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Annie & David: On An Allowance at 48? He's Good, I Think

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1 hour ago, Awfarmington said:

Maybe I'm cynical, but I think David's daughter purposely brought up him hooking up with prostitutes because she knew Annie was a lady of the night when she met her dad. 

I think she knew or suspected that was Annie's situation and wanted to see her reaction. 

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11 hours ago, gingerella said:

Daughter David is a real piece of work.

Indeed!  It was very trashy the way that she approached the entire situation.  I do feel pity for her, however, because it sounds like David really let all of his kids down.  I'd be angry if I hadn't seen my father in years and suddenly he was introducing to me to his fiance in front of a camera.  I can't believe how many of the cast's family members are willing to do this and have their lives broadcasted to the world while acting so uncouth. There is no way I would want to be any part of it!

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I get that Ashley is not the clean cut heroine, but what can you expect when her own father drags her through the mud on national television by mentioning her teen pregnancy? David has not one protective instinct in him! And now Chris has jumped in to smear David's daughter. You guys were right.  Chris is a lowlife for dragging a troubled woman through the mud to defend that P.O.S. David.

Also shows brokeback David couldn't help his own kids because Chris had to step in, once again. When does it stop with these two? Chris, you are a very sick man and you need to stop giving David money all the time. Whatever is going on with David, he's dragging you into his sickness.

Are we surprised that David did a horrible job of raising her? None of this about Ashley surprises me, sad to say. It wouldn't surprise me a bit if the reason she had such an anger problem was because David had an anger problem. Oh, sure, he's controlled, but those are the worst kind. The ones who can control it when they want to.

Ashley, while young, has been able to "rise above her raising" to the extent that she is now self-supporting, takes care of her own kids, and stays with her kids!


Edited by CoachWristletJen
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On 12/10/2017 at 6:25 AM, CoachWristletJen said:

I agree 100% with you on this! An old lady rear-ended me and it screwed up my back for awhile and I was astonished at how it skewered my entire life. Now I have early onset arthritis. I should have sued them.

It was yoga that saved my ass. Things are so much better, but they could have been much worse and for a long time I lived with that fear.  I've always had compassion for people with illnesses and disabilities, but it gave that compassion new depth.



I'm so sorry that you were injured, but am overjoyed to have found someone else who can vouch that yoga provides major pain relief!

I was diagnosed with several herniated discs (L3-S1) after waking up one morning for work and was in excruciating pain. There was no rhyme or reason to this, except "bad luck" or a long commute; those were the only two deduction my docs could come up with.  This happened to me in my early 20s, but I am still ambulatory & not a candidate for surgery. For the last ten years, I have taken pain meds, gone through transforaminal epidural steroid injections a few times a year, but when I discovered yoga at my local gym, it changed my life. A lot of the poses were identical to PT, so I was able to "get a pass on PT" and went to yoga instead. I just wish I could have my gym membership covered by insurance, but that's in my dream world where other glorious things happen, such as Blake Shelton choosing me over Gwen Stefani and quitting my job to host my own talk show!

Anyone who has to live in chronic pain knows how much it sucks and how draining it is. It impedes so many areas of your life that you never knew existed from having a social life to being able to be comfortable on an airplane. I know I am "too young" to deal with this chronic pain, and have had to skip random get togethers, parties and other celebrations because my back was hurting me and I wasn't in a place to go out and be social. 

For those of you who might be reading this who might be suffering from any type of chronic and/or severe pain, I implore you to try a few simple yoga poses, even if it's something on YouTube.

There's only one rule in yoga: if it hurts, don't do it.

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On 12/10/2017 at 6:24 PM, jaybird2 said:

i have to confess i never watched an entire episode of honey boo boo.  

Me neither.  I tried and lasted the 1st 10 minutes.  That is saying a lot because I watch a lot of REALLY bad reality shows.

23 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

I don’t get it. David Pour is so pathetic that he can’t even sling his own mud! 

And what motivates Chris to stoop so low for this guy? 

Maybe they really are lovers. One slow bat of those turtle eyes and everything in Chris’s pants starts jumping.

I have to admit that entered my mind a time or two.

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On 12/10/2017 at 10:27 PM, gavinmac said:

And then she said she had to start over with David by asking "What your name? Where you from?" which are the standard questions that Thai bargirls/hookers ask customers 50 times a night. 

Then who had to start over? Start over with whom? Explain? Lol

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On 12/12/2017 at 0:19 AM, Bridget said:


I'm so sorry that you were injured, but am overjoyed to have found someone else who can vouch that yoga provides major pain relief!

I was diagnosed with several herniated discs (L3-S1) after waking up one morning for work and was in excruciating pain. There was no rhyme or reason to this, except "bad luck" or a long commute; those were the only two deduction my docs could come up with.  This happened to me in my early 20s, but I am still ambulatory & not a candidate for surgery. For the last ten years, I have taken pain meds, gone through transforaminal epidural steroid injections a few times a year, but when I discovered yoga at my local gym, it changed my life. A lot of the poses were identical to PT, so I was able to "get a pass on PT" and went to yoga instead. I just wish I could have my gym membership covered by insurance, but that's in my dream world where other glorious things happen, such as Blake Shelton choosing me over Gwen Stefani and quitting my job to host my own talk show!

Anyone who has to live in chronic pain knows how much it sucks and how draining it is. It impedes so many areas of your life that you never knew existed from having a social life to being able to be comfortable on an airplane. I know I am "too young" to deal with this chronic pain, and have had to skip random get togethers, parties and other celebrations because my back was hurting me and I wasn't in a place to go out and be social. 

For those of you who might be reading this who might be suffering from any type of chronic and/or severe pain, I implore you to try a few simple yoga poses, even if it's something on YouTube.

There's only one rule in yoga: if it hurts, don't do it.

L4-S1 here. And fibromyalgia.

I'm sorry you deal with this. 

Can you at least pay for the gym membership pre-tax thru a flexible spending account? Personally, i am waiting for a hottub to be covered. Durable medical equipment...maybe? I sooooo wish more alternative treatment modalities were covered under regular insurance. 

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17 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

Annie was so horrified that David has solicited prostitutes but, really? I think it was just Antonio who said it online but that's most likely how they met. The shock & concern at this point, even if it's just for the show, is stupid.

I think Annie thinks she has us fooled with her church clothes and her pristine attitude.  And, to her credit, she probably has a large part of the viewing audience fooled. And, sad to say, she probably steps into it so easily because it's who she is really trying to be. No woman wants to work in a duck stabbing bar, and now she has a chance to step out of it and become a real lady. Her life was hellacious before and as I said, she's now jumped out of the frying pan and into the firehouse. 

I'm here taking care of a sick kid so I'm sitting on my couch writing these mini-novellas.

Here's what's weird. Nothing Ashley said could have deterred Annie. She knows she's marrying a scumbag. She doesn't care because she doesn't love him. He's merely a means to an end. She will cook his thai food and clean his house for two years until she finds something better, namely, anyone. That being said, she seems caught up in this whole pretense she's created for herself. Like, she almost reacted to Ashley's words like a jealous wife, even though she knows she doesn't have a darn thing to be jealous about. If David Pour does go to another woman for duck soup, that's actually going to be a relief to her because he's repulsive and twice her age! Also, the more she gets to know him and his indigent ways, the more repulsive he becomes. 

Anyway, watching Annie get caught up in the fantasy she's created is the most interesting new aspect of this for me. It's like she has to weave so many lies to make the green card scam stick that she's completely lost track of who she is as a person and what she really likes or wants. Maybe, just maybe, that ties into some of what she had to do to get by at the duck soup bar. While I would never leave my purse unattended around Annie, I still hope she succeeds in this country!

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3 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Here's what's weird. Nothing Ashley said could have deterred Annie. She knows she's marrying a scumbag. She doesn't care because she doesn't love him. He's merely a means to an end. She will cook his thai food and clean his house for two years until she finds something better, namely, anyone. That being said, she seems caught up in this whole pretense she's created for herself. Like, she almost reacted to Ashley's words like a jealous wife, even though she knows she doesn't have a darn thing to be jealous about. If David Pour does go to another woman for duck soup, that's actually going to be a relief to her because he's repulsive and twice her age! Also, the more she gets to know him and his indigent ways, the more repulsive he becomes. 


I agree with some of what you're saying here.  I agree that nothing Ashley said could have deterred Annie from getting married, just like nothing Karine learned about Pole could have stopped that wedding.  I agree Annie doesn't love David and is only marrying him for the prospect of a better life. He could get drunk again well before the wedding, cheat on her, and she'd "forgive" him and still marry him. 

Her occasional statements of "if you get drunk/don't pay dowry then maybe we don't get married" are just empty bluffs.  There would be great shame if she went back to her village without getting married, she would be viewed as a failure, and someone the great white American man must have rejected.   She'll marry him no matter what just to avoid that shame, and the disappointment from her mother that she failed in her plan to live in America and send money to the family.

However, I disagree with the notion that Annie's plan is to wait two years, get her green card/citizenship and dump David for someone else. That was Anfisa's plan, and Muhammit's plan, but not hers.  Her expectations are lower. She just wants a quite life with a husband who doesn't beat her and who can send $200 a month back to her mom. Women like Annie, from poor Southeast Asian villages, don't have high self esteem and most don't have an independent streak or the confidence or worldiness necessary to jettison their American husbands and live their own lives in America.  

Now maybe two years down the road she'll be more Americanized and more confident and maybe she'll meet gold-digging Thai women in America who take her under their wing and teach her about divorce laws and alimony payments, and maybe she'll meet a younger, richer, better looking dude than David who falls for a (by then) chubby ex-hooker from Thailand.  In which case she certainly could leave David for that other guy.  But I don't think that's her plan right now.

Edited by gavinmac
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4 hours ago, gavinmac said:

I agree with some of what you're saying here.  I agree that nothing Ashley said could have deterred Annie from getting married, just like nothing Karine learned about Pole could have stopped that wedding.  I agree Annie doesn't love David and is only marrying him for the prospect of a better life. He could get drunk again well before the wedding, cheat on her, and she'd "forgive" him and still marry him. 

Her occasional statements of "if you get drunk/don't pay dowry then maybe we don't get married" are just empty bluffs.  There would be great shame if she went back to her village without getting married, she would be viewed as a failure, and someone the great white American man must have rejected.   She'll marry him no matter what just to avoid that shame, and the disappointment from her mother that she failed in her plan to live in America and send money to the family.

However, I disagree with the notion that Annie's plan is to wait two years, get her green card/citizenship and dump David for someone else. That was Anfisa's plan, and Muhammit's plan, but not hers.  Her expectations are lower. She just wants a quite life with a husband who doesn't beat her and who can send $200 a month back to her mom. Women like Annie, from poor Southeast Asian villages, don't have high self esteem and most don't have an independent streak or the confidence or worldiness necessary to jettison their American husbands and live their own lives in America.  

Now maybe two years down the road she'll be more Americanized and more confident and maybe she'll meet gold-digging Thai women in America who take her under their wing and teach her about divorce laws and alimony payments, and maybe she'll meet a younger, richer, better looking dude than David who falls for a (by then) chubby ex-hooker from Thailand.  In which case she certainly could leave David for that other guy.  But I don't think that's her plan right now.

Your scenario is definitely more accurate although I hate the idea that David Pour would get to keep his bride because he's such a miserable human being who truly doesn't deserve her. I do hope she starts to become more independent. However, I wonder if he will become aware of it and try to prevent it? Perhaps he'll be too drunk to notice.

The world's a mirror and I guess without even giving it a second thought, I looked at Annie and thought she must have a reasonable amount of self-esteem. It's difficult to step outside of myself and even imagine the soul-crushing conditions that have lead her to believe this is the best she can do. The horrible things that can happen to young women and produce such learned helplessness -- it's mind-bending!

This is where Nikki could really be a hero in this situation by taking Annie under her wing instead of trying to flush her out.  I get that David trapped them into a really bad situation. However, if Annie became self-supporting, which she could do, the financial burden wouldn't be so bad. She could wind up working in a salon in California. Or, at the risk of being too idealistic, if both women got to know and trust each other a little better, Annie might wind up being the most loyal nanny that Nikki could ever hope for. 

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On 11/29/2017 at 0:58 PM, Desert Rat said:

"A d*ck s*cking bar?"   Ick!  I live a very sheltered life. 

They’re all over in Bangkok. A large part of my undergrad was spent researching prostitution in various cultures. Based on my research the women working in the “dick sucking bars” are considered the lowest form of prostitute. The less cute, overweight and older women are the ones working in them. Annie’s situation was probably a lot more dire than most think.

5 hours ago, gavinmac said:

Her occasional statements of "if you get drunk/don't pay dowry then maybe we don't get married" are just empty bluffs.  There would be great shame if she went back to her village without getting married, she would be viewed as a failure, and someone the great white American man must have rejected.   She'll marry him no matter what just to avoid that shame, and the disappointment from her mother that she failed in her plan to live in America and send money to the family.

This. The fact is there is a lot of societal pressure on Annie to marry the “white American” and her family and village would never be able to understand it if she did not. From their understanding it would be unthinkable that Annie would choose not to go through with it when such a man “wants” her. She is living a version of the “bargirl” dream by getting a foreign white guy to marry her.

Obviously it’s  crass and potentially disturbing but here is a link to a website reviewing various “blowjob bars” in Thailand if anyone wants more information on what Annie’s purported job was like. http://nomadphilippines.com/bangkok-blowjob-bars

Here’s another link but this one almost makes it seem kitschy or something. https://www.vice.com/amp/en_au/article/ppa9ek/i-went-to-a-blowjob-bar-in-bangkok-thailand

It could be that Annie and David did meet in a karaoke bar, there’s a fine line between a “real” karaoke bar and a prostitution/bj bar a lot of times in Asia. It could very well be that the bar she worked in had karaoke in addition to other “services.” Lots of prostitution bars call themselves karaoke bars as well.

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1 hour ago, Rebecca said:

They’re all over in Bangkok. A large part of my undergrad was spent researching prostitution in various cultures. Based on my research the women working in the “dick sucking bars” are considered the lowest form of prostitute. The less cute, overweight and older women are the ones working in them. Annie’s situation was probably a lot more dire than most think.

This. The fact is there is a lot of societal pressure on Annie to marry the “white American” and her family and village would never be able to understand it if she did not. From their understanding it would be unthinkable that Annie would choose not to go through with it when such a man “wants” her. She is living a version of the “bargirl” dream by getting a foreign white guy to marry her.

Obviously it’s  crass and potentially disturbing but here is a link to a website reviewing various “blowjob bars” in Thailand if anyone wants more information on what Annie’s purported job was like. http://nomadphilippines.com/bangkok-blowjob-bars

Here’s another link but this one almost makes it seem kitschy or something. https://www.vice.com/amp/en_au/article/ppa9ek/i-went-to-a-blowjob-bar-in-bangkok-thailand

It could be that Annie and David did meet in a karaoke bar, there’s a fine line between a “real” karaoke bar and a prostitution/bj bar a lot of times in Asia. It could very well be that the bar she worked in had karaoke in addition to other “services.” Lots of prostitution bars call themselves karaoke bars as well.

This is so horrible. Sad as it is, living in the firehouse with David is a huge step up for Annie. 

Edited by Desert Rat
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On 12/13/2017 at 3:25 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

I think Annie thinks she has us fooled with her church clothes and her pristine attitude.  And, to her credit, she probably has a large part of the viewing audience fooled. And, sad to say, she probably steps into it so easily because it's who she is really trying to be. No woman wants to work in a duck stabbing bar, and now she has a chance to step out of it and become a real lady. Her life was hellacious before and as I said, she's now jumped out of the frying pan and into the firehouse. 

I'm here taking care of a sick kid so I'm sitting on my couch writing these mini-novellas.

Here's what's weird. Nothing Ashley said could have deterred Annie. She knows she's marrying a scumbag. She doesn't care because she doesn't love him. He's merely a means to an end. She will cook his thai food and clean his house for two years until she finds something better, namely, anyone. That being said, she seems caught up in this whole pretense she's created for herself. Like, she almost reacted to Ashley's words like a jealous wife, even though she knows she doesn't have a darn thing to be jealous about. If David Pour does go to another woman for duck soup, that's actually going to be a relief to her because he's repulsive and twice her age! Also, the more she gets to know him and his indigent ways, the more repulsive he becomes. 

Anyway, watching Annie get caught up in the fantasy she's created is the most interesting new aspect of this for me. It's like she has to weave so many lies to make the green card scam stick that she's completely lost track of who she is as a person and what she really likes or wants. Maybe, just maybe, that ties into some of what she had to do to get by at the duck soup bar. While I would never leave my purse unattended around Annie, I still hope she succeeds in this country!

Duck stabbing and duck soup lol..say no more

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On 12/13/2017 at 9:29 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

Your scenario is definitely more accurate although I hate the idea that David Pour would get to keep his bride because he's such a miserable human being who truly doesn't deserve her. I do hope she starts to become more independent. However, I wonder if he will become aware of it and try to prevent it? Perhaps he'll be too drunk to notice.

The world's a mirror and I guess without even giving it a second thought, I looked at Annie and thought she must have a reasonable amount of self-esteem. It's difficult to step outside of myself and even imagine the soul-crushing conditions that have lead her to believe this is the best she can do. The horrible things that can happen to young women and produce such learned helplessness -- it's mind-bending!

This is where Nikki could really be a hero in this situation by taking Annie under her wing instead of trying to flush her out.  I get that David trapped them into a really bad situation. However, if Annie became self-supporting, which she could do, the financial burden wouldn't be so bad. She could wind up working in a salon in California. Or, at the risk of being too idealistic, if both women got to know and trust each other a little better, Annie might wind up being the most loyal nanny that Nikki could ever hope for. 

After that Thai massage comment there is no way I would hire Annie as my nanny. If nanny is toothless version of Nicole maybe then I'd consider hiring her

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On 14/12/2017 at 0:50 PM, Meowwww said:

So......Chris’ business.  


no real description of what they do except “make your dreams come true”.....?

Rhonda should go back to web design school. One link takes you to a broken link spelt thialand.com. There is a man who will give you a " physic experience ". For millionares Chris and Nikki went super cheap on the web design!

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4 hours ago, CofCinci said:

What?! Why pour water on David Poor?

Because it was there.

Seems like there's a lot of that going around. Maybe he was passed out drunk and they were scared he was not okay? Or maybe they wanted to get him off the bed so poor Annie could finally sleep on it? (Still now it would be wet.) 

Usually, when they get like that with some kind of raggedy breathing or whatever, you want to revive them to make sure they won't die, but if you call an ambulance they're gonna be even more pissed off.

Good thing he didn't see Antonio coming at him with that bowl. He might have gotten his hopes up thinking he was getting his duck cleaned off before the proper apology was issued.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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4 hours ago, maya1959 said:

Rhonda should go back to web design school. One link takes you to a broken link spelt thialand.com. There is a man who will give you a " physic experience ". For millionares Chris and Nikki went super cheap on the web design!

Hopefully Chris doesn't have that issue Will Smith talked about in the movie Concussion.

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Unlike the rest of the hard up schlubs on this show, David Poor is playing the long con.  He gets Annie here and puts her to work.  Either he doesn’t marry her, or he has her work under the table.  As long as he has enough it’s as good as a feast, and a cherry on top to have someone else earn it. 

Shit, he imported the poor thing to become his cash cow.  She through she was going to play the scabby old dude, but he has other plans.  

What a bunch of sad sacks.

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7 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Did they get married?  I hope not.

Pretty sure they did. We have a mutual friend in Shelbyville and she says they married around the first of November and that David wore kind of like a traditional Thai outfit. I'm FB friends with Annie and she's referred to David as her "husband" a few times before deleting the post a couple of hours later. (They are quite sociable, by the way. And she has a big group of Thai friends here in the US.) 


Chris is an asshole on social media. He is constantly posting links to the show and encouraging people to "watch and listen to what I say to Annie this week" or "tune in to see the drama that David causes this week". He is loving this. He has also admitted that he more or less did this show to try to talk TLC into picking up his "Fantasy Thailand" series and says that if they won't, he'll find another network. 


One cool thing, though...during the "party" they had back in Thailand, there was a scene where they showed several women in blue shirts. Although they didn't get into that on the show, that was actually a gender reveal moment that Chris had planned for Nikki. She didn't know the gender of their new baby so he lined up some kind of thing where these women would walk in wearing pink or blue. It was a surprise. TLC didn't air any of that but you can still see the women in the background. 

Edited by mamadrama
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8 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

David looks a lot more respectable in his suit.

How is Annie shocked that David liked to hook up with prostitute?  He hooked up with her, didn't he?

I’m going to guess that he told her that she was his first prostitute and that he never did anything like that before. 

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1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

I’m going to guess that he told her that she was his first prostitute and that he never did anything like that before. 

Yeah, I guess Annie Goldbahts had a policy of selling herself to men who were hiring their first hooker and felt betrayed when she found out she wasn't David Poor's first.

David Poor is slime, but I think he and Annie Goldbahts are on the same level.

2 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Pretty sure they did. We have a mutual friend in Shelbyville and she says they married around the first of November and that David wore kind of like a traditional Thai outfit. I'm FB friends with Annie and she's referred to David as her "husband" a few times before deleting the post a couple of hours later. (They are quite sociable, by the way. And she has a big group of Thai friends here in the US.) 


Chris is an asshole on social media. He is constantly posting links to the show and encouraging people to "watch and listen to what I say to Annie this week" or "tune in to see the drama that David causes this week". He is loving this. He has also admitted that he more or less did this show to try to talk TLC into picking up his "Fantasy Thailand" series and says that if they won't, he'll find another network. 


One cool thing, though...during the "party" they had back in Thailand, there was a scene where they showed several women in blue shirts. Although they didn't get into that on the show, that was actually a gender reveal moment that Chris had planned for Nikki. She didn't know the gender of their new baby so he lined up some kind of thing where these women would walk in wearing pink or blue. It was a surprise. TLC didn't air any of that but you can still see the women in the background. 

I hate the trend of cheesy "gender reveal" displays.  How about, "It's a girl!"

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I sort of like how David is the ugliest and slimiest character in the show, and is the biggest player.  He has poor little Annie Goldbaht’s number.  Luckily for her, he probably can’t get it up, and is probably only interested in putting her to work. 

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2 hours ago, HappyDancex2 said:

According to TLC, even though Annie’s dress was capped at 320 or whatever she paid for it, David ended up spending more on his RENTAL tux.  Asshole.

It was $318 that NIKKI paid (since David gave Annie a foreign credit card).

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2 hours ago, funky-rat said:

It was $318 that NIKKI paid (since David gave Annie a foreign credit card).

One of many humiliations Annie has had to endure being with David Pour!

I'm just glad he didn't reveal her past profession on national TV the way he seemed to be sneeringly leaning towards in a manipulative ploy to control her. 

And, it worked. Sleazy bastard.

IMHO, that's the one thing that should NOT be used against Annie Baht. 

She was probably coerced into prostitution at a very young age, and she saw no way out. 

I know I'm being dogmatic and opinionated here, but we should never look down on someone for having been a sex slave.

I hated the way David Pour threw it in her face, insinuating that it made her a bad person, just like he was.

NO, David. You're the guy who had the family and chose to throw them away.

Annie's the one who only dreamed of having a family, and maybe even scarcely even dreamed of it. She won't throw it away once she has it. Now that she has some vestige of respectability, she's clinging to it for dear life!

Big difference here. HUGE.

Don't compare her to you, David. 

Just. Don't.

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11 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Chris is an asshole on social media. He is constantly posting links to the show and encouraging people to "watch and listen to what I say to Annie this week" or "tune in to see the drama that David causes this week". He is loving this. He has also admitted that he more or less did this show to try to talk TLC into picking up his "Fantasy Thailand" series and says that if they won't, he'll find another network. 


This is a given.  Why else would he do the show?  He's spending the money on David and Annie because it makes him look good and therefore good for business.  People want to know more about him, they look him up.  He probably considers the money spent an investment in his business.

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