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The Duggalos: Jinger and the Holy Goalie

Message added by cm-soupsipper,

Closure Notice: This Thread is now closed due to the name (and much of the posting within it). Please be mindful going forward by naming topics in a way that invites a healthy community conversation. If you name something for a cheap laugh, this thread may be closed later because it encourages discrimination and harm. 

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8 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

Jinger looks cute and happy. Now please don't blow it all to shit by getting pregnant.

Unfortunately I think it's a done deal. 

At least slightly better than Jill crowing about dreck bringing her a bowl of yogurt or whatever. 

3 minutes ago, pinkelephant3 said:

Oh I'd put money on her being pregnant and that being the reason for Instagram!

I agree. The timing is about right, and you know it's been torture for them to hold back on sharing every joyful moment of married bliss!

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I was REALLLY tempted to correct, but I don't want to be banned on her second day "live." 

eta: she's now up to 256000 followers, up from about 100k when I discovered her about 6 hours ago or so. Jeremy is up to 142k, up from about 60k the last I saw. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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4 hours ago, pinkelephant3 said:

Oh I'd put money on her being pregnant and that being the reason for Instagram!

The tabloids called a honeymoon baby, but she's been married close to 6 months and I find it hard to believe she could be that far along and they didn't tell everyone. How far along do you think she is (if she is)? (I have to admit that I tend to think Duggar women are usually pregnant based on the values and role models they were raised with.) 

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6 hours ago, Spencer Hastings said:

Ugh, I was hoping she'd hold off, for her benefit. People are going to over analyze everything she says.   RIP, Jinger's popularity. 

Heh, yes. As soon as they get they're own accounts and let loose with what they really think, the hate begins. I get a kick out of it, personally.

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14 minutes ago, lascuba said:

Heh, yes. As soon as they get they're own accounts and let loose with what they really think, the hate begins. I get a kick out of it, personally.

I'm waiting for the DONATE button to appear.  Certainly the Vuolos need money for groceries and health insurance, too.  

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2 hours ago, lascuba said:

Heh, yes. As soon as they get they're own accounts and let loose with what they really think, the hate begins. I get a kick out of it, personally.

I wonder if Jinger will become a target like Alyssa Bates. People were practically calling her a whore after she wore a sleeveless dress to church. 

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9 minutes ago, louannems said:

What's the point of "following" people on Instagram?  I can read their posts and the comments and I've never followed anyone.

So you get notifications every time somebody puts up something new mainly, I think. Although maybe there are settings to make some of your pics members-only? Dunno.

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3 hours ago, louannems said:

What's the point of "following" people on Instagram?  I can read their posts and the comments and I've never followed anyone.

So that their posts show up in your feed. Also many people have private accounts, and if you aren't following them you cannot see their posts (my instagram is private). 

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They better stick to posting cutesy couple photos because I don't wanna start hating her. Hope Jinger doesn't go on a blocking spree like loser Jessa. I remember when the scandals hit she was blocking everyone from several snark accounts, even people who weren't following her 

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11 minutes ago, Sew Sumi said:

I will bring to Jinger's attention the impersonator. That account shouldbe banned.

I think it's hilarious people actually think it's her.

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7 hours ago, Ripley68 said:

I can't see the picture with a bible

You have to play the video to see the Bible.  It's the English Standard Version, not the King James.


0 0 1 Bible.png

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7 minutes ago, floridamom said:

What's the difference between the English Standard Version and the King James Bibles? Thanks for helping me out here.

Does "Revised Standard Version" ring a bell? ... The RSV was very very widely used in mainline churches in the 20th century. And this is a further revised version of that. These are bible translations done based on modern scholarship -- historical, linguistic. They're essentially attempts at literal translations from the original languages. They also contain some apocrypha.

The KJV, on the other hand, is what -- unaccountably, to me -- some of the (to me, dumber) ranks of conservative evangelicals consider the true and divinely inspired English version, and that's included the Duggars and their pals. Obviously, having been done at the beginning of the 17th century, the KJV translation doesn't use anything like modern scholarship. A lot of fundies consider that a great virtue and evidence of its greater authenticity. For the same reason that they oppose evolution. Science and "scientific scholarship" is bad.

Besides that, the KJV panel didn't really set out to produce a literal translation. They set out to produce a beautiful and true English version, according to their lights. The KJV is very poetic, and it's certainly beautiful in a lot of ways. Seems unlikely to be as accurate to the original intent as the more modern versions, though, as far as I know. ...............

.Given that Jer is into the exigesis stuff, he's obviously going to look at the modern-scholarship-based translations, and probably at more than one translation. Makes perfect sense for him, but runs afoul of many of the more Duggar-like fundies. ....................I tend to wonder whether the Duggs ever understand a word of the KJV, since I don't see a lot of evidence that they're adept with current English, let alone with near-Shakespeare-era English. But there you are.

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Thanks for the posts on the bible!   Until I came here, I thought they actually would have read the revised version. To me, the KJV doesn't make sense for the fundy's to read.  Too many big words and weird language.

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2 hours ago, Mollie said:

You have to play the video to see the Bible.  It's the English Standard Version, not the King James.


0 0 1 Bible.png

"Hey babe, I'm 20 pages into the Bible!"

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Hopefully that drink is some kind of highly caffeinated frothy coffee thing...and not some settling-your-queasy-morning-sickness-stomach  hot herbal thing. (Obviously I don't know my lattes/cappuccinos/Starbucks creations.)

And WHO videos their guy bringing them a beverage? Oh..... someone who just got the "freedom" of Instagram and has the bestest Babe ever.

Jinge's pix from up above...she looks adorable, and even tho the Duggs have ruined infinity scarves for everyone forever, she gets a pass for the dog print one.

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15 hours ago, ginger90 said:

I'm kind of glad they have seperate accounts. Not one of those smash the names together or x loves y , that people do.

I hate that!  No privacy or individuality whatsoever. Which I guess is the point. 

15 hours ago, LilJen said:

Every time I see this thread at the top of the forum, I worry about a pregnancy announcement.

I have to admit, thought the same tonight when I saw a lot of notifications!  It was true in smuganna's case!

14 hours ago, Mollie said:

I'm waiting for the DONATE button to appear.  Certainly the Vuolos need money for groceries and health insurance, too.  

Certainly!  They are doing the lord's work, after all!  

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Do we know for sure that the Duggars do favor the KJV (as in, they have stated or mentioned it)? Not doubting anyone here, just curious. From what I've gathered reading posts here, it seems like it is *the* version fundies read, so I guess that would be highly likely.

Is ESV pretty much the most ''modern'' Jinger can go, in terms of Bible versions, that is?


(I'll admit I'm a bit clueless - I wasn't aware there existed so many different versions of the Bible. I could be wrong, but there seems to be way fewer versions of the Catholic Bible, or at least that's my impression as a not-so-religious French Canadian who was raised Catholic.)

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3 hours ago, ariel said:

I was raised an evil Catholic.  I think we had something like "Good News For Modern Man" for the teens.

While fundie in many ways, I think my mother had, and maybe even bought, this edition for me somewhere along the way.  I know both of us owned a copy of the NIV (New International Version), and I did not know it was lese-majeste in some churches and denominations to be even seen touching a copy (lol).  

This, I feel, is a primary difference amongst Christians who want to "actually know what the Bible says", and not "amass doctrine and doggerel with which to bludgeon one's fellow man over the head with an arbitrary list of How to Live".

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Thank you so much for your help with the bibles. I never knew there were so many of them out there. I'm Catholic, so there's not much choice there in 'which bible' is read. It brings to mind a question: Since there ARE so many translations out there, which one is the 'correct one' directly inspired by the Almighty? It makes me think that the bible isn't a literal book to be followed as such, but IS open to many interpretations and should be taken as a guide for us in this life. It's filled with parables, which we were taught in Catholic School, means 'a story told to make a point' to someone to help them understand better.

Anyhow, I think the Duggars and their like-minded group have a child like understanding of The Almighty and the hereafter. I'm of the mind that what comes after this life is a multi faceted existence and we don't know what The Creator actually is and won't until we meet. This is the way He wants it. That's why they call it faith. No one has ALL OF THE ANSWERS. I think all of the religions out there on this earth all have pieces of it and we are all 'correct'. All faith, and no faith, should be respected.

Sad that Jinger needed permission to have an Instagram. I hope Jeremy does better for Jinger and brings her 'up in the world' despite her parents.

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4 minutes ago, floridamom said:

Thank you so much for your help with the bibles. I never knew there were so many of them out there. I'm Catholic, so there's not much choice there in 'which bible' is read. It brings to mind a question: Since there ARE so many translations out there, which one is the 'correct one' directly inspired by the Almighty? It makes me think that the bible isn't a literal book to be followed as such, but IS open to many interpretations and should be taken as a guide for us in this life. It's filled with parables, which we were taught in Catholic School, means 'a story told to make a point' to someone to help them understand better.

Anyhow, I think the Duggars and their like-minded group have a child like understanding of The Almighty and the hereafter. I'm of the mind that what comes after this life is a multi faceted existence and we don't know what The Creator actually is and won't until we meet. This is the way He wants it. That's why they call it faith. No one has ALL OF THE ANSWERS. I think all of the religions out there on this earth all have pieces of it and we are all 'correct'. All faith, and no faith, should be respected.

Sad that Jinger needed permission to have an Instagram. I hope Jeremy does better for Jinger and brings her 'up in the world' despite her parents.

Those are good points. .... I think that the Duggars are the kind of people who think that faith does give them all the answers. I put it down to insecurity -- they're afraid of not having all the answers so they simply must believe that their faith gives them those answers, clearly and in intricate detail. Fetishing the KJV as the one accurate source of all those answers is silly, I think, and I'll bet the guys who translated would say the same, after all this time and language change. But the fetishization mostly happened around a hundred years ago, I think, at about the same time as new translations started to come out. So I guess I'd put that down to a kind of insecurity, too. Insecurity and passionate nostalgia. This was the bible of my youth! It was the bible of my parents and of my parents' parents! It must be the right bible or the world has no stability and certainty! 

I'd kind of like to smack Jeremy a lot of the time, but I love it that, because of him most likely, Jinger has that evil non-fetishized bible there next to her. 

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Thank you, Churchhoney. I admire many of your intelligent and insightful posts and have for a long time. Many of the posters here make a lot of sense and I'm sure we come from different backgrounds and life experience. One thing I believe most of us share is common sense. Another thing the Duggar parents seem to lack.

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23 hours ago, Ripley68 said:

Until I came here, I thought they actually would have read the revised version. To me, the KJV doesn't make sense for the fundy's to read.  Too many big words and weird language.


The difficulty of understanding Shakespearean English is what makes the KJV the best version for cults and legalistic churches. The head of the cult or church interprets the passages to mean what he wants them to mean, without taking into account either the culture of the Biblical time or King James' time. 

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I remember a game we played when I was a little kid.  We'd sit in a big circle.  Someone would say a simple phrase.  We would whisper it in the person next to your ear.  By the time it got to the last kid, the phrase was totally different from the original one.  I think that might have happened with the various bibles.

Edited by ariel
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8 hours ago, ariel said:

I remember a game we played when I was a little kid.  We'd sit in a big circle.  Someone would say a simple phrase.  We would whisper it in the person next to your ear.  By the time it got to the last kid, the phrase was totally different from the original one.  I think that might have happened with the various bibles.

As well as we all see things differently with our personal biases and opinions. If we were each asked to write a summary of Jing's & Jer's wedding, not one would be exactly the same, some would be totally different, yet none would be totally wrong. A story is only as accurate as the story teller.

Remember Joe Friday from Dragnet? "Just the facts ma'am, just the facts." Yet it turns out eye witness testimony is often the weakest evidence. 

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6 hours ago, zenme said:

That's called "Telephone".

Also, "Chinese whispers", though that's probably considered less than PC these days.

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
because you don't close quotation marks with parentheses
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4 minutes ago, Jynnan tonnix said:
6 hours ago, zenme said:

That's called "Telephone".

Also, "Chinese whispers", though that's probably considered less than PC these days.

We called it "Gossip."  Which, does show we did learn while we played.

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7 hours ago, Fuzzysox said:

Is that Jinger's engagement dress? Hmm do I see a tiny belly there?

Yes.  And it is still as ugly as the first time we saw it.

Edited by Mollie
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