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S01.E01: Pilot

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Overall, I enjoyed the pilot. Fast paced and kept my interest.

i had the same quibbles most of you had: bringing the new President to the WH instead of an even more secure location, the "since 9/11" line, only confirming the President's death and not everyone else in the line of succession.

As far as Kirkman being fired, that's not a problem. It's not as if he'd have been kicked out of his office that day. Cabinet resignations are formal processes with effective dates in the future.

i didn't think they effectively captured the level of public panic I believe would follow such an event. Everyone was way too calm.

  • Love 2

Given the enormity of the event -- not that 9/11 wasn't devasting in terms of loss of life, economic inpact, ethnographic targeting, health impact due to toxic fumes -- in this case the lives lost were those in power.  So, it's more like cutting off a head rather than shooting a vital organ, which leads me to think some minor protocols might be glossed over. So I don't care if the show is Tom Clancy-level correct with regard to procedures. Still, I would expect the new president's body guards to sweep the bathroom stall for IEDs and whatnots before he enters it -- which I don't think happened.

1 hour ago, GinnyMars said:

Calling it now: Kiefer's wife did it.

Am already annoyed by "Emily". Now I'm wondering if that's residual April dislike or if my dislike of April on Chasing Life was due to Italia Ricci...

Lastly, how appropriate (how weird) that they had a coffin-shaped table:



Yea!  I was laughing at the coffin, just as I laugh at the vagina-shaped table on "Next Food Network star".  LOL

I was shaking my head when, before the bombing, Kirkman's wife was mad at him for wanting to resign because they had just settled in in Washington.  Why couldn't he have looked for work there?  Surely somebody in some lobbying company would want a guy who used to be a Cabinet Secretary.  Or a local university?

  • Love 4

Several people have touched on this already, but just wanted to mention that what really bugged me about this was the fact that this HUGE disaster seemed to have so little impact on everyone. I was around (in grade school) for the JFK assassination, and that was such a shock that the country basically shut down for four days. Even in the days of no social media and only non-cable TV and radio for breaking news, everyone knew about it and was affected by it almost immediately. And this is like 11/22/63 times 500, or 9/11/01 times 1,000 (there was little effect on the continuity of government after that one.) Yet here we have people partying in a club, blissfully unaware (or not caring about) the near-total destruction of the Federal government. And people in the White House, frantically trying to get things under control and trying to find out who was responsible both (1) standing around and watching Kirkman being sworn in, and (2) observing a moment of silence, which undoubtedly interrupted their extremely important and time-sensitive work.

If this actually happened people would be out in the streets, or jamming up the phone lines and the internet. NOTHING "normal" would be going on anywhere in the country. That's what I found supremely unrealistic about the show.

On a less important note: When Kirkman and his wife were discussing the "move to Montreal" scenario he'd been presented with as an option, they made it sound like he was being forced to accept that position when he resigned/was fired from the HUD position. Mrs. K. made it clear she wanted to stay in the DC area (both for herself and for the kids), so why couldn't he have just resigned and taken another job in the local area? Someone who was a former cabinet secretary would be in demand by lobbying firms, law firms, NGOs, etc. Again-- illogical and unrealistic.

Edited by J-Man
  • Love 7
18 hours ago, pcta said:

Hope it is domestic, nonislamic terrorism.  

I hope the opposite - that it is Islamic terrorism, to add realism and actually make it seem like 2016. I'd be disappointed if they go the PC route and make it anyone but radical Islam/ISIS. My money is on some lame copout like domestic terrorism or something stupid like Russia doing it (since they're the bogeyman du jour).

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21 hours ago, janeta said:

I'm getting a feeling of deja vu here.... Wasn't there a show where POTUS dies (or something) and his VP steps up, and half the gov't spends all their time trying to get rid of her because she's -gasp- a woman? 

The show was called Commander In Chief. Geena Davis played the president who takes over the presidency.

Edited by preeya
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I thought this was a solid pilot.  Sets up the premise, introduces the main players, and leaves me interested in what comes next.  I didn't have any interest in 24 but I've always enjoyed Kiefer's performances so that plus my girl Maggie Q is enough to hook me.  Right now I'm not going to choose which characters will end up involved in the attack.  Once I get to know them better I'll start choosing.  I am looking forward to that because that's always the fun part.

Right now I think I like all the characters.  I'm glad poor Emily finally got inside the White House!  I'm sure Aaron will be kept as the new COS but she stood by Tom's side for three years and showed lots of passion for their plans in their opening conversation so I hope he gives her a worthy role in the administration. 

They said that Maggie's character was is PsyOps and had little field experience so I'm looking forward to how her background helps with the investigation.  I also look forward to the investigation and White House stories crossing and merging.  Should be fun.

Watching the episode I kept thinking to The West Wing.  Josh picked the Secretary of Agriculture because he wanted the cameras to find the more famous and recognizable Secretaries (State, Defense, Treasury, Attorney General) during the speech.  I figure that would play a role in the real life determination of the DS as well. 

I also expect domestic terrorism but because it's logical.  This is the Capitol which is heavily guarded and assumed to be a target in general.  No way does a major foreign terror cell get the kind of inside knowledge an attack of this magnitude would require.  On 9/11 the weapon used to attack the Pentagon was an airplane, not a person on the ground with a gun or bomb and I assume this was one of the major reasons.  Also, the four successful presidential assassinations and the two attempted assassinations of Ford and Reagan were all carried out by natural born US citizens.  Domestic terrorists have a better track record against the president (if you will) than foreign terrorists.  But if we put the presidential assassinations aside I would still expect domestic terrorism just due to the fact that it's the Capitol during the State of the Union.

  • Love 5

Disclaimer: I'd watch Keifer read the dictionary on a PPV and I'm easily entertained when it comes to TV shows.

As far as I'm concerned Kirkman can be a quiet, reserved man with a bunch of ink under his clothes. I loved the established [seemingly] happy home life. Hopefully there is no affair, secret second family or other crap thrown in the mix. Not all dramas need family drama too. 

Keifer can pull off soft spoken yet powerful. It will be interesting watch Kirkland struggle to keep his do-the-right-thing moral compass in the midst his new situation.

I'd love it if the people responsible was something absurd, like the Canadian and the people responsible are identified early on moving focus to rebuilding the government and into a political drama.

I'm in it to win it and really hope this lasts longer than Touch.

  • Love 3

I hope the opposite - that it is Islamic terrorism, to add realism and actually make it seem like 2016. I'd be disappointed if they go the PC route and make it anyone but radical Islam/ISIS. My money is on some lame copout like domestic terrorism or something stupid like Russia doing it (since they're the bogeyman du jour).

After Oklahoma City, I think it's well within the power of domestic, non-Islamic terrorists to target and blow up a government building. 

The episode was okay.  However, I agree with others that it's not clear how this show could be sustained for a number of seasons without becoming just another political drama.  The original premise seems like it would be worn out after a season or so. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, J-Man said:

Several people have touched on this already, but just wanted to mention that what really bugged me about this was the fact that this HUGE disaster seemed to have so little impact on everyone. I was around (in grade school) for the JFK assassination, and that was such a shock that the country basically shut down for four days. Even in the days of no social media and only non-cable TV and radio for breaking news, everyone knew about it and was affected by it almost immediately. And this is like 11/22/63 times 500, or 9/11/01 times 1,000 (there was little effect on the continuity of government after that one.) Yet here we have people partying in a club, blissfully unaware (or not caring about) the near-total destruction of the Federal government. And people in the White House, frantically trying to get things under control and trying to find out who was responsible both (1) standing around and watching Kirkman being sworn in, and (2) observing a moment of silence, which undoubtedly interrupted their extremely important and time-sensitive work.

If this actually happened people would be out in the streets, or jamming up the phone lines and the internet. NOTHING "normal" would be going on anywhere in the country. That's what I found supremely unrealistic about the show.


And the memorial they showed by the gate had like one flower and two candles?  There would most likely either be nothing because of the "perimeter" and everyone escaping DC or it would be overflowing.  

47 minutes ago, millennium said:

There's no getting past 24.   It hard to reconcile Jack Bauer not being Jack Bauer.

The wife is hot.

I just can't with anyone named "Maggie Q"

Her last name is Quigley and she only uses the initial because she wanted Chinese audiences (she was a big star in Hong Kong at the time) to be able to pronounce her name. She's half-Vietnamese and half Polish/Irish.

Here's an article about Natascha https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2008/aug/03/beauty.familyandrelationships

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23 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

I wonder if we'll find out some congress people weren't there and are still alive. Having no one in congress is also a pretty big problem, and there is no line succession for them. They didn't really mention that, but I assume it will become a plot point.

I believe the reconstitution of the government first calls for Governors to make senator appointments to rebuild the Senate, as it must be sitting to allow the President to build his cabinet, plus fill any lost spots on the Supreme Court. The House can be re-built through emergency elections.

Edited by jcin617
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Speaking of Cabinet members and their security - I know the Attorney General has an FBI security team.  Janet Reno used to drive them nuts because often she would walk to Main Justice from her apartment (a handful of blocks) and thus would be out in the open.  Don't know about other Cabinet members however.

I agree, if the destruction of the Cap Building was close enough for them to see it, they would definitely have heard it and felt it.  And I'm sure there are some survivors - members of Congress, military, Supreme Court Justices who were not in the building for a variety of reasons, both personal and political.  It would seem to me to be a job for someone in the White House or at the Pentagon - make a list of who is still alive.  The new POTUS would want to reach out to all them, get them some security.  Also would probably reach out to all the Governors, former POTUSes, etc. 

I know it was there for comic relief, but I found the stall to stall conversation in the bathroom completely unbelievable. No one in Washington is going to say those type of things to someone unknown, especially in the White House, unless it's someone who doesn't want to keep their job very long.  White House and Congressional staffers know that discretion is so vital. 

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6 hours ago, seacliffsal said:


The real issues I have with the show all relate to glaring errors about governmental structure and constitutional powers and provisions.  However, per the moderator's request, the only comment about real politics and governmental structure that I will mention (as it was in the episode) were the two times Kirkland asked if the others wanted him to declare war.  No.  Only Congress has the power to declare war.  Now, the President is the Commander in Chief, so he certainly has options, but declaring war is not one of them.

The president can not declare war, but since the 1973 War Powers Act, the president can send U.S. armed forces into armed conflict in case of "a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces", so long as Congress is informed within 48 hours.  Assuming that there are some Senators and Representatives who survived, I suppose that President Kirkman could have attacked Iran and then notified the Congressional survivors.  I assume that the FBI/Secret Service will have found and secured those folk in that 48 hour period.

Granted, Congress won't have much of a quorum left, but the circumstances of the pilot episode definitely constitute "a national emergency".


(FYI -- I got the War Powers Act info from my go-to source, Wikipedia!  See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/War_Powers_Resolution )

10 minutes ago, j5cochran said:

The president can not declare war, but since the 1973 War Powers Act, the president can send U.S. armed forces into armed conflict in case of "a national emergency created by attack upon the United States, its territories or possessions, or its armed forces", so long as Congress is informed within 48 hours.  Assuming that there are some Senators and Representatives who survived, I suppose that President Kirkman could have attacked Iran and then notified the Congressional survivors.  I assume that the FBI/Secret Service will have found and secured those folk in that 48 hour period.

Congress hasn't officially declared war since World War II.  It's sort of a technicality, especially with the War Powers Act. 

My question is who enacted the process of getting Tom signed in? Normally wouldn't it be the cabinet who declares they have to get the new guy signed in? Obviously, if they are all dead someone would step up and they don't need approval when everyone's dead, but I think it would have been interesting to see that perspective. I guess the idea was for the audience to seem as shell shocked as Tom, but there are so many people who would have interesting stories in those first few hours, I'd like to see them too.

2 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

Disclaimer: I'd watch Keifer read the dictionary on a PPV and I'm easily entertained when it comes to TV shows.

As far as I'm concerned Kirkman can be a quiet, reserved man with a bunch of ink under his clothes. I loved the established [seemingly] happy home life. Hopefully there is no affair, secret second family or other crap thrown in the mix. Not all dramas need family drama too. 

Keifer can pull off soft spoken yet powerful. It will be interesting watch Kirkland struggle to keep his do-the-right-thing moral compass in the midst his new situation.


  • Love 3

I have the feeling this is going to devolve into the typical Hollywood wet-dream of what having a far-left presidency without the pesky details of having to actually convince people of different ideologies that your plans are good ones would be like.  Maybe with a bit of 'intrigue' on the side that will probably turn out to be a conspiracy of evil 1%'ers.

I would LOVE for this to instead turn into the story of a mild-mannered idealist who, through making one 'necessary' hard choice after another, ends up a dictator.  

Come on networks - this is the age of Breaking Bad and House of Cards.  Give us a good-guy-turned-bad for a change!

  • Love 3

Pretty solid for a pilot.  Plenty of far-fetched moments and questions, but the idea of the majority of the US government completely out of the picture, and the President is someone no one ever thought would get there, is an intriguing set-up.  I have yet to see 24 (it's on my list!), I know Kiefer Sutherland from his countless movie roles, and I'm use to him being more of a badass, so it's kind of refreshing seeing him as quieter, who rather try diplomacy and talking first, and not just start dropping missiles left and right.  I do wonder if Tom will be able to maintain this view, or is the show's future is going to end with him crossing this particular line.

Besides Kiefer, I only knew Maggie Q was in this, which was great, but holy crap, every other minute, I was like "Hey, it's that person!"  Kal Penn! Malik Yoba!  Peter Outerbridge!  Silver Banshee from Supergirl!  Gibbs from the Pirates of the Caribbean!  Cameron Burk from The Last Ship!  Freaking Paul from The Following a.k.a. one of the most hilariously bad shows of all time!  I would so be down for Kevin Bacon to show up here!

As for the bombing itself, I definitely think they are setting it up for it to be an inside job, instead of foreign terrorism.  The placement of the bombs, getting through security, etc.  Just sounds like someone in the inside was onto something.  Of course, this being ABC, I automatically figured it was the same guys responsible for the bomb on Quantico.  Totally won't be surprised if it ends up being this "Scott" guy that Maggie Q was trying to get to.  Although, I'm hoping it will be Peter Outerbridge's character, so we can get another variation of Nikita trying to take out Ari!

Only thing that I wasn't wild about was the family stuff; especially the son being a drug dealer.  Yeah, with all the shit that will no doubt be happening now, I'm not going to be invested in their son being a dumbass.

Overall, I'm sold for now.


  • Love 2

I liked this, though there were some issues. The First Kids annoyed me. I'd rather have this as a political drama rather than a family drama. All of Congress is dead, but now we have to deal with the child dealing ecstasy pills. 

The general also annoyed me. He was a total cartoon. 

Keifer and his wife, along with the political machinations and maneuvering, were the highlights for me. I also like Kal Penn and LOVE Maggie Q so I'm looking forward to seeing what their characters bring to the table.

Don't you think someone in the club would have checked their phone and yelled "OH MY GOD EVERYONE IS DEAD THERE WAS A GIANT TERRORIST BOMB?" 

Looking forward to more.

  • Love 2

The general also annoyed me. He was a total cartoon. 

A thousand times this.  You'd think someone with his rank would be better at being subtle, and know how to maneuver himself into power and perhaps manipulate others into following his lead.  Instead, he did everything except grab the Presidential podium and scream: "Mine!" 

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, maraleia said:

Her last name is Quigley and she only uses the initial because she wanted Chinese audiences (she was a big star in Hong Kong at the time) to be able to pronounce her name. She's half-Vietnamese and half Polish/Irish.

Here's an article about Natascha https://www.theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2008/aug/03/beauty.familyandrelationships

Except a Hong Kong accent tends to pronounce "Q" more like "keew" than "qew" (few) based on several of my family members'/ family friends' (and their immigrant/still-living-in-HK) accents. 

ETA:  I wonder why Maggie didn't use a Sino-cized version of her mother's Vietnamese maiden name?  Most (if not all) Vietnamese family names are derived from Chinese names (e.g. Tran is Chan/Chen).   

To the person who brought up domestic terrorism:  That was the first thing I thought of!

Edited by PRgal
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I enjoyed the pilot. 

Admittedly it takes some literary license with the whole political process, but I am Ok with glossing over that.  I don't need those details necessarily. 

I am wondering now what happens with Congress since they are all likely dead as well.  So you have a president, but no House or Senate??  That I hope they do explain. 

Having just read the book The Residence, all about the workers in the White House, my mind immediately went to what those people do in such a situation.  I would think the White House would be evacuated for safety reasons, so I agree unrealistic for anyone to be there, but again, literary license. 

I do think the political season makes this show and its premise interesting.  With the horrible choices we have (in my opinion) this year for president from the major parties, I think its timely to ask even the theoretical question of what happens if someone achieves this position that is not a career politician or a power hungry businessman, someone from a different perspective that has not sought out power and the position for most of his life.  In the same way 24 had great, but really lucky timing, since it was conceived before but aired first after 911, the political climate of the time makes this shows premise enticing. 

  • Love 3
On 9/21/2016 at 9:08 PM, pcta said:

Having lived through too many assassinations, one criticism of crowd scene at bar (?) early on - there would be a lot more crying. (Even in DC)

General really was Haig and the Generals during the Cuban missile crisis.  His character rang true to me.

Sutherland is fabulous.  He certainly didn't look so small and fragile when he was running around being Jack Bauer.

Hope it is domestic, nonislamic terrorism.  

What didn't ring true was the his not really a President vibe I was getting from all the "I swear to support and defend the Constitution" stock characters. And General Curtis LeMay Jr when we only accepted a Curtis LeMay because of WWII and a similar type today would be lucky to make Colonel and never see any stars, much less four of them and being named Army Chief of Staff.


I see this is going to be a busy forum back to page two when I get off work.

9 hours ago, KaveDweller said:


My question is who enacted the process of getting Tom signed in? Normally wouldn't it be the cabinet who declares they have to get the new guy signed in? Obviously, if they are all dead someone would step up and they don't need approval when everyone's dead, but I think it would have been interesting to see that perspective. I guess the idea was for the audience to seem as shell shocked as Tom, but there are so many people who would have interesting stories in those first few hours, I'd like to see them too.

My guess the local Federal District Court after the Secret Service made the death notifications

10 hours ago, jcin617 said:

I believe the reconstitution of the government first calls for Governors to make senator appointments to rebuild the Senate, as it must be sitting to allow the President to build his cabinet, plus fill any lost spots on the Supreme Court. The House can be re-built through emergency elections.

I am wondering....... in the chaos...... how many of the surviving and newly appointed congressmen/justices/etc will see a providential chance to mold the government in their own image - Rep/Dem, and in seizing that opportunity, completely stall the government. That would be mega-frustrating to anyone trying to get things done.

10 hours ago, Calvada said:

I know it was there for comic relief, but I found the stall to stall conversation in the bathroom completely unbelievable. No one in Washington is going to say those type of things to someone unknown, especially in the White House, unless it's someone who doesn't want to keep their job very long.  White House and Congressional staffers know that discretion is so vital. 

Caught up in the shock of the whole situation, I can believe that people (civilians) would speak out of turn, say things they shouldn't.  And if every time the Pres goes to the loo there's a prelim stampede of SS, and this time there isn't, then this guy probably thought it was just another guy in the next stall.  I agree with the premise of discretion, but again...... the shock of events can change even the most basic of rules.  Shouldn't, but it does.

2 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

A thousand times this.  You'd think someone with his rank would be better at being subtle, and know how to maneuver himself into power and perhaps manipulate others into following his lead.  Instead, he did everything except grab the Presidential podium and scream: "Mine!" 

Again - in times of panic, who knows.  Granted that being a 4 Star he'd have had plenty of opportunities to exercise calm in a storm.  But he saw a threat, and moved to stop it in the most (hammer/nail) effective way possible, in the parlance of his own world.

I'm already over the stereotypical kids. I hope TPTB don't waste any time on them except perhaps appearances at family events. Really? Drug dealing son? That's the best the writers could come up with? Or are their walls hung with diplomas from Cliche Univ.?

Generally agree with things already pointed out - not taking the new Prez to an undisclosed bunker, no crater at the bomb site, partiers not noticing the noise and shockwave concussion, not impressed with FBI-chick, etc.  I do hope this goes more West Wing than anything else.  Can't comment on 24 because I've never seen it for the same reason so many others mentioned - KS has never been on my radar. 

But I will continue to watch this.

Edited by Skycatcher
13 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:


I also expect domestic terrorism but because it's logical.  This is the Capitol which is heavily guarded and assumed to be a target in general.  No way does a major foreign terror cell get the kind of inside knowledge an attack of this magnitude would require.  On 9/11 the weapon used to attack the Pentagon was an airplane, not a person on the ground with a gun or bomb and I assume this was one of the major reasons.  Also, the four successful presidential assassinations and the two attempted assassinations of Ford and Reagan were all carried out by natural born US citizens.  Domestic terrorists have a better track record against the president (if you will) than foreign terrorists.  But if we put the presidential assassinations aside I would still expect domestic terrorism just due to the fact that it's the Capitol during the State of the Union.

Of course Puerto Rican separatist got pretty close to President Truman but that was in another era 

17 hours ago, Yokosmom said:

True, but since (probably) 95% of the Congress just got blowed up real good, I don't think that they'd necessarily pay attention to that rule.  It might take weeks to reconstitute a Congress.  I'm handwaving that they were using some sort of assumed general "emergency powers" in that situation.  If I was Kiefer, I'd be wondering how the Iranians miraculously got their fleet up and running into Gulf of Hormuz within an hour or so of the attack.  Almost as if they knew ahead of time....  However, I'm sure that the show will ignore that totally and it will be domestic terrorism and not something coordinated with the Iranians or another nation.

It could be a domestic terrorist that just hates the government in general.  Or an anarchist.  Can't imagine either of the two political parties in power wanting to destroy their own politicians, but who knows.

Re "Scott", I was assuming that he was another law enforcement agent, but, of course, he could be in the government.

Isn't it possible to be domestic terrorists working with  Iran?

On the Last Ship, the Chinese premier was in cahoots with USA regional leaders who wanted to overthrow the Federal government

I read somewhere that those glasses were Kiefer's idea. The right pair of glasses can be flattering and enhance a person's handsomeness. Those are not those glasses. And then there is his pre POTUS wardrobe of tweed suits and college hoodies.This makes his transformation all the more dramatic: take off the glasses and put him in a decent suit and the man is HANDSOME.

Edited by marinw
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There were two things that bothered me with the pilot.  One, anytime a member of the Joint Chiefs would countermand or question the President, regardless if he's a substitute or not, that guy would be gone.  My dad was in the military and he first pointed that out to me during the movie The American President, when Michael Douglas asked the head of the Joint Chiefs "how many people are in the building", and the Chief answered "We've been all over that already".  My dad said that the Chief would never, ever respond to the Commander of Chief in that manner and if he did, he'd be fired.  Dad said you might not like who's President, but you MUST ALWAYS respect the office of the President. 

Second, when someone said the entire US economy will tank unless they hit the Iranians hard, I thought, isn't one of the first things a President does in a time of attack, is call for the stock exchange to be shut down.  I remember the stock market being closed when Kennedy was shot and it was closed for a few days after 9/11.  Kirkman should have been advised at the very start to close the stock exchange until things are settled.

I wonder if the attack was done by the US military?  Seeing the jerk the General is, I wouldn't put it past them to be a part of a military coup.  

  • Love 5
17 minutes ago, oakville said:

Isn't it possible to be domestic terrorists working with  Iran?

For storytelling purposes, there has to be a domestic connection.  It makes the threat more intimate and, quite frankly, much harder to defend against.  Who you can trust, who you can't trust, who you have to work with even though you don't trust them -- this is all great storytelling material.  Since I'm hoping that the show focuses on Kirkman and his personal struggles to maintain who he is while rising to the Presidency amid this horrific attack, there has to be domestic connects for it to be personal and immediate.  External enemies don't provide the same emotional impact.

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, KaveDweller said:

Congress hasn't officially declared war since World War II.  It's sort of a technicality, especially with the War Powers Act. 

My question is who enacted the process of getting Tom signed in? Normally wouldn't it be the cabinet who declares they have to get the new guy signed in? Obviously, if they are all dead someone would step up and they don't need approval when everyone's dead, but I think it would have been interesting to see that perspective. I guess the idea was for the audience to seem as shell shocked as Tom, but there are so many people who would have interesting stories in those first few hours, I'd like to see them too.

I believe any Judge can swear in the President. I know any Federal Judge can swear in the President. The Supremes would have been killed in the attack but there are plenty of Federal Judges running around DC. I am sure that the White House Protocol Office has a list of all of those folks just in case some thing happens. Remember, LBJ was sworn in on Air Force One before leaving Dallas after JFK was assassinated.

There is an office and a staff whose sole job is to be ready for crap like this. They have plans and back up plans and back up back up plans.

9 hours ago, Danielg342 said:

About the bathroom thing- correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't Kirkman rush to the bathroom unexpectedly? Perhaps he caught the Secret Service off guard.

Secret Service should be able to run after the President. As a matter of fact, I think that is their job. I was cool with the hustle the President out scene even though they were not nearly as rough with Tom as they would be. When the time comes to forcefully remove their protectee, the SS does not dick around. The person moves and moves quickly, normally with a series of bodies over them so that the Protectee cannot be hit. Just look at some of the footage from the few times that SS has moved a Protectee in public. It is not comfortable or slow. So Kirkman's spontaneous run to the bathroom would have had a whole team of people with guns drawn accompanying him.

  • Love 1
49 minutes ago, ProfCrash said:

I believe any Judge can swear in the President. I know any Federal Judge can swear in the President. The Supremes would have been killed in the attack but there are plenty of Federal Judges running around DC. I am sure that the White House Protocol Office has a list of all of those folks just in case some thing happens. Remember, LBJ was sworn in on Air Force One before leaving Dallas after JFK was assassinated.



Actually, the constitution makes no mention of who can swear in the president. Calvin Coolidge was sworn in by his father. He was visiting him when he got word that President Harding had died. 

A federal judge, Sarah Tilghman Hughes was brought to Air Force One to swear in LBJ. But constitutionally anyone could have done it. Incidentally, she's the only woman to swear in a president.

Edited by Cara
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1 hour ago, ProfCrash said:

When the time comes to forcefully remove their protectee, the SS does not dick around. The person moves and moves quickly, normally with a series of bodies over them so that the Protectee cannot be hit. Just look at some of the footage from the few times that SS has moved a Protectee in public. It is not comfortable or slow.

Maybe all the good Secret Service guys were caught in the explosion and  Kirkman had the ones who were demoted due to prostitution and drug scandals. 

The lack of "real" in the details usually doesn't bother me as long as it is done to further character and plot. So far they've struck a good balance for me.  

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I was a 24 fan and I admit I watched this to see President Jack Bauer! Yes, I know he's nothing like Jack Bauer, but it was fun anyway. My husband and I kept joking that when Kirkman said he was going to talk to the Iranian ambassador, he was actually going to torture him and there was a great deal of Where is the bomb?? jokes. I don't want this to be The West Wing -- that show will never be replicated, to me -- I want a popcorn flick every week. Give me President Jack Bauer, going to kick the butt of some terrorists (not literally, but just through his awesome executive powers) and I am so in.

Highly entertaining Pilot. One of the generals/people sitting around the table even looked like Chloe. It's going to be hard to let the 24 comparisons go, but I promise you, I will try. Although I wouldn't object to a We are running out of time!! from this president every now and again.

Edited by Eolivet
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12 hours ago, thuganomics85 said:

 I have yet to see 24 (it's on my list!), I know Kiefer Sutherland from his countless movie roles, and I'm use to him being more of a badass,

If you like him as a badass, 24 is the show for you!

I read an article about the show and how it's creator got interested in the subject of the designated survivor. In the article, they mention that pre-9/11, the DS could stay at a location of their choice during the State of the Union session, and one DS from the Clinton era mentions staying at his daughter's New York apartment and eating pizza. He also said that once the address was over, his SS detail left, and he couldn't find a cab to get home. So I think the pizza-eating scene we saw was a combination of old-style/new-style/Hollywood-style. 

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