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You know what I don't understand? People bemoaning the drama on RH. RH hasn't been drama-free in eight years. It's never going to be housewives just sitting, laughing, having fun in exotic locations. It's never going to be that. That's not what the show was about, nor has it been for 8 years!

Complaining about the drama on RH would be like me watching football complaining that there's too much roughhousing.


To me, most of the drama is manufactured, and I could do without it.  I'm sure it's what makes many people tune in week after week, but I stopped watching Atlanta, NJ, and OC because of the ridiculous production driven "drama".  I haven't even tuned into the newer shows because I have a pretty good idea it's more of the same.  I would rather see these women on exotic vacations, really just living their lives.   I could spend a whole hour on a tour of Villa Rosa, or Kyle's beach house. I don't tune in to watch people hurl ridiculous accusations at each other.  And the "drama" is so obviously over the top and fake, that it ends up boring me.


Real drama would be different...for example, Kyle having to deal with her family issues (although I get she doesn't want to go there), Yolanda dealing with her impending divorce (but again, someplace she won't go). 

  • Love 7

I think Lisar gets easily distracted. I was with her on the point that because Yolanda is "sick," no one can say anything about what she does or criticize her. She gets a pass for being "sick" and it's okay for her to be self righteous about her illness with all the other women. I appreciate Lisar calling bullshit on that. Although Kyle is easily manipulated, that gala did nothing to provide any further proof or insight about Yo's illness...Then, Lisar started talking to Eileen who is still sore about not getting a real sorry and she points Lisar to LVP.

LVP has her own show, I can totally see her shit stirring and I think it's more business than friendship on her part and if she were to acknowledge it, it would be them going all Teen Mom and breaking the 4th wall.

  • Love 8

Erika's smokey eye looked like it was the aftermath of a very sooty fire.


I started to really look at Rinna's hair and thanks to Brandi, yeah, it kinda could be a wig.  And thanks to Rinna, the "M" word is beyond a drinking game now and my liver hates her.

LVP will always look like something from an 80's Dallas type show, even in a Kyle Kaftan.

Kyle seems so normal now. 

Eileen seems like a nice person, too nice to tell Rinna to stfu and she needs too, desperately.


What's that other one's name, blond girl?  I got nothin'


I used to really want to go to Dubai but I realize I sort of have been, I stayed the Taj in Atlantic City, sort of the same overdone look. lol. 


Camel meat would make me pause too.





  • Love 12

So what qualifies as "actual drama"?

Adrienne's surrogacy being exposed is actual drama, if tasteless. Kyle screaming at Kim in the limo was actual drama. The dinner party from hell was actual drama. Lipsa getting so furious about something Brandi might say about her dildo up the ass loving husband and throwing a glass was actual drama. Even watching Yolanda's marriage dissolve is actual drama. Kim and Kyle hiding Brandi's crutches and being outrageously horrible to her before and after that was actual drama, or both were drunk, because who would want film of themselves behaving that way? Ken and Mauricio being at odds was real, and they way they made up was as well. Camille getting dumped practically live on TV was actual drama. There are others, but I don't memorize this show.

Maybe "real" is a better word.

It's not drama to fight about who started the gossiping about someone who, once again, isn't even there.

Hey! They did go glamping, or sort of, just like that silly video from the Dubai Tourism bureau , of course they couldn't really stay there, since they wouldn't be able to have their nightcaps or booze, and we all know how these ladies love to drink.

Yes to this. Drama actually happens. The storyline for the last 3 episodes has been who said what to who first in the first couple of episodes. That's not drama, that's rehashing and it's boring. As much as I hate Yo, if it wasn't for her this season would be filled with only bikini waxes and Pat the puss. I don't want to see another lvp pile on. BTDT, it's not that I love LVP, it's just so done circa season I can't even remember and all that happened Lisa gets pissed and threatens to leave the show and Kyle cries. Eileen needs to get over it. LVP apologized. If it's not sincere enough for Eileen then it's a stalemate I guess. But every ep we are treated to Eileen bemoaning it. STFU. Yo and her fake Lyme and cognitive dissonance about her crumbling marriage to the king is the only interesting thing since the first couple of episodes. Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 7

I'm getting so tired of this season. It's not just the manufactured drama, although I AM over that. It's the fact that these women are clinging desperately to arguments they are never going to win. I enjoy LVP, but I have no doubt that she tries to manipulate other people to do her dirty work. I have no trouble believing that Rinna is right - LVP wants Yo called out, and she's happy to let Rinna fall on that sword. But LVP is very careful and very clever, and it's going to pretty much impossible to PROVE anything. 


Just like with the Yo business. Sure, I think she's probably using her legitimate illness to garner sympathy and get a pass on certain things. But again, you're never going to win that fight. By going after a sick woman, you're just going to look like an ass. So just drop it already. 


I kind of feel like that was Kyle's point. She knows LVP tries to orchestrate certain things. But maybe she thinks it's all for the show, and she values their true friendship enough that she's not going to get caught up in it. As she pointed out, other people have much more serious problems in their lives. 


I guess it just drives me mad that these women are given a chance to travel and they spend the entire time fighting! Even if you're doing other cool things, your memories of the trip will be tainted by all the negative energy. 


Oh well, at least they finally left the hotel. I was worried for a minute that they were just going to visit the spa and aquarium, dine and shop there, etc. 


Final thoughts - Erika, you totally wasted your money bringing that glam squad to Dubai, because they made you look like a 10-year-old who failed trying to copy a smoky eye YouTube tutorial. And Lisa V, please stop calling every animal sexy! Those seals are not sexy! 

  • Love 23

These women are speaking in tongues. Don't bring to light what's going on off camera if you aren't going to be honest about. They're half assing their stories and there's way too much left up to interpretation. Why would Kyle be singled out at all when this entire time she has been butt buddies with LVP? From what we can tell, if LVP tried to potentially implicate Kyle in the Manchusen mess, that would automatically shine a light on herself as well. They aren't giving proper context to anything and that leads me to believe that this is either a misunderstanding of the truth or this is everyone's way of pointing fingers so that no one will else will want to discuss what they're guilty of.


Rinna's rambling at this point (how in the world did that conversation with Erika even happen?).


LVP can't and won't admit when she's wrong. Maybe she works in a way that she can rationalize her behaviours through technicalities and semantics. This has all been a mess and a lot of this doesn't make sense. If LVP is as cunning and manipulative as Rinna and Eileen want to give her credit for, shouldn't this plot seem a bit more brilliant than it does scripted and senseless?

Edited by RHJunkie
  • Love 6

Erica laughing at Kathryn's reaction to the roach? Probably looked up camel spiders and thought she had one there.


And please shut the fuck up and looking down your nose at women having a go-round, Just because you don't have any women friends doesn't put you above any other woman - I just figured her out, she has no use for any woman/friendships and has to be surrounded by a squad of eunuchs who tell her how wonderful she is, cater to her needs and worship her. See what money can buy you?


LVP? LVP.....hmmmmmmms

MY last boss was an asshole like that. No, she was a fucking asshole. She NEVER admitted to making any mistakes and when the bus doors opened? She'd make sure it was far enough from the curb to get you under the wheels.



My mom was basically a good woman, but she had this idea that saying 'your sorry' was a sign of weakness.


When I figured that out, I basically apologized for everything afterwards and even then some, so when she died? We were pretty much even. Miss Pump my Rumpy should just admit to what she participated in and shut the conversation down. Where she did go wrong WAS telling Eileen she was sorry, not for what she said, but for asking questions and that FUCK YOU laugh afterwards. Being able to keep a straight face when you apologize - saying the words you might not mean - is a gift and sometimes a life saver.


(what flavor life saver is up to your imagination)

  • Love 8

These women proved to me how immature they are when they were drinking the coffee made with camel's milk. They loooooooved it and thought it tasted sooooooo good. Until they were told what it was. Sudden and abrupt stoppage. I laughed and laughed, remembering when I was a kid, enjoying what I thought was fried chicken. It was actually fried frog legs. I stopped eating when I found out what it was.

If I'm in an exotic land, enjoying coffee, I'll keep drinking as long as it tastes good. I'd even try a camel kabob, since it's what the locals eat. I want to experience the environment I am visiting.

  • Love 7

So I spent a lot of time confused about exactly what LisaR was accusing everyone of. From what I understand...everyone was talking about Yolanda’s illness, including Lisa and Kyle. This they admit.


But the whole Munchausen's drama was LisaR. She told the others she talked with somebody who brought up that disease. She read the definition. She then went to Yolanda and told her she felt bad about doing that. Yolanda has run with that ever since. LisaR goes back and forth between groveling and being mad.


So what she’s accusing Lisa of is that after that day she read the definition etc., Lisa when saying good-bye said, she didn’t get why she didn’t drag Kyle into it. Kyle says she heard that and told Lisa, “Don’t even try to drag me into this.”


LisaR feels this is proof (if we needed any) that Lisa sometimes tries to cause drama between other people while she stays disconnected.

But she also keeps saying she’s not going to be the “only one who goes down.” Goes down for what? None of that Lisa or Kyle stuff has anything to do with LisaR’s decision to bring up Munchausen's. She seems to saying Lisa and Kyle were supposed to claim they were part of that because they talked about Yolanda’s illness in other ways.And they should have done that on camera instead of thinking of the results of that and refraining.


Which kind of proves Lisa’s point because SHE claims that she was just saying she was AFRAID that LisaR was going to drag everyone, including Kyle and herself, into it. And LisaR apparently WAS trying to do exactly that, and is still doing it now. Do I have that right?


Meanwhile Eileen still insists that Lisa saying “I’m sorry” is not an apology because she can tell Lisa doesn’t really feel bad about asking for details about how Eileen’s relationship with her husband started (and I gotta admit I’m with Lisa on this one). Now she wants Kyle to understand that she’s pathetic for dealing with Lisa’s “drag Kyle into it line” with minimum drama, by saying, “Don’t even try to drag me into this” instead of hammering at her for months about it, perhaps just because she got raked over the coals for saying this type of thing before. I mean, Kyle’s actually gone on record saying that Lisa’s personality is exactly like this and she’s still friends with her.


So is that what’s going on? That LisaR is demanding that Lisa “own” trying to stir the pot a little regarding the Munchausen’s drama and also equates this with Lisa being just as responsible as LisaR for the Munchausen’s drama? While Eileen thinks it’s terrible that Lisa tries to encourage other people to cause drama but thinks both Lisa and Kyle need to join her campaign to make Lisa see how terrible she is?


Thank you for summing it up.


Eileen and LisaR don't have brains cells to rub together if that is what they can come with up. If she's truly as manipulative as they claim, the "gotcha" will be something concrete. Not this made up bullshit.

Edited by Deputy Deputy CoS
  • Love 8
If I'm in an exotic land, enjoying coffee, I'll keep drinking as long as it tastes good. I'd even try a camel kabob, since it's what the locals eat. I want to experience the environment I am visiting.


Totally agree. I thought the reaction to the camel's milk was so odd. You drink cow's milk. Is a camel really that different? As for eating the camel meat, I agree that I'd prefer to experience all of the culture that I'm in, but I can understand after just riding on one and thinking they're adorable that it might be hard to eat one. 

  • Love 9

Rinna, LVP, and Kyle were all taking smack about Yolanda, but Rinna was the only one who owned up to it, and was pissed that she was the fall guy. LVP told Rinna off camera to drag Kyle into the fray. Kyle, to her credit for once, realized this was just standard LVP shade, and squashed it like a big girl, and moved on. Now, Rinna wants Kyle to be pissed about it

I think LVP's response to Eileen when she first confronted her was worse than the original beef. She was arrogant and dismissive, and could have very easily just apologized for reals, and it would be over.

If LVP can't handle a little sand being thrown around then she shouldn't play in the sandbox. She was getting ready to run away crying from all those mean bully's...

  • Love 10

I realize that the drama is intentionally brought forward and exaggerated for the pleasure of viewers and to satisfy Bravo. I do wish that these women and Bravo had chosen to be more discrete when filming in a place like Dubai. The Arabic culture is one in which a person’s dignity, honor and reputation are of paramount importance. It's very important in their society to behave at all times in a way which will create a good impression. To have these 'rich' American woman publicly disrespect themselves and others by their bad behavior just leaves the impression among this Arabic culture that all Americans are rude, uncivilized people. The people in Dubai are very accustomed to hosting Kings, Presidents and Heads of State. A handful of spoiled American woman aren't going to impress them in the least.


I wonder if anyone involved in production at Bravo or any one of the wives had done some homework about the Arabic culture. This particular civilization believes that good manners constitute an important factor in evaluating a person’s character. The embarrassing display during the desert tent dinner and then the dinner outside on the sand at night was just cringe-worthy to watch. I was embarrassed for them and embarrassed that the people waiting on them were imagining all Americans to be just like this bunch of pretentious spoiled women. The ugly scene outside at the dinner one the sand could have been filmed indoors in opulent surroundings. The fact that this ugly display was outdoors made it even worse because in that culture this sort of public display of emotion is just not acceptable.

  • Love 6

In the words of Bethenny Frankel--this is not about what it's about. 


It's not about LVP's apology or lack thereof. Eileen (as another poster pointed out) carries a deep shame about how she and Vince got together.


It's not about Kyle letting LVP get away with things. It's about coming to the realization that she needs LVP as an ally in her business and personal relationships and whether it's because at the end of the day (tm RHOA) she really likes LVP, or because she's made a devil's bargain, she's willing to accept a certain amount of bullshit.


Lisa R, I don't know wtf is up with her but I think she's still mad on some level about being shushed. Kyle and Lisa poo-pooed the M-word, no one really wants to talk about Kim except for her, and Ericka and Eileen have both said in so many words (rightly IMO) that it's ok to have an opinion but there's no need to make a sort of endless opinion campaign. They're really shutting down all her story lines because she doesn't share much about her own life.


I read on gossip sites that the real reason Lisa R was "enraged" is because everybody agreed not to film with Brandi and production kept it a secret that she'd be filming a scene with Yo. 

Edited by The Mighty Peanut
  • Love 14

I watched it this morning. The fact that Yolanda's sickness seems to be the WHOLE storyline of the season tells me it is time for some fresh blood. I just couldn't with this episode. The fact that Rinna is so emotionally invested in someone who doesn't affect her life at all says a lot.


I did read though that they are thinking of Brandi back...if so? I am just done.

  • Love 6

I realize that the drama is intentionally brought forward and exaggerated for the pleasure of viewers and to satisfy Bravo. I do wish that these women and Bravo had chosen to be more discrete when filming in a place like Dubai. The Arabic culture is one in which a person’s dignity, honor and reputation are of paramount importance. It's very important in their society to behave at all times in a way which will create a good impression. To have these 'rich' American woman publicly disrespect themselves and others by their bad behavior just leaves the impression among this Arabic culture that all Americans are rude, uncivilized people. The people in Dubai are very accustomed to hosting Kings, Presidents and Heads of State. A handful of spoiled American woman aren't going to impress them in the least.


I wonder if anyone involved in production at Bravo or any one of the wives had done some homework about the Arabic culture. This particular civilization believes that good manners constitute an important factor in evaluating a person’s character. The embarrassing display during the desert tent dinner and then the dinner outside on the sand at night was just cringe-worthy to watch. I was embarrassed for them and embarrassed that the people waiting on them were imagining all Americans to be just like this bunch of pretentious spoiled women. The ugly scene outside at the dinner one the sand could have been filmed indoors in opulent surroundings. The fact that this ugly display was outdoors made it even worse because in that culture this sort of public display of emotion is just not acceptable.

I don't watch it but Bravo has the Shahs of Sunset

  • Love 2

I realize that the drama is intentionally brought forward and exaggerated for the pleasure of viewers and to satisfy Bravo. I do wish that these women and Bravo had chosen to be more discrete when filming in a place like Dubai. The Arabic culture is one in which a person’s dignity, honor and reputation are of paramount importance. It's very important in their society to behave at all times in a way which will create a good impression. To have these 'rich' American woman publicly disrespect themselves and others by their bad behavior just leaves the impression among this Arabic culture that all Americans are rude, uncivilized people. The people in Dubai are very accustomed to hosting Kings, Presidents and Heads of State. A handful of spoiled American woman aren't going to impress them in the least.


I wonder if anyone involved in production at Bravo or any one of the wives had done some homework about the Arabic culture. This particular civilization believes that good manners constitute an important factor in evaluating a person’s character. The embarrassing display during the desert tent dinner and then the dinner outside on the sand at night was just cringe-worthy to watch. I was embarrassed for them and embarrassed that the people waiting on them were imagining all Americans to be just like this bunch of pretentious spoiled women. The ugly scene outside at the dinner one the sand could have been filmed indoors in opulent surroundings. The fact that this ugly display was outdoors made it even worse because in that culture this sort of public display of emotion is just not acceptable.

Does it have to be just for a trip to Dubai? I'd think that any trip abroad should be done with respect and class.


When Bieber went and drank beer on the Mexican pyramids, I was hoping that he'd be cursed by the spirits that lived there. I fooked up big time by thinking that half of the group would try any of the local food....Kathryn may be an idiot, but I'd travel with her - just for the fact that she'd be up for anything.

Edited by ElDosEquis
  • Love 5

Erika saying, 'let's just have fun', every TH is tiring.   Producers are prompting the drama and you know this, you watch them do it every damn day they tape!  Stop acting like you are above it all.  You signed on knowing that this franchise does not specialize in love fests. 


I loved the seal kisses and Eileen's flowing white shirt and slim black pants at the market.  Well the shopping mall, staged as a market place.  Given what the tourists were wearing in the background they were in a safe place, probably on hotel grounds. Other than the hummer ride, everything was set in westernized venues, clearly.  They did not allow the cast and crew anywhere near the city proper.  


I am ready to this to be over.  How many more episodes before the reunion?  I am hoping only one.  




Never liked Eileen and like her less, if that is possible, now.   What is up with her need to bring LVP down?  Don't like her? don't engage.  It isn't too difficult to keep someone an arms length away.  

Edited by wings707
  • Love 6

 Vyle dropping the F bomb on the beach in front of many, many male staff members. She did it several times before she finally said "pardon", and the drops the F bomb AGAIN in the preview. Thought that was a huge 'no-no' punishable by losing appendages. 


Speaking of the F word. Fugly :definition: Kathryn's brass yellow colored hair bun on top of her white gray pale blonde black streaked roots on the bus leaving the shopping. Holy sh*&


Kyle and LVP are dancing carefully. Long story short for me: LVP/Vyle sure as hell gossiped about Yo and her illness/social media. LVP/Vyle did not buy into M word. Vyle is kinda copping to 1. LVP to neither 1 or 2. That would infuriate me too. They are both denying that they bought into the M word but skating around not copping to the gossip part. And it sucks. 

Edited by Alonzo Mosely FBI
  • Love 5

Never liked Eileen and like her less, if that is possible, now.   What is up with her need to bring LVP down?  Don't like her? don't engage.  It isn't too difficult to keep someone an arms length away.  

I like Eileen but I feel that she's being pressured to bring something to the table in order to make her gather either sympathy, empathy, distrust, dislike or disgust to viewers. Everyone takes a side as far as the issue with LisaV bringing up her infidelity and cheating while still married. But I notice that when Eileen seems to just sit there being the 'nice girl' she's not really contributing to the discord and emotional outbursts, so she's pressed to contribute to that atmosphere. And yes, I also believe that she does feel that airing out her dirty laundry to the public by LisaV was embarrassing to her and placed her in a light that's contrary to the public image she'd rather project.

  • Love 1

In the words of Bethenny Frankel--this is not about what it's about. 


It's not about LVP's apology or lack thereof. Eileen (as another poster pointed out) carries a deep shame about how she and Vince got together.


It's not about Kyle letting LVP get away with things. It's about coming to the realization that she needs LVP as an ally in her business and personal relationships and whether it's because at the end of the day (tm RHOA) she really likes LVP, or because she's made a devil's bargain, she's willing to accept a certain amount of bullshit.


Lisa R, I don't know wtf is up with her but I think she's still mad on some level about being shushed. Kyle and Lisa poo-pooed the M-word, no one really wants to talk about Kim except for her, and Ericka and Eileen have both said in so many words (rightly IMO) that it's ok to have an opinion but there's no need to make a sort of endless opinion campaign. They're really shutting down all her story lines because she doesn't share much about her own life.


I read on gossip sites that the real reason Lisa R was "enraged" is because everybody agreed not to film with Brandi and production kept it a secret that she'd be filming a scene with Yo.

That's what I've been waiting for, the real deal. I've felt that Lisa R would be doing a lot of clarifying at the reunion because even if it's fake drama it usually makes some sort of sense. Being mad that Yo didn't go to someone else's party makes zero sense.
  • Love 10

Lisa Rinna had the opportunity to be THE ONE to talk sensibly about Yolanda´s "illness", and to bring about a discussion of this cancer that´s been growing in the group. Not even excising Brandi could bring about a healthier state of affairs (no Eileen, I´m not LVP trying to shame you about having an affair decades ago). But she blew it, big time. She didn´t know how most of the viewers would see this play out, on tv and in the media with Yolanda´s lies being uncovered quite frequently.


Yolanda is the biggest mean girl on tv right now, and nothing she has done or said deserves any understanding from others, let alone loyalty or friendship. Her list of disgusting behavior is quite long, but when she said Ken had attacked her, and all her weird attempts to bring LVP down, I don´t get why anyone would want to be on her team. She´s just a jealous, manipulative hag. Why does Erika think that any civilized, self respecting non-social climber would want to be friends with that?


I wish we could get a show about Lisa Vanderpump, Kyle and some classy friends of theirs, having parties and going on fun glamorous trips. That is a show I´d watch.

Edited by halkatla
  • Love 14

 Vyle dropping the F bomb on the beach in front of many, many male staff members. She did it several times before she finally said "pardon", and the drops the F bomb AGAIN in the preview. Thought that was a huge 'no-no' punishable by losing appendages. 


Speaking of the F word. Fugly :definition: Kathryn's brass yellow colored hair bun on top of her white gray pale blonde black streaked roots on the bus leaving the shopping. Holy sh*&


Kyle and LVP are dancing carefully. Long story short for me: LVP/Vyle sure as hell gossiped about Yo and her illness/social media. LVP/Vyle did not buy into M word. Vyle is kinda copping to 1. LVP to neither 1 or 2. That would infuriate me too. They are both denying that they bought into the M word but skating around not copping to the gossip part. And it sucks. 

On the first episode this season, LisaV and Kyle had lunch and talked about Yolanda's confusing tweets/IG posts and both wondered if something else was going on. Then we had the lunch at LisaV's house and LisaV and Kyle again addressed that they thought Yolanda was ill but that maybe she was misdiagnosed or had something in addition to LD. Forward to Erika's Target BBQ, LisaV tries to question Yolanda about the confusing photos, tweets/IG Yolanda has made. The only thing they haven't shared on camera is that they were laughing at Yolanda's sickie selfies and other photos.

  • Love 13

That's what I've been waiting for, the real deal. I've felt that Lisa R would be doing a lot of clarifying at the reunion because even if it's fake drama it usually makes some sort of sense. Being mad that Yo didn't go to someone else's party makes zero sense.


All she has to say is, I realize you do not have M, but it crossed my mind when your facts did not line up.  Let's get off of the faking aspect, we all know you are not.  But we question your claim of being bed ridden for 18 months, not wearing make up for 11 months to name two.  Boom, new direction established.  Won't happen though.  

  • Love 9

Good gracious, the camel has been milked, slaughtered, seasoned with various herbs and spices, braised to perfection and served and yet Eileen and Rinna still want to beat it!


The thing is I don't even believe they are wrong about Lisa V but they need to chalk this one up to the game and make a note to motherfu!@ing self (tm Karen RHO Potomac) to be wary of her machinations. LisaV can't and will not allow herself to be caught out there like that. At this point, them beating the dead camel hurts them more than it hurts LisaV. They will never get the reaction LisaV that they seek. It's been tried several seasons and failed. LisaV makes sure she's seen in the best light always no matter. LisaV will not admit she was wrong or that she said some stuff about Yolanda outside the cameras rolling. She'll either then play victim or leave the table if she feels like she's been ganged up on.


As for LisaV her game is slipping. She went from being a chess player to chutes and ladders. Plus, I don't care for the way she tends to run when confronted, especially since she is always, always about everyone talking it out, resolving their issues and letting it go. So I am glad Kyle got her to stay.


At first I thought Eileen's husband Vince was checked out trust fund baby, now I just think he is beat down by Eileen. Despite her inability to let it go, I still like Eileen. She will always be Ashley and Kristin to me. 


I'm kinda impressed by Kyle. She now knows the game and how to play. I don't think in her shoes that I would have been able to be as cool with Lisa as she is today after that affair tabloid mess. But the scales have fallen from her eyes vis a vis LisaV. Kyle is taking the check, letting the petty stuff fly and realizes she has to deal so why be adversarial.


Yolanda is like the malignant poltergeist of the show. Even when her ass ain't nowhere in sight she still haunts the show.


I think  Erika's desert look was the glam squad's revenge for not being able to travel with Erika and having them fly coach on a lesser airline.


I thought one of her squad was primarily her choreographer, why the hell is he even there?  'Pat the puss' in Dubai will lead to an arrest.


Perhaps a real woman needs to join her glam squad so she can change her look from "aging badly drag queen" to a "little less aging sexy kitten" neglected ho' wife.



Lawd, you are gonna make me invoke the gospel according to The Golden Girls. In an episode where Blanche makes over Sophie, before revealing her creation she states: "I've taken an 85 year old woman and made her look like a 65 year old drag queen!" Love!!!

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 6
They brought up Yolanda exaggerating her illness to Lisa R who said "Maybe she has Munchhausen's." When Lisa said that LVP and Kyle heard the skies open up and angel sing because now they had a scapegoat. They had someone who would talk shit about Yolanda on TV, and they could use Rinna to throw Yolanda under the bus without getting their own hands dirty. Rinna realized that months later but was scared to confront LVP.



But that's still all on Rinna. She's saying that Lisa and Kyle enjoy having somebody stupid enough to accuse Yolanda of lying on camera, and maybe they do. That doesn't make it their fault that Rinna is doing it. That isn't actually manipulation. If Lisa said what LisaR says she said about Kyle (which I can totally believe and Kyle seems to verify) *that* is manipulation - that didn't work.


Rinna's and Eileen are totally correct in how Lisa plays things and Kyle not only has said it before she agreed with it in this episode. But LisaR bringing up the M word is a stupid example of it because that's on her. The fact that she thought Kyle and Lisa would back her up on camera doesn't make Lisa a puppet master. LisaR has made Munchhausen's a big story for herself. She not only brought it up to the other women and didn't get the response she wanted, she made a big deal of going to Yolanda etc. She's also continued to be the person whose storyline is that she's the one who thinks Yolanda is manipulative. Which is actually pretty good for her because it gives her a storyline. But she can't also pretend Lisa's tricked her into it.


In fact, Lisa and Kyle have both *also* challenged Yolanda a bit on camera with the whole convo about the kids that got them in trouble. They defended LisaR. But they stood their ground and were more reasonable. Lisa even to her face pointed out that she says things contradicted by reality. But she doesn't want to sign on to LisaR's Munchhausen's story because it just undermines their position because it's so obviously wrong.


I think Kyle might have had a moment of truth last night when she said she thought that came from a place of weakness - LVP is terrified of people thinking she's not perfect.


Yes, I think Kyle actually is friends with Lisa and knows her, and that also makes her more forgiving. Eileen and LisaR are pushing this story that Lisa's a terrible puppetmaster but Kyle gets it that Lisa is actually a coward. She couldn't handle the kind of blowback others have gotten. Now that she sees it coming from a place of weakness she finds it easier to forgive.


Meanwhile Eileen deals with the same thing with LisaR, who talks a big game about wanting to confront someone and then becomes totally conciliatory and winds up pledging her love and loyalty to the person and can never bring herself to just confront them. Instead of Eileen just accepting that this is what LisaR is really about she keeps trying to push her to be somebody else.


LVP hates Yo for what she did to Ken.  She may not have liked her before, but after that?  Exile.


Nailed it!

  • Love 10
Erika's makeup could be seen from Jupiter.  Tone down the kohl, glam squad!


I have lots to say about this episode and thought it was great but I have to start here on the shallow end. There was nothing more shocking to me than how terrible Erika's makeup has been on this trip. I'm so disappointed. Holy Batman, her eyes at the table were straight up alarming looking. It was beyond Broadway, past drag queen, and it gave her a touch of evil, which could actually be cool if it were, I don't know, Halloween or if she were playing some Princess Mombi Momsen type, but just sitting there at the table with the other women I was like 'Yikes!' When you look at it when they're on the shuttle bus, you can see that the makeup is lopsided too. It was an epic fail on the part of her glam squad and I kind of hope they were shifting in their seats a bit as they watched. You so know that they tried to defend that monstrosity and it only got worse after all that time in the desert outdoors. 


Her makeup wasn't even that great the next day. Her eyes looked way better but the look was ruined by that hideous lipliner. It reminded me of certain girls in my middle school going crazy with the brown lipliner and making no effort whatsoever to blend. Actually, in terms of Erika's "natural" look, I don't think her glam squad does a great job at blending.


Considering how she supposedly has one up on the other ladies with the look book and the glam squad, I'm shocked that she wasn't in top form.


My friend and I were talking on the phone about the appearances of the ladies. I liked LVP's second caftan (not the pink one) the most and then Kyle's (not the leopard). I thought they looked great. I thought Rinna looked great once they put the scarf on top of her hair. When her hair is pulled back or under a scarf, I think that she's a lot more striking. When they were in the desert I think that Eileen and Rinna had the best caftans.


Kathryn should probably buy another caftan since she seems to enjoy wearing the blue one and has worn it twice already. (Not criticizing just pointing out that she doesn't seem to have planned well for the trip if she's already twice wearing a dress that was a gift rather than something that was in the original lineup.) I guess she was trying to do that before the unfortunate roach incident. I would have flipped. The guy didn't even seem that embarrassed. 


I loved Lisa being told that there's only one color and she's going to have to deal wrt the head scarves.

  • Love 9

Midnight at the Oasis


Midnight at the Oasis

That IS camel your fed

Grimace painting you faces, traces

of disgust inside your head.


This group is a bunch of buffoons

shinin just for us

The pick fight on sand dunes, in their room

The don't pat on the puss......


You don't have to answer

There's no need to speak

Around the topic they dance-a

hear some truth and they freak......

  • Love 6

Sigh. I'm really disheartened because this storyline is unbearably boring to me, to the point of becoming painful to watch. I have seen every single episode of every season so far, but these mundane arguments have been rehashed again and again and don't seem worth discussing more than once, in my opinion. I guess I'm finally done, since all entertainment value is completely gone for me. Sad. :(

OMG, Right? What a bore. I can only imagine what a fail the reunion will be if this is all they have. Get ready, folks, because it's going to be rehashed all over again, flashback footage included.

 I have a feeling all of them are going to kiss Yolanda's ass because they will claim they had no idea about the state of her marriage and how bad they feel because she was going through that, blah, blah. And Yo will be sitting there all smug talking about what "real friends" would do for her. Thank god for DVR and FF.

  • Love 12

On the first episode this season, LisaV and Kyle had lunch and talked about Yolanda's confusing tweets/IG posts and both wondered if something else was going on. Then we had the lunch at LisaV's house and LisaV and Kyle again addressed that they thought Yolanda was ill but that maybe she was misdiagnosed or had something in addition to LD. Forward to Erika's Target BBQ, LisaV tries to question Yolanda about the confusing photos, tweets/IG Yolanda has made. The only thing they haven't shared on camera is that they were laughing at Yolanda's sickie selfies and other photos.

Agree with all of this.  Last night though LVP did own up to the laughing.  She said that they were being jovial about the Instagram postings and LR corrected LVP's  choice of words to "making fun of."   (Which I think is funny, because while constantly trying to downplay her own inflammatory speech, she's trying to up-play everyone else's.

  • Love 9

On a side note, I get that production can edit in reaction shots to make it appear like a castmember is reacting a certain way when someone is speaking. It seemed to me, however, that last night there were more than a few shots of Eileen looking giddy over the prospect of Rinna's interrogation as well as in response to some of Rinna's more damning accusations. Reveling in someone's discomfort tells me a lot about a person.  In her blog Eileen stated, "How can Lisa V. ask to have a real friendship with any of us, when we are the only ones taking responsibility for our words and actions?"  Were I LVP I wouldn't want a real friendship with anyone who was so gleeful over the prospect of seeing me raked over the coals.

  • Love 19

Rinna said on camera tonight that LVP and Kyle came to her with doubts about Yolanda and that's when Rinna first mentioned Munchhausen. She mentioned it first and only with LVP and Kyle. No one else.

This is why Rinna and Eileen's panties are in a bunch. Because Lisa tries to manipulate people. Rinna and Eileen are not trying to manipulate anyone, just to expose LVP for what she is: a liar. Kyle is confronting LVP about her lying in next week's episode.

The manipulation from LVP, which was talked about AT LENGTH tonight was LVP trying to persuade Rinna to bring Kyle's name into the M discussion on camera. Then, in the same breath, LVP tried to turn Kyle against Rinna by saying "I thought she was going to throw you under the bus" to which Kyle replied, "LVP, if I go down I'm taking you with me." Why would Kyle admit on camera to saying that to LVP if LVP and Kyle weren't involved in some shady shit (trying to manipulate Rinna to saying M on camera)?


This is the exact opposite of what Lisa Rinna is stating in her blog. 

  • Love 7

I just want Eileen to shut up about the affair business.  If she had just let it go it would be over.    She's a nag.

Erika looks so much younger when she's not wearing all that makeup.  I thought the black eyes looked hideous.

LisaR,  you keep picking at that scab it's never going to heal. 

I want LVP to just lie and apologize with feeling then go on her way and dismiss Eileen and Rinna.  They are not her friends and never will be.  She would not hang around with them if not for the show.  Maybe that's why she dismisses them.  I feel they are trying to get her to like them and that's not going to happen.  Sure she wants Yo off the island.  Lots of rivalry there.

Kyle is friends with LisaR so she should know that woman can't let anything go.  Maybe that's why she's not playing. Plus, even though she told LisaR more than once she doesn't want to talk about Kim, the lips just keeps on talking.  (see the scab picker).  I wish Kyle would speak up and not just walk away but leave when this happens.  The caftans she wears make me think about "when you get home the shoes come off and you change into something comfy". 


Katherine is too down to earth to hang with these women.  They don't listen to common sense.

Yolanda, lies, manipulation.  Drama queen.  As someone mentioned in another post, there is a cure for lyme disease.  How about fundrasing for research for a vaccination.  Tired of Yo.  She's out to get LVP because of the relationship with her ex and jealousy.  Get over it!

Couldn't care less about the other bleached blond addicts.

  • Love 8

Personally I think that Lisa Vanderpump is a lying liar that lies. She lied to Kyle in Puerto Rico about telling Brandi to put that magazine article in her suitcase regarding Mauricio cheating. Then she and Ken left under the cover of dark under the pretense that she was insulted that Kyle didn't believe her. She did the deed but she deflected the blame.She denied that she told LisaR to get Kyle in on the Munchausen thing. She carries a deep grudge against Yolanda because Ken said 'you're so stupid' to Yolanda.


Kyle had every reason in the world to distrust Lisa Vanderpump, but she chooses to overlook all the negative in exchange for being friends with a very rich and very influential woman. Kyle believes the old saying 'keep your friends close and your enemies closer'. Erika is very astute and saw LisaV for what she really is. She's a woman that does spin a web of deceit and she's very good at it. She's had a lot of practice. Lisa Vanderpump wants to project a public image of being a righteous, honorable, fair person but it's nothing a smoke screen for what she really is. An ambitious, narcissistic, person who has an omnipotent sense about herself.

  • Love 9

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