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S02.E05: Ben Drops Beats

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I admit I completely digging Flame and his guys and their playfulness. Fun to see Ben having a blast. I thought Jessa looked fine - she was in a totally, totally new world. I notice she didn't move a muscle to the music, unlike everyone else. Sad. I hope her headship encourages her to loosen up and feel the music. Seems safe, given the message. Baby steps.

Edited by Tabbygirl521
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Don't Derick and Jilly Muff live near a Walmart and other "civilization?" They can't buy baby clothes there? Surely the locals are able to make do with what's available. And cayenne pepper? REALLY?

Shhh. They are in a barren field with limited resources and intermittent wifi. Dangerous.. A big ass Walmart would blow up the script. 


Yeah, Jessa commanding Bin to change Spurge's diaper was just her way of showing out for the cameras. Bin responded "in a minute" when he really meant "can't you do one fucking thing you lazy ass bitch?" He is so over Jessa and would've been happy as hell to leave her at home when he went to visit Flame.

As derpy as Bin is, at least he seemed like he had an open minded attitude towards the hip hop music. Jessa just sat there with a stank look on her face like she couldn't get out of there fast enough.

I'm pretty sure MOTY didn't change diapers much, she had the girls to do it. Jessa doesn't have enough girls, so when Bin comes home (supposing he actually leaves), he gets to study online and take over childcare if the sisters are unavailable. Jessa is unpleasant and useless. Great choice Mr. Seewald Sr. Boys don't have great decision making skills (they don't really understand consequences) until early/mid 20's. Bin will stay for Spurgeon. I don't think he would ever consider leaving that shrew, but dammit, no one would blame him. 

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Regarding Anna, I wish she'd go see a therapist and stop bothering her sisters-in-law with her marital problems. Jinger had a look on her face like "are you effing serious?!" when Anna brought up Josh yet again in the preview. I get that Anna is dying for someone to talk to, but it's inappropriate to paint Josh as a sympathetic character when two of his victims are sitting right there. It's too bad Jana is such a weakling because if I were in that position I would've shut it down very quickly.

I know Anna has limited options here, but she has options.  She could've packed up her kids and moved in with her brother, a cousin, or someone.  It makes perfect sense that she is in desperate need of someone to talk to about what she's going through, but to think it's even remotely reasonable to move in with her husband's family and then spend all day, every day interacting in fairly close quarters with her husband's victims is just beyond bizarre.  She needs a therapist.  Will she ever see one?  Doubtful, because I think that in her mind, she feels that she can fix and save Josh with prettier makeup and MOAR BABIES.  Should she discuss her pain and sorrow with her sisters-in-law?  No, but the fact that they all live together under one uncomfortable roof means that they are all going to have to look one another in the face and feel all the feels several times each day.  


I don't know where I'm going with this except to say that it's a terrible and awkward way to live every day, there's a way to fix that, but it won't ever happen.

Stop stealing Bin's rap lyrics!

+++++++++++++++++++1.  Oh my goodness, yes!

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Of all the older Duggar children, Jessa appears the least friendly and most suspicious of outsiders. Ben seems open to new experiences.  Jessa might actually thrive in a place like St. Louis.  It would probably do her good to be outside of the "Duggar sphere". 

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Shhh. They are in a barren field with limited resources and intermittent wifi. Dangerous.. A big ass Walmart would blow up the script.

Lulz! According to the Walmart corporate site, they operate 91 retail locations in El Salvador, including your standard grocery stores and full-sized SuperCenters. Considering nearly every Latin recipe I know of calls for some form of chili powder, I call shenanigans on the cayenne pepper. Jilly Muffin should've picked another spice to lie about.

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cayenne=pimentón She dropped out to be a better mother just before this lesson. (that's google translate, I have no idea if it's the correct word or not haha)

Edited by sometimesy
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Lulz! According to the Walmart corporate site, they operate 91 retail locations in El Salvador, including your standard grocery stores and full-sized SuperCenters. Considering nearly every Latin recipe I know of calls for some form of chili powder, I call shenanigans on the cayenne pepper. Jilly Muffin should've picked another spice to lie about.



Maybe the cayenne pepper is sold under a Spanish name and Jilly hasn't gotten that far with her studies.  Surely they have cayenne pepper in El Salvador!

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So you guys didn't find the scene of the do nothing girls in the dorm room as they tried to Skype Jill once and didn't get her riveting?! Umm so Jill didn't answer...ummmm...(crickets). Riveting...

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I have been a hate watcher snarker ect ect of the Duggars for years...literally for years ( like, 6+ years)  and I am embarrassed to admit that I was actually a little entertained for the first time EVER and it was only during the Bin and Jessa segment. Can we give Flame a show? Following a music rapper/ minister in St Louis is way more intertaining then watching feral children buil a tree house or throw a baby shower for the 100th time

Fuck, even watching Bin and Jessa just interact with NORMAL PEOPLE who still are just as evangelical as they are ( Flame) was 100 million times more interesting then watching Joy face time Jill. 


Also, no way they went to the actual ghetto in St louis. They should have taken a trip to  East St Louis, one of the most dangerous places in the country. See how comfy Bin would be ministering there! hah! Not a chance they would have been able to film without being harassed/ robbed ect. They probably just went to any random suburb of St louis. lol. Nice try producers. it may have been scary to these country bumpkins but anyone whose lived in a city knows what 'bad' looks like.


And Bin, if your going to try to go to Moody in Chicago and bring your ministry to the good people of Chicago..good luck. LOL. Not only are you totally un-relate able, you seem lacking in not only common sense but also street smarts I am pretty sure an 8 year old could rob you. lol. I live here. You wouldn't even relate to our conservative christian people with your cult upbringing, never mind a poor inner city kid who lives with grandma. You are better off ministering to the poor in your own state. Its ridiculous and almost scary he thinks he would be of any help lol. He needs to get out in the real world and live off his Father in laws propery. How about you get an apartment in Chicago and get some life experience. 


How about we send Bin to work with Father Michael Phleger to minister to the kids on the south side of Chicago. He actually adopted two black boys from the neighborhood. He lives in the hood and would teach Bin a LOT about being a true minister. IDK Bin would be down because Father Phleger is a Catholic priest and his is not Christian enough for our fundie boyscout Bin. But in true fashion Bin would shit in his pants to see what the south side of Chicago is really like. Hell, besides being robbed he might get shot at too. 

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I really wanted to like this show without the parents, but it's terrible.  I keep comparing the Duggars to the Bates.  The Bates kids are so much more "real" than the Duggars.  When the couples do the one-on-one with the camera, they sit close, they touch, they look at each other lovingly - I believe all of this is real with the Bates.  Ben acts more like a brother than a spouse and as far as being a father, he is totally clueless.  


He was only 19 when he married Jessa (who was 20).  She didn't seem to really be into the courtship at all.  It was like she was going through the motion only because she didn't have any other options for what to do with her life.  I never believed she loved Ben. I think she just liked him.  She wouldn't even do the marriage kiss on TV.  Weird.


They really should have waited a couple of years to have children.  Ben was not ready to be a father.  I think their relationship would have developed more deeply had they had time to get to know one another first instead of bringing a baby into the marriage within the first 12 months.  They're not even affectionate towards each other.  A person would never know that Spurge was his baby to see them together.  Ben doesn't love on him or anything.  


Chad and Erin are so into each other.  The baby just solidified their relationship.  It is so obvious that Chad adores Erin and she adores him.  And they just turn to jelly around the baby.  When Chad held the baby after he was born, tears were streaming down his face.  You could feel how much this child meant to them both how much Chad appreciated what Erin went through to bring that baby into the world.  But Ben and Jessa are so wooden that it's painful to watch them together sometime.


Ben seemed to really be having a great time at the studio.  I think it's the first time I've seen him crack completely up since they've been married.  These are the kinds of things he should have done and experienced before he got married.  I knew once Jim Bob let him move onto the homestead (which was a way to speed up the proposal I think), that marriage was just around the corner.  I feel that he had a serious crush on Jessa and nothing more, and she found a way out that was acceptable to her parents. So sad.


Derek and Jill - what can I say.  He looks like a malnourished cave man.  I can't believe she lets her man run around looking like a homeless person. It looks like he doesn't even comb his hair, let alone trim the beard.  I know she knows how to cut hair, she used to cut her brothers' hair.


Something is just not right.

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Don't Derick and Jilly Muff live near a Walmart and other "civilization?" They can't buy baby clothes there? Surely the locals are able to make do with what's available. And cayenne pepper? REALLY?

Oh, the horrors and hardships they must endure.  LMAO

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Again, I could only watch about 15 minutes of this carefully crafted crapfest (I couldn't get past the tree building part when Jinger said something to the effect that people are surprised that the girls build stuff. And when there is a project they all just jump in.  I was trying to picture the boys jumping in and learning to do laundry to help out.)


So lily white Bin wants to be an inner-city missionary?  When I was done laughing, I had a question pop into my mind:  did he do church like the Duggars?  In other words, did he attend a home church with hand picked, special friends, we all must agree, attendees? If so preaching in the inner-city is going to be an even bigger shock to him.  Whoever wants to come to church will come to church.  No matter what they look like.


Binny boy, the inner-city needs jobs, opportunities, people to clean up the neighborhoods and repair homes.  That is what I imagine Jesus doing.  Using His own money to give out free food.  Will this be Bin's goal?

Edited by barbedwire
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Ben and his family attended an actual church in a building.  I've forgotten it's name though.


Ratings are in: 1.340 M viewers and a .44 rating.


I checked a package to be sure but cayenne pepper in Spanish is chile cayene.  Not so difficult to figure out. 

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So, NANCE, (and I know you or your minions read here....) there's your show. Bin and Jessa Blessa minister to the inner city in Chicago. Or St. Louis. I realize those who work for your production company would like to stay alive so we'll never see it, but watching Bin "backwards ball cap" Seewald desperately try to relate to anyone who's not white, middle-class and Republican will be worth tuning in for. It'll be even better to see his wife's reactions.


Poor Jilly Muffin. I wonder if she has to bring her Spanish-to-English translation book along when she's wandering through Wal-Mart these days.

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I don't think I've finished watching one episode this season. I'm so painfully over white boys rapping (because I can assure you I can rap better lol) and who is paying to listen to a baby make noises (unless it's Blue Ivy, because that I understand) 

I should wear glasses, but I don't, so can someone tell me if the girls were wearing goggles with sawing that wood? because that + their hair not tied up seems super duper safe. 

I agree with everyone when they say that Jessa and Ben seem ... weird. Also, Ben, thats why recording artists wear headphones on one ear, and push the other back. So they can hear themselves. 

Anyway, I'm bored. I don't know how people watch and legitimately enjoy this. 

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Regarding Anna, I wish she'd go see a therapist and stop bothering her sisters-in-law with her marital problems. Jinger had a look on her face like "are you effing serious?!" when Anna brought up Josh yet again in the preview. I get that Anna is dying for someone to talk to, but it's inappropriate to paint Josh as a sympathetic character when two of his victims are sitting right there. It's too bad Jana is such a weakling because if I were in that position I would've shut it down very quickly.

Yeah, I agree in theory.


But then I remember that nothing in this show is unscripted reality. Just my opinion.

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Looks like they found the ratings bottom. Still too good to cancel, but you gotta wonder how many advertisers are left. They could have the entire country watching, but who cares if no one call sell anything.

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Oh, yes. What a arrogant bitch Jessa is, she carried the baby to the changing table and told Bin to change him - she wants no part of that. Jessa delighted in repeating over and over how she does the input and Bin does the output. The look on Bin's face was priceless, he even said he has to think about diaper changing and make himself do it (not his exact wording). 

Binjermin is so over this mess and may never find his way out of it.


Has to think about it!!  Good Lord, Bin... what's there to think?!?

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Regarding Anna, I wish she'd go see a therapist and stop bothering her sisters-in-law with her marital problems. Jinger had a look on her face like "are you effing serious?!" when Anna brought up Josh yet again in the preview. I get that Anna is dying for someone to talk to, but it's inappropriate to paint Josh as a sympathetic character when two of his victims are sitting right there. It's too bad Jana is such a weakling because if I were in that position I would've shut it down very quickly.

You are so 110% right.

Anna clearly has no adequate therapist and no common sense.

Anna, you might love your husband but about 99.9% of the world does not...including his siblings, who he molested. And we suspect at least one of his parents is infuriated with him. Shut up about Josh. Really. He is a sick, sick man and we all know it.

Poor decision to let Anna blather on about Josh on camera.

Edited by Marigold
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Omg. I watched about two minutes of bonus scene of whatever duggar show was on last week. Grocery shopping? It's not exactly remastered gone with the wind. I'm sure the bonus scene added the missing depth that the original broadcast was lacking.

And because of those "bonus" scenes my on-air channel guide describes the reairing of that show as "New". And I fall for it every time.

I've been duggarized.

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Hey Jblob and J'chelle you have really done a fine job raising these kids to be afraid...of everything and everyone that isn't their immediate family. None of the kids is comfortable outside of the house which is exactly their parents' plan. Make them afraid, they won't wander away and will stay home forever.

Even their "travelling" was in a mob where they clung together to fight off evil non-believers. Travel should be freeing and a learning experience. Sadly learning hasn't happened much in this family.

You could see the fear in Jessa's face as well as "oh that ass I married is embarrassing",

And would they please stop leaving that baby alone on a couch? Ugh.

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How many seconds would it take for Jessa to smug and smirk and flip her hair at some hoodrat, before her countenance was knocked flat into the next season of her life.

Best comment ever, read it three times in a row and laughed every time.

Do Jessa and Ben have any plans for a post-TV world I wonder or do they think their "fans" will carry them for ever?

Not that the Duggars have ever heard of him or any other rap/hip hop artists but THIS is how you do Christian rap right :


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I found it interesting that when asked Jessa said her favorite type of music is bluegrass. When did this family ever listen to any music of any kind?  Also no one in the family could define hip-hop?  Jinger saying "It's different."  And that's it.  How do they know what kind of music they like - they aren't/weren't allowed to listen to any kind that didn't mention Jesus.

Also at Jessa's lunch with the singer's wife, she said something around the lines of how it was good to see how others cultures are different.  Wouldn't most people say how some things are the same?  Example: A friend of mine is Japanese (I am Hispanic).  We are always amazed at how there are so many similarities between us in regards to being daughters, home responsibilities, and respecting elders.  Sure we talk about differences that come up organically in a conversation. But we don't actively point out differences between us. 

It seems Ben has found his "calling"  - again. Being a minister/preacher with an inner city missionary.  WHAT??

So much fake laughing - Jessa looked uncomfortable listening to music and trying to be supportive.

Finally, Jill - clean up your kitchen!

I think Jessa picked bluegrass music because some of the Bates kids play/sing it.
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I don't think I've finished watching one episode this season. I'm so painfully over white boys rapping (because I can assure you I can rap better lol) and who is paying to listen to a baby make noises (unless it's Blue Ivy, because that I understand) 

I should wear glasses, but I don't, so can someone tell me if the girls were wearing goggles with sawing that wood? because that + their hair not tied up seems super duper safe. 

I agree with everyone when they say that Jessa and Ben seem ... weird. Also, Ben, thats why recording artists wear headphones on one ear, and push the other back. So they can hear themselves. 

Anyway, I'm bored. I don't know how people watch and legitimately enjoy this. 

Baby noises in music - worked for Aaliyah, and Bin's talent is so on par with Aaliyah. Totally. 

oh, and why is my mind deciding that Bin and Jessa caught a Fresh Prince rerun from 1989, and he's all 'THIS IS IT! I want an inner city ministry. See my backward ball cap! Just like Will Smith. It's my calling, bro.'

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So lily white Bin wants to be an inner-city missionary?  When I was done laughing, I had a question pop into my mind:  did he do church like the Duggars? 


Believe it or not, they are "lily white" ministers leading "the flocks" in inner city neighborhoods, so it's not like Ben would be the first.  The question is, "does he have what it takes?"

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Still haven't seen the end yet. Did Jessa really bring her wedding album to lunch? And I didn't think Ben looked all that comfortable. Did he loosen up in the later scenes?


During the Willis show they aired an interview with Ben during a commercial break. He was asked two questions; best advice he has received about parenting and the advice he would give now. He never answered either question really. Ben just rambled on about helping the mom and having - his words - face time with your kid.

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Hey Jblob and J'chelle you have really done a fine job raising these kids to be afraid...of everything and everyone that isn't their immediate family. None of the kids is comfortable outside of the house which is exactly their parents' plan. Make them afraid, they won't wander away and will stay home forever.


Even their "travelling" was in a mob where they clung together to fight off evil non-believers. Travel should be freeing and a learning experience. Sadly learning hasn't happened much in this family.


You could see the fear in Jessa's face as well as "oh that ass I married is embarrassing"...


So, I read that excellent comment, and this went through my head:


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I know Anna has limited options here, but she has options. She could've packed up her kids and moved in with her brother, a cousin, or someone. It makes perfect sense that she is in desperate need of someone to talk to about what she's going through, but to think it's even remotely reasonable to move in with her husband's family and then spend all day, every day interacting in fairly close quarters with her husband's victims is just beyond bizarre. She needs a therapist. Will she ever see one? Doubtful, because I think that in her mind, she feels that she can fix and save Josh with prettier makeup and MOAR BABIES. Should she discuss her pain and sorrow with her sisters-in-law? No, but the fact that they all live together under one uncomfortable roof means that they are all going to have to look one another in the face and feel all the feels several times each day.

I don't know where I'm going with this except to say that it's a terrible and awkward way to live every day, there's a way to fix that, but it won't ever happen.

+++++++++++++++++++1. Oh my goodness, yes!

Even in the best of times, I don't want to hear allusions to my sibs' sex lives. I would surely not want o have to hear about someone like Josh.

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Every time one of the older duggar boys comes on I jump at how ungodly ugly they are. Best get used to the single life because their personalities certainly don't make up for it.

The way those girls react when Jill doesn't answer on skype you'd think they'd been kidnapped by Sandanistas.

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Ben keeps talking about a long day of travel...I live just outside of St. Louis and it takes five hours to get to Springdale from my front porch. I wouldn't have even hopped on a plane for that.

Dying at these people trying to describe hip hop. This made me realize that they've never even heard hip hop but have been told that it's bad.

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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I got my WiFi and landline back yesterday after being down for five days. And I don't even live in Danger America. I mean, geez, panic ensues if a call doesn't go through when the producer says it's time to film scintillating conversation. Imagine if Muffy lived in a place with no WiFi at all. Like ever! Then, I might show some sympathy for some actual hardships. As it stands now, facetiming, steel appliances, and family shuttling back and forth on the regular, well, I find it hard to muster even the tiniest violin for her plight "on" the mission field.

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Thank you Eminem Seewald. Your wife's a smug bitch...how about spitting THOSE bars. And don't we all, when meeting someone for lunch for the first time request for them to bring wedding photos? Sweet baby Jesus..these people are batshit crazy.

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Who brings their wedding album to a lunch with someone you just met a few hours prior? Producer manipulation much?

Mrs. Flame did look lovely in the traditional red sari. However, I wondered how they had what had to be a Christian ceremony while adhering to Indian traditions like Flame riding in on the horse?

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Can we talk about the awkward previews for next week?

"Josh completes his program soon...there are lots of steps to take before things are right. *tight smile* So what are YOU looking for in a guy, Joy?"

Edited by Spencer Hastings
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Isn't part of the fun of having a tree house is building the tree house???? The kids should be building it not the adults!!!! They say they want the kids to get out of the house ...for what?? To put them in another house?

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