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S12.E06: Week 5

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As I was watching JoJo with Luke on the night of the group date, when they spent a little one-on-one time, I kept looking for the passion she said they had. Hmm.

See, I think JoJo lurves Luke's looks and would be happy to hook up with him, but I also think he's not the forceful, sweep-me-off-my-feet kind of guy she wants. I mean, heck, she kept signaling with her little touches and leaning in and such that she wanted him to kiss her, but he just kept talking and talking. I don't know if he was oblivious or just nervous. Whatever, he'd have done better to stop talking and take control (whether that's his style or not). I saw her as being frustrated that he did not seem to be getting the message. 

Also, on a shallow note, Luke would be more perfect (to me) if he had a deeper voice. 

  • Love 2

Bye Wells, I enjoyed your time as my summer TV boyfriend.  Hope you enjoyed your time in South America.

Derek, man tears are not a good look on you.   

I don't think we've ever had a bachelorette be that desperate for one guy to like her since Deanna use to beg Graham for a few measly words here and there as we now have with JoJo being all about Jordan.  Its actually kinda sad.

  • Love 20

Buenos Aires might actually be the perfect place to fall in love. (No offense, Pennsylvania backwoods.) And JoJo is literally stacking the [date] cards for it to happen; Wells, this means you. No pressure, except there's totally pressure. Translation by Chase: "Kiss me, brochacho." Ha! A high-five miss and a very far wide lean in from JoJo to ensure the kiss is cheek only. But then, after sexily avoiding water up the nose and into the lungs, they kiss, and JoJo causes a big scene screaming, "That was the moment, Wells! We did it!" Jeez, JoJo. Chillax, brochacho. Pretty obvious she wasn't into the kiss the way she was carrying on instead of, you know, just kissing him.

Missed JoJo sending Wells home and the day portion of the group date while my daughter had a total meltdown. Can't hear, but I see a major make out session with Luke. That's how it's done, Wells. Ok, my daughter fell asleep just in time to hear (not THE) James Taylor Wrong Reasoning Jordan Rogers. Did the group date involve a staged production of Happy Days starring Jojo as Leather Tuscadero and Jordan as The Fonz, or is there some other explanation for the matching leather jackets? Did this "altercation" between BFFs Jordan and James happen on film? If so, was Jordan acting "entitled," or was he stating regulation poker rules, as he says?

Break just aired a commercial for a gorgeous resort in Pennsylvania, so I retract my second sentence. Pennsylvania is right up there with Buenos Aires, Paris, Venice, and Bora Bora as the world's most perfect locations to fall in love.

This 2:1 dinner is SO heavily edited that Derek is all-in and Chase is on the outs, that Chase is totally going to get the rose, isn't he? Oh, and here comes what JoJo has been waiting to hear from Chase. Sorry, Derek. If you decide to go the famewhore route, you got a good shot of being cast as John Krasinski's more buff, less funny brother in a mediocre film with poor box office pullings. Oh, and now I need to retract THAT statement. As long as it's a dramatic tearjerker with an emotional soundtrack, your film will be a critical success!

JoJo is the embodiment of the heart eye emoji ? while Jordan is revealing his feelings, which don't sound the slightest bit genuine, but JoJo is too heart-eyed to pick up on it. Eh, a little different than the "Aw. Thank you! That's nice to hear!" that she's giving the other guys as they express their feelings, which do sound genuine (in a Stockholm Syndrome kind of way).

Harrison earned his paycheck today with a quick pep talk--and an extra rose! Surprise! Yay! Everyone is happy...until I remember that I don't particularly like Alex or James, but okay. Then Alex reminds me why I REALLY don't like him, so the rose should have went to James, who isn't terrible...unless we're talking about his singing.

Next week...well, they didn't say. Are they staying in Argentina? Wherever they will be, it will be the perfect place to fall in love!

  • Love 8

She really has a physical type.  I'm surprised she can kiss so many guys and they don't seem to mind at all.  Everyone was like, hey, why hasn't Wells kissed her yet?   Why was Kaitlyn a ho (she wasn't to me), and Jojo can passionately kiss all of them?   I think Kaitlyn got punished for her bawdy sense of humor. (Note to self:  hide bawdy sense of humor on future dates. :-))  

I hope this doesn't sound obnoxious or... shallow, but here goes:  I don't get why they're all falling for Jojo.  Are they being paid?  I'm mean, she's a cute girl but I don't see all of them falling for her.  I still see Jordan with a B list actress or model.   Could you see them together forever?   For six months?   Right now (if he was the chosen one?)

Edited by hyacinth
  • Love 22

It was incredibly frustrating seeing JoJo get all googly-eyed when Jordan finally professed his "feelings" for her on the staircase. He sounded like a robot just reciting the things a man in love should say: "I want to get engaged at the end of this. I have feelings for you." You could practically see the delusional gears turning in her head as she convinced herself to believe his phony speech. At this point she has to know he's insincere but she just doesn't care... because he's Jordan Rodgers (as James T so keenly observed). Denial has never been so strong.

  • Love 17

Indeed, Jordan sounds like he is reading off the script--he is very calculated, and knows what to say and when to say it to get the girl. You could absolutely see JoJo just melt when he said those things, versus when other guys have said "I am falling for YOU, I love you" and she responds: "I appreciate that."

I cannot, for the life of me, figure out Robby's hair. It's defying some kind of physics.

  • Love 10
17 minutes ago, hyacinth said:

I hope this doesn't sound obnoxious or... shallow, but here goes:  I don't get why they're all falling for Jojo.  Are they being paid?  I'm mean, she's a cute girl but I don't see all of them falling for her.  I still see Jordan with a B list actress or model.   Could you see them together forever?   For six months?   Right now (if he was the chosen one?)

It's like a group hypnosis.  In real life, (meaning in a place where there are more than one attractive woman around)  any of these guys would find her attractive, but they wouldn't be sure they were ready to propose.   If they were at party and saw Jojo making out with another guy, they would most likely look around and see if there was another woman to talk to instead.  And if a guy you KNOW is making out with a woman, you consider her off-limits.   I am fascinated with the bachelor/ette brainwash thing that happens.  Somehow, the travel, the clothes. the dates, have them all believing this is some kind of beautiful princess that is worth competing for.   they see all the other guys who act like she's the most amazing woman who ever lived, and they are convinced, "everyone wants her, I MUST have her".  No matter who the woman is, they each are able to convince themselves that nobody else is as amazing.  If the season had started with Caila as the B, these same guys would be in love with her.  If they had been on Kaitlyn's season - they'd be ready to propose to Kaitlyn. 

Or maybe some of them are just faking it so they can travel and go on adventures courtesy of ABC. 

  • Love 18

Oh my gosh, the editing on this show, with Derek's sad pronouncement "I am just Derek, I am imperfect" and then his crying in the limo interspersed with "Don't Cry For Me Argentina." Classic.  Well done, puppetmasters!! I think they must have a psychological cheat sheet for each guy, and Derek and Chase were probably the only two that checked the box that said "I cry easily"  and hence they knew one of them would give them the money shot they would need, so they ended up on the two on one.    

That first weird shot of the girl in the water on Wells' date made me think Kaitlyn had shown up.  HaHa. I think Wells volunteered to go home tonight, and the producers said sure, but you'll have to do it on the one on one because no one has gone home on one yet and we really need that drama.  That said, Wells was a cool cat.

Wow Jordan was really squirming tonight. "I want to be in love and engaged at the end and I think we can get there." and then the classic, "I see the person I want to do life with." He was so afraid of going home and seeing his career options dwindle that he just started babbling. Now he has backed himself into the corner. If he wins, it'll be over very quickly.   

Robby is hard for me to look at. Whoever said his hair looks like a plastic Ken doll's nailed it. I can't think of anything else when I see him. 

Tonight, I actually wondered if this season might have been better with Kayla as the Bachelorette. JoJo is boring to me.  

  • Love 11

I think all the guys viewed Wells as a non-combatant.  Pretty much non-sexual, no game and definitely not a body like the buff bros.  They knew he would feel like crap if he got booted so far into the show without ever getting a kiss, so they didn't fear it or feel jealous.  They all knew it would be like her kissing a relative, and that's exactly how it came off.  It meant precisely zero to Jo, and they all knew it. 

  • Love 5

Could Jordan sound any faker?  I hope JoJo really IS in love with her creepy boyfriend back home because I don't think she's Jordan's type at all. I think he wants someone blonde, a model or someone who looks like she could be the sexy girl (not so much "woman") in a soap opera. I will say neither he nor JoJo seem to have much of interest to say and don't show a lot of humor together so the whole thing might be over and done for either or both of them after the FS (assuming he gets that far and its hard to see that he doesn't, given how he seems the only one she actually is interested in.)

Is there anything about Jordan that's attractive other than his looks (to her, that is. I hate his hair and with zero personality, don't find his looks anything exciting either)? Then again, what do I know? I would have kept Wells AND Derek.

  • Love 11

I liked Daniel, the Canadian guy.   The Mussolini comment got me.  My favorite ever Bachelorette contestant was some preppy guy named Ames on Ashley's season.  I just looked him up, and I still have no idea what he is doing now, after appearing on Season II of BIP.   He's wise to have dropped out of social media's harsh limelight.

Edited by hyacinth
  • Love 4

I liked both Wells and Derek, so not a good night for me.  All of the others are pretty meh, in my opinion.  And somewhat interchangeable, except for Alex.

I'm not crazy about Jordan, to say the least, but I did like it when he put an arm around James at the end of the rose ceremony.  After James bad-mouthed him to JoJo, I wouldn't have blamed Jordan for holding a bit of a grudge, but it looks like he didn't, or at least hid it well.  Probably because he knows he's got it made.

  • Love 7

Is it just me or is there even less "substance" or "get to know you" or "practical" conversations this season? I am having a hard time seeing how Jojo could be falling in love with any of these guys because we have seen nothing of their personalities in any conversations (*puke*). It's all kissing and "I'm so glad you're here" and "I'm falling for you." I know this is part and parcel for the show but it seems that's ALL we've had this semester. That's why I kind of liked the moment when she was like "yeah Wells that was the moment!" because it felt silly and semi-real.

I'm feeling pretty disappointed by this season for the reasons above. Also found Alex to be whiny and James T to be a little *too much.* Like I worry he might be a bit unstable.

Jojo looked gorgeous in that blue dress but her stylists REALLY need to do something with her hair. A blowout or an updo or a ponytail. Something.

Edited by petalfrog
  • Love 16

i think Jordan is cute-he has a great smile. Then again I liked Josh Murray too so I guess I like Jock types. Of the guys left I only like Jordan and Chase as far as looks. Robby looks like he has plastic hair and his mannerisms suggest he is gay. James T is unattractive and seems so insecure. Usually the complainers don't get the rose. I don't know why JoJo kept either James or Alex unless she was too traumatized over sending home Wells and Derek, both of which I would have kept over those two. Wells was cute but never seemed into the show or JoJo somehow. I thought Derek was cute too but Chase was playing hard to get. 

I don't have any reason to think Jordan is any more disingenuous than the other guys. I pretty much think all the guys come for the TV exposure, and some are also open to be attracted to and possibly be engaged to the lead. JoJo looked very pretty and had great outfits tonight and she seems like a nice person. I don't hear any deep conversations with anyone, but then again I never do on this show. Advice to James Taylor and Alex: quit complaining about other people and James stop discussing your shortcomings. If you keep saying over and over than other guys are better looking, smarter and more athletic, she is going to hear you at some point and believe you.

  • Love 3
20 minutes ago, petalfrog said:

Is it just me or is there even less "substance" or "get to know you" or "practical" conversations this season? I am having a hard time seeing how Jojo could be falling in love with any of these guys because we have seen nothing of their personalities in any conversations (*puke*). It's all kissing and "I'm so glad you're here" and "I'm falling for you." I know this is part and parcel for the show but it seems that's ALL we've had this semester. That's why I kind of liked the moment when she was like "yeah Wells that was the moment!" because it felt silly and semi-real.

I'm feeling pretty disappointed by this season for the reasons above. Also found Alex to be whiny and James T to be a little *too much.* Like I worry he might be a bit unstable.

Jojo looked gorgeous in that blue dress but her stylists REALLY need to do something with her hair. A blowout or an updo or a ponytail. Something.

Oh, it's not just you! I can't remember anyone who talked so little about anything other than herself (well, to me, everything related to "our relationship" or why you are/are not ready for it, is basically just about JoJo).  I couldn't/can't stand Andi, but I will say that she brought out the guys better and actually seemed interested to know them a bit.

I thought we were there when Wells said, "What would you like to know about me?" I thought of a few things she could ask, but not one of them was her question, "Tell me about your last relationship." I guess it's a valid question (more so when you're keeping someone and not dumping them) but I just found it boring, like everything about JoJo. Wells was too good for her anyway, but I'm sure she went into the date knowing she'd dump him so "Besame mucho' was kind of mean as a one-on-one date with such a nice guy.   

Are they darkening JoJo's eyebrows this week? Not a good look, imo.  Also, I'm tired of JoJo's whining and self-pitying confessionals. She's in the driver's seat. Have fun with it!

  • Love 6

I was disappointed that she sent Wells home. I really liked him. And I liked him precisely because he isn't the stereotypical "smooth, chiseled, says-all-the-right-things, cool guy". He's a bit dorky, a bit awkward (is that redundant? LOL), a bit cynical/guarded, and just... real.  And he's adorable!  (and after checking out his twitter/instagram, I think so even more.  And he seems to have remained friends with quite a few of the other guys, which is refreshing). 


I can't get a read on what's up with Jordan. I heard him on a podcast recently and he actually came across as fairly charming, but on the show he comes across as cheesy and kinda suspect. So who knows. It's obvious that JoJo is completely into him though. 

Luke does nothing for me. I don't see the chemistry that JoJo says she has with him, and I find him kinda "ken-doll"ish. 

Alex... meh.  And the others really haven't made much of an impression one way or the other. 

  • Love 7

Just had to comment to agree with all the side-eye being thrown Jordan's way. I think he looks like a ferret and he is so glib. i. don't. get. it. She definitely has a type. I feel so dirty admitting this, esp in light of what seems to be common opinion here, but I find Alex just captivating. NOT based on his personality - at least what we've seen on screen - and I KNOW he's short, but when he smiles....damn. I also like how he is always the first to stand when JoJo walks in the room, and stands again when she leaves, and always steps forward to greet/hug her hello. It reads a well-mannered to me. I know he's acting whiny, but I am guessing that is his insecurity coming out. For all I know he's a sociopath -- but I sure do like looking at him. My second favorite is Luke. Love his strong, reserved, laid-back vibe. Derek has gorgeous eyes. That is all.

So I live in NE FL and somehow didn't discover until this week that I have two friends who know Robby. One friend had nothing but good things to say about Robby and his family. Said he has always been a great guy, swears he is not gay (I remain skeptical) but Friend said Robby has always been into clothes and did some modeling and that he's just super metro. Which doesn't really fit JJ's type, but there you go. Robby: confirmed nice guy and metrosexual. Friend also confirmed the spoilers and told me that the girlfriend situation has been overblown. From what I was told, the relationship was not going anywhere, they were on different pages and it was going to end anyway. Friend said that Robby did not dump her just to do the show. FWIW.

ETA: Not to mention Jordan and his f*^&^&A% skinny pants. He is the WORST.

Edited by redfish.bluefish
  • Love 10

Every season there's someone (at least one) who IRL is a whole lot better than the way they've edited him on this show. I think Alex is this season's "bad edit".  And I agree redfish.bluefish that he is very good looking and seems well-mannered and earnest. There are worse qualities by far! He would be too predictably doting for JoJo (sadly, I think she likes "bad boys/heartbreakers" not ones that worship her.

Surprise! I got one enjoyable moment. Kind of nodding off when I laughed to realize they were playing DCFMA.  Then it sounded so beautiful in Spanish!

Oh, and Jordan. "I want to be in love and engaged by the end of this. And I want you to be the one I can fall in love with...uh, that I am falling in love with." Hahaha.  If someone said to me, "I want to see myself there at the end with you, and see that we're in love by then and engaged! I'm working on making that happen! Right now! Look! Here's a kiss for ya! It's gonna happen, I know it!"

Oh, if only she'd have said, "want to?" "going to?" that's major Fameho language, so ... bye!  But. no chance there! JoJos not listening!

  • Love 5

I was sad to see Wells go home. It was time though. I think he was the most genuine of the whole group. He obviously wasn't into JoJo that much. He seems very reserved and thoughtful when it comes to love but with that said I honestly think if he had been more into her it wouldn't have took until this episode for him to kiss her. But he wasn't trying to fake a connection as I think some of these guys do to stay in the "game".

I disagree with others who don't see the chemistry between her and Luke. He looks like a very good kisser and  I thought she was very into him during the kissing scene. But I think it's all just physically attraction on her part. She doesn't act with any of them like she does with Jordan. She worries about how he feels about her, doesn't act sure of herself with him and just dying to please. Same way Ben acted with Lauren. 

  • Love 3

Because this episode was pretty uneventful, I was finally able to focus on Robby's hair, and once I did I couldn't look away. How does he get it into that shape? Is he using a male bump-it of some kind?

The tango dancing on the 2-on-1 date looked terribly awkward. JoJo has zero rhythm.

For a second I was hoping that both James and Alex were going home, but then I remembered that that would only leave four brochachos and the show would have to do hometowns a week early. At least James redeemed himself a tiny bit by knowing how to spell Pizza Margherita.

  • Love 5
58 minutes ago, Padma said:

Oh, and Jordan. "I want to be in love and engaged by the end of this. And I want you to be the one I can fall in love with...uh, that I am falling in love with." Hahaha.  If someone said to me, "I want to see myself there at the end with you, and see that we're in love by then and engaged! I'm working on making that happen! Right now! Look! Here's a kiss for ya! It's gonna happen, I know it!"

Oh, if only she'd have said, "want to?" "going to?" that's major Fameho language, so ... bye!  But. no chance there! JoJos not listening!

Yeah, I think what he meant to say was:   I want to win this show.  I want to be on TV as much as possible, I want to be on the cover of PEOPLE and US, I want fame, interviews on Kimmel and any other show that will have me, I mean us.   I'm even willing to profess my love to you and let Neil Lane give you a diamond ring.  Pick me, I want to win, I'm ready to win this thing!

  • Love 11

DWTS take note of that Argentine tango.  I love that dance and always find it incredibly sexy.  Well, almost always.  That three way thing that JoJo did with her two beaux was embarrassingly horrible.  And Jo looked about as sexy as dog dancing on its hind legs. 

Loved the blue dress she wore for the Rose Ceremony, but even with those humungous boobs and straps on the dress, she still kept yanking it up like a 14 year old in her first strapless dress. 

  • Love 9
2 hours ago, redfish.bluefish said:

 I feel so dirty admitting this, esp in light of what seems to be common opinion here, but I find Alex just captivating. NOT based on his personality - at least what we've seen on screen - and I KNOW he's short, but when he smiles....damn. I also like how he is always the first to stand when JoJo walks in the room, and stands again when she leaves, and always steps forward to greet/hug her hello. It reads a well-mannered to me. I know he's acting whiny, but I am guessing that is his insecurity coming out. For all I know he's a sociopath -- but I sure do like looking at him.

Sit right here next to me, my dirty friend, and we'll turn the sound off and make googly eyes at him together.

  • Love 7
3 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

I'm new to this series - I only started watching because UnReal piqued my interest, but last season it was so obvious from day one that Ben would pick Lauren, and this season it's so obvious that Jojo will pick Jordan, so my question is - is it always like this?  Cuz it sure makes for a boring show, with absolutely no suspense.

Yup, that's why Jimmy Kimmel is usually right with his pick in the first week!

  • Love 3

Watched this season for the first time last night.  Meh.  Hard to make a tango NOT sexy, but the three of them sure managed to do that.

Don't remember which one it was, but after kissing JoJo one of them said something  like, "If we can make it through the hard times..."

Hard times?  You call this HARD TIMES??  Ok interchangeable guy, I'd think financial stress, sick children, moves, job insecurity, in-laws... those are "hard times."  *shaking head*

  • Love 8

I thought this might be a good season, but it's just getting whittled down to tall*, big-haired dullards. JoJo really seems to have a type. She's also clearly not over Ben, because we hear about him every episode.

I can't understand the Jordan appeal. At least with someone like Nick Viall, you could see he was really very charming. Jordan doesn't have that kind of charisma, at least to me.

*Of course, not Alex, who is still quite attractive but also clearly getting the boot soon, I assume.

  • Love 5

Jordan, you poor dumb thing, no one called you, "entitlement."  James called you "entitled," but he was fumbling around, describing "cocky," but not being able to think of it. Neither word is a character judgement though. You are right that knowing the rules to a game is not a bad thing.  James is just desperate to find some area where he's better than the guys he feels so inferior to and this is all he could come up with.  I was so disappointed that James wasn't put out of his misery at the rose ceremony.

What a bogus episode all around.  The RC fake out as well as the Two-on-one where JoJo must have been planning to send Derek home from the very first, because Chase failed all the tests and still got to stay.

Most boring episode ever. I was just waiting for the blue dress. Hubs was waiting for the blooper and even that was lame.

  • Love 12
7 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

I'm new to this series - I only started watching because UnReal piqued my interest, but last season it was so obvious from day one that Ben would pick Lauren, and this season it's so obvious that Jojo will pick Jordan, so my question is - is it always like this?  Cuz it sure makes for a boring show, with absolutely no suspense.

Thanks for this.  I used to be 'all in' on the shows, and wondered if maybe I've ruined it for myself by getting bored at episode 3 or 4 and start peeking at the spoilers.  Now I see it made no difference anyway, the edit's make it so obvious.

7 hours ago, backformore said:

It's like a group hypnosis.  In real life, (meaning in a place where there are more than one attractive woman around)  any of these guys would find her attractive, but they wouldn't be sure they were ready to propose.   If they were at party and saw Jojo making out with another guy, they would most likely look around and see if there was another woman to talk to instead.  And if a guy you KNOW is making out with a woman, you consider her off-limits.   I am fascinated with the bachelor/ette brainwash thing that happens.  Somehow, the travel, the clothes. the dates, have them all believing this is some kind of beautiful princess that is worth competing for.   they see all the other guys who act like she's the most amazing woman who ever lived, and they are convinced, "everyone wants her, I MUST have her".  No matter who the woman is, they each are able to convince themselves that nobody else is as amazing.  If the season had started with Caila as the B, these same guys would be in love with her.  If they had been on Kaitlyn's season - they'd be ready to propose to Kaitlyn. 

Or maybe some of them are just faking it so they can travel and go on adventures courtesy of ABC. 

Yes! That was the show!  I was willing and able to suspend my logic, cynicism, etc. to go on the Fairy-Tale ride!!  I did it for what--- 24 seasons of both 'bach' and 'ettes'  (well, not with Kaitlyn's season--that's when the vulgarity and bullshit was so overwhelming that the smell shook me awake)

I fear there's no going back.   The edits can keep the suspense and fairytale going but they don't bother.  They are too programmed to provide what they suppose is 'entertainment" to let the show be authentic.  I miss Jake and Vienna and sinus-challenged Casey.   Yes--that's where this has taken me.   

Edited by seasick
  • Love 6

I loved that purple dress Jojo was wearing at the rose ceremony.

I had a feeling Wells would be a goner. Why would anyone think a water trampoline with waves gushing everywhere is a good place for a first kiss? Anyway, he's too smart for her, sorry to say. I could feel HE was getting bored on the date. Run far away from the Bachelor Nation, Wells.

Derek was also a sweetie pie and a nice guy and that's why he's gone because Jojo has a type (arrogant assholes).

Jordan is straight up ugly to me. And a prick. I can see through him from a mile away. If that's who Jojo picks she's in for a messy, messy breakup.

Edited by thejuicer
  • Love 9

This is always the part of the season when I start getting really bored. There's too little to fill the time, the interesting guys are all gone, and the end is usually already telegraphed. Jojo needs to stop falling all over Jordan as soon as he gives her the slightest bit of affirmation. It's getting pathetic.

Jordan really pissed me off when Jojo was expressing her concerns to him (all but saying, "I want to be engaged to YOU at the end of this") and he gave her this little smile and hair brush like, aw aren't you cute, while completely ignoring her questions. And I wish he'd stop biting his lip. He's off-putting and I don't like him.

Derek was sweet but boring, although Chase is also boring. I shouldn't be surprised Jojo chose him, because he seems to fit her "type" and seems less into her. Of course she wouldn't want the guy who has made it clear that she has him!

Luke is the only one left that I really like, although it would be good to see more humor from him (there have been a few small moments). James comes off as likable and fun but is obviously not in the running, Alex has a nice face but is an aggressive drama queen, and the rest are blah. 

8 hours ago, Padma said:

I thought we were there when Wells said, "What would you like to know about me?" I thought of a few things she could ask, but not one of them was her question, "Tell me about your last relationship."

Jojo looked totally caught off guard when he asked her that. You could tell that she'd much rather be talking about herself, and if the conversation had no relation to her then she wasn't interested. Wanting to know about his last relationship might relate to her present situation, so that's what she asked.

Wells is so cute and well-spoken. Unfortunately you know as soon as a guy starts talking about anything semi-interesting, real, and off-script that they're a goner. Their date looked like a lot of fun. I wouldn't have waited this long for him to kiss me, I'd have gone in for that long ago! Oh well, I'm now following him on Twitter so we're probably on the path to marriage.

  • Love 16

Did anyone really know Jordan Rodgers before this show- i mean as anything other than Aaron Rodgers' unsuccessful little brother? Actually I didn't even know he HAD a brother until the Bachelorette started.  He does ooze entitlement to me. JoJo is doing the chasing not Jordan. This will not end well. I wonder what her mindset is watching these episodes now?? 

Edited by Kendra143
  • Love 8

I think the tattling is all producer shenanigans. It's so awkward. Maybe the tattler gets thrown a treat for doing it, like "James, we'll keep you another week if you complain to her about Jordan." Derek is probably sorry he didn't volunteer to do it this week. 

Bye, Wells, I'll miss you. Derek, not so much, although you look even more like John Krasinski now than ever. Go find an Emily Blount lookalike and live happily ever after.

Alex looks like he has gained a few lbs. but James looks thinner--yeah, those are pity roses.

Is it Robby who was in the off-white skintight suit at the rose ceremony? His pants looked even tighter than Jordan's. 

I still like Jo but this season has become a snorefest. Nobody is fun. Hometowns better be good, and I will be drinking from the champagne bottle myself if Mrs. Fletcher flues her party again again and makes me laugh.

  • Love 2

The best part of the show is reading the comments here!

Of all of them who are left, I like Luke. I have seen bits of his personality/humor come through. I imagine there is a lot left on the cutting room floor.

I have watched every single season of this show, and this ranks as one of the most boring. Never thought I'd say it, but Bring Back Chad!!!

That white outfit that JoJo wore was the only thing I have seen her wear that was not at all flattering....she looked 3 or 4 months pregnant! The blue gown was gorgeous. It would have been better with a pretty updo.

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45 minutes ago, Kendra143 said:

Did anyone really know Jordan Rodgers before this show- i mean as anything other than Aaron Rodgers' unsuccessful little brother? Actually I didn't even know he HAD a brother until the Bachelorette started.  He does ooze entitlement to me. JoJo is doing the chasing not Jordan. This will not end well. I wonder what her mindset is watching these episodes now?? 

I'm a huge college football fan so I vaguely remembered him playing quite poorly at Vanderbilt for a few seasons.   Even then he was just "Aaron Rodgers little brother".   Sometimes I wonder if he had been better off picking up a baseball bat or a tennis racket and doing another sport other than football.   He'd be a great study for some psychology student on a younger sibling in sport trying to keep up with an older, more successful one and failing.  

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Oh heck, I liked Wells, but he wasn't the right guy for JoJo.  He'll do just fine in the dating world.  I liked Derek until this episode.  He sounded too needy and delusional to me.  I agree with many about Robby, his hair is a huge turn-off!  He is the least desirable of the guys left, IMO.

I think Alex is cute and I don't mind his height.  I am 5'3 and my hubby is 3 inches taller than me.  It never bothered me at all.  I never dated tall guys.  BTW, we produced a 6'3" son...lol.  I think Jordan is cute and I don't mind him being arrogant.  Jeez, this bachelor stuff is a strange situation.  The guys are making friends with each other, and they are all dating the same girl.  The girl wants to be engaged to one of them?!  I think Jordan is acting like any guy under those circumstances.  It's weird to really be thinking about marriage.

JoJo is going to choose the guy that is sexually doing it for her.  James isn't going to be that guy, but I think both Jordan and Luke are her favorites.  She wants passion to happen every day for the rest of her life?  She won't stay married long unless she grows up some more.  She should stay single for awhile, although I do like her.

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