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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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7 hours ago, McManda said:

Probably the same game. It's got many names. 

It's basically the Midwest version of horseshoes. We had corn, they had horses. Throw something and get points based on how close to another object it gets.

Also a slightly less popular game: Ladderball.

I've heard of cornhole from all my time in Iowa, and my family in California actually has a ladderball set.  It is a lot of fun, until the balls get caught in a tree.  It really takes a lot of skill to learn to throw the balls correctly (it is two balls connected by a piece of rope).  It also takes a lot of skill to get the balls out of the tree or off the roof!

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5 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

For crissakes, that's a Bible verse. You'd think her leghumpers would know that. 

And that apostrophe...smh. There should be no be punctuation on their name at all. 

I'm usually appalled by that use of the apostrophe, but I'm not because I was blinded by the hideousness of the wreath. (maybe that's just me, though? ...) Anyway, pairing the wreath with the quotation makes me picture the baby Jesus surrounded with Fisher-Price toys. 

Given Jer's pretensions, we probably should be grateful their name doesn't have a semicolon in it somewhere. Or an umlaut. 

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, truebluesmoky said:

Her Insta-followers are freaking out trying to figure out if this is a pregnancy announcement.

I think it’s just a Keep Christ in Christmas type decoration, but I bet she knew it would make people wonder. Also, it has the dreaded misplaced apostrophe.

LOL. Other than the saying on the chalkboard, there is NOTHING on that wreath that suggests Jesus' birth. Very ambitious wreath, however.  And maybe the apostrophe means The Vuolo's Home, with the home part implied. (God, am I defending them???)

As for "cornhole" and "ladderball" games ......I recently attended a wedding that had both and were called just that.

Jinge's hat (#loveyourmelon) is the hottest thing right now.

Edited by drafan
  • Love 6
25 minutes ago, floridamom said:

We need to change the name of this thread to read: "The Duggalo's..Jinger & The Holy Goalie" in honor of Jinger's wreath and poor grammatical skills.

Besides the extra apostrophe, their last name was misspelled as well. Instead of Vuolo's, it says Voulo's. Poor Jinger has had her first name always misspelled, and now her married surname is problematic too.

So maybe change it to The Dgugalo's. ;-)


Edited by ChiCricket
I can't spell their last name either
  • Love 13
19 hours ago, Arwen Evenstar said:

I am The Great Cornholio.  Get me TP for my bunghole.  Bungholio!


@Arwen Evenstar, we are on the same page today!  My daughter introduced me to Beavis & Butthead, and even though I'm a cranky old lady, I still think they were funnier than hell!  I even bought a 3-DVD "best of" set, some years ago.  

  • Love 4
23 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

Yeah, very common in the Chicagoland area. You described it perfectly, that's all there is to it. In my family it's usually a beer-fueled "sport".

Yep, played many a cornhole games while drinking bloody mary's. Heck, we teach our kids to play cornhole while they are leaning to walk in the Chicago burbs. 

Truth: I suck at cornhole. Like, I am the worst player ever. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, ChiCricket said:

Besides the extra apostrophe, their last name was misspelled as well. Instead of Vuolo's, it says Voulo's. Poor Jinger has had her first name always misspelled, and now her married surname is problematic too.

So maybe change it to The Dgugalo's. ;-)


Geez, with that many errors and miscommunications in one wreath, I think that’s a sign to just give up on the early Christmas decor and start afresh in a few weeks with their name correctly spelled at least!  

  • Love 6
6 hours ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

A couple of bars and bar-restaurants that are geared towards people in their mid-20s to early-30s have little patios where they have Giant Jenga and cornhole and stuff.  Some of the places serve lunch so you can go there during the day. I know nothing of Laredo, but it looks like this could be an establishment like that where Jinger and Jeremy took these pics. 

I hope it was a bar and I hope Jinger had a drink, because JimBob.

? ?Lots of local microbreweries have this set up. Fun stuff and normal. 

  • Love 3

She mentioned her mom collected all these "jingerbread" items for her over the years...I'm thinking the misspelled wreath was Michelle's doing, the verse being a passive aggressive dig or just a Duggar assumption that they'd certainly be having a child being born around this time (assuming the wreath was a gift from last year).

  • Love 7
11 hours ago, Sew Sumi said:

Jinger needs a refund from whatever company made her inspirational Christmas plaque. Or is that plauqe? 

I remember ordering a family name sign from a woman at a craft show.  I clearly told her not to use an apostrophe.   Of course it came with an apostrophe and I'm sure she figured she was right and I was just dumb!  Total waste of money!  I certainly would not have displayed it if our name was also spelled incorrectly!  

  • Love 7
On 11/20/2017 at 10:14 PM, Sew Sumi said:

Well, before learning about this game, I only knew of the other kind. :D

Calling it cornhole is a midwest thing, I think. I had never heard it called that until I was in Ohio for a wedding, and when someone said they wanted to play cornhole, the first words out of my mouth were "Isn't that illegal in this state?"

  • Love 11
3 hours ago, BetyBee said:

I remember ordering a family name sign from a woman at a craft show.  I clearly told her not to use an apostrophe.   Of course it came with an apostrophe and I'm sure she figured she was right and I was just dumb! 

I ordered a monogrammed nap pad for my son at a craft show. They spelled his name wrong and then wanted to argue about it. Thankfully I had my copy of the receipt with the correct spelling. They did not want to fix it. 

On topic: It does suck to have a somewhat unusual last name. My last name only has 4 letters and still gets butchered on a regular basis. My poor son has an unusual first and last name and is regularly misspelled (trophies are a nightmare). I can only imagine the combinations Jinger gets. 

Edited by AUgirl
  • Love 8
2 hours ago, questionfear said:

Calling it cornhole is a midwest thing, I think. I had never heard it called that until I was in Ohio for a wedding, and when someone said they wanted to play cornhole, the first words out of my mouth were "Isn't that illegal in this state?"

We had virtual olympics between two offices.  The Minneapolis office called it Bags. Louisville called it Cornhole.  

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, floridamom said:

So, the kids were starving and stuffed in a tiny house and Michelle was collecting stuffed gingerbread dolls? Where did this money come from? Michelle should have gone to the grocery store instead and feed her children.

What the heck is a gingerbread doll? Like gingerbread man Christmas tchotchkes? That's what I assume.

As for how she paid for them, I suppose they either were bought for like 20 cents each at thrift stores or were love offerings she gritted by telling people how she had a daughter named Jinger who looooved Gingerbread "dolls." I'm betting on the latter because the Duggars have been pretty amazing grifters from long before TLC. 

  • Love 6
On 11/20/2017 at 8:34 PM, LilJen said:

New England-bred dh snickered when he first heard the name Cornhole when we moved to the Midwest. Apparently cornhole has a whoooooole different meaning in New England (corn cobs used to be used for something very different!).

This midwesterner visited friends in Nova Scotia and they had this set up as well. I couldn't stop laughing to play! They also have a very similar Washer toss. I kept on imaging appliances flying to the pocket. 

Jing looks nice. 

  • Love 1
On 11/21/2017 at 1:29 PM, Churchhoney said:

I'm usually appalled by that use of the apostrophe, but I'm not because I was blinded by the hideousness of the wreath. (maybe that's just me, though? ...) Anyway, pairing the wreath with the quotation makes me picture the baby Jesus surrounded with Fisher-Price toys. 

Given Jer's pretensions, we probably should be grateful their name doesn't have a semicolon in it somewhere. Or an umlaut. 

I think it was probably a gift. “Vuolo” is spelled “Voulo.” Jinger May not be a grammatical genius, but I would hope she knows how to spell her own last name. I

ETA: Oops, someone already posted this. I’m a dork.

Edited by mynextmistake
  • Love 2
17 minutes ago, Abstract said:

Can someone post this video in the comments? 


I completely get this (very simple) rule when it comes to just plurals, but I did find myself just a mite torn when I was making "Welcome" slates a while back, because it seemed to me that if the name might be in reference to the abode, a apostrophe might be justified even though it kind of made my teeth itch to do it. If you have a sign on your door saying "Welcome....The Smiths", that works if you feel that the sign is saying that  the Smiths welcome you, but mightn't it also work to say,"Welcome...The Smith's" if you were meaning that the Smiths welcome you to the home that they own? I generally just gave people the option of how they preferred it in any case.

  • Love 2

The apostrophe still would have to go at the end of Smiths, because it's plural. There are multiple Smiths. The apostrophe does delininate intent, in this case either the people themselves or an assumed object (the house). If one puts out a welcome mat, the apostrophe is typically absent. 

eta: Even the Seewalds got it right on their sign. It says something to the effect of: The Seewalds, est. 2014. It's not the house that was established, even though the sign resides in the house, it's the couple. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 3

Pssst......Hey, Jinge, if you're reading here......here's all you have to do....

1.Get a black Sharpie and open up the top of the O. Then color over the apostrophe with the same black marker.

2. Get out your pink nail polish and close up the top of the U.

((Can you tell I've had to fix a few Made in China plaques from Christmas Tree Shop?))

  • Love 18
On 11/22/2017 at 11:09 AM, AUgirl said:

I ordered a monogrammed nap pad for my son at a craft show. They spelled his name wrong and then wanted to argue about it.

I ordered address labels once, and instead of printing Harold, they printed Howard.  When I called to complain, they asked me if I was sure I hadn't told them Howard!

I hate when people use the possessive on family name plaques.  But maybe they're taking a page from Scottish chieftains and they actually MEAN The Vuolo's, since Jeremy is the head of the household!

  • Love 1
17 hours ago, Jynnan tonnix said:

mightn't it also work to say,"Welcome...The Smith's" if you were meaning that the Smiths welcome you to the home that they own?

No.  The apostrophe indicates a possessive, i. e. belonging to the Smiths.  The  only correct application with an apostrophe would be Welcome to the Smiths' (with home either implied or stated) as that is the correct plural possessive.  The whole concept is just grammatically awkward, imo.

  • Love 6
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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