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S02.E06: Chapter Six: The Spy

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The scene with the doctors by themselves clarifies that Paul Reiser's character is sincere in his desire to help everybody.  Reiser was, of course, the prototypical scummy corporate operative in Aliens, so his casting here seems very deliberately against audience expectations.

One of the pleasures of a long-running series is mixing up character pairings and seeing what happens.  Dustin and Steve are a fun match, as it turns out.

Having one character tell two other characters that they're attracted to each other is often a writing no-no for me, but I thought it was done with a light touch here (and Dyer and Heaton do have good chemistry which has been evident for a while anyway, so it doesn't feel like the writers trying to tell rather than show).

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15 hours ago, SeanC said:

The scene with the doctors by themselves clarifies that Paul Reiser's character is sincere in his desire to help everybody.  Reiser was, of course, the prototypical scummy corporate operative in Aliens, so his casting here seems very deliberately against audience expectations.

I think they did a good job of making him someone that is willing to do morally ambiguous things if necessary (see his conversation with Nancy and Jonathon), but actually wanted to to the right thing.

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I loved Steve and Dustin talking girls and haircare. It brought some necessary lightness to the episode. 

I would like it if there was more connection between everyone. They all seem so separated especially El who has yet to reconnect with anyone. It feels like she's still in season one's story, experiencing her mother's memories of it, while everyone else has moved on to the next story without her. 

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Holy shit, things REALLY kicked off with Dustin, Steve, Lucas, and Max. I guess Max now believes Lucas, which is good. And Steve was a complete, selfless badass, risking his life to save the kids and kill Dart...which turned into an ambush of many Demogorgons. Lucky that Will inadvertently saved them. But damn, Steve keeps exceeding my expectations. I really liked his talk with Dustin. It was nice to get some light scenes in the middle of all that darkness.

I knew, at some point, Will would either be possessed or have to work with the Demogorgons. I guess this is as good of a time as any. 

I like Jonathan and Nancy together, and I'm glad they went through with it this episode. I wouldn't have wanted even longer of them dancing around their feelings. I am ready for them to get back in the action with everyone else, though. Now that they have the material to bring down the company, although now we know Reiser's character was actually trying to be helpful, they can help save Hawkins. 

Lucas/Max are super adorable together. I love that she's connected with him. It sucks for Dustin, but hopefully Dustin can move on from his crush soon enough. 

Seriously, I'm still wondering what Billy's whole problem is. We got a little insight with Max about Billy, but not enough. 

No El in this episode, but we did get a scene of Hopper trying to communicate with her. It's too bad she's not there. I wonder if she'll pop in at some point soon to help. I really would like her to be reunited with everyone, especially Mike.

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A low bar to cross, but at least Owens/Paul Reiser does want to help Will and wasn't down with the "Lets just burn the creature, even if it kills him" idea that all of the other scientists were wanting to do.  Definitely the opposite of Brenner, who totally would have been fine with that.

So, Will is/was possessed by the creature, and basically sent those soldiers to die and has now unleashed the demigorgons into the lab!  Uh oh!  He also seems to be losing his memory with him forgetting about Bob and Hopper, and even struggling to remember Mike.  This is not good, y'all!

Dustin and Steve were hilarious, although Steve has proven himself to be the worst at giving dating advice.  Either way, it it seems clear that Max is more interested in Lucas, so hopefully Dustin will learn to move on.  The gang taking on the demigorgons was intense.  Really thought Steve was a goner there.  I did love him stepping in front of the rest when it look like the one creature was going to get into the bus.  He's a goof, but I respect his willingness to protect the rest.

Ah, young love!  Of course Jonathan and Nancy would keep trying to deny their true feelings for as long as possible!  At least they finally did the deed, although they really don't have time to savior it now that shit is hitting the fan.

No Eleven, but poor Hopper is at least trying to contact her again.  I do hope she gets to interact with the rest of the cast soon.

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18 hours ago, snowwhyte said:

I loved Steve and Dustin talking girls and haircare. It brought some necessary lightness to the episode. 

I would like it if there was more connection between everyone. They all seem so separated especially El who has yet to reconnect with anyone. It feels like she's still in season one's story, experiencing her mother's memories of it, while everyone else has moved on to the next story without her. 

That's how I felt too. I really wish they bring her into either of the main stories. She's off in a story by herself. I suppose so is Nancy and Johnathan. All three them are following up on last season stories. While that is great, I wish they were more involved in what is happening now. I also wish that the kids were all together in a story. While the show is still great, it feels like it is missing the magic of seeing the kids go off together to do something. In a way it is nice to the different age groups interact but somehow something is missing that was in season one. I'm sure this will get resolved as the season goes on.

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5 minutes ago, blueray said:

That's how I felt too. I really wish they bring her into either of the main stories. She's off in a story by herself. I suppose so is Nancy and Johnathan. All three them are following up on last season stories. While that is great, I wish they were more involved in what is happening now. I also wish that the kids were all together in a story. While the show is still great, it feels like it is missing the magic of seeing the kids go off together to do something. In a way it is nice to the different age groups interact but somehow something is missing that was in season one. I'm sure this will get resolved as the season goes on.

I think the difference is that in season 1, the storylines were largely split by age group. There was still limited interaction, and a few different story threads that would ultimately converge, but they were divided by age group. In this case, they are divided in different groups based on what works for each individual story.

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Dustin and Steve going Hansel and Gretel down the railroad tracks with raw meat while discussing hair care products was absolutely made of win.  Steve giving terrible relationship advice when he doesn't even know where Nancy is or what she's doing was a hoot, although he acquitted himself nicely as the closest thing to an adult in the demogorgon attack.

Sure, why shouldn't the conspiracy "investigator" tell two teenagers away from home overnight to give in and go for it?  He's already plied them with plenty of vodka.  I really have no investment in either of Nancy's pairings beyond appreciating that at least she was able to acknowledge that she and Jonathon only seem to hang out when sci-fi happenings are afoot.

I know Hopper's been kind of busy and got plenty on his plate what with nearly getting eaten and all, but I snickered at the end when he finally remembered that he too has a child he's supposed to be responsible for and tried to signal Eleven.  He's not as oblivious as the Wheelers yet even if he clearly doesn't have any idea where she is either.

For now at least I'm still giving Paul Reiser's character the benefit of the doubt that he's one of the many adults this season who mean well enough.  I don't know if there were legitimate evil intentions in the lab continually probing the Upside Down and letting it continue to grow and leak through to the other side while putting a kinder gentler face on what they do, but it seems it really doesn't matter now.  The thing has full control of Will and doesn't look like it's about to allow itself to be contained much longer.

It surprises me not at all that Billy chainsmokes and lifts weights to Ratt.  He's that guy.  I just wish I could see the point to his character.

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1 hour ago, starri said:

I think this is the first episode where I realized this season actually improved on the first. 

If for no other reason that Winona’s acting is a lot better. 

To be fair though, she's being given more to do than shriek about her missing son. They kept her in that same emotional beat for pretty much that entire season.

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18 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

Now that they have the material to bring down the company,

but did they actually mail the envelopes, or are they still sitting in the reporter's hideout waiting to be mailed? I have a bad feeling that the government bad guys will find the hideout and destroy the envelopes, but at least one recap I read today made it sound like they were already mailed. 

2 hours ago, nodorothyparker said:

It surprises me not at all that Billy chainsmokes and lifts weights to Ratt.  He's that guy.  I just wish I could see the point to his character.

I don't see the point to the character either--I think Max could have been brought in to the story as a new girl in town, without having a bad boy brother. I don't know if there is enough time in the remaining episodes to expand or explain Billy's character in a way that would be satisfying.

1 hour ago, starri said:

I think this is the first episode where I realized this season actually improved on the first. 

I actually think this season has been an improvement all along. I like the increase in horror while keeping a focus on the humanity of the characters and their relationships.

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I had no idea I wanted to see Dustin and Steve bonding over hair care, girls, and fighting monsters, but it turns out I totally did! Steve might not give the best dating advice, but for an 80s teenage boy, it could have been worse. Plus, he was great fighting the demogorgon and trying to keep the kids safe. I give him lots of credit, he`s a brave guy, going right after the terrifying monsters and trying to get between them and the kids. I liked that Steve showed that he had some hidden depths and was a decent guy last season, but he is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters now. 

Speaking of, Nancy and Jonathan were basically inevitable, but now that they've done the deed, what will they do now? They're cute and all, but I dont know how much they have in common when nothing supernatural is going on. "how was the pull out Jonathan?" Snicker* I also feel bad for Steve. Nancy shouldn't be with Steve is she doesn't like him like that anymore, but he is still clearly in love with her, while she`s moved on. 

It seems like the doctor really does have good intentions and wants to help Will. If this was the guy from last year, he would have killed everyone involved ages ago instead of just trying to cover things up. I know I say this basically every week, but poor, poor Will. He really looks like he`s being drained of life more and more in every scene. 

Hop is trying to get a message out to El, but she isn't there to here it. I hope they can meet up again soon, it would seriously suck if their fight was the last time they see each other. I like that they're exploring more of Els backstory, but I do hope she joins up with everyone else before the season ends. 

I love what a drama llama Lucas can be. Between his dramatic "well well well" to Dustin a few episodes ago, kicking doors open, and this week, showing up to fight the demogorgons in his best Rambo outfit, this is a kid who has clearly seen a LOT of action movies. 

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I do love Lucas's camo monster fighting gear.  When the headband comes out you know things are serious.  He can be dramatic, but sometimes I think he's the one with the clearest understanding that this stuff is dangerous.

The part about Dustin and Steve that cracked me up the most was their yellow dish gloves.  They are a good pair.

Billy always seems like he's on something, aside from just being an ass.  I'm assuming that he broke Max's skateboard.

I was glad to see Hopper trying to reach El, and reminding her to eat the peas in the TV dinners even when they're mushy and gross.

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5 minutes ago, MisterGlass said:

Billy always seems like he's on something, aside from just being an ass.  I'm assuming that he broke Max's skateboard.

I was glad to see Hopper trying to reach El, and reminding her to eat the peas in the TV dinners even when they're mushy and gross.

Well, it is the 80's, I wouldn't be surprised if Billy is hopped up on cocaine.

Watching Hopper and El find a home with each other and then lose it so terribly, I hope both of them reconcile, and stop projecting their feelings from their past father/daughter relationships and taking one another for granted.

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The crosscutting between Steve and the kids in the junkyard and the team going in I knew something was up. I figured out it was a trap a second before Mike did.

Again have to say, Noah Schnapps is killing it this season.

The cut from Nancy and Jonathan kissing and about to do it to Lucas' sister Erica having He-Man kiss her Barbie made me ROTFL!

Okay this is the episode where the casting of Paul Reiser  pays off.If ST 1 was "Demogorgon" then ST2 is "Demogorgons"!

Loved, loved, LOVED Steve giving Dustin advice on both girls and hair!

Hopper apologizing on the radio to Eleven(who wasn't home).

15 hours ago, secnarf said:

I think the difference is that in season 1, the storylines were largely split by age group. There was still limited interaction, and a few different story threads that would ultimately converge, but they were divided by age group. In this case, they are divided in different groups based on what works for each individual story.

What I really loved about the first season was all three storylines converged toward the end. It was beautiful when everybody realized they were on the same page and working toward a common goal before splitting up again. I'm hoping that happens again this season.

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13 hours ago, methodwriter85 said:

To be fair though, she's being given more to do than shriek about her missing son. They kept her in that same emotional beat for pretty much that entire season.

Actually, that was what made me notice.  The "WHAT IS WRONG WITH MY BOY!?!?!?!" scene was reminiscent of S1, but it seemed a lot more nuanced and earned.

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I just binged the first six eps yesterday - and only quit because I was falling asleep!  Anyway, I really like Steve.  I'm glad they've made him a really decent guy instead of reverting to being a stereotypical jerk after his problems with Nancy.  That add a lot more interest to the story.

I still can't figure out Billie or what his purpose is and his relation to Max, since he said she's not his sister.  Do they even have parents?

Bob is so nice.  A little too nice.   I hope not, but I still think he might be a plant!

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So were all those other demigorgons spawn of Dart or have they been out there ths whole time? If one found its way to Dustin's trash it makes sense that there were more.

On 29/10/2017 at 5:12 PM, tennisgurl said:

Hop is trying to get a message out to El, but she isn't there to here it. I hope they can meet up again soon, it would seriously suck if their fight was the last time they see each other. I like that they're exploring more of Els backstory, but I do hope she joins up with everyone else before the season ends.

My assumption is that Eleven is the key to stopping things, just like last season. So her being gone, and no one knowing where really adds to the suspense.

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14 hours ago, Kel Varnsen said:

So were all those other demigorgons spawn of Dart or have they been out there ths whole time? If one found its way to Dustin's trash it makes sense that there were more.

My assumption is that Eleven is the key to stopping things, just like last season. So her being gone, and no one knowing where really adds to the suspense.

I think the multiple beasties were a plot twist! In other words, it wound up being kind of irrelevant that Dustin kept one as a pet, since "SURPRISE!" there were actually a ton more of them running around all over the place the whole time. If Dustin's cat had ventured outside, it still might have wound up as a tasty appetizer regardless! It was a great twist that I didn't see coming. Also didn't clue in to the  the trap that Will had set. 

I gotta say, this season just gets more wildly entertaining  with each episode. Season 1 felt kinda draggy to me, but this season is a gripping nail-biter  and often hilarious. As others have mentioned, Winona is infinitely more tolerable this time around.

LOVED the Steve and Dustin pairing, and the school bus scene was pretty thrilling (reminiscent of the original Jurassic Park movie).

On 10/29/2017 at 7:43 PM, mmecorday said:

 I wouldn't eat anything that conspiracy theory Rupert Holmes cooked in that filthy kitchen.

I am with you on that one!

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I don't remember if it was this ep or a previous one where Lucas was telling Max about what happened to Will, but I found it interesting that apparently not even the boys know the "body" that was found in the quarry was faked.  He told Max it was some other kid that had drowned in the quarry, and the body was so decomposed they couldn't identify it for sure and assumed it was Will.  And he said it as though that's what he actually believed, not like he was faking that part.

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On 10/29/2017 at 0:47 PM, Paloma said:

I don't see the point to the character either--I think Max could have been brought in to the story as a new girl in town, without having a bad boy brother. I don't know if there is enough time in the remaining episodes to expand or explain Billy's character in a way that would be satisfying.

I don't either, really. But I'm sure there will be one at some point. Maybe Max's struggle with her brother is supposed to be reminiscent of El's struggle in the first season - the struggle to escape abuse and have friends.

On 10/29/2017 at 2:12 PM, tennisgurl said:

I had no idea I wanted to see Dustin and Steve bonding over hair care, girls, and fighting monsters, but it turns out I totally did! Steve might not give the best dating advice, but for an 80s teenage boy, it could have been worse. Plus, he was great fighting the demogorgon and trying to keep the kids safe. I give him lots of credit, he`s a brave guy, going right after the terrifying monsters and trying to get between them and the kids. I liked that Steve showed that he had some hidden depths and was a decent guy last season, but he is quickly becoming one of my favorite characters now. 

I know, right? I like Steve way better as an older buddy than a boyfriend. 

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Oh man, this show just turned into Aliens. Will effectively being a puppet for the monster was freaky, and again Noah Schnapp did a stellar job of portraying that cold, detached menace. And I have to say, I like that the doctor actually is invested in Will' s health. He figured out the burning was hurting Will, so called a halt, and wasn't prepared to continue if it meant Will might die. So far, he seems like a decent guy in a horrible position.

Bob is such a nice, supportive, good man. Not asking unnecessary questions, not demanding information or trying to take over, just being there for the Byers family. He's going to die, isn't he? 

Steve Harrington is the freaking best, man. His advice to Dustin was funny, but probably quite useful in parts. Loved his very reasonable point about why Dustin thought a girl would like a nasty slug. He has so much more depth to him than anyone could have suspected, and stepping up to help Dustin, then to protect the three kids, feels totally earned. And yes, I laughed out loud at the shampoo, conditioner and hairpsray reveal, and him bitching out Dustin and Lucas for sitting around while "This random girl" was the only one helping.

Max and Lucas are very sweet together. Now that Lucas is being given more to do than just be angry and suspicious, he's far more enjoyable, and Max is nailing that awkward, 'girl on the edge of puberty' thing so, so well.

I thought Jonathan and Nancy finally getting it on was very cheesy, but in an enjoyable, 80s sitcom kind of way. You could easily see that scene playing out with Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan, or Ted Danson and Shelley Long. I like both characters, and have been rooting for them to get together. They have a nice energy with Nancy as the tough, "no retreat" boss, and Jonathan being far more reserved and even timid at times. I liked that Nancy was the one to state that Lonnie was an asshole, and Jonathan didn't shy away from naming Steve as Nancy's safety net.

You've got to love the Wheeler parents, again. Both their kids are out all night, experiencing significant, potentially life-changing things, and they just have no clue whatsoever.

I echo the reservations people have about the character of Billy. He just seems unnecessary. But I do think he's there because the Duffers wanted to give us their amped-up version of the 80s bully. Of Kiefer Sutherland in Stand By Me, of Josh Brolin in the first half hour of The Goonies and Johnny from Karate Kid.

Edited by Danny Franks
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On 10/29/2017 at 1:03 PM, nodorothyparker said:

Sure, why shouldn't the conspiracy "investigator" tell two teenagers away from home overnight to give in and go for it?  He's already plied them with plenty of vodka.  I really have no investment in either of Nancy's pairings beyond appreciating that at least she was able to acknowledge that she and Jonathon only seem to hang out when sci-fi happenings are afoot.



It surprises me not at all that Billy chainsmokes and lifts weights to Ratt.  He's that guy.  I just wish I could see the point to his character.

The conspiracy dude is such an off-putting sleaze that it made Jonathan and Nancy, who have an enjoyable dynamic, seem super gross to me due to the context. I hope the bedbugs didn't bite. His hovel seemed likelier to host vermin than the motel they'd bunked in previously. Nothing is going to come of those tapes, unless they mailed one to the National Inquirer.


At first I thought Max and Billy might turn out to be numbers, like Six and Eleven. Otherwise, I don't know why he's there. He's so off in every way.  I kept wondering if I'd misunderstood the relationship and he was the stepdad. Maybe he's a tribute to those teen movies where everyone looked thirty.


or this;

3 hours ago, Danny Franks said:

I echo the reservations people have about the character of Billy. He just seems unnecessary. But I do think he's there because the Duffers wanted to give us their amped-up version of the 80s bully. Of Kiefer Sutherland in Stand By Me, of Josh Brolin in the first half hour of The Goonies and Johnny from Karate Kid.

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On 10/27/2017 at 8:29 PM, SeanC said:

The scene with the doctors by themselves clarifies that Paul Reiser's character is sincere in his desire to help everybody.  Reiser was, of course, the prototypical scummy corporate operative in Aliens, so his casting here seems very deliberately against audience expectations.

One of the pleasures of a long-running series is mixing up character pairings and seeing what happens.  Dustin and Steve are a fun match, as it turns out.

Having one character tell two other characters that they're attracted to each other is often a writing no-no for me, but I thought it was done with a light touch here (and Dyer and Heaton do have good chemistry which has been evident for a while anyway, so it doesn't feel like the writers trying to tell rather than show).

It bugged me here, too, unfortunately. I hate it when other characters feel the need to talk about two people and their relationship/what they feel for each other, broadcasting it to others in the room, or just for their own amusement. I guess I'm alone in that I didn't like him pushing two teenagers to sleep together (and giving them alcohol in the first place). I didn't find it cute, I just thought, "they're kids!" 

Loved Steve's hair care tips. I can't believe I like him now, but he's definitely evolved.

The step-brother of Max, looks a lot like Chad Lowe, to me. With messier hair. 

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6 hours ago, yuggapukka said:

 I kept wondering if I'd misunderstood the relationship and he was the stepdad. Maybe he's a tribute to those teen movies where everyone looked thirty.

I honestly thought we were going to find out he'd kidnapped her and was just pretending to be high school aged.

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Thank goodness someone finally made copies of the tape they made of Dr. Owens! One of my first jobs was in accounting so I learned you should always have a backup as well as a backup for your backup.

Steve telling Dustin how he achieves his glorious mane of hair cracked my shit up, but I loved that a short while later Steve was already yelling at Dustin and Lucas for not helping while he and Max did all the work.

Man, they dropped A LOT of meat all over town. They're lucky that they didn't end up with a coyote or a stray dog following their meat trail.

Steve is a lot braver than I am. Using himself as bait, especially after he fought one of those things last year, was either incredibly brave or ridiculously stupid.

6 hours ago, Anela said:

The step-brother of Max, looks a lot like Chad Lowe, to me. With messier hair. 

The internet thinks he looks like Zac Efron.

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I can see the Chad Lowe resemblance, but I also really think Dacre Montgomery should owe Zac Efron royalties for stealing his face. And even though Zac Efron has never rocked a ratty mullet, somehow the wig makes Dacre look even MORE like him.

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7 hours ago, Anela said:

The step-brother of Max, looks a lot like Chad Lowe, to me. With messier hair. 

I actually thought Chad was the better looking Lowe back in the day, so I don't want to admit the resemblance. But I can see what you mean. It's the dark eyebrows that don't go with the rest of his hair and coloring that keep him from looking hot to me (that and his personality, of course).

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Count me among those that don’t see a purpose to Billy’s character. The “angry young man” act is annoying and a waste of valuable screen time. 

Regardless, everyone else was wonderful, especially Steve. Lucas has developed into a more thoughtful character. And Hopper...I adore him. His humanity is evident in his feelings for El, Joyce and Will.

20 hours ago, yuggapukka said:

The conspiracy dude is such an off-putting sleaze that it made Jonathan and Nancy, who have an enjoyable dynamic, seem super gross to me due to the context. I hope the bedbugs didn't bite. His hovel seemed likelier to host vermin than the motel they'd bunked in previously. Nothing is going to come of those tapes, unless they mailed one to the National Inquirer.

His place was disgusting. I would think twice about sitting in one of his chairs never mind sleeping on those sheets. His character is included for a reason so I imagine that something will come from those tapes but perhaps not the results that they wanted.

Poor Will. It was heartbreaking when he didn’t remember Bob (I always want to refer to Sean Austin as “Sam.” Too many viewings of Lord of the Rings.) and Hopper. And I love that Mike has stayed by Will’s side throughout this ordeal.

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On 11/1/2017 at 2:51 PM, Taryn74 said:

He told Max it was some other kid that had drowned in the quarry, and the body was so decomposed they couldn't identify it for sure and assumed it was Will.  And he said it as though that's what he actually believed, not like he was faking that part.

I felt like he knew the truth but that he'd gotten very good at telling the accepted story. 

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On 11/2/2017 at 6:28 AM, starri said:

I honestly thought we were going to find out he'd kidnapped her and was just pretending to be high school aged.

I'm still not convinced Max's story to Lucas is the full deal. Remember how they were fighting about "whose fault" it was that they had to move away from California. And why is he the one always driving her and being concerned where she is? Where are the parents? Something's amiss. Not the least being his receding hairline. . . 

Although I also like the idea of just a tribute to an over-the-top 80s villain. If that's his role, I'm hoping he also gets killed by a Demogorgon. Soon. 

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On 11/1/2017 at 7:30 PM, Danny Franks said:


Bob is such a nice, supportive, good man. Not asking unnecessary questions, not demanding information or trying to take over, just being there for the Byers family. He's going to die, isn't he? 

Steve Harrington is the freaking best, man. His advice to Dustin was funny, but probably quite useful in parts. Loved his very reasonable point about why Dustin thought a girl would like a nasty slug. He has so much more depth to him than anyone could have suspected, and stepping up to help Dustin, then to protect the three kids, feels totally earned. And yes, I laughed out loud at the shampoo, conditioner and hairpsray reveal, and him bitching out Dustin and Lucas for sitting around while "This random girl" was the only one helping.

I love Bob. He is so kind and supportive. Totally doomed, right?

The random girl comment was hilarious. Also, who knew Steve and Dustin was the buddy comedy I needed in my life?

On 11/2/2017 at 7:53 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:


Man, they dropped A LOT of meat all over town. They're lucky that they didn't end up with a coyote or a stray dog following their meat trail.


With the amount of meat, when Max asked if they were sure it wasn't a dog, I wasn't. 

What a great creepy episode. They have been ramping up to it, and the payoff was definitely worth it. 

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On 3. 11. 2017 at 2:03 AM, Ellaria Sand said:

His character is included for a reason so I imagine that something will come from those tapes but perhaps not the results that they wanted.

Right now, my guess is that they will manage to create the uproar they are aiming for, but it will be mainly the mostly decent characters from the lab who don't really have a lot to do with the last season's events including Barb's death that take the blame (like the Paul Reiser character).

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On 11/2/2017 at 6:03 PM, Ellaria Sand said:
On 11/1/2017 at 9:29 PM, yuggapukka said:

The conspiracy dude is such an off-putting sleaze that it made Jonathan and Nancy, who have an enjoyable dynamic, seem super gross to me due to the context. I hope the bedbugs didn't bite. His hovel seemed likelier to host vermin than the motel they'd bunked in previously. Nothing is going to come of those tapes, unless they mailed one to the National Inquirer.

His place was disgusting. I would think twice about sitting in one of his chairs never mind sleeping on those sheets. His character is included for a reason so I imagine that something will come from those tapes but perhaps not the results that they wanted.

I enjoyed his character. The way he said "We like Steve.......but we don't love Steve!" and the "pull out" joke were hilarious.

I also liked the "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" crosscutting between Jonathan and Nancy in their rooms.

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On 10/27/2017 at 7:29 PM, SeanC said:

Having one character tell two other characters that they're attracted to each other is often a writing no-no for me, but I thought it was done with a light touch here (and Dyer and Heaton do have good chemistry which has been evident for a while anyway, so it doesn't feel like the writers trying to tell rather than show).

I agree.  Having a third party point out how attracted two other characters are supposed to be is usually a huge pet peeve of mine.  That's usually because most shows deploy this tactic very early on and it feels like the audience is being told , "here, ship these two!" at a point where the story doesn't really support it yet.  In this case, it's coming a season and a half in and it feels more like the third person is just verbalizing what most of the audience is already thinking. 

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The writing for Joyce this episode is great.  Her talking to the doctors was so real.  Not the overwrought Joyce but just the right amount of anger, fright and outraged mother.

I am riveted by Will.  That kid is totally killing it.  After not having enough to do last season he is making up for it in spades this season.

Loved the look of realization on Max's face.  Nope.  Not dogs or bears, dear.

This Steve is the Steve  I did not know I needed.  I am enjoying him with the kids.  I love Nancy and Jonathan's partnership because they are actually smart when it comes to their planning.  But I am not down with them as a couple.

Love the little glimpses of Lucas' sister.  She is fun.  I enjoy her love of He-man's romantical life.

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Finally... some action on this show. And we mean horror action, not sex action. This has been very slow this season, just like last season. Almost quit watching around ep 3. 

It still bugs me that these characters don’t talk to each other.  On the other hand, they have guts.

The scene at the end, with the beeping motion dots and Paul Reiser, brought back memories of being scared shitless the first time we saw Aliens. 

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On 10/28/2017 at 11:51 AM, Captain Carrot said:

I think they did a good job of making him someone that is willing to do morally ambiguous things if necessary (see his conversation with Nancy and Jonathon), but actually wanted to to the right thing.

Yes! I was glad to see that Scientist Paul Reiser actually wants to save Will rather than sacrificing him in order to do the burn like the other white coats. He’s still a little shifty with shades of grey, but he seems like a decent guy. 

Quick sidebar though....why does it seem like scientists are always bad guys in movies and TV? 

Anyway, Noah Schnapp is killing it this season! Him losing his memory is breaking my heart and I totally bought the internal struggle as the monster is slowly taking over. 

Props to Winona too. Having to watch your kid go through such pain and not being able to fix it or understand what’s happening to him or why. Her yelling “what is wrong with my boy?!” tore me up. Joyce is scared and pissed and Winona is nailing it. 

I loved everything about Steve and Dustin going hunting for Dart. The return of the spiked bat, the bucket of meat, the stroll down the train tracks while talking about girls....just perfect. Steve may have excellent hair, but his relationship advice sucks. lol! I truly thought Steve was going to die when he used himself as bait, and was really glad he didn’t, because I’d miss him. 

It looks like Max finally believes Lucas, which is good, and I really liked their chat on the bus roof, but I feel like even with her giving an explanation was to why Billy is such an ass......it doesn’t explain why he’s even included. So, what’s the point of him even being there? Also, I thought them grabbing each other’s hand when they were scared was super cute. I hope this budding relationship doesn’t cause problems between Lucas and Dustin. 

I really missed El in this episode, and I hope she joins everyone else in the main action soon. I love her bond with Hopper and that it was so clear by his scene in the car trying to talk to her through the radio that he just wants her to be safe and loved....and she wasn’t even there to hear it! 

I normally really hate it when a third character spouts off about two other ones being in love, but in this episode it worked for me with the conspiracy guy and Nancy/Jonathan. He cracked me up (especially his “how was the pull out?” comment) and I cheered when they kissed. 

It amused me how annoyed Nancy seemed to be with his analysis.....”we like Steve, but we don’t love Steve.” Lol! 

Random thoughts: 

- Lucas’ sister is adorable and I loved the shot of her making the action figures kiss right after Nancy and Jonathan did. 

- Hopper’s Silkwood scrubdown looked awful. Ugh. Poor guy. 

And one little thing that made me squeal a little bit because it was so cute....Bob and Joyce’s chat in the room with Will while he was sleeping. They’re covered in blankets with their hot mugs of whatever and he’s saying how she did indeed warn him that her family was different and talking about moving to Maine. 

And he says something like “not in Hawkins and not to you” or whatever and with his hands wrapped around his mug, just kind of gently bumps his knuckles against hers all affectionately and I have no idea why I was as charmed by that as I was, but.....we all need someone as sweet as Bob. =) 

I just really hope he doesn’t die.

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The Nancy and Jonathan kiss was so hot -- I seriously watched it ten times. Their chemistry is off the charts. I do love Steve though and that's what makes this show so great. The characters are nuanced and it's not black or white. 

I'm now googling pics of Natalia and Charlie.

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Hey, Paul Reiser's playing a decent doctor and not a corporate tool, nice.

Nancy and Johnathan have very good chemistry so good to see them finally getting together.  The 'pull out' joke was pretty funny.

Dustin and Steve pairing was great.  I have no idea about the hair care advice, but I hope Dustin gets better girl advice.  Steve is still a decent guy, trying to help with Dart.  Looks like there are more Demogorgons, though.  And boy did Steve get lucky that shadow-spy Will tricked the soldiers into going into the tunnel for a demogorgon feast at the same time.  And now they are coming for the rest of the lab, not a good thing.  But if the Demos can get out of the tunnels near the junk yard, why do they need to go back to the lab, why not just exit the tunnels, rome the woods, attack the town?

Glad they got Hopper and he appears to be ok.

Background on Max and Billy.  Makes sense, but still not sure I care.

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On 11/2/2017 at 6:31 AM, Clanstarling said:

I actually thought Chad was the better looking Lowe back in the day, so I don't want to admit the resemblance. But I can see what you mean. It's the dark eyebrows that don't go with the rest of his hair and coloring that keep him from looking hot to me (that and his personality, of course).

That mullet wiglet is terrible.  I see Rob and Chad.  The internets now are too young to remember them, but I had those Tiger Beat issues.

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On ‎10‎/‎29‎/‎2017 at 1:03 PM, nodorothyparker said:

Dustin and Steve going Hansel and Gretel down the railroad tracks with raw meat while discussing hair care products was absolutely made of win. 

Farrah Fawcett hairspray even! We had to explain to our daughter why that was so funny.

On ‎11‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 8:30 PM, Danny Franks said:

Bob is such a nice, supportive, good man. Not asking unnecessary questions, not demanding information or trying to take over, just being there for the Byers family. He's going to die, isn't he? 


On ‎11‎/‎1‎/‎2017 at 4:21 PM, rubinia said:

And then he said, "The good news is, we can cure a virus." Uh...no, you can't?

Apparently Paul Reiser has forgotten that it's the early 80s and HIV is rampaging the nation, without even a treatment.

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On 11/1/2017 at 7:30 PM, Danny Franks said:

I echo the reservations people have about the character of Billy. He just seems unnecessary. But I do think he's there because the Duffers wanted to give us their amped-up version of the 80s bully. Of Kiefer Sutherland in Stand By Me, of Josh Brolin in the first half hour of The Goonies and Johnny from Karate Kid.

Yeah all the 80's movies and Stephen King books always had to have some kind of super douche. I kind of hope his only reason to be in the show is to be Demogorgon chow.


On 11/15/2017 at 6:06 PM, SparklesBitch said:

Lucas’ sister is adorable and I loved the shot of her making the action figures kiss right after Nancy and Jonathan did. 

 She's such a brat when she tells Lucas about Dustin calling and she does his lisp. She cracks me up.

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