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S09.E22: Reunion Part 3

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4 hours ago, Neurochick said:

Dear Bethenny, you're disgusting and nobody likes you, so do another Bravo TV show, "Bethenny Getting Stalked" or something like that; it'll be a ratings smash

She has plenty of supporters.  Myself included.  I find Ramona much more unlike able although I don't really wish for her to get booted from the show.


I I don't quite understand why Tinsley had to be reintroduced to New York Society and why she had to live with Sonia to accomplish that? Why couldn't she just get her own place from the jump?  She obviously already had friends in the city, if I recall correctly. Wasn't that a friend of hers in the beginning of the season that that was pushing her Doggie in the remote control car? I also thought that whole discussion about showing her gratitude to Sonja with the present or with her time was ridiculous. I think that proved that Sonia is not a good friend. It seems that she does favors just to get rewarded and praised.  


(Wow, can't believe I got on these boards sooner than 12 pages in, LOL!) But maybe that's because most of y'all got bored with the 3rd part reunion and don't have much else to add.?

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25 minutes ago, DelicateDee said:

I must of missed it.  What vulgar not did she close out with?

They were doing tequila shots and Bethany made a joke about it putting hair on her chest about as much hair as on "Sonya's bush". Sonya replied, "I'm working on it!".

1 minute ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

But ... but ... Ramona is enlightened.  She has seen the error of her ways.  She can't believe what an asshole she was and she knows better now.


That's the impression I got as well. Even though everyone but Tinsley told Ramona she was an insensitive twat it did not appear to have penetrated.

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Dear Bethenny, you're disgusting and nobody likes you, so do another Bravo TV show, "Bethenny Getting Stalked" or something like that; it'll be a ratings smash.

If it's called "Bethenny Shuts Up", I might even tune in.


Bethany acted very strange when they showed the clip of her crying JMHO.  

Even she realized how fake and ridiculous she looked.

Edited by jaync
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27 minutes ago, DelicateDee said:

I must of missed it.  What vulgar not did she close out with?

Bethany made some crack about Sonja's bush (if I remember that particular vulgarity correctly) as they were toasting.  Andy even made a crack about it along the lines of "this is what we're closing with?!?!"

The guys on the Watch What Crappens podcast do a great impression of Bethany and always pepper her speeches with vulgar nonsequators, it's really funny (and true).  Guess it says something that I couldn't recall exactly what she said, I think I just tune it out since it is so unnecessary (and usually nonsensical).

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How was Bethany's comment about Sonya's bush anymore vulgar then when Sonia was actually getting that bush shaved off? There she was in that doctor's office, whatever kind of office, with her legs all spread open with the camera practically up there while she was getting  "groomed".  Not to mention her vag rejuvenation scene.  UGH!

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1 hour ago, DelicateDee said:

I I don't quite understand why Tinsley had to be reintroduced to New York Society and why she had to live with Sonia to accomplish that? Why couldn't she just get her own place from the jump?  She obviously already had friends in the city, if I recall correctly. Wasn't that a friend of hers in the beginning of the season that that was pushing her Doggie in the remote control car? I also thought that whole discussion about showing her gratitude to Sonja with the present or with her time was ridiculous. I think that proved that Sonia is not a good friend. It seems that she does favors just to get rewarded and praised.  


(Wow, can't believe I got on these boards sooner than 12 pages in, LOL!) But maybe that's because most of y'all got bored with the 3rd part reunion and don't have much else to add.?

3rd part was a snooze.  Nothing much to comment on.  BUT I am familiar with why Tinz needed to be "reintroduced" to New York Society.  They all talked about the arrest in PB -- and even Tinz refers to it in her intro.  But hold on a sec, please.  That's not ALL of what was going on with Tinz.  She pretty much fled NYC in disgrace some years ago.  Why, you ask?  Well, she acted horribly over a very long stretch & pissed off many, many, many influential people here in NYC.  And it's interesting this was never mentioned by any of the cast.  I know why.  Because all of these people are completely out of touch & have absolutely ZERO connections to New York high society.  That would certainly include Sonja.  The notion of her reintroducing Tinz to high society is truly laughable.  She is very much an outcast in those circles.  That was merely a lame storyline obviously scripted by producers.  Whatevs.

I think there will always be some venom from Sonja toward Tinz.  Tinz is a true born & bred blue blood.  Sonja is a restaurant hostess from upstate New York who married a rich old man.  Sonja is pea green jealous of Tinz's heritage & always will be.  Sad fact is they're both outcasts now from high society & always will be.  Yup, in spite of Tinz's heritage, she ain't EVER gonna be accepted by those people, due to her PB arrest & past awful behavior in NYC.  Eh, what difference does any of it make?  I kinda like watching the 2 of 'em snipping at each other, whatever the reasons.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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1 hour ago, jaync said:

If it's called "Bethenny Shuts Up", I might even tune in.

Even she realized how fake and ridiculous she looked.

Just the name the bloody show after her, she has such a big mouth, she works harder than anyone else, her divorce is worse than anyone else. She cannot let things go and move on, she s bore/boar! Bye felicia !

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I find myself thoroughly indifferent to Bethenny.  Stay, go, do another shitty Bravo show, I don't especially give a fuck.  I'll NEVER be the one who chimes in, saying I like Bethenny no matter what nasty shit she says or does.  But I also think she's way toned down now.  Is that good?  I just don't care one way or another.  Guess Bravo has to appease those Bethenny fans who love her & will always love her, even if she starts murdering people on cam.  Shrugging hard.  Best I can say is at least she ain't Kelly Dodd.  Can't say that about Moaner.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Not gonna lie, watching these scenes of the Mexico trip is making me laugh like a loon!

The Mexico trip was one of the best trips ever...and not just on the NYC show.


So many moments this year that will never not be funny.

Cliiiip! Cliiiiiip! Cliiiiiiip!

Bethenny spreading her legs dramatically after Ramona starts listing her alleged sexual escapades

Ramona's drunken confusion, "We're not allowed to have an altercation?!"

Sitting in a room full of smoke and apparently not knowing it

The insane 30 minute room fiasco

Dorinda threatening to throw Ramona's shit in the pool if she didn't straighten up

Luann falling down TWICE

Ramona calmly explaining why Luann fell and why she wasn't going to

Dorinda on the rope swing

Dorinda stabbing herself and nonchalantly acknowledging it

The Palm Beach dig that shut Luann down FAST


This was such a good year. Too bad it's over...


People describe it as soft porn

Wasn't Ramona the one who initially insisted on describing it that way, even though it wasn't?


I don't know why Luann came to her rescue by framing it in terms of the "using the children"

My guess is Luann is still pissed at Ramona for the times Ramona has brought up Luann's kids and the mommy issues, and hey, the enemy of my enemy is my friend, and all that. Here is one example:


I don't quite understand why Tinsley had to be reintroduced to New York Society and why she had to live with Sonia to accomplish that? Why couldn't she just get her own place from the jump?  She obviously already had friends in the city, if I recall correctly. Wasn't that a friend of hers in the beginning of the season that that was pushing her Doggie in the remote control car?

Well, word on the street (and by word on the street, I mean the opinions of more than a few viewers) is that it was done more for storyline purposes, either at the request of the producers or the HWs. Plus, it did guarantee Tinsley some screen time by having her live at Sonja's.


How was Bethany's comment about Sonya's bush anymore vulgar then when Sonia was actually getting that bush shaved off?

Not more vulgar, I thought.


That's not ALL of what was going on with Tinz.  She pretty much fled NYC in disgrace some years ago.  Why, you ask?  Well, she acted horribly over a very long stretch & pissed off many, many, many influential people here in NYC.  And it's interesting this was never mentioned by any of the cast.

I think it was alluded to by some of the cast early on in the season.


Guess Bravo has to appease those Bethenny fans who love her & will always love her, even if she starts murdering people on cam.

Reactions to Bethenny from viewers goes both ways...

Edited by BBHN
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5 hours ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I find myself thoroughly indifferent to Bethenny.  Stay, go, do another shitty Bravo show, I don't especially give a fuck.  I'll NEVER be the one who chimes in, saying I like Bethenny no matter what nasty shit she says or does.  But I also think she's way toned down now.  Is that good?  I just don't care one way or another.  Guess Bravo has to appease those Bethenny fans who love her & will always love her, even if she starts murdering people on cam.  Shrugging hard.  Best I can say is at least she ain't Kelly Dodd.  Can't say that about Moaner.

This is my 2nd season of RHONY.  I look forward to binge watching early seasons for perspective......

I feel like this year was supposed to redeem Bethenny from last year when she was so awful.  They gave us a background into why she was angry a lot.

And yet?  Nothing changed my mind about her.  I still think she's mean, it's always about her and no one suffers like her.

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Bethenny & Ramona are so similar, they're both total narcissists, Watching them criticize each other over the exact same behaviors is exhausting.

Carole's that friend that you shouldn't tell your business to because she's always going to blab.

Surprised at how well Tinsley did at her first reunion.  My guess is that she'll be around for awhile.

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I'm still trying to figure out what happened between Bethenny & Ramona from the Mexico trip to the reunion that made Bethenny feel like she wasn't sincere in her apology.  They appeared to have made up, and although I don't expect them to be best friends, Bethenny's reaction to her at the reunion was odd, IMO.  When Ramona chimed in about how difficult it is trying to protect your kids (or something to that effect), Bethenny cut her off and said she didn't want to hear anything from Ramona on that topic.   I thought they smoothed things over, but it's like rewinding the tape and Bethenny had to revisit the whole thing once again.  Cue the tears and drama.  Pffttt. 

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21 minutes ago, dosodog said:

I feel like this year was supposed to redeem Bethenny from last year when she was so awful.

They had to. She's got a new show they need to promote. Bravo is very good at this.


And yet?  Nothing changed my mind about her.  I still think she's mean, it's always about her and no one suffers like her.

Same, here.  Although you can see on her face that she's happier towards the end of this season, the misery runs deep in this one. Next season she'll have a bad break-up, or the new show will flop or Jason will be let off the hook in court and suddenly we'll have the.most.tortured Bethenny back again.  

She calls Moaner, the Ramonacoaster. But I can't decide which carnival ride Bethany resembles. A carousel?  Up and down and round she goes - where she stops nobody knows. 

Dorinda is like The Whip. Keeping up with her mood swings makes my neck hurt.

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20 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

I'm still trying to figure out what happened between Bethenny & Ramona from the Mexico trip to the reunion that made Bethenny feel like she wasn't sincere in her apology. 

Bethenny and Ramona were drunk during the Naked Apology. Once Bethenny sobered up and realized that she drunkenly accepted an apology from Ramona, she backed that shit up.

I also think that Bethenny knows that Ramona has her number. Really has her number. And that Ramona, no matter how apologetic, will call her out again. She just can't help herself. Bless her heart.

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I think this was my favorite part of the reunion, and was very reflective of this season in general. Sure there was some arguing and dramatics, but there was a TON of laughing and the girls all talking amongst themselves. Andy would show a clip, and they'd all be laughing about it, making quippy comments across the stage to each other, and just generally enjoying each other. It didn't feel like so much of a Housewives reunion, as a bunch of friends watching old videos from their days at camp or in high school. I think it really highlighted why this is my favorite show in the franchise. Even if some of them have some very real grievances with each other, I think NY is the best example of women who actually care about each other and have a good report. I will really miss them until next season. 


As for the actual fights addressed this episode:

Ramona and Bethenny - I get it. It wasn't the CONTENT of what Ramona said, it was the INTENT. I said that from the minute it aired. Ramona desperately wanted to address these skinflicks, but she wanted to do so in an "innocent" way. So she brought it up under the guise of concern for the child, which wasn't the case at all. It was very distasteful, and I totally got Bethenny's reaction. 

Sonja and Tinsley - living with a friend can make or break the friendship. I had an unexpected breakup when I was 24, that necessitated me moving back to FL rather quickly (I had moved for my ex and never totally acclimated there). My best girlfriend, at the time, let me stay with her while I got myself together. It went downhill fast. It made a lot of sense when both ladies said it started out as what they thought were funny jabs, but before long it wasn't a joke any more. I think they both probably had some fault in this situation, but Sonja more than Tinsley. I just think, given what Tinsley had just been through, Sonja should have shown her more grace. I think Sonja wanted to control the entire situation and got a bit jealous when Tinsley seemed to be able to make friends and reignite her social life without Sonja's help. 

Bethenny and Dorinda - I think Dorinda was just wasted. She admitted she doesn't remember any of it. They laughed looking back. Bethenny had been drinking too, and was feeling self conscious because she KNOWS the girls think she overdoes it with her branding. So it all just kind of boiled over. But probably one of the more benign fights of the season, IMO. 


I liked that they ended with the rose-and-thorn game (and Lu finally got it right!) - everyone's answer was different and interesting. Again, such a great season! 

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7 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

But ... but ... Ramona is enlightened.  She has seen the error of her ways.  She can't believe what an asshole she was and she knows better now.


EVERY SINGLE reunion. Ramona comes off as all insightful and contrite. She owns it, she apologizes, she shows growth. Then she goes RIGHT back to her nasty ways. I can empathize with anyone who doesn't have the patience to deal with that. 


7 hours ago, DelicateDee said:

How was Bethany's comment about Sonya's bush anymore vulgar then when Sonia was actually getting that bush shaved off? There she was in that doctor's office, whatever kind of office, with her legs all spread open with the camera practically up there while she was getting  "groomed".  Not to mention her vag rejuvenation scene.  UGH!

I thought the most vulgar part of this episode was hearing that Harry made Sonja burn "after".

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8 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

EVERY SINGLE reunion. Ramona comes off as all insightful and contrite. She owns it, she apologizes, she shows growth. Then she goes RIGHT back to her nasty ways. I can empathize with anyone who doesn't have the patience to deal with that. 

Yes to this!  Ramona is so vile.  Watching that clip between Ramona and LuAnn posted by @BBHN (Thanks!) showed just how little Ramona has grown.  She still says, "If I hurt you, it wasn't my intent," and "I'm sorry if you were offended."  So much sorry not sorry.  What an a$$.  Plus watching her double down on the awful things she did to LuAnn and her children, just makes me rage.  LuAnn really looks hurt in that clip. 

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8 hours ago, escatefromny said:

Andy really annoyed me tonight with his half-assed hosting.  Assuming it was filmed in order, I'd imagine he was exhausted, but I wish he would have:

Addressed Dorinda's slurring and 0 to 60 ragefests or her chronic "forgetfulness" this season.  I know he couldn't just come out and ask if she is a raging alcoholic, what drugs she does or why she's such a nasty drunk but there was plenty of material for a montage of Dorinda's sloppy behavior which could have been addressed.  I feel like she got a pass;

Pressed Bethany on the viewer's question about her tirade against Luann in the context of Ramona's tirade against her.  (I don't know why Luann came to her rescue by framing it in terms of the "using the children");

Dug much deeper on Sonja and the Page 6 story; and generally just have done a better job with getting answers before moving on..

I feel like since this is Andy's favorite franchise we never really get true dirt anymore, just "oh you funny thing, you look what you did" and they can all laugh together. Maybe they are all truly getting along now, but I need some claws out, not a kumbaya borefest.

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10 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Tinsley didn't become "famous" until her early 30s. 

Maybe famous in NYC and PB society, but nowhere else! 

Sonja couldn't help herself with her digs about how Tinsley will fall in love with anybody, fall in love too fast, just wants to be in love, blah blah. She is so jealous of Tinsley's happiness. Is she ever happy for anybody? 

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11 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

Maybe famous in NYC and PB society, but nowhere else! 

Sonja couldn't help herself with  digs about how Tinsley will fall in love with anybody, fall in love too fast, just wants to be in love, blah blah. She is so jealous of Tinsley's happiness. Is she ever happy for anybody? 

Seriously though, the way Tinsley shoved her tongue down Scott's throat on their first date, and then spent three days straight with him, I think it's clear that she was ready to "fall in love" with the first thick wallet she could get her claws into. Poor guy.

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1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

EVERY SINGLE reunion. Ramona comes off as all insightful and contrite. She owns it, she apologizes, she shows growth. Then she goes RIGHT back to her nasty ways. I can empathize with anyone who doesn't have the patience to deal with that. 


I thought the most vulgar part of this episode was hearing that Harry made Sonja burn "after".

Now now everyone, there's plenty of vulgar to go around!!! ;)

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Andy really annoyed me tonight with his half-assed hosting.  Assuming it was filmed in order, I'd imagine he was exhausted, but I wish he would have:

Addressed Dorinda's slurring and 0 to 60 ragefests or her chronic "forgetfulness" this season.  I know he couldn't just come out and ask if she is a raging alcoholic, what drugs she does or why she's such a nasty drunk but there was plenty of material for a montage of Dorinda's sloppy behavior which could have been addressed.  I feel like she got a pass;

I don't know why not.  He asked Moaner what pills she was taking.

Sadly, that is my thorn this season.  To realize that Dorinda is a mean drunk.  I liked her so much - I was a defender of her and John last season.  Her Clip Clip Clip made me a little sick sick sick.  Somebody on another thread posted a gif of her going after Kristen which I had forgotten about (or ignored) because I liked her. She's mean. It's kind of hard to ignore now.  Especially when she admits she's mean and blacks out.  It's very sad.


My rose was the Mexico trip.  Ironically, Sonja and Lu's kind of drunk didn't bother me nearly as much as Dorinda's does.  Or maybe it's because Sonja and Luann don't scare me like Dorinda does.  LOL  Hide the knives.



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So sad to see the season end. The recipe for crazy and zany is perfect with this group!  If only the other installments could do this good! 

Jill Zarin is probably choking on her words even as we type...


Her Clip Clip Clip made me a little sick sick sick

Clip! was one of the best moments of the season.

Edited by BBHN
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16 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Aw man....I don't want this season to be over.


1 hour ago, Juliegirlj said:

So sad to see the season end. The recipe for crazy and zany is perfect with this group!  If only the other installments could do this good! 

I really liked this season for reasons most have already shared.  The 3rd installment of the reunion was light and breezy and a recap of a lot of the fun the women had.  I hope all come back next year but with a few caveats. 

Bethenny: As Andy stated, Bethenny did seem more light the second half of the season.  I do believe she is growing as a person and maybe even trusting a bit more.  I liked that alot about her and would like to see it continue.   I don't want the stone-wall bitch Bethenny back.  I liked how she thanked the others for not bringing up certain things.  When it matters, this group has each others' backs. 

Ramona:  I think Ramona does not understand the give and take of a conversation.  Consequently, she'll never understand how what she does and says hurts others.  I'd really like for Ramona to get training on this (a more apt word than therapy, IMO, because she just doesn't understand!) and then live it.  She's no spring chicken and it would be nice for her to end in a nice way with the other women when her time does come.

Sonja:  Sonja needs to get a LIFE and a real boyfriend STAT.  I'm not sure she is capable of either though which is pretty sad.  She needs a wingman in her life (and not Ramona) to help her get from point A to point B.  I like her on the show, but it would make me happier is she had positive and real things happening in her world.  I have  a great deal of respect for Sonja.  She weathered the loss of millions, the loss of a lifestyle, etc.  So she drank too much and tried to launch this that and the other thing but she never cried "torture".  On the flip side, you have Bethenny who is set for life financially squabbling with an ex about an apartment, etc. that is a drop in the bucket for her.  I'm sure the divorce was as difficult as she says but....she needs to put a little perspective on things and maybe choose to walk a less dramatic path in life.

Luann:  I would love to see a less guarded Luann, more loose Luann.  I would also like to see her get a life beyond the show and beyond another husband.

Carole:  It took me a long time, but I finally started liking Carole this year.  I think she and Bethenny have aged, evolved, or whatever this year.  They are coming into their own as individuals which I really like.

Tinsley:  Tinsley was a great addition.  She was light and breezy and seemed to gell well with the others.   She does seem like she stopped maturing about a decade a go.  Her clothes, social skills, etc. strike me as "young".   This show might be a good thing for her on a personal level.  Plus, she brings a little different set of life issues to the show, i.e. a new dimension.

Dorinda:  I liked seeing what Bethenny said about psychoanalyzing Dorinda.   Dorinda needs to take a look in the mirror.  IMO, she is the most lonely and empty out of all of them.  I know many liked the Clip scene but I thought it was mean and uncalled for.  I have always maintained she is on drugs.  I still believe that.  The knife scene was not alcohol induced and was actually a little scary.  I posted earlier that she could have stole the show had she wanted but I think she wants the comfort of substances more.  Something is missing with her.  She seems kind of empty for lack of a better word.  I do like her relationship with Carole, though, and I think she's a good addition to the show in general.

I posted earlier that bringing Jill back might not be the worst idea, but now I'm second guessing myself.  I'd like to see at least one more season with the same group.  I've watched RHNY from the beginning and I will say that the ones I'm sort of rooting for/connect with the most are the originals, Betheny (now that she is less bitchy), Ramona (who I think is at the core a decent person), Sonja and Luann. 

Edited by Jextella
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28 minutes ago, BBHN said:

Clip! was one of the best moments of the season.

Nahh.  Not for everyone.

16 minutes ago, Jextella said:

 I know many liked the Clip scene but I thought it was mean and uncalled for.

Agreed.  She looks deranged and one drink away from popping a bunch of vessels in her face. 



Then she went on to stand up and do that Hostess with the Mostest thing where she was indicating her crotch.  I'll have to go back and watch her argument with Beth in Mexico.  I don't remember how far she went off the nut because I think I'm just starting to see this as 'normal' behavior for Dorinda.  I hope Bethenny is paying attention.  I have a feeling Dorinda could be more dangerous than that dum dum Ramona, any day.

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Nahh.  Not for everyone.

But for most. I think more people liked it than didn't like it.


Agreed.  She looks deranged and one drink away from popping a bunch of vessels in her face. 

Naaah. I found it to be funny, in a person-who-has-had-one-too-many-drinks funny.

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7 minutes ago, ryebread said:

Nahh.  Not for everyone.

Agreed.  She looks deranged and one drink away from popping a bunch of vessels in her face. 



Then she went on to stand up and do that Hostess with the Mostest thing where she was indicating her crotch.  I'll have to go back and watch her argument with Beth in Mexico.  I don't remember how far she went off the nut because I think I'm just starting to see this as 'normal' behavior for Dorinda.  I hope Bethenny is paying attention.  I have a feeling Dorinda could be more dangerous than that dum dum Ramona, any day.

Bethenny has Dorinda's number, and she keeps her at arms length, IMO.   My read (right or wrong) is that Dorinda does use coke and Bethenny is aware of and not the biggest fan.  She can't cry foul because I'm guessing most of the cast including herself indulge in substance on occassion.  Pure speculation of course, but that's where my money would go if placing a bet.

Edited by Jextella
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I often wonder about the other people in the restaurant when they're having a falling out and dropping F bombs.  I guess it's explained to them and they must see the cameras.  But no one in background stares.

I was in a restaurant once and two couples got loud and angry with each other and everyone stopped eating and watched in fascinated horror.

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7 minutes ago, Jextella said:

Bethenny has Dorinda's number, and she keeps her at arms length, IMO.   My read (right or wrong) is that Dorinda does use coke and Bethenny is aware of and not the biggest fan.  She can't cry foul because I'm guessing most of the cast including herself indulge in substance on occassion.  Pure speculation of course, but that's where my money would go if placing a bet.

I think this is likely correct, about the coke.  Where there's smoke there's fire.  And these ladies fit the description. 

16 minutes ago, BBHN said:

Naaah. I found it to be funny, in a person-who-has-had-one-too-many-drinks funny.

I would agree that it would be funny in that way.  But she was nasty when she did it, and she does it A LOT - not so funny, to me, anymore.  I think an argument or disagreement is healthy but she seems to only get disagreeable when she's drinking and then she takes it to the nextnextnext level.  But at least she's aware of her problem.  That's a start. She needs to learn to make it nice even when she's had a few.  It can be done.

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12 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said:

I often wonder about the other people in the restaurant when they're having a falling out and dropping F bombs.  I guess it's explained to them and they must see the cameras.  But no one in background stares.

I was in a restaurant once and two couples got loud and angry with each other and everyone stopped eating and watched in fascinated horror.

There's been a couple times I've noticed over the years that people turn to look. But I think you're right -  mostly they see the cameras and carry on.

Right after 911, we were in a restaurant and this guy was getting heated at his table.  F bombs, fists slamming the table.  Everyone stopped eating and stared.  In the blink of an eye, he stood up and he flipped the table.  Just like Theresa Jew-dee-CHAY. It was sudden, it was loud and it was shocking.  People screamed. Including me.  A woman and a bunch of kids started crying. Everyone's nerves were obviously on edge because of what had happened 2 days before in NYC.  It was horrible.

I say, if ya can't behave in a restaurant, stay home and order pizza.

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I have no idea if Dorinda does drugs, but I know that booze can easily produce that kind of behavior too.

I have seen a lot of people act like Dorinda.

The only funny part is that most of it took place in the Berkshires where I lived.

I worked for a drunk.  In exchange for getting him his "medicine" at the liquor store everyday I lived rent free in a mansion that supposed to be a B&B.

He was nice one minute, nasty a minute later.

There was a quiet and very proper secretary at the school I went to.  Little did I know and found out much later she was a Dorinda type drunk nicknamed 'Saucy" by the town.   My friend made up a soap opera about her called "Search for Saucy".

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Well part 3 wasn't exactly exciting but it was enjoyable! I love these ladies. There are about 2 million IQ points of the OC. I doubt those dingleberries even know what an election is. Can you hear Peggy "WHat is theeese ellleccttion of which you speak" GTFO. At least these broads go to fundraisers and are, at least, marginally aware, of what's going on. 

Tinsley just grates. You're NOT 19! Grow the hell up. 

Still love Bethanny. Sorry, not sorry. 

Ramona is a horrible person and next season she'll do the same shit, different day. She's sorry at EVERY reunion and then just does it again. 

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13 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Not that I listen to everything he says, but Dr. Drew says that celebrities get stuck at the emotional age when they first became famous. That is incredibly true of Tinsley.

Interesting - something similar happens to people with narcissistic personality disorder; they get stuck at the place they felt most powerful/in control.

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I feel like she [Dorinda] got a pass;

She did. Dorinda's FUBAR on the regular, and they all just laugh. Meanwhile, BethAndy suggests that Ramona - who never appears more than a little buzzed - must be pilled up. SMH.


I think there will always be some venom from Sonja toward Tinz.  Tinz is a true born & bred blue blood.

Maybe, but Tinsley (nor likely her children) won't ever have the pedigree of Sonja's daughter.


But I can't decide which carnival ride Bethany resembles.

Devil's Wheel?

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16 hours ago, Neurochick said:

In ten years SkinnyGirl will be selling for $1 in K-Mart.

Very possibly.  But since she has already sold Skinny Girl Liquor for a ton of money and is now worth an absolute fortune I doubt she will give a damn.

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