedro was trying to tell CeAir not to respond, that it was none of their business, but he couldn't seem to get her to understand.  And for those parents to sit there and let fucking River and Winter dig at their son-in-law was further evidence of their poor manners and poor parenting.

The way I see it is that CeAir is the pride of the litter, and everyone feels like they have a proprietary interest in the only hot one in the family, thus feeling they're entitled to every bit of information about what she and her husband are up to.


I agree! Chantel is the prize in that family. Remember that old Bobbie Gentry song "Fancy"? Kinda like that. Mama and Papa Chantel are bougie, snobbish and aspiring. Chantel was to marry a professional man and give the whole family a leg up socially. (I've said before that Mama Chantel had her heart set on that nice boy from church, you know, the one who went to mortuary school and has gone into his father's business, the nicest funeral home in town! Or that boy she used to play with at Jack and Jill--he's about to graduate from dental school!) Imagine the blow to her social climbing heart when her prize princess came home with a busboy from the Dominican Republic. She can probably hardly hold her head up at the Eastern Star.  River is unlikely to marry, unless its another guy, (does anyone else's gaydar ping? Mine's going like a fire alarm!) which I'm sure will send Mama Chantel into the hospital with a terminal case of the vapors. I'm pretty sure part of River's obsession is that he wants smoking hot Pedro for himself. And of course Winter is very pretty. But you know Mama Chantel dogs her about her weight. She's probably glad Pedro's there, to take the heat off of her.  

1 hour ago, iwasish said:

Azan told her they do not like public displays of affection and that a woman’s body needs to be pretty well covered in Morocco. What part of that does she not understand? If tank/tube tops are an issue, how can she possibly think that dress is acceptable?It would be frowned on in lots of churches here in the States. 

Maybe not,  but Nicole doesn’t take rejection well. I recall his face after emerging from that hotel room Nicole dragged  him into when she visited.

Azan looked like a man who'd glimpsed the seven circles of hell. I almost felt sorry for him. 

  • Love 8

Nicole is pathetic. Deluded. Preyed upon. Scammed. Yeah,  pack that wedding dress for Morocco.  

Juan is a jealous ass. Why, gosh! Why would a woman choose her husband over a friend?! 

Jorge is never going to be appealing to Anfisa. Well,  maybe with more money and fewer pounds. 

I don't care at all about the Chantal/Pedro story line. 

  • Love 4
56 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

I think her issue is because he never put her & Jacob's  mom 1st like he is doing with Annie  


But the question remains--what does Ashley want David to do to rectify that situation?  And her complaint, over and over and over, is that he's putting his (new) wife ahead of his flesh and blood--which is as it should be, when your flesh and blood are adults.  I understand that Jacob is still young and needs his parents, but Ashley is the one carrying on.

I think David needs to apologize to Ashley--not some self-justifying "I've suffered myself thinking of what I did to you"--but a genuine, groveling "i'm sorry" apology.  A sincere apology goes a long way to mending hurt feelings.  And I don't blame Ashley for being mad at him--it's awful that he abandoned his children--but she seems to think that he ought to be acting toward her now as he should have behaved when she was a child, and that's unrealistic.  Honestly, I don't think Ashley knows what she wants from David--that's why it's up to him to step up and apologize.  She has said she wants him in her children's lives, and that should be easy; it's clear Annie has an affinity with the kids, and he can just go along (I don't think I'd want him to be grandpa to my children, but if Annie stayed in the room I wouldn't object to his creepy presence).

  • Love 10
3 hours ago, ElderPrice said:

To be fair I think it’s just genuine bafflement. I didn’t hear anything against the Muslim religion itself, they were asking (I think) valid questions. Will it be a religious ceremony? Do you need to convert? What’s involved in a Moroccan wedding? What is considered proper attire? The fact that Nicole couldn’t respond with ONE BASIC FACT frustrated them. Does she even have a date set at this point? 

My son, raised Catholic, is marrying an Orthodox Jew and converted to his religion to do so, they are getting married this fall. I am sending him pictures of possible mother-of-the-bride dresses for his opinion so that I will be dressed appropriately for this conservative ceremony. Nicole could do the same with Azan’s mother, but then she wouldn’t have two sets of tits to fall out of her dress. 

I agree with you. Nicole's family, I believe, are practicing Christians, so marrying someone from a different faith may be a big deal if they follow their faith (although I doubt Nicole does).  After all, there are major cultural and religious norms that will need to be hashed out not only for the wedding but also for living their lives together as an interfaith couple. 

I'm a white Catholic and my family would have had major concerns if I married anyone who wasn't Christian- it would not be about skin color but rather about the religious/cultural differences.  I dated a Hispanic guy for a while and my parents loved it because his family was more devout than mine!  But my family, for instance, would have been very concerned if I married a non-Christian guy because they wouldn't want to see their grandchild brought up outside of the Christian faith.

There are many differences between Nicole's culture and Azan's.   Religion is one of them.  And I think her parents are scared as hell that Nicole hasn't acknowledged any of this.

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Stepdad, we need more stepdad!!!

That ring on Nicole's finger is not the ring Azan gave her in that tent in the desert, that is one she probably bought herself.

The fact that Nicole has not trying to improve her living conditions for May and the fact that Azan is eagerly taking the money with no regard for what May's needs are lets us all know he is an awful person who is lacking character.

Nicole has no idea what a Muslim wedding is.  

I will never ever feel sorry for Nicole.  Not when this blows up in her face, not when she is broke and alone in a foreign country, not when her parents file for and win custody of May. Never.

Her parents won’t take custody of May. She may dump her on them, but they won’t take her to court.  None of them want to raise another kid. 

Did Nicole even go for a child support order for her daughter? I doubt it. 

  • Love 1
40 minutes ago, lucy711 said:

I agree with you. Nicole's family, I believe, are practicing Christians, so marrying someone from a different faith may be a big deal if they follow their faith (although I doubt Nicole does).  After all, there are major cultural and religious norms that will need to be hashed out not only for the wedding but also for living their lives together as an interfaith couple. 

I'm a white Catholic and my family would have had major concerns if I married anyone who wasn't Christian- it would not be about skin color but rather about the religious/cultural differences.  I dated a Hispanic guy for a while and my parents loved it because his family was more devout than mine!  But my family, for instance, would have been very concerned if I married a non-Christian guy because they wouldn't want to see their grandchild brought up outside of the Christian faith.

There are many differences between Nicole's culture and Azan's.   Religion is one of them.  And I think her parents are scared as hell that Nicole hasn't acknowledged any of this.

And we've just spent an entire thread talking about how how she can't show skin.  She can't wear that dress.  She can't kiss or hug him in public.  I don't think you have to be Islamaphobic to be concerned about how an American woman would fare in a Muslim country --- particularly one that doesn't have any couth at all in her own country.  Morocco isn't a radicalized Muslim society, but there is still a ways to go in terms of equality for women there.  

Edited by sasha206
  • Love 8
3 hours ago, MrHufflepuff said:

Dear Russ:

Just dump Pao already and go have angry, hate-sex with Juan.  And get Juan to fix your low-flow shower-head hair while you're at it.


Mr. HufflePuff

PS:  If you want to marry me, I'll live in Oklahoma with you.  You can even keep Juan as your angry side-piece if you want to.

You can do better!

  • Love 7

ParentsChantel raised their children to stay huddled in the nest and trained them to accept their slow-cooked speeches as gospel.  Those families are hard to break away from, especially for an eldest child who can feel like they're abandoning their younger siblings. 

I give Chantel a lot of credit for speaking up in defense of Pedro with her family.  I think if they keep pushing the issue, they'll lose her completely.  

  • Love 4

Nicole, all the money that is being spent on the stupid dress and a ticket to Morocco could go towards some sort of education to get a skill and a job. Where you can take care of your little girl. Not fly off to some foreign country that doesn't interest you except for a dude. Cut your loss and be grateful that you dodged the scammer bullet and move forward with your life. No more tantrums to your parents and start making good, sensible decisions that can have a much better impact for your future.

But, if you want a starter marriage to a scammer, it is your life lesson to learn and grow from, and no one should take that lesson away from you. It will come back in another form, with another person. You are 24 years old and there is a whole lotta life out there and it's not wrapped up in 'My World' who probably feels you are a poor proto planet like Pluto.

Russ, please dump Pao. She has no interest in your world. Let her go and enjoy Miami and her cah-reeer. She passed up a really good catch.

  • Love 14

I found it interesting that this was the first time Chantal heard that her mother in-law is an attorney.  And, based on the fact that she complained about having to “drain her savings account” to pay an attorney to file Pedro’s immigration papers, I believe it's a lie, because it doesn’t make sense.   

Clearly, Nicole was raised in a home without consequences. 

All the couples basically have one storyline, so we are treated to the same scenes, week after week.  I am starting to lose interest. 

  • Love 8
7 hours ago, ElderPrice said:

To be fair I think it’s just genuine bafflement. I didn’t hear anything against the Muslim religion itself, they were asking (I think) valid questions. Will it be a religious ceremony? Do you need to convert? What’s involved in a Moroccan wedding? What is considered proper attire? The fact that Nicole couldn’t respond with ONE BASIC FACT frustrated them. Does she even have a date set at this point? 

My son, raised Catholic, is marrying an Orthodox Jew and converted to his religion to do so, they are getting married this fall. I am sending him pictures of possible mother-of-the-bride dresses for his opinion so that I will be dressed appropriately for this conservative ceremony. Nicole could do the same with Azan’s mother, but then she wouldn’t have two sets of tits to fall out of her dress. 

I didn’t hear any Muslim bashing either. I do think they have some valid concerns. Since Nicole is too lazy and stupid to learn a little about her future husbands religion and culture. I can just see her cooking Azan bacon and eggs for breakfast

  • Love 11
9 hours ago, StayingAfterSunday said:

Maybe I'm the weird one but I like Jorge.  If he'd lose some weight and get in shape he'd look like a different person.  Jorge was honest when he said (on the tell-all show from last season) that his infatuation with Anfisa and the subsequent deception on his part resulted from the fact that someone of her caliber was taking an interest in him.  Evidently he allowed his ego and his male member, no doubt, to compromise his character.

Anfisa's nasty outbursts and astounding sense of entitlement strike me as much more offensive than anything Jorge has done.  Jorge's sister got it right, IMO.

It's not about how he looks, is it? He lured Anfisa with some bullshit that he can't back up, and she's just that shallow that regardless what he looked like, it wasn't going to cover off on it.

  • Love 8

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