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S07.E25: Behind The Scenes

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  On 3/21/2017 at 4:07 AM, SuzyLee said:

Kail's "This is my job!" when she heard about Chelsea and Jenelle leaving.  She can stick that sanctimonious shit where the sun don't shine.


Right? How many times did we hear her say this season that she didn't want to film something or talk about something on camera? Not to mention her ripping the cameras down in her car after Javi confronted her when she walked out on their lunch.

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  On 3/21/2017 at 3:05 AM, Stephanie1216 said:

This first day of school drama is every year on Teen Mom.

In my kids school district first of all everyone is STRONGLY encouraged to put the kids on the bus. The traffic and safety issues are to be considered. The first day of school is to be the start of the routine.

They have a "visit your classroom and meet your teacher take your supplies" a few days before the official school day. We would take pictures of the kids getting on the bus etc on the first day but the parents don't walk them in and make a big scene so I don't know why cheslea and amber and Gary make such a big deal.

and the Leah school bus drama, why doesn't the school bus come directly to her house? Especially with s student with a wheelchair.

Her driving them to a bus stop seems counter productive.

Im in Virginia NOT West Virginia (please don't compare) I can't imagine any school district that is incapable of getting a school bus to someone's house. And that flood would make no difference. No one lives where a school bus can get to.


Actually, there are many places in this area that the bus cannot reach. My kids' bus stop is more than a mile away. In many of these places, the bus doesn't travel down the road-it stops at the head. We ALL have to drive our kids to the stop. That is why eastern KY and WV have all of these little bus stop houses-to keep the elements off the kids since they can't wait in the house. Lots of things to bitch about Leah for; this is something that is actually legit. In WV and KY, school gets called off more for flooding than snow. Last year we missed 12 days because the buses can't get down some of the hollows.

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  On 3/21/2017 at 4:29 AM, Quita said:

Right? How many times did we hear her say this season that she didn't want to film something or talk about something on camera? Not to mention her ripping the cameras down in her car after Javi confronted her when she walked out on their lunch.



Edited by GreatKazu
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I never had a bus come directly to my house, I always had to go somewhere to the bus stop when I was growing up. Generally it was somewhere on the street that I lived on, so there was no need to drive to it, (though some kids still got rides and sat in the car until the bus arrived to avoid it being too hot/cold/wet/whatever).  In Leah's case, though, it makes sense that they get dropped off at that bus stop they'd use at Corey's house since his house is the "legal residence" for the school district.

When it comes to Corey, it might be true that 6 years ago he was afraid to change a diaper.  They also lived in a house with a pretty sketchy tub.  But, he was the only person working and he was the one paying for that house.  I have always wondered, given the extra info that was available outside of the show, how much of those fights were really about the tub and the truck vs Leah and her cheating.  But, even if we assume that it was 100% Corey not being able to cope with the kids, requiring his parents, and not able to change diapers, that was 6 years ago, which was eons ago when it comes to dealing with kids.  He has clearly grown and progressed into a caring, stable, loving and responsible parent.  We know that the girls get a good breakfast at home when they are staying with Corey and Miranda.  We've seen Corey combing their hair, we see that they are clean and well put together when they live there.  We also see that they have toys and are supervised.  They are actively parented.  I can't hold a guy being afraid to change a crappy diaper 6 years ago against him when he's stepped up in pretty much every way now.

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  On 3/21/2017 at 1:28 AM, CofCinci said:

Quick poll:

Do you believe Barb keeps Jace because of TM money?


If she did I wouldn't blame her. She's one of the few moms on here that actual lives the life of a mom with a young child and it's not even hers. She has a regular 9 to 5 and regular problems unlike most of the moms on here who spend more time going on vacations and moving then actually living the life of a normal mom.

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Leah moved pretty close to Corey and the kidses school, before the storm destroyed it. She probably didn't think much about it be right outside the district because it was a ten minute or so drive, and she found a home she liked and claimed was good for a wheelchair.

I give the side-eye and scorn to Janelle and Amber, though. I should applaud Janelle because her selfishness for not even trying to keep him in the same school or near his Scout group may help Barb. 

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I don't believe Barb keeps Jace for the money.

I can't believe how jealous Janelle is of Barb. It is so odd and the Yahtzee story let us know there was something really dark percolating in Janelle's mind. There is more to this crazy, that's for sure. My favorite part was when Kail and Vee sat down and you heard the producer say, "Do we have a camera in there?" which revealed their truth. Frankly, I couldn't understand the whole Janelle/Barb/police scene. Why didn't someone say "Do you have permission to take Jace?" to Janelle. It was chaos and nobody seemed to be in their right mind. I didn't understand why the Police said, "She is his mother" even though Barb is the legal guardian. What if she was his abusive mother? What if it wasn't safe. Just because she is the mother doesn't mean she can just take him from his legal guardian, correct?

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I'm gleeful that David's carefully crafted persona crumbled away in this episode. He has tried SO hard to look like a loving boyfriend, one who has taken control of interacting with Nathan and Barb because he's calm and reasonable, because he's such a good guy. But this episode showed who he really is--a controlling ass who blows up in anger when things don't go his way. He's no different from any of the other men Jenelle has been with, and Barb is absolutely right to be concerned about David's presence in Jace's life. If David lashes out like that to MTV, he'll definitely do worse to Jenelle, Jace, and Kaiser when they're behind closed doors.

I wish Barb would stop confiding in that awful producer. She's not your friend, Barb, she's a shit stirrer who plays both sides in order to create a more dramatic show. 

And as always, poor Jace, trapped at the heart of the issue. Bouncing back and forth between Barb and Jenelle cannot be good for him. That little boy has seen far too many screaming matches and brushes with the law than any kid ever should.

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  On 3/21/2017 at 1:52 AM, TexasGal said:

Right?  She talks about Barb giving him back like she borrowed a sweater or something.  She's such an idiot.  


And yet Jenelle showed more remorse when her friend stole her hoodie than she ever has over not having her son. 


  On 3/21/2017 at 2:01 AM, ClassyCourtHeels said:


So hulk is mad that Vee is over involved??? Didn't you kind of force that when you basically forced Isaac on them to go dick hopping???



She wants Vee to be there to handle the heavy lifting when she has a vacation or a class or some ass to get....but Vee isn't allowed an opinion on anything. SHe can make his breakfast, but it's none of her business how often he comes to her house. 

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  On 3/21/2017 at 10:44 AM, bounnatalie said:


I don't believe Barb keeps Jace for the money.

I can't believe how jealous Janelle is of Barb. It is so odd and the Yahtzee story let us know there was something really dark percolating in Janelle's mind. There is more to this crazy, that's for sure. My favorite part was when Kail and Vee sat down and you heard the producer say, "Do we have a camera in there?" which revealed their truth. Frankly, I couldn't understand the whole Janelle/Barb/police scene. Why didn't someone say "Do you have permission to take Jace?" to Janelle. It was chaos and nobody seemed to be in their right mind. I didn't understand why the Police said, "She is his mother" even though Barb is the legal guardian. What if she was his abusive mother? What if it wasn't safe. Just because she is the mother doesn't mean she can just take him from his legal guardian, correct?


I was thinking the same, at first, and getting mad. But after listening again, I think the police would've pressed charges if Barb had been willing to press charges against both David and Jenelle. Since Barb only wanted David in trouble  (why I don't know; Jenelle's just as bad), they wouldn't do that.

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So pathetic to watch these producers grovel and beg Jenelle to film a 10 minute segment that she is paid big bucks to be a part of.  Jenelle and her loser BF should be thrown off the show permanently.  

It is so hard to watch poor Jace's expressionless face as he is forced to grow up surrounded by this insanity.   Jenelle is an unfit parent and IMO he belongs with Barb because she is the more stable of the two.   The sad thing is that neither woman has the self-control to not argue in front of the child - it is clearly damaging him.

Jenelle had no right to take Jace off of that property.  Period.  That whole scene including David threatening producers should be shown to a judge to demonstrate why these two should not be trusted with custody.

Kail is an ass.  Vee is 1000% right that the custody should be made official.   Kail is all agreeable to anything as long as Jo is being useful watching Isaac while she takes classes but who knows what games she will play in the future.  Hated to see Vee kiss up to Kail in the behind the scenes because she hurt her poor little feelings.  Truth hurts Kail.   Not sure why everyone kisses up to her because she really sucks as a person.

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  On 3/21/2017 at 12:30 PM, ghoulina said:

So that was different - giving us the behind the scenes look at the reunion. Even with already breaking the 4th wall on Teen Mom OG they haven't taken it that far. But I appreciated it, mainly because of Jenelle. It was much better to see that shit going down than to just read about it in the blogs, etc.

That chick is fucking nuts. I mean, who does she think she is??? She thinks SHE has the power to tell MTV who to film and who not to film? Barb is raising the child that got Jenelle onto this show. Why wouldn't she (and Jace) be filmed??? What is so hard to understand about that? And she and David can miss me with their "she's fame hungry" BS. Barb wanting to get on set doesn't mean she's craving the spotlight. It means she has a hyper little boy who's probably all antsy and bored in the hotel room and she just wants to get this shit over with. 

But no, for Jenelle, it's always all about her. She's the perpetual victim. And her controller, David, just fuels the fire. They straight up KIDNAPPED Jace, there is no denying that. They thought taking him would make them look good, because Barb was supposedly "neglecting" him. Oh please. They were at a studio they've likely been to a million times, and the kid was probably walking around, playing with the other kids, talking to people, etc. It's not like she left him at the park or something. 

I was glad MTV called the cops, but I was disappointed nothing really came of it. I kind of put that on Barb, though. She should have pressed charges on BOTH of their asses. Her reluctance to ever fully blame Jenelle just serves to continue the dysfunction of their relationship. Yes, Jenelle's boyfriends are scary people and have gotten progressively worse. But she needs to realize that there is something about Jenelle that attracts these miscreants in the first place. Jenelle is a bad person too. 

It was just crazy making to see how delusional Jenelle is. She thinks these production members are her friends and acts all betrayed when they don't do exactly as she says. Does she not realize they're filming a show here, and ALL members of the show are going to get their side explored? I just can't. She storms out and has a fit over nothing, and Cheslea HAS to leave because she's freaking sick and she feels horrible about it. Jenelle feels nothing for no one. 

The real loser here, of course, is poor Jace. Can you imagine how scary that was for him? He probably didn't want to go with them, but he doesn't know how to say no to those scary assholes. So he's put in a car, then surrounded by production, then his mom's bf storms out of the car like a hillbilly serial killer ready to beat the shit out of everyone, then they speed off, then he's taken out of the hotel room and given back to Barb, then the cops show up, there's shouting and name calling. And this is the life for a little 7-year-old boy. It kills me. 


There wasn't really much else to say about the other girls in this part. Jenelle sort of dominated it all. 

I did find it funny that Leah's girlses once again had ZERO reaction to her school announcements. Also, even funnier, when Barb was prophesying that Leah will one day meet a rich doctor to sweep her off her feet. Babs got jokes. 

Kail and Javi's early segments - when he was near tears, I felt a bit bad for him. NO, he shouldn't be entering the house whenever he feels like it. But I just see a young man who's heart is so broken and all he wants to just hear is that she's sorry for what she did. She can say "it was wrong", but it's with no feeling. She thinks he just needs to accept it and move on. And I think he just wanted his feelings validated. Some ownership. Some remorse. They did seem better at the reunion, but that's another topic....


Hillbilly serial killer is a spot on description & it made me laugh ?

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  On 3/21/2017 at 4:20 AM, GreatKazu said:

If only pot was the problem. Pot should relax these damn people. They must be smoking some bad shit.

What did Jenelle mean by her comment "I keep getting excluded"?

I have mentioned before and Jenelle always confirms it - she is jealous of the relationship Barb has with Jace and with her siblings. How can Barb have a relationship with Jenelle when she keeps choosing losers over her mother and son? Those losers than gang up and verbally harass Barb.


OMG Jenelle and her "I keep getting excluded" BS.  I guess if continually having tantrums and storming off, and then being surprised filming goes on without you = excluded.  Sure, poor Jenelle.

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Jenelle is an idiot. Didn't she and her moron swampmate realize that they'd get in trouble for taking Jace? She doesn't have custody of him.  Jenelle only gets excluded because she doesn't want to do her job.  I can't even with her anymore. It's getting to the point why I wonder why MTV keeps paying her to be a fake Mom. Also, those tears she cries over not having Jace, are for her. She doesn't give a shit about Jace. 

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  On 3/21/2017 at 1:27 PM, Vandy10 said:

I was thinking the same, at first, and getting mad. But after listening again, I think the police would've pressed charges if Barb had been willing to press charges against both David and Jenelle. Since Barb only wanted David in trouble  (why I don't know; Jenelle's just as bad), they wouldn't do that.


This is exactly what I got from it. Charges could have been filed and would have been if Barb was willing to also implicate Janelle. 


Hopefully there is a police report so Barb can use it in the custody case. 

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is it normal that I am just as annoyed at the producers as I am Jenelle? I know they have to watch what they say, but is it in the contract that the girls can do whatever the hell they want and the producers have to kiss their ass? Cuz if it is, the higher ups have to take note that even better drama would ensue from the producers telling the girls, "this is in your effin contract so if you don't film, you don't get paid and  expect a call from our lawyer"!!! My god. That producer chasing after Jenelle and sounding so nervous and kissing her ass infuriated me. Why beg her to be on the show? Just remind her of the contract she signed and tell her "educated" self what can happen if one decides to break the contract. I loveeeeee when the girls threaten to leave the show, yet here they are season after season. I did love the contrast between Chelsea feeling bad for not being able to fulfill her duties, and Jenelle who thought she could tell the producers who and what not to film. What I wouldn't have done when Jenelle said to Larry, "I told you i'm not gonna ****** film if you keep Barbara on the show, for him to have said AND YET, HERE YOU ARE!!!! BYE NOW. 

Well I have learned one thing from these girls so they did in fact educate me...... that never, could I ever, be a producer for a reality tv show. I would lose my job within seconds.

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  On 3/21/2017 at 12:30 PM, ghoulina said:

So that was different - giving us the behind the scenes look at the reunion. Even with already breaking the 4th wall on Teen Mom OG they haven't taken it that far. But I appreciated it, mainly because of Jenelle. It was much better to see that shit going down than to just read about it in the blogs, etc.ion, but that's another topic....


I thought they did that last fall, too. I remember them giving Cole his own camera backstage, Kail and Chelsea doing jitsu or something in the dressing room, the girls giving Leah a birthday cake, etc. It was definitely a behind-the-scenes and not the actual reunion. We discussed it on here and decided that it was a way for them to "ease" us into breaking the 4th wall. 

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  On 3/21/2017 at 1:57 PM, TexasGal said:

OMG Jenelle and her "I keep getting excluded" BS.  I guess if continually having tantrums and storming off, and then being surprised filming goes on without you = excluded.  Sure, poor Jenelle.


I wonder what the exact "I'm excluded/no one likes me" trigger was for Jenelle... Was it that cast and crew were very happy to see a pregnant Chelsea?  When David and Jenelle stormed off to go meet their Uber outside of the studio gates, David carried a box of some sort of baby gear.  Most likely a gift from crew? MTV?  I wonder if Chelsea got a better gift?

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  On 3/21/2017 at 10:53 AM, Brooklynista said:

Best part of the episode for me was UBT's countdown to what was sure to be certain death for anyone in his path. Only thing is he hopped out of that car full of rage and NOBODY MOVED.

All that puffery doesn't work so well up against grown men does it? Janelle and Jace certainly cower in fear but not anyone who can see thru bullshit.


I was surprised that UBT can count to five.

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  On 3/21/2017 at 10:53 AM, Brooklynista said:

Best part of the episode for me was UBT's countdown to what was sure to be certain death for anyone in his path. Only thing is he hopped out of that car full of rage and NOBODY MOVED.

All that puffery doesn't work so well up against grown men does it? Janelle and Jace certainly cower in fear but not anyone who can see thru bullshit.


Best part? When he got out, not only did nobody move, but the brother on the right actually dropped his jacket and did the step back that precedes the "let's go" throw. Wasn't nobody skeered of his ass.

  On 3/21/2017 at 12:08 PM, rayndon said:

I'm constantly impressed with Vee and her maturity and level head and how she stands up to and puts Kail and her decisions to shame.  IDK what alternate universe Jo has been living in, but I hope Vee can get through to him about the 50/50 custody issue.  Does anyone actually think that Kail wouldn't hesitate to pick up and move out of the area with all of her kids and their fathers be damned, rationalizing and lying about it all the way (the same way she did with Isaac and Jo)?  Has Jo actually forgotten the hell Kail put him through about Isaac when she moved to Delaware?  I think it's only a matter of time and/or the temptation and promise of a new guy/lifestyle/future for her to pick up and start over - again.   


All Vee said was one thing and Kail was simmering and tearing up. I was glad she said "So everyone else can have an opinion and I can't?" Kail: "Yes." Way to own your hypocrisy. I only wish Vee had followed up with "Just one question: when Javi made comments about Joe and the custody arrangements, did you feel the same way? I'm Joe's fiance and the mother of his child, so what's the difference?" And stuck her ass trying to explain.

  On 3/21/2017 at 12:24 PM, Uncle JUICE said:

And barbra, for pete's sake, I want to be on your side. BE AN ADULT. Don't sit in the car telling that terrible producer (does she also run a book store in POrtland? Why the fuck is she always dressed like that? 

I refuse to watch the reunion, but good on Vee for finally being like "I picked up my whole life and moved to Delaware because of you." And Kail's "what does that have to do with you" was just such a cunty thing to say. 


Vee should have responded "Weren't you listening? I just answered told you." DUH. 

I was searching for the date of this reunion to figure Kail's "baby fever" groundwork commencement and found this. She's not even trying, dammit.



Exact same outfit. But then, neither is Kail.



  On 3/21/2017 at 12:59 PM, Pepper Mostly said:

I kept thinking that what they needed was a Rachel from UnREAL to bring these girls to Jesus. She would never have let them get away with it. "OK, listen. I know that you're invested in telling your story as you see it. But lets put our cards on the table. You wouldn't have vacations in Hawaii and a house that looked like Pintrest exploded in it if it weren't for MTV. We can tell your story, or we can tell it as we see it, which I guarantee you will not be a flattering one. So get those classy court heels on and smile for the camera or deal with the very real consequences. You need us a lot more than we need you."

Vee is my hero and I love that she knew how to approach Kail. It must have killed her to kiss her ass but that's the only way to get a hearing.


Yass! I always hope Larry is giving that speech behind the scenes.

I was annoyed that Jo wasn't backing Vee up, but at the same time I realize he knows his son's welper.  And if he had (rightly so) joined in with Vee, it would have been some mess with Kail. His one "outburst" though was real - "What do some lines on a map matter? Fuck a map. Fuck what's legal in some state." But hell, maybe Jo is onto something - move to Delaware, establish minimum residency, and then - bam! Sue for 50/50. So let Vee have her say, Jo maintains reasonable, and when the time is right, strike for that 50/50. And until then, keep the peace.

And BTW, back that shit up [Dorinda]. If custody STARTS at 50/50 in Delaware, what's up with the whole "I didn't want to give you 50/50 but I thought about it and I made peace with it" crap she was giving Javi? She didn't do shit then!

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  On 3/21/2017 at 4:14 AM, Stephanie1216 said:


About the bus stop etc. my husband and I particularly bought a house in a school district that we wanted and we don't have TV money but we sacrificed and did it. Why doesn't Leah get a house within the school district with bus transportation? Many families do that.



As I recall, the flood messed things up for the school district. Corey lives close to the school now, but Leah does not.I think, in theory, buying or renting a house close to the school district is a good idea but it doesn't always work. In many of these rural communities, there isn't that much available. My county, not just my town but my entire county, currently only has 4 houses on the market. That's the most they've had on the market all at once in years! None of them would be suitable for us. When we bought our house, there wasn't anything for sale in our county period. We had to leave our rental, because our landlord wanted to live in it, and we were kind of forced to take what we could find. We ended up 45 minutes away from our son's school. Yes, we drove him back and forth every day for 5 years so that he could have stability and didn't have to change. 

  On 3/21/2017 at 12:53 PM, Linny said:


I wish Barb would stop confiding in that awful producer. She's not your friend, Barb, she's a shit stirrer who plays both sides in order to create a more dramatic show. 



And the producer plays both sides! I actually fear that something is going to happen and it's either going to be the producer's fault, because she has her head so far up Jenelle's ass, or she's going to cover it up so that it doesn't rock the boat. Like, Jenelle will run off with Jace and sneak him into Mexico or something and Kristen will know and not tell anyone until after the fact. Or David will be abusing Jace and she won't tell anyone because she doesn't want to incur the wrath of Jenelle. Seriously, I have zero trust in that woman. 

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  On 3/21/2017 at 2:30 PM, mamadrama said:

I thought they did that last fall, too. I remember them giving Cole his own camera backstage, Kail and Chelsea doing jitsu or something in the dressing room, the girls giving Leah a birthday cake, etc. It was definitely a behind-the-scenes and not the actual reunion. We discussed it on here and decided that it was a way for them to "ease" us into breaking the 4th wall. 


It's possible, I don't remember. But it wasn't an entire episode devoted to what goes on backstage at the reunions, was it? 

Kailyn needs to spare us the self righteousness. 

If I were Vee, I'd honestly be so pissed at Jo for not backing me up and for having his head in the sand. 

I felt so bad for Jace. This is what he goes through all the time. Yes Jenelle is the freaking worst, but Barb was also so wrong for throwing that tantrum and for blaming him for going with Jenelle. He was confused!! What is he supposed to do or think? He's constantly being passed between them. He's just a kid and they want him involved in their drama! 

Edited by Lm2162
  • Love 7

I know Jenelle's behavior was horrible, but Barb certainly did herself no favors with the way she was cussing, wailing and carrying on. I'm sorry but neither one of them is stable and in any position to be raising a child. I didn't like the way Barb snapped at Jace and asked why he went with Jenelle. Even though she felt bad right after, it was still unfair to make Jace feel guilty over something he couldn't control. And a huge "fuck you" to those producers for throwing gasoline on the fire by calling the cops before informing Barb about what happened. 

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  On 3/21/2017 at 4:20 AM, GreatKazu said:

If only pot was the problem. Pot should relax these damn people. They must be smoking some bad shit.

What did Jenelle mean by her comment "I keep getting excluded"?

I have mentioned before and Jenelle always confirms it - she is jealous of the relationship Barb has with Jace and with her siblings. How can Barb have a relationship with Jenelle when she keeps choosing losers over her mother and son? Those losers then gang up and verbally harass Barb.


Seriously, pot lowers violent crime levels in places where it's been legalized. Either they're smoking more than pot or we don't want to know what other crimes they would have committed without it.  

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  On 3/21/2017 at 2:34 PM, FlowerofCarnage said:

I hate to say it but Vee needs to start looking for an exit strategy of Jo doesn't put his foot down with 2Chins! 


I agree. 

Jo always looks at Kail with loving eyes. Dude would take her back in a heartbeat (no way she'd have him and his bag of nothing though). He will always put Kail's psychological safety above everyone else -- not because it benefits his son but because it's what he wants to do.  Vee and their daughter are low on his priority list. He does nothing to validate or support Vee's legitimate, reasonable concerns about the unstable parenting schedule.  She gave up her life and support structure to move with Jo so he could be closer to his son. Vee's role in Isaac's life is purposefully unrecognized by Kail as it does not support her Brand.  She's the single mother doing it all on her own. Don't look behind the curtain and see the stepmother who is also tying her best to raise Isaac.   Vee is also going to school and has a baby. While I'm sure they get a little TM money, it's probably not enough for day care.  You don't hear her crying about how hard it is to be a student-mother. 

Step-parents often don't get the credit they deserve and are left without a seat at the table when it comes to discussing the heavy issues.  If Jo doesn't start supporting Vee when Kail is in bully mode, he will loose her.  She'll go back to her family in NJ with the baby. Kail will leave the area in pursuit of her Brand.  Jo will be left alone and his children will be on different coasts. 

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  On 3/21/2017 at 3:06 PM, BitterApple said:

I know Jenelle's behavior was horrible, but Barb certainly did herself no favors with the way she was cussing, wailing and carrying on. I'm sorry but neither one of them is stable and in any position to be raising a child. I didn't like the way Barb snapped at Jace and asked why he went with Jenelle. Even though she felt bad right after, it was still unfair to make Jace feel guilty over something he couldn't control. And a huge "fuck you" to those producers for throwing gasoline on the fire by calling the cops before informing Barb about what happened. 


Agree. As long as Jenelle is in the picture, they both do Jace no favors when the shit hits the fan. This is why I pointed out Barb and Jace would be fine as long as Jenelle is not around at all. Jenelle needs to get herself psychiatric and therapeutic help which I don't see happening anytime soon.

  On 3/21/2017 at 2:46 PM, ghoulina said:

It's possible, I don't remember. But it wasn't an entire episode devoted to what goes on backstage at the reunions, was it? 


Yes, this is the second time we had a back stage pass. Last season we saw Leah bitching about how the producers made her look bad. She was in her trailer complaining on camera to her sister (?) and the producer. Then, we had Nipples who was griping about not having seen his son. He was then allowed to go see him in one of the trailers where we saw Kaiser light up once his dad walked in. We also saw Jace playing on the studio lot with Barb. Kail and Chelsea were shown in the hotel room where the Hulk showed Chelsea just how powerful she is by flipping her over. Kail and Chelsea then presented Leah with a purse for her birthday. There was more, but that is what I remember at the top of my head.

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  On 3/21/2017 at 12:50 PM, ClassyCourtHeels said:

Jo is being extremely naive about this 50/50 thing. Vee is 100% in the right. Get that shit on paper through the courts. It's only a matter of time with Kail before the current arrangement goes south.


I agree. Jo can't seem to get it through his thick skull that Kail is only being sweet and agreeable now because Jo is doing EXACTLY what she wants. He's an on-call nanny, he's siding with Kail in her turf war against Javi and he's taking Kail's side over his fiancee's. Of course Kail's happy! It's a win-win-win for her. 

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Jo did speak the truth when he said Kail was not at all honest when she hooked up with Javi. He said what we all said all along - Kail was not into Javi. The chemistry was not there. Jo kept quiet, as he should, and just watched from afar. This is the second time someone has mentioned how Javi and Kail should not have married. Javi's brother said the same thing. Jo had a hard time coming up with how he wanted to express his feelings, but Drew stepped in and clarified it for Kail who puts on the clueless and stupid look each and every time someone speaks the truth. She knew damn well what Jo was saying, she just couldn't believe he was saying it. No way was Kail going to be honest to Javi about why she wanted to marry him, although she did say it on camera. I am sure Kail talked her way out of that to Javi.

Carlos - Javi's friend who was with him for the reunion filming. Boy, Kail ran to him and hugged him like I have never ever seen her act with Javi. Ever.  I don't think I have ever seen her run and hug her kids that way either.

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  On 3/21/2017 at 1:30 AM, Christina said:

Bwahahahaha, Dave jumped out of the car, after counting down to no reaction, and no one cared as he was blustering. He expected everyone to jump out of the way because he was a badass but no one cared. Suck it, Dave! And Janelle!



  On 3/21/2017 at 10:53 AM, Brooklynista said:

Best part of the episode for me was UBT's countdown to what was sure to be certain death for anyone in his path. Only thing is he hopped out of that car full of rage and NOBODY MOVED.

All that puffery doesn't work so well up against grown men does it? Janelle and Jace certainly cower in fear but not anyone who can see thru bullshit.


Yes.  I never laughed harder than I did when he came charging out of that car after his "5...4...3...2..." and the dudes in front of the car didn't move a millimeter.  

He slinks away like he's still Mr. Badass.  

I can't listen to Jenelle cry.  She sounds so stupid and whiny.  Like she hasn't progressed past whatever age she was when she asked Barb to play Scrabble with her or whatever she asked her to play.  

I agree with Vee about the 50/50 thing but the way she explained it back in the green room was way better than how she did on the actual show.  So far all the complaints about producers throwing fuel to the fire, the participants of the show are 100% on board with that as well.  

  • Love 13
  On 3/21/2017 at 10:44 AM, bounnatalie said:

 Frankly, I couldn't understand the whole Janelle/Barb/police scene. Why didn't someone say "Do you have permission to take Jace?" to Janelle. It was chaos and nobody seemed to be in their right mind. I didn't understand why the Police said, "She is his mother" even though Barb is the legal guardian. What if she was his abusive mother? What if it wasn't safe. Just because she is the mother doesn't mean she can just take him from his legal guardian, correct?


My understanding is, the police were informing Barb because Jenelle is the mother she is the one who is criminally liable for violating the court order. Barb can't choose to press charges against UBT without pressing charges against Jenelle, the mother of Jace.  LAPD will have a report for the courts back home to reference should Barb decide to use this against Jenelle, but it won't be an actual police report as much as it will be a record showing the police were called by Barb in regards to a violation of a court order which they couldn't do anything about because Barb refused to press charges against Jenelle.


I agree with Vee about the 50/50 thing but the way she explained it back in the green room was way better than how she did on the actual show.


I think the reason is because Kail constantly interrupts and gets stuck on one thing such as when Vee mentioned the word "divorce". At that point, Kail wasn't hearing anything else but that word. Vee has a lovely way of expressing herself in a calm manner and getting her point across. On stage with the constant interruptions, it can be hard for even the best speaker to make their point.

Edited by GreatKazu
  • Love 15
  On 3/21/2017 at 4:20 AM, GreatKazu said:

If only pot was the problem. Pot should relax these damn people. They must be smoking some bad shit.

What did Jenelle mean by her comment "I keep getting excluded"?

I have mentioned before and Jenelle always confirms it - she is jealous of the relationship Barb has with Jace and with her siblings. How can Barb have a relationship with Jenelle when she keeps choosing losers over her mother and son? Those losers then gang up and verbally harass Barb.


That might be part of it(herfamily), but I think it's even more about  the other girls of the show. Jenelle  is obviously jealous of how well Barb and the other TM's get along. Jenelle also has David in her ear, I'm sure feeding her insecurity. Making her feel like the outsider. 

  • Love 11
  On 3/21/2017 at 4:06 PM, imjagain said:

That might be part of it(herfamily), but I think it's even more about  the other girls of the show. Jenelle  is obviously jealous of how well Barb and the other TM's get along. Jenelle also has David in her ear, I'm sure feeding her insecurity. Making her feel like the outsider. 


I agree. I just think it is more about family than the girls. Jenelle is miserable and she expects Barb to be just as miserable. Misery loves company. Instead, Barb is laughing it up with the producers and the rest of the cast. Jenelle is the one who has imposed the ban upon her mother. She doesn't want to be around her. Who is Barb supposed to hang around with while on the set of the reunion if not the other cast members? I am sure Leah appreciated having that funny conversation and sit-down with Barb since it didn't appear as if Leah had anyone with her on this trip. Jenelle had to revert to her childhood to remember how much she wanted her mother's attention instead of taking advantage of the fact she is blessed to still have her mother now.

What Jenelle is likely omitting is the fact her mother has worked her ass off at a job to keep her children fed and with a roof over her head. Barb stayed in a violent relationship until she could establish credit to buy a home. Once she did, she left the relationship. Jenelle wouldn't know what it entails to work hard and maintain a home because she has had six figures handed to her for 7 years. She has no work ethic. Barb worked tirelessly and was probably dead tired when she was home. I don't see Barb having spent her days off with girlfriends and going on vacations. For all I know, she likely had a second part-time job in order to pay the mortgage. She likely spent her days off tending to household duties, running errands, appointments, and running to juvenile hall each time one of her kids got into trouble. Barb is far from perfect, and I imagine there was very little time for chilling out and playing board games with her kids.

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