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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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4 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

What does IANAL mean?  I think I've figured out AFAIK  but I have no clue what the other one means. 

I know I say this a lot, but I really, really miss whole words. 

"I am not a lawyer"

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1 minute ago, Mollie said:

"I am not a lawyer"

Can I ask a question?  What's wrong with just writing the words out in full?  It doesn't take more than a second to write it.  I don't use the initials and acronyms so maybe there's a solid reason to use them but I haven't figured out what it is yet. 

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AFAIK (as far as I know) the fad began when teenagers first began to text and enter Internet chatrooms.  It was partly so their parents couldn't figure out what they were saying and it was easier than typing out a complete phrase.  Mostly, it was just cool.  Those kids have now grown up and use the same chat language in office memos and business emails.

If you don't recognize an abbreviation, all you have to do is paste it in the Google search box and hit Enter.  Google knows all!  Try this one: ROTFLMAO

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Derrick's education is suspect to me solely on the fact that he got mixed up with the Duggars. He's just not very smart and doesn't seem capable of any (gasp) critical thinking. He and Jill were meant for each other.

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5 minutes ago, Mollie said:

AFAIK (as far as I know) the fad began when teenagers first began to text and enter Internet chatrooms.  It was partly so their parents couldn't figure out what they were saying and it was easier than typing out a complete phrase.  Mostly, it was just cool.  Those kids have now grown up and use the same chat language in office memos and business emails.

If you don't recognize an abbreviation, all you have to do is paste it in the Google search box and hit Enter.  Google knows all!  Try this one: ROTFLMAO

I still don't understand why people do it. Why should somebody have to go searching for the meaning of initials when it's super easy to just write the full word in the first place?  I don't want to have to search meanings for things every time I read a comment.  And I know what all of the lol, lmao things mean. 

Does that mean you're rolling on the floor laughing your ass off (see, that took 1 second) at my stupidity over the initials?  Haha. 

I hope I'm not offending anyone with this. I guess I'm just too old for this kind of thing. 

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26 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

I still don't understand why people do it. Why should somebody have to go searching for the meaning of initials when it's super easy to just write the full word in the first place?  I don't want to have to search meanings for things every time I read a comment.  And I know what all of the lol, lmao things mean. 

Does that mean you're rolling on the floor laughing your ass off (see, that took 1 second) at my stupidity over the initials?  Haha. 

I hope I'm not offending anyone with this. I guess I'm just too old for this kind of thing. 

Oh my no, I wasn't laughing at you!  That's just one of my favorite NetLingo expressions and I thought you might get a laugh out of it, too.

NetLingo is what you are addressing.  It started in 1995 as a database of thousands of words, acronyms, abbreviations, SMS text, and jargon that define the online world of business, technology, and communication, including smileys AND the largest list of chat acronyms and text shorthand ;-)  The website is online or you can get the ebook on Amazon.

In formal writing one must always write out the full title before using its initials later in the document.  For example, if the author is writing about the United Nations, he must first write the full title.  After that, it is okay to use the initials UN.

The reason for that requirement is so that it is crystal clear what is being abbreviated.

But on the Internet, user-generated content (UGC) is informal writing and practically anything goes.  It may appear that a poster is being unkind to post abbreviations that not everyone understands, but mostly it is done without the intention of being unkind.  It's just the natural way many, many people are used to communicating online in the 21st century.

Edited by Mollie
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19 minutes ago, Maharincess said:

I still don't understand why people do it. Why should somebody have to go searching for the meaning of initials when it's super easy to just write the full word in the first place?  I don't want to have to search meanings for things every time I read a comment.  And I know what all of the lol, lmao things mean. 

Does that mean you're rolling on the floor laughing your ass off (see, that took 1 second) at my stupidity over the initials?  Haha. 

I hope I'm not offending anyone with this. I guess I'm just too old for this kind of thing. 

I'm old as well. I'm also a therapist. I spend a large amount of my day writing copious amount of notes. I love acronyms and abbreviations. I also love Google - because I'm old and don't know what half of them written on here mean, LOL.

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I agree that people should spell out words correctly and not live in an abbreviated world. When texting someone who's a peer of yours, that's another thing. On any type of school assignments, written work at your job, one should use correct English. I'm not up on all these initials either. I appreciate when I can read and understand the message. Just my two cents here.

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Jill wearing her same ill fitting pants again. They look like very worn out, loose jeggings. At least she's warm, though. 

The kid in orange & the one in front of Jess look scared sh*ttless.  They are the Adams Family without the charm

Spurge and Izzy look like they're plotting their escape from Duggar-ville. Izzy looks a little uncertain that they can pull it off, but Spurgeon's like, "Nah, we've got this."

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Before we go down this rabbit hole, abbreviations and acronyms are fine here. It's part and parcel of being on the internet. Also it's getting seriously off topic to discuss it, especially as it comes off as chiding and scolding posters. Let's push that focus to Derrick and Jill, please.

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Frankly, the acronym "IANAL" can be REALLY misleading.  And TMI. (Sorry, couldn't resist that one)  Though I COULD see Derick using it.  

Accounting is not a particularly competitive program to get into.  Most state universities just require the basic math classes as general education requirements, and the more intensive mathematics aren't really used.  I've got a BS in Business with a major in finance from FSU, and Statistics was the highest math requirement I had. 

Edited by leighdear
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35 minutes ago, Mollie said:

AFAIK (as far as I know) the fad began when teenagers first began to text and enter Internet chatrooms.  It was partly so their parents couldn't figure out what they were saying and it was easier than typing out a complete phrase.  Mostly, it was just cool.  Those kids have now grown up and use the same chat language in office memos and business emails.

Also, back in the days before smartphones, one could only use a set and very small number of letters in each text and each text message cost money. For my generation at least chatspeak was less a fad than it was about saving money on our phone bills.

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Does anyone recall where Jinger and Jeremy met? I'm only asking because Derick claims it was during one of the missioncations he and Jill led. We all know Derelict has a suspect relationship with facts.

Edited by SMama
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13 minutes ago, SMama said:

Does anyone recall where Jinger and Jeremy met? I'm only asking because Derick claims it was during one of the missioncations he and Jill led. We all know Derelict has suspect relationship with facts.

Once again, Derick has been outed as a giver of false information.  Here's how Jinger and Jeremy met, according to Jinger and Jeremy:


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13 minutes ago, SMama said:

Does anyone recall where Jinger and Jeremy met? I'm only asking because Derick claims it was during one of the missioncations he and Jill led. We all know Derelict has suspect relationship with facts.

From jingerandjeremy.com

I met Ben and Jessa Seewald through an interesting happenstance: Ben and Jess were in San Antonio for a few hours on a Sunday night. Ben called a buddy of his to see if there was anything going on for them to do while in San Antonio for the evening but, providentially, that buddy of his was working. So he suggested to Ben that they go to a church fellowship that was happening at my house and it was there, at that fellowship, that I met Ben and Jess for the first time. Over the next few weeks Ben and I would call and text here or there just to keep in touch about how God was working in the ministry or to share an encouraging word from the Scriptures. It wasn’t long before we developed a friendship and two and a half months later I made a trip to visit Ben and Jess and it was then that I met Jinger and the rest of the family.

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Thank you @Mollie and @ginger90. Darn, Derelict just can't help himself. I'm really hoping that because the alternative is Picasso Face is out of touch with reality. Those innocent boys deserve so much better than an unstable father. Too bad he blocked me because I'd love to see his response if confronted with the facts.

Edited by SMama
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6 minutes ago, FakeJoshDuggar said:

Two men texting each other about God and scripture seems really odd to me. Could they just be a little normal and admit that they both like football and would chat about game highlights? Or he’ll, they both like cooking and swapped recipes. Why does EVERYTHING have to be about the Bible?!

This so much. God, their lives must be so dull. 

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I sincerely apologize. I never meant to scold or chide anybody. I wasn't even speaking of this site in particular, but the internet in general. I also understand that it's part of the internet, that doesn't mean I have to like it though. 

Again, I apologize if I've offended any of you and I hope none of you felt scolded by me because that was not my intention.  I was just genuinely curious about why people use the acronyms so I asked. 

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Brought over from the media thread (thought I was posting here):

[Derlict and Jill] may agree on things, but what they appear to agree upon in terms of life goals are delusional. Well, let them fall flat on their faces. Sadly, that probably won't happen until there's another blessing in the fold that they will struggle to feed on Derelict's "missionary" salary. 

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8 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Derick Dillard @derickmdillard 1h

Replying to @Jen_J_Tucker

I block accounts that try to pass anything false as true. Their only goal is to tear down people they hate; seeking the truth is obviously the farthest from their goal. What they publish, on this platform or elsewhere, is already guilty of libel. However, I love them despite this

FU Douche King. You idiotic twat.

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5 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

Double consonants in the middle of each two-syllable last name with an r (or ert, art or ard) at the end...it's some sort of code! LOL

I noticed the same thing!  Plus Duggar and Dillard!  (Waller!  Keller!). There has to be something to it!  

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2 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I accept this twatter mission ? 

If you can, take a screencap of Jeremy and Jinger's site where this is posted. 

9 minutes ago, awaken said:

I noticed the same thing!  Plus Duggar and Dillard!  (Waller!  Keller!). There has to be something to it!  

And Caldwell.

Double vowels too - Seewald. 

Only Vuolo and Forsyth are the exception.

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Unemployment has a way of making people 'snap'; even lazy people. I think that's what we're seeing with Derick. I kind of shocked Jill wanted off the show. She'll try to come crawling back within six months. 

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11 hours ago, FakeJoshDuggar said:

Two men texting each other about God and scripture seems really odd to me. Could they just be a little normal and admit that they both like football and would chat about game highlights? Or he’ll, they both like cooking and swapped recipes. Why does EVERYTHING have to be about the Bible?!

Out of the many, many, MANY fucked up things about fundies, that is one that boggles my mind the most. Do they ACTUALLY talk to each other that way ALL THE TIME?! Does every single conversation have to include some reference to God or the  Bible? And whether they do or not, has not a single one of these losers trying for semi-mainstream acceptance realized how fucking weird that is to normal people? Jeremy especially should know that claiming that he and Ben hit it off by texting about the Bible and, apparently, nothing else makes him look odd to everyone but fundies.

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Some of y'all would probably call me a fundy  because I'm a southern baptist, however in no way do I consider myself one.  I'll tell you about our ladies prayer group. I was one of several who met once a week to pray for people we knew, or knew of that had needs. When we got there, there was talk about our day, and what was going on with us, then we discussed anyone we knew of that might be in a situation where they needed, or had asked for prayer. We also gave updates if we had any on those we had been praying for. Then each of us in turn prayed. In all our entire meeting lasted about an hour and a half. 

We no longer meet, but I still feel a closeness to these ladies. We have a group text and if we know of anyone having a need for prayer it gets out into the group text. 

None of us sees this as strange, it's what Christians do for one another. 

Yes, we do have times we are together and we talk about completely secular subjects. I think people who cannot hold a conversation that is not " religious" are a little strange.

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34 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

Unemployment has a way of making people 'snap'; even lazy people. I think that's what we're seeing with Derick. I kind of shocked Jill wanted off the show. She'll try to come crawling back within six months. 

We have no idea if Jill wanted to be off the show or not.  Thus far, we haven't heard from Jill.  Derick could have told TLC, "Take me or lose all the Dillards" and his threat backfired.  Actually, Derick is counting on (pun intended) Jill and her sisters winning the multi-million-dollar lawsuit.  If so, it was a stupid idea to voluntarily give up those TLC checks while claiming in court that Jill's income was harmed by release of the molestation documents.  How will Jill be able to claim to a jury how much she missed her job and income when TLC cancelled 19 Kids and Counting and now, just two years later, she leaves the show because her husband is "heading in a different direction?"

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What I would like to know is when did the Dillards quit the show, before or after Samuel's birth?  Is there footage in the can of the second mishandled birth?  Or did they decide ahead of time that they didn't want to participate and so TLC wasn't there? I'm thinking the split came when the Dillard's refused to allow the footage to be used.

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39 minutes ago, lascuba said:

Out of the many, many, MANY fucked up things about fundies, that is one that boggles my mind the most. Do they ACTUALLY talk to each other that way ALL THE TIME?! Does every single conversation have to include some reference to God or the  Bible? And whether they do or not, has not a single one of these losers trying for semi-mainstream acceptance realized how fucking weird that is to normal people? Jeremy especially should know that claiming that he and Ben hit it off by texting about the Bible and, apparently, nothing else makes him look odd to everyone but fundies.

I work with a guy who does this.  He signs work e-mails "in Christ's name" and tells everyone he sees that he is "truly blessed."  I've heard him wonder aloud whether a recently deceased friend was a "Godly man" and whether he'd make it into heaven.  He's a total boor (and bore) who listens to no one but his "Godly" self and is misogynistic besides.  Somehow he brings money into our private company, so his over the top behavior is allowed by the powers that be.  Anyway, fundies like the Duggars who make a great show of their faith really do this.  I see it all the time!  They don't care about looking odd.  If mainstream people comment on their showy behavior, they feel persecuted for their faith.  

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58 minutes ago, JoanArc said:

Unemployment has a way of making people 'snap'; even lazy people. I think that's what we're seeing with Derick. I kind of shocked Jill wanted off the show. She'll try to come crawling back within six months. 

Can you imagine the conversation - Derrick - Jill I wonder if you want to be back in the show. Jill - I want whatever You want.   Derrick - I don't want us to be on the show. Jill - then that is what I want. 

He is the headship  we even saw them have versions of this conversation.  Maybe part of her many problems is that she is not allowed to verbalized her own wants and desires  

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40 minutes ago, Luvmy300zx said:

Some of y'all would probably call me a fundy  because I'm a southern baptist, however in no way do I consider myself one.  I'll tell you about our ladies prayer group. I was one of several who met once a week to pray for people we knew, or knew of that had needs. When we got there, there was talk about our day, and what was going on with us, then we discussed anyone we knew of that might be in a situation where they needed, or had asked for prayer. We also gave updates if we had any on those we had been praying for. Then each of us in turn prayed. In all our entire meeting lasted about an hour and a half. 

We no longer meet, but I still feel a closeness to these ladies. We have a group text and if we know of anyone having a need for prayer it gets out into the group text. 

None of us sees this as strange, it's what Christians do for one another. 

Yes, we do have times we are together and we talk about completely secular subjects. I think people who cannot hold a conversation that is not " religious" are a little strange.

I totally get this, @Luvmy300zx. You sound like a lot of my cousins, in fact, down to the Southern Baptist thing. They have a sincere faith, they are active in their churches, they may be in prayer groups or just have church/faith friends with whom they may have religious conversations. And also, they live in the secular world and can carry on appropriate conversations with pretty much everyone they meet. Unlike the guy described by @BetyBee who has to drag Jesus Christ into everything, 24/7. I've met a few like that too and they skeeve me out.

If Ben and Jeremy, or Jeremy and Derick, met through church/religious connections, I totally get that they would text each other about religious stuff. Like other guys might swap texts about sports, or IT geeks would text about tech stuff. It's a shared interest, and they're young(ish) guys. They are highly unlikely, IMO, to be texting about clothes or hair or feeeelings.

Edited by Jeeves
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Actually, Derick is counting on (pun intended) Jill and her sisters winning the multi-million-dollar lawsuit.

I agree 100%. he dumb, arrogant, and "faithful" enough to think it's actually going to happen. I hope they win $1.

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This AM as I was getting out of the shower, a thought popped into my mind.  Derrick needs to stay off of social media/ Twitter posting and fights and spend that extra newfound time in prayer for the evil and negativity in the world.  Not be out there posting and getting into flame wars with those who do not agree.  The monks, nuns, sadhus, etc. in this world do this--attempt to change the world by praying and elevating the vibration of the planet, not by arguing and trying to shove beliefs down the throats of internet users.

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Maybe Derrick could look for a real job and get off Jim Bob's welfare line!


Speaking of which..non of them work.  Are WE supporting them with food stamps and housing allowances?  Wouldn't that be interesting to find out!!!

2 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

*small voice* I think Jill looks really cute in that picture. She actually looks more polished than Jessa, who's likely hiding a yet-to-be-announced baby bump behind a baggy, shapeless fleece. 

Jesse's pregnant again?  She's not even 25 years old yet is she?  I missed the picture.

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2 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:


Jesse's pregnant again?  She's not even 25 years old yet is she?

Pure speculation on my part, just based on the fact that she's been noticeably absent from posting pictures of herself on Instagram and she was hiding behind her siblings in the Thanksgiving picture. 

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3 hours ago, Mollie said:

How will Jill be able to claim to a jury how much she missed her job and income when TLC cancelled 19 Kids and Counting and now, just two years later, she leaves the show because her husband is "heading in a different direction?"

I think this is setting the bar for "job" very low.  Technically, yes, a job is anything you do that makes money, but on the show all these people "do" is be themselves.  There is no mental or physical labor involved.  YMMV.

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1 hour ago, BitterApple said:

*small voice* I think Jill looks really cute in that picture. She actually looks more polished than Jessa, who's likely hiding a yet-to-be-announced baby bump behind a baggy, shapeless fleece. 

I think she looks good as well. Actually, it's quite a nice picture of all of them. 

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4 hours ago, BetyBee said:

I work with a guy who does this.  He signs work e-mails "in Christ's name" and tells everyone he sees that he is "truly blessed."  I've heard him wonder aloud whether a recently deceased friend was a "Godly man" and whether he'd make it into heaven.  He's a total boor (and bore) who listens to no one but his "Godly" self and is misogynistic besides.  Somehow he brings money into our private company, so his over the top behavior is allowed by the powers that be.  Anyway, fundies like the Duggars who make a great show of their faith really do this.  I see it all the time!  They don't care about looking odd.  If mainstream people comment on their showy behavior, they feel persecuted for their faith.  

I've always thought that this type of behavior is about the anti-embodiment of Christ's lecture in Matthew 6:5. 

I've also seen many a Christian of your coworker's persuasion nodding self-righteously whenever this verse is cited in a sermon, as if to indicate that I think they think they do understand, instead of the exact opposite. 

It is a puzzle.  Personally, I'd be too busy wondering if your coworker is intent upon bragging to everyone what a good Christian he is, by dint of feeling the need to talk showily and publicly about the deceased friend's salvation (I should think most people would leave that out of a conversation that started with "So, what did you do this weekend, James?"  "Went to a funeral of a good friend of mine.") 

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17 hours ago, FakeJoshDuggar said:

Two men texting each other about God and scripture seems really odd to me. Could they just be a little normal and admit that they both like football and would chat about game highlights? Or he’ll, they both like cooking and swapped recipes. Why does EVERYTHING have to be about the Bible?!

I'm guessing it's because they think this makes them so so so so so so so so so so so very speshul. 

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5 hours ago, riverblue22 said:

What I would like to know is when did the Dillards quit the show, before or after Samuel's birth?  Is there footage in the can of the second mishandled birth?  Or did they decide ahead of time that they didn't want to participate and so TLC wasn't there? I'm thinking the split came when the Dillard's refused to allow the footage to be used.

I think it happened after Samuel's birth. Something fishy happened during his birth. This is all speculation, of course, but it's pretty obvious that Jill's dumbass tried to vaginally labor at home for 40 hrs before having an emergency c-section.

I don't know what she was thinking, that kid was huge and it proved that she had no prenatal care. Derick probably refused the footage from being aired because it's illegal to have a VBAC at home in Arkansas.  TLC never posted anything about a birth episode.

A month into Sam's birth (Mid-August) is when Derick started posting his hateful rants towards Jazz. 

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47 minutes ago, queenanne said:


It is a puzzle.  Personally, I'd be too busy wondering if your coworker is intent upon bragging to everyone what a good Christian he is, by dint of feeling the need to talk showily and publicly about the deceased friend's salvation (I should think most people would leave that out of a conversation that started with "So, what did you do this weekend, James?"  "Went to a funeral of a good friend of mine.") 

Actually, I remember one of Jill's CA updates regarding this very topic. IIRC the girl/woman friend died suddenly but thankfully the dead friend had accepted Jesus right before her demise so it was ok. They then finished the dead's pinata. 

Pls tell me I didn't dream this lol

Edited by lulu69
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