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S08.E02: An Intimates Affair

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Why did she put her hands all over food she would never, EVER eat?  The day that girl eats a latke or anything remotely resembling a potato, let alone fried in oil I'll buy a lottery ticket.  YUCK with touching all the food, and double YUCK that they made Dorinda a drink with those hand-washing ice cubes.  Of course, obviously Dorinda would drink anything anytime...

'Kosher' hypocrite? 


I want to like her because it's so hard to like anyone this season but she's losing points quickly between the 'kosher' thing and touching food.  Then we have contaminating the ice bucket plus the fake home scenes.  She obviously doesn't know her way around her own kitchen.  If she actually made coffee for her husband, she would have bought a keurig years ago.  And we're supposed to buy all this? 

  • Love 10

Didn't Dorinda mention last year something about her grandfather making money and she is well off because of it?


I don't remember but I really don't care for her or her boyfriend.


The person I hate the most is Bethany. What a vile woman. They should give her a show called I Know It All And I Hate Everybody. NO one is as perfect as she is. Essentially she got lucky pimping herself out meeting the right people and coming up with a product that got sold for millions of dollars. If she didn't have the money  she would still be a working stiff just like the rest of the New Yorkers she seems to hate on. 


****I found this article that explains each girl's said worth.



Where would Carole get $50 million dollars.  Her FIL died $30 million in debt.  Her husband's aunt, Jackie Onassis left him $500,000.00.  What a ridiculous article.

  • Love 3

Ramona's home - I'm guessing this is where she and the Mario brother lived with his mother. he inherited the apt. 

The decor looks like that of a 90 year old woman. No offense to 90 yr old women.

Ramona is too cheap to remodel.

Ramona and Mario bought the apartment shortly after they married.  Here is Ramona explaining how she designed and built and decorated the place.  It si all on her not Mario.  http://video.foxnews.com/v/4339920/housewives-home-tour-ramona-singer/?#sp=show-clips  I thought it pretty bad-I wish she would have showed her bedroom.  A room no man could get an erection in.

  • Love 5

I don't trust Twitter wars. Don't tweets somehow count towards ratings?

I'm surprised Bethenny's "Japanese" taking head isn't getting more press. Or maybe I missed it.

I have no interest in bra sizes. However, I need to know if those women guessed right. I'm fascinated by the idea of looking at someone clothed and getting that kind of detail right.

This season is fun so far. As long as we pivot to another subject besides Dorinda and John I think I'll enjoy it.

  • Love 2

Ramona and Mario bought the apartment shortly after they married. Here is Ramona explaining how she designed and built and decorated the place. It si all on her not Mario. http://video.foxnews.com/v/4339920/housewives-home-tour-ramona-singer/?#sp=show-clips I thought it pretty bad-I wish she would have showed her bedroom. A room no man could get an erection in.

Not with Ramona in it....

  • Love 14

I really think that Bethenny coming back to the show has kind of damaged her overall housewives 'story' if you like. In the first 3 seasons she was like the relatable protagonist, the 'poor' housewive who gave a running commentary on the craziness of the others. People like Luanne looked down on her and people like Jill liked her because she was the underdog. Thats why it was so satisfying to see Beth get married and get rich. But now she is back she's no longer the under dog but the top dog, this time her snark and sarcastic comments seem cruel rather than her standing up for herself, no one is targeting her this time round because they know shes the biggest star. Now it just seems like she looks down on everyone else and lords it over them. Like how she decided to ambush Dorinda, thats exactly the kind of behaviour she would have called someone out for in her early days. And shes clearly not about to give Jules a chance.

Edited by coops
  • Love 14

Jules again with the domestic show.  It was even more obvious this week that the housekeeper and nanny do 99% of the work.  When she was about to give the kids a bath, her husband, who was completely clueless about this child bathing ritual, asking; "Wait, both of them are going in?" showed that this is not a normal or daily occurrence in their household.  Plus, she had the shower head going full blast on a toddler! She practically drowned the babe! I'm betting they sleep in and/or have sex until it's time for Michael to shower for work.


I'm betting the 99% of the work that the housekeeper and nanny do include having morning sex with Michael...

  • Love 10

Jules was using a Faberware Coffee pot. The only kind I use. It makes the best coffee you ever had. Unless you make it on the stove in a white porcelain one that my grandmother actually owned.

There is nothing worse than these fancy hipster one cup coffee pots that make watery piss water that they want to call coffee.

The coffee pot! So far, that's the only thing I've liked about Jules! I love kitchen items that my mother or grandmother used to have, so retro, but those are the best kitchen gadgets.

Apparently, Jules and her husband went to the same school of parenting that Alex and Simon recommended, geez. You know, The Raising Fussy, Coddled Brats Country Day school.

I'm not ever getting over the sticking her dirty hands in the ice bucket scene, good Gawwwd. It's bad enough knowing that you don't know, nor can control, what is going on in the kitchen behind the scenes, but this rivals double dipping.

The other ladies: So far, they are all irritating, but at the same time, the New York cast always makes me laugh and gasp throughout the entire episodes. (Well, never Kristen or Heather)

It's just one big love/hate kind of thing!

Edited by IKnowRight
  • Love 4

I personally dislike the insinuation that Jules is too skinny or that she has an eating disorder. She's the same size as Carole and Bethenny so I think it's bizarre either of them would make comments about her size.

Wasn't Carole the one who always jokes around that she didn't even need a kitchen b/c she doesn't eat?  I kind of remember last season she was saying she was surviving on margaritas alone?  I feel like skinny is B & C's "thing" and they feel threatened by a younger, skinnier girl

Edited by teapot
  • Love 4

On the Thursday before payday, the office would go out to a Mexican restaurant to have some drinks and decompress. The outings were also a way to get to know the new people that came to work with us from other departments. The restaurant had an appetizer bar - chips, dip, guacamole and pork and beef prepared different ways. They would change the offerings from week to week to keep things fresh..


One week we invited a lab tech to the gathering, we all had some drinks, food, a good time and went home.

 The next day I walked into the office and a hornet's nest, The lab tech became violently ill when she got home and called in sick. She called in sick to her boss, then called up OUR office to say that she was ill because she ate the carnitas - pork meat - she was Muslim!


Because I was the person who would instigate the outings, She told me it was my fault, and when her husband found out about it, he was mad at me.


I laughed and when I saw her I made it a point to ask, "You didn't know what you were eating?"


I am all for following whatever religion that suits you, but when people act like that idiot did after she touched the shrimp, I stop having any respect for you and your immature showboating, trying to prove that you are a devout person. Grow the eff up and my other peeve?


Stop playing with your hair.


She is one of those morons who probably spends hundreds of dollars and hair care products each month. Actually?


Here's a drinking game?


Take a drink every time a HW touches/twirls/flips their hair or adjusts their clothing.


Then check into the Betty Ford clinic.

  • Love 10

It's weird, I kind of like them all.  I'm so done with the fake BH stuff, that these guys, being upfront, and speaking their minds, and mixing it up so soon are just like having a wonderful dessert after a really bad meal. 


One funny thing I noticed - I happened across some old S5 episodes the other day, Aviva's swan song, and when that whole "asthma" storyline was going on, Carole said, repeatedly, "What she really has is Munchausen's!"  And she recited the definition on camera, talked about it openly, including to Aviva's face.  Yes, Aviva got mad.  Nope, other castmates - including Heather - didn't agree with Carole, even though most of them thought the asthma thing was weird.  But it was all direct and rational, as rational as an argument can be that ends with one cast member throwing her leg.  :)


My point here, to build on what you said, and going to this week as well:  the NY women don't do fake drama.  They state what they think, right up front, no fears, they "own it", and then they disagree/fight about it. Case in point: the argument this week was clear, what they were fighting over made sense, we could easily pick a side, it was funny, and direct.  As opposed to RHBH where they're so terrified of their images and so controlling, the fights end up being about who said what offstage to control what happened ONSTAGE, and it literally makes no sense at all. Andy said in his book, I think, that this is a real problem with the RHOBH cast, because of their background in show biz, they are much more image conscious than any other series.  This season, I think that fear took over the show.


Contrast that to RHONY, where they are much more fearless. I don't love that Bethenny owns the season and I HATED what she did to the show last season.  I used to love Bethenny, but I got over her when she got her spinoff; and by the time she had her talk show I didn't like her at all.  I am very unsure of this season, mostly because I wonder if t's all going to continue to be rigged on her behalf.  But compared to RHOBH, well, there is no comparison, at least so far.  Take note women:  this is how you do Housewives drama. Fear less, talk more.

  • Love 13
And why the heck would you buy a townhouse next to a parking garage???



Was the townhouse purchased before the garage?



On the Thursday before payday, the office would go out to a Mexican restaurant to have some drinks and decompress. The outings were also a way to get to know the new people that came to work with us from other departments. The restaurant had an appetizer bar - chips, dip, guacamole and pork and beef prepared different ways. They would change the offerings from week to week to keep things fresh..


One week we invited a lab tech to the gathering, we all had some drinks, food, a good time and went home.

The next day I walked into the office and a hornet's nest, The lab tech became violently ill when she got home and called in sick. She called in sick to her boss, then called up OUR office to say that she was ill because she ate the carnitas - pork meat - she was Muslim!


Because I was the person who would instigate the outings, She told me it was my fault, and when her husband found out about it, he was mad at me.


I laughed and when I saw her I made it a point to ask, "You didn't know what you were eating?"


If someone had never eaten pork in their life, they might not have known.  If I knew someone was Muslim and knew there was pork, I would have pointed it out to her and if she ate it then it's not my problem. 

  • Love 5

I'm fascinated by the bra pros here!  I live in a small town, and the nearest "big city" is really 2 hours away, and frankly, even that one isn't that big.  5 hours each way for a major city.


So, is the measuring thing they have on line basically bunk?  How to find the right size fit on our own?


I'm failing at it, then again, I've always hated bras, and until a few years and a few pounds ago, never really needed one.  As Carole said, "they are for fun."  Or were.  Now I need one and I'm stumped.  I found one that seemed OK, but they no longer make it.  I'd like more side support for one thing, and would probably need to order on line, but what are the tips for measuring that would actually work?




I don't know about the online measuring guides; I suspect they're all the same, and possibly not very good since so many people are wearing the wrong size.  As Trooper York said, trying them on is really important even if you know what the size should be. 


Also, and I don't know if this makes a difference, but Town Shop carries high end bras, and not that many of them.  You don't see rows and rows of Bali.  Well, and maybe they're not all that high end--the winner I got at my first fitting several years ago was a Wacoal that was probably around $50 or $60, and Wacoal is sold at Macy's, I think.  Definitely Nordstrom.  Probably kind of expensive compared to Balis, but I'm sure nowhere near what some bras the Town Shop carries cost.


Anyway, I was later looking to buy that same one online and ran across an article that illustrates how nuanced bra fitting can be:




One thing you might try is the Jockey system, where they actually DO have the same cup on every band (they tout it as an innovation).  You can order a fit kit online for $20 and it's applied to any subsequent bra purchase.  It comes with these rubbery forms and you figure out which one fits your breasts best, and that's going to be the cup size regardless of your band size.  Then you measure your rib cage and get your band size.  They use numbers for everything, and put the cup first.  For illustration, I was a 32DD in Wacoal and a 4/30 in Jockey, but there's not a definitive conversion equation--you have to see which shape of the rubbery cups works for you.  And I'll note that a 30 band size is as low as they go, so if you're scrawnier than that, Jockey won't work. 


And you won't get the "hands-on" help in how to put the bra on, and that's a big part of the battle.  But you can get some good information about that here:



Actually, you CAN do the Jockey fit thing in person at some of their outlet stores.  I did that and they just gave me the kit and let me play with it, which is fine with me.  I'm just not as comfortable letting an employee at an underwear store in an outlet mall in the middle of nowhere observe and manhandle me as I am letting one of the motherly ladies at the Town Shop on the Upper West Side do the same.


As for the show?  Ramona's place looks a lot better without the window treatments, but I hope those windows are facing north because otherwise that apartment is going to BAKE in the summer.

  • Love 1
Why is Jules using a coffee pot that my immigrant mother would have bought at a garage sale for $1.50?



I also wondered about the Dunkin' Donuts pre-ground coffee! In a way, it's refreshing to see someone with money NOT be too proud to drink a mainstream, non-artisan brand. On the other hand, who doesn't know how to make coffee? The instructions are right there on the bag - generally 1 tablespoon per 6 oz. of water.


I did like that Jules was the one who tried to diffuse the cat fight though.


Best part of the episode for me: Luann saying that Carole "crawled up Bethenny's anus" and Sonja nodding earnestly, as if she was taking Luann literally. 


I've never been to New York so maybe I don't understand, but Bethenny had to explain to her friend at the jewelry shop that Dorinda has a boyfriend from Queens, is that seen as a bad thing, to be from Queens?



If you live in Manhattan, yes. The term is "bridge and tunnel folks" for people who live in the outer boroughs, and it's not an endearing term. Remember the shade Alex got for living in Brooklyn? I think there's now a begrudging acceptance of Brooklyn as a hipper alternative to Manhattan, but Queens and Staten Island still evoke a sense of ethnic, working-class families. (I mean no offense to anyone, btw, as my parents hailed from the Bronx and Queens.)

Edited by archer1267
  • Love 5

What is wrong with these women that they have to talk to Dorinda about John? Dorinda was absolutely right; SHE gets to decide whether she should be with John or not. Ramona (who always loves the drama) should butt out, or at the very most speak to Dorinda in private about what she freaking HEARD from some anonymous (to Dorinda) person. Truly, it's none of their business. They don't have to like him, but they do have to respect Dorinda in this matter. Now, when she drinks too much and embarrasses the group, they have every right to call her out for it. I'm a little bothered by Dorinda's focus on what Hannah thinks about John, but it's her daughter. I disagree, but I would never criticize her for that--certainly not in a group. If she asked my opinion, I would give it.


Bethenny needs to STFU. She thinks the world is her oyster and she's a pearl. She's more annoying than ever. Calling Jules' husband R2D2 and then laughing like a maniac??? Who does that? Money sure didn't give her any social graces or diplomacy. She just got harder and meaner.

Edited by Notmuchofacook
  • Love 6
Well, Bethenny and Carole will look healthy next to her, so I guess that's a plus.

 And maybe the whole point of Beth Bravo hiring Jules to be on the show.


I think she is just over Dorinda being fake. It started with Dorinda showing up at her apt and saying she looked better because she hadn't been drinking that summer, when Beth had saw her plastered several times in the Hamptons

Except, according to Dorinda, she and Beth were only at the same event one time last summer.

As far as being tired of fakeness, Beth can take several seats on that matter, given how she pretended to be homeless and single last season, and how forced and phony that conversation with her date was last episode. Her taglines about being real and the arbiter of truth are pretty laughable.


And B is a very close second.  Yes, she works out so she has a bit of muscle, but everything else about her screams Adderall.

​I'm still SMH that she wrote a book titled Naturally Thin, because none of the truly naturally thin people I know/have ever known make it a point to count calories and consume diet products. Much less, make it their livelihood.


Now it just seems like she looks down on everyone else and lords it over them.

"Everyone" seems to be right, given how she greeted and ignored that supposed friend of hers at the bra party. Seriously, is she ever not a twatwaffle?


Highlight of the episode for me was Heather in the flashback. Holla, mama.


I'mma need there to be way more Sonja to really start enjoying this season.

  • Love 8

Was the townhouse purchased before the garage?


That's an interesting question.  It is possible, if Old Man Morgan either had the townhouse in his family & inherited it or bought it way before marrying Sonja.  The building next door to the townhouse (which the garage is part of) looks like it was built in the '60's (maybe '70's).  Idk, I think the townhouse looks really charming from the outside view.  But it's fairly small -- much smaller than most of the townhouses on that block.  I wonder if it's one of the oldest on the block, cuz other townhouses seem to have high ceilings.  


Here's the Google Maps view of it-




Interior views of Sonja's place show such low ceilings, which are typical of older townhouses.  Jeez, between those low ceilings & the icky decaying/fraying decor & general look -- I get depressed every time they show Sonja now.  But the thing is, Sonja doesn't seem depressed at all (far from it).  So why show such a depressing POV on Sonja?  Is this the work of evil wicked witch Bethenny?  And maybe Satan Andy is in on this too -- for the crappy/tired/unfunny Grey Gardens routine he's endlessly pushing on WWHL?  Hmmmm.


Just looked at Dorinda's Twitter.  She must have had a ton of recent stuff wiped clean cuz it didn't seem so bad.  She did say she was blocked by Bethenny.  I don't believe any of this Twitter fighting nonsense.  I think this is Bethenny being manipulative & playing us to get ratings.  I looked at Bethenny's Twitter for a sec.  Honestly, I could live just fine & dandy without EVER looking at Bethenny's Twitter.  It's exactly what I expected.  Nasty as hell & pushing SkinnyGirl like cra-zazy & insisting she's the smartest, most incredible thing ever.  Meh, I'll pass.  I bet she blocks & deletes like cra-zazy.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 4
Beth arriving at the bra party, reacting to Dorinda teasing her that they play "Anything you can do, I can do better."

"I had a birthday in this room. It's just the truth. . . Jesus."

Did you hear the contempt and rage with which Beth muttered "Jesus"? Wow.


Well, we're already two episodes in and Dorinda has already brought that one-upping thing up twice. She did at the restaurant, because Beth apparently DRESSED better than she did? As B said, "All I did was put on a white shirt". It seems to be something Dorinda brings up a lot, and is stemming from HER issues, not Bethenny's. So I can see why B might be getting sick of it. 

  • Love 9
Wasn't Carole the one who always jokes around that she didn't even need a kitchen b/c she doesn't eat?  I kind of remember last season she was saying she was surviving on margaritas alone?  I feel like skinny is B & C's "thing" and they feel threatened by a younger, skinnier girl


I don't think it's out of the realm of possibilities that B and C are threatened by Jules, BUT...I took that kitchen comment to mean that Carole doesn't cook

  • Love 2

I think it's damn funny how all of these women are up in arms about John being crass and unrefined when there have been far worse husband transgressions.

1. Does he hit her (Simon Barney and Russell Armstrong)?

2. Does he cheat on her (Mario Singer, Alexandre de Lesseps, Josh Taekman, David Beador, Peter Thomas, Joe Giudice, the list goes on)?

3. Is he lying about having cancer (Brooks Ayers)?

4. Is he a lazy grifter (Slade Smiley, Peter Thomas, Brooks Ayers)?

5. Does he belittle and talk down to her (Simon Barney, Tom Girardi, Josh Taekman)?

6. Is he a straight up fucking criminal (Apollo Nida and Joe Giudice)?

It's so funny that these assholes think that they are in any position to judge whether someone is crass or sleazy when they pee in buckets, have sex on the lawn, lie about cheating, and throw things at people. These broads are a bunch of mannerless toddlers.

They're only going after John because they know Dorinda is insecure and embarrassed by him. If Dorinda was a bit more like the NJ crew (which is mostly not a good thing, but in this case it would be helpful), then she would turn to the women and say "So what. I love him. It's none of your damn business and you all have shit taste in men. John, has never hurt me the way your much more classy exes have hurt you."

Edited by HunterHunted
  • Love 14

Didn't we see Carole's 50th birthday party 2 seasons ago?  Doesn't that make her 51-52 in this season?  There's no way she's having kids with the boyfriend and I like that she's realistic about that but it's still going to hurt when it ends.


I thought Ramona's place looked lonely.  Sure, the cheesy curtains are gone, but it also seemed like she really wasn't living there.  Perhaps she's spending more time in the Hamptons?


Dorinda's the only one with a boyfriend that we're really seeing on camera.  Yes, he's loud and obnoxious, but there seems to be more to it for Bettheny.  Did he make a pass at her?  Has she seen him flirting with other women?  Dorinda seems to be making it clear that she's not interested in living with or marrying him, so what's the harm?


Jules washing her hands in the ice bucket was cringe worthy, what was that?  Did they empty it out after that and start over?  Yuck.  Why was she touching all of the food to begin with?  Who goes anywhere and touches every piece of shrimp or every roll?  Was she trying to keep the others from eating?  I think Beth and Carole are right that something is up with Jules' weight.  They both own that they are skinny, and they're at the tipping point, so if they think something's going on, I'd believe it.  Jules' home life seems like Kristen 2.0. 

  • Love 2

I think a lot of the Housewives do feel that John is cheating or is looking to cheat on Dorinda.  Last season's whole "What are you doing here without Dorinda?" basically accused him of looking to cheat.  Bethenney's problem with John asking for her number seemed at first to be that he was being shady by waiting until Dorinda was away to ask - she said she wanted him to be upfront about it.  She seemed to switch gears with the complaint, after Dorinda clearly didn't care if B thought John was hitting on her.  Dorinda doesn't care about John's wandering eyes or hands, and the other women can't fathom that.  Ramona's complaint was tangentially related, that John was being sexually vulgar about Dorinda in order to impress other women.  I also wonder, though, if Ramona decided to pipe up about that because she was tired of all Dorinda's attention being on Bethenney, or if she was trying to support Beth's own charge.

  • Love 3

If someone had never eaten pork in their life, they might not have known.  If I knew someone was Muslim and knew there was pork, I would have pointed it out to her and if she ate it then it's not my problem. 

She had converted to the faith after meeting her husband........I think it was mostly to cover up the fact that she was drinking, too?

Edited by ElDosEquis

32C here... I consider myself small chested, but would never go Sans Bra like Carol. If she isn't lying/exaggerating about that... no wonder her boobs look so saggy.  I know that is mean, but they really don't look good... she has no shape at all up top.  I think she looks so flat because she is sagging so much, not because her boobs are THAT small.

50 year olds need bras no matter what size, especially a c cup. I didn't wear a bra in college because I was size 30 AA. luckily I filled out a bit with my weight with my late 20's and wouldn't go without a bra. I'm not a girl anymore.

  • Love 1


  Last season's whole "What are you doing here without Dorinda?" basically accused him of looking to cheat.  

I will never not love that moment...


or, for that matter, "Welcome to my trailer..."


Lady Morgan wins my vote for "most quotable Housewife".

50 year olds need bras no matter what size, especially a c cup. I didn't wear a bra in college because I was size 30 AA. luckily I filled out a bit with my weight with my late 20's and wouldn't go without a bra. I'm not a girl anymore.

47 here.  34A  (sad but true.)  I was a B cup 25 years ago for nine glorious months while preggers with boy-child.


Sometimes I love it; but there are certain things (strapless) that I just *cannot* pull off.  I wish I had more during certain seasons in fashion, but at this stage of the game, I'm pretty sure that I just am what I am.


I wear a bra to hide my nipples if my shirt is too thin;  otherwise, I'm fine with just a light lined lacy camisole under almost everything.

  • Love 3

Didn't we see Carole's 50th birthday party 2 seasons ago?  Doesn't that make her 51-52 in this season?  There's no way she's having kids with the boyfriend and I like that she's realistic about that but it's still going to hurt when it ends.


I thought Ramona's place looked lonely.  Sure, the cheesy curtains are gone, but it also seemed like she really wasn't living there.  Perhaps she's spending more time in the Hamptons?


Dorinda's the only one with a boyfriend that we're really seeing on camera.  Yes, he's loud and obnoxious, but there seems to be more to it for Bettheny.  Did he make a pass at her?  Has she seen him flirting with other women?  Dorinda seems to be making it clear that she's not interested in living with or marrying him, so what's the harm?


Jules washing her hands in the ice bucket was cringe worthy, what was that?  Did they empty it out after that and start over?  Yuck.  Why was she touching all of the food to begin with?  Who goes anywhere and touches every piece of shrimp or every roll?  Was she trying to keep the others from eating?  I think Beth and Carole are right that something is up with Jules' weight.  They both own that they are skinny, and they're at the tipping point, so if they think something's going on, I'd believe it.  Jules' home life seems like Kristen 2.0. 

I said in the B thread (and someone else mentioned it upline here) that John probably reminds her of her father and step father's race track friends. Now that I've thought about it more and thinking about the pieces I've read of her parents partying from her "Yes" book, I wonder if John and Dorinda's partying along with John's inappropriate outbursts and Dorinda's flashpoint anger might trigger B's bad memories of her out of control parents.

  • Love 8

My point here, to build on what you said, and going to this week as well:  the NY women don't do fake drama.  They state what they think, right up front, no fears, they "own it", and then they disagree/fight about it. Case in point: the argument this week was clear, what they were fighting over made sense, we could easily pick a side, it was funny, and direct.  As opposed to RHBH where they're so terrified of their images and so controlling, the fights end up being about who said what offstage to control what happened ONSTAGE, and it literally makes no sense at all. Andy said in his book, I think, that this is a real problem with the RHOBH cast, because of their background in show biz, they are much more image conscious than any other series.  This season, I think that fear took over the show.


Contrast that to RHONY, where they are much more fearless.


It was also pointed out on WWHL a while back that the NY HWs are the only ones who will always go out together as an entire group after the reunion tapings. I like the idea that these ladies can bicker and fight on camera, but can put that aside when the "work" is done and grab a cocktail together.

  • Love 5

'Kosher' hypocrite? 


I want to like her because it's so hard to like anyone this season but she's losing points quickly between the 'kosher' thing and touching food.  Then we have contaminating the ice bucket plus the fake home scenes.  She obviously doesn't know her way around her own kitchen.  If she actually made coffee for her husband, she would have bought a keurig years ago.  And we're supposed to buy all this? 


Ha-ha!  I thought the same thing, but then figured maybe she just uses it as a walkway between the dining area and the living area.  Their apartment's living spaces look pretty cramped from what I could determine - she seems to have a fairly large dining table (I think I counted 8 of those ugly acrylic chairs), and their living space with a sofa and TV looked to be crammed in on the opposite side.


About the Keurig - no one in my house drinks coffee (I'm a tea drinker and my husband doesn't drink either one).  I've had two Keurigs already.  The first one-a very large and fancy version that was a gift from our sons-stopped working after one year of very minimal usage.  I purchased a second one - smaller model, single cup, just to have on hand.  But, when I make coffee for anyone who comes to the house, I prefer to use my regular Mr. Coffee type coffeemaker.


Also - maybe they have a Starbucks or other local coffee shop just downstairs that they frequent, so that could be why she doesn't know how to make coffee.  (I'm really trying hard to give her the benefit of doubt with that one - what I'm really thinking is, as mentioned upthread, that most of these "domestic moments" we are seeing are all for filming, and her housekeeper or nanny are the ones who really know their way around the kitchen.)

  • Love 1

Was the townhouse purchased before the garage?


If someone had never eaten pork in their life, they might not have known.  If I knew someone was Muslim and knew there was pork, I would have pointed it out to her and if she ate it then it's not my problem. 


OTOH, if I had religious restrictions on the foods I can eat, or if I had an allergy to something, and I was offered something I've never heard of or eaten before, I would ask what it was or what ingredients it contains.  Not everyone knows the religious food restrictions of all religions, and no one should be expected to.

  • Love 10

Ramona and Mario bought the apartment shortly after they married.  Here is Ramona explaining how she designed and built and decorated the place.  It si all on her not Mario.  http://video.foxnews.com/v/4339920/housewives-home-tour-ramona-singer/?#sp=show-clips  I thought it pretty bad-I wish she would have showed her bedroom.  A room no man could get an erection in.


Thanks for clearing that up. thumbs up!   Man that makes the decor even worse, knowing it can't be blamed on a 90 year old woman.

I don't like how any of them decorate in NYC.  (used to be a fan of NYC. Been there too many times and hate it now. The noise, filthy, crazy people on the street.) Where was Moaner when she was on the phone with Bethany? I thought that was her bedroom? Which was awful. Carpeting makes me sick. Its a haven for filth, dust mites and their nasty poop. Plus she has a dog!  

"Everyone" seems to be right, given how she greeted and ignored that supposed friend of hers at the bra party. Seriously, is she ever not a twatwaffle?




This is now my new favorite word....I love it, and a perfect description for Bethenny (although it's doubtful a waffle of any kind would pass by her lips....)!!!!   :-)

That's an interesting question.  It is possible, if Old Man Morgan either had the townhouse in his family & inherited it or bought it way before marrying Sonja.  The building next door to the townhouse (which the garage is part of) looks like it was built in the '60's (maybe '70's).  Idk, I think the townhouse looks really charming from the outside view.  But it's fairly small -- much smaller than most of the townhouses on that block.  I wonder if it's one of the oldest on the block, cuz other townhouses seem to have high ceilings.  


Here's the Google Maps view of it-




Interior views of Sonja's place show such low ceilings, which are typical of older townhouses.  Jeez, between those low ceilings & the icky decaying/fraying decor & general look -- I get depressed every time they show Sonja now.  But the thing is, Sonja doesn't seem depressed at all (far from it).  So why show such a depressing POV on Sonja?  Is this the work of evil wicked witch Bethenny?  And maybe Satan Andy is in on this too -- for the crappy/tired/unfunny Grey Gardens routine he's endlessly pushing on WWHL?  Hmmmm.


Just looked at Dorinda's Twitter.  She must have had a ton of recent stuff wiped clean cuz it didn't seem so bad.  She did say she was blocked by Bethenny.  I don't believe any of this Twitter fighting nonsense.  I think this is Bethenny being manipulative & playing us to get ratings.  I looked at Bethenny's Twitter for a sec.  Honestly, I could live just fine & dandy without EVER looking at Bethenny's Twitter.  It's exactly what I expected.  Nasty as hell & pushing SkinnyGirl like cra-zazy & insisting she's the smartest, most incredible thing ever.  Meh, I'll pass.  I bet she blocks & deletes like cra-zazy.


Regarding all of this Twitter nonsense - first off, I agree with you about it being all tied in to ratings, etc.  I am not on Twitter, and really have no clue how it all works.  I've tried to read some of the Twitter stuff following the links provided here for different housewives, and don't really understand it. 


Secondly, and this is probably more regarding Bethenny than any of the other housewives, but do you think it is actually Bethenny that is tweeting ALL of the stuff on her Twitter page?  I mean, she has at least three employees that we have seen - don't you think that at least one of them is in charge of her social media pages?  

Keurig is great if you want fast, hot, brown water. If you want actual coffee, not so much. I set my Mr. Coffee on a timer the night before. Wal-la! Actual coffee every morning!


Brown water?  Hmmm, have you just given Bethenny an idea for yet another icky SkinnyGirl product that will end up marked down 98% on the shelves of TJ's or Marshall's?

  • Love 4

Jules, you may keep kosher but as a nice Jewish girl you should know that we do not believe in Hell so touch the shrimp, eat the shrimp, you will not be going to hell.

That's the first thing I thought! Second was, if you are kosher (or have food allergies, etc.) ASK what the food is before touching!! It's not hard.

Speaking of too thin, I had to keep turning away during the Carol and B lunch.....Lord those women have skinny faces with way too prominent cheekbones. I can't decide if it was artful makeup, implants/fillers or just too damned thin! And looking at Jules, from the back in jeans, showed narrow stick thin legs.

Dorinda didn't need to go to 11 to combat B and Ramona, but B was all sorts of wrong about being offended John talked to her about business without Dorinda around. It is, as others have said, exactly what she would have done, and nothing wrong with it. Ramona should have kept her mouth shut, and B's attempt (later on, of course) to act like she knew it was CYA.

I thought Carol's comment about "5 good summers left" was another bad attempt to be funny.

Ramona's place looks better without the grandma curtains, but everything is going to fade, fade, fade if she doesn't get some kind of shades.

[edited because aces and faces are not the same]

Edited by Mrs peel
  • Love 2

I always thought the word on Moaner is that the carpet does not match the drapes.




I always think regarding Moaner she's a few slices short of a loaf......


Beth is a bitch.  Miserable and jealous of anyone who isn't.  I feel soo sorry for the little girl, having that harridan for a mother. In twenty years time she will be Gloria, {Jillzy's charming mother}, constantly criticizing .comparing and just being unpleasant.

Bethenny and Ramona are so gross.   Dorinda can't handle her distilled potatoes but damn!  Such bitchery over nothing.  Bethenny spent a little while shoving her businesses in folks' faces, and Ramona, on-air, interviewed college-aged girls for an assistant's position and made cruel comments about the skin of an applicant, offering unsolicited acne advice.  But they think they are better than John, with their harsh accents and neediness and screeching about Skinnytwat this and TruReNEW&A***l for fucking ever?  Noprah to that.  Nope.  I'd bet John and Madame Paulette's is better-run in every way, with minimal employee turnover.  So their arrogance and high-handedness is just bizarre.


I thought Carole's '5 summers' comment was a little funny and self-deprecating about her remaining bikini years and the fact that Adam wants kids.  She's being realistic about their particular relationship.  She seems like a romantic with her feet on the ground.


Ramona, good god.  Okay.  The boobs look gross, those eyes are looking yanked, her styling is off and she is a HAM as often as not.  The shit with deliberately bringing up the Viagra comment on camera three separate times (Sarabeth's with Bethenny, phone with Bethenny, at the Gansvoort during the bra party) is so bitchassed with a side of twuntery.  She worked *hard* to make sure that she would embarrass someone she's been pals with for 20 years.  She's such a fucking asshole.  I need Dorinda to 'party' (and honestly, Bethenny is such a snatchmonster!  The bitch needs to start wiping her nose and winking when she says 'partying' because WE GET IT, Dorinda and John use drugs.  We get it, we get it!) and spill allllllll about Mario and Ramona.  I mean, we already know it - Ramona is miserable because Mario finally decided an expensive asset-split was fucking worth it to chew his leg free from the bear trap and go and do what he wants.  But I need it in detail on camera, just as Ramona does to people she claims to care about.  Scumbag foobmonster.


I love this post so much I wanna take it to the local hot sheet motel and have an illicit weekend with it.  Pure poetry, my friend.  Primo!

Edited by One More Time
  • Love 2

Wow, that episode flew by....drama out of the gate!

Jules, please start cleaning out your "locker" as I cannot stand you after just 2 episodes. The constant menopause, they could be my mother comments are tiring. Then you had to go touch the shrimp and wash your hands in the ice bowl. She is a twit.

Ramona showed us her very plain bedroom while talking on the phone with Beth and laughing at herself in the mirror. I don't think her new boobs look good on her. Why didn't I know she was writing a book? So she got the apartment AND the Hampton house, damn! Also, Ramona turn on your damn AC.

Dorinda, you are a sloppy drunk who cannot stand John when together, but how dare anyone talk about him. He looks greasy and stupid in the preview with that scarf wrapped around his neck. I cannot stand Dorinda, so I loved seeing her get all riled up at the saddest bra party on earth. Plus, the back of her hair looked like bed head. She was glowing orange on WWHL.

Beth, you annoy me but damn you are funny! The ABORT & GET OUT WHILE YOU CAN comments made me laugh! Skinny bitch you are, you add life to the show.

LuAnn looked horrible. Her head/face seemed huge and her voice is so gravely.

Sonja, you little air head....nodding at everything Lu said shows just what a poser you are.

I was disappointed Lu and Sonja weren't at the party, but hope everyone is together soon.

Do they go on a vacation together?

I really miss "momma Heather"

Edited by ButterQueen
  • Love 9

Sorry, posting issue.


Love your post ButterQueen.  I don't miss Heather, but the rest?  Cosign!


I'll use this space to say, I don't think the twitter stuff was faked.  Dorinda was just drunk.  Bethenny didn't say anything to be ashamed of there, and I don't blame her for blocking Dorinda, she was out of control (probably drunk again.)


The Luann and Carole tweeting though?  Also real. Kind of sad.  They really don't like each other, and all because of Carole's new boyfriend.  Lulu says she's over it, but her tweets say something else.  I wish they liked each other.


At least we have upfront women!  Love this group!


I don't think Bethenny has fundamentally changed.  She's richer, older, sadder about the whole endless divorce nonsense, but she's always been astonishingly open, and frank.  She still is, and she does keep things moving along on this show.  It doesn't seem forced to me, it just seems like who she is, perfect for a RH show.


Now her stupid catch phrases and marketing annoy me, but I love, love, love having her back.  Things crackle when she's around. 

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 4

Those one shot fancy hipster coffee makers are garbage. And I once told Joe DiMaggio he could stick his Mr. Coffee machine up his ass. But that's another story. You can't beat a Faberware. An old school Faberware.


The only thing is you have to get one made twenty years ago in the United States. Currently they are made in China and the heating element dies after a year. So if your Grandma wants to sell hers let me know.


I have three sizes of percolators. Only the original one that I had for twenty years is still perking along strong. Made in the USA baby.


Trust me. A percolator makes the best coffee ever.

  • Love 4

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