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S12.E12: Farm-To-Table Manners

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So did Peggy have per-cancerous cells or not? If what she told Shannon was true, she didn't and had the double mastectomy anyway. Okay. To each her own. I'm not going to tell someone not to take preventative measures but personally, that seems very extreme to me. Whatever. I literally do not have the strength or stomach for another cancer-gate.

  • Love 18

You people make me laugh out loud! Rando thoughts... Armenian cooks are only cooking with "lurve" or whatever she said.  Yep, Pegs, the rest of us just cook slop, throw it on a paper plate and force our people  to eat it, spicy or not!  And yes, we wouldn't necessarily think that eating RAW ground beef was a good idea for ourselves or our children but hey! Armenians LOOOVE to do this.

Archie puppo, we miss your golden retriever cutie pie face, please tell you mom we want to see more of you and less of her whining. 

Finally, and I cannot say it enough.... Lydia girl: YOU ARE AN IDIOT!  How do you say "idiot" in Spanish? IDIOTA!

  • Love 19
7 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

So did Peggy have per-cancerous cells or not? If what she told Shannon was true, she didn't and had the double mastectomy anyway. Okay. To each her own. I'm not going to tell someone not to take preventative measures but personally, that seems very extreme to me. Whatever. I literally do not have the strength or stomach for another cancer-gate.

I'm not doing cancergate again.  It's like getting two hurricanes in the same season.  Nope, not going to do it.   

But David.  "your wife has cancer?  Oh, that's not good".  This guy wants out of his life badly.  He can't even come up with a soothing murmur or unctuous promise of prayers for poor Dicko. 

  • Love 11

I'm glad they got Peggy's doctor's actual diagnosis. Pre-cancererous cells. I know others who have done what she did with the same dx. 

Loved Kelly on pain killers and Vickster needing some Vicks for that cough, which sadly for us, sounded real. I can't snark on bronchitis, but I can snark that she probably went to Dr. Google and diagnosed herself with the most deadly thing ever. 

  • Love 11

This show has become unbearable to watch. I cannot stand any of these women...not one. 

OMG Please not another season of cancer. I think the questioning of Peggy regarding her double mastectomy is disgusting. The woman made a decision to have both her breasts removed as a precautionary measure. None of these washed up hags is a Dr. They need to back off with that, it really bothers me. Just because Vicki and Brooks were lying doesn't mean every person they meet needs to lay out their medical history. Meghan in her confessional said she understood and that her mother did it, but at the table was talking shit with the rest. 

Lydia and her bug eyes are so creepy. Tired of hearing about her husband "losing his balls". She sounds like an idiot and I don't know who told her emasculating her husband is cute. She can go jump on a unicorn and fly the hell off my TV.

Kelly is to dumb/drunk to see that Shannon and Tamra are only being friendly with her to further the icing out of Vicki.

Meghan may as well be a cardboard cutout. She can take her cute little baby and wax figure Jim and go!

Shannon is such an annoying person. She is draining, and looks like her BFF Tamra is getting tired of her LOL. Then we have crazy eyed David next week asking did Peggy have cancer. Uuugh...I CAN'T. 

I defended Peggy regarding the medical questioning,,but now it's her turn. Lady CUT THE SHIT!! How is it possible that this woman has lived in the US since she was 1 has never heard one phrase, figure of speech, joke...NOTHING!  It's nonsense. "What is coal, What is bear in woods, What is peanut gallery..I wasn't in the middle."  STFU 

Vicki has stated she will never leave the show. I honestly don't think they will ever not renew her contract. Next season they will probably bring back Gretchen and Lizzie, or Jeana to be #teamvicki. They could bring back Lynn or Quinn if it meant I didn't have to see Brianna and her family.

  • Love 12
4 hours ago, LadyK said:

When she was admonishing her husband that girls raised in America {are different from Armenian girls} … Peggy, YOU were raised in America. 

I thought that was cool, actually. If I'm remembering correctly, I think she was comparing America to Diko's culture in Beirut, and implying that being in an environment less restrictive to females, her daughters were free to be independent women here.

I actually thought we saw some nice fire from Peggy this episode for one of the first times. Her trying to insert herself in the Vicki squabble hasn't felt authentic to me, but her little "Maybe I do . . ." to Tamra sure did. And that quiet little challenge arrow hit its mark.

Just 'cause she's not one in the endless pantheon of Bravo screamers doesn't make her boring in my book. For me the jury's still out. Maybe she just needs time to find her footing and emerge from the shell of the "Blank Slate Sidekick for Vicki" role Bravo's trapped her in.

But yeah, the lack of English schtick (SP?) is getting rather tiresome.

I thought tonight's episode was pretty funny. Give me humor and quiet little truths over big, fake drama any day.

  • Love 9

Lydia: "Are we in second grade again?" Yes, Lydia, you are. Because you're in your 30s and still have FOMO. 

Also she's still in second grade because YOUR HUSBAND ISN'T GETTING CASTRATED (literally. figuratively, yeah, he lost his balls a long time ago). Her and Peggy are two of a kind with their idiocy. 

Edited by MVFrostsMyPie
  • Love 21
4 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

 Armenian food is not hot. It's not spicy.   It's interchangeable with Turkish/Greek/Israeli etc.  not spicy at all.   You're about as caliente as a dog turd in Minnesota in December.  God I hate this brittle, boring woman enough to cheer K Dudd on to crush her flat ass.  Fuck right off Peggy.  

Maybe she meant it was spicy as in, it has spices in it. Because you know, Armenians are the only ones who make food using spices. 

  • Love 18
4 hours ago, BloggerAloud said:

I don't like Peggy but the fact we've come to a point where people would question a person's decision to go through and have a double mastectomy while like casually having dinner seems to show just how far this show has fallen.

Ehhh -- was it ever really that high? Someone called his two-year-old daughter a bitch on this show.

If it sells the cars that buy her the diamonds she's probably okay with it. Even Lydia came back after her flight from the drama.

Personally, I've been questioning Peggy's decision since she first started talking about it, so I'm not one to judge.

4 hours ago, bravofan27 said:

The shot of Shannon's house with the hallway and sliding glass doors was gorgeous.

Yeah, it was. I think Lydia's exterior with the pool is really gorgeous too.

  • Love 3

I freakin' loved the porny/bowchicabowbow style music under the breathless Shannon gasps at the start of the episode, panning through her house, only to reveal her having a tough time with the exercise bike.  Gotta love these editors!

Peggy's dumb as a box of her dry hair act is so grating.  There are idioms in every language, including Armenian.  It's like she doesn't understand the concept of idioms, in addition to not understanding specific turns of phrase.

This was another weird episode though; Shannon, Tamra, Meghan, and Kelly all getting along and having a good time?  It's almost unbelievable.  Of course, while they all seemed to be having a cocktail, no one got stupid drunk, so that may explain it.  What I did like was the relatively low amount of Vicki; she could have not been there at all and it wouldn't have really mattered.

  • Love 16
7 hours ago, chick binewski said:

OK so another housewife pays for large implants to be surgically inserted into her body then acts like she's been afflicted with a deadly disease that requires a deathwatch and a telethon.

Because just featuring fake cancer on this show isn't annoying enough.

Same goin' on over in Dallas.  Ugh.

  • Love 8

I do believe Peggy is trying to create controversy where there is none.  She had to have known the subject would come up when she took a camera crew to her doctor's appointment.  Today she gave a disconnected interview about the situation and claimed she was in denial about having cancer as her father had died in December.  As the prophylactic mastectomy becomes more common, I really don't think it hurts for anyone, if they are going to make it public, and televise part of their journey, to maybe coherent about the journey.  I think most people want to know if Peggy's cancer required chemo or radiation, I was, as I felt bad for her given her family history.  Meghan and her going into her family's history, might have opened the door for Peggy but she just doesn't see it.  Maybe she should have watched Seasons 10 and 11 to get an idea why being evasive is not a good idea.  I think the producers are trying to make something out of Peggy that just doesn't exist with this incredibly inner directed human being.   

On to Lydia-when did Shannon make her cry three times?  I think it is Shannon that has walked away crying three times, not Lydia.  Lydia seems to be oblivious to the concept if you call a person crazy, or say, "I don't think we are going to get along," persist in meddling with the Vicki, there comes a time when you become that person no one wants around.   Lydia is the one who wants to create controversy and feels like she has the answers for resolve.  She just doesn't.

Finally Tamra, what a shitty friend.   She has no ability to empathize.  She just reveled in finding co-mean girl Peggy.  Please, please producers let's stop having the Vicki/Tamra having coffee scenario.  They both need a paycheck and will do whatever you tell them, so why pretend otherwise? 

  • Love 24

While the Kelly-has-a-boob-reduction story line was not interesting, I thought Kelly still looked really pretty without any make up on.  Shannon looked fine, too. I wonder how Michael feels when he hears her saying how unhappy she is in their marriage. Yikes.  The sad part is that this season they actually look like they have one of the better marriages in the Real HoWife franchises! 

I can't stand Lydia but I thought that Shannon should have given her a little more credit for calling and apologizing.  The Ball Voyage party is so weird and didn't Kelly like JUST do Boob Voyage?  WTF.  Poor Doug.

I didn't mind Peggy this episode.  I like that she didn't buy into Kelly's BS trying to say that she got in the middle of Tamra and Vicki's fight.  Kelly's "didn't you go to UCLA?" comment was funny, and Tamra's follow up of about USC was a good way to diffuse the situation.  I liked Peggy's cheers with Shannon to calm down their little nit picking or whatever.

Agree that Meghan's comment about which hospital was funny and also funny that she pointed out how dramatic Vicki was for having a SPECIFIC flu virus. 

This episode was pretty boring in that nothing really happened but the dinner was nice and seemed like actual normal people having a dinner together.  



But Lydia giving her sob story about not being invited TO HER TINY SON, while claiming to be the "bigger person"? I can't, like, even.

Sooo annoying and leave the damn kid out of it!!!  If you are declaring that you are the bigger person, you are not the bigger person,

Edited by iloveit
  • Love 12

What is bothersome to me (besides effing everything else on this show) is here I am all smart and stuff--here we ALL are, all smart and stuff--and there are Diko and Peggy, all idiotic and stuff, and somehow they wound up with lots of dough based on what? Oreo cars? Victor/Victoria cars?

Oh, and same for Lydiota and Fire Marshal Doug, but they have family money, so that explains that.

  • Love 20
6 hours ago, LadyK said:

I didn't get the impression that the ladies were questioning her decision as much as they were expressing both genuine concern and curiosity as to why Peggy chose the path she did.  I do understand the confusion that several have expressed, because I have heard Peggy discuss her situation several times, and while she doesn't exactly prevaricate, there have been several inconsistencies which are puzzling.  Why does she feel the need to be evasive and enigmatic?  What is unfortunate, is that because of Vicky and Brook's cancer scamming, Peggy's poor communication skills {how did that woman get an ENGLISH degree?!} may come across as disingenuous to those  who endured Vicky and Brook's lies.  That said, if Peggy prefers not to discuss her health condition and choices  then she should just say so rather than continue to make conflicting  and confusing statements.  It is only when we hear  her doctor speak that I believe we get a clear picture as to her decision to have a double mastectomy.  More unfortunate though, is that as she has clearly chosen to have this as her storyline, she is not using the opportunity to truly educate. Instead we are treated to the suggestion of Cancergate 2.0 which is in incredibly poor taste.  

I didn't get the impression that the ladies were questioning her decision as much as they were expressing both genuine concern and curiosity as to why Peggy chose the path she did.  I do understand the confusion that several have expressed, because I have heard Peggy discuss her situation several times, and while she doesn't exactly prevaricate, there have been several inconsistencies which are puzzling.  Why does she feel the need to be evasive and enigmatic?  What is unfortunate, is that because of Vicky and Brook's cancer scamming, Peggy's poor communication skills {how did that woman get an ENGLISH degree?!} may come across as disingenuous to those  who endured Vicky and Brook's lies.  That said, if Peggy prefers not to discuss her health condition and choices  then she should just say so rather than continue to make conflicting  and confusing statements.  It is only when we hear  her doctor speak that I believe we get a clear picture as to her decision to have a double mastectomy.  More unfortunate though, is that as she has clearly chosen to have this as her storyline, she is not using the opportunity to truly educate. Instead we are treated to the suggestion of Cancergate 2.0 which is in incredibly poor taste.  


Dude, you would be amazed.  I started editing dissertations for fun and some extra money after I finished my doctorate and OMG. You would think people who are going for their doctorate would have a strong gasp of the English language but nope. My first one that I edited was actually for a friend of mine (we were in the same program) whose second language is also English. It was horrible. Absolutely horrible. Took me 3 hours to make it through the first chapter (7 pages typed). I actually charged her double my normal fee because it was just so poorly written. You can also hire people to write your dissertation (or even just your undergrad papers) for you.  So, I'm wondering if Peggy had someone that was giving her a lot of help with her writing. 

  • Love 9

After the "peanut gallery" comment the ladies were snarking that Peggy went to UCLA and I heard someone make the comment that they taught that at USC...then cut to Shannons face with a smirk on it. 

I think Peggy knew full well what it meant but this lack of language skills is her shtick and she's sticking to the script. I caught some facetiousness in her TH about art galleries. 

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

What in the world is happening when Kelly is one of my favs in an episode? (Boob reduction aside, which I could not care less about). I loved it when she called Peggy out on her stupidity, asking her where she went to university. I am beginning to think Peggy's degree in English is really a certificate in ESL. Though there is no way she should have received that either. 

Megan's comment about asking Vicki which hospital she went to and for her medical records cracked me up! I wonder if Vicki couldn't breathe why she didn't call Terry to send a colleague over with oxygen? 

Bravo needs to include at least one Archie scene per episode to make up for Peggy and Lydiot scenes. I only got as far in Peggy's family scene of her thinking Cheech and Chong was some Chinese thing before I ff'd. I don't know how Dicko's business has not decreased since he has shown himself to be almost as big of an idiot as his wife. I wouldn't give him the time of day, let alone my money. 

I think Vicki's Pugs should be on the show as well. I like them more than Vicki.

I don't know why people would pay thousands of dollars to paint a Rolls Royce white & black.

I am shocked that Peggy is clueless about basic English expressions like Peanut Gallery or who Cheech & Chong are.

  • Love 6

This wasn't the worst episode. I actually laughed quite a bit. Must of been because of minimal Vicki. She was there for Kelly with her breast reduction, reminding her of all her surgeries - including BRAIN (didn't work). And she was coughing over the phone with her rare form of influenza. And that was it. So nice. I hope you got a casserole out of it, Vicki!

Better yet, I really hope Megan did get her hospital records!!!

But that Shannon exercise segment? Best scene of the season! She is funny all on her own, without the drama. But is it wrong that I was hoping David was trolling her when he bought her that bike? 

When Megan came to visit Kelly, I think that was the first time I ever heard Kelly's mom's name. Bonnie? Nah. Gonna stick with Magda. 

Peggy is a real conundrum. I don't think there is anything shady to her mastectomy story. I just think she's having a hard time relaying it for some reason. Seems to me that she had the tests done, because of her family history. The genetic one came back negative, but a doctor did find a small patch of pre-cancerous cells. Comparing it to a pap isn't exactly fair. People need to take into consideration her family history. Do pre-cancerous cells always turn cancerous? NO. But if you have a STRONG family history of breast cancer, I can see why you'd take the strong preventative measure. It's not like Brooks. It's not like you remove your fucking breasts for fun! 

So they all need to let it rest. That being said, I didn't think MEGAN was out of line for asking. They were clearly bonding over the commonality of their situations and it was the next logical questions. Peggy goes on a reality show, with THIS being her story. Then gets all shitty when asked more about it. Nope. 

LOVED when Kelly asked, "Didn't you got to UCLA?" Why doesn't she know words????

I'm petty, but I thought it was kind of funny when Lydia called and they were all partying without her. 

Also, BALLS Voyage party is so tacky. Stop talking about his balls!!! They're not going anywhere. 

Is scrotox a real thing? Because I can't. 

  • Love 18
10 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

Vicki is being pushed out. Peggy is useless, and Lydia is superfluous.  Who knew Tamra, Kelly, Megan and Shannon all had chemistry?  That group could work.  Cut the three mopes and and a couple to this crew. 

I wouldn't say that Tamra, Kelly, Meghan, Shannon have all the chemistry.  OC still has the weakest cast.  This has been such a boring season.  Good that NJ and ATL are around the bend.

  • Love 1
7 hours ago, 80sBaby said:

This show has become unbearable to watch. I cannot stand any of these women...not one. 

Same here. I had to FF through:

Lydia and the constant balls talk

All things Meghan

All of Kelly's boob surgery and recovery

Half of the table dinner talk with everyone (except Lydia)

What did that leave me with? About 5 minutes.....

Oh, and, even though there was no Vicki, she was still a topic of conversation. This is why she is still on the show. They keep talking about her. 

  • Love 2

I did love that scene of Shannon and the bike.  Read between these lines, BIKE!  I was rolling.  I once got so bruised from a bike seat that my gynecologist was concerned for me.

wish we had Archie in that scene!  Trying to 'help' in the fluttery way that Goldens do but they are actually getting in the way.  They need to add him to the cast - put him in the title card with an orange (he can hold it in his mouth)

  • Love 21

The Shannon on the bike scene seemed like Shannon trying to be funny with her special brand of incompetence-based wackiness.  She's to exercise as Peggy is to American idioms -- lame and trying too hard to be funny. Fail.

Tamra questioning Shannon and also saying she likes Peggy's spunk -- seems like we'll be seeing the break up of Tamra and Shannon and the take up of Peggy- tv shenanigans.  Jeepers, who could have seen something like that coming? Well, besides those of us who watch the show I mean.

Kelly Dodd is finally getting her redemption edit.  

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

So basically your average crazy Aunties tasteless tuna casserole including canned peas and other mysterious ingredients with crushed potato chips on top.

First thing they taught us to cook in Home Economics class in the 60s.  I believe the "mysterious ingredient" was a pinch of salt.  ;-)

"They don't teach peanut at UCLA"

"No, that would be USC"

Too funny.

Oh, and Shannon's foot getting stuck on the spin bike : "I'm claustrophobic!".  Priceless.

  • Love 11
10 hours ago, LadyK said:

Peggy, with no effort at all, gets on my last nerve.  When she was admonishing her husband that girls raised in America {are different from Armenian girls} … Peggy, YOU were raised in America.  And UCLA must be cringing when she talks about her English degree.  Peanut gallery? Seriously Peggy?  I rarely support  the Dodd woman, but was pleased when she asked about Peggy’s alma mater.   What was the stuffing in the dolmades/salmas?  Were she and her husband consuming raw meat?  My heritage is Norwegian and Scottish, apparently these cuisines lack passion and love in preparation.  Who knew?

And Peggy, with her overly made up eyes and immobile face, looks like a praying mantis in her TH.

Lol-ing at "The Dodd Woman"! So funny. She will now forever be "The Dodd Woman" to me. No more, no less. 

  • Love 4
7 hours ago, Hagosaurus said:

Armenian cooking is intense because Armenian people cook with heat. 

7 hours ago, mbaywife123 said:

What is this heat you speak of? Is it a dry heat?


And love.

To think all of these years, I've been eating loveless cold American food. Dispassionate frozen Nigerian food learned from my mother. Indifferent frigid Chinese food. Unhappy icy Mexican food. Sad chilly Italian food.

  • Love 21

So they use heat and spice in Armenian cooking.  WOW!!  How unconventional. No one in the history of cooking has ever used heat and spice.  Maybe Peggy should be on the cooking channel.  Of course, she might not want to share such deep Armenian secrets.  

And what in the world is a peanut gallery or Cheech & Chong??  How could anyone of Armenia heritage who grew up in America ever know what that means??  Seriously, give me a break.  Plus I especially hate these people from OC especially trying to act like they've never heard of marijuana.  You're not fooling anyone!!

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like I feel like it's just that I feel like I feel like I feel like I CAN'T ANYMORE WITH LYDIA. STFU. Drink every time Lydia says I feel or I feel like and you'll want your balls cut off. Cutting balls off is a castration. Your husband is not being castrated Lydia. 

Armchair amateur psych here, I feel like Lydia is a girl who was raised to continuously be told how special she was. There are no rules for her she has the money and the free to be you and me grooming her entire life to just do and say what you want without consequences. If you dare to even come close to calling her BS out or challenge her like Shannon does she will destroy you, the injury is so grave to Lydia that she views it as a mortal attack against everything she's ever known. That's one fucked up spoiled rare air she breathes and one day it will manifest itself in ways she won't like- such as going on a reality TV show and opening herself up to real scrutiny instead of the rare circles where her shit flies. I still say their magazine is hemorrhaging money and they went on the show thinking it would be great for Nobleman. It will have the opposite effect. 

I laughed out loud when Shannon got off the bike finally and said F*** me. haha I love it because I would have said that and it was so real and funny. She has some issues but I like her. David is hot, loves his kids, works hard and is a good provider and I hope they work out their shit. 

Meghan really stood out in a good way to me. She was Kelly's most genuine bedside guest and was really sweet about forgiving Kelly, taking ownership for what she (Meghan) said and moving on. 

I think it's legit that Peggy might not know the derivation of peanut gallery, even with an English degree. Minority opinion here! 

Looks good from my armchair, too -- cosign!  

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, Normades said:


And what in the world is a peanut gallery or Cheech & Chong??  How could anyone of Armenia heritage who grew up in America ever know what that means??  Seriously, give me a break.  Plus I especially hate these people from OC especially trying to act like they've never heard of marijuana.  You're not fooling anyone!!

Exactly I buy in that Peggy probably legit doesn't know about a peanut gallery reference. Maaaaybe Cheech and Chong too, but living where they do I am not giving them a pass on the marijuana slang. They have to know that!

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, VedaPierce said:

I think Lydia had an "uh-oh!" moment when her tiny head realized she was iced out from the dinner! I could actually see the realization cross her face as those tiny wheels turned up there! Lol! Yup! That's what happens in real life, stupid. You act like a B I (tm-Ramoner), and you get excluded by your target to any future endeavors. 

Guess Shannon took her up on her suggestion to stay of her rainbow. And barf, btw, Lydia.

Also noticed that the very loving and compassionate and so caring Lydia was not exactly thoughtful and caring to her sick friend.  I just find her completely full of shit.

  • Love 17

It's been a running theme of Vicki being absent or attending the various fais do dos just briefly.  Bitch is getting squeezed out, and I love it.  The Dodd Woman has been chomping at the bit to get off team Smelly and Icki.  If Tamra says Kelly has a "redemption ", that can only mean she dumps Vicki.  Can't blame her, I'd rather hang with Tamra than old eyore Vicki. 

Peggy is so dull and uninspiring.  I was hoping that maybe she could get salmonella from the raw dolmade and get rushed to the ER to upstage the Ick and the Worlds Worst Case of Influenza B.

Its hilarious to see Lydia get played. Shannon freezes her out, and Tamra keeps her close enough for when she needs to use her.   No one else gives a shit, except maybe drowning Vicki who has had to desperately kiss the costume jewelry rings of women she would have bullied from the day they came on the show.  I see you Bravo.  You've been making Vicki the butt of the show for the past several seasons.  Desperate old scut.  Go sell some damn insurance, or charge some bright eyed 20 something to do it for you.  

  • Love 13
23 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

Go sell some damn insurance

I really wonder how Vicki's insurance sales are.  I would think that all the negativity surrounding her would really affect her sales.  I mean, who would want to ever do business with her knowing what we all know.  Plus you don't see Vicki constantly talking about working so hard.  Makes me wonder.  Does anyone know what state her business is in??  (I mean for real, not this story line of a partnership and leaving the great dynasty to her children & grandchildren.)

  • Love 9

I didn't watch this week, am in no hurry to watch.

7 minutes ago, Normades said:

I really wonder how Vicki's insurance sales are.  I would think that all the negativity surrounding her would really affect her sales.  I mean, who would want to ever do business with her knowing what we all know.  Plus you don't see Vicki constantly talking about working so hard.  Makes me wonder.  Does anyone know what state her business is in??  (I mean for real, not this story line of a partnership and leaving the great dynasty to her children & grandchildren.)

I've wondered how much Vicki's talk about her prosperous business is just for show. Every scene with her business is in an empty office with her secretary(?). She used to have a bunch of kids, probably friends of her children, working and being pushed around inappropriately. Remember the time she made them attend an office Botox party and the time they went on a  "Business trip" and she spanked a young man for not wearing the right underwear?

2 minutes ago, TexasGal said:

Was Vicki even sick?  I bet she was faking so she didn't have to go to the party and have everyone ignore her again.

Did you mean "get sympathy, possibly casseroles"? I wonder if she has some form of Muchmausain syndrome?

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:


Is scrotox a real thing? Because I can't. 

I doubt it. I just think Lydia is so into her husband's junk that they spend time making up new juvenile junk jokes (hence the balls being chopped off) and chatting about it endlessly. It could be their foreplay. 

Yes, it is real.  Here's a SFW article on it (no before & after pics, though those are available elsewhere to view at your own peril).  https://health.usnews.com/wellness/health-buzz/articles/2016-11-22/scrotox-why-men-are-getting-botox-in-their-scrotums 

After watching WWHL, I am 100% convinced that Lydia did not know that a vasectomy was not a castration until Doug actually the procedure.  IMO she was covering her dumb ass with the story it was just a joke that went on too long.

  • Love 11

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