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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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16 hours ago, Portia said:

NIKE! Naked baby shoulders! 

(Actually I find chubby baby shoulders adorable AND delicious.)

My mom goes nuts over rolls of fat on babies thighs.  She knows intellectually that it's not always good for a baby to be so chubby, and that depending on genetics a baby can be lean and still be perfectly healthy, but she grew up poor, so she loves the fat baby thighs.  Fat little feet and hands are also guarenteed to make her smile.

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7 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

I guess there's more on the blog, but I refuse to give her hits. Anyone willing take one for the team and copy/paste for the rest of us?

Happy Mother's Day, Momma! These past two years, I've gotten a taste of just how challenging this mothering thing can be. I pray often for even a small portion of your patience to be granted to me! I'm blown away by God's grace in your life as you went about this journey. So many things stand out to me about the way you lovingly raised us, and I can't help but write down a few...

When I was stubborn or unruly, you'd choose to whisper words of gentle correction instead of shouting at or scolding me-- and that brought down angry emotions and modeled to me self-control, even in stressful times. 

Though I often deserved to be looked upon with suspicion, I'd instead catch you looking at me with a loving smile on your face, and hear "I love you, Jessa!" from your lips-- and that unconditional love carried with it power that could squelch even the most mischievous plans from my mind.

Arts and craft projects you'd prepare for us that made as much mess as they did fun-- and yet you rejoiced in these moments of our childhood instead of fretting about the forthcoming cleanup. 

When we were underfoot in the kitchen and mealtime was fast approaching, you'd pull up a stool and let us be "Mommy's big helper"-- even if that meant that dinner was a little late, and we "mixed" the bowl if ingredients so well that we scattered flour dust all over the place. 

I recollect vividly the time I tried to carry a glass dish of pasta across the kitchen on roller skates, and it didn't turn out so well. You'd think less of the fragile things that were accidentally broken and think more of our youthful emotions... feeling dumb, clumsy or embarrassed. "Don't worry about it. Let me help you pick that up! I remember a time when I did such-and-such..." (P.S. I did start to notice that you'd buy stainless steel or other "non-breakable" replacements ??). 

You've been faithful to pray with us and to pray for us. Your primary petition has been that each one of us would come to see that we are great sinners, but that Christ is a great Savior. You were faithful to communicate that His love and favor could never be earned through our good deeds outweigh our bad, but that he gives His Grace to us freely when we repent of our sins and believe in Him. Thank you for leading me to Jesus, and for the appeal of the gospel made through your life. 

I know that you'd be the first to say that your strength and stamina, your constancy and ability to cope, your hope and happiness through it all, stemmed not from yourself. You didn't "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" or just "make it happen". Your patience and virtue are not based on your "laid-back personality" or "natural tendencies", because even the gentlest of persons can be stirred to anger through the stress of parenting. And there have been times when you've blown it. Thank you for being real and genuine in your apologies to us kids when you messed up. 

But time after time, no matter the stress, no matter the intensity of the situation, no matter what the frustrations in the moment might lead you to do or say, I've witnessed you choose to receive and then exude Christ's Spirit of grace, forgiveness, and love. I want to love Jesus and others the way you do. 

Thank you for being my greatest support in this journey of mothering. Thanks for reminding me that God's grace is sufficient for the trials we face. Thank you for all the late-night talks and words of encouragement. Thanks for being my Baby Encyclopedia and 24/7 help-hotline. You're the best. 

I know I've said it before, but it's worth saying again-- You're my greatest role model and my hero. I thank God for giving me the blessing of calling you "Mama." 

11 minutes ago, CalicoKitty said:

Who would let their child roller skate in the house, let alone roller skate while carrying a glass dish?  Not my mother, or any other mother I know.

Well, I can see myself accidentally allowing it if I had a chaotic house in which I had seven (or more) other close-in-age kids who never left the place because I was supposedly their teacher as well as their mother (and I was a terrible teacher so they were undoubtedly all incredibly bored and hanging from the chandeliers) and a kid suddenly took it into her head to roller skate carrying glass while I was distracted by whichever kid had currently fallen off the chandelier (or knocked another one off of it)....etc. 

  • Love 16
2 hours ago, SMama said:

Jessa is such a proficient fiction writer.

No way in hell she wrote that without some help.

Is Michelle even on Instagram to read this mess? I just spent the day with my own mom and felt no need to post my personal thoughts to her on the internet for millions of strangers!

  • Love 23
49 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

No way in hell she wrote that without some help.

Is Michelle even on Instagram to read this mess? I just spent the day with my own mom and felt no need to post my personal thoughts to her on the internet for millions of strangers!

That's the difference between the way we treat those with whom we have an actual personal relationship and the way we treat those with whom we don't have such a relationship, e.g., Meeeechelle and her children. All they have is phony made-for-tv all-pr-all-the-time "relationships." .... You can also tell by the side hugs in that ridiculous video. ... And by the fact that the only thing Jizm Boob cares about is the NUMBER of kids he has .... Such asses he and Meeeechelle are. 

  • Love 17

Is there no such thing in their life as a simple thank you card that thanks the person without thanking God 5 times more?   Just once I want them to be able to say 1 single thought that focuses on the recipient of the thank you.  They somehow think it’s disrespectful to God to  go 5 minutes without including the name in a conversation. Every single post has to include it. And I am Christian, but I can speak for 5 minutes without mentioning that.  

  • Love 19
21 hours ago, ginger90 said:

Happy Mother's Day, Momma! These past two years, I've gotten a taste of just how challenging this mothering thing can be. I pray often for even a small portion of your patience to be granted to me! I'm blown away by God's grace in your life as you went about this journey. So many things stand out to me about the way you lovingly raised us, and I can't help but write down a few...

When I was stubborn or unruly, you'd choose to whisper words of gentle correction instead of shouting at or scolding me-- and that brought down angry emotions and modeled to me self-control, even in stressful times. 

Though I often deserved to be looked upon with suspicion, I'd instead catch you looking at me with a loving smile on your face, and hear "I love you, Jessa!" from your lips-- and that unconditional love carried with it power that could squelch even the most mischievous plans from my mind.

Arts and craft projects you'd prepare for us that made as much mess as they did fun-- and yet you rejoiced in these moments of our childhood instead of fretting about the forthcoming cleanup. 

When we were underfoot in the kitchen and mealtime was fast approaching, you'd pull up a stool and let us be "Mommy's big helper"-- even if that meant that dinner was a little late, and we "mixed" the bowl if ingredients so well that we scattered flour dust all over the place. 

I recollect vividly the time I tried to carry a glass dish of pasta across the kitchen on roller skates, and it didn't turn out so well. You'd think less of the fragile things that were accidentally broken and think more of our youthful emotions... feeling dumb, clumsy or embarrassed. "Don't worry about it. Let me help you pick that up! I remember a time when I did such-and-such..." (P.S. I did start to notice that you'd buy stainless steel or other "non-breakable" replacements ??). 

You've been faithful to pray with us and to pray for us. Your primary petition has been that each one of us would come to see that we are great sinners, but that Christ is a great Savior. You were faithful to communicate that His love and favor could never be earned through our good deeds outweigh our bad, but that he gives His Grace to us freely when we repent of our sins and believe in Him. Thank you for leading me to Jesus, and for the appeal of the gospel made through your life. 

I know that you'd be the first to say that your strength and stamina, your constancy and ability to cope, your hope and happiness through it all, stemmed not from yourself. You didn't "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" or just "make it happen". Your patience and virtue are not based on your "laid-back personality" or "natural tendencies", because even the gentlest of persons can be stirred to anger through the stress of parenting. And there have been times when you've blown it. Thank you for being real and genuine in your apologies to us kids when you messed up. 

But time after time, no matter the stress, no matter the intensity of the situation, no matter what the frustrations in the moment might lead you to do or say, I've witnessed you choose to receive and then exude Christ's Spirit of grace, forgiveness, and love. I want to love Jesus and others the way you do. 

Thank you for being my greatest support in this journey of mothering. Thanks for reminding me that God's grace is sufficient for the trials we face. Thank you for all the late-night talks and words of encouragement. Thanks for being my Baby Encyclopedia and 24/7 help-hotline. You're the best. 

I know I've said it before, but it's worth saying again-- You're my greatest role model and my hero. I thank God for giving me the blessing of calling you "Mama." 

Did she apologized when she messed up by letting Josh molest you more than once and did not protect you from him. And her primary petition has been to teach you to see you are a great sinner. Seriously... What about teaching you to be humble, kind, hard working, think of others and to be an all around good person. Rolling my eyes...

4 hours ago, mythoughtis said:

Is there no such thing in their life as a simple thank you card that thanks the person without thanking God 5 times more?   Just once I want them to be able to say 1 single thought that focuses on the recipient of the thank you.  They somehow think it’s disrespectful to God to  go 5 minutes without including the name in a conversation. Every single post has to include it. And I am Christian, but I can speak for 5 minutes without mentioning that.  

I think that difference is likely because you actually care to be a practicing Christian whereas they are mainly interested in making clear to the world at large how very very Christian they are -- more Christian than anybody else, to be precise. 

  • Love 24
2 hours ago, Churchhoney said:

I think that difference is likely because you actually care to be a practicing Christian whereas they are mainly interested in making clear to the world at large how very very Christian they are -- more Christian than anybody else, to be precise. 

Actually I’m one of those who no longer attend church. I believe in God but I am tired of all those people you are talking about. 

  • Love 24
4 hours ago, Nysha said:

It would be great to see a rainbow house like the one across from the Westboro Church.

We have one just about  a mile away from us. It's tastefully done and has been in the paper because it's unique.

I wonder how much longer Benessa can live in that tiny house? I'm sure they are ready to bust out of there if the right opportunity came up. Is Boob building more houses on his property or I just dreamed it?

On 5/14/2018 at 6:44 AM, Marigold said:

Ben helped her write that. Guinn did a much better job of homeschooling than Michelle.  Michelle embarrasses homeschoolers. 

I’ve noticed before that Jessa’s posts are very well-written for someone who had no real education. I think she’s the most genuinely smart one of the bunch. What a waste.

9 hours ago, mynextmistake said:

I’ve noticed before that Jessa’s posts are very well-written for someone who had no real education. I think she’s the most genuinely smart one of the bunch. What a waste.


9 hours ago, DangerousMinds said:

Oh, I don't think for one second that Jessa writes those posts without help.

I do think Jessa is the most genuinely smart one of the bunch, and I also think that Jessa gets help writing her posts. Intelligence is not perfectly correlated with academic achievement, although it is a strong predictor. Intelligence entails how you think, reason, remember information (i.e., the process) whereas achievement reflects the product. If you don't have the opportunity to learn how to read and write (as I suspect is the case here), then individuals who are very intelligent will not have advanced reading and writing skills.

  • Love 13
4 minutes ago, madpsych78 said:


I do think Jessa is the most genuinely smart one of the bunch, and I also think that Jessa gets help writing her posts. Intelligence is not perfectly correlated with academic achievement, although it is a strong predictor. Intelligence entails how you think, reason, remember information (i.e., the process) whereas achievement reflects the product. If you don't have the opportunity to learn how to read and write (as I suspect is the case here), then individuals who are very intelligent will not have advanced reading and writing skills.

I agree. I think Jessa is smart not because she writes well, but because she is (mostly) aware of how she is perceived and tries to cultivate a particular image. She's had some major missteps (mount diapers comes to mind) but she's clearly trying to present the same kind of cleanly inoffensive style of conservative christian as her idols the Gaines. 

  • Love 8

Well, Jessa certainly mimics the low cunning of her parents. They've successfully grifted a ton of money over the years -- for themselves and for Gothard, too--  by pretending to the TeeVee audience and the celebrity-ass-kissing public that they don't actually believe the things that, in fact, they most pride themselves on believing. If the gravy train continues, it'll be because enough of the kids mimic the family lying principles successfully enough, I suppose, and Jessa's definitely in the forefront of that.

She's clearly capable of learning because in the early days of marriage she and Bin were right up there with the current Der in spouting off their beliefs on social media. Then Jessa got a clue and shut them down. 

  • Love 13
14 minutes ago, Marigold said:

I'm in the middle of extensive dental work (again) and was thinking about the Duggar teeth.  Jessa (and others) have such white perfect teeth.  Have they had their teeth whitened?  

The girls and Michelle have, yes. It's especially noticeable in Joy. She had yellow-ish teeth prior to her engagement, then when she walked down the aisle they were pearly white.

  • Love 2

I'm sure its just a matter of time before Jessa sucks it up and moves to the Pool House. She said a long time ago she wanted a small house because it's easier to clean. I thought at the time she was just convincing herself and others she got the better deal, but she's proven that keeping a clean house is hard for her. Josiah is going to need a home soon, I'm thinking Jessa will make the jump now and let Si borrow her home.

I'm wondering why JB doesn't buy the land next door.

  • Love 2
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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