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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Yeah, this reminds me of when I read about celebs adopting and the comments are almost always praising them for being so selfless and giving a poor unfortunate soul a home.... it leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 

Sadly, anyone who is preoccupied with staying in the limelight will view adoption as the latest accessory. What? You don't have a Sudanese adoptee? Everybody's doing it!

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I'm disappointed but not suprised. Bin is dim but Jessa seemed like she wanted to do things her way (pink wedding dress, no JB on the altar telling them they can kiss, no jacked up wedding car, etc). I thought they would have at least used NFP if they don't believe in actual birth control.

But from the recent photos it did look like she was pregnant, so not a huge suprise.

On tonight's episode Bin mentioned he almost had his degree from the community college. I don't know or care enough about it, but if he does get an actual degree from a real college that is something.

Must be nice to be teen newleyweds & live free in a newly renovated house. However, they did have to sell their soul to the devil (as they all did). And by devil I mean JB.

  • Love 2

Friendly note from your mod: I just deleted or edited several posts that were off-topic dealing with the junior clothing sizes at a department store.  Seriously off-topic, guys.  Keep it specifically about the show or the people not about your particular clothes shopping preferences.  Thanks.

  • Love 3

Ben's much more coherent when you get him away from the rest of the Duggars.  Move overseas, Ben and Jessa!


I wonder if it's because he doesn't have such horrible allergies there? I mean I don't think he's a scholar or anything, but I do think the allergies (and likely allergy meds) make him look and sound really bad at times.

  • Love 3

I wonder if it's because he doesn't have such horrible allergies there? I mean I don't think he's a scholar or anything, but I do think the allergies (and likely allergy meds) make him look and sound really bad at times.

It absolutely does, imo! I try to get past it but I cant. I know it's not his fault. But I also don't think allergies can completely account for his persona.

Edited by Betweenyouandme
  • Love 1

How many pregnancy tests do these people have? Do they buy in bulk? Don't most people just buy one if they think they need one?

I know, right?????  I was going through a mental grocery list for them.  Milk (check), bread (check), eggs (check), EPT (check,check,check).  Good Lord, EVERYBODY has a pregnancy test!  When I suspected I was PG, I actually had to go BUY one from the store.  How unprepared am I???


I also saw upstream somewhere it's Jason's b'day and he's 15.  And someone commented "3 years till I'm outta here!" (paraphrasing because I'm too lazy to go find it again).  I'm saying pssssht.  More likely 3 years until they announce he's courting.  Maybe less!  (Why wait???) 


And I'm loving Bay B. Jesus Weewald!!!

  • Love 1

From their blog- Ben's bio


I have a passion for the rights of the unborn. Abortion is murder, and it is tolerated today in the nation which I live. I will not stand by and do nothing while unborn human beings are daily being brutally sacrificed on the bloody alter of human convenience. My hope and prayer is that I will live to see the day when this great crime against humanity is totally abolished and eradicated from the face of the earth.

It's altar you dolt!!! Really Ben alter WTF. Also, the grammar...really??? Check out the other part I bolded.

And Jessa's bio


Occupation: A very blessed and happy wife! (also, my family’s barber)

So if Jessa is the family's barber she is doing a horrible job on the girls hair especially.

Add all this to the Jessa quote where she called Paris a country. Wow!

These two are the absolute worst.

  • Love 7

My fave part of the episode was when Anna was in the bedroom after telling Smugs she was knocked up again and one of the littles was waving the pee stick around in his chubby fist. I looked at my son and squealed cus i thought it was gonna go right into the kid's mouth like a cigar!

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 7

Not sure if this has already been mentioned but they have a Seewald Family blog.



They created the site on April 6, 2015.


I would have guessed they ran to godaddy.com to register the name back in November before the sheets had a chance to dry.

Edited by CofCinci

From their blog- Ben's bio

It's altar you dolt!!! Really Ben alter WTF.

And Jessa's bio

So if Jessa is the family's barber she is doing a horrible job on the girls hair especially.

Add all this to the Jessa quote where she called Paris a country. Wow!

These two are the absolute worst.

Jessa's bio was cut and pasted from the TLC blog. LOL

Regarding home pregnancy tests:  SoSewMe said, "...Anna 'borrowed' one from Jill, Jill was already pregnant.  But apparently it's important to have a good supply handy" 

Totally wierded out by this!  Everyone I know who got pregnant went out to buy one when they suspected they might be pregnant. Why would anyone have some on hand?

Getting back to Jessa and Ben:  I thought that they seemed more comfortable with each other than Jill and Derrick.  Ben said something like, "Being married is different than dating."  I thought they didn't date - they courted. 

Not sure if this has already been mentioned but they have a Seewald Family blog.


Ben went through a lot just to spend a couple of hours with Jessa. Didn't know he was close to Josiah.

Also kind of wish he didn't quit that country club gjg.

I don't think TLC paid for it, but I think they were paid to film it. I figure each daughter has a certain sum from the book for wedding/honeymoon in addition to whatever the groom contributes (and the Seewalds probably contributed something.) Plus, PEOPLE died pay for photos, so that would come to a pretty tidy some. More than enough for a wedding (especially the cheapish ones they are doing) and even a luxurious honeymoon. Jill might have used her money to go to Nepal, which in its own way was quite adventurous.

  • Love 1
My hope and prayer is that I will live to see the day when this great crime against humanity is totally abolished and eradicated from the face of the earth.

I sure hope he supports comprehensive sex education, then, not to mention easy access to birth control. And, I mean, he does realize that outlawing abortion only makes women seek them out illegally, right? It doesn't deter abortion at all. The only difference is that the woman is more likely to die, but my guess is that Ben might be okay with that because it's deserved punishment for having premarital sex and aborting in the first place. See, the baby's innocent, but the woman's just a murdering whore. 


It seriously pisses me off that Ben and the rest of the Duggars will decry abortion but also root for Hobby Lobby. Do they not see the connection here? To be fair, I don't know if Ben has ever said anything about Hobby Lobby, but Josh has, and I'm tired so I'm just going to lump them all in together. We know Ben has been subsumed into the Duggar fold, anyway. :D 


Also, that is such a random thing to put in the "about" section of your family blog. I guess it's his pet cause, but the frothing at the mouth is a bit much. 

Edited by galax-arena
  • Love 10
It is random but with Ben, he doesn't have much else going on.

Heh, yeah, but you'd think he could talk about his favorite book or food or whatever, the way Jessa does. I guess he does give a rundown of his favorite Bible verses... 


It's so jarring: "Hi, my name is Ben. I love God. ABORTION IS MURDER. DIE ABORTION DIE. I'm also into sports. And I'm an amateur artist!" O-kay, Binjermin. 

  • Love 10

Certainly no one was stopping him! My parents would have...I think. ...I hope. What's weird to me is that I really thought Jessa didn't like him in the beginning. I see I was flat out wrong. I don't think I'll ever get it, but maybe seeing them together on TV more without chaperones will help.

Sigh. Knew it was unlikely to be newlywed weight gain (I doubted she'd wear clothes that only accented a growing middle), but still a bit bummed. I hope her pregnancy goes smoothly (and that it isn't twins!). I do think she'll be a great mom - there's nothing wrong with the fact that she wasn't in love with babysitting her siblings for her parents once she hit 20. She often had young kids on her lap in older episodes, and headed up their version of school, and while I'm sure I'd take issue with the homeschool curriculum she and Ben would likely select, she might do a fine job with her own kids. Albeit in a different way than I think Anna's so far doing great by hers. You can tell she cared and learned about child development. (Ok. Probably too optimistic about future schooling, but at least she's the type to care about it and set expectations and standards.)

I do really like that she held off on announcing (despite playing the media game and playing into speculation with social media photos) - if she'd wanted to one-up Jill the day after she gave birth, she could have (*cough* Josiah). So I'm happy about the indications that it was publicized on her own terms (telling your family and sisters weeks before the public is so normal!), and that it doesn't scream one-upmanship.

No recollection of whether the show had said Ben already had his associates degree or not, but pleased about the ("f-you, interwebs!") confirmation tonight that Ben is still in some kind of school for some level of degree. More doors will be automatically closed on someone with nothing beyond a HS degree/GED than someone with an associates, so while I think we'd all prefer the "transfer to U of A" plan to the "ministry next" plan, I'm glad he hasn't (hadn't...this was a semester ago) already dropped it. Since degree-irrelevant careers like plumbing, electricial work, etc haven't been tossed out as interests so far. Use that People money to finish the way you're allowed, without debt, Ben!

I liked their honeymoon ep - they seem like they'll be a lot happier together than Jill and Derek, despite probably having more financial struggles down the road. Hopefully they use (ie, invest) the TLC/People/speaking engagement money wisely while it's coming in. That will buy a lot more financial leeway down the line than the younger kids are going to get once the world moves on.


Edited by Rhondinella
off topic

Heh, yeah, but you'd think he could talk about his favorite book or food or whatever, the way Jessa does. I guess he does give a rundown of his favorite Bible verses...

It's so jarring: "Hi, my name is Ben. I love God. ABORTION IS MURDER. DIE ABORTION DIE. I'm also into sports. And I'm an amateur artist!" O-kay, Binjermin.

That made me laugh :) it is odd and jarring. Well, hopefully he'll settle down eventually. I don't necessarily think he'll change his opinions but perhaps he'll slow his roll a little.

That made me laugh :) it is odd and jarring. Well, hopefully he'll settle down eventually. I don't necessarily think he'll change his opinions but perhaps he'll slow his roll a little.

19 is a particularly obnoxious age to have a social media platform (never mind people who actually do care about whatever you feel like saying, which will warp you), so hopefully he, like most, will learn and tone it down/choose his opportunities over the next four or five years.

  • Love 6

Did anyone else think that Ben was trying to screw with us by "hinting" at twins? Every time Jessa said something, he would say something about two or both. He could have been joking around but he almost seems so dense that he would give it away unintentionally by pretending to joke about it.

I sure hope he supports comprehensive sex education, then, not to mention easy access to birth control. And, I mean, he does realize that outlawing abortion only makes women seek them out illegally, right? It doesn't deter abortion at all. The only difference is that the woman is more likely to die, but my guess is that Ben might be okay with that because it's deserved punishment for having premarital sex and aborting in the first place. See, the baby's innocent, but the woman's just a murdering whore.

It seriously pisses me off that Ben and the rest of the Duggars will decry abortion but also root for Hobby Lobby. Do they not see the connection here? To be fair, I don't know if Ben has ever said anything about Hobby Lobby, but Josh has, and I'm tired so I'm just going to lump them all in together. We know Ben has been subsumed into the Duggar fold, anyway. :D

Also, that is such a random thing to put in the "about" section of your family blog. I guess it's his pet cause, but the frothing at the mouth is a bit much.

I don't even take a 19 yo uneducated moron seriously. Even my daughter has more sense than him.

I agree it sounded like he was hinting, but I hope it's not twins. He doesn't even have a real job, they can't even really support one child, let alone two!

I kinda hope it's twins, just so Jessa Blessa can rub it in Anna's and Jill's face. Yes I'm cruel


It's a bit creepy how excited he was to get Jim Bob's number. He also sounds crazy stalkerish driving all those hours to fellowship with the family just to get to see Jessa.

I call bullshit on this whole story.

UGH. I was just reading the leg humpers on Twitter, who are using the hashtag #BabySeewald. ALL of them are "sooooooooo excited." Barf.

Well, except one:

@ChocolateySmoof: #BabySeewald? Is that what they're calling teenage Ben these days? @TLC

Jessa looks healthier than Jill did at the same point in pregnancy. Jill looked like she'd been spending 24/7 with her head in a toilet at that point. Jessa must not have had morning sickness to the same extent as JillyMuffin did.

These stupid fans will defend anything or praise these people left and right

  • Love 2

Confession - I'm the same age as Ben.  I'm pretty disappointed, mainly because their "season of life" with kids is going to last long enough as is and I wouldn't have preferred for them to have more than 6 months together as newly-weds without a baby in the mix.  Jessa is 22, it isn't like her biological clock is ticking and one year before announcing the pregnancy wouldn't have ruined the "big family" plans.  

Looking long-term, even if Benessa only have 8 kids and they get married young, there isn't going to be much time between raising their own children and then helping out with grandchildren. Even though they don't seem to want 19, I could easily see them with 6.  

I just think that there hasn't been that much long-term planning.  What does Ben want to be doing in 10 years time?  Does he want to complete more education?  Where will they live?  What happens if the show is cancelled tomorrow?  Sure, they could have worked this all out behind the scenes, but the Duggars aren't well-known for their forward planning.  Mechelle and Boob with 14 (?) kids in a 3 bedroom/ 2 bathroom home is the perfect example. 

  • Love 1

Even if they did try natural family planning, if the follow the rest of the sex rules I've read about here, it'd be virtually impossible to be successful.


From what I understand, Gothard women are supposed to abstain from sex (I'm assuming all sex to Gothardites must be procreative, which also tends to be the rule) not only during menstruation but also for a week afterwards (which came from the Old Testament somewhere), which assuming the woman is at all regular and near a 28-day cycle would put their first opportunity to have sex for the first time after two weeks of abstinence right at the time a woman is most fertile.  NFP assumes that people will abstain for a certain number of days before or after ovulation, which means they'd only have maybe a week each month to have sex.  You think Jessa and the dashing Ben Seewald are going to follow that rule?  Or are they going to think "just once won't matter"--I have a younger sibling because of "just once won't matter", as do lots of other people I suspect.


I do hope that once Jessa realizes what pregnancy will do to her body that she will try to have fewer kids, but since all the other hopes about her have pretty much been dashed it probably won't happen.

  • Love 2

I went ahead and did the baby pool here for those interested.  I have all of the "options'' (date, weight, etc.) but since she's not very far along, I only filled out due date and sex. You can do what you want, change it whenever. Maybe someone will get lucky and win this time! Winner gets... Binsemeniated? 


Congratulations to Benessa. I really hope you're happy and know what you're getting yourself into. Godspeed. 

Edited by SpaghettiTuesdays
  • Love 1

You know what I would love to see? I would love it if Binessa had 1 or 2 biological children  and then 5 or 10 years from now, they adopt a bunch of adorable kids from Ethiopia or El Salvador.  I wonder what Me-chelle would think of choosing not to birth too many of your own blessings to make room for blessings who are already here and need a good home?


I can dream, can't I?

  • Love 5

In regards to Anna, Jill and Jessa getting married so young, it reminds me of a bunch of women I met while working at a job years ago. They were all 35-45 and always hanging out with the 20-somethings going out to bars, dancing late into the night, wanting to go to the next bar when most of us 20-somethings wanted to call it a night. It turns out each of them had all married right out of high school, had kids soon after, and always felt they missed something. So they were trying to make up for lost time, even though us younger people told them they hadn't missed much and the bar scene got old fast. 


I keep thinking one of the Duggars is going to end up like that.

  • Love 1

I can answer the pregnancy test huge supply for you.

Yes, they do buy in bulk. They get about 50 in a bundle and they are the cheap strip tests not the $$$ ones that you see on TV. They are super cheap. You use those every day (if you are that curious) and if it comes positive, THEN you go out and buy the $20 drug store test.

Ovulation strips also come in bulk too.

There are websites who cater to this.

I was a Fund Baptist for many years and still have friends in the demonination and that's what they use to this day! I had them also but didn't compulsively use them so it was a waste of money for me...they expired!

  • Love 1
Leave Jessa and Ben A Message of Congratulations

April 21, 2015

By Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar


I'd love to leave a comment along the line of "Will Ben and the baby ride the same bus to school in a few years?" But yeah.....school? Fat chance,  And I'm sure the Duggars are combing the responses, deleting the negative ones.


As far as the pool goes, I can totally see Jessa naming a daughter after herself, and Ben seems enamored with calling her by her full name, so I'm betting on something trendy for a first name and Lauren for a middle name. For now, I'm going with Gucci Lauren, because despite their claims to "buy used, save the difference," we know that as the TLC money poured in, that philosophy went to hell. And Jessa is the most fashion conscious of the girls. Maybe if it's a boy, he can be Ralph Lauren Binjermin Seewald.

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 5


It's a bit creepy how excited he was to get Jim Bob's number. He also sounds crazy stalkerish driving all those hours to fellowship with the family just to get to see Jessa.

Agreed, but what gave me a chuckle was this:

"Jessa's family was really friendly and invited us to a conference just a few days later, offering to help us out, ride with them, or whatever. 'We can even help watch your kids!' Jessa's sisters exclaimed, when they heard my Dad wouldn't be able to come and subsequently my Mom's doubts about bringing all of my siblings by herself."

I've gotta hand it to Jessa, at least the girl is consistent. She was not one of the Duggar girls offering to watch Ben's siblings so they could attend the conference, lol.

Edited for punctuation.

Edited by msblossom
  • Love 5

I can answer the pregnancy test huge supply for you.

Yes, they do buy in bulk. They get about 50 in a bundle and they are the cheap strip tests not the $$$ ones that you see on TV. They are super cheap. You use those every day (if you are that curious) and if it comes positive, THEN you go out and buy the $20 drug store test.

Ovulation strips also come in bulk too.

There are websites who cater to this.

I was a Fund Baptist for many years and still have friends in the demonination and that's what they use to this day! I had them also but didn't compulsively use them so it was a waste of money for me...they expired!


Geez, I almost wish I didn't know this.

I sure hope he supports comprehensive sex education, then, not to mention easy access to birth control. And, I mean, he does realize that outlawing abortion only makes women seek them out illegally, right? It doesn't deter abortion at all. The only difference is that the woman is more likely to die, but my guess is that Ben might be okay with that because it's deserved punishment for having premarital sex and aborting in the first place. See, the baby's innocent, but the woman's just a murdering whore. 


It seriously pisses me off that Ben and the rest of the Duggars will decry abortion but also root for Hobby Lobby. Do they not see the connection here? To be fair, I don't know if Ben has ever said anything about Hobby Lobby, but Josh has, and I'm tired so I'm just going to lump them all in together. We know Ben has been subsumed into the Duggar fold, anyway. :D 


Also, that is such a random thing to put in the "about" section of your family blog. I guess it's his pet cause, but the frothing at the mouth is a bit much. 

I know, right? Yet it is highly unlikely that we're talking immaculate conception here and I don't really hear much about the slutty sperm donors. 

  • Love 3
I agree the Nov 1st due date is just a little too on the nose. It's probably within that time frame but an anniversary baby makes for a better narrative.


Absolutely. The show is the priority! They need to feed all those new mouths. 


Just like the obviously rehearsed and staged pregnancy announcement from Josh and Anna on last night's show. Jim Bob just HAPPENS to wax poetic about the number of family members so that Smuggar and Anna can interject with their...."and one more grandchild soon!" announcement.  Fake, fake, fake, fakery. 


But it's all about the gravy train! 

Edited by ChicksDigScars
  • Love 5

Certainly no one was stopping him! My parents would have...I think. ...I hope. What's weird to me is that I really thought Jessa didn't like him in the beginning. I see I was flat out wrong. I don't think I'll ever get it, but maybe seeing them together on TV more without chaperones will help.

I don't think she did think much of him early on, and pretty much latched onto him as her ticket out of the TTH. Then he grew on her. I think she was surprised at how well they got along, and that they really have become good friends now.

  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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