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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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1 hour ago, doodlebug said:

It would not be typical to talk to a kid of Izzy's age about it.  I don't think he'd really comprehend and he'd probably worry too much about it.

However, throughout the US, there are moments of silence held each year at the times that the 4 planes crashed.  I know my local schools observed that and that the kids were told what it was about since, of course, none of them had been born yet when it happened. So, yes, most school kids know at least the basic story and probably participate in some sort of remembrance.

911 was the defining historical event in the lives of most Americans living today and we all know exactly where we were and exactly how we felt at that moment.  I remember where I was, what I was doing, what I was wearing, who I called first.  It was all consuming where I live for weeks afterward.  It felt like there had been a death in the family and we were all deeply mourning.  And I live in the Midwest, far from NYC although the plane that crashed in PA after the passengers overtook the hijackers turned around over the town where my sister lives before it crashed.  I remember taking a car trip with my nephew who had been 7 when 911 happened a couple of years later.  We drove past Shanksville, PA and there was a sign along the road commemorating the flight (there's a big memorial there now).  My nephew looked and the sign and remarked 'Look, that's where the heroes died'.  So, even pretty young kids understand a lot, but, yes, Izzy seems to young to understand or care about the memorial services on TV today.

Thanks for sharing this! Up here in Canada, I can relate to a lot of the ways that you describe those first few weeks, but I think the vicarious trauma has faded over the years for us. We do like to talk about "Come From Away" though (Great show!). Glad also to hear that I'm not way off base in thinking that Izzy's too young for much exposure to the memorials etc. 

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9 minutes ago, Trillium said:

I have a 5 year old, he knows nothing about 9/11. He will when he can understand, but right now either he’d be terrified or indifferent. He’s far too young to understand. I don’t know when I told my 13 year old details, but it was a progression from basic facts to more in depth questions.  But it’s pretty common based on what I see on social media for parent to think they need to make sure their kids #never4get. I remember after Sandy Hook, lots of my friends were in a tizzy on what to tell their preschool aged kids. You tell them nothing! My oldest was the exact same age as the victims and I absolutely was broken but I felt zero need to tell him about it. I gave him and long hug and said I had a bad day and left it at that. There’s no need to talk to young children about tragedies they aren’t directly impacted by. I’m all for history but when it’s age appropriate.

My children were 9, 8 and 5 when their Grandmother was murdered on flight 77. They lived through it and they will never forget.

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8 minutes ago, Higgins said:

My children were 9, 8 and 5 when their Grandmother was murdered on flight 77. They lived through it and they will never forget.

Please accept my condolences. My family also lost someone on 9/11, my children were high school aged. A tragic and unnecessary event that will never be forgotten.

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7 hours ago, Barb23 said:

I would love to hear what Jill told Izzy about 9/11.

I'm sure it involved some variation of Muslims are bad, our God is better than theirs. 

We learned about WWII and the holocaust from pretty early on where I'm from(western Europe, we were occupied by nazi Germany for 5 years) but I grew up in the 80s and those wounds were still really deep at that point. 

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16 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Baby teeth can die from a bump. They'll turn gray or black. Sometimes they fall out prematurely and sometimes they stay put until the adult tooth starts to push them out.

Is that what everyone is seeing? A dark tooth? I can't really see his teeth well in that picture.

I think that's what Jill's talking about, not his bite. Israel's 2 front teeth look discolored. My 3 year old nephew has a gray tooth from a fall. It happens.

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40 minutes ago, galaxygirl76 said:

I'm sure it involved some variation of Muslims are bad, our God is better than theirs. 

We learned about WWII and the holocaust from pretty early on where I'm from(western Europe, we were occupied by nazi Germany for 5 years) but I grew up in the 80s and those wounds were still really deep at that point. 

I learned about WWII very early as well - my parents were both from Poland and deeply affected by it. My father was actually orphaned at a young age, and went on to deep and lifelong obsession with getting the truth behind the Katyn massacre, which claimed his father, revealed. I learned of that and many other things. I think one of the most harmful things he told me about, when I was way too young (maybe five or six?) was how the Jews were taken to camps, and herded into what were ostensibly showers, only to be gassed to death. I remember how sick that scenario made me feel, and think that it may have been what gave me, to this day, an irrational fear and hatred of anything I call a "practical joke" - any scenario where someone is expecting one thing but is purposefully misled, no matter how innocuous or even amusing others may find it makes my stomach clench up and gives me something like a panic attack.

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My condolences to everyone who lost loved ones on 9/11. 😞

I also think Izzy is too young to understand and doubt jill has the ability to explain this in a way appropriate for children.

I was 9 when the Columbine shootings happened and watched some of the news coverage about it before my mother--who was not a great parent by any stretch of the imagination--realized I was freaking out and sincerely tried to shield me from it. Even being that much older than Izzy, I was horribly affected by what I watched and had nightmares and anxiety for weeks/months. I don't know of she presented visuals or just told him what happened, but I can totally see her doing so in a way that just served to terrify and confuse him. 😞

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10 minutes ago, Rabbittron said:

I was in 10th grade at Columbine when the shooting happened and I lost my friends that day and I will never forget. 

I'm so sorry. 😞 I was across the state in Grand Junction that day. 

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We need to make sure that 9/11 is never forgotten, but introducing it to children should be age appropriate.  Without a doubt Izzy is too young to learn anything about it beyond answering the questions he might have just from hearing/seeing references to it.  And those answers should be very careful.  He may be a bright child, but is not going to understand death, terrorism or politics yet.  It will be just another thing to make an anxious child more anxious.  I wouldn't trust idiot Jill to explain anything.

When I was a child (probably under 10), I came across pamphlets my mother had that were published by the government right after WWII about the holocaust and the concentration camps.  They had graphic pictures and I was horrified and deeply affected.  Over all it stuck with me in a positive way of feeling empathy for oppressed people.  I think it shaped a lot of my world view.

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I may be projecting here, but poor Izzy.  Being shown concepts he can’t understand and his only teacher being an idiot.   Maybe Jill should be going through the homeschool curriculum as well ?  He’s never been the favorite.  Child. Grandchild.  He just exists 

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2 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

I learned about WWII very early as well - my parents were both from Poland and deeply affected by it. My father was actually orphaned at a young age, and went on to deep and lifelong obsession with getting the truth behind the Katyn massacre, which claimed his father, revealed. I learned of that and many other things. I think one of the most harmful things he told me about, when I was way too young (maybe five or six?) was how the Jews were taken to camps, and herded into what were ostensibly showers, only to be gassed to death. I remember how sick that scenario made me feel, and think that it may have been what gave me, to this day, an irrational fear and hatred of anything I call a "practical joke" - any scenario where someone is expecting one thing but is purposefully misled, no matter how innocuous or even amusing others may find it makes my stomach clench up and gives me something like a panic attack.

My husband's great grandfather was killed in the Katyn massacre as well and his cousin has the same obsession.  His wife never knew what happened to him.  His name is on plaques (one in Lodz, one in Baltimore, and one in Russia).  

I am not a fan of those types of practical jokes either.  

I personally think a kid as young as Izzy doesn't need the nitty gritty of what happened.  It is difficult to process as an adult.  The date is also my bday and on one hand no one forgets it but on the other, it is such a sad day.  

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That shirt is not good. Poultry and Chicken seems to make all their clothes in unattractive prints with tailoring details that make women's bodies look bad. The seam above the bust with the slight gathers does no one with actual boobs any favors, the cap sleeves with the ruffles are juvenile, and the fabric looks cheap. Light years from where Jill started sartorially but she is still doing quite an effective job of emphasizing that Apples and Fruits makes crappy clothing.

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3 hours ago, ginger90 said:


Wow!  That's bad.  The top over-emphasizes her breasts in a very unflattering way. The jeans make her look like she has quite a tummy pooch and the partial tuck may be trendy, but just looks sloppy here.

Edited by Suzn
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I'm not a fan of blouses like that. When I was at my thinnest, I was able to get away with wearing them, barely. You need to be a teenager and weigh about 2 pounds to look good in them.

If I tried now, I would be asked if I were "expecting". 

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In terms of using the library as a McDonalds play area, Izzy appears to be playing in an area ( portable swimming pool) designated for it.  I just wish she would also use the library for reading. 

I  really hate  the distressed jeans trend.  All it says to me is that you spent a lot of money to look the same way I did before I could afford a new pair of jeans when I needed them.  And, guess what, I am not impressed by your choices. 

Edited by mythoughtis
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19 hours ago, satrunrose said:

Thanks for sharing this! Up here in Canada, I can relate to a lot of the ways that you describe those first few weeks, but I think the vicarious trauma has faded over the years for us. We do like to talk about "Come From Away" though (Great show!). Glad also to hear that I'm not way off base in thinking that Izzy's too young for much exposure to the memorials etc. 

I remember where I was (in Louisiana).  There was a TV in a closet and my office was closest to the closet so that's where it went, and was on all day - people kept coming in - we were all shocked and horrified.  Next day I told them they had to move it.  

We did see "Come from Away" - marvelous.  We all ended up in tears and they got more than a standing ovation.  Plus the former mayor and the actual pilot were there for a Q & A Afterwards.  Maybe they always do that, but, we just were blown away.

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I don't mind the blouse Jill is wearing but I don't think it's the best. The jeans are awful. They are too low, and the waist is too big anyway. The tuck in should be subtle (not pushed down to her crotch) and on the side

A bigger concern is Izzy's education. What random stuff goes on that Jill passes as education? I wish she would post about his schooling curriculum, but there probably isn't one, not a real one anyway. Derick is just as responsible as she is. Izzy is his kid too. I don't think Jill is doing well. She comes across as depressed and almost desperate to me. 

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22 hours ago, luvbadtv said:

Izzy is too young to be learning about this event.  She just can't get age appropriate parenting at all - he's too young for this and too old for a bib.

i wonder about what Jill was told while while watching the events of 9/11 unfold - she was what 10yrs old when 9/11 happened and watched it unfold on TV?

22 hours ago, luvbadtv said:
Edited by crazy8s
double post
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3 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

i wonder about what Jill was told while while watching the events of 9/11 unfold - she was what 10yrs old when 9/11 happened and watched it unfold on TV?

She probably was told it was the apocalypse and to pray for all the sinners that will be left behind when Jesus gets here or something

I am very sorry for anyone who has lost a loved on on 9/11. I can't imagine the grief and pain. I was around JIll's age when it happened and I remember at 12 years old I really had no clue just how bad it was. I knew something bad was happening but I couldn't really grasp what it meant. When I started to realize as an older teen/adult, it really hit me hard. 

Poor Izzy will probably have nightmares.

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39 minutes ago, BradandJanet said:

I don't mind the blouse Jill is wearing but I don't think it's the best. The jeans are awful. They are too low, and the waist is too big anyway. The tuck in should be subtle (not pushed down to her crotch) and on the side

A bigger concern is Izzy's education. What random stuff goes on that Jill passes as education? I wish she would post about his schooling curriculum, but there probably isn't one, not a real one anyway. Derick is just as responsible as she is. Izzy is his kid too. I don't think Jill is doing well. She comes across as depressed and almost desperate to me. 

She comes across as super needy to me. Is there any other reason for her to post nonsense to IG every.fucking.day? She's looking for positive affirmation. One has to wonder how much encouragement she gets from that drip she married.

Edited by Sew Sumi
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8 minutes ago, crazy8s said:

i wonder about what Jill was told while while watching the events of 9/11 unfold - she was what 10yrs old when 9/11 happened and watched it unfold on TV?

Probably something along the lines of Christianity being under attack. I can’t imagine even now Jill knows more than the basic facts of that day. 

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15 minutes ago, Trillium said:

Probably something along the lines of Christianity being under attack. I can’t imagine even now Jill knows more than the basic facts of that day. 

Or that God is punishing all of the sinners. 😒

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