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S08.E16: The Countess Bride

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14 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

What's that Bethenny?? You never had ski lessons?  She was in Las Vegas, and the racetrack.

OK then:  Bethenny on a teen ski trip photo . Poor little match girl. Never learned to ski. HA.

She also describes a ski trip to Lake Tahoe with her biological father in the book "A Place of Yes."

Bwah! "Match girl"! Good one!

Man, I wish I had been raised by wolves--looks pretty awesome!

  • Love 21
14 minutes ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

What's that Bethenny?? You never had ski lessons?  She was in Las Vegas, and the racetrack.

OK then:  Bethenny on a teen ski trip photo . Poor little match girl. Never learned to ski. HA.

She also describes a ski trip to Lake Tahoe with her biological father in the book "A Place of Yes."

Perhaps Bethenny doesn't realize that Las Vegas has never allowed under 21s in the casinos.  The closest thing there was during Bethenny' childhood was Circus Circus.

I think Bethenny equates skiing with Aspen, any place else is less than.

  • Love 6

Totally agree that the trip to Mohegan Sun was a snooze and a waste of film. So ARE they going to Hawaii, or are they not?  I'm confused.

Group me in with the "haters" but Lu's yellow monstrosity was one of the ugliest effin' rings I've ever seen. (TM Regina George). I am sure it probably cost more than my townhouse, but still. Fug.

Carole and Adam's conversation about the book/relationship was definitely awkward.  I'm sure they love and care about each other, but it seems like they've already discussed that their togetherness probably won't be a "forever" thing.  I know it's easier said than done, but one of them needs to have the courage to pull the plug so they can both find happiness elsewhere.  Adam with his weed, and Carole with somebody age-appropriate.

Dorinda stealing the Splenda.  Ha.  OK. That's definitely an old-lady thing to do.  Remember Ross and Monica's grandma and her Sweet-n-Low packets in the one where she died (twice)? I used to do it too--when I was a poor college student.  Doris, you are not old or poor enough to get away with it--buy your own damn Splenda.  

I agree the potty-training scene was lame, but must also agree that Rio is SO dang cute. 


On a positive note, I did think SkinnyCow's minion did a good job of delivering the lines SkinnyCow wrote for her about how she shouldn't go on the ski trip because everyone was soooo worried about her health in case anyone found out about the ski trip and questioned Bloody Mary about the timing. She's a shrewd one, that SkinnyCow

Dang you read my mind during that scene.  I was RME so hard I think they stuck there.  But it comes in handy when watching these shows. So at least I've got that going for me.

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, StevieRocks said:

Kadooz to Dorinda for shutting down Crazy Eyes on her ignorant and ridiculous party for LuAnn. God, Crazy Eyes is so desperate and embarrassing in every scene. I don't know how someone so illiterate and socially awkward has been able to function on earth for the past 70 years of her useless and meaningless life. She came in barking and squawking to the wine restaurant looking like a pig from the Jerry Springer show, and the waiter did not look amused. Yuck.

Harsh but accurate.  

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, njbchlover said:

Bethenny annoys the hell out of me, but that headstand with the splits in the air was pretty freakin' impressive.  


Eh,not that impressive to me. I am extremely un-coordinated and was able to do a free standing headstand after I did some yoga exercises.  And able to do the lotus position.  And if I can do it, someone who lurches while I'm wearing flip-flops, I venture to say just about anyone can with some prep.

  • Love 12

Ramona and her desperation for a storyline.  Sigh.  I think the act of trying to make the casino trip so much fun failed miserably.  Hypocrites Bethenny and Carole who poo-poo'd Luann and the Hula Hoop at a back yard party, all of a sudden it is okay on a restaurant to do a head stand in a dress?  Martha Stewart was right-she is a show off.  The idea these ladies, under the Bethenny rules, were having such a blast at the casino, was painful.  Sonja and Ramona dancing was just pathetic.  Last year though Sonja was blasted the ladies at least looked they were dancing with a group of people.  How Bethenny can go from calling Sonja a fraud to "you have to love her" is beyond me and not the least bit convincing.  So Ramona had some sort of storyline-she hosted a boring trip.

Ramona seemed so puzzled why Luann ignored her calls. So she texts Tom?  Obviously she was up for talking to Dorinda.  Luann, I think was being kind when she vetoed Ramona having a party.  Of course the usually tardy Ramona manages to try and steal the limelight by showing up early and hijacking the toast.  Ramona has no storyline and her final scene of saying, "Luann is more in love with the idea of being in love, than she is in love," huh?  Supportive friend. . not.  Sonja and Ramona should listen to Dorinda, whether it is on air friend or just an old flame, no one wants to hear about old loves when they have taken the next big step and become engaged.  Sonja could not have come off more jealous and delusional last night.  I take that back vacation in Europe and putting up videos of The Weeknd celebrating Leo DiCaprio's birthday (as if she was there) is pretty delusional or a little fan crazy.

  • Love 15
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Now Lu is living in the penthouse and they're both still alone.

Every time I hear about Tom's penthouse I think of the second verse from "Green Acres" and Lu finally getting her NYC home again after the humiliation of having downsized to the Hamptons.

"New York is where I'd rather stay.
I get allergic smelling hay.
I just adore a penthouse view.
Dah-ling I love you but give me Park Avenue."

  • Love 15
10 hours ago, breezy424 said:

So Beth says that when you don't have any money and go to a casino, the philosophy is what's another $1200 on the credit card but when you're 'successful' $50 is a big deal?  I wonder how much money she spent on her child's ski clothes that she'll outgrow by the next time they'll go skiing.  I just felt that it was a dumb arrogant statement...or a chance to say that people with money (aka me) are smarter.  Hm...

Yeah, not getting Lu's version of the proposal and then showing a picture of a completely different version of the proposal.  Did I not understand?


10 hours ago, breezy424 said:

It's amazing what a person can overcome when they can demonstrate how great they are at something. 

Funny to me because this is the same shit she criticizes Luann in Countess mode of. They may have different ways of doing it but they are both braggarts, show-offs and one uppers. 

For some reason I don't think they will wind up going to Hawaii either. This season of the NYHW has been batting 0 when it comes to fun, luxury trips. Connecticut casino Mohegan Sun were my mom and aunties go for the weekend on the bus? Newp! 

So Sonja Tremont Morgan of the Albany Tremonts is going to criticize and call someone's ring noveau riche? Are the Albany Tremonts old money that dates back to the Mayflower? Are they up there with the Vanderbilts and Astors? Girl please! She came to fortune by way of marriage into an old monied institution so please put away the to the manor born airs. Just because she looks slightly avian doesn't make her patrician. 

Sonja, if you say more than 1 time back to back that you are not jealous ... you are jealous. Her saying that she never thought Tom would get married and wasn't the marrying type, makes me think if she had suspected as much she would have been working on him in a different manner as opposed to being a FWB.

In the beginning I though Carole had an honest and forthright approach to her relationship with Adam and I think for the most part she still does but there is just an undercurrent of wanting more that peeks through in her scenes with him. I don't dislike her for it but it makes her attempt to play it super duper cool fall flat. Makes me think she isn't being as honest to herself or the audience or both. I cringe when she says "on the scale of 1-10 how happy are you?" This isn't the first time she has posed a question like that. In the infamous camera store scene where she is sitting on the counter with a cup full of dog shit she asked Adam, who was going to be leaving on a trip, "on a scale of 1-10 how much are you going to miss me?" There is just too much fishing on her part. I think a part of her would be over the moon if Adam proposed or at the very least made a more firm commitment to be together.  

Haven't liked Carole much this season but I do like the way she has reacted to Luann and her engagement. The gift was also a nice touch. Can't lie I did side eye her and deduct a point for saying in a TH that 'that is how to be the bigger person.' 

Luann is stupid happy! The only canary diamond ring I every liked was J Lo's, which was ridiculous! Otherwise, I just ain't hear for pissed colored jewelry but congrats to the Countess anyway. 

I don't even know why Ramona was texting Lu knowing damn good and well she was on vacation and just got engaged! Leave the woman alone. And all that back and forth drama over what just amounted to a typical HW dinner in a restaurant! That wasn't no damn party! Please. 

I always thought Dorinda had a nice figure with nice toned arms - now I know why. I can totally see her as an 80s 90s step instructor. 

For a season that started out so delicious and chock full of drama and intriguing (seemingly pretty organic) the last few episodes have been visual sominex. Just me?

  • Love 19

Sorry if this has been covered already, but I loved Sonja's comment about Lumanns "murky yellow diamond ring".      Murky is right, in fact I doubt it is even a diamond. Chemically treated sapphire at best, or just a treated topaz.

100% genuine tacky though.

If the engagement is real and they do get married, I think Luann will end up broke.   Luann is dumb. Zero personality, no original thoughts. What does she have to offer besides a B.J. in a restaurant bathroom?

  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, Cherrio said:

Sorry if this has been covered already, but I loved Sonja's comment about Lumanns "murky yellow diamond ring".      Murky is right, in fact I doubt it is even a diamond. Chemically treated sapphire at best, or just a treated topaz.

100% genuine tacky though.

If the engagement is real and they do get married, I think Luann will end up broke.   Luann is dumb. Zero personality, no original thoughts. What does she have to offer besides a B.J. in a restaurant bathroom?

Yep, the stone is real but real what is the question. Those yellow fakes are very glass like and sparkly and this one does look like a treated something.

2 hours ago, StevieRocks said:

On a positive note, I did think SkinnyCow's minion did a good job of delivering the lines SkinnyCow wrote for her about how she shouldn't go on the ski trip because everyone was soooo worried about her health in case anyone found out about the ski trip and questioned Bloody Mary about the timing. She's a shrewd one, that SkinnyCow.

OMG you are so right!  I didn't think about that.  Of course B set that up.  Notice she gave herself a good line, too-- that she didn't want to disappoint Bryn (as if Bryn even cares whether she skis in Colorado or Mt. Snow, which is great skiing IMO and pretty close to Manhattan).  If this had been a legit scene, B would have gone harpy on her minion, but she didn't.  Oh man I love that you caught this.  

  • Love 21
14 hours ago, TexasGal said:

Yeah, that was one cloudy diamond.  Reminded me of my reaction, which I was not proud of, when an acquaintance got engaged and was flashing this ring and I said to some friends, that is not a real diamond.  It was big but had no fire in it at all.  Fast forward a few months and the wedding never happened and lo and behold, she found out it was a cz.

When I hear Moaner's tag line this year, I have this internal conversation where I say - Ramona, wines get better with AGE not time but of course you don't want to say age - and then I can hear her crazy voice in my head rambling about how time and age are the same thing etc.. I need a life, apparently. 

I love your comment about the CZ ring. That is amazing.

P.S. OMG! It's like you're in my head. I laugh to myself whenever I hear Moaner's tag line. I correct her, and say to my TV, "Wine gets better with age, and YOU are OLD!"

  • Love 2

The producers highlighted BEthy's lie under that martyr scene by playing her talking head (in the middle of that scene!) where she was all giddy about how being rich means she and Bryn can pack up and travel at any time.  If so, then why so much angst about canceling one little trip?  They can always go some other time, being so rich and all, right?

  • Love 12

Maybe taking Bryn to all these places is Beth's way of showing Bryn love (aka one upping her ex husband).  I doubt Bryn goes on plane rides to many far away places with her dad.  Probably mostly trips to Hazelton to see family and have simple fun.  Beth can't give her nor compete with that.  I kinda have a feeling that this Aspen trip was more important to Beth than her daughter.  See how much more fun and special it is to be with mommy, just the two of us.

  • Love 16
1 hour ago, islandgal140 said:



Haven't liked Carole much this season but I do like the way she has reacted to Luann and her engagement. The gift was also a nice touch. Can't lie I did side eye her and deduct a point for saying in a TH that 'that is how to be the bigger person.' 

Didn't she say "High road"? (Just wondering if she was using a proverb or live action reporting : )

  • Love 6
3 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

Perhaps Bethenny doesn't realize that Las Vegas has never allowed under 21s in the casinos.  The closest thing there was during Bethenny' childhood was Circus Circus.

I think Bethenny equates skiing with Aspen, any place else is less than.

Well her parents could have been like mine and either left us in the car or outside the casino while gambling.  Yes, this happened several times in the early 70's.  

  • Love 8

My thoughts on the Countess have been up and down since we've 'known' her.  Last night I had a Lu epiphany.  I think she would be a great time to hang out with IF you are not single when she is (and she lays off the Countess persona).  She strikes me as the type who would snag the cute guy you have your eye on right out from under your nose just like she had to scrap for anything and everything in her large family.  I saw that grabbing when with my cousins (large family, if you are not there when the meal begins, you get nothing, if you want to talk you have to be loudest).  This extends to her man hunting.  I think she is harmless essentially but not a great close girlfriend.  If you happen to have the man she wants she just might make a move (not to hurt you but she wants what she wants, pirate anyone?).  Her confidence and up for anything attitude has to be attractive to men.  With Sonja you can FEEL her need/want to find a man to support her and while Lu seems to depend on that as well, her thirst isn't as palpable.  Lu also has the ability to overcome, move on, and not get too mired in the what if.  

Ultimately I think she is kind of an old fashioned (kinda geeky) man hunter who could be a ton of fun.  I see her turning into a Honey Chile who she obviously (to me) fashioned her persona after as she ages.  

Rock on you crazy Lu!  But please, don't give Tom any money because I too think he's not as well off as he would like us to think and if you were THAT desperate to film with BH you don't have extra $ laying around either.

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, movingtargetgal said:

My father in law used to take extra packets of Equal when he got his daily coffee at Dunkin Doughnts.  He did not use any sweetener, but he took two packet with each cup.  Two cups a day, 7 days a week  those packets added up.  He would present at least 2 Cool Whip containters full of sweetner  every time we went out west to visit him.  He was so proud when he gave them to us, not only was he "helping us out" he was getting one over on Dunkin Doughnuts because they charged "so damn much for a simple cup of coffee."  I really miss him.

My father used to take tons of chocolate mints from a restaurant he liked in Orange County.  Like so many he put them into my purse!  They were really good, but he never wanted to try to buy them himself.  Must have been something about getting them free.  I miss him too (It will be 11 years this 8/8).

Back to the show:

Agree with everyone about Sonja's jealousy.  She's just mad that she doesn't have a ring, wonder what happened to her ring from JPM?  Sold for some ready cash?  I'm not fond of colored diamonds either, but go with the mantra "never criticize someone's engagement ring."

Did I hear Jules say it took 3 days to potty train her son and that's why she hired the $2k trainer - who would be saving her One ENTIRE day?!?  Totally rich peoples' problems.  I've never even considered whether there was a "right" or "wrong" way to wipe, go figure.

B totally won't go to east coast ski areas because SHE wouldn't have the paps taking photos of her at Hunter MT or Stowe.  But, as someone who has skied both, learning on East Coast snow (and ice!) teaches (forces) you to hold a good edge, something an average west coast skier doesn't seem to understand.  A child can learn to ski anywhere, they don't need Aspen.

And I find it disconcerting that we constantly see B in her daughter's bedroom.  She is totally trying to remind us that she has a daughter, even though she can't show her.  And I hate that bedroom, poor kid, forced into PINK, PINK, PINK.

Carole's gift to Lu was nice, but if you have to comment that you're taking the high road, the road ain't that high honey!

I get that Lu is excited about the wedding since she eloped the first time, but 3 dresses is ridiculous!

  • Love 19

Okay, two things:

1, Aren't most little girls potty trained prior to their third birthday?  I believe Jules told the "Potty Whisperer" that Rio "will be three next week".

2. Sonja referred to her flawless 2 carat diamond sitting in her safe. If she was as poor as she claimed the past few seasons, why didn't she sell the damn thing?!

11 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

Okay, two things:

1, Aren't most little girls potty trained prior to their third birthday?  I believe Jules told the "Potty Whisperer" that Rio "will be three next week".

2. Sonja referred to her flawless 2 carat diamond sitting in her safe. If she was as poor as she claimed the past few seasons, why didn't she sell the damn thing?!

4 carats.  Sonja said her ring was 4 carats.  

  • Love 4
14 minutes ago, OhGromit said:

4 carats.  Sonja said her ring was 4 carats.  

If one were to believe Sonja and her four carat D quality diamond it would be worth about $100,000+ a carat.  One never knows because Sonja doesn't wear it ans she is pretty wrapped up in her own world.  I believe Luann said her first engagement ring was 5 carats and I am quite certain the Count's money was pretty close to being as old as old man Morgan. So Luann was already one carat ahead!

  • Love 8

Did Sonja say her ring was 4 carats?  I thought she said something like "8 carats is nouveau riche, but 4 carats is old money" or something.  which does not mean she has or had a 4 carat ring.  I mean, she might!  I can't imagine her rich ex wouldn't have given her a pricey ring.  But I didn't actually hear her refer to her own ring.  Maybe I missed it.

1 hour ago, Mrs peel said:

Did I hear Jules say it took 3 days to potty train her son and that's why she hired the $2k trainer - who would be saving her One ENTIRE day?!?  Totally rich peoples' problems.  I've never even considered whether there was a "right" or "wrong" way to wipe, go figure.

I took her to mean that she did the 3 day method with Jagger (which is where you never use pullups, you just go straight into underwear and deal with the accidents, but they train a lot faster), and it was really stressful. I trained all of my children that way, and while it gets you results a lot faster, it can be much messier and more stressful in the short term. So I took her as saying, she wanted someone else to do it this time. However, it seemed like Potty Lady was there to tell Jules what to do, but wasn't going to be doing all the training herself, so that made me laugh. I think Jules just wanted a friend to come over. 


57 minutes ago, PradaKitty said:

1, Aren't most little girls potty trained prior to their third birthday?  I believe Jules told the "Potty Whisperer" that Rio "will be three next week".

My daughter was almost 4 by the time she was potty trained. All kids are different. I used to work in preschool, and generally my girls trained earlier than my boys. But not so with my own kids. My boys were trained at 26 months and it was fairly easy. My daughter, however, has been delayed in almost every physical aspect of her life and also has behavioral and cognitive issues. I tried when she was two and it wasn't sinking in with her at all. I gave up and tried again the summer when she was 3.5 and she got it like THAT. Sometimes kids just aren't ready and it's actually better to not try and force it if they're not. That being said, often parents are just scared/lazy. It's HARD work, especially when you have other kids at home. 

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, trimthatfat said:

As far as the "if we're together next year" conversation goes, I think Carole is well aware of the fact that Adam could find someone closer to his age that he can grow with - someone to possibly marry, have a child with, purchase a first home with, etc. (if that's what he wants). I think Carole is hoping Adam will stick around, but the odds are stacked against them. No offense to her, but Adam does have the upperhand. Carole has more to lose if the relationship ends than Adam.

Luann's ring does look a little cloudy, but I love a canary yellow stone. After seeing an article about celebrity engagement rings, I realize that some prefer big stone regardless of clarity. I don't get that. I'd rather a smaller stone with superior clarity.

Of course for Adam to find someone else he needs to show more personality than a houseplant.  So far, he's failed on that score. 

I have seen some truly beautiful canary yellow stones.  I am biased because I have one.  I also had a fake one that got way more compliments than it should have.  Fortunately, that's the one that was stolen.   It's LuAnn's ring.  If she likes it, I like it for her.  When it's an engagement ring, the only thing important is if the wearer likes it.  She seems overjoyed. 

  • Love 17
53 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I took her to mean that she did the 3 day method with Jagger (which is where you never use pullups, you just go straight into underwear and deal with the accidents, but they train a lot faster), and it was really stressful. I trained all of my children that way, and while it gets you results a lot faster, it can be much messier and more stressful in the short term. So I took her as saying, she wanted someone else to do it this time. However, it seemed like Potty Lady was there to tell Jules what to do, but wasn't going to be doing all the training herself, so that made me laugh. I think Jules just wanted a friend to come over. 


My daughter was almost 4 by the time she was potty trained. All kids are different. I used to work in preschool, and generally my girls trained earlier than my boys. But not so with my own kids. My boys were trained at 26 months and it was fairly easy. My daughter, however, has been delayed in almost every physical aspect of her life and also has behavioral and cognitive issues. I tried when she was two and it wasn't sinking in with her at all. I gave up and tried again the summer when she was 3.5 and she got it like THAT. Sometimes kids just aren't ready and it's actually better to not try and force it if they're not. That being said, often parents are just scared/lazy. It's HARD work, especially when you have other kids at home. 

I don't have children but my sisters daughter just did not want to potty train. It took being at a friends house where the mom told her she looked like she had to go, plopped her on the toilet, and voila, done.  Before that, nada.  I even had a friend call and pretend to be Barbie to see if Barbie could help inspire potty readiness but nah, it took just putting her on the toilet.  Not sure why my sister didn't try that.  But I am not a mom as I said so I can't judge.  Its super easy with cats :).

  • Love 5

Bethenny's "we all think you're in denial" conversation with assistant Julia (?) was so fake.  If any of the other women had told her that they thought she was in denial about her condition, she would fly off the rails in rage.  Also, it's not so much that she wants to take Brynn to Aspen to learn to ski, it's that she wants to announce on national tv that she's taking her to Aspen.  She's so thirsty, someone pass her a Gatorade. 

Noticed that she was wearing skintight white pants.  She can't be that worried about the bleeding.

This show doesn't even try anymore. Everyone not named Jules tiptoes around Bethenny and kisses her ass.  Sonja has no backbone whatsoever and is just a simpering, whimpering loser.  Is she a full-on alcoholic, or why is she bothering to abstain from every ounce of alcohol?  She can't have half a glass?  I think it actually makes it more noticeable to pointedly turn it all down.  Get a small glass and then don't drink it. I highly doubt anyone will notice.

I'm shocked Jules carried her own children.  Why not just hire a surrogate?  She hires someone to do literally everything for her (except fuck her husband, it appears a friend did that on a volunteer basis).

Ramona's hair is too long and makes her look older.  She needs to take those doll's-hair extensions out and get a fresh, modern cut.

Sonja, you have fucked every man --married, single, old, young, rich, penniless-- in NYC so stop acting so shocked when one of them ends up with a friend.  She is so mad that she was an easy lay for Tom for a decade and never got so much as a call the next day, but Luann has known him for 5 seconds and got a ring.  So petty to talk about her ring and call it murky.  What a bitch.  She is so jealous she can't even see straight.

  • Love 20
19 hours ago, SweetPickle said:

Jules doesn't know how to wipe properly?!?!? Even if you don't, and I find that disturbing and alarming, would you admit that on national television? My. God. 

I am willing to give Jules a pass on this.  If you have to call in a potty-training consultant, it is highly probable that the consultant would have some new-fangled philosophy on how it should be done.  Don't blame Jules one bit.

And as to the longer engagement than the courtship, I have nothing to say: I am on my third marriage, about two years in.  Myhusband and I were in our 50s and lived, admittedly, in different parts of the country (him in Wisconsin and me in Connecticut).  We dated for six or seven months and married about a year later. Nothing to do with being rich on my part, but age and convenience did play a part.

Edited by b2H
  • Love 2

I can"t really mock Jules for hiring a potty training coach. I had to hire a sleeping coach for my son (twice!)

The first time, I just could not ferberize and was ready to jump off the window, the second time, he was a teenager and made a come back in my bed.


And yes, cats are the best. they are just a superior species, let's face it.

  • Love 8
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

I took her to mean that she did the 3 day method with Jagger (which is where you never use pullups, you just go straight into underwear and deal with the accidents, but they train a lot faster), and it was really stressful. I trained all of my children that way, and while it gets you results a lot faster, it can be much messier and more stressful in the short term. So I took her as saying, she wanted someone else to do it this time. However, it seemed like Potty Lady was there to tell Jules what to do, but wasn't going to be doing all the training herself, so that made me laugh. I think Jules just wanted a friend to come over. 


My daughter was almost 4 by the time she was potty trained. All kids are different. I used to work in preschool, and generally my girls trained earlier than my boys. But not so with my own kids. My boys were trained at 26 months and it was fairly easy. My daughter, however, has been delayed in almost every physical aspect of her life and also has behavioral and cognitive issues. I tried when she was two and it wasn't sinking in with her at all. I gave up and tried again the summer when she was 3.5 and she got it like THAT. Sometimes kids just aren't ready and it's actually better to not try and force it if they're not. That being said, often parents are just scared/lazy. It's HARD work, especially when you have other kids at home. 

My daughter was about 4 when she was potty trained.  She is right on the edge of the spectrum, has always been delayed a bit in hitting milestones (didn't walk until 18 mos, late talker, etc) and has an enhanced startle reflex, which means the toilet flushing used to be very traumatic.  We tried at 2 and she was NOT HAVING it, so we waited until she basically asked.  Some kids just won't do it and our pediatrician said there are two battles you cannot win so don't try--potty training and making them eat certain foods.  

  • Love 6
15 hours ago, biakbiak said:

Oh I forgot to point out that the woman who declared she couldn't have Sonja on the Mexico trip because her partners were very serious about responsible alcohol use made a joke about doing alcohol enemas and it not working and was only buzzed to a level 5.

And, yet, Bethenny seemed pretty buzzed on that bus ride, and she was slurring slightly when she said that to Ramona.

  • Love 5


Oh boy, potty training My son didn't learn until he was almost four.  he got hysterical if you put him the on the toilet seat.  However he was friends with an older girl on our street {at the time about 95% old retired people] and he knew enough  that she wouldn't bother with a baby in a diaper. She was maybe 6 and desperate for something to do during the summer. He would be out playing with her and when he had to go he would run in and yell "Poop" he wanted a diaper then he would hide behind a sofa and go.  Finally he went because my husband promised him when he learned to use the toilet he could go to a Devil's game.  That and I gave him cranberry juice so he would get the runs and have no time to get a diaper.  But for a while I really thought he'd go to kindergarten in depends.

Edited by One More Time
  • Love 8

The most sensible thing Jules had said on this show is that Bethenny doesn't behave like someone who actually understand eating disorders and it's in fact Jules that is safer keeping her distance from Bethenny than the other way around. 

It wasn't a difference of two months Bethenny, it was a difference in getting into a confrontation with Jules. You can talk down one, but if you've got two coming down on you I doubt even your motormouth can keep up with that on slot. 

I thought Dorinda made sense when trying to explain to Ramona why it seemed inappropriate to host a big party for Luann that included Tom and other people. Though Dorinda is quite the shit stirrer, lol. When Dorinda was repeating the information to Luann, she said that she told Ramona how Luann might be uncomfortable given the situation and what people have been saying regarding Ramona, Sonja and Tom. What Dorinda said to Ramona is that Luann is still upset with her. That doesn't necessarily mean the same thing. However, Ramona gets offended when people are upset by her words or actions and when she gets called out on it, she goes ahead and does the very thing that the person found upsetting....yet Ramona doesn't understand what their problem is, lol. Ramona and Sonja don't get it. Luann isn't upset that you dated/screwed Tom. She cares that when she's talking about her relationship with Tom, you want to constantly remind her that you've dated him/screwed him for how ever long.

Personally I'm not a fan of yellow diamonds so I wasn't crazy about it but she said that she told him she likes canary so she got something she liked which is what matters with an engagement ring. 

Sonja you're not a jealous person...you were looking kinda jealous dear, lol.

  • Love 12
7 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

Let me tell you about the life of a horse trainer on the track and their children because let's just say, I know.... Life on the backstretch is 24/7 caring for expensive animals who cannot talk. You have to have eagle eyes and decades of experience and sense to succeed. No shortcuts to micromanaging their care and well being so you can put food on the table. Horses cannot speak so you become part vet, psychic, animal psychologist and you have owners to deal with- that's where accountant, PR, sales, marketing come into play with a whole lot of human psychology involved. Bethenny wants you to think that life a the track is all dirty "Jimmy the Hat" and railbird stereotypes- and there is some of that. But respect on the track is earned from very dedicated animal care and handling and the work that is involved. There is no shortcut (unlike cutting calories) for cleaning stalls, wrapping legs, walking hot horses, and up all night waiting for a vet. Sorry for the rant (but not really) she drives me crazy. There are big ups and downs with the horse business. One minute you have THE fastest best horse and the next a horse shoe nail makes them founder and you're down again. 

I'm not in the racetrack business but I am in the horse business and you speak the truth my friend.  Horses and their care of the utmost importance and no matter how hard you try they get hurt and it's usually THE most expensive one, too.  You can see a lame step from a mile away if you don't first feel it when you ride.  I have a lot of friends that still deal with the track to find really good reject Quarter Horses for our discipline and some even like the TB's, too.  I also believe that you are right that Bryn will want to ride, if she doesn't already, and Beth will be able to ride right along with her, but then she will claim she knows good horse flesh from throwing dice on the backside of the track and hearing the jocks and trainers spin their tales. She makes me want to vomit.  

  • Love 13
7 hours ago, Alonzo Mosely FBI said:

What's that Bethenny?? You never had ski lessons?  She was in Las Vegas, and the racetrack.

OK then:  Bethenny on a teen ski trip photo . Poor little match girl. Never learned to ski. HA.

She also describes a ski trip to Lake Tahoe with her biological father in the book "A Place of Yes."

This picture of Beth from the article:


She's probably been a handful and hyper her whole life.  As she leaned in to blow out the candles, she did it so fast and abruptly, it looks like her startled mother thought she was going to fall and grabbed her. Even Lou, while trying to look normal, put out a hand to try to stop her from going in face first. In my career, I've known children like this. So impulsive they're practically jumping out of their skin.

See how she's bracing her hands on the table, and way more into the faces of those candles than she needs to be? While blowing with all her might. This is something a 5 year old does. The two men on the right are either thinking, "Odd. Very odd." or, "Wolf child."   Lou and Mayor Koch look like they had been ready to pose for a nice picture when Beth lunged.  She was abrupt then, and even more abrupt now.

I know I'm reading a lot from this picture but the way Beth's hands are braced on the table tells me she went all in and no one was especially expecting it. She looks feral.    

How many cars did she wreck again?  I don't doubt that she was a huge pain in the ass as a teenager.

  • Love 16

Take this with a grain of salt but someone who grew up with Beth on Long Island told me that she was exactly the same as she is now.

They were in school together in elementary btw.. 

While I have sympathy for kids who grew up with an unstable mother and in a divorce situation, it would be nice for Bethany to finally shut the fuck up and look back on her childhood with a tiny bit of appreciation for those who raised her.

I am in the same age group and most of us had fucked up parents. I don't know of anyone who is still so resentful and angry toward their parents, now.

It is nuts.

Although,  I suspect that from now  on,she is going to bitch non-stop about Jason and his family. 

They never had a real chance. Will Brynn fare better?

  • Love 14

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