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S07.E01: Old Friends, New Faces

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7 minutes ago, Sai said:

I know a lot of people don't like the Tre and Joe but I would totally watch a show just on their family.  I don't need any of the other housewives and their drama.  The Giudices are more entertaining than any of them.  Of course they'd have to wait for Joe to get out of the slammer.  Sorry but that guy cracks me up.  When he was saying he felt like he was in a war the past year taking care of the girls I laughed because they certainly are a handful!  Prison must be like a vacation for him after that experience!  He went from his home of 5 females to a prison filled with men.  It's certainly a change.  You'd definitely have to throw Rosie in their show.  Rosie and Joe are comic gold together.  The Giudices and Rosie.  Yup.....I'd watch! 

Tre annoys the hellout of me, but I gotta admit, I find Joe G. endlessly entertaining!  And I do love her kids.

  • Love 11
Just now, TeeMo said:

Also, Joe was a bit of an ass just sitting at the counter in the kitchen taking his sweet time unplugging his phone from the charger when Teresa walked in. He casually called out "Hi honey, welcome home" as if she just got home from a trip to Costco. 

I think that was the joke. He being playful but that was probably covering his real more OTT emotion.

  • Love 16
4 minutes ago, charmed1 said:

Did Teresa stop at the hair salon before coming home? That cut and color looked good.

I can't believe CJ is 13 now. I always forget about CJ. He was always the sweet little forgotten boy who occupied space while Jacqueline focused on Ashley/ee and conceiving the miracle child, Nick.

Yep, poor CJ the forgotten 13 year old "fuck trophy".

  • Love 9

I've never watched NJ before tonight so I was kind of disgusted by Joe Gorga saying things like he wants his wife to stay home because he likes to look at his meat. Then saying he likes to come home to a home cooked meal that tastes good a wife that looks good. I'm going to try to watch until the end. I usually watch BH and have tried to get through the entire seasons of NY the past few years but I always find myself bailing out early. I'm kind of wanting to catch up on on the NY I've missed this season after seeing the latest new episode from last week.

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So I guess the new women are there to be teamJac. I was lol at the laurita Xmas party. Them women are so nipped tucked noticed and filled that I cannot tell them apart. 

Joe Go can lose me with his me so horny act. lol at Melissa and her career. Isn't she the person who drives to fast food restaurants  to poop because she doesn't want Joe to know that she poops? 

I feel bad for Teresa s kids. Not Teresa. First they have to deal with their mom in prison. Then their dad. And the cameras and paparazzi.

  • Love 7
Just now, poeticlicensed said:

Joe Go can lose me with his me so horny act. lol at Melissa and her career. Isn't she the person who drives to fast food restaurants  to poop because she doesn't want Joe to know that she poops? 

That's one of the craziest things I've read in a long time when it comes to people pooping. I would never drive somewhere like that and not go at home unless something was wrong plumbing wise causing my toilets to be nonfunctional. What a dysfunctional marriage.

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, Juneaucat said:

I'll give the first episode a shot but that's it. This is my least favorite housewives show and I'm unabashedly Bravo's bitch. But I can't take the nonstop fighting over family stuff and who slighted who. All the series have that element but these people are actually related. And they're willing to ruin their family relationships to whore themselves out for fame and money. 

Also Jac's schtick is so tired. I just saw a preview and it's the same crap for the last few years it was on. If you hate Tre so much, stop talking to her and get off any shows that feature her. Caroline is beyond grating but she could walk away. I get that she has her own crappy show but it doesn't have the draw (and therefore the money and security a housewives show has). Jac can't stand to lose the fame. 

or the money!

  • Love 2

Giudice daughters are the real stars of the season 7 premiere.



If you weren't reaching for a tissue as eldest daughter Gia (somehow just only 14 after seemingly being a teenager for all seven seasons of this show) broke down in tears at the sight of her mother back in their home, there might be something wrong with you. It was clear that for the duration of Teresa's time away, Gia was forced to step into a makeshift mother role, caring for her younger sisters Gabriella, Milania, and Audriana—something that no girl just barely in her teens should be forced to take on. And in that moment, as she watched her younger sisters embrace their mother, you could see that feeling of responsibility wash away with her tears. Gia could simply be a girl again. A girl who needed her mother and finally had her back.


Teresa may be home, but the family now faces the even longer imprisonment of their father Joe. While there's no doubt that it will be difficult to watch at times (that clip in the episode-ending supertease of the usually unflappable Milania in tears is something we're already bracing ourselves for), we'll be there with bated breath. Because at this point, it's like they're our family, too. 

Yeah, that upcoming scene with Milania had me choking.  You can tell she just wanted to bawl her eyes out. So sad.

  • Love 13
1 minute ago, jaybird2 said:

she got a much needed rest!  and federal prisons are like country clubs.  at least the one in in florida is

Danbury is the same one from Orange is the New Black (the book). It certainly didn't sound like a country club to me. We're also talking about non-violent (for the most part) criminals, that are supposed to be getting rehabilitated.

  • Love 3
56 minutes ago, Chicklet said:

I was guessing Jac was sitting in the sink so she could see to put her makeup on. Evidently they could afford her face lift but not able to buy her vain self glasses.

I was actually really jealous when I saw that set up! I lean over the sink to get 3 inches away from the mirror when I do my eyeliner. I'm not really a fan of the huge, lavish homes, but I adore the bathrooms.

I don't care at all about the new people. I was happy for the girls to have their mom back. I'm sure Gia will be happy to give up some of her parenting responsibilities.

  • Love 1

Ugh.  I tried not to watch but I recorded it and nothing was on at ten so I watched.  Most glaring thing to me was Tre saying, as she walked down the stairs, that she was 'naive' and she wouldn't be that again.  Translation:  I'm going to be more careful next time.  She just continues to see herself as some kind of victim  instead of the lying thief that she is.  Seeing the stucco box just reminds me of all the subs who did work on that house and didn't get payed.

I do feel for her children.  They're kids.  They didn't sign up for 'this'.  Yep.  Gabs is going to go away to college and get as far as she can from this mess of a family.  She does seem to have a place of affection for her dad. 

Don't beat me up.... I've always liked Jac.  Yeah, she made a ton of mistakes with Ashley but it's nice to see they've worked a lot of things out.  And Ashley seems to being ok.  I've always liked Jac and Chris's chemistry as a married couple.  IMO, they do really love one another.  As for Chris, he's a beaten man right now.  It's sad to see. 

The two new women - I don't know.  I get kind of glazed when they're telling their stories.  But...the one woman gave me a chuckle at the restaurant with the secret door and her scarf covering her bandage.

It'll be interesting to see the dynamic with Tre's parents now that she's back.  They seem to have grown close to Joey.  There maybe some jealousy coming down the road.

Joey is always going to be Joey.  I just roll my eyes....  At least he seems to adore his wife and kids.  I do wonder about Joe.

Best of all - Nick is making progress.  In this shit show, that's probably the best thing I saw tonight.  I give tons of admiration to parents who are dealing with a sick child or one who has a serious medical condition.  It's the toughest road that parents may have to go down.

  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, ElsbethTascioni said:

Danbury is the same one from Orange is the New Black (the book). It certainly didn't sound like a country club to me. We're also talking about non-violent (for the most part) criminals, that are supposed to be getting rehabilitated.

i've never seen orange is the new black.  the federal prison that 'white collar' criminals are sent to (like the one in ft walton beach have golf courses

17 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:


Joe Go can lose me with his me so horny act. lol at Melissa and her career. Isn't she the person who drives to fast food restaurants  to poop because she doesn't want Joe to know that she poops? 

I didn't remember this, but what the fuck? I get that Melissa wants to be this put on a pedestal, perfect bride forever, but you gave birth to the man's kids, honey. If he saw that, he can at least be aware that you poop in your own home.

But sadly, I've  known those guys who insist that women (specifically attractive women) don't poop and it is one of the strangest forms of sexism that I'm aware of. Is being a human such a turn off?

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, sasha206 said:

Tre looks 100% better coming home from prison.  Her hair looked great.  She looks much younger.

She did look great. I think it's the excessive eye makeup that makes her look older. It might be one of those situations where it looks better in person than on camera? But she really did look very healthy. 

  • Love 6

The only thing I felt was disgust as that Thieving Criminal got to get home and hug her family.  Eonline thinks there must therefore be something wrong with me.  But It hasn't even been a month when mothers, fathers, brothers sisters lovers and children found out their own loved ones would not be coming home.  Not because they stole and lied and were huge criminal pigs like this troll doll and her knuckle-dragging ape of a thug.   And continue still to blame others for their own willful actions.  Nope.  Just went out to have fun.  And never came home.  So no Eonline.  I didn't shed a tear as this pig hugged her teary and snotty daughters.  Because all I saw was criminal entitlement gets its reward.  On camera.  For money.  The only way this show could redeem itself is to promise I get to see the man pig serve hard labor somewhere while every week a couple of the people they robbed and cheated get to hold the simpering chimp down and yank her bald. 


The idea that families face true loss and racial division is taking lives and BRAVO wants me to feel for what to me looks like simply feeding that criminal entitlement and passing it on like some sick legacy of attention and privilege to their next generation?  Yeah BRAVO can suck my dick.


Oh that Ape she calls her husband who steals like such a pro probably wasn't rushing to greet her since he might actually show some emotion.  And the last time he did that on camera he called her such a wonderful name didn't he.  Such a sweet endearment.  Funny how I so agree with him on that nickname now.   Never thought that sagging flesh-bag of 'roid gutted shit and I would agree on something. 

  • Love 8

I don't know why Jacqueline sits in her sink but I've sat in mine in just about every house I've lived in. I used to sit on the floor with a huge antique mirror at my parents' house when I was teen. They wouldn't let me take the mirror with me when I moved out. I've been in the sink ever since. It's hell on your knees as you get older. 

Teresa had one of the girls in prison do her hair. She said it on the live FB after show. 

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, sistermagpie said:

I think that was the joke. He being playful but that was probably covering his real more OTT emotion.

He was probably covering up his boner,  #nojudgement.  I chuckled when he was insisting that the younger girls not stay home from school, everyone out of the house!

46 minutes ago, MrsPatrickBateman said:

Gia probably put one in the bag she packed for her that had her outfit and phone. I'm sure makeup and hair stuff was in there as well.

Theresa wrote a book about her prison experience and all the details about her check in, check out and her stay is in there.  Titled "Turning the Tables", it's a quick read, entertaining and I got it at my library for free but it's also available on Amazon.  

Bravo totally got me with the preparations for Teresa coming home and the scenes where Teresa comes in and the kids leap into her arms.  So genuine and sweet.

  • Love 7
7 hours ago, Sai said:

Funny how some people are so adamant about not watching yet here they are reading and posting on the RHONJ message board.  I don't get it.  I'm watching!

I think I've hit a tipping point with all the RH shows.  I don't watch any religiously any more - just enough to stay in the loop.   Sometimes I just don't have enough energy.  I started to watch tonight's premiere but after a few seconds, it was all too much.  The loud voices, the accents, the gross/horny Joe, Jacqueline in general.  I come to forums to read up on what I missed which helps me decide if I want to tune in at a later date when I have more stamina.

Oh, and Jacqueline has a son?!?!?  How come I don't remember that?

  • Love 5

SO glad my TV crack is back!!! I like the new  girls. I've always been fascinated by Delores, why I don't know,  but I am glad she is now a full cast member. Siggy is likeable so far, too. Much better newbies this time around. Love that Melissa and Joe are getting along with Papa Gorga, and love that Teresa and Melissa will finally bond this season. Love that there are no Manzos. I didn't realize what a drag they were on the show until they were gone. Kathy can go any time, too. Only bad moments were seeing her judgemental self-righteous self again.

Thrilled to pieces to see the Giudice girls, and Juicy Joe, and Teresa.

I know Joe and Teresa did horrible things, I know they still owe people, I know they have anew Lexus and still live in the mausoleum when they cannot afford it. That is not my problem. Since the world  has been such a shitshow this week, I am happy to have something frivolous to watch.

Welcome back, RHONJ! I've missed you so!

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Yeaaah! They're back! I could have done without Jacqueline, even if I was truly happy to see her boy his doing well. And it seems all the negativity will be coming from her. I don't know what's her damage but she needs therapy. No opinion yet on the newbies, except they look like the Housewifes of Miami with all the facelifts. Why women do that to themselves? They just look all alike.

Joe Gorga's still a pig, nice to see some continuity there... Joe Giudice's still a hoot. He hit the jackpot with Gia and Gabrielle, they're awesome little girls. Big Girls. Damn! did they grew up or what? Loved Gia's reaction to Milania. That kid's crazy for sure but I laughed when she screamed at the paparazzi to get out.

Here's hoping the season will be as good as the preview shows. Please give us drama but no toxicity! A girl can dream right?

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I also didn't realize how much I missed it until watching.

Teresa looks fantastic. The girls - Gia the teenage adult, Gabriella the observant, Milania the handful mugging for the camera, and Audriana the cute baby (yeah I know shes six now!) baby of the family - preparing for Teresa's homecoming then racing to her arms, seemed so authentic.  Joe G seemed to be holding back the tears.  But I hate when he yells Shut Up.

Jacqueline oozes passive-aggressive syrupy fake sweetness as usual.  Chris does seem beat down but he's always come across as laid-back with no affect to me.  Their boys are very cute.  Still can't stand Ashlee sorry.

Joe Gorga is gross.  Their kids are cute.

As far as supporting Teresa by watching the show, she served her time.  I'll (maybe naively) admit to still holding out hope that she will make restitution to creditors.  For now, they are stuck with the marble mausoleum - who in their right mind would buy it?

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I always thought Chris Laurita was a quiet one. They sure had him doing alot of TH tonight. So they are broke and are going to have to move soon. At least he admits it. Ashlee came home to "save money". Is that code for she couldn't cut it out in L.A.? 

I forgot about the twins! Didn't miss them at all. 

Weren't the Gorga's building a new house last season and renting somewhere until it was finished? Now they are back living in the original one. They glossed right over that, I want to know what happened there. They seem like such posers, always trying to keep up the wealthy image but in reality not having a pot to piss in.   

Big mouth Ritchie didn't go to the Laurita Christmas party with Kathy and Rosie? 

I guess I won't be satisfied until I see the Guidice's lose that McMansion. I won't feel they learned their lesson until that happens. I thought they were in foreclosure. Tre was the primary bread winner for years and once she went to prison she wasn't earning any money so how did drunk ass Joe pay the mortgage? He wasn't even allowed to drive. 

I know I'm in the minority here but I can't stand the Guidice children and Joe always yelling and screaming in the house. That is one loud, frantic family. Same with the Gorga kids. Calm down, already. 

  • Love 9

The only interesting thing on this show is the Guidice family! The rest of this cast can be fired tomorrow. Joe Gorga little sex fiend and his fake wife can get gone now! Jacq is like some jilted lover when it comes to Tre! These other chicks are just boring! Tre did her allotted time she has a right to come home and be happy with her family! Joe Guidice was just happy to have hai wife back to handles those girls lol. I think he loves Tre but he is a man who is not going to show emotion easily!

fire the rest of the cast though because they are like watching mold!

Edited by MsDiva2007
  • Love 10

So happy this show is back! I'm not a Nielsen home so I don't feel guilty watching.  No one knows, no one cares, it's not being counted.  Guilty pleasure.

Crazy Jac is back!? I guess she really needs the $$.  Not shocked that Ashley/Ashlee is back and living at home at the age of 25.  She has always been lazy and aimless, like a lot of the kids on these shows (looking at you, Manzos).  Chris looks rough

Melissa has had a lot of work done on her face. Did I see cheek implants?  Another nose job?  Her hair looks great though.  I love that cut.  Joe Gorga is still a little perv. I've always thought that was just a schtick for the cameras but now I'm wondering if that's how he really is.  Gag.  I couldn't live with someone like that.

New women, zzzzzz.  So much plastic surgery.  I'd rather they didn't force new people on us and let us focus on the cast members that we already know.  I am tuning in for Teresa and all of that drama, I don't care about these new broads.

I teared up when Teresa was hugging the girls, especially Gia.  She and Gabriella will be the ones most effected by their parents' incarcerations -- hopefully Milania and Audriana are too young and not retain much memory of this time.  I feel sad for them.  Teresa and Joe might be criminals and selfish people but they are the girls' parents and all they know.  It's too bad, really.

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Was anyone else waiting for theresa to punch joe when she got home? It was nice of him to just be sitting there when she got home like it was no big deal.

Jacquelines kids look great. Im glad Ashley and jac are in a better place now. Moving out was the best thing for ash.

Looks like this season is going to be jacqueline against everyone else. I wonder why

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Joe Gorga is, if this is possible, even more annoying.  Does he really think that anyone wants to see his naked body?  He's a 40-something, sort-of in shape (but not really) guy - no one wants to see that, except for Melissa.  He continues to embarrass himself.

He's just revolting, as is all his talk about wanting sex and wrapping it up, and whatever else he was saying.   And now Melissa seems to have an issue with him wanting to be the little wifey - after she wrote an entire book about how she caters to his every need.   Good luck trying to break free of that Neanderthal, Melissa.  I also thought she looked awful in her TH, and I think the dress she wears in the opening is hideous as well.  And she is oh, so worried, about how Teresa will treat her when she comes home.  Not this story line again - spare us, please.

Jac is still a lunatic.  No interest in her at all but I wondered why the Manzos weren't at her party.   Didn't Chris say the Brownstone catered it?  Great cost cutting  move there. Would have been cheaper to get a couple of deli platters at the grocery store. 

Joe and the girls continue to entertain - but someone please tell me those adorable puppies are not kept in that cage in the garage.  There was barely enough room for one dog, let alone two.   (I remember a few years ago, there was an indoor shot of Caroline Manzo's German Shepherd in a cage, and she explained later that they have to contain the dog when the crews are in the house, which makes sense.  But I got a feeling that the Guidice dogs might be in a different situation).

 New HW's - whatever, not really interested.

I think I will watch next week to see the Gorga Christmas Even dinner, but that may do it for me.

Oh, and I almost dozed off when Kathy Wakile was on screen nodding and bobbing her head (at least she didn't show up with a plate of desserts). What's the point of even having her there?  I know Bravo/Andy love Rosie, I guess you don't get one without the other. Richie was probably lurking in the bushes outside trying to sneak in.

  • Love 7
4 hours ago, Giselle said:

Chris looked like shit and he should. The reason they are having to cut back is because they raided the assets of an apparel company for millions of dollars to live high on the hog. The smaller Christmas party with no presents is because there is no money left to grab and they can't afford their house. It's not because it is time for a change. She recently brought it out of foreclosure with her bravo paycheck. They are no better than the Gudices. 


Tired of her and hearing about her special needs kid. 

Can you tell I don't like her nor do I like her friends brought  on to film with her.

She can go away.

Amen. Jac is the disgusting, bitter hag version of her unholy spawn, Asslee. She looked like a jealous, <hateful> mental patient whilst reading the text and imitating Teresa's voice. I'm praying that she and the the Wildenstein twins don't spend the entire season piling on to Teresa. That will be an enormous snore. Jac's always looked ridiculous trying to pull off her illiterate sexpot act as a middle-aged hag; it's really going to be a tough sell once she becomes a full-on grandMAW. Yeah, you can calve some new kids and try to put Asslee behind you, but now there's going to be a new baby in the house--your GRANDbaby. Congratulations?

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, Jextella said:

I think I've hit a tipping point with all the RH shows.  I don't watch any religiously any more - just enough to stay in the loop.   Sometimes I just don't have enough energy.  I started to watch tonight's premiere but after a few seconds, it was all too much.  The loud voices, the accents, the gross/horny Joe, Jacqueline in general.  I come to forums to read up on what I missed which helps me decide if I want to tune in at a later date when I have more stamina.

Oh, and Jacqueline has a son?!?!?  How come I don't remember that?


Right or wrong, I find the Lauritas more egregious than the Guidices.  This sounds awful, but to a large degree, I think the Guidices are just simpletons who know better but don't know better enough not to do certain things.  The Lauritas are not simpletons and they know better on every level yet move forward anyway and with purpose.   There seems to be a difference in the level of understanding about the full impact of the couples' misdeeds and the intentionality of it.   

Call me a simpleton, but I think Joe and Teresa didn't (and likely still don't) clue into how their misdeeds hurt the little guy and I don't think they plotted to do what they did with much thought.  The Lauritas, on the other hand, know full well what they do and plot every step of the way.   I also think Joe and Teresa did what they did out of fear and desperation.   The Lauritas seem to make it part of the day-to-day operations.  I'm still wondering how it is they aren't in jail.  Anyone know?

Not that this excuses Joe and Teresa by any means. I just think the Lauritas are intentional crooks whereas the Guidices are to some degree, less intentional. 

This is so well-put. I feel exactly the same way. I always wonder why I'm not more outraged about the Giudices (and why I despise the horrible Lauritas so much more), and this explains it exactly.

  • Love 16

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