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Joe & Kendra: Looking Forward To Side Hugs

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5 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Maybe. What was the lag time after Israel, Meredith and Spurgeon. 6 months?

With more kids getting married off, I am not sure there will be an end to this round. Lauren will likely be pregnant by the end of the year, as well as the future wives of the twins. I am assuming that Josiah will get married in the spring, Jed and Jer will have a double wedding in the fall and all will have honeymoon babies. And then Jill will be pregnant again, and Anna on her two-year baby schedule, along with Joy, Kendra, and Jinger will be pregnant with their second before the end of 2019 and by then Jessa will be pregnant again...wash, rinse, repeat.

Disclaimer: I know the twins aren't courting that we know of, but it wouldn't surprise me if they are, and we'll see the same courtship and wedding schedule for Josiah/Jed/Jer that we saw for Joy and Joseph.

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Ok...now that all that mess is gone...sort of...

I'm not sure we'll see an end at this point, Anna is on track to get pregnant in the fall of she sticks to her usual schedule, Jill by next spring, Jessa any day now if she's not pregnant already, Jinger will have #1 in August, Joy will be pregnant again by November/December, Joe's spawn will arrive in June we think, Josiah will his lady knocked up by summer....so roughly guessing...we've got Kendra and Jinger for sure pregnant now, Jessa probably, Lauren will be next to get pregnant probably late spring/early summer, I'm going with a toss up between Anna and Joy for who's next but they both will be by next winter, followed by Jill and any potential unknown yet new Duggar wives...once they all cycle through it'll be back to Kendra, Joy, Jessa....Anna and Jill will be on their normal break, and I think Jinger will space hers out considerably....but then pick back up with the new wives...rinse and repeat until Jana and John get thrown in the mix.

Can't wait for those People covers of "10 grandbabies and counting" when a bunch of them are all pregnant at the same time! *heavy sarcasm*

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It's like there's so much baby gravity it's forming a black hole that they cant escape. Ironically, That many people having kids will dilute the brand. it was novel to see Michelle keep churning them out, but it's hard to focus on 10 families all out breeding each other. I'd like to see another 10 kids born, then the show canceled and associated revenue streams dry up If it weren't for the fact that innocent children would/will suffer their bleak future would be very entertaining.

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15 hours ago, Fuzzysox said:

I'm thinking one of the twins is going to be set up with Kendra's sister. They would be around the same age and why start with a complete stranger if you don't have to.

Boob is probably arranging it as we speak.  Controlling POS.

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1 hour ago, VegasDenise said:

Maybe I missed it. Does anyone know where Joe and Kendra are living.  I want them to show us their house so I can see Kendra's design style.

They're basically living in Boob's backyard in Grampa Duggar's old cabin. They renovated it for grandma Duggar just a year ago and apparently renovated it again when they got it. Still no actual pictures of it, we only found out because Famy blabbed about it in her Instagram stories. 

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11 hours ago, xwordfanatik said:

Boob is probably arranging it as we speak.  Controlling POS.

I worked in restaurants WAAYYYY too long.  I read controlling point of sales system.  Which to be fair is pretty much what Boob is doing, so um, yea.

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12 minutes ago, Heathen said:

So where is Mary Duggar living now? With Deanna? 

I sort of want to start a GoFundMe page for Grandma Duggar to send her on an around the world cruise.  She's been a laundry and cooking slave for like 20 years - let her go and have some fun!

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31 minutes ago, DragonFaerie said:

I sort of want to start a GoFundMe page for Grandma Duggar to send her on an around the world cruise.  She's been a laundry and cooking slave for like 20 years - let her go and have some fun!

Only if she won't be as "shocked & saddened" by people letting loose a little and having some fun as Pris and TFDW were on their little cruise. Can she deal with a little drinking and dancing? 

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35 minutes ago, DragonFaerie said:

I sort of want to start a GoFundMe page for Grandma Duggar to send her on an around the world cruise.  She's been a laundry and cooking slave for like 20 years - let her go and have some fun!

Ha. But according to David Waller, she’d probably be shocked and saddened by the boozy lifestyle on display on the cruise!  And would soon be put to work handing out tracts!  

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Grandma ain't the saint she's been painted to be. I bet if left to her own devices on a senior cruise, she'd have a blast. And maybe even a drink. Hell, Famy drinks. Deanna may imbibe as well, so for all we know, Mary may well be having the occasional glass of wine on special days. I know my parents backed off the no booze stance when they were her age. No, they didn't "party," but they did have a glass of wine or two here and there after decades of teetotaling. 

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It was mentioned in another thread that Joe doesn't seem to be the controlling type of husband or headship.  I agree. I wonder what he diid years ago that got him shipped off to Alert? (I think I have correct brother. )They showed family going to his graduation on the show. Jinger was so happy to see him but Boob made an ass of himself trying to make Joe grin or laugh during a drill. 

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1 hour ago, Barb23 said:

It was mentioned in another thread that Joe doesn't seem to be the controlling type of husband or headship.  I agree. I wonder what he diid years ago that got him shipped off to Alert? (I think I have correct brother. )They showed family going to his graduation on the show. Jinger was so happy to see him but Boob made an ass of himself trying to make Joe grin or laugh during a drill. 

Probably because he wasn't controlling and dickish.

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21 hours ago, KariLois said:

Enjoying Joe’s sleazestache.  I can smell the cheap cologne from my tv.

That's the only thing about Joe I can really be snarky about.  My friend calls it a pornstache.  Oh, and his wedding day spitcurl.  That was dorky.

Otherwise, he seems to be the best-natured brother.  He just seems to be agreeable and I'd bet he's the easiest-going of any married Duggar, woman or man.

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That is such a low bar, though!  And when he wouldn’t touch Kendra’s waist for a picture, I just about lost it.  Poor Joe.  He is part of such of fucked up system!

Edited by KariLois
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On ‎3‎/‎9‎/‎2018 at 6:46 PM, Barb23 said:

I agree. I wonder what he diid years ago that got him shipped off to Alert? (I think I have correct brother. )They showed family going to his graduation on the show. Jinger was so happy to see him but Boob made an ass of himself trying to make Joe grin or laugh during a drill. 

Did Joe attend Alert?  I was under the impression that it was a special training academy for junior cadets.  I distinctively remember the episode, because I couldn’t recall ever seeing Jinger and Joe converse and yet here she was with tears streaming down her face repeating over and over, “I just want to hug him.” It was at that moment that I realized that we are only shown what they want us to see. 

Joe seems easy going and good natured.  Kendall is a lucky girl!

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1 hour ago, Adeejay said:

Did Joe attend Alert?  I was under the impression that it was a special training academy for junior cadets.  I distinctively remember the episode, because I couldn’t recall ever seeing Jinger and Joe converse and yet here she was with tears streaming down her face repeating over and over, “I just want to hug him.” It was at that moment that I realized that we are only shown what they want us to see. 

Joe seems easy going and good natured.  Kendall is a lucky girl!

Joseph, Josiah & Jeremiah have completed ALERT’s Basic training program.

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On 2/28/2018 at 11:04 PM, DragonFaerie said:

I sort of want to start a GoFundMe page for Grandma Duggar to send her on an around the world cruise.  She's been a laundry and cooking slave for like 20 years - let her go and have some fun!

Well, if she's living with Deanna now and hanging out with Amy, she's probably having some fun. Even if it's just rolling her eyes at Amy, it's more fun. And much quieter.


29 minutes ago, Mollie said:

Joseph, Josiah & Jeremiah have completed ALERT’s Basic training program.

Jackson will most likely be the longest-enrolled cadet in the system.

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On 3/11/2018 at 4:16 PM, drafan said:

Well, if she's living with Deanna now and hanging out with Amy, she's probably having some fun. Even if it's just rolling her eyes at Amy, it's more fun. And much quieter.


Jackson will most likely be the longest-enrolled cadet in the system.

Awe leave Jackson alone. He was so neglected by his parents I have a attachment to his wellbeing. 

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Doesn’t Kendra have a fairly young sibling? Where did Ma Caldwell give birth last?  That’ll tell you what Kendra is likely to do.  If she homebirthed, there’s no way Kendra doesn’t at least try it.

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On December 22, 2017 at 12:02 PM, janey said:

My parents were 19 & 20 when I was born. My grandparents were between 40-43 when I was born. With how fit and active they were if cancer hadn’t taken them out they probably all would have lived to see their great, great grandkids.  

Same here. Unfortunately all of my grandparents died before I was born (they were in their mid to late 40s - so tragic)  so I didn't reap the benefits of having young grandparents. BUT, my daughter was born when I was 24 and she had 25 years with my dad (her grandpa) and 27 with my mom. She was incredibly close to them. And I actually liked having young parents when I was growing up. They were the "cool" parents who still loved awesome music, rock concerts, and current culture. Back in the 60s, lots of kids were born to 19 and 20 year old parents. It seems like every generation has their kids a little bit later in life (unless we're taking about the fundies and the Duggars). 

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Haven't watched this is a long time but somehow last night it was Kendra's turn to shop for wedding gowns. To me she really exemplifies the creepiness factor with a super sugary twist. I could not help but notice the few views of Michelle---------the woman did not look good. I was trying to decide if it was just normal aging or what but she really looked off. Again, I haven't been watching so maybe her change was gradual and normal. dont know just sayin'/

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Michelle's features are getting sharper with age, so combined with the hunchback posture she's taking on the look of a cackling witch. Throw in the orange spray tan, outdated hair and frumpy clothes and it's a complete mess. Compare that to Kendra's mother who weirdly looks younger than her two oldest daughters.

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20 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

Dear Kendra,

You don't have to suffer through 20+ hours of labor at home while you wait and see if "Dr." Jill gives up & tells you to go to the hospital.  You don't have to hope Jill yells for Michelle to call 911 and wait for an ambulance to take you to the hospital if you start hemorrhaging.  

Make sure you get some actual prenatal care (not Jill or her midwife friends) and have your baby in a hospital or birthing center with a certified nurse midwife or doctor. 

These women have damn near killed themselves and their babies.  They've caused themselves undo amounts of intense pain laboring babies that were going to be emergency c-section birth regardless.  They did this to themselves.  Don't believe they'd treat you any better, as you're not even a Duggar by blood.  You'll probably be expected to endure worse. DON'T DO IT. SEEK REAL MEDICAL CARE before the baby is born and at the birth. PLEASE. Don't trust these chicks when it comes to home births. The Duggar daughters have had one successful, uncomplicated home birth out of 4. Don't willingly go along with medical care from people who have done stuff wrong 75% of the time. 

PS Joe, you know those odds aren't good. You care about Kendra.  Don't do this to her or your baby.  

She’s going to giggle through the whole thing. 

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Kendra has a pie tin face, and Chicklet teeth. She's lucky though, because she's going to be able to push Joe around all she wants.


Who was that woman who looked like one the Real Housewives of OC?  Was that Kendra's Mother?

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No, Lauren's mom was pregnant. She had the baby last month, a boy. She can be seen in the back/center of the panoramic pic taken at Smuggar's birthday party smooching with Dwain, baby in her arms. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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1 hour ago, Fuzzysox said:

Wasn't Mrs. Cadwell pregnant? Did she have the baby? 

That was Lauren Swanson's mother. Lauren S. is engaged to Josiah. They are a bit like Kendra's family and Mrs. Caldwell seems young enough she could have more. However, she hasn't been pregnant since Kendra started courting as far as we know. 

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I like Kendra....she seems pretty genuine and sincerely cheerful....during the Joy Birthing episode, she was the most likeable in the house by far with the most personality. Joe got super lucky...

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I hope Kendra is not planning a home birth...she is a sweet girl but to be honest....if their baby inherited her big melon head or even Jospeh's noggin...and Dr Jill as the midwife...that is a disaster in the making.

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I hope Jill is in a place far away (with no internet access, or phone) when Baby Tater is born. 

Edited by beckie
phone went nuts while posting.
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Do the Caldwells have the usual fundie website or Facebook presence? If so, someone should play fundie and ask Mrs. Caldwell about her feelings on home birth v. hospital birth. I'm sure Kendra will choose whatever her mother did. 

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