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Jill, Derick & the Kids: Moving On!!


Shout out to everyone participating in the conversation about Jill’s miscarriage/stillbirth. You’re navigating a difficult topic with respect and thoughtfulness and your contributions are kind, considerate, constructive and informative. 

Thank you. 💚💚

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31 minutes ago, Aja said:

I'm yoinking this comment from one of the grifting pages because it clarified a lot for me. These two are truly shameless:

Whoa, that poster put up a nice timeline. Derick can respond to that in a Tweet and suck it.

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It just amazes me that everyone seems to turn the other cheek when it comes to the Dillards. From TLC, to SOS, to Cross church,  Are all these people so naive that they can't see the grifters that the Dillards have become? I know, anything for ratings, but it doesn't say much that others seem to condone  their shady behavior.  They lie, and cheat all in the name of Jesus. That timeline reveals what con artists they really are. I wish it would open the eyes of those supporting them.

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11 minutes ago, bythelake said:

It just amazes me that everyone seems to turn the other cheek when it comes to the Dillards. From TLC, to SOS, to Cross church,  Are all these people so naive that they can't see the grifters that the Dillards have become? I know, anything for ratings, but it doesn't say much that others seem to condone  their shady behavior.  They lie, and cheat all in the name of Jesus. That timeline reveals what con artists they really are. I wish it would open the eyes of those supporting them.

Well, I kind of think this is the whole story of life for the Duggars (and now Duggar adjacents) in general, isn't it? .... Occasionally you do hear what appears to be a real story about some former associates' real feelings about some Duggs and their behavior, and it isn't flattering. Yet they've all been cut a billion breaks and have been and are repeatedly fawned over by all and sundry. For example, -- JB was apparently about the worst and most widely despised of all Arkansas state legislators, yet once he got on TeeVee, his son got elevated to a national political position that I'm quite sure he never ever ever would have gotten if the TeeVee show didn't exist. Etc. Etc.

They're "famous".  They're "celebrities". And pretty much all of us defer to celebrities in some way and to some degree and they all get perks they don't need and get away with things that others don't get away with. And even people who secretly hate them mostly also are happy to be photographed with them because we all have the feeling that fame -- which is power and money, ultimately -- may rub off. ETc. 

And now that you can get to be "famous" just by having your stupid life featured on "reality tv," not because you did anything at all, this completely clears the way for people like the Duggar-clan-and-its-clingers-on to get everything they want without doing anything in return. ....

Until they're not on TeeVee any more -- and until everyone has forgotten that they once were on TeeVee -- I expect we're going to see this kind of thing go on with all the Duggs and Dugg-adjacents. No reason we wouldn't. This whole "worship the famous" thing isn't rational. So almost nobody can be talked out of it. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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10 hours ago, cmr2014 said:

I have to admit that this looks like it could be a good thing for Derick -- not that I think anyone other than Derick should pay for it.

I went to the web site and it looked a little vague and scammy to me; I then went to the "tracks" link, and it really looked like something that might benefit him:


It appears that there is a fair amount of mentoring / counseling involved in the program -- which he desperately needs. There are a variety of different "tracks" that he can explore including Youth Ministry and College Ministry as well as Global Missions. There are real life lessons in time management, taking care of a family, financial planning, etc. At the end of the year, he might decide that this isn't for him and head back to WalMart, or he may continue down this path with some plans and some real achievable goals.

I hope that he and Jill will focus on this for the next year, and try to keep off social media -- it is not their friend.

I'd like to hope so but I have trouble believing that Derrick can "learn" from anyone.  He's proven himself to be a sanctimonious know it all; he's happy spouting off on social media about all the things he wants to object to because his bible reading told him so AND he's been a "missionary" in two countries now.  I think he believes he already knows it all, if he put aside his ego for 10 seconds he might learn a little something even from a vague or scammy school but he's above all that (in his own mind).

My two cents on the whole thing is it comes down to this holding them back:  Jill & Derrick Dillard Not Missionaries .  I'm very sure if we could put a thought bubble over Derricks head with info straight from his brain it would read "I am fully qualified missionary because I read my bible every day and I say so.  But stupid bureaucracy is in my way.  I'll lower myself to go to school but I could teach the course if they'd let me.  When I'm done with this bull I'll go back to what I was doing before and this time they'll just have to fund me because I'm already the most perfect missionary the world has ever seen"

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1 hour ago, Aja said:

I'm yoinking this comment from one of the grifting pages because it clarified a lot for me. These two are truly shameless:


Thanks for sharing that. I know quite a bit about the Duggars and I didn't know those details at all. 

I always thought Derick had a lot of mental health issues.  Maybe he is just a scumbag? 

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8 minutes ago, sigmaforce86 said:

I'd like to hope so but I have trouble believing that Derrick can "learn" from anyone.  He's proven himself to be a sanctimonious know it all; he's happy spouting off on social media about all the things he wants to object to because his bible reading told him so AND he's been a "missionary" in two countries now.  I think he believes he already knows it all, if he put aside his ego for 10 seconds he might learn a little something even from a vague or scammy school but he's above all that (in his own mind).

My two cents on the whole thing is it comes down to this holding them back:  Jill & Derrick Dillard Not Missionaries .  I'm very sure if we could put a thought bubble over Derricks head with info straight from his brain it would read "I am fully qualified missionary because I read my bible every day and I say so.  But stupid bureaucracy is in my way.  I'll lower myself to go to school but I could teach the course if they'd let me.  When I'm done with this bull I'll go back to what I was doing before and this time they'll just have to fund me because I'm already the most perfect missionary the world has ever seen"

I think that Derick is looking at this course as a chance to be both faculty AND student.  I expect he will be wanting to share his vast 'missionary' experience with the rest of the students and faculty and will expects that he will be embraced as a fount of knowledge and wisdom by the entire group.  No doubt, he doesn't expect he will have to study or work as hard as the other students; he already knows this stuff based on his 'real world' experiences.  Just like Jill is a qualified midwife because she followed around a couple of amateur, self taught midwives and saw them deliver babies.  Or like any of the Duggar kids are qualified mechanics or electricians or plumbers because they spent 10 minutes watching a real professional do their job.  Derick doesn't 'need' this course or certification; but, alas, the world doesn't recognize his vast abilities (and TLC needs a storyline for next season), so off he goes to class.

Edited by doodlebug
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17 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

I believe most folks are onto the Dillards and the Duggars. Its the folks with the same Fundy mindset as them that don't see their narrow minded, backwards way of living and preaching.

That's all it takes, though, for them to get a lot of breaks. Since they don't actually have an interest in hanging around with or appealing with or involving themselves with anybody else. And since there are tens of millions of these folks -- especially if you include people who have just fancied the Duggs on TeeVee without actually knowing or caring much about the religion -- and these tens of millions have plenty of institutions and programs and money and so on, that's lots of backing, really. They're not going to stop getting perks and attention just because people who don't agree with their beliefs won't fawn over them .........

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26 minutes ago, Marigold said:


Thanks for sharing that. I know quite a bit about the Duggars and I didn't know those details at all. 

I always thought Derick had a lot of mental health issues.  Maybe he is just a scumbag? 

Well, that thing is a little overheated in places. For example, it says this: "Also, S.O.S. asked that money be sent to its organization to support the missionary work of Jill and Derick in Central America, not to the Dillards directly."      And as far as I know, that's a quite misleading statement that damns the Dullards for something that they probably aren't damnable for in their world.

Yes, S.O.S. asked that money be sent to its organization, but as far as I know they never said that money couldn't also be sent to the Dillards directly, which is what that statement implies. Now, it's possible that they did say that somewhere, but I've poked around among their stuff a lot and I never saw such a statement. And it would fly in the face of virtually all Christian missionary tradition if they had said so, because many, and probably most, conversion-type missionaries who've gone to mission fields for months at a stretch, as opposed to those on very temporary medical assignments, for example, have been expected to raise money on their own -- in addition to the money that the sponsoring organization raises -- since forever. 

And then there's the implication that the current lawsuit is all Jill. That's a clear falsehood that tries to smear Jill with filing a lawsuit that was certainly Jizm Bob's idea, not any of the girls' idea, and to the extent the girls are involved, then the responsibility has to be split four ways, not just pinned on one of them. 

Also, it says that Derick posted he'd been "officially commissioned" by Cross Church and that's also not strictly true. He actually posted that "We were commissioned to the mission field by our home church."      So saying that he claimed an "official" commissioning is another subtle lie that makes him out to be more nefarious than he is. He shouldn't have posted that they were commissioned at all -- although I would bet that the prayer they were sent off with had a bit of commissioning tone to it -- but he knew perfectly well that he had not been "officially commissioned" and he didn't say that he had been...............Some tabloid reports at the time used the word "official," and I assume that's where this person got it from, but it isn't true. 

In short, I'd call that a document that has a lot of basis in truth but that also falsely, though subtly, misstates a lot of stuff to make it sound considerably worse than it is. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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6 minutes ago, Marigold said:

I think a lot of people like the "image" of the Duggars.  Kinda like we all enjoyed The Brady Bunch or The Waltons or Little House. 

The Duggars gave off the image of a big, happy, Christian family.  Now the facade is coming apart but people still hang on to their opinions because they don't want to believe anything bad about someone they admired. Denial.

It IS very upsetting when a celebrity or real life person,  that you liked, is caught doing really bad stuff.  However, I am a flexible thinker and live in reality so I look at the allegations, determine if it's true and then adjust my opinion.  A lot of people are incapable of doing that.  Enter: Duggar fans.  

Other folks have said the same thing, but I don't get it. They've never hid their ways, even starting with the first special. They emphasized oppressing women and children every time the opened their mouths, almost bragging about it. When probed a little, they shared their homophobia. And their stance as to being seen as judgmental is saying they do whats right for them.  As evidenced by social media, including these boards, I believe most folks see the Duggars for who they are.

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11 hours ago, cmr2014 said:

At the end of the year, he might decide that this isn't for him and head back to WalMart, or he may continue down this path with some plans and some real achievable goals.

I hope that he and Jill will focus on this for the next year, and try to keep off social media -- it is not their friend.

But seriously, would WalMart take him back?  He wasn't exactly a stellar employee.  I  suspect that he did not resign voluntarily.  And honestly, even with his mom's connections I doubt they would take him back.  For that matter, any business would probably look at his resume and have some serious reservations.

What I don't understand is why he did not choose theology/seminary school instead of accounting in the first place.  He did go to Nepal pre-Jill, so the desire to do missionary work was there.  But after the wedding he slowly became indoctrinated into the cult and its grifting practices.

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19 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

They emphasized oppressing women and children every time the opened their mouths,

Well, my guess is that, in the very very large Protestant conservative community -- by far the largest religion-related demographic in the United States for years now  (considerably bigger than white Catholics (although some white Catholics are very similar in beliefs, which actually makes the Duggar fanbase potentially even bigger, I expect) , non-conservative Protestants, non-religion-affiliated people, etc.) -- these ideas are an integral part of the traditional background noise. So hearing them from the Duggars would reinforce the idea that this was a big, happy Christian family, not be at odds with that idea. ......................

Which is not to say that all or even most conservative Christians today buy these ideas for themselves, but only about a generation back they were absolutely embraced, pretty universally, by this then growing and strengthening demographic as the ideal. So hearing them wouldn't surprise anybody in that community (even if they don't exactly live this way themselves today), and could trigger -- conscious or unconscious -- nostalgia for that better world that used to be when we were a virtuous happy white Protestant nation, and, hence, trigger major warm fuzzies for the horrible Duggars, not the reverse.    

Stay-at-home mom! Obedient children! Daddy knows best! .... Those are huge positive nostalgia concepts for a very large community of Americans. They wouldn't have heard what you and I heard at all. 

Edited by Churchhoney
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11 hours ago, Marigold said:

1. Recovering from his C-section

2. Telling other people how to live

3.  Smiting the rest of humanity.  Finding judgemental, wrathful Bible verses takes some time.

4.  Patting himself on the back because he is God's bestest boy ever and the Duggars are just the bestest people ever.

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2 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

Has anybody else seen the Househunters International about Jilly Muffin and Der? .... I saw this the other day and I thought I might have dreamed it, it was so similar (although a different continent).But I'm guessing it means that their marriage pattern is more common than we might think in fundie land.

It was about a newly married couple who were looking for a house in Madagascar. The guy was nerdy, skinny, average looking and had spent his whole life in missions. He'd grown up in Kenya with missionary parents and as an adult worked elsewhere in East Africa himself. lately teaching in Madagascar. He was on a (probably fundraising) trip in the U.S. when the young woman -- a fairly attractive person of otherwise indeterminate nature who'd lived in Tulsa all her life -- heard him speak and fell for him immediately in apparent ton-of-bricks fashion. She said she'd had a heart for Africa for her whole life, and was just completely carried away by him and his talk. Just knew she had to marry him because of her lifelong heart for Africa. 

I don't know how long it took them to become engaged, but it must not have been too long since I didn't get the impression that the story as a whole was very long. And then, throughout their engagement, he'd been back in Africa, and they'd been apart the whole time except for, I think, one visit that she'd made there. Now they were married and moving and looking for a place to live. Apparently they'd had some kind of car accident just after the wedding in the states, and she was getting physical therapy and also has a ton of allergies, so -- maybe a little fragile to be immediately uprooting to a different continent when you've never left town before?

They had, according to him, a $600 budget for monthly rent. They showed them three places and while I know that these things are complete setups and the people already know which house they're taking, the sentiments expressed didn't sound false to me. He wanted a big garden and a place whose architecture and layout felt African. She wanted -- the exact opposite of that in every regard.

They showed them one on-budget house that was a little bit African but mostly pretty modern in that this-house-could-be-anywhere-in-the-world-today look. It had a very small yard where he could have a very small garden. She said that was okay but she really hated gardening altogether. Also, as people tend to do on Househunters, she expressed big unhappiness because it didn't have the famous updated kitchen. (had a perfectly nice and serviceable kitchen with a pretty African-tile exhaust-hood-chimney, but there was a gas stove and little built-in storage -- How could they possibly cook in there???). (Did you ever hear of building shelves out of, I don't know, boards and bricks? Seriously. 

They also showed them an on-budget more Madagascar-style house out on the edge of town that had space for a huge garden. And she said that it wouldn't work for her because she's allergic to dirt -- by which she apparently means the stuff on the ground that plants grow in.....Seriously, can you be allergic to dirt??? How would you survive infancy if you were allergic to dirt? And Oklahoma's in the dust bowl, last time I looked. (There were also chickens... they left the door open and a couple walked into the kitchen -- real-estate agent said, You have to shut the door..... She said this was not what she'd anticipated when thinking about living in the country....in Madagascar....for all of the, like, 20 years when she'd been pining away with her heart for Africa....Huh?) 

They also showed them a penthouse apartment, which literally could have been anywhere. It was brand new so, of course, it had the famous updated kitchen. She said how wonderful it would be to live in this place because no one had lived in it before. It had, of course, no garden whatsoever, possibly not even room for a container garden. And it was $850 a month. She absolutely loved it, of course, and she kept repeatedly saying that it was only the tiniest smidgen over their budget (nearly 50 percent over, but who's counting?). 

Of course they couldn't afford that place, so they did take the first house with the -- horrors! -- non-updated kitchen and the small yard. She said that they probably could learn to cook using the -- horrors! -- gas oven. 

I was actually shocked by how similar this was to the Jilly-Der story. This woman had absolutely zero idea of what being a missionary would be like or what Africa would be like, yet she'd been dead certain for decades that that was the life she aspired to, and she declared that that was what her attraction to her husband consisted of. And then he had obviously leaped at the marriage as well -- and he knew what the life she supposedly coveted was like. So how could he possibly have thought that she'd be suited for it? .... And, of course, there was also the "we were apart throughout our entire engagement" when they clearly had known each other only pretty briefly before the engagement. 

I wonder how many missionaries end up getting divorced because the wife grew up as a starry-eyed fundie girl imagining that she had a heart for missions when she had absolutely no idea what a mission would actually be like? And because the culture seems to have enshrined the "marrying in haste is the thing to do!" mindset...

I DID see that one and I was quite yelly during it!  My mind also went to the Dickweeds while watching.  I really disliked the wife.

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36 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

What I don't understand is why he did not choose theology/seminary school instead of accounting in the first place.  He did go to Nepal pre-Jill, so the desire to do missionary work was there.  But after the wedding he slowly became indoctrinated into the cult and its grifting practices.

Most legit seminaries are graduate school so he'd need a bachelors in something. 

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1 hour ago, Churchhoney said:

Well, that thing is a little overheated in places. For example, it says this: "Also, S.O.S. asked that money be sent to its organization to support the missionary work of Jill and Derick in Central America, not to the Dillards directly."      And as far as I know, that's a quite misleading statement that damns the Dullards for something that they probably aren't damnable for in their world.

Yes, S.O.S. asked that money be sent to its organization, but as far as I know they never said that money couldn't also be sent to the Dillards directly, which is what that statement implies. Now, it's possible that they did say that somewhere, but I've poked around among their stuff a lot and I never saw such a statement. And it would fly in the face of virtually all Christian missionary tradition if they had said so, because many, and probably most, conversion-type missionaries who've gone to mission fields for months at a stretch, as opposed to those on very temporary medical assignments, for example, have been expected to raise money on their own -- in addition to the money that the sponsoring organization raises -- since forever. 

And then there's the implication that the current lawsuit is all Jill. That's a clear falsehood that tries to smear Jill with filing a lawsuit that was certainly Jizm Bob's idea, not any of the girls' idea, and to the extent the girls are involved, then the responsibility has to be split four ways, not just pinned on one of them. 

Also, it says that Derick posted he'd been "officially commissioned" by Cross Church and that's also not strictly true. He actually posted that "We were commissioned to the mission field by our home church."      So saying that he claimed an "official" commissioning is another subtle lie that makes him out to be more nefarious than he is. He shouldn't have posted that they were commissioned at all -- although I would bet that the prayer they were sent off with had a bit of commissioning tone to it -- but he knew perfectly well that he had not been "officially commissioned" and he didn't say that he had been...............Some tabloid reports at the time used the word "official," and I assume that's where this person got it from, but it isn't true. 

In short, I'd call that a document that has a lot of basis in truth but that also falsely, though subtly, misstates a lot of stuff to make it sound considerably worse than it is. 

S.O.S. did tell people to send money directly to S.O.S. to support the Dillards in Central America.  When S.O.S. posted that, they didn't say 'and/or send money to Dillard Family Ministries.'  Although the tourists on those missions have to pay thousands of dollars to tour for a month, the Dillards were there as staff members and didn't have to pay anything to be there.  It was all part of their training and, just like the Spanish lessons, S.O.S. claimed to have paid for that for the Dillards.

That comment said "Jill is involved in a lawsuit"; it didn't say that she was the only one in the lawsuit.  I don't think there is any evidence that Jim Bob is involved in the girls' lawsuit.  He is not a plaintiff.  Josh filed his own lawsuit, but Jim Bob hasn't.

This is what Derick posted on Instagram on September 6, 2015: "derickdillard We are so grateful for the support of our church fellowship @crosschurch as we were officially commissioned during the morning service today."

Edited by Mollie
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19 hours ago, LilJen said:

Americans ARE considered a bit weird by many other cultures for their propensity to smile nearly all the time.  I'm not making that up.

Right? I'm just a naturally cheery person,  and I got *so *many perplexed glares when I was wandering around another country until I realized  what the problem was. So I trained myself to set the ole mug to "neutral" after I'd grinned at something and noticed that I got a lot more pleasant nods when I made eye contact with a stranger. Oh, don't get me started on eye contact!! It's good that I have ninjas on-call, or I would've been dead several times over in different places, home included.

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3 hours ago, doodlebug said:

I think that Derick is looking at this course as a chance to be both faculty AND student.  I expect he will be wanting to share his vast 'missionary' experience with the rest of the students and faculty and will expects that he will be embraced as a fount of knowledge and wisdom by the entire group. 

I have had many fellow students like this in my 10+ years in academia and I have loathed each and every one of them. I pay good money to have a qualified professor teach my classes, if I wanted to learn the material from a know-it-all wanker, I'd find one myself.

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16 hours ago, Genevrier said:

This is the page that had a large number of comments that were nearly all negative, which were then deleted. This page is now closed to comments. https://www.purecharity.com/ccsm-missions-derick-dillard

Mysteriously, this page https://www.purecharity.com/ccsm-missions-derick-dillard/backers which appears to be a mirror of the other page, is now up and is filling with comments from people whose comments were deleted from the first page. As of last reading, 100% of the comments on the /backers page are negative. I don't know why there are two pages, or if Derick even knows about the /backers page. I am sure he'll delete the comments soon. 

Looks like the whole fundraiser is gone now.  All that is left is:

This fundraiser was removed because of violations of our Terms of Use for Registered User Conduct.

We have removed the fundraiser and have informed the nonprofit of this decision.

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25 minutes ago, peppergal said:

Looks like the whole fundraiser is gone now.  All that is left is:

This fundraiser was removed because of violations of our Terms of Use for Registered User Conduct.

We have removed the fundraiser and have informed the nonprofit of this decision.


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3 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

seriously, would WalMart take him back?  He wasn't exactly a stellar employee.  I  suspect that he did not resign voluntarily.  And honestly, even with his mom's connections I doubt they would take him back.  For that matter, any business would probably look at his resume and have some serious reservations.

I've wondered about this! There have to be many accounting grads whose training is fresher  and salary requirements lower!  I'm inquiring, not challenging, when I ask how he was "not exactly a stellar employee." NGOs was this measured? Long lunches with his petulant, snobbish little wife? Do tell, pretty please! :-)

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If I remember correctly, Derick Dillard's time in Nepal mentioned nothing to do with preaching Christianity, ( or his version of it at the time.) His description of his 'duties' was to be a tour guide for people climbing the mountains and more of a 'host' to those that were visiting there, I don't know why they were there...I'm thinking it was something like when he and Jill were in Danger America....more like hosts. His linkedin mentioned NOTHING spiritual in his duties....Am I remembering this correctly? Anyone know what I'm referring to?

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41 minutes ago, Nysha said:

had many fellow students like this in my 10+ years in academia and I have loathed each and every one of them. I pay good money to have a qualified professor teach my classes, if I wanted to learn the material from a know-it-all wanker, I'd find one myself.

OT but I sympathize! I'm taking some community-center classes (low fee, no degree, but topics that fascinate me) and sometimes the instructors' lack of action in quieting a mouthy wannabe frustrates a person!

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On 8/24/2017 at 2:02 PM, Sew Sumi said:

IIRC, his schollys were academically-based. Then as he progressed, I think he also got grants to supplement the scholarships.  

Did he get a scholarship (or money off) for being the school's mascot?

2 minutes ago, floridamom said:

II'm thinking it was something like when he and Jill were in Danger America....more like hosts. His linkedin mentioned NOTHING spiritual in his duties....Am I remembering this correctly? Anyone know what I'm referring to?


The program Triple D was in Nepal with is engaged in sending young Christians to the field to work at other jobs while stealthily sharing the Gospel with those they come in contact with. Nepal does not allow missionaries, if I remember correctly. It's all done on the down-low by these orgs. IMHO and if someone remembers something that contradicts this, please share.

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11 minutes ago, floridamom said:

What does that announcement mean? what die they violate?

He violated one or more of these rules:

You agree to not use the Service to:

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*any Public Content that infringes any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other proprietary rights (“Rights”) of any party;

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*any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment;

*any Public Content that is unlawful, harmful, threatening, abusive, harassing, tortious, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, libelous, invasive of another’s privacy, hateful, or racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;

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*forge headers or otherwise manipulate identifiers in order to disguise the origin of any Public Content transmitted through the Service;

*disrupt the normal flow of dialogue, cause a screen to “scroll” faster than other users of the Service are able to type, or otherwise act in a manner that negatively affects other users’ ability to engage in real time exchanges;

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1 minute ago, latetotheparty said:

I'm guessing that they were not a true charity.  More a pay-my-tuition-plz cash grab. 

Cross Church seem to have a fair few pay my way beggars. 

The Terms of Use are pretty ordinary in their "no guarantees", and "accounts cancelled for anything we feel like".

Perhaps he was not pure enough? 

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I think he just deleted because of the backlash. I searched through the the website and found many people asking for $6,500 for the same Cross Church mission program. Most of then are young and just out of college. I guess cross encourages this because their fees are ridiculous. 



Edited by Lunera
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$12,000 to do a year of internship for pre-school ministry is high on my list of useless and scammy things I've seen this week.  Just go to community college or a four year school and get an AA or BA in early childhood education and get a job at one of the dozens of church pre-schools in the area.  If they really need a how to teach Bible to pre-schoolers class, there are dozens of how to teach Sunday school programs that are free, church funded, or very low cost.

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20 minutes ago, Lunera said:

I think he just deleted because of the backlash.

According to the purecharity.com website, Derick Dillard's fundraising page was removed because of his violations and purecharity informed Cross Church.  Derick did a no-no and got caught – again.

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1 hour ago, Lunera said:

I think he just deleted because of the backlash. I searched through the the website and found many people asking for $6,500 for the same Cross Church mission program. Most of then are young and just out of college. I guess cross encourages this because their fees are ridiculous. 



Please, I'm surprised Derick didn't 'pad' the amount asked  to include living expenses for his wife and 2 children for the next year. Let's see, in DA the Dills claimed to need $24,000 for what amounted to barely 3 months missioncationing.  So $8000/month × 12 months = $96,000 plus you have to figure the cost of living in Arkansas is higher than DA. Better make it an even $100k. Everyone DONATE.

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2 hours ago, Lunera said:

I think he just deleted because of the backlash. I searched through the the website and found many people asking for $6,500 for the same Cross Church mission program. Most of then are young and just out of college. I guess cross encourages this because their fees are ridiculous. 



Poor Hannah and Bethanie are not doing well with their fundraisers. Maybe Pure Charity found a reason to boot him or maybe he responded to one of the hater comments with his own hate. I'd be interested in knowing what actually happened.

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3 hours ago, Nysha said:

I have had many fellow students like this in my 10+ years in academia and I have loathed each and every one of them. I pay good money to have a qualified professor teach my classes, if I wanted to learn the material from a know-it-all wanker, I'd find one myself.

Oh my gosh yes. I remember a college grammar class taught by a professor who was teaching in the FIFTIES (this was in 2012) where there was one of these. Every time she would say something, he'd raise his pompous hand, furrow his brow, and mutter, "according to MY research, you're incorrect because ______." Ha! You're nineteen! You're not doing any research, jerk! Why don't you give this octogenarian the respect she deserves?! She had made huge contributions to the field, yet this college freshman knew sooooo much more!!!

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18 minutes ago, GeeGolly said:

Poor Hannah and Bethanie are not doing well with their fundraisers. Maybe Pure Charity found a reason to boot him or maybe he responded to one of the hater comments with his own hate. I'd be interested in knowing what actually happened.

I just looked at their fundraisers.  How is it that $6500 for them only impacts 500 lives while for Derelict it would have impacted 2,000?

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11 hours ago, GeeGolly said:

Whoa, that poster put up a nice timeline. Derick can respond to that in a Tweet and suck it.

IIRC, the poster in question was self-Facebook-profile identified as "reporter at the Inquisitr".  Which was pleasantly surprising considering their generic nitwitty house style - I was not sure anyone there knew the meaning of the word "reporter" as they seem to just regurgitate, but big ups to that woman, who clearly did research.

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7 hours ago, Mollie said:

According to the purecharity.com website, Derick Dillard's fundraising page was removed because of his violations and purecharity informed Cross Church.  Derick did a no-no and got caught – again.

I'm a legal idiot. Can he get into legal trouble for this? 

This can't be good coupled with ALL the negative comments that poured in. 

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13 minutes ago, Marigold said:

I'm a legal idiot. Can he get into legal trouble for this? 


I hope so, but the Duggars seem to be Teflon when it comes to legal issues.

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Not to mention that the comments are all kaput now. Can the IT people from the charity website that Cross Chruch uses retrieve them somehow?

Anticipating this, I got tons of screenshots. Tabloids, call me. :D

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Since my Quiverfull of Hate Family disowned me years ago and assured me that being a lesbian would grant me a forever VIP room in Hell. . . I'm not too worried about the spiritual ramifications for continuously reporting fraud on the latest production of the Desperate (not to work) Dillard Vagabond Lifestyle Fund. I'm not at all concerned about cosmic karma for begging everyone on my social media to also report the fundraiser. I would like to believe it was taken down because my fellow sinners heard my war cry and fell into formation, typing FRAUD FRAUD FRAUD and hitting submit. A small little space in the darkest part of my heart wants to believe that ol' Demagog Dillard went to give Jesus a Holy High FIve for the few dollar signs that were appearing and Jesus slapped him on the forehead instead. 

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