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Joe & Kendra: Looking Forward To Side Hugs

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How does a magazine write an article announcing a pregnancy without even the vaguest of due dates?  I guess Jessa didn't announce a due date beyond late spring, but if I were the magazine, I would ask Kendra for some indication of a due date. 

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52 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

Why do people find baby after baby worth watching? Babies and courtships and weddings bore me to death.

I'm equally amazed -- if not more so -- that this "news" apparently sells magazines.


I don't even really get it with the more well-known Duggarlings. But these two?

"Big news! Constantly screwing, no-birth-control 20-year-old woman married to a guy in his early 20s gets pregnant! And we won't even pretend to have asked them any questions -- like, Hey, when are you actually due?! Is your mom pregnant again too, Kendra?! What does your husband do for a living?!"

All Us bothers to say is -- They were so blessed with the previous kid. 

Yet this "article" brings enough eyeballs to the rag to push something -- anything -- else off the page?

I mean, I get that we're mostly haters, so somebody here's going to grab it and post it. But how many others? And why? These two barely even appear on the show -- nor did they appear on the previous show, from which I would think a lot of the current fans are left over....

WT actual F? 

Edited by Churchhoney
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This makes me sad.  In 5-6 years, when she is on baby # 6-7, and she hasn't even turned 30 yet will she still be gushing about every baby being a gift from God?  

Joseph was # 7.  Michelle had her laundry room breakdown after he was born.  Did these dumb asses learn NOTHING from their childhood?  The indoctrination truly is complete. 🙁

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Good grief, her first kid isn't even a year old. 

Have these people given any thought as to what the hell they're going to do once the show ends? Considering the desperation with which the women are hawking wares on Instagram, the money's already dwindling. Boob will always make sure he and Michelle maintain their standard of living, but the kids are going to be up shit's creek if they don't establish careers outside Duggar Enterprises, and do so soon. You can't support ten children off of selling used cars. This family is ridiculous.

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1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

There is a comment I want to make, but I do not want to spend the rest of my life in the Prayer Closet.

All of us will be spending the rest of our lives in the Prayer Closet. You won’t be lonely! All of your friends will be in there, too. 

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20 minutes ago, Temperance said:

I thought Jessa announced after JD's wedding. 

No, it was later than that. She was wearing that hideous, heavy mustard swing dress over the black jeggings. That look wasn't seen until late fall after cooler weather set in. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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15 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

No, it was later than that. She was wearing that hideous, heavy mustard swing dress that wasn't seen until late fall.

They got married in November. Isn't that late fall? Plus JinJer were there. 

Edited by Temperance
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Just now, Patricia07 said:

Has Kendra's mother had her baby yet? Is Kendra pregnant twice during her mother's pregnancy? I'm confused.

Kendra's mother had the baby around December/November. Kendra said while her mother was pregnant that it would be cool if they were pregnant together. So far they haven't been pregnant together unless she's due even earlier than speculated. 

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2 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Why do people find baby after baby worth watching? Babies and courtships and weddings bore me to death.

For real!!! I was interested for Jill, Jessa, and Jinger. I would also be interested for Jana! The rest just made me sad to see kids marrying so young, and JD's was a little better, but came along when we were burnt out on courtships. If one of them would find a bride / groom who was interesting, it might be a smidge better, but none of them have any personality. I was actually excited to see Josiah and Marjorie, but that season never aired, and, well, we all know what a shitshow Josiah and Lauren is!

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3 hours ago, drafan said:

OK, I just looked at that mag pic, and what in the world is that black blob spreading across her knees?

If you look at the full length picture, it appears to be part of her dress.  

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15 minutes ago, Temperance said:

They got married in November. Isn't that late fall? Plus JinJer were there. 

She announced to Jinger first. The family announcement was later. And FWIW, I'd call early November mid-fall. Fall does technically run through mid-December. There is a Seewald pic out there with them all dolled up from the day they announced. It surfaced in early December, IIRC.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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12 minutes ago, Temperance said:

Kendra's mother had the baby around December/November. Kendra said while her mother was pregnant that it would be cool if they were pregnant together. So far they haven't been pregnant together unless she's due even earlier than speculated. 

Garrett was born last June, and his aunt or uncle in November or December. So yes, Kendra and her mother were pregnant at the same time. 

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Stick a fork in ‘em, they’re done. The only complaint about Joe & Kendra to date has been her nervous laugh. As a nervous laugher, I didn’t care about that. If there had been any other news about them, I would have taken it in. But I don’t care about another pregnancy in the slightest. I’m not going to click on the link, not because I don’t want to give them hits, because I don’t care. Look how much this forum is absolutely not impressed. No one cares anymore.

Cue, “it’s like I have twins” in 3....2.........

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4 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

I'm equally amazed -- if not more so -- that this "news" apparently sells magazines.


I don't even really get it with the more well-known Duggarlings. But these two?

"Big news! Constantly screwing, no-birth-control 20-year-old woman married to a guy in his early 20s gets pregnant! And we won't even pretend to have asked them any questions -- like, Hey, when are you actually due?! Is your mom pregnant again too, Kendra?! What does your husband do for a living?!"

All Us bothers to say is -- They were so blessed with the previous kid. 

Yet this "article" brings enough eyeballs to the rag to push something -- anything -- else off the page?

I mean, I get that we're mostly haters, so somebody here's going to grab it and post it. But how many others? And why? These two barely even appear on the show -- nor did they appear on the previous show, from which I would think a lot of the current fans are left over....

WT actual F? 

It really is a pathetic attempt at “journalism.” How is it even possible the interviewer didn’t ask some more detailed questions?

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5 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

I'm pretty sure the Duggars just email them a prepared statement.

When they're pregnant, they get a form letter they just have to put their names on. 

"Surprise! Fill in name here and I are expecting a blessing from God. 

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4 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

This makes me sad.  In 5-6 years, when she is on baby # 6-7, and she hasn't even turned 30 yet will she still be gushing about every baby being a gift from God?  

Joseph was # 7.  Michelle had her laundry room breakdown after he was born.  Did these dumb asses learn NOTHING from their childhood?  The indoctrination truly is complete. 🙁

That would require Kendra knowing that there are other options out there rather than being a broodmare for Jesus.

I truly wonder what would happen with this crowd if they abruptly could no longer have children after starting so young and being told it is their main goal in life.

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9 minutes ago, not you again said:

I've stared and stared and can't figure it out.  She's apparently sitting with her legs under her, because I can make out a sandaled foot to the side.  I wonder if they are black footless tights?  I AM SO CONFUSED.

And please, come sit by me LOL

I can't see a full length picture; where is it?  The "link in bio" link that ginger90 posted is not working, for me at least.

It looks like someone literally edited the pic with a black Sharpie - non pointy.  

I think it’s a sad attempt at photoshop because sitting like that in her dress left her too exposed. She does seem to be wearing tights but that splash looks like a free form line. Maybe when they emailed it to the magazine they thought someone there would doctor it up pretty and the photography staff just didn’t give a crap. 

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She's wearing a black skirt and pulled it around her knees.  You can see the skirt beginning under her shirt in one of the photos.  It does look odd.

Or maybe not and it is bad photoshop.  

Edited by Absolom
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23 hours ago, Temperance said:

When I mentioned the new Instagram family profile picture, I had already heard the speculation that given how nice the photo was it was a pregnancy announcement. I was sure that was right, but I didn't post it here.  (The profile doesn't show the announcement, but it's the same clothes.)

Garrett is ten months and since they're announcing the pregnancy with a big magazine spread, she's most likely at least three months along. That means the baby will be somewhere about 15-17 months younger than Garrett. 

Joe and Kendra have been my pick to have the most kids of the first nine Duggar kids. They both seem fundie enough to keep going and have a big quiver. 

My two kids (and that’s all I’m having) are about 17 months apart....and oh, Kendra....

One is none but two is twenty when they’re so close in age. It’s awesome but exhausting. I couldn’t imagine having a house full of double digits of kids all spaced that closely. My babies are 4 & 2 and I feel like I’ll never be able to catch my breath. (Granted, my hubby and I work full-time outside of the home and we don’t have Duggar sister moms to come assist.) 

Kendra does seem the best suited (personality wise) of any of these young women to have baby after baby,  but if she spends her 20s having baby after baby, that sparkle and innate cheeriness may dull substantially (especially if the show ever goes off the air and they lose that TLC money). 

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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1 hour ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

My two kids (and that’s all I’m having) are about 17 months apart....and oh, Kendra....

One is none but two is twenty when they’re so close in age. It’s awesome but exhausting. I couldn’t imagine having a house full of double digits of kids all spaced that closely. My babies are 4 & 2 and I feel like I’ll never be able to catch my breath. (Granted, my hubby and I work full-time outside of the home and we don’t have Duggar sister moms to come assist.) 

Kendra does seem the best suited (personality wise) of any of these young women to have baby after baby,  but if she spends her 20s having baby after baby, that sparkle and innate cheeriness may dull substantially (especially if the show ever goes off the air and they lose that TLC money). 

Michelle might have too at one point but she is so checked out. 

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22 hours ago, ginger90 said:

@not you again I can't find a full-length picture, so I must have meant this one.  If you look closely at the bottom there's a black edge that looks like some sort of  underskirt.  

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4 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

My two kids (and that’s all I’m having) are about 17 months apart....and oh, Kendra....

One is none but two is twenty when they’re so close in age. It’s awesome but exhausting. I couldn’t imagine having a house full of double digits of kids all spaced that closely. My babies are 4 & 2 and I feel like I’ll never be able to catch my breath. (Granted, my hubby and I work full-time outside of the home and we don’t have Duggar sister moms to come assist.) 

Kendra does seem the best suited (personality wise) of any of these young women to have baby after baby,  but if she spends her 20s having baby after baby, that sparkle and innate cheeriness may dull substantially (especially if the show ever goes off the air and they lose that TLC money). 

And remember -- none of them are going to leave the house for a half day, then a full day of school starting when they're five, if not earlier. They're all going to be home all day -- and you're going to be not just mom, but their first-, second-, third-, fourth-grade, etc. ad infinitum teacher, too. And you'll be teaching all those grades at the same time!

I feel as if I have a pretty good imagination, but I really truly absolutely cannot imagine that. Once you've gotten the first three or so through toddlerhood, the new ones will be infants and toddlers while you're trying to keep the others on task to learn reading and math -- right in the same damn room. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

Edited by Churchhoney
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10 minutes ago, Churchhoney said:

And remember -- none of them are going to leave the house for a half day, then a full day of school starting when they're five, if not earlier. They're all going to be home all day -- and you're going to be not just mom, but their first, second, third, fourth, etc. ad infinitum teacher, too. 

I feel as if I have a pretty good imagination, but I really truly absolutely cannot imagine that. Once you've gotten the first three or so through toddlerhood, the new ones will be infants and toddlers while you're trying to keep the others on task to learn reading and math -- right in the same damn room. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!

I can't imagine.  Mine are 21 months apart.  I was a stay at home mom (I am old and they are around 50).  It was very hard in the beginning but as they got older and baby slept through the night it got easier.  But there were only the two of them.  I can't imagine adding a third and more to the mix and staying sane.  And they are very close now as adults.

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8 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

My two kids (and that’s all I’m having) are about 17 months apart....and oh, Kendra....

One is none but two is twenty when they’re so close in age. It’s awesome but exhausting. I couldn’t imagine having a house full of double digits of kids all spaced that closely. My babies are 4 & 2 and I feel like I’ll never be able to catch my breath. (Granted, my hubby and I work full-time outside of the home and we don’t have Duggar sister moms to come assist.) 

Kendra does seem the best suited (personality wise) of any of these young women to have baby after baby,  but if she spends her 20s having baby after baby, that sparkle and innate cheeriness may dull substantially (especially if the show ever goes off the air and they lose that TLC money). 

My last two kids are 16 months apart.  I also had an eight year old.  We knew my husband would be getting a vasectomy as soon as the third baby was born, and he did when she was 3 weeks old.

What churchie said: adding baby after baby and no older child ever leaving the house for school, and constantly pregnant and having morning sickness and wakeful babies while attempting homeschooling is utterly rediculous!

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Duggar Data has a new predictive post about Joe and Kendra.  Her guess is that the due date is October 9, 2019. That's about 6 months from now and consistent with them announcing around 12 weeks. She's probably right although it wouldn't surprise me if it was a little earlier than that. 

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32 minutes ago, Snow Fairy said:

56958762_2016528548445944_10858473954822Full body picture, now we see the black thing on her dress

Oh, okay. My guess is that the black thing is a skirt and she considers the dress-like article a tunic-style blouse (which it may actually have been in the store when she bought it ... or not....could have been sold as either, seems to me).

In any case, she needs to wear something under it  because it doesn't cover her knees!!!!-- and, horrors! We must avoid pants-wearing as much as possible! -- so she's put a black skirt under the tunic/dress/whatevertheheckitis since black goes with everything. 

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22 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

And remember -- none of them are going to leave the house for a half day, then a full day of school starting when they're five, if not earlier. They're all going to be home all day -- and you're going to be not just mom, but their first-, second-, third-, fourth-grade, etc. ad infinitum teacher, too. And you'll be teaching all those grades at the same time!

I think it works out fine if the only thing you're truly concerned about teaching them is the Bible.

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2 hours ago, Temperance said:

Duggar Data has a new predictive post about Joe and Kendra.  Her guess is that the due date is October 9, 2019. That's about 6 months from now and consistent with them announcing around 12 weeks. She's probably right although it wouldn't surprise me if it was a little earlier than that. 

Outside of a major medical event, or leaving the quiverfull moment I can 100% see Kendra and Joe having 20kids as Duggar Data predicted. She has youth and so far no c-sections on her side. Also she seems to actually like her husband so sex would likely be a regular thing. Even under their Christian patriarchy I do NOT see Joe has the type who would coerce or rape his wife (unfortunately this happens to too many women). As far a c-sections, Michelle had her first c section with JD/Jana and didn’t have another until Jackson (I think Joy’s c-section with Gideon may slow those two down a hair, more like 12 kids)

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Yeah my money would be on Joe and Kendra to have the largest family of the Duggar kids who are currently married. 

Wouldn't surprise me if Josh and Anna still have kids--as gross as it is to contemplate--but I don't think they'll ultimately hold the record. (And I suspect Josh doesn't want it.)

I think JD and Abby got too late of a start, age-wise.

I strongly suspect Jill cannot have any more children. I believe if she was only medically advised not to have more, she would not have listened and would be pregnant now if she could be.

There's a lot to unpack with Jessa. I think she likes the attention procreating gets her but might be realizing it's not getting her the attention it used to. She's also lazy as fuck, and if she doesn't get a daughter slave soon, I think her interest in expanding her family will wither.

I don't think Jeremy wants a horde of children.

I'm not convinced Josiah/Lauren and Joy/Austin like each other enough to always want to be joyfully available, though that is pure speculation. 

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3 hours ago, Temperance said:

Duggar Data has a new predictive post about Joe and Kendra.  Her guess is that the due date is October 9, 2019. That's about 6 months from now and consistent with them announcing around 12 weeks. She's probably right although it wouldn't surprise me if it was a little earlier than that. 

I'm predicting October as well, the 23rd to be more specific.   But mine is a more personal guess.  As I have said before, I share a 2/23 birthday with  Giddyup & Mr Barb & Smuggs share 3/3.  I'm hoping for a Barb/Duggar Family Trifecta as the 23rd is Son of  Barb's birthday.  

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6 hours ago, Snow Fairy said:

56958762_2016528548445944_10858473954822Full body picture, now we see the black thing on her dress

That outfit is tragic. She looks like she was at the hair salon and forgot to remove the smock before she left.

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I don't think the smock dress is that bad if she would have left it alone or added a belt.  I'm surprised she didn't add one of those ruffly flouncy slip layers she was fond of a while back instead 9f the stiff looking black skirt.  

BTW, she didn't even have time to pack up her maternity clothes.   

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19 hours ago, jcbrown said:

That outfit is tragic. She looks like she was at the hair salon and forgot to remove the smock before she left.

I was going to say it looked like she didn't change from her night dress before doing chores on the homestead.

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19 hours ago, jcbrown said:

That outfit is tragic. She looks like she was at the hair salon and forgot to remove the smock before she left.

It’s not so bad. It appears clean, unwrinkled, and it fits. We’ve seen much worse with this crowd. 

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2 hours ago, Temperance said:

If I didn't know that was pregnancy announcement, I couldn't tell that from the picture. Usually people have the wife, husband, and kids lined up with mom holding a sign saying "baby #2 coming Fall 2019" or something to that effect. Instead, it looks like their baby is being labeled a baby. 

LOL. Farm House decor with a little shine.

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On 4/13/2019 at 7:02 PM, DangerousMinds said:

But how well do the Duggar kids really know the actual Bible?

JOE GETS UP EARLY EVERY MORNING TO READ THE BIBLE!!!!! That's the only thing Mechelle knows about him! 😜🤦🏼‍♀️

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