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Season 3 Discussion

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14 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:

I am TeamRiver

I agree.  Pedro is an asshole.  River may be an asshole but he actually cares about his sister much more than Pedro does.

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13 hours ago, jumper sage said:

Loved the one guy talking about David and had to be bleeped out for a few sentences.

I'm in Canada - nothing he said was bleeped.  Antonio said David was planning on returning to Thailand all along.  The woman host shut him down immediately.  

Most of this is fake or staged - although that fight was darn real.  The producers prompted them to argue... and paper plates suggest they were expecting something... but it truly did get out of hand and camera guys had to intervene.  

I hope there are complaints about the 'live after show'.  It was boring.  Even frauded Danniele  was boring.

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12 hours ago, Kangatush said:

I want Michelle to host the reunion instead of insipid Shaun.  She seems to have at least watched the show, and isn't too afraid of honesty.  And I get the frantic nature of the show, I blame TLC for scheduling 40 guests.

Hell no.  Given the choice between obnoxious ass Michelle and Brainless Shaun, I'd rather there be no reunion show.  Just show reruns and spare us all.

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Nicole needs to brush up on her acting. She didn't even try to appear that upset about the missing document. It was like, Oh, ok.  Weddings off. Too bad, so sad, but, what can we do.  No. She didn't even try to think of a solution.  Like, get someone to go into the drawer where you left the original document and bring it with them when they come or overnight it.  I mean, it made no sense.  And, who puts the original away and brings a copy with them for an international matter that thrives on paperwork?  Totally ridiculous and insulting to the viewer.  And it was funny that she actually thinks people would be upset that she canceled the wedding! lol 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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20 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

I'm in Canada - nothing he said was bleeped.  Antonio said David was planning on returning to Thailand all along.  The woman host shut him down immediately.  

Even if he does go back to Thailand, what does he plan on doing for money? He still has to work. And has a Bhat to finish paying for!

Edited by bichonblitz
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54 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

Original or photocopy aside, its a stupid requirement as in what good is a statement from one jurisdiction?  People do grow up and move, sometimes many times over their lifetimes.

I think a government background check that covers the entire U.S.  would be required.

When Nicole applied for and was granted a tourist Visa to go to Morocco, (twice!) wouldn't they have run a US government background check via her passport? I think the issue might be that dopey Nicole didn't understand the directions regarding what she needed to bring for the marriage license and thought, for example, 3 photocopies of her birth certificate would suffice ignoring the "original document with raised seal" part. 

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50 minutes ago, spankydoll said:

So what do we think Nicole is hiding with her fake document from the BPD? I'll vote for a restraining order on her past. 

Does anybody know Nicole's last name? It could easily be searched in the Manatee County public records. 

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1 hour ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Back to the paper plates. Disposable tin foil pans and Tyson heat and serve wings?

more evidence that it wasn't really filmed in Casa de Family Chantel. 

Just now, bichonblitz said:

Does anybody know Nicole's last name?

yes, it's all over on the Nicole/Azan thread 

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I totally appreciate that Father Chantel kept shoving food in his mouth as the discourse started. Everyone keeps commenting on the paper plates as a sign it was staged. I feel like I see people eating on paper plates and red solo cups on a lot of reality shows. Given how FamilyChantel has historically treated Pedro, I can't help but think they would purposely put out paper plates because of how they think about him and his sister.

When I was married, my mother never would get involved in my disagreements with my ex or his family. She may have had advice for me on how to handle things but she would never sit across from them at the dinner table and stir the pot. Mother Chantel is just garbage. Chantel just dog piles on top of it all. They all need to act like grown ups. I kind of feel bad for Pedro. That family has done nothing but nit pick him apart since he arrived so he now constantly has his guard up. 

The preview for next week when Family Chantel is yelling "immigration" grossed me out. 

11 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Nicole needs to brush up on her acting. She didn't even try to appear that upset about the missing document. It was like, Oh, ok.  Weddings off. Too bad, so sad, but, what can we do.  No. She didn't even try to think of a solution.  Like, get someone to go into the drawer where you left the original document and bring it with them when they come or overnight it.  I mean, it made no sense.  And, who puts the original away and brings a copy with them for an international matter that thrives on paperwork?  Totally ridiculous and insulting to the viewer.  And it was funny that she actually thinks people would be upset that she canceled the wedding! lol 

I kind of wonder if her reaction was because people have always taken care of Nicole and she's never face consequences. She probably thinks someone will bail her out so she still can get married. 

Nicole are Azan are kind of my favorite couple. She always has googley eyes for him, taking kissy face selfies...never seems to notice that he always looks like he's about to barf. They are on two different planets. 

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Anyone know where  I can view the fight scene again? I couldn't locate it on the TLC website.  I need to watch again in slow motion.  I thought that River threw something that hit the light fixture and bounced off, then, Pedro came after him.  I even heard a woman on You tube who said it was a dinner roll that he threw, but, was it?   UPDATE:  I found a place that you can watch the first part of the incident.



Edited by SunnyBeBe
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The live show was so pointless. It was kind of fun to see Jodie from RealiTV but she and the other guests each got about six words in. Why even waste their time? It felt rushed and poorly planned. I'm not entirely opposed to a live after-show but that is not the way to do it. They need to find a personable B- or C-list celebrity who's willing to admit they're obsessed with the show and have watched since Day 1, and get that person to host. Someone like Chrissy Teigen but less polarizing, or like Tori Spelling but less timid. Hell, even another reality person who's fairly well-known, like Brandi Glanville or Melissa Howard Beck. Then have just one or two popular bloggers or podcasters per episode, shell out the $400 to fly them into the studio because Skype is never not awkward, and have a real conversation. Bring in people related to the show we just watched, not losers from two seasons ago who won't go away. Instead of Danielle, why not Winter, or Robbalee, or heck even Storage Cody? That would be hilarious. Call me, TLC!

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I have such different perspectives from the people on the live show.....it's hard for me to relate.  I did laugh with the girl who says that it feels like she's been married for 40 years!  lol  Cracked me up.  And the host took that as a good thing! Too funny. 

Okay.  In this rewatch, it appears that River threw a napkin that hit the light fixture, then Pedro gets up and attacks.  I don't think that getting hit with a napkin entitles you to jump on someone.  


Edited by SunnyBeBe
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26 minutes ago, magemaud said:

When Nicole applied for and was granted a tourist Visa to go to Morocco, (twice!) wouldn't they have run a US government background check via her passport? I think the issue might be that dopey Nicole didn't understand the directions regarding what she needed to bring for the marriage license and thought, for example, 3 photocopies of her birth certificate would suffice ignoring the "original document with raised seal" part. 

The US has nothing to do with the Visa process for other countries. 2. US citizens don’t apply for a tourist visa to go to Morocco. As long as you have a valid passport you that doesn’t expire in 6 months you are granted a 90 day visa when you arrive and go through customs/immigrantion at Your point of entry in Morocco.

Edited by biakbiak
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44 minutes ago, booboopbedoo said:

That wedding aint going to happen!



Heee!  A non-watcher co-worker saw this on Reddit at the start of the season and asked me to explain it.  Hilarity ensued!  My co-workers were stunned at the horror.

In reality, I have to palate cleanse watching this trash with catching the 2nd viewing of Masterpiece Mystery, so my poor brain doesn't start of ooze out of my ears.

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11 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

The US has nothing to do with the Visa process for other countries. 2. US citizens don’t apply for a tourist visa to go to Morocco. As long as you have a valid passport you that doesn’t expire in 6 months you are granted a 90 day visa when you arrive and go through customs/immigrantion at Your point of entry in Morocco.

Thanks for clarifying that. I figured she had to apply for a 90 Day Visa in advance, like at a consulate or embassy, where they would vet her and either approve or reject her application. 

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16 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Jorge "if it's not something it is something else" as he points the blame at Anfisa for questioning him, she has every right to question him and demand a DNA test. Anfisa may be a goldigger but Jorge has lied constantly, I am ashamed to admit I bought his victim act last season but no longer.

When he said that, all I could think was, "If you didn't lie about something and something else constantly, these issues would not come up constantly." Isn't he also the one who told the shrink that if he had a lot of money, there wouldn't be any problems in his marriage? What a child, who apparently also fancies himself as a real master of distraction in order to get away with avoiding dealing with the real issues.

Between him and David, I don't know which is the biggest loser, but these girls must be really desperate to want to stay married to either of them. 

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2 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I just watched the Paper Plate Throwdown on my DVR in slo mo.  Wow. Mother Pedro first shows up w/the weave in the back of the kitchen. I can only assume she yanked it off Nicole when River was flattening her AND his mother at the same time. Nicole's stiletto was up in the air higher than Countess Luann's fall in the bushes in Mexico on the tequila trip. Most of the fight, there are multiple people on Pedro and either no one on River or a girl. Sister Chantel, the one who is a little bit big was holding back Pedro the whole time River was allowed to swing at Pedro. Advantage River and I thought it was disgusting that he was physically intertwined with 2 women and not even hesitant to fight and flail and holler waaaaazup or whatever he was shouting. He was crazed. He was disturbing.

All because Chantel is so immature that she rats to her family every single whiny complaint she has like a 12 year old junior high drama queen. She wants sympathy and attention and someone almost got hurt. Disgusting. All Chantel's fault. Family Chantel is deep with dysfunction and I don't mean the good old run of the mill Family Bart Simpson kind.  Everyone at that table including Chantel went for Pedro and her sister. 

Back to the paper plates. Disposable tin foil pans and Tyson heat and serve wings? I for one LOVED the shade Nicole threw thanking her for the meal. 1) This is what Family Chantel SHOULD HAVE done at the chicken feet dinner, and 2) it mocked the absolute shit they were serving. It is almost like they took it from the craft services truck for the camera crews and producers on a sound stage. 

I also loved when Pedro kicked his paper plate with ironically, his feet.  Revenge of the Chicken Feet. 

I have to wonder how short Nicole's hair is, without her weave on her right side her bangs and side hair are super short.  You can see it as she quietly leaves.

Father Chantel asking why Pedro why he kicked the plate as Pedro leaves? They are the LEAST self aware people ever. They will never ever get it. Pedro and Chantel have to leave town if they want to make it. In the horrible post show a producer said Pedro and Nicole left walking and de miked and the crew lost them after a half hour. 

Sister Chantel, the one who is a little bit big.....

.dead over here.

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1 hour ago, booboopbedoo said:

That wedding aint going to happen!



Hilarious. "I do... a little bit."

Two things are missing however: 1) Nicole's ample cleavage and 2) an Ipad sticking out from May's bouquet.

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I honestly don't understand what Chantel sees in Pedro. He does not come across as kind, funny, smart, hardworking or affectionate. But points for knocking River's ears back. Sideshow Boy is worse than Snooki Poor.

And while we are on the list of things I don't understand 

1. Game of Thrones

2. Why Family Chantel think Pedro has an inappropriate relationship with his sister but River's obsession with Chantel is "brotherly love" ummmm OK .. And these are the people we assigned to track the harvested American dollar?

Edited by Boofish
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10 hours ago, bethster2000 said:

I am, too.  Who behaves like Pedro did in his father-in-law's house?  That's beyond unacceptable!!!  The sense of entitlement and outright SMUG shown by Pedro, his skank sister, and his skank grifter of a mother is astonishing.  Pedro admonishing Chantel about her behavior with her parents sitting right there, while skanky skanky is sittng there like the cat who caught the chicken feet?  Oh, HELL no.  

I may love you, but you act the fool in my father's house?  Next.  (Call it a cultural thing.)

ETA:  TLC, you need to lose the live segments and just show the damn show.

I am torn here.  Yeah, Pedro was a jerk to his wife and his sister is beyond smarmy.  But look at Chantal's family- they all were like the spider luring the fly into her web... "ohhh, come for dinner!  Be our GUEST!"  and then Mama moving in for the kill with her loaded, slow-delivery questions: "soooo, Neeecollle... how are you and Shan-teyellle getting alonnnggg?"  Pedro and sister were prepared for confrontation- and rightfully so- and didn't need much provocation to pounce.

David is one of those people whose problems are always someone else's fault.  "I'm trying the best I can," says he- with his puppy dog face and his simpering voice- "but it's not easy!"  Then in the next breath, "I don't know if I WANT to work at a storage facility."  Really?  Hey, sometimes it's not about what you want, David.  You have to do some adulting here.  But no, it's Chris' fault ("he gave us till Tuesday to close! That's so fast!") or "I didn't expect to have to pay rent..." (wow, I didn't realize paying for your housing was optional in this world.) This episode truly made my view of him change from "he's stupid and a user" to "he's really just a class A scumbag."

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5 minutes ago, Boofish said:

I honestly don't understand what Chantel sees in Pedro. He does not come across as kind, funny, smart, hardworking or affectionate. But points for knocking River's ears back. Sideshow Boy is worse than Snooki Poor.

Funny  because  I have the very same issue with what Pedro sees in Chantel. She does not come across as kind, funny, smart, hardworking, or affectionate. She doesn't even get points for knocking River's ears back when he is being over the line rude to her husband.

The theory I posted a while back was that Pedro and Chantel both deserve each other - and that is why they are both so miserable. ;-) 

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I didn’t get the idea Cody lived in the apartment, just that he maybe had to clean it up for David to live in. My first thought was that Chris told Cody to make it sound like an awful place to live so David would turn it down. I think Chris, and for sure his wife, were looking for ways to stop the gravy train to David. The apartment was really like a bachelor apartment with no kitchen. How is it different than renting a room where you don’t have kitchen privileges. As someone said, there are electric woks, hot plates and crockpots they can use. College kids live in these types of places all the time. Honestly, when you have no money, you take what you can get for free. A job and housing is a good deal and lot of people trying to get on their feet would take in a heartbeat.  I don’t just see David taking the job because he obviously doesn’t want to work nor do I think Chris is would think David would actually do the job since he knows his friend doesn’t want to work. 

As to Molly and Chris, my understanding is that they are financially responsible for ten years as to any government aid received by Luis and Annie but they do not otherwise have to financially support them on a day to day basis. 

I fast forwarded through the fight but may have to go back and watch it. I am so over Chantal and Pedro. I am team Pedro, even though I hate his family and that he spends loads money without consulting his wife, because Chantal emboldens her family every time she talks crap to them about Pedro. She knows how they are going to react. 

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17 hours ago, noveltylibrary said:

I love how Penguin said he wasn't worried about the firehouse being for sale because he thought it would take a couple months...AS IF he would've budged his ass one inch to find anything else in that time.  But he's doing his best lol

We thought that when our long-term rental was put up for sale.  Even the landlady said it.  I was pushing big-time to find a new place to live ASAP.  It went under contract the week after we moved out - about 45 days after she told us it was going up for sale.  You can't rely on that.

16 hours ago, WhatsUpDummy said:

Hahaha! Idiot David asking that 18 year old kid about getting a job was so painful and yet so funny.  Really David? You’re too good for $10 an hour? Let’s do the math...$10 an hour is more than $0. 

My husband is not college educated, but was in a skilled trade, and after 20 years he was making well over $20 an hour.  Then he had some medical issues, and was terminated.  His last 2 jobs paid $10.50 and $11 an hour, respectively.  He's currently waiting on a medical test so he can start a temp job making $12 an hour doing janitorial.  He's trying hard to break back in to his area of knowledge after trying some other things, and failing at them, but his age (45) is not on his side - it's not on David's side either.  I didn't want to clog his resume up with short-term jobs, and we were told that a temp service is a much better way to go.  It shows you care about working, and shows you're willing to do what it takes, and allows you to add skill experience to your resume.

16 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

No Family Pedro fan but family Chantel was spoiling for a fight with the passive-agressive. "Really Nicole yo are happy? What about the coach Nicole? Oh Pedro why are you getting upset?" As Annie would say What The Fuck

I swear Family Chantal is somehow related to my late-inlaws.  "Oh, I can't wait to come to your wedding shower.  It will be so much fun!  Hmm...your cake is a bit too sweet for my taste.  Oh...the same person is making your wedding cake? Why aren't you having my sister that I'm feuding with and haven't spoken to in 10 years make your cake?  I won't talk to her, but you could have so-and-so call her - they speak to her, but don't invite her.  Oh, I see.   YOUR aunt is OK, but your future husband's isn't.  YOUR FAMILY ARE ALL SNOTTY BITCHES AND ARE MEAN TO US AND THINK YOU ARE BETTER THAN US!!!!  Oh, BTW, can I bring my friend from the mental hospital to your wedding?  I'm going to want you all to call her "grandma".  Yes, this all really happened.  My Aunt made my cake, and it was delicious.  It was her gift to us.  She made the shower cakes too.  Late MIL was the only one who complained.  

11 hours ago, magemaud said:

What was that animal cage in the grim storage unit apartment?

I'm confused about this rejected "Police Report" that Nicole only had a photocopy of. Wouldn't that mean she has some kind of record on file somewhere? Like most people, I don't have any kind of "rap sheet" so where would I get a document that says I'm NOT a criminal? 

Looked like it was for a larger bird.  My late in-laws had a parrot that was in a large cage like that.

As for the background check, my husband had to have one done for the temp job he is waiting on.  I had to go online, list every single place he has lived since 1975, list everyone he has ever lived with since 1975, and provide some other info.  It scanned criminal records for every state he lived in (2) and came back a few minutes later with a certificate saying he had no criminal record.  The certificate is from the state.  I printed it out, and I can download and send to anyone who requests it.  There's a QR code on the certificate that takes you to the original on the state website so you can see it's not forged.  He had to have an FBI check when he worked at his most recent job, handling hazardous materials that could be used to make bombs.  

4 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Papa Chantel was mad because he was hungry and now he'll have to go to Subway to get sandwiches for everyone. Plus he's worried that TLC will take the price of the broken crockery out of his check, since they won't be able to return it to Home Goods. Seriously, he sat there with that dumb smile on his face through the buildup, the fight, and the exit, then got all exercised by the broken dishes? Papa Chantel is a nincompoop of the first water. Mama Chantel is a shit stirrer, and she showed her true, trailer park colors. They've been hinting ominously at some dark secret, but have not been able to prove any of their suspicions. They hate Pedro because he's a blue collar guy from the Dominican Republic. End of story. They hate him and they want him gone, and they will stop at nothing to drive him away from the family princess/cash cow. Run, Pedro. Run as fast as you can. This is toxic and will never, ever get better.

But they have to stick to the $5 footlong menu - and nothing deluxe.  And everyone will have to share.  And Winter will have to have the Veggie Delite.

1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Does anybody know Nicole's last name? It could easily be searched in the Manatee County public records. 

She also lived in Texas briefly.  Don't know where.

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20 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

David is one of those people whose problems are always someone else's fault.  "I'm trying the best I can," says he- with his puppy dog face and his simpering voice- "but it's not easy!"  Then in the next breath, "I don't know if I WANT to work at a storage facility."  Really?  Hey, sometimes it's not about what you want, David.  You have to do some adulting here.  But no, it's Chris' fault ("he gave us till Tuesday to close! That's so fast!") or "I didn't expect to have to pay rent..." (wow, I didn't realize paying for your housing was optional in this world.) This episode truly made my view of him change from "he's stupid and a user" to "he's really just a class A scumbag."

13 minutes ago, MakingBacon said:

I didn’t get the idea Cody lived in the apartment, just that he maybe had to clean it up for David to live in. My first thought was that Chris told Cody to make it sound like an awful place to live so David would turn it down. I think Chris, and for sure his wife, were looking for ways to stop the gravy train to David. The apartment was really like a bachelor apartment with no kitchen. How is it different than renting a room where you don’t have kitchen privileges. As someone said, there are electric woks, hot plates and crockpots they can use. College kids live in these types of places all the time. Honestly, when you have no money, you take what you can get for free. A job and housing is a good deal and lot of people trying to get on their feet would take in a heartbeat.  I don’t just see David taking the job because he obviously doesn’t want to work nor do I think Chris is would think David would actually do the job since he knows his friend doesn’t want to work. 

This is part of the reason why I think their storyline is 100% fake.  I think Chris is keeping them around over here for the show, and for exposure for him to re-launch his Fantasy crap.  They always say there's no such thing as bad publicity.  Remember Balloon Boy?  That kid's dad was trying to launch a reality show.

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15 minutes ago, Chickabiddy said:

Funny  because  I have the very same issue with what Pedro sees in Chantel. She does not come across as kind, funny, smart, hardworking, or affectionate. She doesn't even get points for knocking River's ears back when he is being over the line rude to her husband.

The theory I posted a while back was that Pedro and Chantel both deserve each other - and that is why they are both so miserable. ;-) 

She is no prize but she's cute with big boobs. I just assumed that was her appeal to him LOL

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The Family Chantel Smackdown happened, and all I can say is, "Winter is Coming"  Meanwhile, Father Chantel hops away trying to grab one last precious wing before they get  knocked on the floor. The best part? That little bitch River gets taken down by 95lb Nicole. HA!  What a trashy family. The whole lot of them. Chantel instigated it by running to her family to whine about how she was mistreated by Nicole. Then Family Chantel faked Pedro and Nicole out by inviting them to a Costco spread with the expensive paper plates all along planning  to stir shit up. Their version of American hospitality is wings, and a sucker punch. 

Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at 11.02.20 AM.png

Screen Shot 2018-07-09 at 11.08.49 AM.png

The rest of the couples didn't matter much for me. Except for when Molly met up with her hot brotherJess who was wearing a 1988 classic Ricky Skaggs ball cap, and talking up some sadness for not getting a bro text from 'Louise' after he left Casa Devil Owl. 

Molly...Listen to Danyell. She knows about frauded. 


Edited by Barbara Please
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The thing about David's situation is that he has be out of the old place in 2 days, right? So, that limits your options.  Even if you get an awesome job on Wednesday, you won't have the funds to pay for a new place to move by Friday. The thing about applying for services somewhere like the county, is that they ask for income verification and he likely makes too much money with his TLC income. So, I suppose that leaves him to places like shelters.  I wonder if Annie has ever seen one of those.  They may even have to stay in different quarters, like her with the women and children and him with the men.

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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36 minutes ago, Boofish said:

I honestly don't understand what Chantel sees in Pedro. He does not come across as kind, funny, smart, hardworking or affectionate.

I don't even think he's attractive.  I could understand if he was some gorgeous guy.  But he's not.

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2 hours ago, Bou said:

OMG!  We're going to see Molly's lawyers tupee again!!!

Honestly that was the best part of the 2nd hour of the live show, getting to see low flow shower head hair Gene Simmons..............

2 hours ago, Pepper Mostly said:

Your secret is safe with us!

I tell my SO mid-watch all the time:  "Shhhhh.... this show is my cigarettes.............."

1 hour ago, Boofish said:

If I had to rank that table in terms of likability

  1. The salad
  2. The paper plates 
  3. The chicken wings
  4. The table
  5. Eating utensils
  6. Father Chantel
  7. The napkin River threw at Pedro
  8. the chairs
  9. Winter
  10. Sister Pedro
  11. The meat tray
  12. Pedro
  13. Chantel
  14. River

DYING.... no oxygen LOLOLOLOLOL 

1 hour ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Sister Chantel, the one who is a little bit big.....

.dead over here.

No diss on being a little bit big it's all on Azan. Being a "little big bit" is totally "acceptable." Always remember! 

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29 minutes ago, funky-rat said:


My husband is not college educated, but was in a skilled trade, and after 20 years he was making well over $20 an hour.  Then he had some medical issues, and was terminated.  His last 2 jobs paid $10.50 and $11 an hour, respectively.  He's currently waiting on a medical test so he can start a temp job making $12 an hour doing janitorial.  He's trying hard to break back in to his area of knowledge after trying some other things, and failing at them, but his age (45) is not on his side - it's not on David's side either.  I didn't want to clog his resume up with short-term jobs, and we were told that a temp service is a much better way to go.  It shows you care about working, and shows you're willing to do what it takes, and allows you to add skill experience to your resume.


@funky-rat, your husband can just list the temp agency as his employer--it looks neater, and if he has assignments he wants to call attention to, he can list them in the job description section. I did that when I worked temp between jobs. You don't have gaps in your resume, and you're right, it shows that you want to work. The agency is your employer, they pay you. And good luck to him, I was job hunting in my late fifties, it was no picnic! Hang in there!

3 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

I don't even think he's attractive.  I could understand if he was some gorgeous guy.  But he's not.

I think Pedro is cute, with a million dollar smile. Too bad we never see it, since Family Chantel has been chipping away at him for the past couple of years.

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16 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Actually things are turning around for him. The ex’s statement is contradictory bullshit and and she lied about stuff. And his wife and two other ex girlfriends came forward and said he was a kind, gentle man. It’s looking more and more like Chloë was just a vindictive ex. She tried to get him back many times after the breakup. I think TLC will rehire him back and no one will hire Chloë. She’s psycho.


16 hours ago, RichiesOlderBro said:

Matt Mira has been strangely silent. As has Will Wheaton.

I’m fact i’ve not heard a single person in Hollywood step forward to say what a great guy he is.  

Hardwick is radioactive.  

Pretty sure the reason things are appearing to turn around for him is due to the very expensive PR person hired with the Hearst money!


2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Does anybody know Nicole's last name? It could easily be searched in the Manatee County public records. 

Is it funny to anyone else that Nicole lives in Manatee county?  As she herself is a manatee.

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15 hours ago, 7isBlue said:

Annie’s English is terrible, but she seems to know how to conjugate “fuck” in numerous ways.

Annie's English is actually quite good.  I'd say it's 90% better than Pedro's.  We can understand everything she says.  Her sentence structure would have grown had she come to America with anyone but that troll. 

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2 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Even if he does go back to Thailand, what does he plan on doing for money? He still has to work. And has a Bhat to finish paying for!

He will flatten rice fields with his ginormous ass

and lead groups of tourists to the best Ping Pong Bars!!

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1 hour ago, juicyfruit said:

Hilarious. "I do... a little bit."

Two things are missing however: 1) Nicole's ample cleavage and 2) an Ipad sticking out from May's bouquet.

Yes-- we need to see the four breasts that dress gave her, as well as the rolls on her side and back. Yikes. That was so unflattering! I think May's bouquet should be made of fries, and there should be a pacifier tied onto it as well.

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 Whose idea was it to piss off ALL OF US with all those silly interruptions?   TLC repeats so many scenes that we're already irritated.  We just want to watch the "couples."  I like Michele, but she was DISASTER last night.   Silly questions.  Cutting off EVERY person she "interviewed."    I know that TLC and Production are more to blame.

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16 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

Pao now crying over Grandma she saw one time, Russ "what is the plan are we seen Grandma again?" Pao " No we are going to hang with Juan" All about Pao  all the time.

After having spent what seemed the majority of her time schmoozing with Juan and posing for her arty trashy photos, I couldn't help but feel amazed that she was trying to tell everyone how bad she felt about her grandmother. As a new watcher, I was absolutely stunned when she said she was grieving a miscarriage, because it wasn't at all apparent in the shows I've seen until now.

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The Titans of Industry, that are Chantel’s Family, really revealed themselves in this episode. They were ready for a rumble from the get go.

Complaining that Nicole and Pedro were being rude for being less than 15 minutes late - really?  You are the people who did not get out of the van !

I won’t comment on chicken feet vs. Costco ready to eat.

The Family saw the PI, Chantel mentioned Pedro sending home $300 per month to his Mom. That’s probably what Chantel spends on lashes, hair and nails.  Not exactly big money. It just sounds like everyone is really upset about how far money goes in the DR.   Family Pedro lives in a three bedroom home, after seeing Family Chantel family home I can see why they are resentful. 

I was afraid Sister Winter would eat Sister Nicole. 

In the coming attractions Mother Chantel calls out to “Immigration “ for Pedro and Nicole.  What a nasty POS. 

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