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S13.E09: Restaurant Wars, Part 1

Tara Ariano
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I hate restaurant wars.  Stand there and say this is a process that normally plays out over the course of a year, but we're giving 24 hours, and I'm supposed to take this challenge as a valid means of assessing the cheftestants? 

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I like the new twist this season though. Everyone needs to take a leadership role at least once. There's no way to pass the blame or use a bullshit excuse like "If I had been..." 

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I'm supposed to take this challenge as a valid means of assessing the cheftestants?



Like other reality shows, Top Chef is not necessarily about "validly assessing the chefs." It's about "making an entertaining TV show." Surely that's not still unclear in 2016?

Edited by Corgi-ears
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Phillip was, amazingly enough, NOT a douche. Jeremy, on the other hand, was. And we find out Kwame does not care for Phillip, which is fine; that's his right. Oh, and Amar needs to lay off the sous vide chicken.


I'm so happy that Isaac did a good job as executive chef. Pink Hair and Marjorie thought he wouldn't so I'm proud for him. Carl's terrine looked gray. I can't eat gray food, so that would have been a non-starter for me.


It's hard to tell where everyone stands at the halfway mark. They seemed about equal, but then Team Bro didn't serve half of the diners, so that's going to count against them heavily. Next week should be interesting.

Edited by PepperMonkey
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Yikes. That was a bad call from Jeremy. I don't think it's ever happened that folks just flat-out didn't get served on a Top Chef restaurant wars. Very curious to see the fallout. I was totally agreeing with Philip when he said that wasn't a good idea.

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Looks like Jeremy gets dinged by Tom next time.  Another crudo?


ETA:  yeah, diners didn't get served, but I don't think that has ever caused an elimination in RW. It's always been about the judges.  Did they get served, and was their food perfect?


Someone said upthread that Richard Blais said it several seasons ago:  I don't care what the dining public thinks, I'm cooking for the judges.

Edited by susannot
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I thought the diners filled out a card rating the meals and that counted somewhat into the scoring.  If they didn't get served, yeah those ratings would be horrible, so if they do that, it would be very bad for that team (or just Jeremy since it was his call).

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Phillip was playing it cool this episode giving all his teammates their own opportunity to fail. 


Marjorie wasn't as bad at the front of the house as I expected. My expectations were low so take that for what it is.


Kind of boring overall.

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My heart went out to Issac when he was picked last. Amar should have picked him, and it sucks that he didn't. Phillip wouldn't have even noticed he was picked last.

Majorie and Karen were really bitchy to Issac and I realize they want to win, but treating a fellow teammate like shit is not a good strategy. They are totally pack mentality. They are like dogs that are happy and love you petting them, but you come to close to their food dish and they attack you. Mean when stressed. 


Issac is like a broken spirited circus elephant. He started out amazing but has been broken down. I think he might be about to give up. 


Philip looked like a young Jesus with his hair down.


Funny that Carl had the grossest dish (maybe Karen and Marjorie should have focused on doubting him) and the judges liked Issac's dish. WINNING!

Loved the beginning seeing Amar balancing his big self on this tiny twin bed with an even tinier little cup of coffee in a china glass, held between both hands. He's so gingerly and fussy, yet so big sporting that just released from prison look. Hahahaha. Amar, you WINNING!

Loved, again, Amar, completing ignoring Kwame crying about his bacon. Buzz that way, now I buzz this way. I avoid eye contact. Amar you WON the bacon battle. Good job, let Jeremy look like the douche.

Philip, "So, for my dish, you need to do this and this and this and this and this and this. Then you put a little pile of this on top of all of that. On top of that you sprinkle, then crumble, this on that. Under everything you will need a foam, and on the other side you need a creme. Then you sprinkle and crumble some more and brush each arugula leaf with oil and 2 granules of salt. Sprinkle sprinkle, crumble crumble. Then plate on the unicorn and dust with powder and that's it.


He's not budging on any of it.


Kwame is NOT going to crumble anything. He is told he needs to do his job. 


I loved Amar's look when Philip was explaining his dish, and then when he said they sucked for not cooperating. I feel like Amar is just amazed that people like Philip really exist. 


I think it's great that Philip and Issac are on different teams. It's either Philip or Issac's turn to go. Maybe Carl, I'm ready for him to leave too. 

Edited by bravofan27
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I was pulling for Marjorie, Karen, Carl, and Isaac's team, so I'm glad to see lunch went better for them (the judges liked the other team's appetizers better than theirs, but liked their entrees far more than the other team's, and they had fewer service issues, so I think they came out on top for lunch), but I fear they're the subject of the "it all went downhill at dinner" comment from next week's episode.


Amar just stood there during the "I told you guys I needed bacon" kerfuffle and didn't say anything?  Not "I didn't hear you," "My phone cut out," "I forgot," or anything?  Seems odd.


I would have been on Philip's side when he said he was going to be angry if Kwame significantly changed his dish to make it easier to put together were it not for the fact he wanted Kwame to go through about a dozen intricate steps.  Do something like that on your own time.  It was so ridiculous, I was completely with Amar and Kwame in their dismissal of him.

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I much prefer Restaurant Wars when the chefs just cook. I don't enjoy watching them pick out chairs and plates. But I guess they needed filler for a two part episode.

This really is a boring season. Hasn't Marjorie made beets on multiple occasions? There were several odd choices, though. Why would you choose to make a terrine, which seems to be very labor intensive. And also very disgusting.

Jeremy screwed the pooch as executive chef. Didn't he claim to have watched Restaurant Wars? The judges watch to see if the other diners are happy. And for Kwame to make the judges have to ask for silverware? Stupid unforced error, Kwame.

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I agree, Restaurant Wars is easily my least favorite episode.  And it's a two-parter?  Gross.  Let's watch people fight for two hours.


Agree, Hipster Mashed Potatoes got treated like crap, and Kwame was a jerk and wacko.

I actually thought Amar was a bit of a jerk for not owning up to the bacon thing.  It wasn't whining from Kwame, it was asking why he didn't get what he asked for.

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I'm on Kwame's side both with the bacon and with Philip's overly complicated dish. Philip's flavors have been mostly off all season and a dish with a dozen components that Kwame has to execute along with his dish make the chance of Philip's dish coming up short that much greater. The guys were razzing Philip, but they were also giving him advice. Kwame's soup was already cooked and kept at temp, his corn was already pickled, his panchetta was already cooked, and I suspect that his sage was already fried. When Philip had to assemble Kwame's soup, he got a dish that was 90% done and didn't cannibalize Philip's time so that he could concentrate on his own dish, which he whiffed by undercooking his veg. Philip is too arrogant and dumb to know that they were doing him a favor when they asked him to simplify his dish.

Jeremy fucked up, by stopping regular service to focus on the judges.


Edited by HunterHunted
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I'm increasingly convinced that Phillip's role in his own restaurant amounts to having relatives with money, because I'm having a really hard time believing that the guy I'm watching works with food professionally. I seriously question if he could successfully have turned out the dish he was describing, much less while turning out someone else's dish.

I wonder if Jeremy can come back from that. Even Padma has to admit that not feeding diners is a way bigger sin than, say, grey terrine. Also, I was really enjoying how hard she was working at taking a judicious tone. Wonder how long that lasts.

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I agree that Philip is simply too stupid to understand that everyone was on his side when they asked him to make his dish easier to assemble.  It is odd that Philip seems with it sometimes and oblivious other times.  Philip reminds me of one of my favorite Mark Twain quotes: "All you need in this life is confidence and ignorance, and then success is sure."  


Like I know that Philip thinks all the dishes at his restaurant are great, but the thing is that generally if food is pretty good, people compliment it.  My guess is that Philip's restaurant serves pretty good food most of the time, but he is not even close to being on the same level as some of the other chefs who have been on this show.  

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I'm increasingly convinced that Phillip's role in his own restaurant amounts to having relatives with money, because I'm having a really hard time believing that the guy I'm watching works with food professionally. I seriously question if he could successfully have turned out the dish he was describing, much less while turning out someone else's dish.

I wonder if Jeremy can come back from that. Even Padma has to admit that not feeding diners is a way bigger sin than, say, grey terrine. Also, I was really enjoying how hard she was working at taking a judicious tone. Wonder how long that lasts.

I am 100% sure that Philip's restaurant was bankrolled by his mommy and daddy.  The problem with people like that is that they look more successful than they actually are.  Philip did not have to work his way up; he told his parents he wanted to open a restaurant and that was it.  So he looks like a successful chef with his own restaurant but I am skeptical.  Personally I wonder how successful the restaurant truly is.  If he is not making a profit but his parents give him 5k a month no matter what, then he will look like he is doing better than he really is.  Also, if that $500,000 you need to open a restaurant was just given to you, then you have no debt to pay off, which is often how restaurants go bust.  


He reminds me of a grown-up, richer version of that guy a few years back who was cut by Tom almost immediately.  He bragged about publishing his own cookbook when he was 17.  Well it was a self-publication vanity project that his parents paid for.  That is all well and good but the only accomplishment there was writing up the recipes and hiring a photographer.  

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I am so confused how concentrating on the judges table which was only four people put them so far behind on all the other tables, their kitchen seemed to be working in slow motion.

Did they caption Brooke and Katsuji and I just missed it.

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I'm increasingly convinced that Phillip's role in his own restaurant amounts to having relatives with money, because I'm having a really hard time believing that the guy I'm watching works with food professionally. I seriously question if he could successfully have turned out the dish he was describing, much less while turning out someone else's dish.


That's my feeling too. He clearly didn't work his way up like most chefs do and he's flying by the seat of his pants. He's become somewhat of a laughing stock in the LA cuisine circuit. No one takes him seriously and it's obvious he's got money to burn because every idea he has is dumber and less successful than the last.

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I'm increasingly convinced that Phillip's role in his own restaurant amounts to having relatives with money, because I'm having a really hard time believing that the guy I'm watching works with food professionally. I seriously question if he could successfully have turned out the dish he was describing, much less while turning out someone else's dish.

I wonder if Jeremy can come back from that. Even Padma has to admit that not feeding diners is a way bigger sin than, say, grey terrine. Also, I was really enjoying how hard she was working at taking a judicious tone. Wonder how long that lasts.


I realize that when it comes to a reliable narration on Phillip, Phillip is not the one to provide it. Plus editing can give us a particular picture only.   But I think it telling that when we are introduced to him, he pretty much presents his restaurant ownership as his bona-fides for being on Top Chef and yet more than once he has expressed the cash prize as his main motivation for winning.  To keep the place open basically. 


I have to wonder how complicated Phillip's dish would be if it was someone he might not see as being a threat?  And he felt he was more at risk.  I get a strong sense that he would love to lose team challenges as long as he is safe and it means a strong contender is likely to get the knife.   And look who is doing his Gordian knot of a recipe?

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While Man Bun continues to annoy, Marjorie has turned into a major unlikable bitch. While I respect her impressive cooking skills, especially with baked goods, her attitude needs a major adjustment. She's always brought the shade in her talking heads, but tonight she basically gave Isaac a childish "I'm going to ignore you and your ideas with silent treatment" routine. Then she basically cut Carl off on the phone because he didn't provide his grocery list in the order she wanted. WTF? However, I suppose the iron maiden attitude is what kept her team from going off the rails as bad as the other team.


Another thing that's bothering me with Marjorie is her *hitting" Amar. Sure, it's done in a playful, joking manner, and that's how he perceives/takes it, but that's really not a good thing between contestants. On a related note, I can't believe Jeremy slapped Amar's butt at the end of service. (Better after than during at least.) Is Amar a human punching bag? Does he a have an "abuse me" sign taped to his back? Did they write "hurt me" on his forehead in invisible squid ink?


Speaking of Amar, didn't like him keeping quiet about forgetting Kwame's bacon. Why did Kwame go off on Jeremy when it was Amar that he spoke to on the phone? However, I did side with Kwame for wanting Man Bun to simplify that complicated recipe. Personally, I think there was a bit of game play by Amar *and* Kwame in not doing everything they could to fulfill their teammates cooking vision so that there's a greater chance the focus will be on Kawme and Man Bun respectively should their team loose, especially since the front of house/executive chef targets are on everyone at some point.


Love that twist on Restaurant Wars by the way. However, I am somewhat ambivalent about them having to serve both a lunch and dinner course to make that happen though. At least there's no immunity mixed in with all of this.

Edited by Richness
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jeremy, supposedly, according to him, have watched 12 seasons of top chef and yet he decides to do risotto........okay, good luck with that.


kwame....dude.  really?  i hate phillip the douche, but come on.....arguing to him about how to do HIS  dish?  if it were you, wouldn't you want phil to do YOUR dish properly?


marjorie...wow.  showed your true colors as a bitch cutting off and dismissing the cajun guy....not cool.


the one cheftastant was right.  bestia in los angeles is a great place with great food.  the bone marrow and chicken liver coustini......mmmmm.  if any of you are ever in the area, check it out.  reservations a must.

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Anyone else thinking that both episodes of RW should have been aired the same night? I personally feel kind of letdown with just this part being aired. I don't know. Maybe it's just me.

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I call sabotage on the one dude not buying Kwame's bacon! So relieved he seemed to make due with pancetta.

The best part of the episode for me was the female front of house luring diners away from the tables with champagne. Brilliant!!! One challenge with Restaurant Wars is that there's no tab to signify that the meal is over & that the diners should vacate the table. That's a big reason why they were able to complete the lunch service & the all male team wasn't. The chef's tend to think that front of house only requires dressing nicely & being hospitable---but, you also have to be able to read the room & handle people. It takes a special skill. Bravo, lady who's name I don't remember. Bravo! All future cheftestants should take note.

I kinda hoped the waiting diners got fed anyway, even though the official time was up. It didn't seem like it though, huh? Oh dear, can you imagine waiting all that time & walking away hungry?!? Boo!

As much as I would have liked a resolution tonight, I think this was the fairest Restaurant Wars they've had all series! No where to hide. At some point each chef had to step into a challenging role.

Also, that steak salad had me drooling....

Edited by NowVoyager
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So now we know why there was no danger that having a contestant actually eliminated in Sudden Death Quickfire would screw up the schedule.


I've never liked Restaurant Wars, either, but I don't remember ever seeing a time clock on it before.

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When you have a clock on you for purchasing, you don't have time to listen to someone free-associate on the phone for ingredients. And organizing by type is useful; when I go to the grocery, I have veggies and fruit, dairy, frozen, staples organized.

My sympathies are with Marjorie (?). And she was clever to empty the place the way she did.

"This way to the Egress." lol.

Edited by SFoster21
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I would have been on Philip's side when he said he was going to be angry if Kwame significantly changed his dish to make it easier to put together were it not for the fact he wanted Kwame to go through about a dozen intricate steps.  Do something like that on your own time.  It was so ridiculous, I was completely with Amar and Kwame in their dismissal of him.

I could argue either case.  Kwame was being a dick by basically refusing to make a dish the way the chef wanted it made.  But why didn't Phillip be FOH for lunch then, so he could be line chef for dinner? 


Serving one table of judges before others already sitting would not have put Jeremy's team that far behind, so more than just that was going on.  I couldn't tell from the editing why they weren't getting orders in the kitchen.  Were the diners not leaving?


I started to wonder if the diners were told to purposely linger well after they had finished, just to see how the FOH would handle it.

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This is the second time Isaac has talked about stabbing someone. I know he doesn't mean it literally, but jeez, dude, come up with a less psycho metaphor. Cute kids, but as an Angeleno I was pissed at his wife's comment about a "douchey L.A. accent."  Bitch much?


Jeremy was D U M B to ignore all the other diners in favor of the judges. Yes, you are extremely attentive to the judges, but Tom will always notice if the other diners are not happy. 


A small thing, but Kwame really needed to smile more while greeting the diners. It goes a long way when you're waiting what seems like forever.

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I could argue either case.  Kwame was being a dick by basically refusing to make a dish the way the chef wanted it made.  But why didn't Phillip be FOH for lunch then, so he could be line chef for dinner? 


Serving one table of judges before others already sitting would not have put Jeremy's team that far behind, so more than just that was going on.  I couldn't tell from the editing why they weren't getting orders in the kitchen.  Were the diners not leaving?


I started to wonder if the diners were told to purposely linger well after they had finished, just to see how the FOH would handle it.



They were definitely having trouble getting people to leave.  Seemed the first round of diners stayed and sipped wine to watch a TV show being filmed.  I know I would!   I have not noticed this in previous seasons but it was very obvious here.  Maybe it was the venue that invited it.  Marjorie had to lure one table away with more wine to another table outside their "restaurant." 

Edited by wings707
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Anyone else thinking that both episodes of RW should have been aired the same night? I personally feel kind of letdown with just this part being aired. I don't know. Maybe it's just me.

I'm a sheeple; I love Restaurant Wars.  But I agree it would have been much better as a double episode.  I felt they were dribbling out the hour to build up to the "RESTAURANT WARS FINALE!"


For all the time we spent watching them design the joint--picking silverware ("I dunno, a LOT") and glassware (jelly jars?  really?)--the space looked horrible.  Hello, the diners are sitting in a warehouse and the chefs are cooking in a tent.  You've done better, show.


I laughed when all predictions came true and Phillip snagged the more prominent front-of-house meal for himself.  Kind of a shame the servers will be somewhat rehearsed already because I'd love watching Phillip trying to herd cats.


I don't hate him, though.  He seems guileless, like a puppy who's annoying because he's always been petted and never trained.

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They were definitely having trouble getting people to leave.  Seemed the first round of diners stayed and sipped wine to watch a TV show being filmed.  I know I would!   I have not noticed this in previous seasons but it was very obvious here.  Maybe it was the venue that invited it.  Marjorie had to lure one table away with more wine at another table outside their "restaurant." 

Right, both restaurants were having a hard time turning tables but only Marjorie did anything about it. I don't know how you get to go to Restaurant Wars but I'm sure it's a free meal, so folks aren't getting up to leave after they paid the check. I'd probably treat it a bit more leisurely too. I can't remember if it's happened with previous seasons though. I also don't think there's been a time limit before, so maybe it did happen in other seasons and it just wasn't an issue because things weren't timed.


For all the time we spent watching them design the joint--picking silverware ("I dunno, a LOT") and glassware (jelly jars?  really?)--the space looked horrible.  Hello, the diners are sitting in a warehouse and the chefs are cooking in a tent.  You've done better, show.

I thought so too. I know they have to design a space in a day but it seemed like very little design actually happened.

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carrps, on 05 Feb 2016 - 06:38 AM, said:

This is the second time Isaac has talked about stabbing someone. I know he doesn't mean it literally, but jeez, dude, come up with a less psycho metaphor. Cute kids, but as an Angeleno I was pissed at his wife's comment about a "douchey L.A. accent."  Bitch much?


Jeremy was D U M B to ignore all the other diners in favor of the judges. Yes, you are extremely attentive to the judges, but Tom will always notice if the other diners are not happy. 


A small thing, but Kwame really needed to smile more while greeting the diners. It goes a long way when you're waiting what seems like forever.


That "douchey L.A. accent" comment was totally douchey.

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I started to wonder if the diners were told to purposely linger well after they had finished, just to see how the FOH would handle it.


I am as sure as I can be that this was exactly the case.  

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Yeah, it is boring to watch them design the space and to no good end.   I would prefer them to have someone else do this for them following their direction.  They don't seem to take decor into account in the judging anyway.


Restaurant wars is something I have come to accept and don't mind it all that much anymore, though not a favorite of mine.   The cheftants seem to enjoy it, but two episodes?  No. 


I sense that Jeremy might be in danger if only for another crudo dish. 


Issac's wife has riled social media!  She is going to regret her comment!   What is an LA accent anyway?   Never mind the affect youth have acquired, I mean adults who have lived their all of their life or close to it.

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I would have been on Philip's side when he said he was going to be angry if Kwame significantly changed his dish to make it easier to put together were it not for the fact he wanted Kwame to go through about a dozen intricate steps.  Do something like that on your own time.  It was so ridiculous, I was completely with Amar and Kwame in their dismissal of him.

He was also being an idiot because if someone else is assembling your dish for you, you want to give them the fewest possible ways to fuck it up. Before even considering the part where Kwame basically said "dude I'm not doing all that shit", Phillip is right in wanting his dish done exactly the way he conceived it so he'd be judged on his version not someone else's; so you don't give someone 16 steps to complete it. It's not just about having the time to do all that shit; it's about making sure they don't do it wrong just from confusion. He's so ridiculously not self aware I can't tell if he were hoping he could use "well he changed my dish it's not my fault" as an out, or if he's just incapable of strategizing sensibly.

On the one hand, I totally get why a lot of the diners hung around because of the TV factor, but it made me feel so awkward to watch it, not on behalf of the contestants but the people hanging around after their meals could clearly see the giant line piling up. You know they could hear whoever was doing FOH telling people they were waiting for tables to finish. I know the diners are probably almost all out of work actors, and maybe some invited food bloggers or whatnot, but asshole move on their part. You know they've seen restaurant wars too. Unless there were some producer shenanigans and implied they could linger as long as they want...if I'd finished my meal and saw a line out the door I'd feel horrible keeping my ass in a seat. It did seem like it was more of a problem this time than in the past, which made me wonder why. I know it's been somewhat of an issue before but this time it seemed a major problem for both teams.

I would've felt bad for Isaac being last except I do buy Amar's reasoning that he didn't want to do FOH and he knew Philip did. He didn't know there'd be two shifts yet then. Sometimes in these team things picking someone isn't about who you think is better. Not that Isaac knew it in the moment.

Edited by theatremouse
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The diners not leaving thing drove me nuts... especially because it seemed like every table and there was a clear line of people waiting. You'd think most "customers" would realize that their meal was over and it was time to go.  I mean, I know a lot of people are self absorbed and don't care if they are holding up dinner for other people or inconveniencing wait staff, but if they are going to have a timed challenge like this, I don't think it should be up to the FOH to have to try and convince every single table that maybe they should mosey on. I get wanting to make more drama, but for every table to just sit there... it seemed needless extra drama.


Or just have one seating/ more tables with staggered arrivals so they had to worry less about people leaving. As if RW doesn't have enough going on.... Ugh... for whatever reason, it just really irritated me that people wouldn't leave after they finished their meals.

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Douchecanoe is now officially my new favorite word, and douche might be the theme word/motto for this season. I've never written that word so much in one sentence! Overall I still like this season more than the last two. I'm on the fence about RW, always have been. I don't mind the splitting in to two episodes, seems like we get to see more of the process, except the process seems to be a lot of confusion right now. I could have sworn that they did a two part RW some seasons ago, but I wouldn't swear to it. Not sure what team I'm rooting for right now since I like people on both sides, but dinner should be interesting to say the least. As long as we get some food focus, as opposed to team dissention or poorly behaved diners.

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Douchecanoe is now officially my new favorite word, and douche might be the theme word/motto for this season. I've never written that word so much in one sentence! Overall I still like this season more than the last two. I'm on the fence about RW, always have been. I don't mind the splitting in to two episodes, seems like we get to see more of the process, except the process seems to be a lot of confusion right now. I could have sworn that they did a two part RW some seasons ago, but I wouldn't swear to it. Not sure what team I'm rooting for right now since I like people on both sides, but dinner should be interesting to say the least. As long as we get some food focus, as opposed to team dissention or poorly behaved diners.


I don't think it was a two-part the way this is. The first service went really badly, I think, and they gave them a do-over.

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What is an LA accent anyway?

There is definitely an L.A. accent--if you listen to someone who grew up there like Gwen Stefani (I know Gwen is from O.C., but it's pretty much the same) or Slash speak, you can hear it. It kind of has that "valley girl" sound to it, but in a less extreme way without all the affected slang. We have a lesser version of it in Northern California, and when I'm worked up about something it comes out stronger.


Marjorie definitely slid down on my list tonight with her dismissive attitude toward Isaac. I get that she thinks he's a lesser chef, and maybe he is, but she definitely got her Heather Chandler face on during that brainstorming session. It was unnecessarily rude, IMO.


Jeremy slid down on my list, too, for how rude he was to the serving staff and his screw up with the judges table. It was just poor form in general.


Does Padma usually wear that much cleavage out to a normal lunch IRL? Because that was AGGRESSIVE.

Chad's terrine looked disgusting. I mean, maybe a terrine is usually a tasty thing, but that looked moldy and grey and just... gross.

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Anyone else thinking that both episodes of RW should have been aired the same night? I personally feel kind of letdown with just this part being aired. I don't know. Maybe it's just me.


Nope! I was thinking the same thing. They didn't do a quidkfire or judges table either so half the episode was just shopping and decorating. Snore!


I've never liked Restaurant Wars, either, but I don't remember ever seeing a time clock on it before.


I think it was timed this season because they need to prepare for dinner service also. The place needs to be turned over and it's hard to start dinner service prep when they are still sending out lunch entrees.

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Also, that steak salad had me drooling....


Same here; I strongly suspect I'd agree with Padma's (or Gail's?  I think Padma's) declaration she could eat it for lunch daily and be happy.  And I'm generally not excited about steak salad.  But Karen's just looked delicious, and when Tom described all the ingredients it really sounded good. 


I know it must sting to be picked last, but I'm not sure who Isaac thinks he should have been a slam-dunk pick over other than Philip.  Kwame and Marjorie seem to be givens as the first two chosen, and then between Jeremy, Carl, and Isaac, I think anyone is a pretty even third choice.  I suspect it was being picked over Philip that really tweaked him, but Amar's reasoning (which, of course, Isaac didn't know) was strategic ... and I laughed when he realized this season's twist on the rules meant he couldn't just shove plop Philip out in the front of the house and let him hang himself.

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