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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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I hope Izzy’s  stomach problems were minor. Hopefully the hospital gave Jill a bit of nutritional counseling as well for him. Do they have insurance? I suppose Derreck can get it through school; I’m in grad school and get it that way.   Otherwise, it seems like two adults with no real job would be on the hook for a decent chunk of change even for a quick hospital visit like a run to the ER. 

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Happily it looks like the boys are shaping up to have plenty of physical courage.  That swing strikes me as a little high, strictly speaking, but Sam clearly isn't scared of it; and we've already seen him figuring out how to climb on the table, lol.

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30 minutes ago, Lisa418722 said:

I would feel sorry for any secretary or paralegal that had to work with Derick.  He would probably think he's so much smarter because he's a first-year law student than someone who has been a secretary or paralegal for over 15 years. 

Also, law firms usually have a few parties during the summer for the law clerks. I'm in Atlanta, so there's usually a Braves game and then one or two after-hours gatherings at a local bar.  I cannot imagine Jill fitting in in a situation like that.  Travis Story's law firm would be a better fit for Derick (and Jill). 

I'm really curious how Derick is handling the U of A culture. It has a reputation as bit of a party school. Like any place, it's what you make of it--I didn't party while there--but Derick's gotta feel pretty out of place with his classmates in law school. 

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I am avoiding folding laundry right now...


^^ is it a thing to wear your grandma's couch covers as a top  now?


^^ standing on a small bench near a pan on the stove with a handle not turned away from your kids?


^^Running around a dollar store wooden toy with protruding spikes?


^cute... Reminds me of the rhyme  diddle, diddle dumpling my son John, one shoe off,  and one shoe on...

rps20190316_193722.jpg^^^cute..my kids and grandkids made pretend trains just like this.

Edited by ChiCricket
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Little Sam has full on John David head now. 

Poor Iz got the worst of both parents. Dreck’s long face, and Jill’s childhood squinty eyes. 

Get a new kitchen table! Geez, they’re cheap now and don’t look like they came from 1960 or Honey Boo Boo’s old digs. 

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1 hour ago, louannems said:

Back to the Izzy "reading" video, I felt annoyance listening to Jill admonishing him that he's "making it up". The child is still 3 years old!  Even if he is make believe reading, he is showing interest and should be praised for his enthusiasm.

Oh, I'm pretty sure that even more frustratingly, he was actually trying to sound it out and figure it out visually; because this is the kind of thing that interests me, and I was really listening to and looking at the text upside down.  Izzy, as far as I could tell, was just following the natural rhyme scheme of what the author literally wrote ("plop" does indeed look like "glop" to a beginning reader; that is in fact how I twigged to reading at age 2.5, watching that section of the Electric Company where they ran through the entire segment of "C" + "AT" = "CAT"; "R" + "AT" = "RAT"); and giving a good old elementary school try to *actually* reading the book.   I certainly wouldn't describe it as "making it up", which to me, would be more like "and then Sam ran down the road and jumped up on the back of an elephant", but then again I've gleaned more about phonics, child behavior, and a number of other subjects just going through school for other subjects plus life; than Jill clearly has being raised amongst a family which should technically have always contained a kid learning to read.  *I* would have said, "Now, you're just guessing, Israel.  Look at the word again."

Edited by queenanne
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58 minutes ago, queenanne said:

Oh, I'm pretty sure that even more frustratingly, he was actually trying to sound it out and figure it out visually; because this is the kind of thing that interests me, and I was really listening to and looking at the text upside down.  Izzy, as far as I could tell, was just following the natural rhyme scheme of what the author literally wrote ("plop" does indeed look like "glop" to a beginning reader; that is in fact how I twigged to reading at age 2.5, watching that section of the Electric Company where they ran through the entire segment of "C" + "AT" = "CAT"; "R" + "AT" = "RAT"); and giving a good old elementary school try to *actually* reading the book.   I certainly wouldn't describe it as "making it up", which to me, would be more like "and then Sam ran down the road and jumped up on the back of an elephant", but then again I've gleaned more about phonics, child behavior, and a number of other subjects just going through school for other subjects plus life; than Jill clearly has being raised amongst a family which should technically have always contained a kid learning to read.  *I* would have said, "Now, you're just guessing, Israel.  Look at the word again."

See, the thing you're forgetting here is that Israel is a manipulative sinner. No good can ever come of praising a child for his effort. The options are either "Yay" meaning "correct" or "you're just making it up" meaning you are an evil sinner and a liar.

As much as I dislike the Duggars and am prone to put the worst possible spin on everything they do, I don't think I'm far off the mark to say that none of the Duggar children ever received normal praise for an accomplishment, or a normal, proportionate punishment for an infraction. I think Jill is just mirroring her own childhood.

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I sincerely hope that Izzy's emergency room visit for his stomach isn't caused by his parents interaction with him. This sweet little guy seems nervous around his parents....  like he's always trying to please them. He's not relaxed. Jill's voice is that of a task master, lot a loving mother, IMO. Hope the little guy doesn't develop an ulcer from this.

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12 hours ago, louannems said:

Back to the Izzy "reading" video, I felt annoyance listening to Jill admonishing him that he's "making it up". The child is still 3 years old!  Even if he is make believe reading, he is showing interest and should be praised for his enthusiasm.

I feel like public perception of Jill is so negative at this point, she can't win no matter what she does.

In my view, she didn't really do anything wrong here. She matter of factly tells Israel, "No; you're making it up," when he initially "reads" the text on that page. The actual text says, "Sam slid. Plop!" After struggling a bit with the text, Israel says, "Sam slid in the glop," which is clearly not close to what is on the page. After she tells him he's making it up, she helps him to read what's actually on the page by pointing out the punctuation and helping him sound out the letters, etc., and Israel gets it with her (and Derick's) help. Israel is laughing and having fun throughout.

Jill's been criticized ad nauseam for her own lack of education, which (rightly) calls into question her qualifications for homeschooling any children. However, here we have evidence of Israel not only being able to read at age three but showing an enthusiasm for reading, and instead of being lauded for doing something right for a change, she's still slammed.

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16 hours ago, ChiCricket said:



^^ standing on a small bench near a pan on the stove with a handle not turned away from your kids?

And more evidence of the culinary talent in this household, as well. That meat is at least a couple minutes from done and the eggs are already hammered. They'll be rubber by the time the meat is done.

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9 hours ago, floridamom said:

I sincerely hope that Izzy's emergency room visit for his stomach isn't caused by his parents interaction with him. This sweet little guy seems nervous around his parents....  like he's always trying to please them. He's not relaxed. Jill's voice is that of a task master, lot a loving mother, IMO. Hope the little guy doesn't develop an ulcer from this.

Stress doesn’t cause ulcers - h.pylori does. Izzy’s much more likely to develop a personality disorder. Way to go, Jill.

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23 hours ago, JoanArc said:

I hope Izzy’s  stomach problems were minor. Hopefully the hospital gave Jill a bit of nutritional counseling as well for him. Do they have insurance? I suppose Derreck can get it through school; I’m in grad school and get it that way.   Otherwise, it seems like two adults with no real job would be on the hook for a decent chunk of change even for a quick hospital visit like a run to the ER. 

I am no fan of the Duggars, but, when my younger son was an infant, he ended up in the hospital on IV fluids after some vomiting and diarrhea.  His father was a doctor, doing a stint in pediatrics, so we were doing the best we could - but - regardless, he needed the IV fluids.  Sometimes that happens.

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On 3/15/2019 at 9:14 AM, emma675 said:

Holy crap, I just cannot get over how jacked up Dillweed's mouth is. It is just unreal.

It’s horrendous.  I’m definitely not a sue-happy person, but you’d better believe I would sue that oral surgeon.  He f’d Derrick up but good.

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If Izzy is organically learning to read on his own, then good for him. If he has chosen to learn to read on his own because Jill and Derick read to him regularly, then good for them.

My guess, though, is that Jill has purchased some (Gothard approved) phonics program and is pushing him to read at age three for nothing more than bragging rights at the TTH. What other reason could there be? He's never going to be allowed to read anything other than Bible verses and the occasional story about the bad things that happen to boys who think for themselves.

The person who needs to be reading is Jill -- perhaps a book on early childhood development? Of course she won't, because she already knows everything there is to know about childhood development -- just like she already knows everything there is to know about cooking, and fashion, and home decorating, etc.

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17 hours ago, JoanArc said:

Stress doesn’t cause ulcers - h.pylori does. Izzy’s much more likely to develop a personality disorder. Way to go, Jill.

Stress may not cause ulcers but it can play havoc on a digestive system.

When I was little I would vomit when I was nervous about something &  it's the other end that stress takes a toll on now as an adult.(Sorry if too much info.)

I'm hoping that Izzy did have the stomach bug &not worrying over pleasing his parents.

I agree that Jill was using Izzy's reading on social media as bragging rights.  I felt sorry for him having to correct his words. Good lord, he's only 3-4. Let him "read" the story the way he wants to. For once he looked happy & proud of himself.  

BTW, I think  "slid" & "plop" are more advanced words to be used for learning how to read & good for him for coming up with  "plop" instead of "glop." 

Edited by Barb23
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14 hours ago, cmr2014 said:

If Izzy is organically learning to read on his own, then good for him. If he has chosen to learn to read on his own because Jill and Derick read to him regularly, then good for them.

My guess, though, is that Jill has purchased some (Gothard approved) phonics program and is pushing him to read at age three for nothing more than bragging rights at the TTH. What other reason could there be? He's never going to be allowed to read anything other than Bible verses and the occasional story about the bad things that happen to boys who think for themselves.

The person who needs to be reading is Jill -- perhaps a book on early childhood development? Of course she won't, because she already knows everything there is to know about childhood development -- just like she already knows everything there is to know about cooking, and fashion, and home decorating, etc.

I wonder if Jill is teaching him to read because she’s bored at home? I don’t think it’s necessarily bragging but who knows. 

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1 hour ago, Puffin said:

I wonder if Jill is teaching him to read because she’s bored at home? I don’t think it’s necessarily bragging but who knows. 

I kind of feel like, who cares why he's being taught how to read? It's a skill that no one can take away from him that he can later (in adulthood) use to his advantage in the real world (or use even sooner, say, to help Sam and him escape the hovel 😉).

It's far better than Jill keeping him totally ignorant?

In other news, there's a new "recipe" up. I saw Michelle referenced as well as Ritz crackers and stopped right there. But I'm sure @ginger90 will post it for us in all its glory shortly.

Edited by graefin
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Chicken on the Ritz

Mar 18, 2019 | Recipes | 2 

This is one of my mom’s favorite dishes. The delicious creamy chicken flavor, combined with poppy seeds and topped with buttery Ritz crackers for a little added crunch, make this a dish that is sure to be a crowd pleaser! 

Makes one 9×13″ pan 

2 (15 oz.) cans cream of mushroom soup

1 (16 oz.) tub sour cream

1 stick butter (1/2 cup), melted

1 box Ritz crackers (4 sleeves), crunched

10 chicken breasts, cooked, cubed

1 (10 oz.) frozen mixed veggies OR broccoli, cooked 

2 t. poppy seeds

Boil chicken and season how you like (reserve 1/2 C. broth). Mix the 1/2 C. broth with sour cream, soup and 1 t. poppy seeds. Put cubed, drained, chicken & cooked veggies in 9×13″ baking dish and cover with sour cream mixture. Crunch up the whole box of crackers in a ziplock bag with melted butter and 1 tsp. poppy seeds and pour on top. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 40 min. 

Disclaimer: Recipes on this site are a collection of our favorites. Some are our own recipes and others may have not originated on our site and/or have been adapted from other sites.


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2 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Chicken on the Ritz

Mar 18, 2019 | Recipes | 2 

This is one of my mom’s favorite dishes. The delicious creamy chicken flavor, combined with poppy seeds and topped with buttery Ritz crackers for a little added crunch, make this a dish that is sure to be a crowd pleaser! 

Makes one 9×13″ pan 

2 (15 oz.) cans cream of mushroom soup

1 (16 oz.) tub sour cream

1 stick butter (1/2 cup), melted

1 box Ritz crackers (4 sleeves), crunched

10 chicken breasts, cooked, cubed

1 (10 oz.) frozen mixed veggies OR broccoli, cooked 

2 t. poppy seeds

Boil chicken and season how you like (reserve 1/2 C. broth). Mix the 1/2 C. broth with sour cream, soup and 1 t. poppy seeds. Put cubed, drained, chicken & cooked veggies in 9×13″ baking dish and cover with sour cream mixture. Crunch up the whole box of crackers in a ziplock bag with melted butter and 1 tsp. poppy seeds and pour on top. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 40 min. 

Disclaimer: Recipes on this site are a collection of our favorites. Some are our own recipes and others may have not originated on our site and/or have been adapted from other sites.


Can she really believe that this plate of slop looks delicious? The crackers aren’t even crushed, and the recipe calls for one lousy little 10 pkg. of veggies for 10 chicken breasts? And of course the addition of the lovely cream of mushroom soup, butter and sour cream.

The whole  thing is a total mess. I can almost feel sorry for her that she would post this and think it would look appetizing.

No wonder Izzy went to the ER. 

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36 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Chicken on the Ritz

Mar 18, 2019 | Recipes | 2 

This is one of my mom’s favorite dishes. The delicious creamy chicken flavor, combined with poppy seeds and topped with buttery Ritz crackers for a little added crunch, make this a dish that is sure to be a crowd pleaser! 

Makes one 9×13″ pan 

2 (15 oz.) cans cream of mushroom soup

1 (16 oz.) tub sour cream

1 stick butter (1/2 cup), melted

1 box Ritz crackers (4 sleeves), crunched

10 chicken breasts, cooked, cubed

1 (10 oz.) frozen mixed veggies OR broccoli, cooked 

2 t. poppy seeds

Boil chicken and season how you like (reserve 1/2 C. broth). Mix the 1/2 C. broth with sour cream, soup and 1 t. poppy seeds. Put cubed, drained, chicken & cooked veggies in 9×13″ baking dish and cover with sour cream mixture. Crunch up the whole box of crackers in a ziplock bag with melted butter and 1 tsp. poppy seeds and pour on top. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 40 min. 

Disclaimer: Recipes on this site are a collection of our favorites. Some are our own recipes and others may have not originated on our site and/or have been adapted from other sites.


That's a heart attack waiting to happen.

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On 3/16/2019 at 4:21 PM, JoanArc said:

I hope Izzy’s  stomach problems were minor. Hopefully the hospital gave Jill a bit of nutritional counseling as well for him. Do they have insurance? I suppose Derreck can get it through school; I’m in grad school and get it that way.   Otherwise, it seems like two adults with no real job would be on the hook for a decent chunk of change even for a quick hospital visit like a run to the ER. 

Wonder if her cooking did it?

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“Boil the chicken”

How to take some nice meat and screw the flavour right out of it.  And then call the chicken water “broth”?  I think the crackers are the only things that haven’t had the taste driven out of them.  That’s why she puts so much in top of the slop.

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42 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Chicken on the Ritz

Mar 18, 2019 | Recipes | 2 

This is one of my mom’s favorite dishes. The delicious creamy chicken flavor, combined with poppy seeds and topped with buttery Ritz crackers for a little added crunch, make this a dish that is sure to be a crowd pleaser! 

Makes one 9×13″ pan 

2 (15 oz.) cans cream of mushroom soup

1 (16 oz.) tub sour cream

1 stick butter (1/2 cup), melted

1 box Ritz crackers (4 sleeves), crunched

10 chicken breasts, cooked, cubed

1 (10 oz.) frozen mixed veggies OR broccoli, cooked 

2 t. poppy seeds

Boil chicken and season how you like (reserve 1/2 C. broth). Mix the 1/2 C. broth with sour cream, soup and 1 t. poppy seeds. Put cubed, drained, chicken & cooked veggies in 9×13″ baking dish and cover with sour cream mixture. Crunch up the whole box of crackers in a ziplock bag with melted butter and 1 tsp. poppy seeds and pour on top. Bake uncovered at 350 degrees for 40 min. 

Disclaimer: Recipes on this site are a collection of our favorites. Some are our own recipes and others may have not originated on our site and/or have been adapted from other sites.


Yep.  It is her cooking that made the little guy sick.  I may be joking but this recipe makes MY stomach feel icky

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Something about this recipe seemed off to me, so I decided to consult the Almighty Google to see if Jill actually dreamed up this monstrosity or if someone else did.  I actually found multiple recipes for poppyseed chicken casserole with similar ingredients with better proportions.  I want to see Jill make this recipe exactly like she listed.  I can't see everything fitting into one 9x13 pan with 10 chicken breast (instead of 4) and a whole box of ritz crackers (instead of one sleeve).  The vegetables was her addition to make it her "own" along with the wonky math.  

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25 minutes ago, Temperance said:

Some of her recipes don't seem that bad. Chicken on the ritz may be the worst recipe she's ever made and that is saying something. 

Nothing will top cinnamon toast. Unless she gets around to posting that old family recipe for a glass of water.

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15 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

Nothing will top cinnamon toast. Unless she gets around to posting that old family recipe for a glass of water.

Cinnamon toast looked good. Chicken on the ritz is one of the least appetizing things she's ever cooked.

Edited by Temperance
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3 minutes ago, Temperance said:

Cinnamon toast looked good. Chicken on the ritz is one of the least appetizing things she's ever cooked.

And cinnamon toast almost always tastes good too. 

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What a waste of chicken. I woud have baked it and made chicken salad to eat with the crackers but Jill's chicken salad recipe probably includes a can of cream of vomit in it and it will end up tasting like her Chicken on the Fritz. 

Edited by Lunera
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They can't even listen to the song that inspires the name of the "recipe" because they are too narrow-minded and small to listen to actual music and that song has syncopation and a beat so it is clearly of the devil. Kind of sad to promote a "recipe" whose name is a pun and not even know it.

Edited by jcbrown
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I made a version of the chicken Ritz casserole w/o the veggies years ago.  I dont remember the exact ingredients but what a gloppy mess & a waste of food. We couldn't eat it & I threw it away.

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When I first saw the title of the recipe, I thought it was going to be something I've made before called "Ritzy Chicken" from believe it or not, Nigella Lawson!   You soak chicken tenders in buttermilk and then coat them in crushed Ritz crackers and then bake them.  Quite delicious!  

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4 minutes ago, BigBingerBro said:

When I first saw the title of the recipe, I thought it was going to be something I've made before called "Ritzy Chicken" from believe it or not, Nigella Lawson!   You soak chicken tenders in buttermilk and then coat them in crushed Ritz crackers and then bake them.  Quite delicious!  

Wouldn’t you eventually develop cream deficiency eating like that?

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1 hour ago, Barb23 said:

I made a version of the chicken Ritz casserole w/o the veggies years ago.  I dont remember the exact ingredients but what a gloppy mess & a waste of food. We couldn't eat it & I threw it away.

I can well believe it! I know a few people have already made the observation, but I'll second and third it, that this has got to be among, if not THE worst, least appetizing things Jill has ever posted. Yes, the proportions seem completely off, but even if they had not been, there is just nothing about this combination of ingredients which sounds anything like a good idea. It's pure glop, and while crushed Ritz crackers can be a pretty tasty, if somewhat lowbrow topping, I can't see them doing anything to this but becoming one more sad and soggy ingredient. I wonder whether she runs any of her ideas for which recipes to post past Dreck for his opinion...While I don't have any actual respect for him, he seems to have grown up with a slightly better and more varied diet than Jill, and seems to have opened her mind to things like the Nepali food, sushi, and what have you. He can't possibly think that these concoctions are a recipe for success in the food-blog world. No one who had not grown up on this sort of diet could develop a taste for this glop after having been exposed to real food in their earlier years, right?...Right?

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1 hour ago, Barb23 said:

I made a version of the chicken Ritz casserole w/o the veggies years ago.  I dont remember the exact ingredients but what a gloppy mess & a waste of food. We couldn't eat it & I threw it away.

Two of the recipe emails I receive daily have recently sent me slightly different chicken and Ritz recipies.   It sounds awful and now I know my instinct was correct!

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You guys are killing me with your comments on Jilly's latest culinary adventure! It is mind blowing that she would post that photo, thinking that looks even remotely like anything anyone would want to eat. I guess that's one of the convenient things about her creations, you know what they're going to look like when you barf them back up! 

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On 3/17/2019 at 1:41 PM, jcbrown said:

And more evidence of the culinary talent in this household, as well. That meat is at least a couple minutes from done and the eggs are already hammered. They'll be rubber by the time the meat is done.

I think the bacon is probably turkey bacon. That’s how it looks. 

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9 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Chicken on the Ritz

Mar 18, 2019 | Recipes | 2 

This is one of my mom’s favorite dishes. The delicious creamy chicken flavor, combined with poppy seeds and topped with buttery Ritz crackers for a little added crunch, make this a dish that is sure to be a crowd pleaser! 

Makes one 9×13″ pan 

Disclaimer: Recipes on this site are a collection of our favorites. Some are our own recipes and others may have not originated on our site and/or have been adapted from other sites.


Jill wants to be a media influencer and lifestyle expert, and this mess is what she puts out. What a tribute to Michelle too.  /s 

I doubt Jill uses real Ritz crackers anyway. I buy generic food, but have never found a substitute for Ritz brand crackers. However, why bother with good ingredients on this "crowd pleaser"?

Three, two, one. It's time for Derick to look up from his law books and post a flaming defense of his poor, persecuted wife. 

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Since there is no mention of chicken broth in the list of ingredients, does she mean to save the grease from broiling the chicken to mix with the rest of the recipe?  Grease does not equal broth in my mind--or my cooking.

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I wonder if the reason why most everything she makes is overcooked glop is because Derick's teeth are so jacked up that he can't bite or chew properly?  Probably not, but I do wonder.

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