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Party of One: Unpopular TV Opinions

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Some of my UPOs :


  • Faith, Darla and Druscilla are by far my least favorite characters in the Buffyverse.  Having them on once or twice was enough, but they just kept bringing them back.


I didn't mind Faith but could NOT agree more about Darla & Drusilla!!!

I don't find Amy Poehler or Tina Fey the least bit funny.   They do exactly what I hate in male comics -- take a situation and say "What is the absolutely dumbest reaction I could have to this situation" then do that.   I don't find behaving in stupid ways funny in any way shape or form.   It's just stupid.   

I'm not really familiar with anything Tina Fey was/is in, but Amy Poehler GRATES on me big time.  I HATE how she gets this smug grin after she says something "funny" (for the record I find nothing funny about her), like "aren't I just the cutest & cleverest thing EVER???"

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Most of the people I know who hated the ending of Lost didn't hate it because it didn't answer the questions, although that's how Lindelof has tried to characterize it.



I HATE that. That's not only Lindelof, but fans of the show who try to dismiss criticisms of the finale also say that and also say that people who didn't like the finale didn't understand it. Um, I understood the finale and I still didn't like it. And the reason I didn't like is not because it didn't answer any questions, it is because the answers that were given were shit. 


The brilliance of the show was planting all these mysteries throughout the seasons with the hope that these things would come together in the end and be meaningful. But that's not what happened. The show provided answers to mysteries, such as the numbers and the whispers, as though it was just checking off a list. The answers did not feel organic and honestly did not make sense to me within the the context of the show. I am disappointed that I thought the writers had a plan in my mind in which all of the elements of the show would build up to something in the end and that, if I went back to watch the show from the beginning, (almost) everything would fall into place. Watching the show back now just makes me sad because it ruins the experience I had watching it the first time through.


And I also think it is a copout to say that you didn't "get" the show if you were in it for the mythology. I was someone who was much more invested in the characters than the mysteries, but I still wanted an explanation in the end, if only to make sense of why the characters I had loved so much were put through what they were put through. Let me say it this way: Jack was my favorite character, and the fact that he sacrificed himself for the golden light (ugh) was infuriating. I'm sorry, but that was not a good enough reason. 

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This is extremely disingenuous and condescending by TPTBs on Lost. They played up the shit out of the mythology in the beginning of the show. They knew they didn't have a plan and led everyone on.

Saying someone doesn't "get" the ending is right up there with "it's about the journey." Both are crocks.

I never followed LOST, but anyone would have a right to be pissed if TIIC flat out lied to fans about the whole entire story. Same for the assholes at HIMYM.

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I don't think Walking Dead has been as good or riveting since the season Shane was killed. Boy may have been unhinged but he sure as hell made the most sense out of all these fools and quiet as it has been kept all the group members seemed to move closer to the Shane way of thinking as the seasons have progressed, especially Rick. Sure no one is maiming people to throw to the walkers as they make their get away (poor Otis) but everyone is learning you can't be a bleeding heart and you have to made some tough calls that may not be morally correct.


THANK YOU! Oh, I swear, I practically had an argument with a friend over Rick's treatment of Shane, who I acknowledged was far from perfect. If Rick had even just for a moment peeked behind Shane's curtain of crazy, and considered what his best friend was actually trying to say, things may have been different! (Also, I equate Rick and Shane to Obi Wan and Anakin in this scenario.)

My UO on The Walking Dead (at least I think it might be a UO) is that they all should have left Hershel's farm when Hershel asked them to! I don't buy into the "but it's a whole new changed world!" business, at least not in this case. OK, "stealing" food from an abandoned store or shacking up uninvited in someone else's empty home, fine. But Hershel was still there and the farm was still his, and they should have respected that, especially if they were determined to remain human--in body and spirit--despite recent events.


I want to watch the Tudors but I cannot stand the sight of Jonathan Rhys Meyers. I don't know what it is about him but I have an irrational hatred for him.


Give it a try. The show, while not terribly historically accurate, is pretty compelling and pretty to look at. Dare I say that there are even a few scenes in which he does a pretty good job. 


I loved Bill Hader's impression of him on SNL's Dateline parodies....hilarious!


Oh, it's the best! I watch a lot of crime stuff, and when my BF and I saw Bill Hader do this impression, I laughed (so did my non-crime-enthusiast BF, but not for the same reason I did) and yelled, "Oh my god!" When he asked why I was so excited, I had to tell him that, while Bill Hader was definitely exaggerating, Keith Morrison really did kind of do that whole, slightly titillated "Ohhhhhhh?!" thing.

My other UO is that I still like Modern Family.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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My UO: I hate the Mary Tyler Moore show. Mostly, it's the Mary Richards character I hate. Mary is so pretty, Mary is so slim, all the men want Mary, blah blah, blah. Even married Murray had to confess his "being in love" with Mary. Cause she's oh so perfect and wonderful compared to his wife or any other inferior female. Gag!

  • Love 3

I am actually almost as big of a fan of the last seasons of The Facts of Life as I am of the first. Is it unrealistic that those four girls would still be living together at that age? Of course it is, but they worked so well together I'm able to overlook it quite a bit. And the final, 80's synth version of the theme song is my favorite, ESPECIALLY the instrumental used in the closing credits.


The Punky Brewster theme song is one of the greatest TV theme songs of all time. Dead serious. 


I never really cared all that much whether Alex Trebek had a mustache or not, but now that he's brought it back I think he's too old for it, and it just makes him look silly. 

Edited by UYI
  • Love 5

My UO: I hate the Mary Tyler Moore show. Mostly, it's the Mary Richards character I hate. Mary is so pretty, Mary is so slim, all the men want Mary, blah blah, blah. Even married Murray had to confess his "being in love" with Mary. Cause she's oh so perfect and wonderful compared to his wife or any other inferior female. Gag!

I hated this aspect of the show, too. To me, the weakest episodes were those where a man (and occasionally a boy) some other female on the show likes falls for Mary. And, for a show that's always gotten lots of feminist props, it wasn't empowering to any woman who wasn't Mary--all the other women were there to show how much prettier/smarter/nicer Mary was. The "early Rhoda" was the worst; she was at most slightly overweight, but she had to wear those ugly gray sweatshirts and carry on as if she were an elephant. (Later on she was allowed to be pretty, but she acted like the same schlub.)


Fortunately Mary screwed up often enough to keep the whole show from being too cloying, and the secondary characters were so good that the show wasn't overly Mary-centric.

  • Love 2

I hated this aspect of the show, too. To me, the weakest episodes were those where a man (and occasionally a boy) some other female on the show likes falls for Mary. And, for a show that's always gotten lots of feminist props, it wasn't empowering to any woman who wasn't Mary--all the other women were there to show how much prettier/smarter/nicer Mary was. The "early Rhoda" was the worst; she was at most slightly overweight, but she had to wear those ugly gray sweatshirts and carry on as if she were an elephant. (Later on she was allowed to be pretty, but she acted like the same schlub.)


Mary even got the better apartment.

And the theme song: "Who Can Turn the World on With her Smile...."

Just no.

Brady Bunch UO:


By the last season, Jan Brady was the best looking of the Brady girls. Hell, in the first season, she was adorable. Yes, she had some awkward-looking time periods during the middle years, but by the end of the series she was WAY past that. Obviously, some are always going to think that Maureen McCormick is better looking than Eve Plumb, and that's fine, but there are those out there who thought Eve was gorgeous, and season 5 proves that and then some. It drives me ABSOLUTELY INSANE when the media seems to forget what Eve/Jan looked like that last year.


Granted, I'm a straight chick, so my opinion here doesn't hold much water, but it needed to be said. 

  • Love 10

Orange Is The New Black. Apparently it is beloved; by the critics, my barely out of his teens' son, and his whole generation. I am trying it, literally, (and yes, I'm using it grammatically correctly-I speaks good English...I saw the thread) as I am typing. I am on S1 Ep4. I hate it. I absolutely fucking hate it.


And I'm not a prude. I was hooked on OZ; loved every crazy, graphic, twisted sec of it. But I hate this show. I'm trying. I really am. But I find it to be stupid. Stupid, and joyless. Not dramatic. Not funny. Not interesting. Just provocative, for provocations sake. Not insightful. Not slice of life. Just stupid. 


Taylor Schilling is a good actress. Liked her in a short-lived NBC show from a while back called nurses. Jason Biggs finally seems like a grown-up. And that Laverne Cox really is a revelation. But I hate this show.


I gave it a shot b/c it is the 1st adult show my sons ever loved. I was hoping we could watch something together that wasn't a soap (yes, I corrupted him w/those back when there was more than 4), or procedural. But I just can't.

  • Love 3

Give it a little more time. The Piper Story is really not that interesting to me. The show uses it as a jumping off point. The stories of everyone else are way way more interesting. S2 is way better in this regard.

Thanks. Right about the time Ep5 was about to start, and I was about to push stop, I saw your post. Am learning to trust my fellow prev. posters so, I'm restarting now...I'll let you know. But damn, I really do hate it.

Druscilla, Oz, and Spike are the only characters on Buffy that I found even remotely engaging and funny in that order. I don't really like the show but I did sit through it all eventually to see what all the fuss was about.


I like Giles somewhat but that is probably more because of my crush on Anthony Head.


I'll see myself out.

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I was watching an episode of CSI Miami on Netflix because Jordan Woolley (my hot tv boyfriend) was on it, and my big unpopular opinion hit me...I love love LOVE Horatio Caine! There...I managed to say it in public :)

Well admitting you have a problem IS the 1st step. I will admit that I have been known to watch CSI Miami. But only on occasion. Only on days that end in -y. I watch for the sets that receive sunlight on all 4 sides no matter what time of day. I watch for the very dedicated professionals who wear all white 3 and 4 piece head to toe gabardine and wool suits. I watch for the 4inch platform boots and heels worn to investigate crime scenes on the beach and in the "glades". I watch for the sideways stance and sunglasses of justice moment that is delivered, w/out fail, at the beginning, and ending, of each episode. If loving CSI Miami is wrong, I don't wanna be right. My name is Mockingbird, and I too, have a problem.

Edited by 2KllMckngBrd
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Vampire Diaries UO: I like Stefan much, much better than Damon. Now, I don't want him with Elena, but I was not at all upset that he was the one that survived the finale.

The Originals UO: I like Klaus and can't really stand Elijah. I liked Elijah when he was first introduced on The Vampire diaries, but can't stand his holier than thou personality now.

Good Wife UO: I like Canning, even if he is an ass. Michael J Fox as an asshole actually cracks me up more than Michael J Fox as a nice guy.

Edited by Princess Sparkle

Good Wife UO: I like Canning, even if he is an ass. Michael J Fox as an asshole actually cracks me up more than Michael J Fox as a nice guy.

It's because he isn't playing the magical  cripple. Just because someone has a disability, doesn't mean they are a sweet little angel because they are still human like the rest of us. 

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The Originals UO: I like Klaus and can't really stand Elijah. I liked Elijah when he was first introduced on The Vampire diaries, but can't stand his holier than thou personality now.

I NEVER liked Elijah...and another UO I with a passion HATE Rebekah.  Awwww boo hoo poor baby has nobody to love her...well maybe if she stopped murdering people they'd tend to feel some sympathy for her.

I know the character of Desmond was beloved amongst the fans of LOST.  I liked him well enough when he was first introduced in Season 2.  However, as the series went on, I found myself disliking him more and more.  I was actually rooting for Charles Widmore to take him out.  I hated that Desmond basically became all about Penny.  Penny this, Penny that, Penny, Penny, Penny.  I hated Penny on principle. 

  • Love 3

Give it a little more time. The Piper Story is really not that interesting to me. The show uses it as a jumping off point. The stories of everyone else are way way more interesting. S2 is way better in this regard.

I read the book and enjoyed it. But she kind of talks about how popular she is for most of it lol. I haven't seen the show but I'm not sure if I'd like it or not.


While I didn't completely hate Desmond, by the end I could careless about what happened to him. His story should have ended with him getting off the island and leaving with Penny. Never returning to the island or the show.

Edited by blueray

Brady Bunch UO:


By the last season, Jan Brady was the best looking of the Brady girls. Hell, in the first season, she was adorable. Yes, she had some awkward-looking time periods during the middle years, but by the end of the series she was WAY past that. Obviously, some are always going to think that Maureen McCormick is better looking than Eve Plumb, and that's fine, but there are those out there who thought Eve was gorgeous, and season 5 proves that and then some. It drives me ABSOLUTELY INSANE when the media seems to forget what Eve/Jan looked like that last year.


Granted, I'm a straight chick, so my opinion here doesn't hold much water, but it needed to be said. 


I'm a straight chick as well and I thought Jan/Eve Plumb was prettier than Marcia/Maureen McCormick from day one. 

  • Love 3

I love Orange is the New Black but I absolutely loathe the character of Alex. Hate her more than Jason Biggs character, Larry. Loathe Piper and Alex together. I hate Piper for even entertaining the thought of getting back with the woman that betrayed her not once, but fucking twice. How much of a damn doormat can you be. Just damn!!! I hope Alex gets shanked and killed minute 3 into episode 1 season 3 so I don't have to deal with piper/alex. 


The character of Vee on the show was amazing but I absolutely hated how it fractured the relationships between the black inmates on the show. Wasn't worth what it did to Poussey, Suzanne, Taystee, Cindy and all the rest. The ending of the s/l and Vee was also so unrealistic. 



I'm a straight chick as well and I thought Jan/Eve Plumb was prettier than Marcia/Maureen McCormick from day one.

This all day. 


Peter Brady was a hot piece too.

  • Love 4

I didn't like The Hour.

I had been led to believe it was a workplace drama about a BBC news show set in the mid-late 50s. Sort of a cross between Mad Men, in that it was set in the "boozy" past, and Lou Grant, in that the episodes discussed how news stories were put together, and how those stories affected people.

Instead, it came off as "What if Moneypenny produced a 'news' show hosted by James Bond".

Well admitting you have a problem IS the 1st step. I will admit that I have been known to watch CSI Miami. But only on occasion. Only on days that end in -y. I watch for the sets that receive sunlight on all 4 sides no matter what time of day. I watch for the very dedicated professionals who wear all white 3 and 4 piece head to toe gabardine and wool suits. I watch for the 4inch platform boots and heels worn to investigate crime scenes on the beach and in the "glades". I watch for the sideways stance and sunglasses of justice moment that is delivered, w/out fail, at the beginning, and ending, of each episode. If loving CSI Miami is wrong, I don't wanna be right. My name is Mockingbird, and I too, have a problem.

CSI Miami is one of the great television comedies of all time.

Edited by Constantinople
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I don't believe a network is horrible for canceling a show. A network is a business. Shows, esp. sitcoms and dramas are expensive to produce. If it's not producing enough revenue for the company, I get why a show is canceled. That doesn't mean I am not disappointd or upset at cancellations, I just get that it happens. Also, I don't watch a lot of reality tv, but I get why it's cheaper to make and many shows bring in big ratings, so I see why some networks have gone to more reality programming. So I blame the viewing public at large for that, not the networks. If so many people weren't watching reality tv, maybe there would be other types of shows on.

  • Love 4

Criminal Minds pretty much fits now. With Jennifer Love Hewitt coming on, I don't even like the show all that much anymore. Could care less about it. She was ok on that Lifetime show, but after seeing her on the (imho) train wreck that was Ghost Whisperer... I really don't want to see her again. Not that good of an actress imo.

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Very much enjoyed the pilot for Selfie. It was funny and I enjoyed the chemistry between John Cho and Karen Gillan. Actually, after Forever, this is the new show I like the most.

DiamondDoll, you've convinced me to give these a try. The ads I saw made them look kind of dumb, but I'm jonesin' so hard for scripted shows -- even with all of the season premieres I've been watching-- that I will check out Selfie and Forever.

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Upon re-watch, I have Thoughts about Gilmore Girls.


- I sympathize more with Emily this time around. Yes, she was not great to Lorelai but that's as told from Lorelai's perspective. Watching again, Emily was making an effort to be better to Lorelai and she generally seemed to put Rory first. And I genuinely think that no matter how pissed off at Lorelai for getting pregnant at 16, she would have still been supportive and tried to give Lorelai every advantage to have a good life.


- Also I didn't like Luke. He always seemed so grumpy and miserable. And not "charming curmudgeon" but "pissy downer." I grew up with someone like that, and let me tell you, it wears very thin. It is not charming. It makes you walk on eggshells because you never know when a bad mood will land on you. I actually liked Christopher better and I think he and Lorelai would have been good together.


- As for Rory, I thought Logan was the best of her boyfriends. Dean was probably the nicest (in the beginning. I do not approve of cheating and The Affair made me strongly dislike both of them.) and she and Jess had common interests, but I always felt that Logan pushed her outside of her comfort zone while still respecting her boundaries and was supportive without being suffocating. Boat theft aside, I thought they balanced each other well. Besides, it doesn't hurt that Matt Czuchry has aged well.

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