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S09.E06: Wishful Invitation

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9 minutes ago, WireWrap said:

Did anyone else notice that Ramona's hair looked dirty at the get together tonight? It was stringy and looked oily! Yuck! LOL

Ramona's hair has looked dirty this whole season so far.

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34 minutes ago, mbaywife123 said:

Ramona's hair has looked dirty this whole season so far.

I'm sure in her mind she's like, "If it looks disheveled and a mess, people think I'm too busy having all of the sex in NYC."

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Ok.  So what did Hannah do this episode to be labeled horrible or whatever?  I haven't liked some of her attitude in the past but I thought she was being very real and sincere this episode.

I really liked Lu's wedding gown as well as Dorinda's bridesmaid dress.  And Ro made Lu's point about why Ro wasn't invited to the wedding.

I'm loving that Beth walks any time she 'can't'  handle it.  Less of Beth is fine with me.  I have no doubt that Carole's 'job' was to ask Beth about the ex so she could get her digs (testimony) in.

I'm having a hard time with Beth's anger about Ro bringing up Bryn yet Beth spent a whole package in Bryn's room talking about Bryn and her hoarding tendencies.  What are the rules?  It's kind of really grey. 

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24 minutes ago, breezy424 said:


I'm having a hard time with Beth's anger about Ro bringing up Bryn yet Beth spent a whole package in Bryn's room talking about Bryn and her hoarding tendencies.  What are the rules?  It's kind of really grey. 

Two different things in my opinion.

Ramona was trying to take Bethenney down a notch. Or four.

What Bethenney said about Bryn was in jest.

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It is weird to me that Bethenny so frequently makes digs at other people's looks in her talking heads.  Tonight she called Ramona "The Crypt Keeper".  And, yes, Ramona has a ton of plastic surgery but...so does Bethenny?

I don't know it seems beneath her and this franchise.  Other than RHoA, I can't think of other franchises where people make shots about each others looks.

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Yeah, the ice was totally gross.  Time to replace the pipe's in the house or at least run the water in them enough that the rust is run out.  Time for a trip to Costco for a few cases of bottled water cause I wouldn't drink anything coming out of the tap.  Sorry Sonja, there was nothing humorous about that. 

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1 hour ago, breezy424 said:

Ok.  So what did Hannah do this episode to be labeled horrible or whatever?  I haven't liked some of her attitude in the past but I thought she was being very real and sincere this episode.

I liked her wearing Richard's jacket to the gravesite and her story about him giving her $100 for gum, haha.

59 minutes ago, sasha206 said:

Superficial note:  I think Carole really looked great in the scenes with Bethenny at her apartment. 

I did too! I loved her hair and lip color and white blouse. She just looked really soft and pretty. 

Edited by chewycandy
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Did not understand Dorinda's amusement about being a bridesmaid at 50.  

I think she was taking a poke at herself more than anything. 50 for our mothers is very different from 50 for us so you expect certain milestones to be behind you.

Ramona is such an asshole. She must have been so high during that scene with Bethenny. I wonder if she thinks she's gonna be Queen Bee after pulling these stunts. She had her shot in seasons 3 and 4 but couldn't make it stick.

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It's another season where Ramona has absolutely nothing going on and isn't doing anything except pretending to date all the time.  So she's vile to Lu and Bethenny and thinks that's good enough to entertain us.  But Lu and Bethenny know to shut her down and not take her seriously.  Which means Ramona just ends up being both boring and irritating.

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2 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Ramona is even more deranged than I thought. 

She reminded me of Kelly when she was trying to talk to Beth. The way she said, "Wow" made me wonder if she was taking some kind of medication (and the wrong dosage).

I had the same reaction, wondering if she was on some new medication and hadn't quite adjusted.  It's like watching Heathers.

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3 hours ago, beesknees said:

I cannot decide who I loathe more - Ramona or Bethenny.  Seriously .... I hate them both.  

And Bethenny can GTFOH with her waltzing/sauntering out the door every time somebody looks at her crooked.  Bish, you're on a reality show.  You're getting paid to film and argue.  Stop running away and earn that check.

That's how I feel. Between Ramona's awful eye make up ( and her eyes doing wonky things) and Bethenny with her garish red lips. I hoped they'd both get locked in the ladies washroom! Eww, both of them, hideous.

Maybe its me, but this season seems very forced, overly fake and disjointed.

42 minutes ago, Drumpf1737 said:

I think she was taking a poke at herself more than anything. 50 for our mothers is very different from 50 for us so you expect certain milestones to be behind you.

Dorinda definitely was, I really like her. Still like her and Lu the best!  

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2 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

So this must have been filmed after the time that Dorinda flipped out at The Regency, got into a fight with Harry Dubin, and tried to stab a banker with her shoe. Dorinda seemed more together than the news stories indicated. I wonder if they made Dorinda recreate what happened at Richard's grave.


That was after Richard's birthday, in October.  Tonight's episode was the anniversary of his death, in November.

Ramona at that last dinner...if I thought she was clever, I'd think she was baiting Bethenny by calling her "weird" like Kelly did.  But I just think her personality was 'induced'.  The way she was acting all over Carol was damn near manic.

I kind of liked Dorinda's bridesmaid dress. The color wasn't my favorite, but the style was nice.  Seeing them try on the dresses irritated me because I've been in 3 weddings and never once got to have champagne while trying on the dresses.  I feel shortchanged! LOL

It finally clicked in my brain who Tinsely reminds me of: the actress Rachel Harris, if she were to "do" a Housewife on a Real Hotwives series.  It's all in the way Tinsley talks, moreso than actual looks.

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Geez, did you happen to notice the name that shows up on Ramona's phone when she calls Dorinda? It took up the whole width of the screen, with tiny font at that! Wish I could see what it said.

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So Ramona doesn't want to go to Luann's wedding, she just wants to be invited. Bish is really crazy. 

1 hour ago, izabella said:

It's another season where Ramona has absolutely nothing going on

Actually, none of them have anything going on this season except LuAnn. Which is why this season is such a drag. New girl Tinsley brings nothing to the table. Step it up girl or you are going to be another one and done!

Edited by bichonblitz
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45 minutes ago, ivygirl said:

Geez, did you happen to notice the name that shows up on Ramona's phone when she calls Dorinda? It took up the whole width of the screen, with tiny font at that! Wish I could see what it said.

It said, "Dorinda and Richard Medley".  I guess she never updates her contacts.

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Loved Luann's wedding dress.  Dorinda's looked nice too, but I agree that the coloring washed her out a bit.

Anyone notice Tinsley getting a bit tipsy at the get together?  She seemed to be a bit more inebriated than the rest of them.  Maybe she's the new Sonja?  ..and that's why Sonja suddenly seems so threatened by her?

Edited by snarts
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As a cat owner, it is possible to have housecats and to have furniture that remains intact!  I've never had a cat declawed.  I've trained them not to scratch the furniture.  I swatted them when they were kittens  if they tried to scratch the sofa.  Just a few times of hand-to-hiney reinforcement does the trick (or a spritz of water on their face.)   Mine are able to go outside and scratch a tree, but they're mainly indoor cats.  I have a couple of scratching posts for them in case they feel the need to scratch something.  Cats get a bad wrap from people who don't like them, but they can be trained if a person takes the time. Ditto with the dogs.  There's no excuse to let them rip a sofa apart over and over again.  There are dog training schools everywhere.

Dorinda's memorial for Richard was nice.  I was wondering though if there was a bigger headstone on his grave, and they decided not to show it.  The plaque they did show was rather small.  Maybe it was at the foot of the grave, which was right next to the road.  I figured there'd be a headstone with Richard & Dorinda's name on it.   Most couples go ahead and have the surviving spouse on the headstone and choose to be buried with that spouse, whether they remarry or not.  Maybe they opted not to show it just so it would a little harder to find in case some weirdo decided to do something stupid.

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9 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

That poor f-ing dog!! When Tinsley had the controls he was getting jerked around at the quick starts and stops. For an elderly dog in pain that isn't horrid and NOT cute. Dog would be more comfortable with short weight bearing exercise than that jostling. People's sick needs to show off their pets and their well meaning but ignorant treatment of trying to humanize their animals to their own needs is a huge trigger for me ! UGGHHH

Hannah. Double ugg. 

Carole's apartment is filth. 

Bethenny can dish it out but oh no she cannot take it. 

That said, Ramona was whack a Doodle.

i did not like Luann's dress. The bottom was aok but the boobs are wrong and the shoulders tulle looks cheap mosquito netting pinched at certain angles as an afterthought . The pink was terrible on Dorindas complexion . 

Not liking this season. Too fake, staged, and... SCENE... cut. This is NOT reality. 

Ramona seemed chemically imbalanced add some Pinot. She was On Crack A Noodle.

I wasn't crazy about Luanne's dress either. Didn't she say in interviews leading up to the wedding that she was going to wear 3 gowns. 2 Wedding gowns and 1 party gown for his B-day

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5 minutes ago, ChitChat said:

As a cat owner, it is possible to have housecats and to have furniture that remains intact!  I've never had a cat declawed.  I've trained them not to scratch the furniture.  I swatted them when they were kittens  if they tried to scratch the sofa.  Just a few times of hand-to-hiney reinforcement does the trick (or a spritz of water on their face.)   Mine are able to go outside and scratch a tree, but they're mainly indoor cats.  I have a couple of scratching posts for them in case they feel the need to scratch something.  Cats get a bad wrap from people who don't like them, but they can be trained if a person takes the time. Ditto with the dogs.  There's no excuse to let them rip a sofa apart over and over again.  There are dog training schools everywhere.

Dorinda's memorial for Richard was nice.  I was wondering though if there was a bigger headstone on his grave, and they decided not to show it.  The plaque they did show was rather small.  Maybe it was at the foot of the grave, which was right next to the road.  I figured there'd be a headstone with Richard & Dorinda's name on it.   Most couples go ahead and have the surviving spouse on the headstone and choose to be buried with that spouse, whether they remarry or not.  Maybe they opted not to show it just so it would a little harder to find in case some weirdo decided to do something stupid.

That was his military marker. They showed the name of the cemetery if any wack job wanted to find it they just had to go into the office and ask for a map.

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1 minute ago, Ellee said:


Well, that went rather well.  Now next time I just have to do the same thing....

.....maybe work on my lines a little more .....

She sleeps with that same stupid smirk on her face 

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I really like Dorinda's scenes on the anniversary of Richard's passing. I liked that Carole came along. I always thought their bonding over that similar tragedy was very touching. Richard seemed like a real character. I think he was truly the love of Dorinda's life. John is just a companion. I get that. The trouble is, I don't know that John sees Dorinda the same way. 

"Divorce? Never. Murder? All the time!" - That's my new life motto. I can't say I feel the same way about my hubby of 11 years from time to time. 

Um ew. Why is Sonja's ice brown? Why WAS it yellow? Neither are acceptable colors of ice. 

Carole's couch does NOT look intentional. And I'd be shocked if it truly didn't smell in there. 

I thought Lu looked lovely in her dress, but there is something about odd about seeing women in their 50s trying on pink bridesmaids dresses. 

Ramona is fucking out of her mind. Seriously. She's always been cuckoo, but she's taking it to a whole other level this season. I think desperation rules her life and she's losing her mind. Asking for invitation to a wedding you've proclaimed you don't want to go to??? Who does that??? And then she turns around and tells Lu people are taking BETS on whether she'll actually make it down the aisle. Point proven, Ramona. 

Then her behavior with Bethenny was really whack as well. She truly does NOT have any self awareness. If she did, she'd realize that the WAY in which she brought up Bethenny's video was the problem, and she'd apologize for it. Instead she sits down and basically begins schooling Bethenny on how to be a "girlfriend", in a very condescending manner. She truly does not get it. But Bethenny's facial expressions were everything!!!

Sonja is being an odd duck as well. She throws Tinsley a party to introduce her to all her friends, then acts offended when Tinsley starts become friendly with them. What was with that separate entrance? The work of a mad woman, I tell ya. Tinsley seemed to be getting on well with Carole and Bethenny, so that's sure to stick in her craw. 

Someone needs to lock Sonja and Ramona up for a bit, they need intense therapy. 

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10 hours ago, WireWrap said:

I hate to say this but Ramona was/is right, Bethenny can dish it out but she can't take it when someone gives it back. That said, Ramona was still wrong to bring Bryn into the conversation like she did.

What I didn't understand about that conversation was Ramona saying it's all over the news you being naked. Why was this brought up in the news again at that time? It was talked about the first few seasons Bethenny was on RHNY as well as when she had her spin off. So why would the same story be brought up again in the news while they were filming this season?

That would have been my Ramona question. Why is this coming up again now? Do you think it's your ex?

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I'm free.....let me come to NY....I can teach the others to play nice..... Now, there's this guy I

want to meet....his name is Marvin .....and word on the street is that you know all the guys.

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Here is how I see the micro-groups going.

Dorinda/Luann - They both conspired to set Ramona on Bethenny.  Yes Luann I saw your TH about how if Ramona wants to poke that bear.  It's just too bad that the edit monkeys put it right after the clip showing you and R at the bar with you telling her to go over there.  Ramona you idiot.  This woman does not have your best interests at heart.  Despite you thinking you're in with Luann (from the infamous soft porn dinner) she does not like you. 

Carol/Bethenny/Tinsley - The three of them giggling over drinks before the Ramona showed up was pretty genuine.  So I'm calling this.  In addition we see Tinsley's idiot friend with a toy hauling her fat lazy dog telling Tinsley that UES was soooo last century and she needs to be downtown.  So that is Carol and Bethenny's playground.  We know Carol and Bethenny are still friends.  We have seen Carol and Tinsley in the press.  We have Bethenny and Tinsley together the day of the famous Hoppy freak out.  And I think it's a real group of friends.  Tinsley should really work dropping the UES vibe or she won't last long with downtown girls.  Tinsley - Bethenny is jetting here and there private to resorts in Mexico and fancy homes in Aspen.  You want on this gravy train.

Sonja - I'm thinking she is going to be with the CBT crew.  They will treat her like B treats Cookie.  Like a faithful companion that doesn't see so good but is basically harmless.  She needs to distance herself from Luann.  Luann is a snake and Sonja is just such tender fruit.

Ramona - gurrrlll you better figure something out because you are on the outside looking in and unlike Bethenny you need this job.

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Sonja: It was yellow ice, now it's brown ice...hahaha!

Me: dry heaving and scrambling for the remote

OMG. So disgusting.  Gray Gardens is real people; first doing laundry in the bidet, now the retch-inducing ice. Does Sonja think the yellow/brown ice gives her some kind of UES cachet?  Like it's "designer" ice? Do you think she knows frozen water shouldn't come in colors like precious gems?  "Come on in everyone! Welcome to my Harry Winston inspired cocktail party!  Would you like your drink chilled with the Canary Yellow ice or the Chocolate Diamond ice? What's the matter? You all look like you smell a fart or something!"

I know we don't see a lot of Hannah (thank you, TPTB), so we don't know a lot about her.  But she comes off as immature for her age.  She acts like a 13 or 14 year old with the dramatics.  I don't doubt she loved Richard and I'm sure her written note came from her heart, but she just seems "young" for a 20-something. While Hannah does look a lot like Dorinda, Dorinda is much better looking IMO.  Hannah looks like she could be Sandra Bernhardt's kid.  That nose and the big wide mouth...I know bright red lipstick is (was?) the rage, but some people shouldn't necessarily call attention to their worse feature.  At least the color is flattering on Hannah.  That "Skinny Girl" red lip Bethenny sports does her complexion no favor (but yet, I think she wears red clothes really well). 

Tinsley's friend with the dog car was a joke right?  Please tell me no one on the crowded sidewalks of NYC is remote controlling their purse dog in these cars.  I could kinda understand it if I saw it on Beverly Hills since there are many ridiculous trends out in La-La Land (I don't condone it in any city...so unnecessary and ego-maniacal).

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8 hours ago, breezy424 said:

Yeah, the ice was totally gross.  Time to replace the pipe's in the house or at least run the water in them enough that the rust is run out.  Time for a trip to Costco for a few cases of bottled water cause I wouldn't drink anything coming out of the tap.  Sorry Sonja, there was nothing humorous about that. 

I was thinking that if her ice looks like that, than that is the same water they are showering with - can't imagine taking a shower with dirty, rusty water.  Also, that is the same water that would be in Sonja's toilets and the bidet where she washed her undies.  Gross!!!  

I certainly hope she brings in bags of ice for any parties she has.  

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47 minutes ago, Mozelle said:

Ramona is an expensively dressed asshole. Bethenny has wealth on top of wealth and still seems miserable. Sonja has piss-colored ice in her fridge. LuAnn is still an immensely insecure woman whose happiness is wrapped up in whether she can pair off with a man. Dorinda is a stealth bitch with anger management issues. And Carole--well her couch is ripped up.


Looooooove this post.

18 minutes ago, BBHN said:

Y'know, Bravo could probably use this summary on the back cover of Season 9 DVD set...

Hilarious! Thank you, BBHN!

Was one of the women at the wedding dress reveal party identified as Lu's sister (Lu's sister-in-law was also at the party). I could've sworn in the Before They Were Housewives special, Lu said that she was the only daughter and that she had many brothers (who used to sit on her face and pull-a-Sonja). 

And if she was the only daughter, did the parents favor the boys? Is that why Lu's self-worth seems inextricably tied to her ability to attract a man?

Has anyone seen the movie "Married to the Mob"? They yell, "There she is!" and "There he is!" a lot in that movie. In "The Sopranos", too. Dorinda could easily pass for a mafia wife.

Sonja gets bent out of shape that a coffee mug might get chipped sitting in the sink, but she's fine with that revolting ice?

So when Sonja needs to fart, she just farts. No matter whom she is with. No attempt to hold it in. Morgan married this woman. 

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I was thinking that if her ice looks like that, than that is the same water they are showering with - can't imagine taking a shower with dirty, rusty water.  Also, that is the same water that would be in Sonja's toilets and the bidet where she washed her undies.  Gross!!!  

And this townhouse is on the market for top dollar?  Sonja, Sonja, Sonja.

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I thought the scene at the gravesite was nice too, and I liked that Carole came. I still don't care for Hannah but I do think that she really loved Richard. 


I know we don't see a lot of Hannah (thank you, TPTB), so we don't know a lot about her.  But she comes off as immature for her age.  She acts like a 13 or 14 year old with the dramatics.  I don't doubt she loved Richard and I'm sure her written note came from her heart, but she just seems "young" for a 20-something

I agree.  I wonder if it's a case of arrested development, since she was probably in her mid teens when he passed away. 

10 hours ago, tribeca said:

I like Dorinda's daughter in this episode.  She showed a lot of vulnerability at Richards gravesite.   It was also the first time she reminded me of her momma. And on a superficial note I loved her makeup.  

LuAnne is very pretty. She looked radiant in her gown.  Did not realize she was that close to Dorinda.   Did not understand Dorinda's amusement about being a bridesmaid at 50.  I have many friends and family on their second/third marriages that were that age as were their wedding party. 

Thought bethany was not allowed to talk about divorce or her ex.   Since the divorce is finale is that not true anymore?

Hmmm I totally understood what she meant. I don't think having a big wedding with a huge guest list and a big old bridal party for you 2nd marriage is the norm, to be honest. Not when you had a traditional wedding the first time around. My friends who got remarried did things like low-key beach ceremonies and private ceremonies with a party afterwards (and that was in our early to mid 30s!) I think Lu's case is different since -as she said last night - she did not have a real wedding for her first marriage.  And this is Tom's first.  So while I still think what she is doing is a bit over the top (3 dresses?  come on now) I understand the reasoning behind it. 

Edited by Duke2801
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9 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

So this must have been filmed after the time that Dorinda flipped out at The Regency, got into a fight with Harry Dubin, and tried to stab a banker with her shoe

Dorinda is just as crazy as Ramona, she's just a little more shady about it. She has got to lay off the booze. I can not believe a grown ass woman would do this in public, on the UES, at the Regency!  I'm still in disbelief at how she handled herself with Sonja at Ramona's dinner party. You don't behave like that at someone else's house in front of other invited guests. She made everyone in the room uncomfortable. No class what so ever.   I think she looks disheveled this season and is a shit stirrer. I have to wonder what it was really like for Richard being married to her. Maybe she didn't go off the rails until after he died.  I just don't get why everyone gives her a pass for her low class behavior. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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I know some find it boring, but I kind of like the low drama episodes, where if there is fighting it is not some crazy screaming episode. Maybe, I like it since coming off of RHOA (which ended up being fantastic just seeing Phaedra exposed).

Ramona's always been messy, but it was more like a harmless messy. I feel like she has gone extra messy this season. She did her patented move after the betting on Lu's wedding remarks, where she is is all over the person telling them that she loves them and other things.

I liked the gravesite scenes. Seeing Dorinda's family was nice and I liked hearing the stories about Richard. Carole showing up because She and Dorinda do share a bond that the other ladies might not understand as much. I did not mind Hannah in this episode at all. I liked the stories she had to tell about Richard and that she wore Richard's jacket.

I will be at my table for one in liking Bethenny's lipstick. I am extremely fair skinned and I love a red lip. I am sure people would think it is garish on me, but I love a good red lip.

I was not wild about Lu's dress. Actually, I did not mind the dress, but something about the the fit/cut of the sleeves on her arms did not look that flattering to me. Though, if she is having multiple dresses then who really cares about just one.

Does anyone know if Tinsley went to college? She just sounds a bit flighty to me. I do not mind her so far. Also, was it the first episode where she said she wears her hair the same way because when she was in her more of a socialite days the media would recognize her? I guess I would like to see her do something different with her hair than the same curls all the time. 

Edited by Misslindsey
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Best scene of the night for me was the lunch with Sonja and Bethenny in the empty restaurant. The blank menu and Bethenny asking the server for the recommendation and he plays along perfectly with it. Sonja commenting that her friends all wind up dating her boyfriends and the two of them laughing hysterically. That was good fun. 

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I love Dorinda, but, her daughter nauseates me-a precocious kid that grew up to be a haughty, spoiled brat. 

Carol has become Bethenny's mouthpiece. Just. Shut. Up. 

Weird to watch Bethenny film in her daughter's bedroom in lieu of with her. 

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8 hours ago, Teddybear said:

"You're really weird.  You're really strange."  I was getting so much second hand embarrassment from Ramona talking to Bethenny.  How in the world did B keep her composure during that conversation?  Maybe it's best that she did get up and leave.   You can't argue with crazy.  

Bethenny learned that during Scary Island.  I wonder if Ramona’s comments brought Bethenny back to that time, as they seemed to almost echo the words that Kelly said to Bethenny. 

I hate to say it, but Bethenny was smart to walk away – she came off as the better, bigger person.  She could have stayed and lashed out at Ramona, as she’s done in the past (Kelly, LuAnn), but by walking out, she made Ramona look like a fool.  Ramona is right, however, that it seems this season, Bethenny cannot take criticism, but Ramona should maybe wait until there is a valid reason to criticize.  Just wait – Bethenny will give a reason to be criticized, but this situation, I’m just not getting it.

I also wonder if Bethenny is getting therapy for anger management?

I think that Ramona  is angry at Bethenny for something.  She clearly feels that she has invested more in their friendship than Bethenny has.   Ramona made a comment about how she was there for Bethenny during her health issues – calling and visiting every day.  Something must have happened off season that pissed Bethenny off, or she just didn’t need Ramona anymore (more the case, imo).  Ramona is pissed and she is lashing out at Bethenny for that reason, I think.

Edited by njbchlover
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Good god what is WRONG with Ramona?  I mean, she's always been a bitch but she's just attacking people out of the blue now.  She just says these incredibly rude and mean things, then acts like SHE'S the victim when people react.  I cannot handle her.  At all.  And I don't think this is a matter of "Bethanny can dish it out and can't take it." Whenever Bethanny has attacked someone, she's been provoked.  She doesn't just walk up to people in a social gathering and start attacking them (because she's not a damn animal like Ramona.)  Is she appropriate all the time?  No.  Can she be outright nasty?  Of course.  But she doesn't do it unprovoked.  That's the difference between her and Ramona (that and Bethanny actually uses humor.  Ramona is just straight nasty and the only one laughing at her antics is HER).   I think it was obvious to Bethanny that Ramona was simply looking for a reaction so she refused to give it to her.  I think she handled it the best possible way.  When someone is obviously clearly just looking to upset you, walking away and not giving them the satisfaction is by far the best thing you can do.  Rolling around in the mud with them doesn't help anyone and just gives them what they want.  Bethanny wasn't rude or nasty, she simply excused herself.  I see no problem with it. 

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I also wonder if Bethenny is getting therapy for anger management?

I was wondering that as well.  The response, I don't like how you're talking to me etc.  The walking away rather than engaging is all very professional therapy as well.  A lot of this was filmed in November which is the lead up to Shields cease/desist.  And I know from the paps that they were filming the day Hoppy went Fatal Attraction on B at Brynn's school.  So if this was going on in my life I absolutely would be looking for professional help.

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41 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Sonja gets bent out of shape that a coffee mug might get chipped sitting in the sink, but she's fine with that revolting ice?

She is so odd. I don't have a dishwasher and I try to wash dishes 3 times a day, so they don't pile up. But after I wash the dinner dishes, that's it. I'm done. Any stray dish after that point waits until morning. And they don't get chipped. So I don't know what she's going on about. Are people throwing dishes into the sink? 


15 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:


Best scene of the night for me was the lunch with Sonja and Bethenny in the empty restaurant. The blank menu and Bethenny asking the server for the recommendation and he plays along perfectly with it.


Oh, I forgot about this. What a fun scene! This is why, even though she can be wretched beast at times, I just can't quit Bethenny. She is so funny!

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