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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Re insurance:

You can get an exemption for not having insurance. Confession time. We do not have insurance right now. My husband's severance insurance expired Oct 31st. I called the Obamacare Marketplace, and they told me if I get it, it would not take effect until Dec 1st. Well it's stupid to get it for one month (you have to sign up every year).

When we moved to NC several months ago, knowing that our insurance would expire in Oct, we wanted information on the subsidy. NC did, or does, not offer it, so if you make less than a certain amount annually, you can get an exemption.

I don't know the subsidy laws of AR, but you can bet Benessa is below that minimum.

JB and M have a strong 30-year marriage... because they dated like normal people before tying the knot.

JB and M spent the first 3-4 years of their marriage establishing themselves financially and maturing emotionally as a young couple before starting a family... because birth control afforded them that opportunity.

JB and M have 19 babies who avoided life-threatening complications at birth... because they received professional medical care.

But then they turn around and preach to their children: "Do as we say, not as we do... even though what we did clearly worked like a charm."

I will never understand that. Boggles the mind.

If the Duggar girls continue to birth their children at home without proper care, either Jessa or Jill is eventually going to have a tragedy on their hands. And IMO, a lot of the blame will fall to JB and M for putting these ridiculous expectations onto their children that they never even met themselves.

And this is a fantastic summary of all the WTF-ness of the a Duggars. What on earth happened to them to make them go full-on Gothard crazy, restricting and repressing everything natural and human? Oh, except reproduction, of course. Was it losing "Caleb"? Was it discovering that Josh had problems? Why were a seemingly normal and happy couple vulnerable to a cult? It is a true puzzle.

  • Love 7

Agree.  No time off for you!  Dinner needs to get on the table!


Someone a few pages back said we should all come her and see what the baby's name is and not give People the foot traffic.  One of us can take one for the team and read the article.  I purpose to wait and read the most glorious name here.

So is People Magazine doing the name reveal?

I thought it was already accidentally revealed.

The first question anyone asked Jessica after she announced she was "a freaking aunt"  and that "it was a boy" was what his name. She immediately said Gabrielle (Gabriel)..then it was gone. That's why I believe it is true.

There was an ongoing discussion a number of pages back about this reveal. (P. 191+ I think)

  • Love 2

This is the Jessa and Ben thread.


Please take your birth stories to the Small Talk thread, where you can also take your non-political insurance stories as well.


Anything with the slightest whiff of politics needs to go to another site altogether, not PTV.


Off-topic posts will be deleted without further notice. This includes hybrid posts that have something about Jessa and Ben tossed in as secondary.



  • Love 5

I wouldn't be surprised if they named him Gabriel. It means "He who protects" (Unless they were lying on Boy Meets World). I hope that Jessa lets herself recover from this traumatic delivery before popping out blessing number 2.  She's playing with fire if she doesn't.

I wouldn't be surprised if they named him Gabriel. It means "He who protects" (Unless they were lying on Boy Meets World). I hope that Jessa lets herself recover from this traumatic delivery before popping out blessing number 2.  She's playing with fire if she doesn't.

  • Love 3

I guess the homebirth/midwifery is Anna's devious influence. According to duggarfamilyblog.com (the leghumpers): only Jinger and Joseph were born at home, and they had a doctor for Jinger's birth.



I agree Mechelle isn't the one pushing homebirths, and if she is it's the girls' fault for being dumb enough not to suss out on their own that hey, Mom went to the hospital!!  They absolutely know that Mom went to the hospital.  Both Jill and Jessa are old enough to remember multiple hospital bag-packing and trips.

  • Love 2

Good one, Bitter Apple! :D


I knew the baby had arrived, but  have not had a chance to check in since, so I was a bit shocked to see that drama had ensued.


Not that it is shocking that there would be complications after having an almost 10 pound baby at home attended by lay midwives, but evidently the news has not leaked out to the mainstream press yet.


You want a home birth?  I understand.  But get a CNM with an OB_GYN on call just in case something goes wrong.  


Of course, that costs money that would be better spent on fast food meals and lattes.  Nice priorities for a couple who don't even have real jobs.


These people are hopeless.  

  • Love 6

Very interesting article on the rise in home births in Arkansas:




I also checked the State's Department of Health website, and Jilly Muffin is not listed as a Licensed Midwife. IMO, this relates to the Jessa delivery in a couple of ways. If Jill was simply there as an observer, that would pretty much confirm her midwifery diploma is bullshit. People would question why the all-knowing Jill wasn't handling the birth. If she's unlicensed and attended as a practitioner, that would've been highly illegal and might have warranted charges. Now I understand why the Dullards fled to Central America instead of staying for the Blessed Event. I feel like the pieces are suddenly falling into place....


Hopefully Jessa at least had Prancersize there to assist her.


*Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong about the licensure, I pulled the most recent list I could find.





  • Love 7

Ben is probably shocked from seeing a birth and then seeing Jessa bleeding out. That would scare the shit out of any person, especially a 19 year old boy who probably thought the baby just sorta came out. Childbirth (both natural and c-sections) are bloody and can be rather scary. Esspecially with non-medical assistants and something going wrong. I bet Ben was in total shock about how REAL it all got and how fast it happened. And then to see Jessa go out in an ambulance, brought to a hospital and admitted in. The point of the homebirth was to avoid all that.

Who knows, Ben might not think a home birth is such a fabulous idea after this. He is probably thinking WTF????

Michelle had 17 babies at a hospital...that might've been JimBob who pushed for that.

Michelle most certainly sounded like she was insane in that 911 call. But, for Michelle Duggar, i think she was doing OK. Calm, stayed on the line, followed directions and tried to be reassuring to Jessa.

And it really sounded like Michelle was assisting at the birth.

I bet Jill was on Skype or something directing Michelle on what to do.

  • Love 12

Home births 'go right' all the time; you wouldn't really hear about those ones. Home births are statistically as safe as hospital births, and in fact England's National Institute of Health recently released the recommendation that women with normal pregnancies don't go to hospital for birth at all, instead opting for home- or birth center-births. (Source: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmedhealth/behindtheheadlines/news/2014-12-03-nice-recommends-home-births-for-some-mums/).

If Jessa elected to have to an unassisted home birth without education and without qualified help, that's a problem. Home births themselves are not.

Edited to speculate: my perception of home birth in the US is that it's far from mainstream, and seems to have been pushed to the fringes. Midwifery is far more commonplace in other developed nations, and of course in the developing world; I wonder if this marginalization is what contributes to its bad rap in the states?


JB and M have a strong 30-year marriage... because they dated like normal people before tying the knot.

And compatible pathologies. Jessa and Ben honestly are less compatible. I still maintain it's possible they could divorce - after the fame, tv show, and money inevitably dry up.


Honestly, I've never wanted Counting On to flop more than I do now. Enough of these idiots. TV plotlines are actively harming everyone involved, even if they don't realize it. They're down 600 sponsors. Just let it die so everyone can live.

  • Love 14

Michelle is Nucking Futs.

We don't know if Jessa had a Jill type midwife, she may have had an actual medical professional type of midwife, or are those rare in AR? Homebirths should be ok for healthy women with no medical issues, so I have no problem with that. The emergency could be amped up for tv, or real, who knows. What we do know, is that #6 seems to have come through just fine, Jessa had more bleeding than they were anticipating and even though it seems it was resolving itself they decided to take the cautious route and have her transferred to a hospital (I'm pretty sure #6 went with mom).

If Michelle's voice had always been like a preschool girl it wouldn't be so odd, but she has a normal voice that she used in the past. She has evolved into this really odd creature. How in hell can her girls say they want to be like her.. with a straight face? Have 19 kids and revert to a toddler holding husband/daddy's hand?

  • Love 2

Poor Jessa. I know having a home birth (probably without a "real" medical professional) was her idea, but I can't help but feel sorry for her. My son was slightly bigger than her baby and had 2nd degree tears in my perineum and my inner labia (I didn't even know what could tear!). Thank god by the time the baby came I had an epidural and then had awesome pain killers for a couple of weeks after (even though it was still super sore down there for a long time even with meds). I hope Jessa got a bunch of pain pills and a Rx for more afte hospital. Thank goodness they did seem to call 911 when it got serious. The idea of having a (big) baby at home like that is one of my nightmare scenarios. Please go to the hospital next time, Jessa!

I can't imagine what it felt like to leave in the ambulance without the baby (assuming baby came to hospital after taking a million photos in their house with random relatives). I would have been screaming that I wasn't going anywhere without my baby too.

  • Love 11

If they were filming for TLC I'm assuming some sort of midwife was there. However that doesn't mean she was any more qualified to deliver babies than Jill. The lady Jill used didn't even catch that Izzy was breech. I'm sure Arkansas has some great midwives, but the Duggars seem to limit themselves to those who practice within the Fundie sect. I think Jessa is highly competitive and wanted the birth Jill couldn't have and it backfired on her big time. Judging from the size of the baby, she won't be sitting comfortably for a while.

  • Love 11

Poor Jessa. I know having a home birth (probably without a "real" medical professional) was her idea, but I can't help but feel sorry for her. My son was slightly bigger than her baby and had 2nd degree tears in my perineum and my inner labia (I didn't even know what could tear!). Thank god by the time the baby came I had an epidural and then had awesome pain killers for a couple of weeks after (even though it was still super sore down there for a long time even with meds). I hope Jessa got a bunch of pain pills and a Rx for more afte hospital. Thank goodness they did seem to call 911 when it got serious. The idea of having a (big) baby at home like that is one of my nightmare scenarios. Please go to the hospital next time, Jessa!

I can't imagine what it felt like to leave in the ambulance without the baby (assuming baby came to hospital after taking a million photos in their house with random relatives). I would have been screaming that I wasn't going anywhere without my baby too.


I think it's possible that the baby went with Jessa -- or followed closely.


This is the timeline thatI see from what we have heard: after the baby was born, he was wrapped in towels, cleaned up (I hope), then dressed in the prison suit, and was handed around for photos. While that was going on, Jessa passed the placenta and then began bleeding heavily. J'chelle called 911 and the ambulance arrived.


Mother and baby went to the hospital, or Jessa went to the hospital and Ben followed in a car with BamBam. There is a photo floating around of Jessa, Ben, and baby sitting on the hospital bed, Since we don't know how long Jessa was in the hospital, there is no way to know if Ben brought the baby home without Jessa, but that seems unlikely to me.

  • Love 5

Who knows, Ben might not think a home birth is such a fabulous idea after this. He is probably thinking WTF????

Michelle had 17 babies at a hospital...that might've been JimBob who pushed for that.

Michelle most certainly sounded like she was insane in that 911 call. But, for Michelle Duggar, i think she was doing OK. Calm, stayed on the line, followed directions and tried to be reassuring to Jessa.

And it really sounded like Michelle was assisting at the birth.

I bet Jill was on Skype or something directing Michelle on what to do.

I can just picture Jill's face garbled and pixelated due to a buffering error or something.

Michelle had her laundry breakdown at 7 kids, right? The seventh delivery was the most homey (no doctor) home birth, right? More than just a coincidence that there were no more DIY deliveries?

Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 3

Even though they are married, both Jessa and Ben are young enough to stay on their parent's insurance.  My guess is that they are insured.


Of course, if that's true then the baby would be uninsured unless they took steps to insure him. So Bin had better hope he has a very healthy kid, since even the medical bills for healthy kids can be pretty hefty in the early going. ... This strikes me as something that Mr. Teenage Bride may well not realize yet.

  • Love 5

And this is a fantastic summary of all the WTF-ness of the a Duggars. What on earth happened to them to make them go full-on Gothard crazy, restricting and repressing everything natural and human? Oh, except reproduction, of course. Was it losing "Caleb"? Was it discovering that Josh had problems? Why were a seemingly normal and happy couple vulnerable to a cult? It is a true puzzle.


Because they never were all that "normal" -- in the sense of "stable" and "happy," at least. They were particularly fearful, insecure, greedy and also arrogant people, Jim Bob especially. And when he smelled a cult whose precepts cater 100 percent to his fears, insecurities and overweening desire to be the ruler of a frigging little kingdom, he jumped aboard with tremendous enthusiasm. And his expectations were fulfilled.

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 10

Insurance or no, life is about to get seriously expensive at the Chaeteu de Mold House.  Jessa Blessa won't be taking Josie's hand-me-downs if she can avoid it (not that I blame her for that - Josie always looks grubby and sticky) and she can't take Jill's stuff because Izzy is still young.  

I don't know if she and Ben realise how expensive children are.  Boob and Mechelle were literally saved by TLC and the Duggars are an anomaly for being able to own a decent sized house and travel overseas with so many kids (both of which came from TLC).  Counting On is going to flop, the speaking engagements won't last forever especially since neither are actually good speakers and they will be stuck with no work besides working for Daddy Duggar.  And as the cash dries up at the TTH, JB won't hesitate to make some hard calls about Jessa and Ben actually paying rent.  Benessa can kiss goodbye those lovely Starbucks lattes and dinners out because being a parent isn't cheap, even in Gothardland.

  • Love 6

We're serious about not discussing insurance and/or politics here.


Do not quote posts that are in violation or you too will be in violation.


Warning points have been handed out, and to good posters that we like.


Don't make us do this again.


Jessa. Ben. The baby. The baby's arrival. The family's actions surrounding the baby's arrival. Those topics are fine. If you find yourself veering into something else, visit another thread. And if you find yourself getting into politics (including the pros and cons of the ACA), don't. Just don't. Not here. We won't have it.



  • Love 7

I don't know if this is the right thread but - why didn't they just pray for Jessa instead of going to the hospital? They are having Josh pray his situation away (in their heads it will be successful). Is it because Josh's issue is one of

Character and health is different? Why isn't prayer enough for Jessa or Jill for that matter.

  • Love 2

JB and M have a strong 30-year marriage... because they dated like normal people before tying the knot. 


JB and M spent the first 3-4 years of their marriage establishing themselves financially and maturing emotionally as a young couple before starting a family... because birth control afforded them that opportunity. 


JB and M have 19 babies who avoided life-threatening complications at birth... because they received professional medical care. 


But then they turn around and preach to their children: "Do as we say, not as we do... even though what we did clearly worked like a charm."


I will never understand that. Boggles the mind. 


If the Duggar girls continue to birth their children at home without proper care, either Jessa or Jill is eventually going to have a tragedy on their hands. And IMO, a lot of the blame will fall to JB and M for putting these ridiculous expectations onto their children that they never even met themselves. 


I thoroughly agree with this entire post - with the single exception of the "maturing emotionally" part. IMO, neither Boob nor Me-chelle has matured emotionally or psychologically much beyond the age of 12-13. And I think I'm being generous with those ages. If we could actually measure this with any accuracy - and maybe someday, far in the future we will - I think the real age could be closer to 9-10. Especially in Boob's case.

  • Love 6

I thoroughly agree with this entire post - with the single exception of the "maturing emotionally" part. IMO, neither Boob nor Me-chelle has matured emotionally or psychologically much beyond the age of 12-13. And I think I'm being generous with those ages. If we could actually measure this with any accuracy - and maybe someday, far in the future we will - I think the real age could be closer to 9-10. Especially in Boob's case.

I agree with what you are saying about neither JB or Mechelle have matured emotionally or psychologically much beyond the age of 12-13.  It's made them prime victims of Gothard and they need to have an 'authority' over them because they are still like children.  They are so much like children they make their own children raise their children.  And it really pisses me off that after listening to the 911 call Michelle can't speak like an adult for 5 fucking minutes.  Everything is sing-song wonderful - there's a lot of bleeding..la la la, baby is doing great la la la, Jessa is ..........24 la la la...   ok we'll turn the outside light on....la la la.  Grow up!!

  • Love 9

And it really pisses me off that after listening to the 911 call Michelle can't speak like an adult for 5 fucking minutes. Everything is sing-song wonderful - there's a lot of bleeding..la la la, baby is doing great la la la, Jessa is ..........24 la la la... ok we'll turn the outside light on....la la la. Grow up!!

I know people on here have said it was good Michelle "kept calm" during the 911 call, but i honestly find her tone creepy. There was no sense of ergentcy, no emotion, just that creepy 'I'm talking to a baby' monotone of hers.

Your daughter is bleeding out on a bed, probably crying and shaking and scared, and you don't even have enough empathy to slightly adjust your tone?

Michelle is so detached from her children, and its sad.

  • Love 15

I finally figured out what it sounded like to me (aside from "loony-tunes")... She had that careful over-enunciating thing one tends to do when talking those automated answering machines for the bank. "Please state your problem".  "Mother .... blee-ding ... AFter ... birth." Press 2.

  • Love 11

Grow the fuck up Michelle, your mother - Jessa - needed you to be a fucking grown up for once and you let her down again. An adult mother of 19 children who had 17 children in the HOSPITAL would have persuaded her daughter to consider birthing her first baby in a HOSPITAL or at the very least with a qualified person present.  You're a total fail Michelle as a mother and your baby voice testifies to that very fact. 

  • Love 7

Omg, Mullet sounds fucking psychotic. What a fucking CREEPY voice. Imagine Mullet stabbing you to death while speaking in that creepy, calm baby voice. What nightmares are made of. There is no way Mullet isn't drowning in benzos on a daily basis. WOW.


Agree, Me-chelle sounds completely tranked up. And her voice is not just her "normal" baby voice, but she's speaking abnormally slow and measured. Almost as if she's got lines to read - but the lighting in the room is really poor. ???

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 4


Your daughter is bleeding out on a bed, probably crying and shaking and scared, and you don't even have enough empathy to slightly adjust your tone?

Once again, this makes me believe at least some of those kids were blanket trained.


2 days and still no official name. When the day finally comes, the crash to actual reality if going to be awful for Jessa.

  • Love 6

I don't think I heard MEchelle and Boob pushing home birth.  I think it was Jill's big deal.  Things go in cycles.  In my lifetime everybody went to hospital because it had been almost exclusively at home before.  Hospitals kept mom for 10-14 days.  Then they kicked you out after 6 hours.  Now around here birthing centers are at the hospitals and it isn't clear to me who the patient is seeing, I think a CNM with doctors for backup.  In Jill's world, the fundy world, there is probably all talk about home birth.  So of course Jessa would have to do that too.  Certainly it wasn't coming from Michelle.  There isn't much credit to give that woman but in this case I'm not blaming her for Jessa's attitude and choices nor for the phone call, which was factual.  I'd rather hear that than somebody crying and screaming and unable to properly impart information.  

  • Love 6

Once again, this makes me believe at least some of those kids were blanket trained.


2 days and still no official name. When the day finally comes, the crash to actual reality if going to be awful for Jessa.


I wonder if they are trying to come up with a new name since Jessica blabbed Gabriel already and they promised an exclusive to People. There also haven't been any pictures of Jessa and the baby at home.


I hope that this is all part of their "marketing strategy" (because I'm sure they have one), and not a sign that there have been further complications.

  • Love 9

I saw the "sheet background" of Jessa, Ben and the baby. Jessa looked awful; pale, gaunt, just plain bad. I think that photo was taken in the hospital and "conveniently" had the sheet as a background so no one would figure out they were (still?) there. They wanted to have a "first photo" issued so people would think she's home; but they haven't shown ONE PHOTO that's obviously in her house yet...I think more went down with this situation than they want to let on...you know, that have to keep up that "higher standard" than the rest of us illusion...but they don't know that the train has already left the station on that one a while ago. This family is deceptive, was and always will be. That's not Godly at all IMO.

  • Love 8

If they were filming for TLC I'm assuming some sort of midwife was there. However that doesn't mean she was any more qualified to deliver babies than Jill. The lady Jill used didn't even catch that Izzy was breech. I'm sure Arkansas has some great midwives, but the Duggars seem to limit themselves to those who practice within the Fundie sect. I think Jessa is highly competitive and wanted the birth Jill couldn't have and it backfired on her big time. Judging from the size of the baby, she won't be sitting comfortably for a while.

Anna's births were filmed by TLC and she had no midwife for the first two so I don't think filming is a good indicator of having a licensed midwife or not at the delivery for Jessa.  I hope in the special they show us exactly who Jessa saw for prenatal care and the delivery.  Although since the delivery did not go as planned, I expect we may not see who was there to oversee things if anyone was there.  I bet we get another sanitized version of the birth with Jessa just as was done for Jill.  

  • Love 5

Assuming some rendition of this clusterfuck will be featured on the Counting On specials, Mullet and Boob are more than likely to be shown since they were obviously present. I wonder if this is TLC's way of reintroducing the show. A few specials at first and then a series. Not sure that Josh will ever grace our television screens again, but who knows.

Seems no matter what, this family was a cash cow for the network and money talks. Even though the episodes had not been interesting for some time, that didn't seem to get them cancelled. I refuse to believe that courting, weddings and babies will continue to be fascinating to anyone - even the leghumpers.

Edited by whydoiwatch
  • Love 4

I finally figured out what it sounded like to me (aside from "loony-tunes")... She had that careful over-enunciating thing one tends to do when talking those automated answering machines for the bank. "Please state your problem".  "Mother .... blee-ding ... AFter ... birth." Press 2.


It's also what one sounds like when under the influence. Ex-tra ... care-ful ...

I thought she sounded altered. A little Ativan, anyone? Xanax, maybe? But maybe her kids are so used to the "baby whisper" voice that they find it calming, so she lays it on extra thick in a crisis? That's my only other theory, and come to think of it, they may both be true.

  • Love 5

I wonder if they are trying to come up with a new name since Jessica blabbed Gabriel already and they promised an exclusive to People. There also haven't been any pictures of Jessa and the baby at home.


LOL! I love the idea of them frantically thumbing through the baby name book. "Oh no, now what are we going to call him? We have to come up with a different name or we risk violating our publicity contract! Drat that over-eager busybody sister of yours! I told you girls shouldn't have social media accounts before they're married."

  • Love 9

LOL! I love the idea of them frantically thumbing through the baby name book. "Oh no, now what are we going to call him? We have to come up with a different name or we risk violating our publicity contract! Drat that over-eager busybody sister of yours! I told you girls shouldn't have social media accounts before they're married."

Lol. I can kind of picture it. Either they're frantically coming up with a new name or frantically talking to a lawyer about their contract and whether a social media release of the name means People doesn't have to pay them and whether it's better to say -- nope his name isn't Gabriel, it was x all along.


Don't most people have a few names picked out? Like if they considered 2-3 names before getting to Gabriel, can't they just use one of the finalist names? Or flip the intended first and middle name?? I realize they are unprepared in life, but I've never known someone to say to their DH -- his name will be x, I will not consider anything else - unless the name is a Jr., III, IV type of name in which case most people would still go with - People magazine be damned.

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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