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S02.E14: Super Bowl Sunday

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Jack, you idiot. Way to kill yourself and mess up your kids for life.

I kept seeing this promo where the actors said a word to describe the episode- my word would be “overacted.”

I did like when Kevin’s sappy monologue switched from trite cliches to “I did a movie with Rocky!” Kevin is my favorite of the three kids.

Kate, you are in no way responsible for your dad’s death. He was the one too stubborn to listen to reason and ran back into a building house.

The scene with Kevin and Rebecca on the phone was pretty good; I think they are my favorite two Pearsons. Except Tess and Annie. Those two are probably the best.

That ending was the first time the show has surprised me since maybe episode 2? I was so sure that boy was going to be adopted by Randall and Beth!

Future Randall with future glasses! Going to have to go back and see if the future Tess actress was in the previous episode with the little boy. I’m guessing she was. 

ETA: It looked like that was footage from this year’s Super Bowl that they managed to sneak into the episode. If so, that’s pretty cool. 

Edited by InsertWordHere
  • Love 15
  On 2/5/2018 at 4:49 AM, voiceover said:

Soon it will be three years.  


It's amazing, what triggers you.  Things you probably expect, and things you don't.  Sometimes it's the mundane and sentimental, like a last look at a young man on a hospital bed; a young man who, when he was a younger man, played a punk kid named Jess on a show you loved, despite the fact, you never liked him.

And Milo, tonight, with his "Katie girl",  I'm sorry to tell you, triggers me with my dad and his nickname for me and that sound I can't ever scratch out of my head; "Dad coded"...


I don't know how long it might take, to step back and evaluate this ep; not with that noise in my head.


I had a moment like that watching of all things Friday's Dateline.  The older man reminded me of my late father(looks,etc).  Totally understand.

  • Love 6

Damn, this show. It got me yet again. After he survived the fire, I knew Jack would die, but still, it hit me hard. Mandy Moore was outstanding as were the actors playing teenage Randall and Kate.

Oh Tess, your father's love for you is as deep as the ocean. I didn't see adult Tess coming. Nice twist. I am glad that Deja is back. 

Farewell, Mr. McGiggle. You didn't last very long.

Edited by SimoneS
  • Love 22
  On 2/5/2018 at 4:49 AM, Lady Calypso said:

The episode didn't make me sob all throughout it, or at all, but the one really strong moment was the scene where Rebecca was told about Jack's death. That was actually really, really moving for many different reasons. Mandy Moore did an excellent job here.


This might have been the only time I REALLY felt a performance. 

  • Love 7

I am disappointed that they lied so much to the fans. It wasn't "massive, and never seen before on tv" It was what many fans guessed and Fogleman said they didn't, he never read one comment (or did Milo or Mandy) that came close. That wasn't true. I guess I was let down that the twist just wasn't there. Soul crushing isn't a heart attack you don't even see. You knew he couldn't leave the hospital, I don't know, it just fell flat for me. My daughter went to bed, she was like, this is not flowing for me, I'll watch it later in the week.

I hope they show that Rebecca stayed with him a while and held him and said goodbye. You can hear him call her name when she is on the phone. That made me cry, not the fire.


Edited by debraran
  • Love 20

I knew that was a flash forward! Great casting, that woman looks so much like young Tess.

So glad the dog was actually in the house. I mean, I'd rather Jack die while successfully saving the dog than for nothing. I really thought for a second he wouldn't come back out. I would have been irrationally angry at not getting those few more moments with Jack that we got.

I laughed inappropriately at the chaos in the background while Rebecca was one phone and her biting the candy bar. 

And yay! Randall gets to be old! Also loved the framed painting of Kevin's up on the wall.

  On 2/5/2018 at 4:56 AM, debraran said:

They do find good actors to play the kids. I hope Kate gets that tape on DVD too, it wont last forever.


She watched it on her computer at the end, so she must have.

  • Love 12
  On 2/5/2018 at 4:54 AM, mojoween said:

Wow Adult Tess looks so much like Young Tess.  Whatever they pay the casting director, it’s not enough.



Absolutely this. I thought earlier that the social worker looked familiar. Because duh, she’s grown up Tess. Really well done casting. 


Also liked the use of the actual Super Bowl footage in the episode. 


Finally, while it wasn’t as gut wrenching as the hype, I really enjoyed Kevin and Rebecca’s conversations the most. Especially him admitting how hard it had to be for her. 

  • Love 18
  On 2/5/2018 at 4:58 AM, Brookside said:

This episode was so overwrought it was unbearable.

The Sally Field lookalike character becomes more saccharine every episode.

I like Toby.  I know many posters don't seem to but I love how, though he's a dufus, he does try to understand Kate, support her, give her space, etc.


I sorta wanted Toby to say, “Enough!!!”. I guess he would look bad doing so but I wanted to do it.

  • Love 18
  On 2/5/2018 at 4:58 AM, Lady Calypso said:

I will say, the callback to Randall saying that Jack died "when nobody was looking" was kind of a gut punch, because Rebecca literally had her back turned while Jack was dying. She could have just turned around and gotten to be in the room before he died. 


I missed connecting that! Oh damn, it really did mean something!

  • Love 4

Randall and present-day Tess's convo on her bed reminded me of Jack and Kate. "My #1 girl!"


Also, I am having trouble suspending my disbelief that in the time Rebecca made a phone call and grabbed a candy bar, Jack arrested, they presumably worked on him for awhile, and he died. In the reflection of the vending machine, we saw all of the medical personnel running presumably to Jack's room. I guess she was just out of it and didn't notice the commotion? 

  • Love 9
  On 2/5/2018 at 4:58 AM, Lady Calypso said:

I will say, the callback to Randall saying that Jack died "when nobody was looking" was kind of a gut punch, because Rebecca literally had her back turned while Jack was dying. She could have just turned around and gotten to be in the room before he died. 


That's the only part of the episode that bugged me. They would have sent a nurse to her immediately IMO

  • Love 10

Show got me again. Did not see the foster boy storyline turning out the way it did. Good casting for the older Tess.

Jack killed himself going back for the dog and possessions. 

I did not think the doctor who delivered the twins was still alive when Jack died. 

I didn't expect them to splice tonight Superbowl into tonight's show. 

So was it clarified there were smoke alarms on both floors and none had working batteries? It looked like they only had one alarm and on the first floor which is insane since the house has two floors. 

  • Love 4
  On 2/5/2018 at 4:48 AM, jcin617 said:

That was hard.   But, our first flash forward!  


There was also a brief flash-forward, last season, to Randall packing things up after William's death.

I can see Saint Jack insisting on dropping the kids off at Miguel's before going to the hospital, but Rebecca really should have insisted that he go straight there. I'm not saying that it would necessarily have saved his life, but you shouldn't fool around with second-degree burns.

  • Love 11
  On 2/5/2018 at 4:51 AM, Lady Calypso said:


I wish I felt more, but it didn't. I think they overpromoted the episode. 


I completely agree.  I think they overhype all the time.  I hate being told how I'm going to react to something.  It will be soul-crushing!  Get ready for tears!  I wish they would just get on with it rather than - as you said - "overpromote".  That has bugged me all along.    Let each episode make me feel what I feel.   Let the show - the acting, the writing - stand on its own merit.

Tonight's episode was far more meh than I had expected.  I wasn't as pulled in as I would have liked to have been, and I didn't think the big surprise re how Jack died was all that creative.

  • Love 22
  On 2/5/2018 at 5:03 AM, Blakeston said:

I can see Saint Jack insisting on dropping the kids off at Miguel's before going to the hospital, but Rebecca really should have insisted that he go straight there. I'm not saying that it would necessarily have saved his life, but you shouldn't fool around with second-degree burns.


Yeah, but how many people on average know this? Jack seemed fine and it wasn't like the EMT urgently insisted that he go to the hospital immediately. 

  • Love 9
  On 2/5/2018 at 5:00 AM, kittyglitter said:

I am having trouble suspending my disbelief that in the time Rebecca made a phone call and grabbed a candy bar, Jack arrested, they presumably worked on him for awhile, and he died. In the reflection of the vending machine, we saw all of the medical personnel running presumably to Jack's room. I guess she was just out of it and didn't notice the commotion? 



  On 2/5/2018 at 5:03 AM, anna0852 said:

I took that as Rebecca making multiple phone calls, trying to find hotel accommodations. And I don't think she would have focused on the commotion because when she left her husband he was fine. Even if in the back of her head she had associated all the activity with a patient going downhill she had no reason to think it was Jack.


Yeah, we heard her talking to at least one hotel, then with Miguel, and while neither call was particularly long, they weren't brief and abrupt either. I think she'd been in the hospital lounge maybe 15 minutes or so by the time the doctor came to find her.

  • Love 4
  On 2/5/2018 at 5:08 AM, wilnil said:


Yeah, we heard her talking to at least one hotel, then with Miguel, and while neither call was particularly long, they weren't brief and abrupt either. 


It sounded like she’d been on the phone with the hotel for a few minutes before the viewers “joined” the conversation.

  • Love 6
  On 2/5/2018 at 5:01 AM, catrox14 said:

That's the only part of the episode that bugged me. They would have sent a nurse to her immediately IMO


I don't think so, not when he was coding and they were actively trying to save him. They would put her out of the room, not call her in. And then the doctor found her right away when it was over.

I don't think I breathed through the first few minutes, til Jack came out the door. It wasn't tear-inducing, but oh so tense, even knowing the outcome. Judging by the preview I think next week will be the emotional one for me.

ETA: I watch pretty much everything on DVR (except for this show and one on the CW), so I rarely see commercials and I don't follow the actors on SM. I think that has helped me not be bothered by the promo I do see.

Edited by gonzosgirrl
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