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Jessa, Ben and Their Brood: Making a (Diaper) Mountain out of a Mold House

Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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The fact that they post these videos is so odd. Especially when Jessa is probably the one filming him. Like walk in the next room and say Happy Birthday to your wife. And no matter the reason, if you can't come off as a happy husband and eager daddy-to-be, then don't post it.


Unless this is Ben's secret cry for help.  

  • Love 9

The fact that they post these videos is so odd. Especially when Jessa is probably the one filming him. Like walk in the next room and say Happy Birthday to your wife. And no matter the reason, if you can't come off as a happy husband and eager daddy-to-be, then don't post it.


Unless this is Ben's secret cry for help.

Maybe he is doing the eye blink SOS sign .

  • Love 13

The fact that they post these videos is so odd. Especially when Jessa is probably the one filming him. Like walk in the next room and say Happy Birthday to your wife. And no matter the reason, if you can't come off as a happy husband and eager daddy-to-be, then don't post it.


Unless this is Ben's secret cry for help.

Does he blink his eyes a lot? Do you see a pattern? lol

I'm guessing she demanded he make an IG love-bomb for her/them and he did his deer in the headlights best.

  • Love 3

I'm not cutting Ben any slack here - he has all the moxie of a clump of damp moss even on his best day - but he looks exhausted


Maybe Jessa is headed into her 65th hour of labor and they still haven't called the doctor yet because, Jill ? 


Either way, I'd rather have NO birthday greeting than that sad sack, deflated balloon, hard-to-watch rambling where Ben can barely open his mouth enough to let the disjointed words simply tumble out incoherently. 


I actually kinda wish he was stoned. 

  • Love 7

I realized when she mentioned 40 weeks, that with their just passed anniversary she enjoyed a whopping 12 weeks of marriage without being pregnant or having a kid. And sadly, that's an eternity in the cult of Got Hard. Ugh.


Yeah, and as I recall she actually noted at one point that she was thrilled she and Ben had had so much longer than Jill and Derick did to just be a couple and enjoy that part of marriage. So that's how expansive her view of life's possibilities is.

  • Love 4

I don't think Ben and Jessa are getting along well right now.  Consider the fact that they didn't have an anniversary celebration, no going-out-to-dinner photos and, so far, no birthday dinner either.  Somethings going on, and it's not the baby.  The honeymoon seems to be over.


Maybe it has something to do with Ben's blog post about how pride is bad:


Edited by Mollie
  • Love 5
I don't think Ben and Jessa are getting along well right now.  Consider the fact that they didn't have an anniversary celebration, no going-out-to-dinner photos and, so far, no birthday dinner either.  Somethings going on, and it's not the baby.  The honeymoon seems to be over.

I think they are both under a lot of stress at the moment. But thanks to the stupid courtship rules they never learnt to have honest and frank discussions about their feelings and wants before their marriage, which could mean that they might have a hard time to really lean on and support each other right now. It's hard learning to trust another person with your doubts and fears if you never had an honest moment together without a judging audience.

  • Love 6

I think they are both under a lot of stress at the moment. But thanks to the stupid courtship rules they never learnt to have honest and frank discussions about their feelings and wants before their marriage, which could mean that they might have a hard time to really lean on and support each other right now. It's hard learning to trust another person with your doubts and fears if you never had an honest moment together without a judging audience.


I agree, and I think the fact that they are together 24/7 makes it more difficult. They never have a moment to themselves, and they have -- as far as I can tell -- literally nothing to do. They don't work; they have no hobbies or interests; they have no books or magazines, no television, no music. Other than reading the Bible, posting selfies, and eating fast food, I can't imagine what they do all day

  • Love 10

I agree, and I think the fact that they are together 24/7 makes it more difficult. They never have a moment to themselves, and they have -- as far as I can tell -- literally nothing to do. They don't work; they have no hobbies or interests; they have no books or magazines, no television, no music. Other than reading the Bible, posting selfies, and eating fast food, I can't imagine what they do all day

The 24/7, no jobs thing boggles my mind. My husband and I have been together for 30+ years because we have lives independent of each other. Not so sure that would be true if we spent every moment of those years together.

  • Love 18

I don't think Ben and Jessa are getting along well right now.  Consider the fact that they didn't have an anniversary celebration, no going-out-to-dinner photos and, so far, no birthday dinner either.  Somethings going on, and it's not the baby.  The honeymoon seems to be over.


Maybe it has something to do with Ben's blog post about how pride is bad:


Man, he is one pompous know-it-all little shit, isn't he. Wonder how he reconciles that "pride will bring down the kingdom" stuff with being married to Mrs. Selfie Queen 2015?

  • Love 10


It is possible that Jessa's already had her baby; TLC may be requiring silence until the special. Her belly is hidden by the table and when has Jessa ever Not shown us her belly!

Does he blink his eyes a lot? Do you see a pattern? lol

I'm guessing she demanded he make an IG love-bomb for her/them and he did his deer in the headlights best.

At the very end of the video, Ben looks right into the camera and gives us a brave, fleeting, forced, fake smile.

  • Love 4

I wonder if it's finally dawned on him that he's an uneducated, unemployed soon to be father with limited prospects and wife who will probably be pregnant more often than not for the foreseeable future. Welcome to your life Ben!

(I'd feel sorry for him, but he's so sanctimonious that I just can't.)

  • Love 10

I wonder if it's finally dawned on him that he's an uneducated, unemployed soon to be father with limited prospects and wife who will probably be pregnant more often than not for the foreseeable future. Welcome to your life Ben!

(I'd feel sorry for him, but he's so sanctimonious that I just can't.)

ITA poor Bin had to get married to have sex. No freedom what so ever and now a baby that he isn't read for.

  • Love 5

I don't think Ben and Jessa are getting along well right now. Consider the fact that they didn't have an anniversary celebration, no going-out-to-dinner photos and, so far, no birthday dinner either. Somethings going on, and it's not the baby. The honeymoon seems to be over.

Maybe it has something to do with Ben's blog post about how pride is bad:


Birthday lunch with Jordyn, Anna, Meredith, Jana, and Jinger at Marketplace Grill (site of their first "date"), complete with a huge honkin sundae with a pathetic candle haphazardly stuck on top.

  • Love 4

Eh, you'll probably end up going either way.... the nurses are so used to it, they just clean it up and move on without comment.

Most OBs TELL you to eat spicy food if you are past your due date to help bring on labor.

It's true it's likely to happen. But what I was trying to say without getting to gross is that, err...a Chipolte poop can be way nastier than "regular" poop....if you catch where I'm going. [There was a whole South Park episode years ago about how gross post-Chipolte poops can be...sure you can google it if you can stand a lot of gross poop jokes.]

I know the spicy food thing is thrown around a lot. I went 2 weeks past my due date with my son and tried all of that stuff. I had awful heartburn throughout my pregnancy (way before trying the spicy foods). My certified nurse midwife laughed and told me "Most people will just still be overdue but now overdue with bad indigestion." Since I was so uncomfortable from being overdue and huge already, I gave up on the spicy foods. Overdue, huge, uncomfortable, AND bad indigestion? No thanks. {I'm sure it does work for some people....only thing that worked for me was Pitocin.}

I think Jessa & Bin are self-righteous idiots but I feel for Jessa going past her due date. That sucks, especially if big babies already run in your family. Once you're several days past your due date, you'll try anything....even beg for Pitocin if nothing else works.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
  • Love 2

Oh my goodness that birthday video.  You can bet Jessa is filming it and "directing" it all the way.  Watch how he keeps looking back at the camera for approval and then the camera shakes oh so slightly as if the one who is filming is gesturing "go on - more" and his little brain is scrambling to remember the "script".  That smile  was very much an afterthought.  Pretty sad.

  • Love 6

Oh my goodness that birthday video.  You can bet Jessa is filming it and "directing" it all the way.  Watch how he keeps looking back at the camera for approval and then the camera shakes oh so slightly as if the one who is filming is gesturing "go on - more" and his little brain is scrambling to remember the "script".  That smile  was very much an afterthought.  Pretty sad.

He's definitely looking for cues! I laughed so hard at the way he nodded his head after he noted, "Your due date was on our anniversary." It's like he's so proud of himself for remembering that one. 


One thing that never fails to baffle me about the Duggars and their retainers is how tone deaf they continue to be when they post videos. That birthday video is awful--it reminds me of the first going away video for Jill and Derick, which was also super awkward and bizarre--but they still post it. I don't understand how anyone, especially people who were on television for years, could look at that and not realize "Hmm this should not see the light of day." 

Edited by Zella
  • Love 10

Man, he is one pompous know-it-all little shit, isn't he. Wonder how he reconciles that "pride will bring down the kingdom" stuff with being married to Mrs. Selfie Queen 2015?


Oh, she's living boldly in the Confidence of the Lord. ... Just like Bin and all the rest of Duggardom.


Nothing negative applies to any of them. Ever.


Bin's bought into that one completely, I think. I mean, who doesn't want that to be true? And if you're dumb, thoughtless and uninformed enough, it can be!

  • Love 5

When I look at all these famewhores...the K's, the housewives, the polygamists, etcetera, and especially the Duggars...I think about that line in "Bull Durham."

"The world is made for people who aren't cursed with self awareness."

Sums it up.

P.S. So were they going to pour melted butter on the sundae or just waste all that food altogether? Why order it?

  • Love 11

Found the Texan! :)

You know, I'm sorry to say I've never even been to Texas, but I do enjoy a Shiner bock :) Years ago before satellite radio, I somehow stumbled across Texas Rebel Radio online and used to listen all day, every day at work. It was like a little vacation in my head. And I would hear commercials for Shiner bock, which I can now find at Whole Foods.

I am near Seattle. I have planned a couple of trips to the hill country, but both fell through. Someday!

Topic: does Ben straight-gut Shiners when no one is looking?

Oh, I read that as Shriner's hat and I didn't even want to know. Beer makes more sense.

Me, too, at first and was thinking, Ben wears a FEZ?

  • Love 5



What's the yellow goo in the cup on the side of the nasty sundae bowl thingie...and when did Bin start looking so much like Jill's husband?

Not that I could pick either one of them out of a lineup...


It looked like drawn butter.

I think it is a caramel topping for the sundae.

So for those of us who refuse to give these people clicks: can someone confirm what the hat actually is?

Oh my goodness, I feel terrible. My original post about taking the stupid Shriner's hat off was in reference to one of the 382938759327 Bin selfies where he's wearing his stupid cap on sideways and the angle of the photo makes it look EXACTLY like a fez. It's a pretty hilarious picture, actually. But there have been so many, I wouldn't even know where to begin to find it. I believe it was at a sportsball game.

  • Love 5

Birthday lunch with Jordyn, Anna, Meredith, Jana, and Jinger at Marketplace Grill (site of their first "date"), complete with a huge honkin sundae with a pathetic candle haphazardly stuck on top.


I think  Michelle's "cake is expensive, so we just do ice cream for birthdays" schtick has conditioned them all to dislike birthday cake.  And as a lover of ice cream and chocolate, that thing looks like a tepid, melting mess.    

  • Love 2

Oh my goodness that birthday video.  You can bet Jessa is filming it and "directing" it all the way.  Watch how he keeps looking back at the camera for approval and then the camera shakes oh so slightly as if the one who is filming is gesturing "go on - more" and his little brain is scrambling to remember the "script".  That smile  was very much an afterthought.  Pretty sad.

It looked to me like he was actually looking down at a script occasionally.

Edited by SoSueMe
  • Love 2

Oh my goodness, I feel terrible. My original post about taking the stupid Shriner's hat off was in reference to one of the 382938759327 Bin selfies where he's wearing his stupid cap on sideways and the angle of the photo makes it look EXACTLY like a fez. It's a pretty hilarious picture, actually. But there have been so many, I wouldn't even know where to begin to find it. I believe it was at a sportsball game.

Hahaha! So I was initially right about the "fez" but I prefer thinking he wears beer hats.

  • Love 3

I think Michelle's "cake is expensive, so we just do ice cream for birthdays" schtick has conditioned them all to dislike birthday cake. And as a lover of ice cream and chocolate, that thing looks like a tepid, melting mess.

Lol, did she really say that? I guess a woman who hasn't cooked in twenty years would have no idea that you can buy boxes of Duncan Hines for less than $2 at Wal-Mart.

That sundae looks disgusting. I bet they didn't even eat it.

  • Love 6
Message added by Scarlett45

The Duggars post about politics on social media frequently, but these social media posts are not an invitation to discuss politics here in this forum. This rule extends to Duggar adjacent families, friends, associates etc. Such discussions are a violation of the Politics Policy. 

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss certain social media postings of those in the Duggar realm as they relate to politics- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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