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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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2 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

Jinger's going to have to try harder than that if she wants to make any money. The "fundie romance novel" is actually called Inspirational in the industry and those who write them do pretty well financially.

Not really. Those wouldn't be "fundie" by her standards. I've read about atleast a dozen of them. The contemporaries have heroines who are often educated and independent with real jobs and don't live with their parents (or spouses.) They don't necessarily aspire to have a large family. The heroines  in contemporaries are often close to thirty (and some are over thirty).  The historical the girls are  younger and less educated, although the heroines usually believe in reading and learning.  Most don't feature premarital sex, like many of the mainstream counterparts, but do feature kissing, hand-holding etc.

The Inspirational authors do all right, mostly because like most authors they have second jobs, even if it's just stay-at-home-mom or housewife.

Edited by Temperance
  • Love 5

I can't imagine there is much to do around the house for Jinger, with just the two of them.  I mean, besides their morning devotions together,  making coffee, two breakfast dishes to wash, and with just them it may take a couple days for even a load of laundry to need to be done, maybe pressing a couple of J's shirts or picking them up at the cleaners....seems super boring, esp with all the chaos she was used to.  I hope she's actually getting to enjoy the quietude and finding some hobbies to pursue, new friends, and *books to read*.  I can't imagine what these newly married women fill their time with, with no jobs, no kids yet, few friends, hobbies.  I guess that's why they pee on sticks constantly and make pinterest fail projects, out of sheer boredom.  

Interesting how Jeremy focuses on the aspect of pastoring that focuses on him (sermonizing and preparing to sermonize), rather than the people he has been called to serve.  Pastoring is so much more than preparing a sermon all week and delivering it- the real work is that of being with people through through the joys and trials of their lives and being a true servant.

  • Love 17
4 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Okay, I know the Duggars are easy targets for snark, but really? Maybe Jinger has an interest in bugs. Maybe she thought the ants would make for a cool looking video. Her fans being "disgusted" is a bit ridiculous. Come on, Inquisitr, you can make up better stories than this. 

I agree, she considers herself a photographer and is out there taking pictures that aren't the standard point & shoot.

Although a part of me thinks she has probably been a little startled around new TX creatures and I can hear Jeremy suggesting that she take pictures to familiarize herself to them. 

  • Love 4
3 hours ago, kalamac said:

I think the ant video is pretty cool. (I once filmed an ant trying to move an orange pip all by itself, before a couple of other ants showed up to help).

Yesterday I saw an ant dragging a dead wasp a good 15 times its size up the screen door in our porch.

I watched it for a little while and was tempted to film it, but ended up flicking it outside. I did feel rather guilty about wiping out all that hard work, though... It was quite impressive.

  • Love 8

I hope Jinger is getting used to her new life. When I got married the first time I left home where I lived with my parents and two brothers and the house was busy and mostly fun.   Got married to someone I loved (back then) and was deliriously happy to move to small apartment with him. He was in medical school. I had lots of time on my hands. I got bored quickly. I was homesick. I missed my brothers. It was very quiet. I cooked and cleaned our two room apartment. I didn't want to read or watch tv all day. My peers were working. After 6 weeks I got a job. I still missed my brothers. We saw them periodically but it is an adjustment - as nutso as we think her family is, she is used to all of that - I hope Jinger will find something to do. Maybe a job is too ambitious a hope. Maybe volunteer somewhere. Maybe she already does this but it isn't what TLC wants to show. We got a snippet of a day on the life of Jeremy and Jinger.  Maybe it was staged for the cameras. I hope there is more to their lives. 

Edited by lookeyloo
  • Love 12

Interesting how Jeremy focuses on the aspect of pastoring that focuses on him (sermonizing and preparing to sermonize), rather than the people he has been called to serve.  Pastoring is so much more than preparing a sermon all week and delivering it- the real work is that of being with people through through the joys and trials of their lives and being a true servant.



The Duggar way is now the Voulo way. DO something, people!

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, BitterApple said:

Okay, I know the Duggars are easy targets for snark, but really? Maybe Jinger has an interest in bugs. Maybe she thought the ants would make for a cool looking video. Her fans being "disgusted" is a bit ridiculous. Come on, Inquisitr, you can make up better stories than this. 

Well, not sure that evidence shows the Inquistr can, actually! But all that they've proven here is that a lot of Duggar "fans" who post on social media are shallow, thoughtless idiots, and fickle as the day is long. So what else is new? People were clamoring for her to be a photographer at one point. But I suppose they think photographers should only photograph weddings. I'm thrilled to see a Duggarling apparently interested in something that's, you know, interesting. Go, JInger.

  • Love 12
12 hours ago, Nysha said:

Hopefully, there are other young married women in Jinger's church that she can befriend and start having an actual social life outside of her immediate family. 

That would be wonderful, but Jeremy would have to direct her to do that. Jing was raised on the Gothard Kool-aid that says any sort of friendships, even for adults, are detrimental to the family, and socializing is sinful. That's why they 'fellowship with like-minded believers' at a minimum, and don't even allow the adults a chance to put someone above their headships or children, etc. So sad. 

  • Love 3

Jeremy can spent 35 hours writing his sermon if that's what he needs.  I've heard him speak and he really does need it. 

Jeremy has no children, no home maintenance, no elderly parents, no nothing.  35 hours a week is a STARTING point for a young minister.  A church plant takes lots and lots and lots of time.  It's not easy to plant a church.  Jeremy is a pastor's son so he knows this.  Jinger was his shortcut.  Instant fame.  He pursued the Duggars because of their last name.  He went on that mission trip! Coincidence? Gimme a break.  

Jeremy can work 35 hours a week and let the Duggar name/TLC do the rest of the work. 

Edited by Marigold
  • Love 8
9 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Like the idea of the both of them taking a break during the hottest part of the day in Laredo watching old episodes of 19 kids and Counting....and laughing their asses off or getting indignant and plotting revenge...

I wonder if Jeremy knows or read the "Free Jinger" sentiments on the internet before he met her?  If so, she was ripe for the taking.

  • Love 2
On 6/17/2017 at 3:09 PM, Temperance said:

Not really. Those wouldn't be "fundie" by her standards. I've read about atleast a dozen of them. The contemporaries have heroines who are often educated and independent with real jobs and don't live with their parents (or spouses.) They don't necessarily aspire to have a large family. The heroines  in contemporaries are often close to thirty (and some are over thirty).  The historical the girls are  younger and less educated, although the heroines usually believe in reading and learning.  Most don't feature premarital sex, like many of the mainstream counterparts, but do feature kissing, hand-holding etc.

The Inspirational authors do all right, mostly because like most authors they have second jobs, even if it's just stay-at-home-mom or housewife.

:clears throat:

Have you read any Amish romances? They are a thing.


Most don't feature premarital sex, like many of the mainstream counterparts, but do feature kissing, hand-holding etc.

Inspirationals and what's termed as "sweet" romances are the only subgenres in romance that do not feature premarital or any other type of sex. They don't sell well as a rule.  Those who enjoy reading them, however, would most likely purchase a romance novel "written" by a Duggar.

It would be interesting to watch J-Chelle twist herself into a pretzel defending any daughter's foray into romance novels; some of us remember her highly critical comments on the subject.

I think Jinger, with the help of Jeremy, could probably manage devotionals, planners, and Godly organizational print-outs. I don't think she has the education and definitely not the life knowledge to write even the tamest Christian romance or the imagination to write a middle school/teen Christian novel. If she were to self-publish a young married devotional on Amazon, she might be able to generate traffic for a downloadable planner and whatever else for a few bucks. She wouldn't get rich, but I think a lot of her followers would be willing to pay $3-4 to download her book off Amazon and another $2-3 to get the downloads.

  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, Nysha said:

I think Jinger, with the help of Jeremy, could probably manage devotionals, planners, and Godly organizational print-outs. I don't think she has the education and definitely not the life knowledge to write even the tamest Christian romance or the imagination to write a middle school/teen Christian novel. If she were to self-publish a young married devotional on Amazon, she might be able to generate traffic for a downloadable planner and whatever else for a few bucks. She wouldn't get rich, but I think a lot of her followers would be willing to pay $3-4 to download her book off Amazon and another $2-3 to get the downloads.

I don't think there is much of an audience for Jeremy's "Biblical exegetical expository teaching."  His church only has about 25 people attending services.

  • Love 2
On 6/17/2017 at 9:18 PM, louannems said:

I would wonder what those geckos were eating outside her apt.  In Mexico (honeymoon during rainy season) the geckos near our hotel room were staying fat and sassy and I am speculating its because of the large ass cockroaches that were plentiful.  Wrong season to go to Mexico when you have an unhealthy fear of cockroaches.  We had to change rooms due to large cockroaches IN OUR ROOM and while walking back from the lobby one flew around my husband and landed on my bare shoulder that was the size of a lighter.  Serves me right for baring my shoulders like a hussy.  Jinger, Judge Judy is on in the afternoon and is highly entertaining!

  • Love 3
12 minutes ago, Mollie said:

I don't think there is much of an audience for Jeremy's "Biblical exegetical expository teaching."  His church only has about 25 people attending services.

Their show, Facebook page, and Instagram accounts have quite a few followers. Like I said, she wouldn't get rich, but it could be a nice little cottage industry that gives her something to do besides filming inane vacations and having babies.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Missy Vixen said:

:clears throat:

Have you read any Amish romances? They are a thing.

Inspirationals and what's termed as "sweet" romances are the only subgenres in romance that do not feature premarital or any other type of sex. They don't sell well as a rule.  Those who enjoy reading them, however, would most likely purchase a romance novel "written" by a Duggar.

It would be interesting to watch J-Chelle twist herself into a pretzel defending any daughter's foray into romance novels; some of us remember her highly critical comments on the subject.

Can't speak for the Amish but the one "Christian romance" a la Harlequin style I read in high school, was so dire it cured me literally of ever wanting to read any other.  Even at sixteen (or maybe even younger), I knew there was no point in their existence without sex, except to provide a pale copy of a secular romance and again, who needs it without the sex?  Lord, was it bland pap.  At least if they'd been adventuring with some handholding thrown in like a fundie version of the Da Vinci Code, it would've had a point; but IIRC the one I got, was just the sweet Christian heroine on a cruise ship flitting around on the ship's decks, defending her virtue from the big scary worldly alpha male.

  • Love 4

It's nice to fantasize about Jinger writing a book, but we all know she won't.

Her sole mission and duty is to be a wife and mother. She's a Duggar. That's what they do: they breed.

If she's not pregnant yet, she's slacking. Daddy needs those new pregnancies, to keep TLC camera crews busy and focused on the Duggars. I assume that in the 50 page questionnaire he completed to win Jim Bob's approval, Jeremy signed off on the "breeding for TLC Jesus" thing. 

Jeremy can yak about all his religious books, and fly around the country posing for selfies with big name fundie ministers, and Jinge can play house in that apartment, but really, the only thing the general public gives a passing thought to is: when's the first baby coming?

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Mollie said:

I don't think there is much of an audience for Jeremy's "Biblical exegetical expository teaching."  His church only has about 25 people attending services.


This is just a stepping stone for JereME.  He is cutting his teeth in that tiny church in Laredo.  He didn't pursue and marry a Duggar to preach to 25 people  and baptize people in some metal trough.  

We only see pieces of Jeremy on TV so of course, we don't see his entire life.  BUT! We have seen him working on a sermon for 40 hours a week, he films his sermon  and posts them on a slick youtube channel.  The sermon is all about him and his skill and his preaching and his opinion and his youtube channel. I don't get the feeling that he is very involved in other aspects of being a minister other than The Sermon.  

There are people to care for, doors to knock on to invite people to church, groups to organize, meals to be delivered, Sunday school to run, Bible studies, homeschooling groups, MOPS groups, a building to be kept clean and neat...a minister's job is very busy.  I really think Jeremy puts in his time with his sermons, enjoys filming himself and then is pretty much done for the week.

We have never heard him mention the families in Laredo with any type of love, compassion or service.  Maybe he does but I have never seen it nor does he give that vibe. Writing a sermon for 40 hours with candles burning in a comfortable home office doesn't scream "service" to me.  He really should be in the church office and be available for people to come in to talk to him, ask for help, volunteer for help etc.  JereME has really cut himself off from his own congregation. 

JereME is hoping to catch some of that TLC  magic and move on from his tiny little church. I guess I feel that JereME is insincere.  

(Derick is s dick but I even get a more caring vibe from him)

  • Love 24
2 hours ago, Missy Vixen said:

:clears throat:

Have you read any Amish romances? They are a thing.

No, I haven't. yet.

I agree with Marigold Jeremy seems all about the sermon.  I also thought it was odd he mentioned turning people away in one of his sermons. Most churches I'm familiar with have an open door policy. 

Edited by Temperance
  • Love 2

When you do a church plant, the minister does everything until your church is stable and you have enough people to actually run things.

jeremy should be doing his sermon for however long it takes.  And in addition, doing everything else himself.  

And WTF happened to Jinger? Her arms are not broken.  She can get out there and do "God's work" too! Knock on some doors.  Take your laundry to the laundromat and network with people...invite them to church!  Find a homeschool co-op and offer to teach a class or work in the homeschool coop nursery.  Teach music at a homeschool coop.  (my coop has a music teacher there). Then, when you meet the moms at the homeschool co-op, you invite them to your church!  Offer your church building to a MOPS group (they always need space). Teach piano for free...just because it is a wonderful gift to share with children.  

Look at that! Big ideas, Jinge and JereME!!!  This how you get a church plant to grow.  Lay off the youtube and theology books. 

Those two are dull like dishwater. 

Edited by Marigold
  • Love 17
19 minutes ago, Marigold said:

I hate people knocking on my door but that is something that is done in their circles and they can't even do that? 

But they don't want everyone. Jeremy said so. He says that they are turning people away----people who make it all about them! If they start knocking on random doors what if the people they turn away answer the door! What if they're the "wrong kind of people"?  

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, Temperance said:

But they don't want everyone. Jeremy said so. He says that they are turning people away----people who make it all about them! If they start knocking on random doors what if the people they turn away answer the door! What if they're the "wrong kind of people"?  

Jeremy needs to put away the theology books and work on common sense.

His father, Pastor Vuolo should be embarrassed. 

  • Love 6
12 hours ago, Marigold said:


JereME is hoping to catch some of that TLC  magic and move on from his tiny little church. I guess I feel that JereME is insincere.  

(Derick is s dick but I even get a more caring vibe from him)

Yeah, I totally agree. About Jer and about Der as well..... My favorite thing about it, though, is that I'm pretty sure JereME's "plan" isn't going to work. 

His apparent "it's all about my sermons" strategy for church building is a very very chancy road, as far as I can tell, even for people who are truly great speakers, preach a message that appeals to a lot of people, and are way charismatic. I'm pretty sure the numbers of people who've really succeeded at that are hugely hugely outnumbered by the numbers who've tried and flopped. And Jeremy doesn't have any of those characteristics. He's not a good speaker, his "message" seems to be pretty dour and boring and rambly -- and most people don't like any ofthose, and his charisma looks to me to be limited to a certain kind of sex appeal.  ...Plus -- interest in churches is dwindling today, across the board. So it would be harder than ever to succeed at what was always, at best, a crap shoot. 

Before long, I think he's destined to be just another Duggar son/son-in-law who needs a better plan. 

  • Love 10
11 hours ago, Marigold said:

When you do a church plant, the minister does everything until your church is stable and you have enough people to actually run things.

jeremy should be doing his sermon for however long it takes.  And in addition, doing everything else himself.  

And WTF happened to Jinger? Her arms are not broken.  She can get out there and do "God's work" too! Knock on some doors.  Take your laundry to the laundromat and network with people...invite them to church!  Find a homeschool co-op and offer to teach a class or work in the homeschool coop nursery.  Teach music at a homeschool coop.  (my coop has a music teacher there). Then, when you meet the moms at the homeschool co-op, you invite them to your church!  Offer your church building to a MOPS group (they always need space). Teach piano for free...just because it is a wonderful gift to share with children.  

Look at that! Big ideas, Jinge and JereME!!!  This how you get a church plant to grow.  Lay off the youtube and theology books. 

Those two are dull like dishwater. 

The most annoying part about this, to me, is that Jer states that Tim Conway is his "mentor" and Tim Conway is all about doing the stuff you mention. So the amount of attention Jer has paid to his supposed "mentor" is zero. He's just using the guy's name in case it gets some recognition and helps JereME that way. He obviously didn't give a single crap about listening to the guy's advice. That takes a lot of crust when your entire qualification for what you're doing is being a two-bit pro soccer player for a few years. Oh ... and having your parents be the "most godly" people you've ever ever seen. There's always that, of course. 

At this point, it's easy to think that Jer's not the kind of sad delusional ninny that Der and Bin are. But I think he's every bit the delusional ninny, but it's harder to notice because his massively puffed-up ego and trendy shoes are in the way. Looks to me as if the first three Duggar sons-in-law will all end up in basically identical boats sooner or later, albeit for somewhat different reasons. Jury's still out on Austin. 

Edited by Churchhoney
  • Love 8
13 hours ago, Marigold said:

When you do a church plant, the minister does everything until your church is stable and you have enough people to actually run things.

jeremy should be doing his sermon for however long it takes.  And in addition, doing everything else himself.  

And WTF happened to Jinger? Her arms are not broken.  She can get out there and do "God's work" too! Knock on some doors.  Take your laundry to the laundromat and network with people...invite them to church!  Find a homeschool co-op and offer to teach a class or work in the homeschool coop nursery.  Teach music at a homeschool coop.  (my coop has a music teacher there). Then, when you meet the moms at the homeschool co-op, you invite them to your church!  Offer your church building to a MOPS group (they always need space). Teach piano for free...just because it is a wonderful gift to share with children.  

Look at that! Big ideas, Jinge and JereME!!!  This how you get a church plant to grow.  Lay off the youtube and theology books. 

Those two are dull like dishwater. 

Other than selfies, has she done any photography as of late?  One of the things I liked about Jinger was she seemed to have a passion for photography and she was pretty good at it.  I'm not sure how that works in fundie world but I would have thought if she wanted/was allowed to, she could have a pretty cool side job of photographing for special events (i.e. weddings, parties, etc). Honestly, I don't even think she's probably picked up her camera since Jeremy.

  • Love 4

Jinger and Jeremy are my favorite married Duggar couple.  She hasn't said anything about missing the folks, but Jessa mentions it quite often.   I think Jinger is finding her identity and it is refreshing to see a young Duggar woman step out of the Duggar-female-mold and be her own person.  Sure Jeremy is exposing her to a lot of new things, however, the operative word is NEW things.  She seems happy so far settling into the role as one-half of a couple instead of 1/19th of a sibling.  I'm happy for her.

The other sisters are in their early 20's and tied down with multiple babies looking like they can't form a cohesive thought in their collective heads.  They're going to be just like Michelle in 20 years, I can see the writing on the wall.  Babies and jeans skirts - that's what their lives will consist of.  Now that Michelle doesn't have any babies she seems lost, just going through life in a fog.

  • Love 19
33 minutes ago, Evagirl said:

Jinger and Jeremy are my favorite married Duggar couple.  She hasn't said anything about missing the folks, but Jessa mentions it quite often.   I think Jinger is finding her identity and it is refreshing to see a young Duggar woman step out of the Duggar-female-mold and be her own person.  Sure Jeremy is exposing her to a lot of new things, however, the operative word is NEW things.  She seems happy so far settling into the role as one-half of a couple instead of 1/19th of a sibling.  I'm happy for her.

I was impressed that they actually admitted they're not entering the Competitive Breeding Olympics. I think Jeremy wants to keep their family size reasonable, maybe three kids at most. I don't get the impression he wants to deal with a newborn every fifteen months the way Bin is currently on track to do now. 

It's interesting because on last night's episode Jessa made a comment that once Jinger was over the newlywed stage she'd be pining for her family back in Arkansas, but that doesn't seem to be happening in real time. I think she's perfectly content living apart from them and having occasional visits, otherwise she'd be like Jill, clinging to every opportunity to return home as much as possible. 

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 23
Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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