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S33.E10: Million Dollar Gamble

Tara Ariano
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Shut up Brett. Just shut up. And Sunday too...I know she didn't say anything, but I am so done with these two. They bring nothing to the game...nothing. And then Brett tries to dump on Ken...just shove it.

Adam should shut up too...he is so volatile and he is usually wrong. At this point he should know that and just shut it.

I cannot stand that Jay is in the catbird seat again...I have the Richard Ramirez thing in my head and cannot lose it. But Zeke who I kind of liked really revealed himself...he sold Brett down the river without a qualm, and in a heartbeat, decided to take out Hannah. 

So Chris targeted Jess, and got taken out himself. And Jess could not make a choice, and the rocks made it for her.

Gen-X had the numbers and could have finished off the millennials, but no....had to go crazy. Oh well.

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That was a fun ride.  I was taking notes:

 I had no idea there was so much Jess hate.  I don't remember what she did to piss everyone off. (edit Paul? good job!)

Smart move by Will to bail on Jay, big time

Nice plan to flush the idol.  They can get Jay anytime later. (edit - major fail)

David being endearing before the challenge.   Why is he moving the blocks??  Get a stronger dude!!

Hannah continues to grow on me.  Bret is just a bigger asshole every week.

Surprise letters from home.  Wow!  

The David Ken bromance is so cute!  Go David!  Banish those fears.

Nice strategizing at the anti-reward.  Jay becomes the swing vote?  Interesting we have three factions now, with the Millennials controlling this inevitable Gen-X split.

"Don't lose your concentration"  STFU Peachy!  Well done David.  Sad he's doomed by F5.  Way too lovable to the jury.

I hate you, Sunday.  Zeke moves into the power position.  King of the nerdy Millennials.  But in this game your "army" will turn on you in a heartbeat.

Oh! Jess got rid of that pig Paul and Chris is still butthurt about it.

"Trustcluster"  I love it!  She grows on me more.  

Excellente!  Bye chris!  Smart of Jay saving his idol.  

Bret tossing bullshit.  Zeke may be overthinking this, but there it is.

I forgot David has an idol.  Neurotics Unite!!  

Amazing challenge.  I'm really growing a dislike for Sunday.  

Did they have to crawl on their bellies?  I'm thinking on your back might be easier, but I'm too lazy to get down on the floor and try right now :)

OMG! The first Rainbow Survivor alliance!  If Bret comes out of the closet now they are both probably doomed.  An interesting wrinkle to an interesting season.

Now Hannah wants to whack Zeke.  How cool is that! (edit - swing and a big miss)

Interesting maze challenge thingy.  Thank you peachy for not calling leaders.  Jay keeps hanging around...........


You're being stupid here Hannah! Just agree with Zeke! Now in damage control.  Uh oh!

Every vote is a "turning point" Jeffy.  WTF Bret?  OK  Let's get this over with...

A Madagascar Hissing Cockroach (I loved Fear Factor) joins the fun!  Luvs him some Tayls.

Wow.  Adam screws it up again!  David would still have the idol, or maybe have properly played it for Jessica.  aaaand,

Bada bing, bada boom!  Jessica, the original target of half the gang,  gets whacked.  

Should be an interesting arrival at Ponderosa.  She got Chris and bad luck (karma? not a believer) got her.  Somebody was getting that black rock.  

Happy Turkey Day everybody!  I am thankful to be one of a family of three, so I don't have the stress many must endure. No political arguments anymore, but we still find stupid things to fight about :)

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1 minute ago, picklesprite said:

So much fun! I really love these later seasons where the players are all seasoned fans of the game and so many of them know how to play. So much more tense and fun to watch.

It would be lovely to see Sunday or Brett go, but they'd make good goats, yes?

That's what Zeke is probably thinking. 

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I'm glad Adam was on the team that got the loved-ones letters.  Most of the time, I forget he's there now that he doesn't shout his TH's, but he needed that letter in a way the others didn't.

Jay really earned that immunity necklace.  Those doors must have been trickier than they looked.  Not one other person even got as far as the slide puzzle?  Though I have my doubts that some of them would have been able to solve it anyway.  I like Ken, but I'm starting to suspect that he wouldn't pose a threat to anyone if they ever have a crossword challenge.

When Bret and Zeke were drinking and Bret started talking about how he was starting to know who he really was, I thought he was going to admit to being a drunk.  

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Well, Jeff, it's bigger than an alliance, but smaller than a "voting bloc", and yet more fragrant than a "trust cluster".  I call it a "fuck nugget".  You douche.

I know it makes me a dick, but I kind of hoped that Brett was bullshitting Zeke about being gay.

Purple Rocks, mothafucka!

Happy Thanksgiving kids!

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I do think Zeke made the best post-tie argument which is that he flips all over the place to whatever is most advantageous for him.  And Hannah should rightfully mean nothing to Jessica or Ken, they're not allied.  Meanwhile, for literally everyone who voted for Hannah, Zeke is their cleanest path to the end game.

Which yes, means maybe they should just get rid of him, but they're not thinking about how to get themselves there, they are thinking about how to get taken there.  Except Jay who I think is just an agent of chaos and is going to try to not be eligible for the vote until FTC.

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The fact that Adam believes that Sunday was telling the truth when she told HANNAH that it was Ken, was dumb on his part. 

Yeah, that was very strange to me also. Sunday is clearly not going to say that the vote is on Hannah in front of Hannah. The fact that they took her at her word seemed like true last minute paranoia obscuring all reason. I was actually slightly impressed that Hannah had it right the first time around. Shame she didn't trust her own initial read. A player like Jay would have--and I think that's where anxiety can make a difference in gameplay. 

It was also totally bizarre to me that after making a big deal to David that Zeke couldn't find out that she was working with David, she basically outed herself to him. I realize the conversation was likely edited, but even so, it looked like Zeke gave her multiple opportunities to just agree with him and pretend to be onboard with the plan and she not only didn't take them but basically told him in not as many words that she wasn't with him. Very strange way to approach that. It sort of seems like she messed up the opportunity to get rid of Zeke twice; once by clueing Zeke in that she had betrayed him when they could have gone for a blindside, and then a second time by influencing David to play the idol on Ken and not her. Really not a good night for her. I also thought her thoughts that she and Ken might have an attraction seemed a bit out of left field and was strangely juxtaposed with a scene that didn't seem to indicate any particular interest on his part. 

I was ALSO befuddled as to why Jay or Will wouldn't jump on the opportunity to get rid of Zeke when all they had to do was switch a vote. They could even justify it to Brett and Sunday by saying they din't want to go to rocks, which was totally legitimate. It seems so abundantly clear that Zeke is a much bigger threat than Hannah. Zeke seems to have that quality wherein people realize he's a threat but just keep getting dragged along in his plans. 

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4 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Yes, Sunday.  I'm sure Jess did nothing day and night but worry about your sorry ass.  I mean, really.  If Jess thought of Sunday at all, I'm sure it was to wonder why Sunday is such a yes-woman to the men in her alliance.  Ugh.  I'm not sure when I started despising Sunday.  Maybe when she convinced herself that she wasn't an autonomous creature, and wicked Jess influenced her Paul vote.  Maybe when she pinned all the blame on Jess.  I'm not sure if there's a more perfect goat this season.

Now that Sunday has gotten her wish, I hope it bites her in the ass.  She does have great goat potential though, so that may increase her paycheck.  I think I started despising her around the time of her first TH.

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OMG WHAT AN EPISODE!!! There's so much to talk about!!! I barely even remember the first half!

Man, I was really liking Brett and Zeke right up until Tribal Council when Bret exploded and they both made fun of David. That was really disappointing.

But I'm gonna disagree that with all of yall and say that Brett and Sunday are not goats at all. I don't know why you'd think that other than you dislike them. These last couple of episodes have shown they're playing just as hard as everyone else, particularly Brett. He's staying fluid, he's not holding grudges, he's making friends with everyone and telling them what they want to hear. (Well, up until this last TC, anyway.) If Zeke's using them, then they're using Zeke. Everyone's using everyone out there and they all know it. Brett is now Zeke's closest ally. Who else does Zeke really have? His two previous closest allies Hannah and Adam just flipped on him. Can he really trust Will and Jay? Nah. Brett and Sunday are all he's got now.

And if I were Brett and Sunday, I wouldn't trust David and I would have drawn a rock too. 1 in 6 chance? Hell yeah. Roll the dice.

I loved the top of this hour in which Zeke and David said identical things about each other. Game recognize game.

Hannah? Girl I love your guts for choosing to vote out the person you've been aligned to since Day 1. You are surprisingly strong at times. But you are as bad at bluffing as David is at swimming. You both blew it tonight. What the hell was with all the whispering? Were you just pretending to consider flipping so that someone would tell you where the vote was really going? Nice try but it didn't work.

Adam. You blew it too. And I would have laughed if drew that rock and went home with an idol in your pocket! Still with all the editing focus on you and your idol and your sick mom, for some reason I still think you're gonna win somehow, though at this point it's really hard to imagine a scenario in which that happens.

Jessica? Poor girl, you got screwed. I love that you stuck with the alliance that brung ya, though. Guts.

Jay: way to read a room, you lucky son of a bitch.

Will? Are you still there? For a moment I thought you were going to get the rock since you've been such a non-entity.

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I don't understand why Hannah turned to Adam and whispered, "trust me?" anyway.  What was her point?  It seemed like Adam was already with them, why else would he try to warn David that he thought Ken was the target?   I wonder if that blows back on Adam, and David's side take it as a direct mislead.  Seemed completely genuine to me.

I've been mostly rooting for Zeke, and I was moved by Bret's conversation about differing generations handling their sexuality, but I now dislike both - especially Zeke.  Anyone else think Zeke looks like the Heat Miser?

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23 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Slide puzzles are the devil's instrument.

Laughed so much when Jeff said something like "Unless Jay is really good at slide puzzles" like we all get regular practice.

There's only one thing to remember!  One piece of the puzzle will not exist/will be a hole - just work with that.

I'll never forget Tony in Cagayan running first to the slide puzzle only to frantically move the pieces around and around with absolutely no game plan, and of course he lost.  LOL

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So Jay basically went from the worst position in the game to probably one of the best in a matter of two episodes. He still has an idol and now with Zeke and David at each others throats the target has now shifted completely off of him.  It would not shock me if he continues to stick around and not even have to use his idol for the next few votes. So much other stuff to digest after this episode. Going to rocks at 10?  That seems crazy to me.   

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I'm so upset with my roommate. She deleted Survivor after she watched it when I asked her not to as I had to work and I would watch it after I got off work. I look in the DVR for recordings and it's not there. So she was sleep on the couch and I woke up her up and told her to give me the rundown and who was eliminated lol. It was wrong for me to wake her up but I didn't care.

Lord help her she could barely remember. I had to name off the remaining players until she said that was the person that was eliminated. 

Edited by ShadowSixx
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I finally worked my way up to Ken's eyes tonight, and my goodness, but they're pretty!  Every bit as pretty as the rest of him!

I liked Bret and Zeke before tonight, but after that second Tribal, I'm done. There was no need to go after Ken or David like that.

Ken gets his Legacy Advantage in 6 more days...hope he's around to use it!

I'd have turned on Hannah in a heartbeat...no way I'd go to rocks!  I feel bad for Jessica, but she brought it on herself.

Hopefully people wise up to Zeke's duplicity soon.  And although I now can't unsee Ramirez when looking at Jay, I'm fascinated by his name not even coming up as a target. He obviously had immunity the second time, but no one was even talking about him before the iC.  I won't be surprised if he winds up going far.

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19 minutes ago, ShadowSixx said:

I'm so upset with my roommate. She deleted Survivor after she watched it when I asked her not to as I had to work and I would watch it after I got off work. I look in the DVR for recordings and it's not there. So she was sleep on the couch and I woke up her up and told her to give me the rundown and who was eliminated lol. It was wrong for me to wake her up but I didn't care.

Lord help her she could barely remember. I had to name off the remaining players until she said that was the person that was eliminated. 

You do know there were TWO voted off right?  ;)  Ken and Jessica.

EDIT: Doh! Chris not Ken. Sorry Ken fans!

Edited by Lingo
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This season has been so good. The votes each episode are mostly unpredictable and the players are really playing. Whether they are being smart about it or not, it's a hoot for me to watch everyone playing instead of being passive. It helps that there is no truly unlikable person in the game. I've felt that way since the very beginning. Sure I prefer some more than others and they all have their flaws but there is no one here that is a nasty piece of work.

Edited by waving feather
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52 minutes ago, RedheadZombie said:

Yes, Sunday.  I'm sure Jess did nothing day and night but worry about your sorry ass.  I mean, really.  If Jess thought of Sunday at all, I'm sure it was to wonder why Sunday is such a yes-woman to the men in her alliance.  

Right?  Sunday's obsession with Jessica's non-existent obsession with her was just bizarre. 

I'm also convinced Sunday will show up on a future season of Sister Wives. 

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30 minutes ago, Lingo said:

Man, I was really liking Brett and Zeke right up until Tribal Council when Bret exploded and they both made fun of David. That was really disappointing.

Yeah that was one of those "You had me, you had me, and then you lost me." Kind of things. That was a nasty personal attack that had the feel of 'we may be gay but at least we're not neurotic!' always wanting to have someone 'lower' than you to piss on eh? Made me furious to be honest.

I said to myself "holy shit" when Jess drew that rock... that was too crazy. I kinda love AND hate that Jeff seemed to not give them all night to decide if they could reach a unanimous vote.

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Jeez, yet again another example of why you should never tell anybody that you have an idol or an advantage.

Man, Bret is such a douche

Ugh, the emotional breakdown of letters.  I never understand why it's so emotional. I understand Adam's breakdown, though.

That was just an excuse for the camera person to run their camera up Ken's torso.

How is Jessica a threat?

Zeke is looking more and more like a middle aged woman.

Byebye, Chris. Zeke actually voted out his idol, huh?

Hannah never has a clue as to what is going on.

That reward challenge was awful

I'm so glad they didn't show us Bret's butt.

I'm shocked Bret is gay.

Man, some of these challenges look like they take a lot of time to make.  Those maze doors are unbelievable. I am terrible at those slide puzzles.

Wow, still 25 minutes from the end of the challenge to the end of the show.

Who in their right minds thinks that David is the biggest threat in the game?

Ugh, I can't handle neurotic Hannah.

Draw rocks?  Not make a fire?  Maybe they got tired of sitting there for hours.

I may have mentioned that Bret is a douche.  Nothing changes my mind.

Wow, David, you really blew it with using your idol.  Why did Ken's name come up, anyway?

Jesus, Bret, shut the fuck up!  So it's all David's fault that they had to draw rocks?  Asshole. Douche.

Man, Will looks like he's 35.

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Crazy episode.

A note on Bret and Zeke's comments about David's anxiety.  It seemed mean-spirited, yes, though tensions were obviously quite high at that tribal council.  And remember, only we Survivor viewers are seeing 'David the likeable underdog' edit --- we don't really know what was happening out there on the island.  It wouldn't be the first time the show has highlighted one player in a heroic way because they're good narrators or good TV, when in fact they weren't liked by their fellow players.

Can't blame David for not putting his HII on Hannah, since I get the feeling Hannah has a "omg, they're voting for me, I just know it" epiphany every other week.


I do think Zeke made the best post-tie argument which is that he flips all over the place to whatever is most advantageous for him.

Which is weird, since openly admitting "you can't trust me long-term" would seem like a death knell on paper.  But in this case, it was a logical argument.

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Just interrupting to ask -Am I the only one who finds David very attractive?  

But he seriously screwed up this episode.  It made good TV tho.

Jay is an arrogant douche

i can't believe anyone would leave a dying mother to play Survivor.

I was starting to like Brett. Now i don't. 

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Zeke is a big mouthed, smug asshole who is exactly what I expected the first time Hannah went against him. Bret is even a bigger mouthed asshole who needs to get off my TV. Hannah's inability to lie just screwed David, whose side became my rooting interest just because he isn't Zeke. And poor, screwed Jessica.

But Jay is still there. Yes! Love to see the self-congratulatory "nerds" eat their own. 

Over all, a shitty season. 

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4 minutes ago, Stinamaia said:

Just interrupting to ask -Am I the only one who finds David very attractive?  


Nope.  He has a beautiful smile and I think he is cute.  But a little too scrawny, even at the beginning of the game.

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35 minutes ago, Silver Raven said:

That was just an excuse for the camera person to run their camera up Ken's torso.

Zeke is looking more and more like a middle aged woman.

They didn't spend enough seconds panning up his torso (panning down would have been good too). So I had to rewind and rewatch it again. I'll help Ken pick all the ants off his body. Ahem. Annnyway.... I'm surprised TPTB (or Hannah herself) didn't come up with some sort of couple-y hashtag when she was gushing over Ken. Hen? Kennah? #girlboner?

Zeke's sandy face reminded me of Robin Williams sticking his face in that whipped cream in Mrs. Doubtfire. 

Sunday reminds me of the Jehovah's witnesses that stand at every BART station with their pamphlets. Or she could be an extra on Little House on the Prairie. Nelly as an adult?

I totally cried with Adam when he got the letter from home. Also, there is something so familiar about him that I haven't been able to put my finger on this whole season. We don't have any friends in common on FB, but maybe I met him at a nonprofit event (bay area nonprofiteers unite!). I'm leaning towards having seen him on one of the dating apps I tried out...

Edited by MattDuffysCat
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Great double episode.  Great move in the first hour to get out Chris, he was a big threat.  But I wish it had been Jay instead.  Jay is smug.  

I laughed during the first hour immunity challenge when Ken talked about ants on his stomach and the camera lovingly lingered a very close close-up on his stomach and then did a slow pan up to his chest.  I bet Jeff Probst creamed his shorts when watching at home, and probably wore out the rewind button on his remote.

Is it bad that I continue to hate Taylor even though we only see him on the jury?  I didn't think it possible, but with his Miley Cyrus shaved only on one side haircut, he looks more douchetastic than ever.

Sunday has the most irritating voice.  As does Will. 

Second hour was exciting.  Has Brett always been this much of an ass or has it suddenly manifested?  He was simply this dumb overweight cop who did whatever Paul and Chris told him to do.  Now suddenly he reveals himself as gay and somehow has become a massive toolish ass.  Not liking Zeke either, he is manipulative and condescending.

If only Adam hadn't said anything.  Brett said "stick with the plan" and then loudly said "Ken" knowing that Adam was right there.   I knew it was a fakeout.   Instead, Jessica goes home.   David was right, Zeke is the biggest threat.   

Now David and Ken's alliance is in the minority.  Meanwhile, all of people I find repugnant are in control and one of them will probably win.

Edited by blackwing
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So many thoughts swimming through my head, but I cannot stop thinking of that gross bug that landed on Taylor!

Brett gay.....wouldn't have guessed that. I have nothing at all against gay people but tonight made me really dislike him, after being such an ass at TC. And Zeke? Ditto for you.

Poor Jessica. Worse way to go out.  

Ken for the win.

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Is it bad that I continue to hate Taylor even though we only see him on the jury?  I didn't think it possible, but with his Miley Cyrus shaved only on one side haircut, he looks more douchetastic than ever.


He's just as much a douche at Ponderosa.

I wonder how they're going to get that legacy thingie to Ken.

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8 minutes ago, nutty1 said:

Brett gay.....wouldn't have guessed that. I have nothing at all against gay people but tonight made me really dislike him, after being such an ass at TC. And Zeke? Ditto for you.

You probably could have just said you really dislike him without the first part of that same sentence as a disclaimer. When there's a "but" in a sentence, it kind of negates the initial thought.

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2 hours ago, Alapaki said:

I know it makes me a dick, but I kind of hoped that Brett was bullshitting Zeke about being gay.

Nope.  Brett talked about that in a pre-show interview, and he really is gay.  The shock comes from the fact that he's not the stereotypical flaming queen that this show usually insists on casting.

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1 minute ago, legaleagle53 said:

Nope.  Brett talked about that in a pre-show interview, and he really is gay.  The shock comes from the fact that he's not the stereotypical flaming queen that this show usually insists on casting.

Well that is probably because he didn't tell them he was gay. 

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Zeke and Brett were so rude to David and then Ken at TC, screw them both. I hope David and Ken can find a way to annihilate Zeke (he proved himself to be a real asshole by mocking David along with Brett) and his evil flying monkeys Brett, Sunday (she is the worst with her irrational nutcase Jess paranoia), and Jay. Come on, guys, do it for Jess.

I'm sad and worried for Ken that he lost his main ally in such a way, at one point he had his face turned and looked like he was choking back tears. I think Adam's a really sweet guy the way he cried for Jess, but dammit Adam! How could you believe anything that nasty little twit Sunday says?! If Adam hadn't believed her bluff that they were voting for Ken and told David, then David wouldn't have used his idol on Ken and maybe used it for Hannah and we wouldn't be in this position.

Edited by pamplemousse
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Instant Classic great episode in what is becoming a fantastic season for the ages. Amazing job this year. 

Best moments: the side-by-side parallel editing of Zeke and David saying the exact same things. And Jay solving the maze and then stopping once he was through to politely close the door behind him. Hilarious. 

Ken's ants were an instant eye candy moment, I'm not surprised there were a lot of fans of that. 


The first hour with the double-reverse blindside of Chris showed how many levels higher these people are thinking. That was crazy. Then second hour dunked all over it with a massive topper. Just great TV. 

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I'm smiling because I see a huge transition among everyone here. So many of us seem to have changed from liking one or more contestant to hating so many.

I really am sick of Hannah and want her gone ASAP. She just won't shut up and I can't help but feel that if she wouldn't have kept talking during the moments when people were trying to decide what to do, she might well have been gone. Ever since she badgered Adam & Zeke that night, I've really despised her and want her gone. This season was going so well. It was so interesting. So many tactics involved. Then as soon as Hannah feels threatened, she asks people, "Do you trust me? If you do then vote for X." What a bunch of crap. So sad that people actually believe this stupidity and decide to do what Hannah tells them.

I wish I could scream in her ear with 1,000 decibels, "SHUT UP!  SHUT UP!  SHUT UP!"

Edited by AliShibaz
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10 minutes ago, KimberStormer said:

You guys are kind of making me want to watch.

Though it does also sound like the rest of the season, wild and surprising because everyone is dumb, not because anyone is playing awesome.

Not dumb so much as crazed with paranoia and OCD and Neuroses and other related psychological defects.

Maybe that is the secret to the great casting this season? Just pick a bunch of people who are under psychological care by a psychiatrist or a psychologist?

People who don't need to be hospitalized or even medicated. They can function OK at work or in school. They are just generally known for being "weird type" characters.

There was a very famous criminal case where someone was wrongfully convicted of rape and murder and spent 23 years in prison. Why? Because the investigating police called him a, "weird type guy". That was all it took to send him to prison for 23 years. It took a very long time to get him out. I think his name was David Milgaard. But I could easily be mistaken. It was a very long time ago.

It was a monstrous outrage! It changed my opinion of the police forever.

Edited by AliShibaz
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When they showed everybody passing on the information about Jay having an idol, all I could think of was this


I didn’t understand the 2nd TC at all, what was that thing with Ken? Why did his name suddenly come up? Why did David just give the idol up for him? And what was the whole tiebreaker thing with the people who were in danger of elimination suddenly being safe?

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4 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

Wow, Hannah sucks at this game.

Isn't it bizarre that at some point, the more someone sucks at this game, they actually may win the game?

I don't understand how that works. But the crazier Hannah acts, the more people want to keep her around.

I just wish she was gone. What a revolting personality. What kind of psychological disorder is it when someone just can't ever shut up? The more she feels threatened, the more she needs to resort to her "blabber mouth" defense. I don't understand it at all.

Oh .... if only it were legal to cut her tongue out of her mouth!  I'd line up for days if I could ever get the chance. 

Edited by AliShibaz
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Sure, Sunday and Brett (and Will) are playing. They're playing the goat game, they hitch themselves to a player who tries to mastermind the game and gleefully let themselves get dragged along for the ride until they can't ride it out anymore. That's like the definition of playing the goat game and unless they've never watched a single episode of Survivor before, the goat gets to the end and never wins because it's gameplay that no one respects. We've already been through how many iterations of this with Sunday and Brett? First Paul, then Chris, now Zeke, and they would've glommed on to David too had Zeke gone home tonight but they were just stupid and cowardly enough -- like goats always are -- to insist on keeping Zeke in the game even though there is no way in frosty Hell frozen over that they will ever win over him because they're too chickenshit to make real moves and battle their way to the end on their own merits having earned enough respect from the jury, however grudging, to win at FTC. They still want to get dragged along by Zeke and used as his pawns. So, yes, they are eminently hateable for how they are playing because they're playing a proven loser's game if we're talking about winning the ultimate prize of a million dollars. Or, IDK, maybe they are playing just to win consolation money, in which case, I'm irritated that they're going to continue to pollute this season until the very end.

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3 minutes ago, pamplemousse said:

Sure, Sunday and Brett (and Will) are playing. They're playing the goat game, they hitch themselves to a player who tries to mastermind the game and gleefully let themselves get dragged along for the ride until they can't ride it out anymore. That's like the definition of playing the goat game and unless they've never watched a single episode of Survivor before, the goat gets to the end and never wins because it's gameplay that no one respects. We've already been through how many iterations of this with Sunday and Brett? First Paul, then Chris, now Zeke, and they would've glommed on to David too had Zeke gone home tonight but they were just stupid and cowardly enough -- like goats always are -- to insist on keeping Zeke in the game even though there is no way in frosty Hell frozen over that they will ever win over him because they're too chickenshit to make real moves and battle their way to the end on their own merits having earned enough respect from the jury, however grudging, to win at FTC. They still want to get dragged along by Zeke and used as his pawns. So, yes, they are eminently hateable for how they are playing because they're playing a proven loser's game if we're talking about winning the ultimate prize of a million dollars. Or, IDK, maybe they are playing just to win consolation money, in which case, I'm irritated that they're going to continue to pollute this season until the very end.

I truly do wish there was a way that people who play the goat game could be identified and be sent packing without any money and sent home on a tramp steamer with absolutely no amenities. No air conditioning. Terrible food. And especially no grapefruit.

Why no grapefruit? Because in French, "pamplemousse" means grapefruit and I think this poster deserves to be recognized. Pamplemoussse deserves some kind of reward for identifying all those goat gamers.

Edited by AliShibaz
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