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The funniest thing about Luann talking about Ramona not knowing what regifting means is that she was also incorrect in her definition. While I think Lu knows what it means, what she said was that someone gives a person a gift, and then gives the same gift to another person. Of course what it  means is that someone gives a person a gift and that person gives the gift to someone else.

I have finally realized why John is on the show - because Dorinda would not have a storyline otherwise. Even her loser daughter is no longer seen, so what else does she have? It is obvious that she has little respect for John and often does not even appear to like him. And calling him a narcissist? Pot meet kettle. At this point I would rather see John on my TV than Dorinda, that is how much I have grown to dislike this mess of a woman.

And in other news, Jules is Jewish and Asian. Who knew?

  • Love 10

Each time the psychic said she was talking to the other side I thought she was referring to production. But, if we're borrowing elements from other cities I'll take psychic over questionable illness. 

Something about Dorinda and John reminds me of Jerry Springer albeit in fancier attire. 

I like Jules. Her listening in to the drama was cute. I hope she's not too bothered by Beth and Carole in their interviews. 

Sonja should have called her line "Courtesan" far as I'm concerned, because that's still how I see her. An old school, older consort, which I mean as a compliment because I think it takes skills. She's certainly no tipsy girl, imho. 

  • Love 15

Ramona's birthday was 50 women who "Women who Lunch." It's a social club, and they do lunch, and this particular lunch was Ramona's birthday. It's not like these are 50 girlfriends from all walks of life that came together. It's a club, and the only friends outside the club where those with the show. So when Jules remarked in her blog, "To have 50 close friends is a sign of character!" Uh, no. I don't think Ramona sees many of those women outside the lunches. Not that she isn't super social, she is, but they made it seem that this was just 50 friends. 

I feel like Carol really doesn't like Jules. Jules could tell her she survived a North Korean prison camp and was fed dogfood her first 20 years of life, and Carol would still just stare down at her. Carol does not seem at all interested in Jules. I also feel like Carol is somewhat obsessed with Bethanny. She meets Jules for lunch, Jules gives her the same spiel as Bethanny, and Carol is sort of like, "Bethanny was won over by THIS?" I liked that Jules sort of hinted at Carol maybe being able to relate... I think probably Carol also has an eating disorder as well, only eating when she is around people, keeping no food in the house. I remember one time she had an assistant get her a coffee with skim milk and 2 Splendas--- so me thinks she is also very controlled with her diet, and this is the second time Jules has commented that Carol is "as skinny as she is" which means, Jules knows something is up with Carol. Maybe Carol doesn't bring out a lot of food when she is around people, but that doesn't mean she doesn't have a problem.

I love that Bethanny isn't acting all strung out and crying this season in every episode. Heather was really able to push her buttons, and I don't think Bethanny can handle being pressured like the way Heather was always ON her. Listening and evaluating her stories, complaining that Bethanny wasn't showing up to stuff. 

I watched the disaster dinner with Dorinda and John and I think I MAY understand a bit what was going on. Dorinda wanted John to be happy and joyous that Dorinda defended him. HOWEVER, Dorinda also told John that Ramona was making snide comments about him. And then she is upset that John is making everything about him. I think this. If my husband came home and said, My coworker was saying that I should divorce you, but I insisted that I love you and told her to fuck off," I'd be IRATE. It would be really hard for me to say,"Oh, thank so much honey for defending me. You are the best!" I'd actually be exactly like John, and say, "Why the fuck are you even talking to people like that?" So Dorinda was being inconsiderate as well, not realizing how much John would be hurt by hearing people were talking shit about him. It's not like Dorinda wanted to talk about her day and John kept reverting the conversation back to him. He was hurt, and Dorinda was kind of an asshole to tell him her friends were dissing him, and then expect him to thank her and console her. It's like kicking someone and then getting mad at them for not caring that your foot hurts. 

Edited by bravofan27
  • Love 21

John has become the Munchausen's of RHoNY. He's ubiquitous and only one person wants to touch him with a ten foot pole, and even she's not sure whether to distance herself or own him.

For all of the talk about Ramona being the pot to Sonja's kettle, I've only seen Ramona straight up sloppy once, and that was the Turtle Time episode. Maybe that's the distinction she's basing her judgment on.


I love the paranormal, so I don't mind seeing readings. It's fun to see if someone has actual gifts or if they just have a good search engine.

  • Love 9
8 hours ago, sasha206 said:

If she talks about an eating disorder, talks about recovery in such healthy terms, maybe they won't notice that she's a damn near skeleton who still doesn't eat.

Sorry....can't figure out how to go back to the name who posted this but you made a very astute observation.  I am a recovering video poker addict.  Basically for two years I lied about my "recovery" pro-actively to keep people from asking ME too many questions that I knew I couldn't answer.  And all that time my life revolved around scheming and planning to drive one hour north to a casino. It wasn't until a year ago that I was finally released from that madness and I count my blessings every day for the freedom that that allows me.  My prayer for Jules is that she doesn't waste two years of her life drowning in that secret.  She's a bit inarticulate, but she is harmless so far and I like her interaction with her husband.  P.S.  Those young ladies who work for Bethenny looked positively miserable in the show tonight.  I can't imagine what their jobs must be like.

Edited to add - Sasha206!  It was YOU who posted that!  Good intuition!!

Edited by Bluedog100
to insert the name of original poster
  • Love 14

I was with Bethany on the psychic. 99% bs. I was lol at Beth shoveling down cheese and crackers while everyone was listening to the psychic, and then went in deep to the snacks once Dorinda started yelling at ramona. 

Dorinda really is a sloppy mess, isn't she? She needs to make up her mind about John. When they are out alone she acts like she can't stand him but to other people,  she sings his praises. I couldn't even follow what she was saying at dinner when she got so agitated. The only thing I can imagine is thgast with camera set up and all, those shoots must be long and there is plenty of booze. So sober Dorinda starts out OK, but by the end of the shoot is wasted. The 5 minutes of film we see is probably the result of several hours of shooting. Plenty of time to get hammered. 

I thought Carole did well with Jules one on one. I think she is right about Jules relationship with food. But damn Carole is so skinny. Her in her jeans at the reading I was like thgats scary. And Jules is even skinnier. When Jules was on WWHL she was wearing a tiny dress and it was hanging off of her. 

So what was that party Sonja had anyway? I thought it was a bday party. Or was it a product launch? And why in such a big space?  I think tipsy girl does kind of associate with skinny girl. But that said, Beth doesn't own the rights to everything with the word girl after it. What about cover girl make up?

Moaner is such a bitch. The necklace, her comments about John when she knows it bothers dorinda it's like vshe is trying to be abrasive. And why was she so damn thirsty to know about getting married again? I don't get it. It's not like she is going to have more kids. And she went through a bad divorce. Why look for marriage again? Or why not wait?



  • Love 12

So refreshing to have an episode that was not dominated by Bethenny even though I like her. So fun to see wacky Sonja -- I laughed out loud when she cleaned her nostrils with the Q-Tips so she would not get the "bats in the cave."  Agree with other poster about her eye makeup making her eyes look too close together.  I am very sick of Dorinda and John fighting - that scene in the Il Mulino restaurant was painful. I also hated her "Queens" insult. That was a very snobby, below-the-belt thing to say.  When she gets drunk and gross, she transforms in negative way -- she goes from lovely Princess Di to angry, red, slurring Big Bird lookalike in a nanosecond.  (Sorry with that giant beak she reminds me of a psycho Big Bird from Sesame Street).

Sorry to be judgmental about Dorinda but I hate sloppy drunk women who get overly dramatic over nothing in public places.  I really wanted to slap her.  Of course John was upset when he heard Ramona's comments. If you did not want to get into it, then you not have brought it up in the first place. Dorinda just wanted to get credit for sticking up for John.  

I have to say I like watching Bethenny "in action" when she promotes the SkinnyGirl brand.  She works hard and knows her stuff.  

  • Love 17

RHONY Production Meeting: 

"What should we do to entertain the masses this week?"

"Oh, I know - pick me, pick me - A physic!!! "

"Great idea - something new and refreshing!"

"And let's give witty Bethenny a zillion talking heads so she can sledgehammer everyone with her opinions about it".

(Audience snoozes their way through another Physic Experience and more of Bethenny's obnoxious insight).

On another note, where does Sonja get her business advice from? Her dogs?  No one on her "team" told her that selling the same product as Bethenny and calling it "Tipsy Girl" was probably not a good idea?  I don't blame Bethenny for being angry. 

  • Love 5

That psychic party. Yikes. I feel like at this point Bravo needs to set up support groups for people like the psychic, bra fitting ladies, etc. They can't even give a nice event without being subjected to screaming and cursing. 

Not surprised that ol Moaner put her foot in her mouth once again. That's her MO. There's no filter. Whatever she thinks, it just comes right out. But then Dorinda TOOK said foot, extracted the entire leg, and proceeded to beat her with it! Don't get me wrong, I'm not making excuses for Ramona. She's a tacky bitch, and old enough to learn some self control. But I don't think her comment was intended to harm, whereas Dorinda's Mario comment was absolutely meant to cause harm. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I was always taught to try and take the high road - not because it's what the other person deserves, but because of what it says about me. Although, I'm sure that's easier said than done when you have a so-called good friend acting like an unsupportive ass all the time. I probably would have stopped at the "He doesn't like you either, he thinks you're a bitch" comment. That was perfectly proportional to what Ramona said and made a nice point. Boom. Done. Let's move on. But when Dorinda gets pissed, it's like she unleashes a lifetime of anger on you, all perched on the edge of the couch with her shoulders ready to pounce. Scary. 

So it's not Jewish to see a psychic? I had no idea Jules was Jewish. Will she now need a full body mikveh?

I'm with Bethenny - "I'm a cynic, give me some more cheese!" 


I liked seeing Carole and Jules meet up, and how Carole encouraged Jules to share her story and help others. I think it would be beneficial to many, including herself, if she found a way to turn her pain into something positive. 

But Jules, honey, don't offer people tea if you don't know how to make it.


Dorinda and John's dinner out was really uncomfortable. They are a truly toxic couple. She can be a real bitch to him, but he just does NOT let her speak. He does not listen. I was getting frustrated with him! But then she starts in again with her classist comments - "Go back to Queens", and once again comparing Queens to the oh-so-enviable Manhattan. That's why I just can't with her offense when the girls take issue with John. I think out of everyone, Dorinda is the one with the biggest problem with him. This is total conjecture, but I think the deal is that they have amazing sex and like to party together. Maybe he has a good drug hookup or something. But in the light of day, with the "regular people", she's embarrassed by him. She probably wishes he could be nothing but a late night party boy, but he wants a real relationship. Maybe she really does love him in her own way, but she clearly doesn't like or respect him. Any time she's mad, she brings up where he's from. Is it any wonder people like Beth get frustrated with this relationship?

Also, I love how she totally danced around what the psychic truly said about John - Richard doesn't think he's right for her for the long term, and they won't be getting married turns into, "Richard just wishes you'd be more protective of me". No mention of what exactly Ramona's rude comment WAS, because then she'd have to tell him what the psychic said about their future. Mmmmhmmm

Also interesting was the random chick at Sonja's party who took one look at John and declared him to be, "all wired up". 



I liked Lu with the wavy hair. 

My favorite part of the show, hands down, was Jules making her husband stand next to her and be quiet, so she could eavesdrop without being obvious. Priceless! 

Here's the thing, LuAnn was totally classless when she gave back a previous gift as Ramona's birthday gift. But Ramona was even more classless when she ran and gossiped about it to everyone. You just don't complain about a gift. You accept it graciously and move on. She just looks petty, even though I agree with her. 

So now Sonja has a wine line. Of course. I don't want to delve too much into the name thing, since it looks like that will be more of a topic for next week. But it was announced tonight. So I'll say this - One, Bethenny's brand aside, I hate the name "Tipsy Girl" just sounds like you didn't try very hard and brings a very negative image to mind. I don't want to be thought of as a "tipsy girl". Also, it is an obvious ripoff. But I think, if I were B, I'd probably let it go. Sonja has some new gimmick every month and they never pan out. So why get all ruffled about it?

  • Love 10
10 hours ago, Umbelina said:


Did John join the fucking cast?  Must he slur and slurp his way through every episode, how many times are we going to see him say "gimme a kiss?"  Dorinda tell him, once again, because apparently he has the attention span of a sated toad, how much she hates it when he pulls that shit and then have her, once again come out with the "Queens" insult, because honey, you don't seem that far from Queens yourself.  Drunken pigs, I am seriously over both of them.  He has at least one scene every episode, and then several others where he is the subject of conversation.  He's getting more screen time than Luann and Sonja combined!  Just how many scenes does this guy get every single episode? 

Give him and apple, or stuff it in his mouth and roast him or get him off my TV.

Over it.  I don't care if Dorinda wants to drug and drink and have 6 hour Viagra sex with this fool from now until the apocalypse, I just don't want him stinking up the show any more.  Now if she was a long term housewife, watching her degradation with this creepy sleaze might be worth showing, but she barely joined the cast herself.


It seems whenever there is a spouse/boyfriend that the other housewives can't stand they become the feature of the show.  Simon, Brooks, Slade and now John.

  • Love 10

Beth nailed my issue with psychics. I want to believe in them--but tell me what color bra I'm wearing. Tell me where I left my favorite blue cardigan I haven't been able to find in weeks. Confirm my mom is looking at me funny because she saw my browser history. And my Nana, God bless her soul, would not be showing a candle or some shit, she'd be telling me everything wrong with me in explicit detail.

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 16
8 hours ago, Luciano said:

It was rude, but I cracked up at Bethenny telling the psychic that she's not getting married again, so the psychic could tell her dead father to fuck off with his marriage advice.

Almost everybody looked like they were holding their breaths as Dorinda hulked out on Ramona - meanwhile, Bethenny had a whole plate of snacks in front of her and looked like she couldn't care less about anything other than munching away.


YES.  That Bethenny comment was hysterical.  That's the Beth I love!

  • Love 13
6 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

The funniest thing about Luann talking about Ramona not knowing what regifting means is that she was also incorrect in her definition. While I think Lu knows what it means, what she said was that someone gives a person a gift, and then gives the same gift to another person. Of course what it  means is that someone gives a person a gift and that person gives the gift to someone else.

I think she knows what it means too but does what I'm guilty of a lot and misused her pronouns.  Because she said regifting is when you give a gift to someone and then you give it to someone else.   When what she meant to say was it's when you give a gift and they give it to someone else.  We have the same word mangling disease so I got it.

2 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I actually miss Kristen and her OTT reactions.  And I still love Josh just having to laugh at Sonja's insane claims.  

This was the best shot of the episode.  He was perfectly fine until she said Nigerian soccer team.  LOL!!

Dorinda coming for Ramona?  Made for popcorn.   I also thought she was scorched earth over the top with it, but I don't mind that because Mona needs to get punched in the clavicle every now and then and she is the type of person on whom subtleties are not effective.  Those sneaky ass peeking around the corner bebe gun shots she takes require a sharpshooter on the roof so a bitch knows to knock it all the way off.   I don't mind when Dorinda gets mad.  Typically she doesn't ever come for you unless you send for her but if and when you do?  Bay-bay?  {{raises hand}} Present.

Speaking of presents.   Ramona.  Girl, really?  Still about this necklace?  My favorite part of that conversation is when she's describing Luann bringing out the necklace and goes "and she pulls out this little Asian pouch it comes in...."      Mona?  Jules and I would like to know what the hell an Asian pouch is.  She never fails, that one. 

Ya'll the girl knows how to make tea.  Lol!  She was asking if Carole prefers the water microwaved (not scalding all the way through) or boiled (hot as hell).   Carole wanted to be shady right then and there was no need.  It's ineffective if at the end of the day Jules actually brought her tea, without instruction.

John's personality doesn't really bother me.  If Dorinda likes it, I love it.  But I'm baffled as to her expectations.   She will not let him get a full sentence out.  Damn.  If you disagree okay, but why is it stomp off worthy.  He stabbed that piece of (ginger?) with his fork and I really did think I blinked and missed the thing that sent her careening towards her Uber.  Shit.   We know you'd still be with Richard had he lived Dorinda but forgive me, he's gone, and you made the choice to move on.  With this guy.  Don't sit around punishing him and us because he's none of the things that were awesome about Richard. 


Also, it is an obvious ripoff. But I think, if I were B, I'd probably let it go. Sonja has some new gimmick every month and they never pan out. So why get all ruffled about it?

Because she legitimately has the basis for a copyright infringement suit.   If what I can recall is true, the standard is that the name of a company in the same or a competing industry cannot contain a copywritten/trademarked name similar enough to be innocently confused with that of its competitors.   Speedy Cakes the bakery and Speedy Cakes the toilet bowl cleaner can have the same name as they're in non-competitive industries.    But Beth sells liquor.  And from the preview Sonja bout as much as admitted that she was engaging in the sincerest form of flattery.   Except that in business, imitation isn't flattering, it's fucking with her money (potentially).    Sonja could've, literally thought up anything else.  She said she wanted to ride her coattails to create her own success.    And she's about to get snatched for it.    More popcorn anyone?

The psychic.  I'm neutral to it until or unless they come up with something that isn't known.  Sure you can google the date of a public figure's death or a spouse's name.   But emotions and images? nah.  Ramona said nobody knew about the picture she took with her father.   Dorinda said nobody knew about whatever Kim told her about the coins.  So factual things make me stay absolutely still but if they heard something that hasn't ever been revealed, I can't dismiss it. 

Is the guy Luann walked with her fiance? Who was the woman on his other arm?

  • Love 20
1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Here's the thing, LuAnn was totally classless when she gave back a previous gift as Ramona's birthday gift. But Ramona was even more classless when she ran and gossiped about it to everyone. You just don't complain about a gift. You accept it graciously and move on. She just looks petty, even though I agree with her. 

Actually it would have been nice if Ramona would have just said that it was a promotional piece that Lu had already given her that needed repair and she loved having a piece that Lu designed. It would be smart (other than TipseyGirl)  if the HWs would support each others promotions because that, along with fame is way they are there. Ramona is hitting below the belt with everyone this season and will be lucky if anyone will film with her next season which will be a problem for her. Bitter hag...

  • Love 8

I realized last night -- and this is not an original observation; other people have probably said it earlier and better, but it really clicked for me last night -- that these shows have two settings: 

1. Vaguely recognizable human behaviour

2. Screaming in cocktail dresses. 

And I actually REALLY LIKE the scenes that fall in the first setting. I liked the psychic! I liked Jules and Carole's meeting! (I thought Carole was way softer with Jules than she has been the rest of the season so far, and more like the person I liked when she first came on the show. And her advice was pretty good) I'm not even going to object too hard to that 5 minute Skinny Girl protein shake commercial that got in there somehow. 

But the screaming in cocktail dresses scenes just stress my shit out. And they always seem to eat 1) at least the last 20 minutes of every episode; 2) more of each episode as you get later into the season, and 3) more of each season the longer the show goes on and the women have more existing beef to go at each other about. 

That's why I always like these shows less and less as the season drags on, and less with each season that passes. And that's why I nearly gave up on Potomac after the first episode (ladies, we have just met. It is too early for you to put on dresses and yell at each other about etiquette), and did give up on it after the beach trip. 

The way LuAnn and Ramona both came in hot to Sonja's party just killed me. Say hello to each other first. Pretend things are ok for ten minutes. You do not need to start screaming the minute you put on a cocktail dress. 


10 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:


And speaking of makeup, Jules is a gorgeous woman who apparently doesn't know much about makeup.  At Sonja's event, she had very heavy contouring under her cheekbones.  Considering her face is so gaunt you can see (in detail) her jaw joint work as she speaks, the contour makes her prominent bone structure stand out even more.


I have no problem with skeptics, people don't have to believe.  But Bethenny just ruined the experience and was an asshole about the whole thing.


Jules' blue eyeshadow was KILLING me too -- both the shade and the quantity were a world of wrong. She's better served with a more natural look. 

And yeah, Bethenny could have been a skeptic without being a bad guest. Also, the chunky turtleneck made her head look like a boiled egg in an egg cup. 

10 hours ago, islandgal140 said:


If Dorinda didn't have so many people in her ear about John, from her daughter to the HW, they probably would have broken up already. 

100%. If they would all just lay off, he'd be gone. 

9 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

Did anyone catch the ghost of housewives figure on the periphery of the LuAnn and Ramona argument? She had on a pink dress, scraggly blonde hair, was leaning at a 45 degree angle, and a cocktail in her hand. It was not a good look. These ladies need to take notice. There's a not so bright future ahead.

Who? WHOOOO????

28 minutes ago, CrinkleCutCat said:

Jules is over her eating disorder like I'm over my love of champagne.... Managing it, no problems day to day, but still indulging.


  • Love 10
2 minutes ago, abbottrabbit said:

I realized last night -- and this is not an original observation; other people have probably said it earlier and better, but it really clicked for me last night -- that these shows have two settings: 

1. Vaguely recognizable human behaviour

2. Screaming in cocktail dresses. 

Simon and Alex had a t-shirt they sold, "Thug in a Cocktail Dress" which was sort of funny but never caught on.

  • Love 6
21 hours ago, LydiaOhLydia said:

Dorinda and John dinner:  THIS conversation was interesting to watch. But I didn't understand  what John said while he stabbed something ( a fork) on the plate. Seemed to be her last straw moment.  So curious to know if it was what he said combined with the 'stab' moment or if it was just that he spoke at all. Rewound it several times, can't make it out. 

He was doing the "stick a fork in it, I'm done" schtick.

  • Love 3
9 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

What happened to Ramona's Pinot Grigio line? And Sonja's fashion line? Was Bethenny as pissed when Theresa Guidice wrote her "Skinny Italian" cookbooks? 

Ramona is still promoting her wine on-line along with her Lux hair extensions and book but her jewelry line seems to have disappeared with Mario. Sonja's fashion appears to never have shipped more than the sample pieces. Teresa's Skinny books were out before Skinny Girl was more than a drink B ordered at a bar.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

I actually miss Kristen and her OTT reactions.  And I still love Josh just having to laugh at Sonja's insane claims.  

I found myself wishing for Kristen's rubber face reactions during argument at the psychic reading. I will forever love Josh's laugh when she mentions the Nigerian football team.

21 minutes ago, Almost 3000 said:

Actually it would have been nice if Ramona would have just said that it was a promotional piece that Lu had already given her that needed repair and she loved having a piece that Lu designed. It would be smart (other than TipseyGirl)  if the HWs would support each others promotions because that, along with fame is way they are there. Ramona is hitting below the belt with everyone this season and will be lucky if anyone will film with her next season which will be a problem for her. Bitter hag...

The problem is that none of these women speak Ramona. Yes, she kept calling it regifting, but Ramona's problem with the necklace is that she felt that she was owed the necklace as a gift for attending the jewelry collection launch and a second gift for her birthday.

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, ZaldamoWilder said:

Dorinda coming for Ramona?  Made for popcorn.   I also thought she was scorched earth over the top with it, but I don't mind that because Mona needs to get punched in the clavicle every now and then and she is the type of person on whom subtleties are not effective.  Those sneaky ass peeking around the corner bebe gun shots she takes require a sharpshooter on the roof so a bitch knows to knock it all the way off.   I don't mind when Dorinda gets mad.  Typically she doesn't ever come for you unless you send for her but if and when you do?  Bay-bay?  {{raises hand}} Present.


The psychic.  I'm neutral to it until or unless they come up with something that isn't known.  Sure you can google the date of a public figure's death or a spouse's name.   But emotions and images? nah.  Ramona said nobody knew about the picture she took with her father.   Dorinda said nobody knew about whatever Kim told her about the coins.  So factual things make me stay absolutely still but if they heard something that hasn't ever been revealed, I can't dismiss it. 


This all day, every day. Ramona is the special type of bitch that you have to double tap. You can't just give sly little digs and expect them to register. You got to pull out the gloc 9 loaded with hollow point bullets and shoot twice to the cranium. As much as Ramona has talked shit about people, especially Luann and her marriage, sex life, kids, acting a damn fool racing for rooms on vacay, acting like a snotty asshole about Heather's Berkshires home (remember looking up home values in the area) I give ovations to anyone who comes full throttle at her. 


John's personality doesn't really bother me.  If Dorinda likes it, I love it.  But I'm baffled as to her expectations.   She will not let him get a full sentence out.  Damn.  If you disagree okay, but why is it stomp off worthy.  He stabbed that piece of (ginger?) with his fork and I really did think I blinked and missed the thing that sent her careening towards her Uber.  Shit.   We know you'd still be with Richard had he lived Dorinda but forgive me, he's gone, and you made the choice to move on.  With this guy.  Don't sit around punishing him and us because he's none of the things that were awesome about Richard. 

John doesn't bother me either.  He is clingy, greasy and mildly annoying and I wouldn't date him in a millions years, but the girls acting like Dorinda is dating a registered sex offender is ridiculous. What has he done really to warrant this level of distaste and nastiness? Frankly, I find Peter, Ramona's former and Sonja's current business partner more off-putting for some reason. Call me baffled by that dinner too. John is the narcissist for wanting to clapback and be like WTF?!? In such situations if I am the one being talked about, my first inclination isn't to fall to my knees and thank the person for defending but do be like WTH have I ever done to warrant this amount of shit talking and than to go in. I'd probably hug up and kiss on my man later for doing his job by defending me but that isn't my 1st knee jerk reaction. Dorinda is the narcissist for expecting that.


Because she legitimately has the basis for a copyright infringement suit.   If what I can recall is true, the standard is that the name of a company in the same or a competing industry cannot contain a copywritten/trademarked name similar enough to be innocently confused with that of its competitors.   Speedy Cakes the bakery and Speedy Cakes the toilet bowl cleaner can have the same name as they're in non-competitive industries.    But Beth sells liquor.  And from the preview Sonja bout as much as admitted that she was engaging in the sincerest form of flattery.   Except that in business, imitation isn't flattering, it's fucking with her money (potentially).    Sonja could've, literally thought up anything else.  She said she wanted to ride her coattails to create her own success.    And she's about to get snatched for it.    More popcorn anyone?

I am no intellectual property attorney but I believe the standard is as you it is "confusingly similar." I wonder how Bethenny was able to get away with Skinnygirl when Skinny Bitch was a thing at the time. (maybe they failed to adequately file their intellectual property rights? Also, don't think they ever had products? IDK).


I'm probably alone but other than the 'Girl' I don't find Tipsy Girl and Skinny Girl confusing. MMV of course. One small argument in Sonja's favor is that Bethenny is really in a more targeted market where her focus is really on calorie restrictive products. Her alcohol is the meant to appeal to those who want to indulge but don't want their waist lines to suffer. I get why Bethenny would be unhappy but I can see Sonja having somewhat of a defensible case. 



Is the guy Luann walked with her fiance? Who was the woman on his other arm?

Naw. That is the model dude she was hanging out with (and maybe sexing) last season.  This is Lu's man


Edited by islandgal140
add a thought
  • Love 11

Poor Sonja, her personal masseuse can't get that placenta anymore (except for the black market) so she has to settle for a stem cell facial.  (crying tears)

Let me just get this out there. Luann de Lesseps looks horrible. She actually has the appearance of an alcoholic that smokes 3 packs of cigarettes a day. She's even lost the shine and texture of her hair. It's dull and lifeless and the Kaley Cuoco look-alike tousled short hair style just doesn't suite her, it makes her look desperate to appear youthful.

I was so disappointed in this episode. Everyone seemed to be too eager to gobble up some camera time for themselves. Carole looks horrible, like her face is made of wax and it's sitting next to a burning campfire. The editing was horrible and at times disjointed like when John and Dorinda were having dinner and she suddenly gets all bent out of shape by something he said, but who knows what that was, they didn't show that part.

They're all trying way too hard. They look like a bunch of aging rich women who are being paid and are under contract to stir up some excitement for this franchise but just can't seem to get it going.

Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 5
2 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Not surprised that ol Moaner put her foot in her mouth once again. That's her MO. There's no filter. Whatever she thinks, it just comes right out. But then Dorinda TOOK said foot, extracted the entire leg, and proceeded to beat her with it! Don't get me wrong, I'm not making excuses for Ramona. She's a tacky bitch, and old enough to learn some self control. But I don't think her comment was intended to harm, whereas Dorinda's Mario comment was absolutely meant to cause harm. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I was always taught to try and take the high road - not because it's what the other person deserves, but because of what it says about me. Although, I'm sure that's easier said than done when you have a so-called good friend acting like an unsupportive ass all the time. I probably would have stopped at the "He doesn't like you either, he thinks you're a bitch" comment. That was perfectly proportional to what Ramona said and made a nice point. Boom. Done. Let's move on. But when Dorinda gets pissed, it's like she unleashes a lifetime of anger on you, all perched on the edge of the couch with her shoulders ready to pounce. Scary. 

Ramona's "thank God!!!" when the psychic said Dorinda wouldn't be marrying John may have been mild as far as Romana-slams go, but this is not the one and only time she has talked shit about John to Dorinda and to others.  I can see how Dorinda would have immediately jumped on it because Ramona does it frequently. 

Plus, it's on the heels of Ramona talking shit about what her friend told her she overheard John saying to other people on a street corner about having sex with Dorinda.  Dorinda was very angry with Ramona about putting that hearsay and gossip on camera, so to hear Ramona being shitty about John on camera yet again...I'm surprised she didn't get up and slap her.  The Mario comment was the least she could do, and it apparently didn't phase Ramona AT ALL because she just kept at it and talked more shit about John.

I don't know how much more clear Dorinda can be that Ramona needs to shut up about John, and Dorinda doesn't want to hear it. 

As for the high road, Ramona couldn't find it with GPS and a service animal, so I don't blame Dorinda for not taking it as it relates to Ramona's shit.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 14
39 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

Forgive me if this was discussed, but I am just now watching.  

Help me with Ramona's timeline.

Her dad died 2 weeks after she last saw him, BUT she is in the picture (thank you psychic) that was taken the last weekend he was alive.  Am I missing something?  It's bothering me.  LOL

To say that Ramona grew up in a dysfunctional family would be a great understatement. I can almost understand why she's nuttier than a Snickers bar. To answer your question, Ramona and her father were estranged since she was a teenager. They eventually reconciled in December 2008, just months before his death.

To the reason for the estrangement when Ramona packed up and left home at the age of 17. In excerpts from her book 'Life On The Ramona Coaster', Ramona recounts her childhood in a “war zone” with a physically and emotionally abusive, alcoholic father. 



After years of allegedly watching her father beat her mother and terrorize her and her siblings, Singer says she finally found the courage to stand up to the man she feared.

One night when she was just 15 years old, Ramona claims her father called her “cruel and demeaning” names she didn’t understand

“He gets in my face. I can smell the rancid alcohol on his breath and see the rancor in his eyes,” she writes in the memoir, out July 28. “Then he gets in my mother’s face, alternating scathing insults between us.”

“Something he says, I can’t recall what, hits a nerve. I snap.”

Refusing to be a “victim” anymore, she pulls the “biggest knife with the longest and thickest blade” from a kitchen drawer.

“Without hesitation, I lunge toward him, point the sharp blade directly at his face and scream, ‘Stop it. Stop it right now…Or I swear I will take this knife and shove it into your neck,'” she writes in the brutally honest book. “He backs away, startled.”

The teen Ramona didn’t follow through with her threat, and the issue was never discussed in the household again.


Edited by HumblePi
  • Love 4

I know that scene with Dorinda and John was highly edited but I noticed that she didn't mention that the psychic told her that she'd re-marry but it wouldn't be to John.  And the psychic didn't tell Dorinda that Richard said he wanted John to make her more safe,.  The psychic said Richard said that John was good enough for now and didn't make Dorinda safe.

I'm curious how John would have reacted if he knew this.  Of course if you're dating someone who desperately wants to marry you and a psychic says that you're not going to marry them you can either say the psychic is full of nonsense or break up with that person.  I noticed Dorinda did neither. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, ghoulina said:

That psychic party. Yikes. I feel like at this point Bravo needs to set up support groups for people like the psychic, bra fitting ladies, etc. They can't even give a nice event without being subjected to screaming and cursing. 

Not surprised that ol Moaner put her foot in her mouth once again. That's her MO. There's no filter. Whatever she thinks, it just comes right out. But then Dorinda TOOK said foot, extracted the entire leg, and proceeded to beat her with it! Don't get me wrong, I'm not making excuses for Ramona. She's a tacky bitch, and old enough to learn some self control. But I don't think her comment was intended to harm, whereas Dorinda's Mario comment was absolutely meant to cause harm. I don't know, maybe it's just me, but I was always taught to try and take the high road - not because it's what the other person deserves, but because of what it says about me. Although, I'm sure that's easier said than done when you have a so-called good friend acting like an unsupportive ass all the time. I probably would have stopped at the "He doesn't like you either, he thinks you're a bitch" comment. That was perfectly proportional to what Ramona said and made a nice point. Boom. Done. Let's move on. But when Dorinda gets pissed, it's like she unleashes a lifetime of anger on you, all perched on the edge of the couch with her shoulders ready to pounce. Scary. 

So it's not Jewish to see a psychic? I had no idea Jules was Jewish. Will she now need a full body mikveh?

I'm with Bethenny - "I'm a cynic, give me some more cheese!" 


I liked seeing Carole and Jules meet up, and how Carole encouraged Jules to share her story and help others. I think it would be beneficial to many, including herself, if she found a way to turn her pain into something positive. 

But Jules, honey, don't offer people tea if you don't know how to make it.


Dorinda and John's dinner out was really uncomfortable. They are a truly toxic couple. She can be a real bitch to him, but he just does NOT let her speak. He does not listen. I was getting frustrated with him! But then she starts in again with her classist comments - "Go back to Queens", and once again comparing Queens to the oh-so-enviable Manhattan. That's why I just can't with her offense when the girls take issue with John. I think out of everyone, Dorinda is the one with the biggest problem with him. This is total conjecture, but I think the deal is that they have amazing sex and like to party together. Maybe he has a good drug hookup or something. But in the light of day, with the "regular people", she's embarrassed by him. She probably wishes he could be nothing but a late night party boy, but he wants a real relationship. Maybe she really does love him in her own way, but she clearly doesn't like or respect him. Any time she's mad, she brings up where he's from. Is it any wonder people like Beth get frustrated with this relationship?

Also, I love how she totally danced around what the psychic truly said about John - Richard doesn't think he's right for her for the long term, and they won't be getting married turns into, "Richard just wishes you'd be more protective of me". No mention of what exactly Ramona's rude comment WAS, because then she'd have to tell him what the psychic said about their future. Mmmmhmmm

Also interesting was the random chick at Sonja's party who took one look at John and declared him to be, "all wired up". 



I liked Lu with the wavy hair. 

My favorite part of the show, hands down, was Jules making her husband stand next to her and be quiet, so she could eavesdrop without being obvious. Priceless! 

Here's the thing, LuAnn was totally classless when she gave back a previous gift as Ramona's birthday gift. But Ramona was even more classless when she ran and gossiped about it to everyone. You just don't complain about a gift. You accept it graciously and move on. She just looks petty, even though I agree with her. 

So now Sonja has a wine line. Of course. I don't want to delve too much into the name thing, since it looks like that will be more of a topic for next week. But it was announced tonight. So I'll say this - One, Bethenny's brand aside, I hate the name "Tipsy Girl" just sounds like you didn't try very hard and brings a very negative image to mind. I don't want to be thought of as a "tipsy girl". Also, it is an obvious ripoff. But I think, if I were B, I'd probably let it go. Sonja has some new gimmick every month and they never pan out. So why get all ruffled about it?

I was thinking that same thing about Sonja's gimmicks, B should realize that Tipsy Girl will be gone in a New York second.  It will be by the wayside along with the toaster oven, the clothing line, you name it.

  • Love 3
55 minutes ago, ButterQueen said:

Forgive me if this was discussed, but I am just now watching.  

Help me with Ramona's timeline.

Her dad died 2 weeks after she last saw him, BUT she is in the picture (thank you psychic) that was taken the last weekend he was alive.  Am I missing something?  It's bothering me.  LOL

BQ:  This is still messing with me.  I created an imaginary scenario wherein he went to her house on (fictional date) May 7.   They made up then she went to his house on May 14 they take the picture on that day.  He died on May 30.   But my CSI-ism only works if what she meant to say was that picture was the last time she saw him alive.  The weekend thing really interrupts my version lol.

30 minutes ago, islandgal140 said:

This all day, every day. Ramona is the special type of bitch that you have to double tap. You can't just give sly little digs and expect them to register. You got to pull out the gloc 9 loaded with hollow point bullets and shoot twice to the cranium. As much as Ramona has talked shit about people, especially Luann and her marriage, sex life, kids, acting a damn fool racing for rooms on vacay, acting like a snotty asshole about Heather's Berkshires home (remember looking up home values in the area) I give ovations to anyone who comes full throttle at her. 

John doesn't bother me either.  He is clingy, greasy and mildly annoying and I wouldn't date him in a millions years, but the girls acting like Dorinda is dating a registered sex offender is ridiculous. What has he done really to warrant this level of distaste and nastiness? Frankly, I find Peter, Ramona's former and Sonja's current business partner more off-putting for some reason. Call me baffled by that dinner too. John is the narcissist for wanting to clapback and be like WTF?!? In such situations if I am the one being talked about, my first inclination isn't to fall to my knees and thank the person for defending but do be like WTH have I ever done to warrant this amount of shit talking and than to go in. I'd probably hug up and kiss on my man later for doing his job by defending me but that isn't my 1st knee jerk reaction. Dorinda is the narcissist for expecting that.

I am no intellectual property attorney but I believe the standard is as you it is "confusingly similar." I wonder how Bethenny was able to get away with Skinnygirl when Skinny Bitch was a thing at the time. (maybe they failed to adequately file their intellectual property rights? Also, don't think they ever had products? IDK).


I'm probably alone but other than the 'Girl' I don't find Tipsy Girl and Skinny Girl confusing. MMV of course. One small argument in Sonja's favor is that Bethenny is really in a more targeted market where her focus is really on calorie restrictive products. Her alcohol is the meant to appeal to those who want to indulge but don't want their waist lines to suffer. I get why Bethenny would be unhappy but I can see Sonja having somewhat of a defensible case. 


Naw. That is the model dude she was hanging out with (and maybe sexing) last season.  This is Lu's man


I'm drove up and out the water that you said double tap!  LMAO!!

Confusingly similar sounds much closer to the standard, girl thank you.  I dunno if it's IP or Patent & Trademarks but Skinny Bitch and Teresa's Skinny Italian shouldnt've been any type of conflict because books and cocktails are non competing.  Both might have put out food products but I don't think it's a problem if SkinnyGirl is only beverages.   So then is B still a majority stockholder or something?  I mean I can see her being pressed either way but if she doesn't own the company anymore....

I agree with you though, I don't think they're confusing but they are similar enough - the way to test the standard is to gage the reaction of people who have nothing to do with it.   If Jules and Lu's reactions are any indication, Sonja, you in danger girl.   Minds greater than mine will spend time on it, I just can't wait to see how it shakes out.   What I didn't like was that it brought Sonja to tears.  Like she, legit, didn't know how or why she'd fucked up and B was not here to play teacher.  

mind-rewind to Dorinda breaking down after snatching Ramona's collar.  That's not really how a read is supposed to work.  Lol!

Luann's dude reminds me of somebody.   Gabby Gifford's husband? The congresswoman who was shot and left for dead, married to an astronaut?  Him.  He's cute, I wonder if he's a royal.

  • Love 6

I'm glad Dorinda is a hot fawking mess, she was so nasty to Heather, I love that we are seeing what a POS she is.

She talks down to John, and he IS annoying and a brute but she acts like she could be on the Jersey Shore show her damn self.

I dont see what all the other ladies see about her, is she majorly loaded? THey act like she is just so classy, and delicate.

One thing I can not stand is someone who goes off and yells and acts like a bad ass, then cries over how sensitive they are. Get your life together lady, you are too old to act like a teen. Although I do like when anyone smacks Romona across the face, she is like a bad dog you have to let them know who the Alpha is or they will keep testing your limits.

This was the first episode I didnt mind Beth as much.

  • Love 14
1 hour ago, ButterQueen said:

Forgive me if this was discussed, but I am just now watching.  

Help me with Ramona's timeline.

Her dad died 2 weeks after she last saw him, BUT she is in the picture (thank you psychic) that was taken the last weekend he was alive.  Am I missing something?  It's bothering me.  LOL

Ramona subscribes to the Yolanda Foster timeline school.  It made no sense.

  • Love 9
4 minutes ago, AuntiePam said:

Can someone explain the issue with the necklace Luann gave to Ramona?  Was it a necklace that she had given her but something was wrong with it, so Luann took it back, fixed it, and gave it to her again at her birthday party a couple months later?


You gave me the cheap free gift that came with your purchase of a 4 piece luggage set.  A piece of garbage that was broken and gave me a rash, repaired it then gave it to me again like the shit was brand new.  THEN gave someone else a beautiful and expensive thing for their birthday at my birthday party.

  • Love 22
1 hour ago, intensebeige said:

Are we overthinking the John and Dorinda relationship?  Seems to me, it's just 99% about doing drugs.

I would add that it is also about her not being over her dead husband yet. I think Dorinda still has a lot of unresolved pain, and she is clinging to drug-enabling John like a huge-ass security blanket. I don't think she is ready to one hundred percent accept the fact that her husband is gone yet and she won't dump John until she is ready to do so.

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, HumblePi said:

To say that Ramona grew up in a dysfunctional family would be a great understatement. I can almost understand why she's nuttier than a Snickers bar. To answer your question, Ramona and her father were estranged since she was a teenager. They eventually reconciled in December 2008, just months before his death.

To the reason for the estrangement when Ramona packed up and left home at the age of 17. In excerpts from her book 'Life On The Ramona Coaster', Ramona recounts her childhood in a “war zone” with a physically and emotionally abusive, alcoholic father. 

I find it odd if Ramona and her father were estranged since she was 17 he would loan her $70,000.00 to start up her company.  (A loan she claims she paid back with interest.)  http://www.bustle.com/articles/84247-what-did-ramona-singer-do-before-the-real-housewives-of-new-york-city-shes-always-been  I would think a $70,000.00 loan would go a long way in reuniting the parties.

  • Love 7
17 minutes ago, AuntiePam said:

Can someone explain the issue with the necklace Luann gave to Ramona?  Was it a necklace that she had given her but something was wrong with it, so Luann took it back, fixed it, and gave it to her again at her birthday party a couple months later?


9 minutes ago, ZaldamoWilder said:


You gave me the cheap free gift that came with your purchase of a 4 piece luggage set.  A piece of garbage that was broken and gave me a rash, repaired it then gave it to me again like the shit was brand new.  THEN gave someone else a beautiful and expensive thing for their birthday at my birthday party.

LOL! I am confused too. I thought that Luann had given Ramona a prototype of one of her pieces. Ramona had a bad reaction. Later when the piece actually came off the assembly line, Luann gave her the final product. I didn't think it was repaired and re-given. I thought it was the final product as opposed to the prototype. Luanne is better than me, because I would have paid her dust. I haven't seen Ramona give anything to anyone besides her defunct tru-renewal snake oil and tru faith necklaces by the yard crappola so twitchy bug-eyed dress thief can have a seat - in the cheap section. 

  • Love 12

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