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S08.E22: Reunion Part 2

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3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I don't think Luann handled herself well, but she did remain loyal to Tom.  No matter how much heat she got she was not going to call her fiancé a liar, or say he lied about fairly trivial matters. Number of encounters but not the nature of the relationship.  My guess is Luann, who is fairly egocentric, does not want to spend her time with Tom yapping and vetting Ramona and Sonja relationships.  My guess is the same is true about Luann's past loves and the other women in Tom's lives.  Luann and Tom want their relationship to be about them.  Call them self-absorbed, call self-center, egomaniacs.  I just think the others wanted to crowd their lives with the past is not really coming from a good place.

To me what was frustrating with the Luann exchange, is no matter how many times she said it these women refuse to acknowledge that Tom and Luann's relationship is not a Q&A about their past loves, dates and friends with benefits.  She has said to the press to the others, she does not care about what happened, "Before Lu".   

-Sonja angry because she wanted Tom to take her out for coffee, instead of a Dear John text

-Ramona met Tom on a Monday and they were finished their whirlwind dating cycle before the weekend.  I don't know if the place with the flowers, was an additional night or part of the one of the other night's.  At some point Ramona got dumped by Tom and she seems to leave that detail out.   I am guessing Tom was her last viable date.  I do find it odd in a period of four days, Ramona managed to cross paths with both Carole and Bethenny with Tom. I know the UES is small but how is it theses paths have never crossed before.

-The uncertainty if Luann was really staying with Sonja when the Tom bomb came about-or when he dropped the bomb on Sonja.  I am guessing Luann is protecting the fourth wall and the staying with Sonja was a bit of poetic license on behalf of production.  

Because it is a reality show there seems to be this expectation that Luann and Tom are somehow deficient in their relationship because they don't focus on Sonja and Ramona.  Healthier relationships don't dwell in the past or focus on other idiots.   

Perhaps these women don't realize that name calling is not Luann's thing, and the last thing she wants to do is call her man a liar.  Pushing her to do so is a waste of energy. 

I am still perplexed at how much energy was wasted by these women on Tom and next week the discussion continues. 

I'd owe my pee pee a cup of coffee and a hug for putting him INTO Sonja.....

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2 hours ago, Lady Grump said:

I did notice. I'm tellin' ya', I'm definitely curious to see what tact Carole will choose, starting now.

I so agree with this. There have been a couple of times that Carole has, while I wouldn't say sided against B, she has had a normal response to other wives. She did validate LuAnn's pronunciation of Radizwell which shut down B's making fun of Lu for that at least. If Carole was firmly up B's ass, she could have just not said anything and if she had entered a more B delusional estuary she could have lied about it. Carole has a history of latching on to the socially powerful but I also think she wants to be liked so she keeps her options open. I'm actually looking forward to seeing with way she wiggles...

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I'm disappointed that Dorinda hasn't been asked about Lu and Tom calling her, recruiting her to lie, then Tom threatening to cut her out of Lu's life, and then hanging up on her.   This all came from Dorinda's mouth.   I want her questioned while sitting next to Lu. Maybe part three.

4 hours ago, Sai said:

And did you all see the look on Bethenny's face when she was going after Jules' marriage and Dorinda yelled at her to stay out of it?  Bethenny looked shocked and repeated....you think I should stay out of it?  Dorinda says, yes...stay out of it.  Oh my, how dare Dorinda.  Doesn't she know Bethenny has the right to be in everyone's business no matter how private.  Doesn't Dorinda know that Bethenny can say whatever she wants no matter how hurtful.  How dare anyone speak to Bethenny that way.  HA!!!  I loved every minute of it.

I had a completely different feeling about that interaction.  I think Dorinda is "the mutual friend" that blabbed to Beth that Jules came on the show to get divorced.  I thought when Beth said - you think I should stay out of it - it was a loaded question.   I think Beth was saying - you're the one who told me her business, maybe you should have stayed out of it.  And I think that's the true reason Dorinda shut that down hard.   I have no problem seeing slurring, spitting, manic arm-waving Dorinda spilling this news to whoever could interpret her drunk-talk. 

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20 minutes ago, mwell345 said:

He should have had that conversation with Richie Wakile.    Sorry, I'll go stand in the corner now.

Fuck that piece of shit.

He IS a male Meth Frankel - He's the pussy that makes a comment and if you corner him about it?

He back down and keep insisting he was 'joking'.


There is a 'weasel' quality to people like that.

Notice that the outrageous comments always happen or are made in front of people who are their little ass-kissers or people living in their colon.

They now how to read a room and would NEVER dare to talk smack in front of ANYONE who would confront them.

talk about being spineless?

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7 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

She has been on three times, as has been Dorinda and Sonja (I didn't look at anyone else, but they might have been on 3 times as well). Doesn't look like she has gotten any more exposure than the rest of them. Someone else will get the episode after the final reunion, which is always a big one. 

I don't know how many times she's been on, but to clear it up I was referring to all the air time she's already been given on RHs only to be reinforced with an immediate follow up on Andy's show. And my point is, it's more defending, more over explaining and lying. She's not doing herself any favors; the more she talks, the worse she looks/sounds. 

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8 hours ago, Lady Grump said:

I think Carole must make a decision, and soon. She could, possibly, turn things around if she admits, "Wow, after absorbing [because that's a word Carole would use in this situation] this season, I didn't like what I saw. I didn't like me." And from there, we could get a redemptive arc going -- which could be...dare I say...inspiring (in the only way reality shows can be inspiring -- Lifetime-Movie-esque; something that only one's Inner-Cheese can appreciate...in private...without ever telling a soul......but I digress, I've already said to much).

I get Bethenny.  She's easy to get.  It's Carole I'm having a difficult time understanding.  Since the beginning of this season she's been pushing how her friendship with Bethenny is sooooo natural & organic & real.  Oh really, Carole?  She's pushed this crap at us on WWHL too.  Eh, not buying it, Carole.  Are you best buds & such good girlfriends with Bethenny, Carole?  Mmmmmm, not buying it, hun.  We've seen several times Bethenny throw shitty, nasty digs at you, hun & I've seen the way you twitch in response, but you're clearly too terrified to say anything back.

I'd love to know what Heather thinks of Carole now -- the Carole who is Bethenny's evil sidekick, who Bethenny has drawn into the depths of her hell & reprogrammed into someone as cruel & nasty as she is.  Can Carole break free of the Frankelstein monster?  Maybe Satan Andy won't let her.  Maybe Carole's been ordered to be her sidekick so Bethenny will have someone to speak with on the show.  And Carole needs that Bravo dough since her writing career has gone poof.  Nope, Carole has made her own choices.  I don't see her leaving the Bethenny cult.  I do see her following Bethenny in becoming more angry, bitter, nasty & cruel, just like her palsy walsy & good girlfriend.  What would Anthony & his "highly developed sense of humor" think of Carole's newly acquired horribleness?

I'm still NOT understanding the crap Bethenny was spouting about Jules not being a good representative of Jews.  Couldn't that be said of ANY Jewish person anywhere?  And who in the hell is Bethenny to make such judgements?  Nobody should be making these kind of judgements -- least of all Bethenny.  Jules has committed no crimes AND she has never made any statements about being representative of Jews.  If anything, she has said she's unique, and speaks only for herself & her experiences & her background & her family, which she has emphasized are unusual.  And Bethenny?  Well, her relentless cruelty & thoughtlessness & nastiness she has shown this season are an awful representation of Jews.  Keep THAT in mind, Bethenny -- and you too, Satan Andy!

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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1 hour ago, psychoticstate said:

I thought Jules handled herself well and looked good.  It drove me crazy that Bethenny claimed that Jules came on this show in order to divorce Michael and then she kept saying that since they were getting divorced, obviously what she said was true.  No, it's not.  Yes, they are getting divorced but that certainly doesn't prove that Jules came on the show for that.  Maybe she did, maybe she didn't.  Maybe she came on the show as a way to get some income, knowing her marriage was going downhill.  Or maybe as a free marketing ploy for her business.  Does it really matter?  Bethenny of all people certainly shouldn't judge on that.

I don't even know what this means.  I know Bethy said it, and she meant it as some kind of damaging proof of something...?

What does it mean she "came on the show to get divorced"?  How, specifically, does one do that and what would be the purpose of it?  I don't get it.

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4 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

And Bethenny's treatment of Jules was text book bullying.  She belittled Jule's short husband (at their 1st meeting) by suggesting he dress as R2-D2 for Halloween.  Then through the rest of the season, she disparaged Jule's marriage, her home, her parenting, her intelligence, her eating disorder and her religious practices all on camera.  Bethenny will do whatever it takes to remain Alpha dog (wolf?) of her TV pack. Ramona, Carole & Sonja have all tucked their tails under and follow their leader. Dorinda has been mostly spared because that woman can bare her fangs enough to make B. think twice about getting into it with her.  Apparently Jules didn't get the memo to act as submissive as possible around B.  Bethenny took Jule's lack of kowtowing as a challenge to her dominance and went in for the kill.  Congrats, Bethenny.  You managed to chase another human being out of your life.

True, and apparently out of a job. Well, a full time one at least, if the rumors are true and Jules is returning next season in a limited role and getting downgraded to friend. She and Dorinda were the shows MVPs last night and if she can bring what she brought last night to next season along with her sense of humor and confidence then I hope she gets some decent screen time and symbolically flips Bethenny and Carole the bird. 

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I just can't get invested in any of this speculation about Tom.  Maybe cuz I don't care.  OK, so he wasn't being straight about the number of dates he went on with Moaner.  Maybe he zoned out on it.  Who could blame the guy?  And so he banged Sonja 5 times in 10 years & wasn't straight about the deets.  So what?  Why should we care about any of this?  And why is Bethenny so hopped up about a "friend" sending her pics of Tom & another woman?  She couldn't give a rat's ass about Lu.  She just wants to humiliate her.  I don't care about any of it.  If Lu wants to marry him, it's her life & her choice.  So what?

OTOH, I'd really love to know what else Betheliar has been hiding from us about Dennis Shields & any other relationships . . .

Notice how the Frankelstein monster got scary, scary, scary angry when anyone countered her?  Sure, Satan Andy does kinda/sorta counter her sometimes -- but very, very, very gently & he looks sooooooo terrified when he does.  Jules & Dorinda were so strong in countering the monster.  Bless those gals.  Seriously, bless their l'il hearts.  Hey, it takes supreme courage to face down the Frankelstein monster.  Loved when Dorinda said, "Stop trying to explain it away, Bethenny" & "Why won't you let me feel this way?"  The Frankelstein monster looked shocked someone actually had the nerve & courage to go up against her.

OK, Bethenny, so you're repeating what a "friend" said about Jules going on the show to get divorced, eh?  Um, can we repeat what "mutual friends" say about your life, hun?  That's no good, right?  Then you'll go into terrifying rages where you might choke someone?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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46 minutes ago, izabella said:

I don't even know what this means.  I know Bethy said it, and she meant it as some kind of damaging proof of something...?

What does it mean she "came on the show to get divorced"?  How, specifically, does one do that and what would be the purpose of it?  I don't get it.

It especially makes no sense because what has typically happened with new cast members is that the husband is super supportive of his wife being on the show because he's planning on divorcing her and wants to set his ex wife up with her own income stream so he can reduce his alimony.

Kelsey did it to Camille. Kordell did it with Porsha. I feel like that's what David was planning with Shannon. It's also possible that this what Alex was doing with LuAnn. I'm pretty sure that this is what Jim Edmonds was planning for wife 2, but the time frame moved up. I feel like I'm missing another example.

The only reason that a woman planning a divorce would come on a housewife show is in the hopes that the camera would get footage of the husband being terrible, a cheater, and possibly abusive. For example on Apollo's last season before he went to prison, Phaedra made a big show of paying for things with her own money. I think it was an attempt to show law enforcement that Apollo's fraudulent funds were not comingled with her money.

Edited by HunterHunted
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4 minutes ago, ScoobieDoobs said:

I just can't get invested in any of this speculation about Tom.  Maybe cuz I don't care.  OK, so he wasn't being straight about the number of dates he went on with Moaner.  Maybe he zoned out on it.  Who could blame the guy?  And so he banged Sonja 5 times in 10 years & wasn't straight about the deets.  So what?  Why should we care about any of this?  And why is Bethenny so hopped up about a "friend" sending her pics of Tom & another woman?  She couldn't give a rat's ass about Lu.  She just wants to humiliate her.  I don't care about any of it.  If Lu wants to marry him, it's her life & her choice.  So what?

I would like to know what else Betheliar has been hiding from us about Dennis Shields & any other relationships . . .

Notice how the Frankelstein monster got scary, scary, scary angry when anyone countered her?  Sure, Satan Andy does kinda/sorta counter her sometimes -- but very, very, very gently & he looks sooooooo terrified when he does.  Jules & Dorinda were so strong in countering the monster.  Bless those gals.  Seriously, bless their l'il hearts.  It takes courage to face down the Frankelstein monster.  Loved when Dorinda said, "Stop trying to explain it away, Bethenny" & "Why won't you let me feel this way?"  The Frankelstein monster looked shocked someone actually had the nerve & courage to go up against her.

OK, Bethenny so you're repeating what a "friend" said about Jules going on the show to get divorced, eh?  Um, can we repeat what "mutual friends" say about your life, hun?  That's no good, right?  Then you'll go into terrifying rages where you might choke someone?

I mean, I guess the same could be said for any of the things these ladies do or say, right? None of their life choices directly impact ours. But yet, here we are, making multiple posts opining about the things they say and do. (Namely, the horrid things Bethenny says and does). Why should we care about that? We don't know her; her bitchiness doesn't affect us, personally. But we discuss these things because we have opinions about them!

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4 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

So apparently Bethenny's boyfriend watches the show. Do they watch together? Is this considered a date? Better keep it clear just in case. And why would he watch??

Of course B, at least, watches. I picture her like that scene from Beaches where CC Bloom avidly watches an interview of herself, on the edge of the sofa, cramming popcorn into her mouth, only to be disappointed in how she came off and looked for reassurance from others in the room that she was as great as she had hoped. 

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Not a defense of Bethenny, the China shop bull, but we on this board remarked that Jules' approach and explanation of her Judaism was weird and confusing, especially because she described it as keeping kosher. I think we ultimately decided that it was kosh-ish or kosherish or kosher lite. There were things she said and did that not only weren't kosher, but weren't really consistent with Judaism. Even though I don't particularly like Siggy Flicker, I loved how she said that she didn't want her kids to be the most observant super Jews. She just wants her kids to know and appreciate their traditions. I think that's a better way frame to frame the Wainstein's loose approach to keeping kosher. And I think Jules may have framed it like that initially, but the show focused on her wacky approach to her traditions.

Oh God I could not agree more.  Watching her turn Shabbat etc into some kind of weird rinky-dink sideshow works my last nerve.  She subscribes to a form of Judaism I absolutely don't recognize but seems to have its roots in the shul nursery of a particularly out-there congregation of do-it-yourself Jewyness.  I cannot wait to see the last of her so I don't have to keep feeling really sorry for her kids.

Edited by quaintirene
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16 hours ago, Knuckles said:

Dorinda for the win...telling Carole she was old enough to be Jules' mom. And it's true. The only ones making age shaming comments are Bethy and Carole...both under the delusion that they are still younger than springtime. And no, Carole, you are not in the same generation as Jules. With an 18 year age difference, Jules is in an entirely different cohort. Being well past 50 myself, you gotta love it. Most of the crazy is behind you, and finally, you have a sense of who you are and what you love. 

Bethy thinks reunion means show and tell...after her phone call with some ditz claiming to be her lover's daughter, she has a little video of herself crying over some empty apartment. Yeah, very moving.Probably remembering all the good times screaming at Jason. She probably misses the divorce...four years of endless fighting, what could be better for our Beth.

Jules is just gorgeous...and she presented herself with dignity. Loved Dorinda standing for her as well. 

Ramona is a geriatric adolescent. Her evidence is some initials she wrote on her palm?? Is this being filmed in a mental ward?

And Sonja...STFU. If you want more than a hook-up, then change your game plan. 

Lu is actually having a life...whether anyone approves or not...good for her. Carole, Sonja and Ramona got nothing. Bethy is just her ugly self. Dorinda would be fun to know, and Jules is doing fine.

Yes, yes, yes and yes!
 Why oh why does Carole still believe she is the second coming of Carley Simon? She is way too old to play the young hipster.

Jules IS just stunning

I hate Beth.....Lu is OK

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I'm really enjoying the comments here!

My two cents:

Bethenny - evil narcissist

Carole - evil narcissists's flying monkey

Sonja - meh

Ramona - meh

Lu - meh

Dorinda - good-hearted shit-stirrer; I'd spend a girls' weekend in the Berkshires with her.

Jules - I'll miss her :(

Edited by nexxie
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I know that we have made fun of Jules constant reference to being both Jewish and Asian. But I think most of that has been in good fun and not mean spirited and dismissive in the manner of Frankelstein. It just seems to me that Jules is happy, sloppy and confused in her religious practices in the same manner that she is in her child rearing, communicating and family life. I don't think she has a mean bone in her body and that is pretty important because she is pretty much all bones.

It is a shanda that she will be forced out like Heather and Kristen were last year. It they get a new housewife they better not pick a young pretty one or one with a successful business. Maybe they can find a humpbacked bankrupt to not compete with the monster.

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5 minutes ago, Trooper York said:

I I don't think she has a mean bone in her body and that is pretty important because she is pretty much all bones.


It's funny because it's true.  And also I think it is something Jules herself would laugh at because she seems to have the actual ability to DO that, as opposed to most of these asshats.

I missed the part where they said she wouldn't be back.  Is it for sure she won't return?   Cuz' that sucks!  She has the moral high ground over Bethenny and I like Dorinda having a pal that isn't Carole or Ramona.  Because I don't like Carole or Ramona.

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I ended up liking Jules A LOT, and thought she was a breath of fresh air for this franchise.  Naturally, that means she must be gone immediately. 

Show is getting stale, Andy.  Nobody had a single interesting thing going on except for Lu.  Time for a refresh, with lots of new people. 

Carole, Sonja, and Ramona had nothing going on and will never have anything going on because they don't do anything.  They can all go.  Bethy should go, she doesn't have anything she will allow on camera that isn't related to Skinnycrap or her victimology (fibroid victim, apartment crying victim, Mama Wolf's victim, Lu's victim, John's victim, Dorinda's victim, victim of Jules' ED....pick your favorite victim theme and Bethy will claim she is a victim of it), and there is nothing fun or funny about her.  Lu can stay for now since she earned her apple this season by virtue of being Bethy's punching bag and handling it by giving zero fucks about what Bethy has to say and for outing Bethy's affair and home-wrecking.

Keep Dorinda and Jules and start over with new women, preferably actual HouseWIVES and preferably one or two others that are younger so there is more of a mix of people and interests and activities.

Edited by izabella
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3 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:


It's funny because it's true.  And also I think it is something Jules herself would laugh at because she seems to have the actual ability to DO that, as opposed to most of these asshats.

I missed the part where they said she wouldn't be back.  Is it for sure she won't return?   Cuz' that sucks!  She has the moral high ground over Bethenny and I like Dorinda having a pal that isn't Carole or Ramona.  Because I don't like Carole or Ramona.

This is a key point - Jules has a sense of humor about herself

A real sense of humor that isn't at other people's expense is sorely lacking on this show. 

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3 hours ago, ElDosEquis said:

I was really impressed at the BOMBSHELL that the Ramonster revealed last night......

She knows how to send a page to get it to print out on a printer.


Well, either her daughter or her assistant knows how to do that.  She only proved she could unfold a piece of paper.

I'd forgotten that B was Jewish (or half?).  Listen, I'm from NY and grew up in a town overwhelmingly Jewish (like seriously, in my HS yearbook someone wrote they would always remember me as the "other Catholic" in class).  Jules is in fact very representative of some Jews; I always saw her as Jewish American Princess (apologies in advance to those who take offense).  She actually seemed proud of it (not that she should be).

There was so many forms of Judaism, not everyone keeps Kosher all year; I grew up with folks who only did that for Passover.  Reform Jews who almost never go to services, eat pork, have Christmas trees because their kids don't want to be left out, etc.  And you know B, it's not your business!  You don't get to define what is a good Jew.  And besides, you yourself are not a particularly good representative.

I'd forgotten about Ramona and her heart picture.  Creepy.  If Tom really did this on their XX date, I would have run for the hills - if I did take a picture of it, it would have been to talk about the crazy guy who did this.  NOT to be later complaining that the next woman didn't keep the "girl code."

I basically stopped watching mid-way through the season and caught up by reading everyone's posts. I did watch last night, but can't decide whether to bother next week.  I can't imagine watching next year if B is back.  Of course, last night the show was made better by the fact that on my I-Pad I was watching the Yankees win, maybe they'll be on next Wednesday too?!

Edited by Mrs peel
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3 hours ago, Trooper York said:

I think the only way to save this franchise is to bring Jill Zarin back. She is just about he only one who has the heft to fight Bethenny on her own ground.

I would love to hear Bethenny tell Jill she is not a "good Jew." Now that's entertainment.

Not sure Jill wants to go up against B again, even if public opinion has tuned on the B. Besides, hasn't Jill been falling over herself trying to make up for her asshole-ery treatment toward Bethenny since 1975 or since the heyday of Al Sharpton or rainbows and jellybeans? 

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7 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

And Bethenny's treatment of Jules was text book bullying.  She belittled Jule's short husband (at their 1st meeting) by suggesting he dress as R2-D2 for Halloween.  Then through the rest of the season, she disparaged Jule's marriage, her home, her parenting, her intelligence, her eating disorder and her religious practices all on camera.  Bethenny will do whatever it takes to remain Alpha dog (wolf?) of her TV pack. Ramona, Carole & Sonja have all tucked their tails under and follow their leader. Dorinda has been mostly spared because that woman can bare her fangs enough to make B. think twice about getting into it with her.  Apparently Jules didn't get the memo to act as submissive as possible around B.  Bethenny took Jule's lack of kowtowing as a challenge to her dominance and went in for the kill.  Congrats, Bethenny.  You managed to chase another human being out of your life.

For me this was the most powerful post because it helped me remember (I have a bad memory, like Sonja and Tom I guess) and conjure up all of the feelings I had when Bethenny first met Jules on this show. She was an unrepentant asshole towards Jules in these first few episodes.  She. was. an. asshole. There's no sugar coating it.  She had such fucking disdain for Jules.  Talked about Jules two feet away from her through the whole damn season, saying the most belittling, asshole things.  Why?  I don't want to know why.  She's evil, psycho.



I know that we have made fun of Jules constant reference to being both Jewish and Asian. But I think most of that has been in good fun and not mean spirited and dismissive in the manner of Frankelstein. It just seems to me that Jules is happy, sloppy and confused in her religious practices in the same manner that she is in her child rearing, communicating and family life. I don't think she has a mean bone in her body
Good point.  I grew up with two races and religions in my house, also.  From all of the 'confusion' I eventually declared myself Atheist.  Everyone is going to find their own way, their own way.  Sometimes I say "Oh my god", I guess I'm a horrible Atheist and not a good representative 

Let us never forget, Dorinda doing math so Carole's stupid tiny goddamn bird brain can understand.  "Well Jules is what, 33?  And you're 51. So it's 18 years."  
We should all be standing and singing, to the tune of Kanye West's Golddigger - "Eighteen years, eighteen years, She got you, bitch, got you for eighteen years"

Sorry, I'm sensitive about my age too. Trust me I hate ageism.  But dammit Carole is just such an asshole.  And it's not ageism to point out FACTS they are of different generations FACT
Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Not sure Jill wants to go up against B again, even if public opinion has tuned on the B. Besides, hasn't Jill been falling over herself trying to make up for her asshole-ery treatment toward Bethenny since 1975 or since the heyday of Al Sharpton or rainbows and jellybeans? 

Also it is that group of fabulous friends that have been ripping on Jules for her asshatery Jewishnish.

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4 hours ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

See ya'll next week.  Maybe.

I want someone to gather all of your posts into a bound book and put it up for sale on Amazon.  You're an artiste 

And thanks to @ISLANDGAL140 because I never knew the word 'biennial' before.  

Edited by Ms Blue Jay
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Why is Jules not coming back? Did not see reunion shows

Because when you make all these jokes about not knowing how to do anything for your children, including getting them to school, then your husband had a lot of ammunition to get full custody.

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So Reality Tea (not necessarily a reliable source) insists there will be a cast shake-up.  Could it be true?  Is it possible Bethenny knows she has a deal to move on & she just doesn't give a crap how awful she seems at the reunion?  Maybe.  But it doesn't explain why she's been so nasty & horrible all season long & why she's acting so completely unaware of her horribleness.  OK, I understand her not caring & her casual denial & dismissiveness about being horrible -- because that's exactly who she is now.  But this pretense of not being aware of her horribleness & then defending herself angrily at accusations of being horrible & actually asking for 1 example of it -- when there are zillions of filmed examples of it?  Er, huh?  Well, here's what Reality Tea is saying-


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So Reality Tea (not necessarily a reliable source) insists there will be a cast shake-up.  Could it be true?  Is it possible Bethenny knows she has a deal to move on & she just doesn't give a crap how awful she seems at the reunion?

Bethenny has a tv production company and her snapchat shows her dressing up and going in to pitch various shows.  So she may have sold one or two.  She is the producer of the show Food Porn.  I know from my embarrassing admission of listening to Andy's book that Andy has also pitched for a Martha Stewart/Bethenny business type show.  Bethenny is getting major money for RHONY but I bet she walks.  But she may decide she needs a redemption season before she jumps.  I look for her to go to friend of the show.  That's win-win for her.

Jules has to walk.  This show has done nothing for her divorce and custody arrangements.  It was bad, just bad.  Your honor she can't even make a cup of tea what makes you think she can feed them?  She has never gotten these kids to their expensive private school on time.  How can we trust her to pick them up?  She doesn't need a nanny.  She only uses the nanny as her personal assistant.  Yeah, she needs to get off quick.

Carole, Ramona and Sonja have no story line because the Countess hijacked the season and is now hijacking the reunion.  But they have to keep someone around to do the 'I told you so' dance. 

This is a tough call for who stays and who goes.

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Jules is like Cinderella with Bethenny and Carole as the two evil sisters. The reunion is when we get to see the shoe fitting Jules with Bethenny flapping her wings around bat-shit crazy, and a blabbing Carole getting called out for being a bully. 

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21 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Because when you make all these jokes about not knowing how to do anything for your children, including getting them to school, then your husband had a lot of ammunition to get full custody.

Do people still actually believe that a judge is going to take this heavily-edited, oftentimes fake, completely unreal reality show into consideration when deciding a child custody case? I thought this idea was debunked ages ago.

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6 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

How much did I love Jules yelling at Bethenny, "What is wrong with you?" so bluntly, it was like poetry.

A well-executed "What is wrong with you?" is a thing of beauty.

This one reminded me of the movie Mystery Train, where Steve Buscemi plays a nerd dentist who gets involved with his cousin or someone, and ends up being an accomplice to two guys knocking over a liquor store.  One of the guys (Joe Strummer) murders the clerk out of nowhere, for no reason, and comes running to the pickup and jumps in, to be met with Buscemi saying, simply, "What is wrong with you?" 


15 hours ago, Juneau Gal said:

Of all the nasty things B has spewed over the years, coming after Jules and her Judaism has to be the worst.

A while back someone linked to Jules's wedding announcement in the New York Times.  It said:  "Mrs. Wainstein, 27, is an event planner for the Women’s International Zionist Organization, which raises money for private schools and programs for women and the elderly in Israel. She works in Manhattan."

Unlike Bethenny, I'm not an expert in such matters, but those bona fides would make me think twice before popping off about Mrs. Wainstein's Jewishness.

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"Mrs. Wainstein, 27, is an event planner for the Women’s International Zionist Organization, which raises money for private schools and programs for women and the elderly in Israel. She works in Manhattan."

Jules is on a committee with a bunch of women that are complaining about her representation of a modern Jewish woman at every bar and fancy patio on the UES. 

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13 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Do people still actually believe that a judge is going to take this heavily-edited, oftentimes fake, completely unreal reality show into consideration when deciding a child custody case? I thought this idea was debunked ages ago.

What you say makes sense.  BUT still, his lawyer could use her own words from the show, even if she insists they were said in jest, against her.  And it's up to a judge to decide whether to include it in decision-making.  Yup, it's on the judge's discretion.  It probably wasn't especially a bright move on Jules' part to be on the show in the first place.  Rather short-shortsighted, I'd say.  AND she might have stupidly revealed on camera, even if said in jest, what might be considered poor mothering.  Maybe it's a stretch & maybe not.  I'd be nervous if I was Jules.  I'm kinda nervous for her.  Radar is saying Michael has some shit he's gonna be flinging out in court about her.  Uh-oh.  

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34 minutes ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Do people still actually believe that a judge is going to take this heavily-edited, oftentimes fake, completely unreal reality show into consideration when deciding a child custody case? I thought this idea was debunked ages ago.

Some will believe it about Jules and make up facts not at ALL in evidence about how her kids are late literally every day and eat zero molecules of food and Michael rulz even if he dumped the kids at his folks's without even telling Jules so he could get swallowed by his girlfriend.  But he, like Bethany, is an earner so Jules (an earner with a job, 2 kids and a product line - but hate has no facts) is not only not a mother in essence, she is not a person.

Disgusting perspective.

Switching gears, LOfrigginL for life at Carole sharply correcting Dorinda about Jules's age - "she's 35" was said with some tension - while acting like 52 or 53 follows 35.  Someone get her some large-type arithmetic flash cards and tutor her in the Fibonacci rules.  She can put on her Smart Girl (...reading) glasses for the scene!

- signed, a woman older than Jules who understands what "older than" means, and that THAT is a fact - a neutral and true thing unlike the dark fluttering fear this sets off in Carole.

Edited by Midnight Cheese
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3 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

It especially makes no sense because what has typically happened with new cast members is that the husband is super supportive of his wife being on the show because he's planning on divorcing her and wants to set his ex wife up with her own income stream so he can reduce his alimony.

Kelsey did it to Camille. Kordell did it with Porsha. I feel like that's what David was planning with Shannon. It's also possible that this what Alex was doing with LuAnn. I'm pretty sure that this is what Jim Edmonds was planning for wife 2, but the time frame moved up. I feel like I'm missing another example.

The only reason that a woman planning a divorce would come on a housewife show is in the hopes that the camera would get footage of the husband being terrible, a cheater, and possibly abusive. For example on Apollo's last season before he went to prison, Phaedra made a big show of paying for things with her own money. I think it was an attempt to show law enforcement that Apollo's fraudulent funds were not comingled with her money.

I think the income and the product launch are what is meant by "coming on the show to get divorced"....I thought it was super telling when they did the 'tasting' for the product that was obviously ready for distribution and Michael said something like 'I could drink this multiple times a day!' and Jules made the comment that maybe he will be asking her for half.  It sounds like the split was in the works and they were negotiating income streams.  Jules doesn't work, probably never will work and I'm not even sure what the hell she would do for work, so....being a real housewife?  That's an income!  Maybe there was an agreement.....you pretend we are still happily married until I get set up, then I won't ask you for blah, blah blah.  I don't Michael getting caught cheating was part of the plan, though.

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19 hours ago, shoegal said:

My favorite! Jules looked amazing and is handling herself well, she and Sonja are ruling the reunion IMO. I wish Jules would have "owned" (in HW) terms the age/menopause comments. If B gets called out for slut shaming, Jules shouldn't get a pass on her age shaming. I hate when people use age as a way to insult people.

Sing it!  I am a Beth fan although I will admit that she can be very abrasive and isn't everyone's cuppa.  My thoughts of the reunion:

Bethenny was exactly like I thought she would be.  Caustic and a bit too open with her opinion at times.  I think the only ones she really likes on those couches are Carole and Ramona.  

Luann has a mean streak a mile long.  Cares not one bit about Sonja (or really anyone but herself).  She came across looking very pathetic in my opinion and I think they all need to let her live in her deluded life (but please, I hope she and Tom are using protection because that is NOT a monogamous relationship).  She cannot fight to save her life.  One thing I will give B credit for is she gets her facts all lined up so she doesn't show her ass the way Lu was.  Lu seems very simpleminded.

Sonja PLEASE keep jumping in with your comments.  She was very entertaining.

Ramona, please get a makeover.  You look fabulous yet could look so much better with proper sizing and styles.

Jules looked great.  Seemed like she gained a bit of weight when she dropped her lilliputian husband.

Dorinda is a huge shit stirrer.  That's all I have for her.

One thing struck me as I was reading the gossip rags yesterday.  The woman who had Tom in her **clutches is said to have gone to a casting call in BH.  I am kinda thinking that someone from Bravo or Siren found out she had a past and present with Tom who Lu was engaged to and they set up this run in at the Regency.  Or, Kyle met her, found out her NY connection, and Kyle, Beth, lady with magical clutches hatched a plan to out this shady 'for storyline purposes' engagement.  Either way this engagement is as real as Ramona's boobs.

**In Lu's talking head about this woman being there for Tom and him falling into her clutches had me rolling my eyes at the time cause it sounded so antiquated.  But then at the reunion when they were talking to Lu about how she took this man from his date she said no one can steal a man.  Which is it Lulu?

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3 hours ago, Duke2801 said:

I mean, I guess the same could be said for any of the things these ladies do or say, right? None of their life choices directly impact ours. But yet, here we are, making multiple posts opining about the things they say and do. (Namely, the horrid things Bethenny says and does). Why should we care about that? We don't know her; her bitchiness doesn't affect us, personally. But we discuss these things because we have opinions about them!

I do because I can't get BRAVO without my cable provider and damn it, I want quality programming, not PBS all the time? ; )

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2 hours ago, izabella said:

This is a key point - Jules has a sense of humor about herself

A real sense of humor that isn't at other people's expense is sorely lacking on this show. 

I don't think Jules' jokes about the women taking their menopausal medication was at her expense....using menopause as an insult is just an asshole move.  When Brandi did it on RHOBH she was rightfully ripped for it.....but Jules it barely registers. 

Here's the thing Jules, if you are lucky enough to make it to menopause, you should thank your lucky stars.  Age isn't anything to be ashamed of and it's certainly shitty to use as an insult. I would think a woman who worried so much about her own life and fertility would be a little more sensitive. 

LOL, makes me think of something I once heard my grandma say, 'telling a woman who is not your mother that she's old enough to be your mother is a good way to get the snot knocked out of you'.  Amen, grandma.  Amen.  

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When Brandi did it on RHOBH she was rightfully ripped for it.....but Jules it barely registers. 

That was odd to me as well.  Jules said Bethenny made jokes about her using her husband for money.  Bethenny responded that Jules said that too and besides Jules made jokes about them being old.  Somehow it all fizzled into, I don't know, Tom?

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I agree that Jules does come off as very Jewish American Princess to me too, which is why I was a little surprised when she said that her family keeps kosher. I was like "no hunty. You don't cook and you do not have the energy or wherewithal to keep kosher." I thought we were going to be treated to a season of Jules' scenes at home where she orders takeout from various kosher restaurants around town. I think that it would have been a fun running bit, especially if you're never been to the city and aren't aware that there are ten million types of cuisine and many restaurants where they have kosher versions of all types of ethnic foods: kosher chinese, kosher panasian, kosher italian, kosher mexican, kosher vegan, kosher middle eastern, kosher Jamaican, kosher indian, etc.

However, my friends who are kosher-ish never describe what they do as keeping kosher with no qualifiers. They'll say that they are only kosher at the high holidays or eat kosher except for bacon. Heather's husband and Aviva are Jewish, but we never really saw much about their faith. Kyle on RHoBH has had at least one shabbat filmed. The former Mrs. Mike Shouhed made that amazing persian shabbat dinner.

I suppose that Jules' beliefs and approach are a lot like Siggy and that her busted shabbat was one of those trademark Jules jokes that no one got. And Jules is terrible at telling and setting up jokes.

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