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S16.E06: Models Off Duty

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I guess that I'd like to say that my favourite part in all of this is that so many people declared Batani "sketchy" at the beginning of this season (yes, the exact word being "sketchy", used many times by many...)  Why again?  Not sure I know......... but in the end, the people who will probably end up being so-called "sketchy" will be the Twins...... 



  • Love 11

Oh Clare is getting annoyed about having to help her sister. But yet she still constructed the whole damn thing. So it's your own damn fault you have no time. I was hoping the judges would have given her major talking to. 


I don't know why but Kenya's looked reminded me of Courtney Love. Not sure if that's good or bad.


Still in love with Kentaro. Aw and he asked of saying African print was racist. You can never be too careful these days plus he has a very different cultural background. I do love his look but it is definitely not something that I would be about to pull off.


Damn Margarita did her model dirty. She through her under the bus hard. She was all for the look in the work room but as the critics were coming she knew what side she was on and wanted to save face. You could tell the model was pissed. The look was just to 90s. She better pray she never has to work with that model again.


I like how Amy gives comments in her TH. The teacher in her really comes out. She always says "I'm concerned about (insert name)" and then talks about what might be a problem. Where as the twins just say how ugly an outfit is and that they would never be caught dead in it. Nobody cares about you ladies. 


I wish someone told the judges that the look they love from Shawn is just a mash up of the models looked from the day before.


So long Samantha you were mediocre at best. I had to look up Lolita fashion because I had no idea what it was. 

They didn't show the guest judge for next week. Don't they usually tell us who is judging in the promos. I have never been so desperate to see a housewife before. 

  • Love 17

Very happy for Kentaro! Loved that he wanted to do "something simple that looks like I spent a lot of time on it" I had to chuckle at his talking head: "Batani is doing African print... Can I say that? Is that racist or what?" He sounded like someone who's made a few mistakes and gets confused sometimes.

I knew when both twins were on the runway that they would split them into one on the top and one on the bottom. They've hammered on them working together (especially this episode) so I hope there's a pay off to this theme.

I liked Samantha, but I can't disagree with the auf. Her muddy color palate/fabric choice made her looks so blah. Put that plaid where it can be seen and add more red to make it pop on the runway and she may have gotten through.

  • Love 22

I REALLY was happy with Kintaro's win! That looked "fashiony", and yet didn't look ridiculous as street wear. The model sold it beautifully, and I could see her wearing it home. I agree with the auf-ing, but wonder whether Samantha was also a victim of having a model who was not "model-y"? For instance, I like Kenya well enough, but IMO her outfit was hideous, and would NOT have done as well with a different size model. Conspiracy theory: Samantha and Margerita (Sp?) did not seem to consider Claire a potential auf-ing, even though they were all three in the bottom. My guess is that the drama will be milked for either twin leaving. A) a double elimination in which they both go. Highly unlikely. B) One twin is the winner, and the other is out. Harder to stage, but fraught with drama, as the winning twin cannot celebrate because of the loss of her sister. OR C) BOTH are in the bottom, but only one goes home. Extra points if they are forced to choose.

  • Love 19

This episode pissed me off. First, I thought both twins made crap...way too basic. And not one judge caught the copycat aspect of shaved head one. What BS. But the winner was by far the best. Really the only look worth showing. The designers really made this look so much more difficult that it was, to me. What a mess some of the looks were. Margarita's was KMart, Samantha's rightfully last place, but a lot of the safe ones were pretty bleak too. When the twins were both in th final group, I had them both down as being in the bottom. Quelle surprise.

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, NorthstarATL said:

My guess is that the drama will be milked for either twin leaving. A) a double elimination in which they both go. Highly unlikely. B) One twin is the winner, and the other is out. Harder to stage, but fraught with drama, as the winning twin cannot celebrate because of the loss of her sister. OR C) BOTH are in the bottom, but only one goes home. Extra points if they are forced to choose.

Agree! That's why they're still here, so everyone will keep tuning in to see if it's a, b, or c. My bet is on C. Definitely not A. No fun if you don't get to see one of them fall apart because the other left. Since Claire has to help Shawn so much, she'll probably go first.

  • Love 7

I was glad that Brandon wasn't in the top.  I don't dislike him, but last week's win was pure luck, IMO.  If he'd had a plus-sized model, versus the emaciated one he got, those cute, perky, little A's side boob, would have been large pendulous breasts flopping around. 

I'm happy that Kenya and Kentaro did well, and I was very disappointed in Margarita, who I usually really like, throwing her model under the bus.  She's lucky she wasn't send home for that alone.  Christian's only failure was with a difficult teenager, and the judges really tore him apart.

8 minutes ago, Nidratime said:

What a bait and switch. I'm deeply disappointed. The show didn't deliver tonight after they showed previews where Tim confronts the designers for "cheating." When is that going to happen, since it appeared it would be this episode?! It's clear they want to keep these two losers in it for the drama.

From the first episode, I knew it had to be the twins cheating.  The show's been taunting this moment the whole season, but when they showed the previews for the season, I swear that there was a black male designer fired up in that scene.  Looks like another bait and switch.  It's strange that the twins combined make a good designer.  Sean comes up with the design, but cannot construct to save her life.  Claire does good quality construction, but either has no ability to design, or puts more energy into her sister's designs than her own.  They're like conjoined twins, in that they combine to be one complete physical person.  A double auf would be awesome, but I'd much prefer Claire going, and arrogant Sean being forced to acknowledge that she's completely reliant on her twin.  The meltdown would be epic.

  • Love 19

I don't like the twins, but Samantha is in a style rut and can't seem to break out of it. She also can't pick a patterned fabric to save her life. It's been one rejected Free People fabric after another. The weird thing is that actual Lolita fashion isn't so strangely drab. Gothic Lolita is obviously gothic and dark looking, but the rest of it is actually light and pastel. I don't know why she continues to go for these muddy color combos.

Kenya's read 80s, but like how the 80s has been reimagined and reinterpreted recently. So while I didn't love it, I got it. If you told me her model was the Debbie Harry of today, I'd be like sure.

I loved Kentaro's. That was fantastic and Fashion.

  • Love 18
15 minutes ago, awaken said:

Kenyas was the only one that caused me to feel repulsed, and actually burst out laughing at the ridiculousness of it. 101 Dalmatians style is just not fashion forward, and the hair and strange stance on the model didn't help. 

That was one of the worst things I've seen on this show. They didn't even mention the ridiculous hair and makeup. Brandon's was bad too, I'm over the dangling strips of whatever hanging down. 

Kentaro's model stole the show! So cute. 

  • Love 8
45 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I call foul. Especially after hearing the discussion about the twins working together and one finishing something for the other (or taking time away from being able to complete something because of having to do for the other) why didn't the judges send home Claire? 

Are all these shows 'fixed' now ? 

Didn't they say something about it being on Claire (or Shawn - I don't know which one can "sew")? 

Or, next week is a continuation of the drama. 


  • Love 3

I preferred Samantha's interesting and well-made dress over the shapless, ill-fitting black thing. Samantha's model had a well-defined and tiny waste; Clare's looked pregnant. I like the Lolita look; better colors would've made it more exciting.

I actually thought Batani's was bad. Even my 6 year old said, "That doesn't fit her right."

  • Love 18
1 hour ago, Cindyluwho said:

So why was nothing said to either of the twins? 

What a waste of a buildup. 

Although, deep down, I knew neither one was going to get the boot. 

I'm not tall enough to wear Kentaro's outfit, but I liked it. As soon as his model came down the runway, I knew he was going to be the winner. 

I like Kenya, but didn't care that much for her outfit. I also like Samantha, but her outfit didn't impress me either. It's too bad Brandon had immunity because he recreated the same outfit he has done each week.  

Edited by Surrealist
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, notcreative enough said:

Damn Margarita did her model dirty. She through her under the bus hard. She was all for the look in the work room but as the critics were coming she knew what side she was on and wanted to save face. You could tell the model was pissed. The look was just to 90s. She better pray she never has to work with that model again.

Seriously.  That did me in for Margarita.  Although I do want to see more of her work.  I think she does a good job of capturing a Miami/street combo.  I feel really badly for the model and hope she says somethig.

I don't mind the twins only because they are twins.  The connection is so strong between some - kinda like they are one but in two different bodies.  While that probably has a lot of plusses, I would think there are quite a few challenges as well.   I also think they have something genetic going on with how they speak and act...maybe somewhere on the autism spectrum or something.    I think this also comes out a bit in their designs.  A little whacky and choppy.  I can see them being successful designers for a younger, wilder set, but they are out of their element on a show like Project Runway. Their dispositions aren't made for it.  It's kind of uncomfortable to watch.

I couldn't figure out if I liked Kenya's outfit or not.  The color and print choices were questionable but the concept was great.  In the end, especially after hearing Nina's comments, I decided I liked it for the same reasons she did.  I tried to picture the model walking down the street in that outfit and I would like it for sure.

Kentaro's outfit was the one of the best thing I've seen on the show this season.  So good.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, RedSoxRock said:

I get the definite feeling that Nina and Zac do not like the twins. That said, I agree that they keep dropping hints about some kind of showdown but nothing happens. Also, I don't think they should be allowed to be partners next week. Unless, as DasFlavorPop said it's to get rid of them both, which would be awesome.

I hope they are partners and have the losing design, but only one goes home. Would be interesting to see if they throw each other under the bus.

  • Love 16

I love Kenya, but that ensemble was hideous.  It looked straight up 80s.  I mean, literally, like someone found it in the back of their mom's closet from the 80s.  It didn't look modernized to me - the cut of the pants, the waistband, the crazy petally stuff on the shirt, the color, the print - the whole mess gave me flashbacks.  Just awful.  I could not believe my ears when the judges were talking about how mysterious and chic it was... it was so tacky and dated. YMMV.

Yeah, the cheating episode hasn't happened yet - as someone mentioned upthread, I've been impatiently waiting to see Yolanda Hadid show up as the guest judge since that's when it all goes down, according to the preview from the season opener.

Shawn is pretty obnoxious with her sister - very entitled to her help, it seems.  Claire needs to nip that shit in the bud.  They seem really immature for their age - Shawn, in particular.

Kentaro is adorbs, and I still love Brandon's stuff - this week wasn't my favorite, but I find his stuff interesting and cool. 

  • Love 20

I DEFINITELY thought the twins were going to be in the bottom this week.  I didn't get the big deal with Shawn's outfit this week whatsoever - and I've liked her outfits about half the time!

I actually liked Brandon's outfit this week.  A lot better than last week when everyone was kind of going nuts over his outfit and I really didn't get it.  He might be 'one note' but I think his 'thing' is extremely interesting and unique. I don't think I'd get tired of it.  It'd be hit or miss for me, but I'd always want to see what's happening next. That outfit was the most editorial of them all, even more than Kentaro's, but I think he fell into the middle of the pack because it really wasn't about his model at all, it was all about him.  The model became totally unnecessary to the outfit.

I like Kenya way, way way too much to criticize her outfit.  It wasn't my taste, and it wasn't even of this time, but I still thought it was beautiful and well made.  Green is *also* my favourite colour (really, Heidi?  I never see you wear it. I'm wearing two green items right this second.)  But that shade of green...... no.  However, I thought each item separately was beautiful.  I totally get why Nina liked it.  It was...... (draw in your breath) editorial.  Pick up a fashion magazine today.  Guaranteed you'll see outfits like that. Stylists always throw things together that you wouldn't think go (I'm sure you've seen The Devil Wears Prada.) It's eye-catching, even though I'm sure some thought it was ugly.  It was polarizing.  It looked of a different time, but to me, not in a dated way.  (Margarita's was dated in the bad way.  It wasn't Aaliyah.  It was more Christina Aguilera - Genie in a Bottle.)  Also, I think Kenya's model helped the presentation a lot.  Nina loves when women look 'fragile' and honestly, she kind of did.  It looked so vintage-y.

Kentaro's was of course, perfect.  So I thought Kentaro top, Samantha top, and Margarita top.  Just based on guessing the judges' taste.  And I thought Kenya and the twins were on the bottom.  Kenya again just based off of taste, and the twins based on that their outfits were bad.

For another side to Kenya's outfit, here's Cate Blanchett in the upcoming Ocean's 8. I think it's almost impossible to pull off the woman's vest well.... 

Cate_Blanchett_Cate_Blanchett_Sandra_Bullock_A05.jpg oceans-8-23nov16-04.jpg

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
  • Love 11
6 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Their over-the-top expressions, theatrical faces, over enunciation, melodramatic mannerisms, their whole "am I projecting for those in the back" attitude? My ex was just like that and he was just an asshole. He works on Broadway now.

Ha!  (Thing One and Thing Two feel a little more "Waiting for Guffman" than Broadway, but I agree overall ; )

Edited by film noire
  • Love 14

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